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Master of Business

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Mini MBA: T he University

of Wales Post Graduate
Certificate in Business

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Master of Science
in A d v anced

� � �
I nformation
Technology and Business

� � �
Post Graduate Certificate
in Advanced Management
for Bankers


Post Graduate
C ertificate in Project
About the College

Robert Kennedy College was founded in 1998, as a

private educational institution. The College is owned
and operated by Robert Kennedy College & Co. GmbH.
With professors graduated from some of the best Universities worldwide, and with students from 60 different coun-
tries we are a truly international establishment, offering Swiss Quality Education at distance, judiciously combined
with optional residencies at the College’s premises in Zurich.
Although the one-week residencies are optional they represent a unique opportunity for students to combine the
online learning experience with a traditional class environment.
Under the supervision of a Board of Governors we offer rigorous but flexible learning programmes, enhanced by
state-of-the-art online e-learning technology. You are invited to review our catalogue, contact us for any further in-
formation or to schedule an admission interview at the College premises.

Student Centred we are big enough to offer you ac-

cess to an electronic library with
ing online an enjoyable experience.

Philosophy over 1,500,000 current articles

from the top 400 busi-
World Class Faculty
For RKC you are not just a student ID. ness publications. Y o u RKC employs highly qualified faculty
You are part of our learning commu- can access them f r o m graduated from leading Universities
nity-online. Whatever you are the comfort of your like Harvard Business School, Stan-
called - Richard, Douglas, Ka- home or when you travel, ford University, Oxford University,
rin, Apostolos, or Francis - with your lap- top. Wherev- New York University, Wharton to
we shall know you by your er you have a computer and name just a few.
name. You and all other an Internet access, the class
students and faculty are is open for you.
of the
RKC family engaged in
the adult learning
process. Together we
are a team. An overriding
objective of this team is to
enable our College ever to im-
prove the quality of education it of-
fers - your education. State of the Art Recognition
RKC Academic programmes are Vali-
Technology dated and awarded by the University
Small and Big In pursuit of its commitment to pro- of Wales. The University of Wales de-
All our students benefit from something vide exemplary services to its stu- fines validation, as the process by which
very important: our personal attention. dents, the Robert Kennedy College an awarding institution judges that a
We are small enough to find the time has tailor-made, state-of-the-art programme developed and delivered
for our students. Always. And we are software for online course delivery. by another institution is of an appropri-
small enough to improve and change Called “Online Campus”, it is an all ate quality and standard to lead to its
the content of our courses quickly, fol- encompassing, interactive and easy- award.
lowing the latest education trends. Yet to-use software, which makes study-

About the University
The University of Wales, founded by University of Wales is the University sity’s very successful and highly re-
Royal Charter in 1893, is a large and Registry. It provides administrative garded international validation oper-
distinctive federal University cur- services in support of a wide range ation is also an important dimension
rently comprising ten member in- of federal activities on behalf of the of its work. This enables overseas
stitutions, whose activities it exists member and associated institutions institutions to offer the University of
to support and which are closely in- and the University’s Central Serv- Wales degree at an equivalent stand-
volved in its governance. ices. ard to the degree offered in Wales
The University is the degree award- The Registry is also the administrative itself.
ing authority for its member institu- base for the University’s extensive Validation is important in foster-
tions and also for around 70 other UK and overseas validating activities. ing links between Wales and other
higher education institutions both The University’s staffs, numbering countries and many of the Universi-
within the United Kingdom and approximately 145, are based here ty’s graduates are now in positions of
overseas, with which it also enjoys and at the University of Wales Press, influence overseas. Last year, more
close links. Annually, it awards al- the Centre for Advanced Welsh and than 11,000 students were registered
most 15,000 initial degrees and more Celtic Studies and Gregynog, the on validated courses of the Univer-
than 4,000 higher degrees, making it University’s conference centre, near sity of Wales and nearly 2,500 gradu-
the second largest degree-awarding Newtown in Powys. ated with the University’s degree. Al-
body in the United Kingdom. Almost More information is available at the together, more than 33,000 students
the full range of subjects is covered University of Wales website have been awarded degrees since
in its diverse range of institutions. the validation operation began in
Together, the member institutions of 1975.
the University of Wales and its vali- The maintenance of academic stand-
dated schemes of study result in a
Validation and ards is of paramount importance for
thriving student population of nearly validated courses, as it is for courses
90,000 from all over the world.
Accreditation offered within Wales. The University
Collaboration, partnership and After successfully completing your is rightly regarded as a role model in
interdependence - tempered by studies for an academic degree at this respect. Its processes compare
recognition of the extent of the re- the Robert Kennedy College, you will very favourably with those of other
spective autonomy of the University receive a degree from the University of institutions in the UK and the posi-
and its members - are the essence of Wales, which is duly accredited by the tive report received following a re-
its Mission. British Government by means of a Royal cent independent review, favourable
The University’s broad strategic Charter. audit reports from the Quality As-
aim is to help create the conditions surance Agency and the University’s
whereby its member institutions, reputation overseas attest clearly to
as well as its own central academic University the high esteem in which its valida-
units and services, achieve their full tion work is held.
potential and maintain national and
of Wales degrees The University’s validation opera-
international academic excellence. tion is managed and operated by its
In Wales, the University is a major
are recognised Validation Board and Unit, which
national institution. It is committed evolved from a special Board estab-
to helping to fulfil the educational
worldwide lished to approve degree schemes
and economic needs of Wales and to The University of Wales defines vali- for the training of schoolteachers in
supporting its linguistic, cultural, and dation, as the process by which an Wales.
national heritage. Looking beyond awarding institution judges that a pro- Degree and Diploma programmes
its distinctive Welsh responsibilities, gramme developed and delivered by are validated following an extensive
the University is also committed to another institution is of an appropri- process of evaluation and all validat-
its international role and to enhanc- ate quality and standard to lead to its ed programmes are subject to rigor-
ing it’s standing across the UK and award. ous quality assurance mechanisms to
overseas. While the majority of the University’s ensure that they are operating at the
The administrative centre of the students study in Wales, the Univer- requisite academic level.

Master of Business
our critical strategic
advantage makes the Selectivity Ratio: 60% of the appli-
difference between cants are invited for an admission
being a successful interview. Out of 7 applicants one is
manager with superior performance admitted to the MBA.
and being the unsuccessful manager Majors and Specialisations: Over 15
whose job is insecure. Your power specialisations to choose from. See
within the company and your influ- the full list of Online MBA Majors
ence over clients depends on your and Specialisations at
ability to create competitive strate- ch
gies. With every product and service, Terms: Four terms per year (Winter,
you must set yourself apart from the Spring, Summer (on campus Resi-
competition.“ dency) and Autumn)
An MBA can help you in consolidat- Accreditation: This Programme is
ing your business knowledge and Validated and Awarded by t h e
reach new professional heights. University of Wales. After
Learn at Switzerland’s Premier Pri- successfully completing your
vate College and graduate from the studies at the Robert Kennedy
second largest British University with College, you will receive a degree
students from 92 different countries from the University of Wales, which
and 90 places per year: are you ready is duly accredited by the British Gov-
for the challenge? ernment by means of a Royal Char-
ter. University of Wales degrees are
Duration: Minimum 2 years – Maxi- recognised worldwide.
mum 5 years
Delivery Method: 99% Online via Admission
“Online Campus” with intensive
class discussion and collaboration Requirements
1% in a one-week compulsory resi-
dency. The College organises 3-4 Applicants for the RKC Online MBA
residencies per year therefore you do must have the following:
have many opportunities to meet the Either: (minimum entry qualifica-
mandatory residential requirements. tions)
You can opt to take more than one A degree or postgraduate qualifica- related experience in a management
residency if you like. tion in business, awarded by a rec- position,
Places: Strictly limited to 60 per ognised U.K. academic body or its OR
term. equivalent according to the British A candidate without the necessary
Tuition Fees: Tuition Fees: 14’000 CHF Council Education Guide, together academic qualifications may offer as
(Swiss Francs) includes library access, with appropriate experience of at an admission qualification, evidence
Online Campus, graduation fees, least 2 years in a management posi- of a minimum of 5 years appropriate
UoW matriculation fees. Payable in tion; experience (normally managerial ex-
no-interest, easy installments. OR perience). Such a candidate may be
These fees are for the full programme Such professional qualifications as admitted if deemed by the Universi-
including all courses and the final may be deemed by the University of ty of Wales, on advice from the Dean
dissertation. Wales as equivalent, together with of School, to be capable of both suc-
Not included in these fees: Residen- appropriate experience of at least 3 ceeding on and contributing to the
cy in Switzerland (one is compulsory) years in a management position; course.
1’000 CHF (Swiss Francs). Some Text- OR Admission applications must be
books are not included (approximate A Bachelor degree in a non-business accompanied with a certificate of
cost 450-600 Swiss Francs). field and at least 5 years of business competency in the English language

from a recognized institution or pro- consists of the following modules: ment
gramme. English language require- Power Learning for Managers V. Project Management
ments for non-English speaking stu- Residential Electives (choose at least
dents are a minimum IELTS score of Stage 1 - Eight taught modules one)
6.5 or minimum TOEFL score of 600, 4 core subjects - mandatory I. Michael Porter on Corporate Strat-
or other evidence of English language I. Organisational Behaviour egy and Competitiveness (residency)
abilities at this level. II. Financial Management (offered in affiliation with The Insti-
III. Entrepreneurship tute for Strategy and Competitive-
IV. Marketing Management ness at Harvard Business School
Progamme Outline 3 electives (Three electives, of which II. The Art of Business (residency)
The Scheme has been designed to at least one must be a residency) III. Investment Management (resi-
meet the Online MBA Aims in a flex- Electives (choose two) dency)
ible manner that can be tailored to I. Management of Technological Capstone - mandatory
the individual preferences of each Change I. Strategic Management
student. The MBA requires you II. eBusiness
to complete 8 courses plus a final III. Applied Leadership Stage 2 - Individual dissertation
project The Online MBA programme IV. International Business Manage- Dissertation work

