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Globalization & COVID - 19

By: Martin Viana Salazar

Topic - How Did Globalization Contributed to the spreading of COVID –

By: Martin Viana Salazar

To understand this question we got to

know, what is globalization?
Globalization is the union of countries,
allowing them to have deeper relations,
that later it will allow for them to have
an exchange of resources, knowledge,

and cultures. Globalization has allowed

us for an easier communication with
people across the world, nowadays we
can travel to other countries thanks to
airplanes and sometimes boats. Since
the beginning of globalization people started to take advantage of the benefits
this provided, like the travel between countries as the relations between this
improved. Some of the advancements that contributed to globalization were: The
Creation of the printing press, the creation of the planes and the trains, and the
most important personally is the creation of United Nation (UN).
With the firsts cases of coronavirus in the begging’s of 2020 in china, the
government reacted with these health protocols like restricting the global air
travel, but they knew that was very hard, almost impossible to contain a type of
virus like this one in a type of society like the one we live in now, within a few
weeks the virus spread to other countries and in march 11 COVID-19 was declared
a pandemic.
As Governments realized the effects and dangers of Coronavirus most countries
started a global quarantine, which consisted of people staying at their houses,
which then it had an enormous butterfly effect, like the impact it had on the stock
market and generally in the world’s economy. This effect is pretty interesting, at
least to myself, because thanks to globalization most countries economy is in
need for the resources or for the trade with other countries they had to have
contact in any type of way, but without globalization and this close relationships
between countries, maybe countries wouldn’t need to be in constant interaction
with other countries, that then it would result in less spreading of the virus and
we could have controlled it better than we did.
But that’s the thing with everything in this world, anything can be extremely
good, but as it is good it will always have its downsides, so we took benefit of the
improvements in the economy, more knowledge, more cultures that globalization
gave us, but it also gave us global warming, a global danger that threatens to kill
most life in the world, so in conclusion we got to accept the problems that good
things give us.

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