7 Reasons Why God Blessed Obed-Edom

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7 Reasons Why God Bless Obed-Edom.

The blessing of Obed-edom by God as recorded in the Bible is indeed a lesson to every
child of God, and Numbers 23:19 has established that God is not a man that he should
tell lies or change his mind when has spoken because he has given his word as
covenant and promised to bless his people as long as they obey his commandments. It
doesn't matter the race, background, or gender of a person, but anyone that fear him
and practice righteousness he will accept because God is no respecter of persons(Acts
10:34). Without argument, Obededom was a Gittite which means he wasn't a Jew but
when the ark was taken to his house after the sad event that led to the death of Uzzah
whom God killed because he touched the ark, the Bible record that God bless
Obededom and all that he has for the three months the ark was with him 2Samuel 6:1-


I want you to know that the Bible reveals that the ark was in the house of Abinadab for
twenty years and it was not mentioned that God bless them (1Samuel 7:1-2), but when
the ark came to the house of Obededom, he was blessed, although the Bible did not
directly tell us why he was blessed, yet there are scriptural passages that give the
reason why God blessed him, and this is what I want to share with you.

Here are 7 reasons why God blessed Obededom.

1. He was righteous. According to Psalm 5:12, God will bless the righteous, and
surround him with favor as a shield. To be righteous means to do what is right and
acceptable in the sight of God, and from the above Bible passage, God won't bless him
if he wasn't doing what is right according to the law of God.

2. Obededom was a faithful steward. 1Corinthians 4:20 reveals that in stewardship, it is

required that a man be found faithful, God always rewards faithfulness, and Obededom
was faithful in keeping the ark of God committed to his care.

3. He feared God. Psalm 112:1 reveals that the man who fears the Lord will be blessed,
according to Job 28:28 and proverb 3:7, the fear of God is wisdom, which means he is
wise and departed from evil, unlike Uzzah who committed an error by touching the ark
with his hand when it was about to fall, and God sees any act against his
commandment as evil because he has said that no one should touch the ark.

4. He humbles himself before God. Matthew 5:5 tells us that God blesses the humble
(Contemporary English version). Also, according to James 4:6, and 1Peter 5:6, God
gives grace to the humble but resists the proud, If Obededom was proud, he would have
been opposed by God, but he was rather lifted( blessed) in due time (within three
months that the ark was on his house).

5. He rules his house and taught them in the fear of the Lord (1Timothy 3:4). The Bible
says God bless his household and all that he had (Proverb 3:33), which means he rules
his house with all gravity, and like Abraham, he commanded his house to fear God and
keep his ways (Genesis 18:19).

6. He pleased God. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that we can't please God without faith, this
means that Obededom believed in the God of Israel and obeyed his commandments.

7. He is a doer of the word ( he kept the commandment of God). James 1:25 says
anyone who looks into the law of liberty and doesn't forget what he is taught but does
the work he is given by the law, will be blessed in his deeds. 

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