The Certificate of Business Adminis- can find their way toward admission These are of course backed by the
tration is awarded to candidates who at the Robert Kennedy College. core taught concepts which feature:
have completed 60 credits (4 mod- group dynamics, motivation and
ules), while the Diploma of Business leadership, group behaviour, com-
Administration is awarded to candi- COURSE munication, power, conflict and
dates who have completed 120 cred- prejudice in the workspace, organi-
its (all 8 modules, including a residen-
DESCRIPTIONS sational culture and how to manage
cy elective) but have been unable to and understand change within the
complete the dissertation. Students organisation. This course is led by
who achieve 180 credits in total and
Power Learning Prof. Benedicta Lusk, an MBA gradu-
thus successfully completed the dis- ate of the Peter F. Drucker School of
sertation exit with the award of Mas-
for Managers Management.
ter of Business Administration. The prelude to your MBA programme
The total study time is based on the is our PLM module. As a roadmap to
notion of 10 hours study per credit. your journey, this module provides Entrepreneurship
For the 15-credit modules, the study you with the essential skills to suc- Dean Costa will unveil to you the
time requirement is usually divided cess in the MBA with a wide array of marvels of creating and managing
as follows: power learning tools for today’s busi- your own enterprise. But this course
I. 50 hours textbook and other read- ness managers. This course differs isn’t meant to be of exclusive interest
ing matter; slightly from the others because, in to entrepreneurs or budding busi-
II. 45 hours case preparation; preparation for the first core module, ness owners. It will help you better
III. 40 hours case and other class dis- you have more flexibility on your as- understand your role and, why not,
cussion on-line; signment and schedule: this course open to you the possibility of start-
IV. 15 hours interim and final exam starts every month and lasts four to ing your own business if you haven’t
preparation. six weeks. already done so.
Where the requirements differ from Among the unique set of outcomes Topics like entrepreneurship rede-
this standard, the rationale is made provided during this module we can fined, the dark side of entrepreneur-
clear to students. The dissertation is count writing for business, managing ship, budgeting, fast tracked business
an exception to this general princi- your time and career effectively, be- growth, strategic marketing, capital
ple, requiring a total of 600 hours of coming a successful manager, solv- raising strategies, management con-
largely independent study time and a ing business problems and achiev- trol and creative innovation make
degree of direct supervisor contact, ing superior performance in a virtual this course a valuable component of
as follows: team. your MBA.
I. 25 hours direct supervisor contact In addition to these managerial con- Enriched with videos from the Sloan
II. 500 hours independent studies cepts we will also gently introduce School of Management at the MIT
hours you to the assessment system and the and by a business plan competition
III. 75 hours directed studies hours. case method. You will have access to that forms the final assessment, this
There is no average course within sample assignments with clear do’s course is set to provide you with a
our MBA programme. We are bound and don’ts to ensure your personal stimulating and challenging experi-
to provide an outstanding learning success in the MBA. ence.
experience and there isn’t a better
way to achieve this aim than with
outstanding courses. Not only have Organisational Financial
these been carefully crafted by pro-
fessors graduated from the best busi-
Behaviour Management
ness schools (like Oxford University, The way people are managed within Business is about profit and there
Harvard Business School, New York organisations plays a paramount role can only be sustainability with a
University and Wharton just to give in corporate success. In a fast chang- proper knowledge of effective finan-
you a glimpse) but they are all meant ing organisational landscape we take cial management.
to make yourself a more successful into account impacting factors like Oxford and Harvard Business School
and efficient manager. There are also social, technological, economic, en- graduate Prof. David Duffill will ex-
no old fashion exams in our courses vironmental, political and legal con-
but real life case studies and essays siderations.
that let you think critically about With a variety of real life case studies
your company and your own career. you will be asked to make decisions,
All this might seem too glossy but which will inevitably influence the
there is one catch: we don’t accept (work) life of your employees.
average candidates and only indi-
viduals as outstanding as our values

pand and reinforce your knowledge
of financial accounting, management
way and you need to act now. Mak-
ing the right decision will make your
accounts, budgeting and financing. business blossom. Taking the wrong Technology has reshaped the way
Once again, the course leader isn’t steps will lead to painful failure. you work, live and communicate on
just crunching numbers but will link This might not be distant from your a daily basis. With an assessment of
each and every topic to real financial current or future situation and this today’s latest electronic business this
situations where you, as the manager course is a real scenario on applied course will open the doors to new
in chief, have to assess the financial leadership where, after mastering concepts like electronic marketing,
performance of successful corpora- concepts like team turnaround, lead- e-business planning, technology
tions and develop sharp analytical ership that gets results, leadership and strategy, business-to-business
skills with tools like decision tree planning, renewal and reflective marketplaces and collaboration, and
analysis. leadership, you will be able to take discuss the various aspects of digital
Financial Management is about suc- sharp actions. innovation.
cessful financial results and at the You will be judged by both your Cases like Dell, and
end of this course you will not only classmates and veteran leader Den- eBay will reveal the DNA of success-
know the basics, but you will be in nis Crossen, a graduate of Drexel ful eBusinesses and provide you with
the position to master each and eve- University and Oxford University. valuable ideas to exploit the full po-
ry component of superior financial tential of digital based business.
management and analysis.
Marketing of Technological
Management Change
You will reinvent the airline business, Nothing else evolves as fast as tech-
redefine the boundaries of retailing, nology. Tomorrow’s managers need What are the boundaries of your mar-
manage the sales of an online com- to understand the importance of in- ket? In today’s fast changing econo-
puter mega store, and learn how to novation and diffusion of technology my there are no boundaries beside
focus on your customer. Seems like a in an intensely competitive business the ones of your own imagination.
bold prediction but it is just the con- environment and to be aware of the International trade, international busi-
tent of marketing management di- various strategies available to reap ness operations and global marketing
rected by a marketing management the benefit of innovation. are not topics to be taken lightly.
extraordinaire: Prof. Freddy Nager. Beyond the basics you will be ex- With case studies from leading multina-
The teaching of market segmenta- posed to innovative capabilities, im- tional corporations like Procter & Gable,
tion, environment, research, inno- plementing development strategies Pepsi Cola, Virgin Airlines and Citibank
vative sales system, international that take into account technological you will get an inside look at the way
marketing and policy planning and changes, and the integration of tech- these giants conduct their business suc-
implementation will make sure that nology and strategy. cessfully outside their main market and
your view of marketing will never be Intel, Eli Lilly and other disruptively conquer new business landscapes on
the same. A concrete marketing plan innovative applications will demon- an international level.
for your company or your own busi- strate how technological change can Essentially, you will not only learn to
ness will be your final assessment be exploited to your exclusive ben- deal with international operations
providing you with flexibility and efit. Inventor Edwin C. Rodin-Brown but you will start thinking interna-
effective learning results which you will share his genius with class par- tionally. Thinking big to achieve big.
can assess and apply in no time. ticipants, geek or not.

Applied Leadership
You are the CEO and you are finally
in control. But things do not run your

Michael Porter on and more essentially how to assess
and build a long lasting competitive
also master the technical concepts
and terminology to be able to draw
Corporate Strategy strategic advantage.
If business is at times similar to a war,
maximum benefit from their specialist
and Competitiveness this course is about winning. And not
a simple victory, but winning the war
Designed by the world’s widely recog- without fighting any battle.
nised authority, Prof Michael Porter, This course has a mandatory one-week
and taught at RKC by Prof David Duf- residence in Zurich, Switzerland.
fill, this course allows you to benefit Do you really think strategically? Is
from the exclusive videos and teach- your strategy sustainable and well for-
ing of the Harvard Business School. Investment mulated? How would you implement
“MicroeconomicsofCompetitiveness: your newly formulated strategy?
Firms, Clusters, and Economic Devel- Management If you think you know the answer to
opment (MOC) is a university- wide The successful management of finan- these questions, you might discover
graduate course offered to students cial assets, be they of an individual, a that you didn’t really know the real
from around the Harvard University small business or a large corporation answer until the end of this course.
community including the Harvard demands a knowledge of financial If you think you don’t know the right
Business School, the Kennedy School markets, how they operate, what in- answer, no worries: Prof David Duf-
of Government, and other Harvard struments and investment vehicles are fill will be glad to provide crystal clear
graduate programs. The course has available, and what macro-economic explanations. Not only will you learn
been created in a multiyear develop- forces are acting upon them. about strategy formulation context,
ment effort by Professor Michael E. This module is designed to provide a content, and its effective implemen-
Porter and the staff and affiliates of broad understanding of financial mar- tation but also you will be exposed to
the Institute for Strategy and Compet- kets (as distinct from a narrow spe- failures like the one of Enron with the
itiveness at Harvard Business School. cialist approach) but with sufficient award winning video case produced
The MOC course explores the de- details of their many components so by the Darden School of Manage-
terminants of competitiveness and that students can make their own in- ment. Successful strategies like the
successful economic development vestment decisions and interact with ones of Ryanair, Kellogg, and Mon-
viewed from a bottom-up, microeco- their specialist advisers. santo as well as traditional analytical
nomic perspective. While sound mac- Investment Management is designed tools like Porter’s five forces model
roeconomic policies, stable legal and around six axes: will serve as platform for your inno-
political institutions, and improving •• Basic concepts: risk/reward, vola- vative thinking endeavours. There is
social conditions create the potential tility, yield curves, exchange rates, only one thing worse than no strat-
for competitiveness; wealth is actually spreads, carry, Libor and other key egy: a badly formulated or executed
created at the microeconomic level. interest rates, liquidity strategy. As the last course of your
The sophistication and productivity of •• Investment instruments: equities, MBA, we will go the extra mile to en-
firms, the vitality of clusters, and the fixed-income, money markets, sure your correct understanding of
quality of the business environment derivatives, options, real property. effective, innovative and sustainable
in which competition takes place, are Primary versus secondary markets business strategies
the ultimate determinants of a nation’s •• The various actors: banks, brokers,
or region’s productivity.” fund managers, hedge funds, pri-
This course has a mandatory one-week vate equity/venture capital Aims and Learning
residency in Zurich, Switzerland. It is •• The authorities: central banks,
held in cooperation with The Institute Ministries of Finance/National
for Strategy and Competitiveness at Treasuries, regulatory authorities, The Online MBA at RKC is a general-
Harvard Business School http://www. sovereign investment funds ist programme that provides profes- •• Macro-economic concepts: bal- sionals with the education they will
ance of payments, inflation, global need in challenging and demanding
The Art of Business rebalancing, exchange rates and
reserve currencies
positions. It aims to produce qualified
professionals equipped with the full
An ancient Chinese master; an immi- •• Building a portfolio: the mix of se- range of skills needed to lead success-
nent battle; an overwhelming victory curities and currencies to reflect ful businesses in a global environment
or a tragic defeat? risk/reward, time horizon and de- characterised by constant change.
Based upon Sun Tzu’s “The Art of gree of liquidity The overall design aims of the Online
War” this course lead by Dean Costa Students successfully completing the MBA programme are to:
will increase your knowledge in areas module will be able to make basic in-
like leadership, competitive assess- vestment decisions for their own ac- I. Provide an underpinning of both
ment, decision making and execution count or for their business. They will the knowledge and skills needed

by senior managers at the stra- culminates in the completion of a ing Management Organisational
tegic management level so that dissertation; Behaviour Corporate Finance
students can contribute to and I. Provide an opportunity for par- Managerial Economics;
improve the achievement of their ticipants to make a contribution I. An understanding of the context
organisation’s strategic objec- to the body of knowledge and within which strategic activity oc-
tives; understanding in the area of stra- curs and its role in achieving or-
I. Provide an analytical and multi- tegic management; ganisational objectives;
perspective framework, to enable I. Encourage holistic thinking with- I. Advanced research and consul-
students to recognise, identify in the areas of Management and tancy skills;
and evaluate key management Business. I. Contribution to organisational suc-
issues which critically impact on cess by developing, delivering and
organisational performance and managing high quality personnel
strategic direction; Learning Outcomes and development policies.
I. Enhance the student’s ability to in- On completion of the programme,
tegrate into the strategic thinking, students should be able to demon- The Online MBA programme fits
direction setting, planning and strate: within the overall mission of Robert
operation of the organisation; Kennedy College: to provide aca-
I. Develop the students’ ability to I. Knowledge, understanding and demic excellence in online distance
analyse management issues of skills appropriate to effective per- education for students worldwide,
relevance to their work by under- formance at senior management through appropriate application of
taking a piece of research which level in the following areas Market- leading edge technologies.

Mini MBA:
The University
of Wales Post Graduate
Certificate in Business

Mini MBA With a smaller financial and time

commitment you still keep your futu-

at a Glance re open to new heights.

Why a Mini MBA at RKC? Minimum 6 months - Maximum 2 ye-
Course Descriptions ars
Aims and Learning Outcomes Ad- Delivery Method
mission - 100% Online via OnlineCampus
Unsure if the full MBA might fit wi- with intensive class discussion and
thin you busy life? collaboration
Not ready to commit to the full MBA Places
programme? Strictly limited to 90 per term.
The University of Wales Post Gra- Ranking
duate Certificate in Business Admini- Robert Kennedy College has been suc-
stration might be the right answer to cessively listed among the Top Online
your educational needs. MBA's in the World in Financial Times
This innovative mini MBA gives you 2007 and 2008 Distance Learning Sur-
the chance, after completing the four vey.
required courses, to decide between Tuition Fees
receiving an internationally recogni- 5,500 CHF (Swiss Francs) includes
sed Post Graduate Certificate in Busi- libraries access, OnlineCampus,
ness Administration or continue with graduation fees, UoW matriculation
the regular University of Wales MBA fees. Payable in installments with no
at Robert Kennedy College. interest fees.

These fees are for the full program- Selectivity Ratio
me including all courses. 60% of the applicants are invited for
Not included in these fees: . Some an admission interview.
Textbooks are not included (approx Out of 7 applicants one is admitted
cost 150-300 Swiss Francs). to the PGC in Business Administra-
Important Notes tion.
After completing the four courses Terms
you can decide either to transfer to Three terms per year (Winter, Spring
the University of Wales MBA at Ro- and Autumn)
bert Kennedy College (and pay the Accreditation
relevant transfer fees of 9000 CHF This Programme is Validated and
payable in interest free installments) Awarded by the University of Wales.
OR exit with the internationally reco- After successfully completing your
gnised Post Graduate Certificate in studies at the Robert Kennedy Colle-
Business Administration awarded by ge, you will receive a degree from the
the Federal University of Wales. You University of Wales which is duly Ac-
cannot receive two awards (The PGC credited by the British Government
+ the regular MBA). by means of a Royal Charter.
The award is “ Post Graduate Certi- University of Wales degrees are re-
ficate in Business Administration”. cognised worldwide. To verify this
Mini MBA is just a brand name to you can visit the main University of
differentiate this programme but will Wales website at
not be specified on the certificate or
the transcript of academic records.

The University
of Wales Post
Graduate Certificate
in Advanced
for Bankers
Exclusively at Robert expectations, and the decreasing
importance of geography in compe-
aspects of banking. It is meant to
give you the tools to fulfill the
Kennedy College tition all affect the fortunes of each
institution. This program is designed
requirements of leadership po-
sitions in the banking industry,
We are looking for 35 banking lead- to meet the continuing education to think through the overall stra-
ers who are anxious to enhance their needs of banking executives to en- tegic aims of your bank, or how
current knowledge with a Post Grad- sure they keep pace with the risks to make your unit, branch or de-
uate Certificate in Advanced Man- and opportunities of these changes. partment successful. It will also
agement for Bankers from the sec- With a myriad of certifications from put you in a better position to
ond largest British University: The multiple institutions, the Advanced develop a more thorough under-
University of Wales. Management for Bankers (AMB) standing of client needs;
The 35 places in this programme are qualification is simply differentiated c It is delivered via online learn-
reserved for talented, motivated, in- with a set of distinctive characteris- ing: the only optional residential
novative and enthusiastic individu- tics: requirement is a 3 days “The Art
als. In short we are looking for 35 of Banking” executive course.
winners. Are you ready for the chal- a It is one of the few University If you have already completed
lenge? If you are, we might be look- based qualification for bankers. this Art of Banking course you
ing just for you. It is awarded by the University of can continue toward your Post
Wales, the second largest British Graduate Certificate with the full
Introduction University in terms of full time
students, and as such it is recog-
benefits of our innovative online
delivery method with minimal
The banking industry faces an era of nized worldwide; career disruption;
continuing change. New technolo- b Its focus is on advanced manage- d It is cost and content competi-
gies, new regulations, new customer ment, not on finance or technical tive. With professors graduated

from some of the world’s finest Secondly, the Post Graduate Certifi- terial, University of Wales matricula-
business schools including Ox- cate in Advanced Management for tion and graduation fee and tuition
ford University, Harvard Busi- Bankers is the ideal way to consoli- for all the four modules.
ness School, Stanford University date your credentials both on a pre Special rates are available if you join
and New York University you will or post MBA level. It is a new, distinc- with a colleague from the same insti-
benefit from the personalized at- tive programme with a postgraduate tution. The tuition fees are payable in
tention of a small Swiss Private certification issued by the University instalments without any interest:
College and the wide recogni- of Wales, one of the traditional Fed- Sample Payment Plan
tion of UK’s second largest State eral Universities founded in 1892. We Deposit when you start: 1000 Swiss
University. welcome applicants, who are highly Francs and pay every month for the
The tuition fees can be paid in inter- motivated in achieving new impor- following five months 600 Swiss
est-free installments. In this case you tant heights in their banking careers. Francs.
can even achieve the certification Previous Participants in the Art of
without a sponsor. Banking Executive Course (June
Programme Modules
100% of the participants would rec- Total Four Modules
Why Attend? ommend the course to colleagues You can take 2 modules within the
In a very competitive working envi- 20% of the participants rated the same trimester (e.g 2 modules in a
ronment such as the banking world, course good 80% of the participants term and finish in 6 months) or pro-
knowledge plays a very important rated the course as very good ceed at a 1 module per term (e.g. 4
role. Whilst the internal bank training modules in 4 trimesters)
covers very well aspects like products Module 1 Organizational Behaviour
development, regulations, financial Programme Details Module 2 International Investment
systems and pretty much everything Banking
on traditional
at a Glance Module 3 The Art of Banking (with 3
banking, this Duration: 6 to 12 Months days residency at Zurich or Davos,
programme Award: Post Graduate Certificate in Switzerland)
is focused on Advanced Management for Bankers Module 4 Strategic Management
management. Accreditation: The programme is vali-
On how to ef- dated by the University of Wales. The
fectively suc- final certificate is awarded by the Course Descriptions
ceed in your Federal University of Wales, which There is no average course within
strategy, in lead- is duly accredited by the British Gov- our Post Graduate Certificate in Ad-
ing your team ernment by means of a Royal Charter. vanced Management for Bankers
and achieving The UOW certificate is recognized programme. We are bound to pro-
superior per- worldwide. vide an outstanding learning experi-
formance on Cost: For Art of Banking Alumni 4000 ence and there isn’t a better way to
both a personal Swiss Francs. achieve this aim than with outstand-
and organiza- For non-AOB alumni 5000 Swiss ing courses. Not only have these
tional level. Francs. The cost includes online ma- been carefully crafted by professors

graduated from the best business outcomes provided during this mod- banking war without fighting any
schools (like Oxford University, Har- ule we can count writing for busi- battle.
vard Business School, New York Uni- ness, managing your time and career
versity and Wharton just to give you effectively, becoming a successful
a glimpse) but also they are all meant manager, solving business problems
to make you a more successful and and achieving superior performance
efficient manager. in a virtual team. In addition to these
There are also no old fashion exams managerial concepts we will also
in our courses but real life case stud- gently introduce you to the assess-
(with optional
ies and essays, which let you, think ment system and the case method.
critically about your company and You will have access to sample as-
residency in Zurich)
your own career. All this might seem signments with clear do’s and don’ts With over 30 years of experience
too glossy but there is one catch: we to ensure your personal success in in the field Dr. Roy Damary M.A.
don’t accept average candidates and the AMB. (Oxford), MBA (Harvard Business
only individuals as outstanding as School, Baker Scholar) introduces
our values can find their way toward you to the world of successful invest-
admission at the Robert Kennedy
The Art of Banking ments.
College. Investment Management is designed
(with optional around six axes:
Basic concepts: risk/reward, vola-
Power Learning For residency in Zurich tility, yield curves, exchange rates,
spreads, carry, Libor and other key
Managers or Davos) interest rates, liquidity
The prelude to your AMB pro- An ancient Chinese master; an immi- Investment instruments: equities,
gramme is our Power Learning for nent battle; an overwhelming victory fixed-income, money markets, de-
Managers module. As a roadmap to or a tragic defeat? Based upon Sun rivatives, options and real property.
your journey, this module provides Tzu’s “The Art of War” this course Primary versus secondary markets
you with the essential skills to suc- lead by Dean Costa will increase The various actors: banks, brokers,
cess in the AMB with a wide array of your knowledge in areas like leader- fund managers, hedge funds, private
power learning tools for today’s busi- ship, competitive assessment, deci- equity/venture capital
ness managers. This course differs sion making and execution and more The authorities: central banks, Minis-
slightly from the others because, in essentially how to assess and build a tries of Finance/National Treasuries,
preparation for the first core module, long lasting competitive strategic ad- regulatory authorities, sovereign in-
you have more flexibility on your as- vantage. vestment funds
signment and schedule: this course If banking is at times similar to a war, Macro-economic concepts: balance
starts every month and lasts four to this course is about winning. And of payments, inflation, global rebal-
six weeks. Among the unique set of not a simple victory, but winning the ancing, exchange rates and reserve

currencies organisation. This course is led by AMB, we will go the extra mile to en-
Building a portfolio: the mix of se- Prof. Benedicta Lusk, an MBA gradu- sure your correct understanding of
curities of currencies to reflect risk/ ate of the Peter F. Drucker School of effective, innovative and sustainable
reward, time horizon and degree of Management. business strategies.
Students successfully completing the
module will be able to make basic in- Strategic Aims
vestment decisions for their own ac- The overall design aims of the Post
count or for their business. They will
Management Graduate Certificate in Advanced
also master the technical concepts Do you really think strategically? Is Management for Bankers programme
and terminology to be able to draw your strategy sustainable and well are to: -
maximum benefit from their special- formulated? How would you imple- Provide an underpinning of both
ist advisers. ment your newly formulated strat- the knowledge and skills needed by
egy? managers in the field of International
If you think you know the answer to Management and Strategic Manage-
Organisational these questions, you might discover ment, so that students can contrib-
that you didn’t really know the real ute to and improve the achievement
Behaviour answer until the end of this course. of their organisation’s strategic ob-
The way people are managed within If you think you don’t know the right jectives;
organisations plays a paramount role answer, no worries: Prof. David Duf- •• Provide an analytical and multi-
in corporate success. In a fast chang- fill will be glad to provide crystal clear perspective framework, to enable
ing organisational landscape we take explanations. Not only will you learn students to recognise, identify
into account impacting factors like about strategy formulation context, and evaluate key management
social, technological, economic, en- content, and its effective implemen- issues, which critically impact on
vironmental, political and legal con- tation but also you will be exposed to organisational performance and
siderations. With a variety of real failures like the one of Enron with the strategic direction in the context
life case studies you will be asked to award winning video case produced of International Banking;
make decisions, which will inevitably by the Darden School of Manage- •• Develop the students’ ability to
influence the (work) life of your em- ment. Successful strategies like the analyse banking management is-
ployees. These are of course backed ones of Ryanair, Kellogg, and Mon- sues of relevance to International
by the core taught concepts which santo as well as traditional analytical Banking by undertaking critical
feature: group dynamics, motivation tools like Porter’s five forces model evaluation and appraisal appro-
and leadership, group behaviour, will serve as platform for your inno- priate experience (normally man-
communication, power, conflict and vative thinking endeavours. There is agerial experience). Such a candi-
prejudice in the workspace, organi- only one thing worse than no strat- date may be admitted if deemed
sational culture and how to manage egy: a badly formulated or executed by the University of Wales, on ad-
and understand change within the strategy. As the last course of your vice from the Dean of School, to

be capable of both succeeding on relationship and interaction with ognised U.K. academic body or its
and contributing to the course. In other areas of the business or organi- equivalent according to the British
addition to these qualifications, sation; Council Education Guide;
•• the candidate must have at least - A critical awareness of current is- OR
2 years of banking related expe- sues in banking management which 1 b) Such professional qualifica-
rience. Admission applications is informed by leading edge research tions as may be deemed by the
must be accompanied with a cer- and practice in the field; University of Wales as equiva-
tificate of competency in the Eng- - An understanding of appropriate lent;
lish language from a recognized Management techniques sufficient 2 OR
institution or programme. Eng- to allow detailed investigation into 3 c) A Bachelor degree in a non
lish language requirements for relevant business and management business / non banking field;
non-English speaking students issues; 4 OR
are a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 - Ability to acquire and analyze data 5 d) A candidate without the nec-
or minimum TOEFL score of 600, and information, to evaluate their rel- essary academic qualifications
or other evidence of English lan- evance and validity, and to synthesize may offer as an admission quali-
guage abilities at this level. of spe- a range of information in the context fication, evidence of a minimum
cific case scenarios; of new situations; of 3 years appropriate experi-
•• Provide an opportunity for par- - Conceptual understanding that ence (normally managerial expe-
ticipants to make a contribution enables the student to evaluate the rience). Such a candidate may be
to the body of knowledge and rigour and validity of published re- admitted if deemed by the Uni-
understanding in the area of Ad- search and assess its relevance to versity of Wales, on advice from
vanced Management for Bankers; new situations; the Dean of School, to be capa-
•• Encourage holistic thinking within - Extrapolate from existing research ble of both succeeding on and
the areas of Advanced Manage- and scholarship to identify new or contributing to the course.
ment for Bankers; revised approaches to practice. In addition to these qualifications,
- Ability to conduct research into the candidate must have at least 2
banking management issues that years of banking related experience.
Intended Learning requires familiarity with a range of Admission applications must be
business data, research sources and accompanied with a certificate of
Outcomes – appropriate methodologies, and for competency in the English language
such to inform the overall learning from a recognized institution or
Programme process; Ability to communicate ef- programme. English language re-
fectively both orally and in writing, quirements for non-English speak-
Completion using a range of media. ing students are a minimum IELTS
On completion of the Post-Graduate score of 6.5 or minimum TOEFL
Certificate in Advanced Manage- score of 600, or other evidence of
ment for Bankers programme suc- Admission English language abilities at this level.
cessful students should be able to
- A systematic understanding of rele- Applicants for the RKC Post
vant knowledge about management Graduate Certificate in Advanced
and it’s external context; Management for Bankers must have
- The application of relevant knowl- the following:
edge to a range of complex situations Either:
taking account a) A degree or postgraduate qualifi-
of Management techniques and their cation in business, awarded by a rec-

The University of
Wales Post Graduate
Certificate in Project
Exclusively at Robert
Kennedy College

e are looking for 35 ated by a set of distinctive character- tive. With professors who have
leaders anxious to istics: graduated from some of the
enhance their cur- a It is one of the few University world’s finest colleges including
rent knowledge with based qualification for project Oxford University, Harvard Busi-
a Post Graduate Certificate in Project managers and is awarded by the ness School, Stanford University
Management from the second larg- University of Wales, the second and New York University you will
est British University: The University largest British University, and as benefit from the personalized at-
of Wales. such it is recognized worldwide; tention of a small Swiss Private
The 35 places in this programme are b It has a practical orientation with College and the wide recogni-
reserved for talented, motivated, in- real life cases and assessment tion of UK’s second largest State
novative and enthusiastic individu- by essays. In lieu of focusing on University. The Cost of the pro-
als. In short we are looking for 35 traditional exams, it is assessed gramme can be paid in interest-
winners! through assignments which are free installments. In this case you
Are you ready for the challenge? directly relevant to your current can even achieve the certifica-
If you are, you might be precisely the career and existing projects; tion without a sponsor.
person we are looking for. c It is delivered entirely via on-
line learning: you can achieve
In today’s competitive environment,
every major organization is looking your Post Graduate Certificate in Why Attend
to hire and retain managers who are Project Management with the full In a very competitive working envi-
able to execute projects on time and benefits of our innovative online ronment such as the management
within a budget. delivery method with minimal world, knowledge plays a very im-
With a myriad of certifications from career disruption; portant role.
multiple institutions, the Post Gradu- d There is no need to travel for ex- Whilst internal training covers some
ate Certificate in Project Manage- ams or assessment: every assess- areas of project management, our
ment (PMG Project Manager Gradu- ment can be delivered online; Post Graduate Certificate in Project
ate) qualification is simply differenti- e It is cost and content competi- Management allows you to certify

your knowledge in the field from the
UK’s second largest University.
It is a new, distinctive programme
with a post graduate certification is-
sued by the University of Wales, one
of the traditional Federal Universities
founded in 1892.
We welcome applicants who are
highly motivated to achieving impor-
tant new heights in their careers.
Programme Details at a Glance
Duration: 6 to 12 Months
Award: Post Graduate Certificate in
Project Management (PMG Project
Management Graduate)
Accreditation: The programme is vali-
dated by the University of Wales. The projects, providing participants with management depends upon a blend
final certificate is awarded by the a comprehensive insight into the re- of the appropriate techniques and
Federal University of Wales, which alities of project management proc- advanced behavioural skills. The aim
is duly accredited by the British Gov- esses in a variety of contemporary of the module is to provide students
ernment by means of a Royal Charter. organisational settings. with the ability to select the appropri-
The UOW certificate is recognized ate methodologies to structure prob-
worldwide. lems on the conceptual level
Cost: 5000 Swiss Francs.
The Strategic
The cost includes online material,
University of Wales matriculation
Context of Project Defining Excellence
and graduation fee and tuition for all
the four modules.
Management in Project
Special rates are available if you join The aim of the module is to offer a
with a colleague in the same organi- theoretical and practical perspective
zation. on critical factors or successful stra- Monitoring and evaluation are an
The tuition fees can be paid in inter- tegic management of projects and to integral part of each phase/step of
est-free installments: Sample Pay- provide participants with a compre- the project life cycle. There must be
ment Plan Deposit on starting: 1400 hensive insight into the realities of measurable goals when the project
Swiss Francs and pay every month project management, enabling par- is defined and measurable milestone
for six months 600 Swiss Francs. ticipants to identify best practices in the project plan. During the imple-
to provide a source of competitive mentation of the plan monitoring will
advantage show to what extent one has reached
PROGRAMME the goals and targets. At the closing
of the project the evaluation can be
CONTENT Project Planning and expressed in terms of predetermined
and accomplished goals.
Control The success of a project manage-
Total Four Modules The principles of project manage- ment requires achievement of an ac-
You can take 2 modules within the ment are applicable at all levels of cepted ‘end-state’ as defined in the
same trimester and finish in 6 months the project hierarchy, ranging from approved project plan. This module
or proceed at a 1 module per term individual work packages through to introduces appraisal methodolo-
and finish after 4 trimesters the provision of a single point of re- gies and skills in project evaluation
sponsibility on behalf of the client. and revue, project termination and
Different techniques and skills are handover.
Contemporary applicable at different levels. At the
work package level, the emphasis
Project Management will lie in ensuring on-site production Aims
The aim of the module is to develop within specified constraints of time, The overall design aims of the Post
an understanding of the evolution of cost and quality. At the strategic level, Graduate Certificate in Project Man-
contemporary project management, the emphasis will lie in managing the agement programme are to:
and to offer a theoretical and prac- evolving interface between the client •• Provide an underpinning of both
tical perspective on critical factors and the project. Irrespective of the the knowledge and skills needed
for the successful management of level of application, effective project by managers in the field of project

Intended Learning lutions;
•• To synthesise information from
Outcomes different sources and disciplines
and apply it in innovative ways,
Programme postulating realistic solutions to
current limits of understanding.
On completion of the Post-Graduate Admission
Certificate in Project Management
programme successful students Requirements
should be able to demonstrate: Applicants for the RKC Post Graduate
•• A systematic understanding of rele- Certificate in Project Management
vant knowledge about Project Man- must have the following:
agement and it’s external context; Either: (minimum entry qualifica-
•• The application of relevant knowl- tions)
management, so that students edge to a range of complex situ- a. A degree or postgraduate qualifi-
can contribute to and improve ations taking account of Project cation in business, awarded by a
the achievement of their organi- Management techniques and recognised U.K. academic body
sation’s strategic objectives; their relationship and interaction or its equivalent according to the
•• Provide an analytical and multi- with other areas of the business British Council Education Guide;
perspective framework, to enable or organisation; OR
students to recognise, identify •• A critical awareness of current b. Such professional qualifications
and evaluate key management issues in project management as may be deemed by the Uni-
issues, which critically impact on which is informed by leading edge versity of Wales as equivalent,
organisational performance and research and practice in the field; together with appropriate experi-
strategic direction in the context •• An understanding of appropriate ence of at least 3 years in a man-
of project management; Project Management techniques agement position;
•• Provide an opportunity for par- sufficient to allow detailed inves- OR
ticipants to make a contribution tigation into relevant business c. A Bachelor degree in a non busi-
to the body of knowledge and un- and management issues; ness / IT field and at least five years
derstanding in the area of Project •• Conceptual understanding that of business or IT related experi-
Management; enables the student to evaluate ence in a management position,
•• Encourage holistic thinking within the rigour and validity of pub- OR
the areas of Project Management lished research and assess its rel- d. A candidate without the neces-
•• Provide students with a stimulat- evance to new situations; sary academic qualifications may
ing, educational and professional •• Ability to conduct research into offer as an admission qualifica-
programme of study to develop project management issues that tion, evidence of a minimum of
competent, versatile, enterpris- requires familiarity with a range 5 years appropriate experience
ing, and self-reliant managers. of business /organisational data (normally managerial experi-
•• Motivate and equip students to research sources and appropriate ence). Such a candidate may be
play a leading role in project man- methodologies, and for such to admitted if deemed by the Uni-
agement, engage effectively in inform the overall learning proc- versity of Wales, on advice from
improving the process through ess; the Dean of School, to be capable
which companies, practices and •• Ability to communicate effective- of both succeeding on and con-
projects are managed. ly both orally and in writing, using tributing to the course.
•• Offer opportunities for flexibility a range of media. Admission applications must be
of study for individual students, •• To apply variance and unpredict- accompanied with a certificate of
both UK and international, in re- ability within projects and inte- competency in the English language
lation to their own circumstances, grate work into the of the wider from a recognized institution or pro-
interests, or career. economic, market and social en- gramme. English language require-
•• Provide a balanced mix of chal- vironment in relation to profes- ments for non-English speaking stu-
lenge and support as students sional practice; dents are a minimum IELTS score of
build and place in context their •• To recognise the role of ethical 6.5 or minimum TOEFL score of 600,
knowledge base, understanding, and value judgments in social, or other evidence of English language
and skills; and offer opportunities economic and technological con- abilities at this level.
to re-evaluate these in new con- texts, and identify their source,
texts and in the light of additional effect and use in arriving at sus-
evidence. tainable decisions and ethical so-

The University
of Wales M.Sc. in
Advanced Information
Technology and
Business Management

e are looking for 45 largest British University, and as such case you can even achieve the certi-
leaders willing to it is recognized worldwide; fication without a sponsor.
enhance their cur- b) It has a practical orientation with
rent knowledge with real life cases and assessment by es-
a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Ad- says. In lieu of focusing on traditional Why Attend
vanced Information Technology and exams, it is assessed through assign- In a very competitive working envi-
Business Management from the sec- ments, which are directly relevant ronment such as the management
ond largest British University: The to your current career and existing world, knowledge plays a very im-
University of Wales. The 45 places projects; portant role. Demanding positions
in this programme are reserved for c) It is delivered entirely online: you require qualified professionals with
talented, motivated, innovative and can achieve your M.Sc. in Advanced knowledge of both IT and Business:
enthusiastic individuals. In short we Information Technology and Busi- this programme enables you to reach
are looking for 45 winners. Are you ness Management with the full ben- new heights in your career.
ready for the challenge? If you are, efits of our innovative online delivery It is a new, distinctive programme
you might be precisely the person method with no career disruption with a masters degree issued by the
we are looking for. d) There is no need to travel for ex- University of Wales, one of the tradi-
ams or assessment: every assessment tional Federal Universities founded
can be delivered online; in 1892.
Introduction e) It is cost and content competitive. We welcome applicants who are
With an IT background you are prob- With professors who have gradu- highly motivated in achieving new
ably considering either continuing ated from some of the world’s finest important heights in their careers.
your education in the area of Infor- colleges (note we have no one from
mation Technology or alternatively, Oxford business school, for exam-
Business with an MBA. Why not ple) including Oxford University,
Programme Details
both? This new interdisciplinary pro- Harvard Business School, Stanford
gramme gives you the unsurpassed University and New York University
at a Glance
benefit of both worlds with several you will benefit from the personal- Duration: 2 years Minimum 5 years
advantages: ized attention of a small Swiss Private maximum
a) It is one of the few interdisciplinary College and the wide recognition of Award: Master of Science in Ad-
programs in both Information Tech- UK’s second largest University. The vanced Information Technology and

Technology and Bu
nology and Business. It is awarded by Cost of the programme can be paid Business Management
the University of Wales, the second in interest-free installments. In this Accreditation: The programme is vali-

dated by the University of Wales.
The final certificate is awarded by
Programme Content 6. Strategic Context of Project Man-
the Federal University of Wales, The M.Sc. in Advanced Information 7. Management of Information Sys-
which is duly accredited by the Brit- Technology and Business Manage- tems
ish Government by means of a Royal ment at RKC is a generalist pro- 8. eBusiness
Charter. The UOW certificate is rec- gramme that provides professionals Final Dissertation
ognized worldwide. with the education they will need
Cost: 13000 CHF. in challenging and demanding IT
The cost includes online material, related managerial positions. It aims Course Descriptions
University of Wales matriculation to produce qualified professionals There is no average course within
and graduation fee and tuition for all equipped with the full range of skills our M.Sc. in Advanced Information
the modules. Special rates are availa- needed to lead successful IT busi- Technology and Business Manage-
ble if you join with a colleague in the nesses in a global environment char- ment programme. We are bound
same organization. The tuition fees acterised by constant change. We to provide an outstanding learning
are payable in installments without aim to achieve this transfer of knowl- experience and there isn’t a better
any interest edge and skills by 8 taught modules: way to achieve this aim than with
1. Organizational Behaviour

siness Management
Sample Payment Plan 3250 CHF upon outstanding courses. Not only have
matriculation 406 CHF per month for 2. Marketing Management these been carefully crafted by pro-
24 months. 3. Financial Management fessors graduated from the best busi-
4. Entrepreneurship ness schools (like Oxford University,
5. Project Planning and Control Harvard Business School, New York

University and Wharton just to give coming a successful manager, solv- ate of the Peter F. Drucker School of
you a glimpse) but they are all meant ing business problems and achiev- Management.
to make yourself a more successful ing superior performance in a virtual
and efficient manager. There are also team. In addition to these managerial
no old fashion exams in our courses concepts we will also gently intro-
but real life case studies and essays duce you to the assessment system Dean Costa will unveil to you the
that let you think critically about your and the case method. You will have marvels of creating and managing
company and your own career. All access to sample assignments with your own enterprise. But this course
this might seem too glossy but there clear do’s and don’ts to ensure your isn’t meant to be of exclusive interest
is one catch: we don’t accept aver- personal success in the M.Sc. to entrepreneurs or budding busi-
age candidates and only individuals ness owners. It will help you better
as outstanding as our values can find understand your role and, why not,
their way toward admission at the Organisational open to you the possibility of start-
Robert Kennedy College. ing your own business if you haven’t
Behaviour already done so. Topics like entre-
The way people are managed within preneurship redefined, the dark side
Power Learning For organisations plays a paramount role of entrepreneurship, budgeting, fast
in corporate success. In a fast chang- tracked business growth, strategic
Managers ing organisational landscape we take marketing, capital raising strategies,
The prelude to your M.Sc. pro- into account impacting factors like management control and creative in-
gramme is our PLM module. As a social, technological, economic, en- novation make this course a valuable
roadmap to your journey, this mod- vironmental, political and legal con- component of your MBA.
ule provides you with the essential siderations. With a variety of real Enriched with videos from the Sloan
skills to success in the MBA with a life case studies you will be asked to School of Management at the MIT
wide array of power learning tools make decisions, which will inevitably and by a business plan competition
for today’s business managers. This influence the (work) life of your em- that forms the final assessment, this
course differs slightly from the oth- ployees. These are of course backed course is set to provide you with a
ers because, in preparation for the by the core taught concepts which stimulating and challenging experi-
first core module, you have more feature: group dynamics, motivation ence.
flexibility on your assignment and and leadership, group behaviour,
schedule: this course starts every communication, power, conflict and
month and lasts four to six weeks. prejudice in the workspace, organi-
Among the unique set of outcomes sational culture and how to manage
provided during this module we can and understand change within the
count writing for business, managing organisation. This course is led by Business is about profit and there
your time and career effectively, be- Prof. Benedicta Lusk, an MBA gradu- can only be sustainability with a

proper knowledge of effective fi- Schaefer. The teaching of market seg- the project hierarchy, ranging from
nancial management. Oxford and mentation, environment, research, individual work packages through
Harvard Business School graduate innovative sales system, internation- to the provision of a single point of
Prof. David Duffill will expand and al marketing and policy planning and responsibility on behalf of the client.
reinforce your knowledge of finan- implementation will make sure that Different techniques and skills are
cial accounting, management ac- your view of marketing will never be applicable at different levels. At the
counts, budgeting and financing. the same. A concrete marketing plan work package level, the emphasis
Once again, the course leader isn’t for your company or your own busi- will lie in ensuring on-site production
just crunching numbers but will link ness will be your final assessment within specified constraints of time,
each and every topic to real financial providing you with flexibility and cost and quality. At the strategic level,
situations where you, as the manager effective learning results which you the emphasis will lie in managing the
in chief, have to assess the financial can assess and apply in no time. evolving interface between the client
performance of successful corpora- and the project. Irrespective of the
tions and develop sharp analytical level of application, effective project
skills with tools like decision tree The Strategic management depends upon a blend
analysis. Financial Management is of the appropriate techniques and
about successful financial results and
Context of Project advanced behavioural skills. The aim
at the end of this course you will not of the module is to provide students
only know the basics, but you will be
Management with the ability to select the appro-
in the position to master each and The aim of the module is to offer a priate methodologies
every component of superior finan- theoretical and practical perspective to structure problems on the con-
cial management and analysis. on critical factors for successful stra- ceptual level
tegic management of projects and to
provide participants with a compre-
Marketing hensive insight into the realities of Management of
project management, enabling par-
Management ticipants to identify best practices
Information Systems
You will reinvent the airline business, to provide a source of competitive IT is a rapidly expanding field, which
redefine the boundaries of retailing, advantage. is now an indispensable part of any
manage the sales of an online com- successful business since it is ever
puter mega store, and learn how to more closely connected with both
focus on your customer. Seems like Project Planning and human and organizational issues.
a bold prediction but it is just the Ways of thinking about IT, and under-
content of marketing management
Control standing its potential and its limita-
directed by a marketing manage- The principles of project manage- tions, should be an essential concern
ment extraordinaire: Prof Michelle ment are applicable at all levels of of any manager. Accordingly, the core

you with valuable ideas to exploit the
full potential of digital based busi-

Aims and Learning

The overall design aims of the MSc
Advanced Information Technology
and Business Management are to:
I. Develop flexibly minded graduates
who have an in-depth strategic un-
derstanding of business and organi-
sations utilising an in-depth knowl-
edge of information technology and
skills relevant to management
II. Provide an underpinning of both
the knowledge and skills needed
by senior managers at the strategic
management level so that students
can contribute to and improve the
achievement of their organisation’s
strategic objectives;
of this module lies in the way in which III. Provide an analytical and multi-
data-information systems relate to perspective framework, to enable
general business systems and busi- students to recognise, identify and
ness decision-making. The module evaluate key management issues in
has been designed to give students information technology and business
an understanding and appreciation management, which critically impact
of how a company’s handling of data on organisational performance and
is intimately linked with the produc- strategic direction;
tion and/or distribution of goods and IV. Equip students with an advanced
services, and how it consequently di- understanding of concepts and cur-
rectly affects business performance. rent and pervasive issues in informa-
The concentration of the module is tion technology and business man-
on the front-end activities of infor- agement.
mation systems, but includes a study V. Enhance the student’s ability to
of the main techniques and tools integrate into the strategic thinking,
used in systems design and analysis, direction setting, planning and op-
including both linear and iterative eration of the organisation;
approaches, and both logical and VI. Provide a forum for the exchange
physical design. of information and ideas among par-
ticipants with the intention of broad-
ening their experience and enhanc-
eBusiness ing their ability to work with other
Technology has reshaped the way people;
you work, live and communicate on VII. Develop the students’ ability to
a daily basis. With an assessment of analyse management issues of rele-
today’s latest electronic business this vance to their work by undertaking a
course will open the doors to new piece of research, which culminates
concepts like electronic marketing, in the completion of a dissertation;
e-business planning, technology
and strategy, business-to-business
marketplaces and collaboration, and Intended Learning
discuss the various aspects of digital
innovation. Cases like Dell, Amazon.
com and eBay will reveal the DNA of On completion of the programme,
successful eBusinesses and provide students should be able to:

I. Demonstrate the ability to collect its equivalent according to the British
relevant information across a range Council Education Guide;
of areas pertaining to a current situ- OR
ation. b) Such professional qualifications
II. Analyze information and synthe- as may be deemed by the University
size it into an appropriate form in or- of Wales as equivalent, together with
der to evaluate alternative decisions appropriate experience of at least 3
for discerning and appraising man- years in a management or IT posi-
agement strategic alternatives. tion;
III. Demonstrate subject specific OR
skills with respect to the context of c) A Bachelor degree in a non busi-
the use of specific software packages ness / not IT field and at least five
and programming environments. years of business related experience
IV. Use techniques from a range of in a management or IT position,
standard methodologies to model OR
aspects of an information or commu- d) A candidate without the necessary
nication system academic qualifications may offer as
V. An understanding of the context an admission qualification, evidence
within which strategic activity occurs of a minimum of 5 years appropriate
and its role in achieving organisa- experience (normally managerial ex-
tional objectives; perience). Such a candidate may be
VI. Within the broad framework of admitted if deemed by the Universi-
organizations, their external context ty of Wales, on advice from the Dean
and management of School, to be capable of both suc-
It is therefore expected that gradu- ceeding on and contributing to the
ates will gain knowledge and devel- course.
op understanding in the following Admission applications must be
areas: accompanied with a certificate of
I. Organizational Behaviour competency in the English language
II. Marketing Management from a recognized institution or pro-
III. Financial Management gramme. English language require-
IV. Entrepreneurship ments for non-English speaking stu-
V. Project Planning and Control dents are a minimum IELTS score of
VI. Strategic Context of Project Man- 6.5 or minimum TOEFL score of 600,
agement or other evidence of English language
VII. Management of Information Sys- abilities at this level.
VIII. eBusiness

The RKC MSc in Advanced Informa-
tion Technology and Business Man-
agement programme is a specialist
Masters award; students wishing to
enrol must (in addition to the mini-
mum entry qualifications given be-
low) be able to demonstrate some
technical and programming back-
ground. In addition students wish-
ing to enrol on the programme must
have the following:
Either: (minimum entry qualifica-
a) A degree or postgraduate qualifi-
cation in IT or business, awarded by
a recognised U.K. academic body or

Board of Acad
Prof. Robert Dixon,
Professor Dixon is the Chair of the
Board of Studies of the University
of Durham Business School and the
and publications in the areas of ven- Christ in Basel and Pestalozzi, Hae-
Chair of our Board of Academic Gov-
ture capital, strategic management gi & Partner in Zurich. The name
accountancy, activity based costing, VISCHER originates from Prof. Dr.
Experience 14 years teaching and re-
blood product costing. Currently re- h.c. Frank Vischer, Partner. The roots
search experience at Newcastle Busi-
searching in Health Service finance of our Basle office can be traced back
ness School, University of Northum-
and control and accounting issues in to the year 1856. Dr. Pfeifer is special-
bria, having previously spent a short
Africa and Eastern Europe. Consults ized in Swiss and International Tax
time in research at Sunderland Busi-
in financial management and man- Law, Commercial and Corporate Law,
ness School. Consultancy clients in-
agement accounting areas. Litigation, Compliance. Educated at
clude the Governments of Zambia,
the University of Basel (lic. iur., 1973;
Kenya and Tanzania. Private sector
Dr.iur., 1978 ); pursued additional
clients have included BT, WH Smith Dr. Michael Pfeifer, studies at the Freien Universität Ber-
and Schlumberger.
lin and at the University of St. Gallen,
Interests Financial management, man- Vice Chair HSG (M.B.L., 1996).
agement accounting, performance
Dr. Michael Pfeifer, M.B.L.-HSG is a Worked as an associate with the New
measurement and control.
Partner of Vischer, one of the Swiss York office of Davis Polk & Ward-
Further Information Teaches finance
leading law firms. VISCHER emerged well and with the law offices of S.G.
and management accountancy on
from the merger between Gloor & Archibald (Paris), is a Lecturer for
MBA programmes. Recent research

demic Governors
company law at the University of St. quite unique in providing an aca- Schools in France and Germany.
Gallen and at the University of Basel. demic/practical programme for busy He has been External Examiner at
Member of the arbitration body of executive. several British Universities and is at
the authority regarding compliance Before joining the University sec- present Chief Examiner at the Asso-
with money laundering regulations tor he worked in advertising, sales ciation of Business Executives. Keith
established by the Swiss Bar Associa- and marketing for 18 years rising to is also an author of several books on
tion Member of the board of direc- Marketing Director. Most of his ca- his specialist subject of International
tors of several Swiss companies reer was with US Multinational Cor- Marketing. Brynmor holds a B.Sc.
porations. Since taking up a position (Hon) from the University of Wales
in education Keith has taught on a at Swansea and an Advanced Diplo-
Prof. Brynmor range of programmes from under- ma in Management from the Univer-
graduate to masters level. He also sity of Oxford.
Keith Lewis works for professional bodies such
Keith Lewis is the programme leader as The Charted Institute of Market-
for the fast track executive Masters ing in the UK, Malaysia, Singapore,
in Strategic Marketing at Greenwich Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
University. He developed the pro- He also has regular visits for several
gramme 12 years ago when it was years as visiting lecturer in Business

Key Faculty M A short selection of Teaching Fellows at RKC

Prof. David Y. Costa, Dr. Roy Damary, Adviser to Bridport Investor Services, a
Geneva based, fixed-income broker and
Head of Business consultancy.
Studies, Director of
Professor David Costa is one of the Prof. Gerson Rosa,
founders of Robert Kennedy College and Doctoral Program
Dean of Faculty. In his capacity as Dean, Dr. Damary holds M.A. in Engineering
Director of MBA
Professor Costa oversees the faculty re- Science with First Class Honours from Programme
view process and several of the academic Oxford University (1966) and M.B.A.
programmes of the college. Dean Costa Professor Gerson Rosa holds a Master
with High Distinction from Harvard of Business Administration degree in Fi-
is a Fellow of the Business School (1974). While pursu-
Wharton School, University of Pennsyl- nance and International Business Man-
ing his full-time career as a business agement from University of California at
vania. After graduating with a degree in consultant (Technomic Consultants SA,
Jewish Studies Dean Costa read law at Los Angeles while attending it as a Ful-
Geneva), he achieved his own Ph.D. bright Scholar. Fifteen plus years of expe-
the School of Law of the University of from Lausanne University in 2000 (thesis
Northumbria, Newcastle and graduated rience have followed with a leading, high
dealt with the reforms in Russia and the technology, multinational company with
with an LL.M degree. He has comple- emergence of modern business practice
mented his legal studies with the Ad- more than USD 70 billion in revenues
there). Roy Damary combines a long ex- and operating in more than 150 coun-
vanced Project Management Program, perience in practical consultancy and
Stanford University, from which he has tries around the world. Such experience
running his own business with academic was acquired through Finance / Manage-
graduated with the widely respected title management and teaching experience
of Stanford Certified Project Manager. ment / Treasury assignments in the U.S.,
in marketing, accounting and finance, Europe and Latin America.
He then expanded his knowledge of and entrepreneurship. This dual nature
business through the Entrepreneurship Professor Gerson Rosa’s fields of interest
of his professional experience and his include International Business Manage-
Development Programme of the Sloan pluridisciplinary academic background,
School of Management, Massachusetts ment, FX – Foreign Exchange, Investment
combined with his personal experience Strategies, Asset Management, Hedge
Institute of Technology. Additionally, of preparing a doctorate while working
Professor Costa attended an MBA pro- Funds, Financial Derivative Instruments,
full time allows him to marry the aca- Macro / Geo-Political issues, Technology
gram at the Queen Margaret University demic and pragmatic aspects of business
in Scotland. Professor Costa’s fields of as a competitive edge / global business
and research as they apply to doctoral enabler. Professor Gerson Rosa enjoys
interest are banking management, rela- studies. Over the period 1986 to 1994, Dr.
tionship marketing and entrepreneur- sportive activities (skiing, swimming,
Damary was engaged in university teach- scuba diving, volleyball), travelling, read-
ship. Dean Costa is the author of the ing and program management at Web-
newly published book “The Art of Bank- ing and flying as a holder of a Pilot Li-
ster University, Geneva. He ran the MBA cense issued by the U.S. F.A.A.
ing: Dominate the banking landscape and other business programmes, and
and win the war without fighting a bat- taught business, marketing, accounting
tle”. and finance courses.
His business consultancy has been built
around industrial marketing consultancy,
with more recent responsibilities in fi-
nancial market analysis and the creation
of business enterprises. He is Economic

Prof. David Duffill,
Professor of Financial
David Duffill has an MA in Engineering
Science from Oxford University (1967)
and MBA from Harvard Business School
(1977), and is a Member of the British In-
stitute of Marketing. He had been a pro-
fessional consultant for almost 20 years,
when in 1997 the company in which he
was a partner was sold to Renaissance
Solutions of the USA. Two
years later, David and three colleagues
left Renaissance to start TCI Consulting,
operational standpoint. Ms. Lusk’s strate- ment winning communications strategies.
a “virtual” consultancy that specialises
gic partners include Economic Develop- She initiated the Wait Marketing Research
in helping clients by providing strategy
ment Agencies, Elected Officials, Cham- Centre – must have tool in order to com-
inputs and business intelligence for their
bers of Commerce and Federal Depart- municate at the right moment at the right
strategic planning process. While Prof.
ments and Agencies. She has received place – which offers exclusive data on cus-
Duffill’s main industrial recent focus has
numerous awards for her contribution tomers’ waiting behaviour gathered in Eu-
been in the healthcare, automotive and
to the Economic Development Agencies rope, Africa, Asia and Northern America.
construction materials markets, his expe-
success in creating and retaining busi- Diana Derval is Professor of Marketing
rience covers a broad range of industrial
ness in the Southern California Region. at the University of Wales MBA/Robert
and service organisations. A substantial
She serves on the Board of Directors for Kennedy School and gives lectures and
part of his current consulting activity is
the Inland Valley Economic Development workshops on wait marketing and contex-
in competitive intelligence, including
Agency. Ms. Lusk has earned her Execu- tual advertising at other prestigious Busi-
helping clients to benchmark their cost
tive Masters of Business Administration ness Schools and leading professional as-
position against key competitors.
Degree from The Peter F. Drucker and sociations.
Masatoshi Ito Graduate School at Clare-
Benedicta Lusk, Lecturer in mont Graduate University and holds a Prof. Freddy J. Nager,
Management BS in Management and Organization Be-
Professor of Marketing,
haviour form the University of La Verne,
Benedicta Lusk, Founding Member of
Lusk, Paul & Associates, L.L.C., is an
in California. Ms. Lusk holds a teaching MBA Programme
credential from the LACOE.
entrepreneur, strategist and executive Freddy J. Nager has nearly two decades
coach. She is recognized for her excep- of experience in advertising, entertain-
tional facilitation and relationship build-
Prof. Diana Derval, ment, and interactive media. He has di-
ing skills at all levels of organizations, Professor of Marketing, rected projects and campaigns for For-
especially the executive branch. Ms. tune 500 companies and start-ups, and
Lusk brings over fifteen years of execu- MBA Programme most recently served as Marketing Di-
tive experience championing real lasting Diana Derval, inventor and guru of wait rector at Web 2.0 start-up
business improvement by changing how marketing, has gained a 360° advertis- A writer by training, Freddy began his ca-
people view and run their business. Ms. ing expertise from 15 years working with reer as Copy Director at MCA Records,
Lusk’s experience, international and na- advertisers (TomTom, Société Générale, where he launched the label’s first web-
tional, spans the defense, industrial and ALD Automotive, Magasins U, ViaMiche- site in 1995 to critical acclaim. He then
commercial business sectors with signifi- lin), marketing agencies (Manalee, Purple moved to ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi
cant accomplishments in Organizational Guru) and media (TF1 Publicité). Author L.A. as Sr. Copywriter on all Toyota in-
Behaviour, program management, stra- of the book Wait Marketing, Diana Der- teractive projects, including their award-
tegic planning, business and marketing val has a Masters Degree in Marketing & winning website. He has also worked on
management, executive coaching, and Communications and holds an Executive campaigns for Nissan & Infiniti, the NFL
profitability turnaround. Benedicta adds MBA from ESSEC-Mannheim Business on Fox, Nestlé, National Lampoon, and
significant expertise in information tech- School. Founder of DervalResearch, Diana numerous new media ventures, and his
nology both from a strategic as well as an Derval helps companies define and imple- work has been recognized by Communi-

cation Arts, Adweek, Step Inside Design verein. Various IBFD-publications as well the Drexel University LeBow College of
and the One Show, among others. Freddy as articles on taxation in Switzerland have Business Capstone MBA review board,
received his MBA from the University of been written by him. as well as DeVry University’s Master’s
Southern California and his undergradu- in Project Management grading panel.
ate degree from Harvard University. He Andrew Wilson, Director Dennis was also appointed an MBA Co-
currently lives in San Mateo, California hort Leader for Drexel University. He has
with his wife and two semi-crazy cats. of Legal Studies taught courses in M&A, Strategic Tech-
Andrew Wilson is a US tax and legal con- nologies, Network Management, WAN
Prof. Francois Therin, sultant with Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associ- technologies, Communication Systems,
ation in Milan Italy. His areas of practice Numbering Systems, Project Manage-
Professor of include cross border transactions, par- ment, Probability & Statistics, and Digital
Entrepreneurship ticularly U.S. in-bound and out-bound Communications. Dennis has also been
transactions, and Italian tax consulting. involved in research activities and patent
Dr. Francois Therin is Associate Profes- research for the “Biomedical Telemetry
Before coming to Italy, Andrew was an
sor at Euromed Marseille Ecole de Man- System”. He also worked in the ‘skunk
associate attorney with the Washing-
agement in France. Prior to that, he has works’ at Bell Labs where his immedi-
ton, D.C. office of King & Spalding. He
been for 12 years at Grenoble Ecole de ate Manager and co-worker received
is licensed to practise law in the State of
Management. At Grenoble, he was the 2 Patents (Patent # 4,695,926 – Patent #
founding director of the Center of Tech- New York and the District of Columbia.
4,858,075). Dennis has extensive copy-
noentrepreneurship, aimed at helping He has an L.LM. (In taxation) from New
right publications in academic areas such
innovative start-ups. Francois teaches York University, and graduated summa
as Global Strategic Management, Busi-
Strategic Management, Technology and cum laude from T.M. Cooley Law School
ness Processes, ERP, Organization Analy-
Innovation Management in graduate and in Lansing, Michigan.
sis, Professional Development, Statistical
executive programs. He has been also a Applications, Optical Transport, Wireless,
pioneer in the development of e-learn- Dennis Crossen, Lecturer and Electronics. Dennis is a graduate of
ing courses, beginning in 2001. He has
teaching experience in France, Canada,
in Management Drexel University (Electrical Engineering
& MBA), Oxford University (Computing),
Poland, Russia, Singapore and Australia, Mr. Dennis Crossen is responsible for and Georgetown University (Internation-
where he spent a sabbatical year at the strategic voice-centric conversions for al Business). He
Brisbane Graduate School of Business. the Global Sales & Services Group at Ve- has also completed Masters Programs in
Francois’s research focuses on learning rizon Business. He is also the Director Project Management at George Washing-
and innovation in high-tech small firms. of Strategy for the Merton Management ton University. Dennis is currently active
He has published in several international Group. Dennis has successfully partici- in postgraduate research at Harvard Uni-
academic journals and presented in nu- pated on teams for many corporate, gov- versity (Computational Mathematics),
merous conferences. He is also the Edi- ernmental, and commercial customers Drexel University (Information Systems)
tor of the International Journal of Tech- during his 25 years in business. During and Oxford University in England (Object
noentrepreneurship. Dr. Therin holds a this period, he was an active strategist for Oriented Computation) developing a re-
Masters in Management from the Tou- several corporate mergers. In previous search report in Bio informatics (Autism/
louse Business School and a Doctorate positions, he was responsible for vendor PDD Neuroscience). In 2005, he complet-
in Business Administration from the Uni- and customer relationships in engineer- ed a residency at the Helsinki School of
versity of Newcastle Upon Tyne. ing, strategy, marketing, legal, and prod- Economics and attended a private lunch
uct management divisions. Dennis is also engagement with U.S. Ambassador Earle
Rolf Wüthrich, Faculty the former Mack in Helsinki, Finland. Dennis holds
Program Manager at the NASA Kennedy several professional certifications includ-
of Law, Tax Programme Space Center (KICS contract) where he ing a Six Sigma Green Belt certification
Rolf Wüthrich made his law studies at managed 47 employees of the Advanced from Villanova University and Network
the University of Bern, Switzerland. After Technology Group and the Administra- (CCNA) and Design (CCDA) certifica-
working at the Court of Blankenburg, Swit- tive Telephony organization. His team tions from Cisco Systems. He is an ac-
zerland and for the law firm Peter Roost was responsible for more than 17,000 tive member of the Project Management
& Partner, Switzerland he passed his bar customers. Since 1981, Dennis has taught Institute (PMI), the Institute of Electrical
exam (Bernischer Fürsprecher) in Novem- and lectured at numerous international and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the An-
ber 1998. In December 1998 he joined the academic institutions. In 2006, he was thony J. Drexel Society, and the Oxford
International Bureau of Fiscal Documen- an Alumni Guest at Drexel University’s Alumni Association of New York.
tation (IBFD) in Amsterdam, the Neth- International MBA residency in Buda-
erlands, where he worked until August pest, Hungary. He has also taught many Dr. Frank Vorhies, Lecturer
2001 as a research associate responsible online classes including the Mergers &
for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. In the Acquisitions and Applied Leadership in Management
academic year 2000/2001 he also joined classes at Robert Kennedy College. Den- Dr. Frank Vorhies has more than 20 years
the LLM program in International Taxa- nis has been a Guest on Comcast’s’ CN8 of international experience as a sustaina-
tion in Leiden, the Netherlands. As from “Money Matters Today” and “Newsmak- bility economist. In Johannesburg, he was
September 2001 he is working as an asso- ers” U.S. television programs speaking a senior lecturer in business economics
ciate in the law firm VISCHER, Attorneys- on technology Marketing and on a Mar- at Wits University and founder of a con-
at-Law and Notaries, in Basel, Switzerland, keting program for Oxford University in sultancy group focusing on conservation
specialized in domestic and international the U.K. . In 2005, Dennis was the Guest and the private sector. In Nairobi, he was
corporate taxation and tax planning. He Speaker for the Instituto de Liderazgo in employed by the African Wildlife Founda-
is member of the following profession Moscow; speaking to Russia’s 2nd largest tion to work on the sustainability in the
related organizations: International Fis- cellular provider (Megafon). He has also forestry sector under a GEF grant.
cal Association, Swiss Branch; Global Tax been a recurring Guest Speaker at Drex- In Geneva, Frank established new global
Association, Advokatenkammer Basel, el University ‘s “Industry Perspectives” programmes on economics and business
Basler Juristenverein, Bernischer Juristen- BUSN701 course. He has participated at for IUCN-The World Conservation Union.

This work included joint feasibility studies
with the International Finance Corpora-
tion on setting up biodiversity business in-
vestment initiatives in African and Central
Europe. In Oxford, he was Chief Executive
of the Earthwatch Institute (Europe) and
was responsible for managing a unique
partnership programme with a group of
40 large multinational corporations, in-
cluding HSBC, Rio Tinto, British American
Tobacco and Shell. Most recently Frank
has followed his wife’s career back to Ge-
neva and is working independently. He is
currently supporting the development of
two new sustainable investment initiatives
and advising IUCN on their response to
the Asian tsunami in the tourism sector.

Edwin Christopher
Rodin-Brown, Lecturer
in Management
Edwin Brown is a Chartered Accountant
Fellow of the Royal Institute of Char-
tered Accountants in England and Wales
(Equivalent to North American Certified
Public Accountant). He is also a Mem-
ber of Chartered Accountants Auditing,
Management, Taxation and Technology

Dr. Lalit Mohan Pattnaik, holds a Master degree (International

Business) from Pondicherry University
and Ph.D. in Economics. His Ph.D. the-
sis dealt with the issue of ‘Economics
Lecturer in Management and is an alumni of ‘Jawaharlal Nehru of Fertiliser Subsidies in India’. Prior to
Dr. L. M. Pattnaik at present working as University’; Delhi, India. the post-graduation, he obtained gradu-
a Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor Prof. Suryavanshi is a Microsoft certified ate degree with honours in commerce
in an affiliating college of Berhampur professional and is a Lead Auditor (QMS) stream. He has been a fellow of the Uni-
University, Orissa, India. He has more and an Auditor (EMS) and happens to be versity Grants Commission, New Delhi
than 11 years of teaching experience and on ‘editorial board’ of AIMS Internation- (India). He holds experience of han-
about 15 years of Research Experience. al. He is keen researcher and has present- dling research project sponsored by the
Apart from this, he also has about 3 years ed papers at leading conferences. Before University Grants Commission. He has
of practical experience in the field of shifting to academics, Prof. Suryavanshi teaching experience of more than ten
Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. His has worked with global fortune 500 com- years at university level. He is core fac-
panies and India’s largest business house ulty at Department of Economics, C.C.S.
areas of interest are corporate sector,
– Reliance Industries Limited. He has 14 University, Meerut and is also a visiting
finance, Profitability, Accounting, Man-
years of experience inclusive corporate faculty at a number of reputed business
agement, etc. He has authored one book
and academics. He has been ‘Director & schools. Issues related to development,
entitled “Corporate Profitability” and an-
Professor (marketing area) with a man- liberalisation and globalisation have in-
other book entitled “Financial Analysis
agement college – PIMT in India, Dean & vited his interest and it is for this reason
and Reporting” is under publication. Dr.
Professor (marketing area) with another that his published/presented papers and
Pattnaik topped the merit list of M.Com
management college – GSBA in India be- guided dissertations mainly pertain to
Exam of Berhampur University in the
sides current responsibility. areas like Foreign Investments, Techno-
year 1989 and secured Gold medal. He
He has published a book – “Caravan has logical Changes, Corporate Governance
specialized in Accounting and Finance at
stopped” and another one in marketing and Measurement of Human Develop-
the Masters Level. He also obtained LL.B,
area is currently in final stage. He has in- ment etc. He also has good experience
M.Phil and Ph.D in Commerce (1998)
novative methods of teaching marketing of Indian Share Market and career coun-
from the same university.
science that includes simulation through selling.
Dramatics and active field visit. He has
Prof. A K Singh guided more than 125 MBA level disser- Dr. Guy Langvardt,
Suryavanshi, Professor tations and industry specific research
Lecturer in eBusiness
projects. Prof. Suryavanshi believes that
of Management management education is a key to better A scholar practitioner, Dr. Guy Langvardt
Prof. Suryavanshi is a mix of corporate society and is himself a blend of “Teach- is a sales executive for IBM Corporation.
and academic. Presently, he is ‘Director er-Researcher– Administrator”. He has over twenty-five years of sales,
& Professor (Marketing area) with a man- marketing and management experience
agement college called – “R.B. Manage- Dr. Virendra Malhotra, in the technology sector with such com-
ment Institute” in Delhi; India. He did his panies as Compaq, NCR Corporation and
‘Ph. D.’ in marketing area from University
Lecturer in Management Sun Microsystems. Having earned over
Business School; India. Prof. Suryavanshi Virendra Kumar Malhotra has done M.A. 50 national and international awards for

excellence, he has a track record of con- sultant in UK, Italy and Greece. Vasileios Dr. Chagla, Lecturer in
sistent success throughout his career. holds an MSc in Electronic Information
He works with clients in the aerospace, Management from Robert Gordon Uni- Management
Asian motors, financial services, and me- versity and BSc in Computer Science Dr. Chagla started his career as a teacher
dia/entertainment industries. from University of Sheffield. at Trichy, Tamilnadu, India for an NGO
Guy is also Principal and Founder of We under the supplementary education
Progress Through Change™. The firm programme for the rural women folk. He
specializes in leadership coaching, or- Steve Page, Lecturer worked for a brief period as a Sub-Editor
ganizational change, strategic market
development, and sales training. He has
in Management with a vernacular newspaper before mov-
Steve’s specialisms are in the areas of ing to pursue his doctoral programme.
over twenty years of experience helping He received his Ph.D from the Indian
Information & Knowledge Management
people meet their personal and profes- Institute of Technology, Kharagpur,
and Qualitative Research Methods,
sional goals. India specialising in the area of Me-
which he teaches at the University of
Guy earned his M.B.A. degree specializ- dia & Culture Studies wherein he had
Chester, UK. Steve also teaches Opera-
ing in international business from Thun- published 3 research articles in both
tions Management & E-Business at the
derbird, School of Global Management national and international journals.
University of Bradford where he is an
in Glendale, Arizona. During his stud- During the period of his work as a Re-
Associate Lecturer. He has previously
ies, he developed a strategic marketing search & Teaching Faculty at Tomas
taught Strategic Management at Man-
plan for a major financial institution and Bata University, Zlin, Czech Republic he
chester Metropolitan University. Steve’s
learned to speak Chinese-Mandarin. He taught subjects like Media & Culture,
international teaching experience has
achieved his Doctor of Philosophy de- Cross-Culture Communication to the
taken him to Europe, Hong Kong, Ma-
gree specializing in e-business at Capel- postgraduate students of the Faculty of
laysia, Vietnam & Singapore. Current
la University in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Multimedia Communications and wrote
research interest is in the area of Align-
His dissertation focused on the effects a textbook on Cross-Culture Communi-
ing Information Strategy with Business
of individual resilience and commitment cation for the same. Presently he’s work-
Strategy. He has presented his work in
to change during organizational trans- ing as a Lecturer in English Language
the UK, Europe, Asia and the USA & has
formation. Centre, Jubail Industrial College, Royal
also written a number of book chapters.
Guy has lived and worked throughout Commission for Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi
Steve chaired a conference on ‘Ethics,
the world. Having spent his formative Arabia. Earlier he was a Lecturer, teach-
ICT & Social Exclusion’ & has been on
years in Australia, England and the Phil- ing English Language Communication
the Organising Committee for a number
ippines, he has a strong appreciation of Skills, Technical Report writing to the
of International Conferences. He is an
cross-cultural issues. Active in his com- engineering students of Birla Institute of
External Examiner at several UK Universi-
munity, he now resides in Southern Cali- Technology & Science - Pilani, Goa Cam-
ties & is a Fellow of the Higher Education
fornia. pus, Goa, India for a period of two years.
Academy. In his spare time Steve loves
listening to music on his beloved Linn Dr. Chagla’s area of interest includes Me-
Vasileios Paliktzoglou, Sondek LP12 turntable, reading science dia & Culture Studies, Cross-Cultural/
Inter Cultural Communication. He pos-
Lecturer in Management fiction novels & is an avid follower of F1
sesses around 9 years of experience be-
motor racing.
Vasileios Paliktzoglou has several years sides a research experience of three plus
of working experience in academia in years. He completed his graduation in
Universities such as University of Pisa, the field of Mathematics and migrated
Aegean University, Robert Gordon Uni- to the land of English Literature to earn
versity and University of Cranfield. His the M.A and thereafter a Postgraduate
research interests are in the fields of: Diploma Course in Public Administra-
project management, e-learning, cost tion from the Bharatidasan University in
engineering, health informatics and tele- Trichy, Tamilnadu.
medicine in which he was actively in-
volved in several EU Research projects.
Keeping the balance between academia
and industry he worked as an IT Con-



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