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BIOMES • Terrestrial biomes usually grade into each

other, without sharp boundaries

The temperature difference from the pole to the
equator depends on the Sun's energy and the • The area of intergradation, called an

energy retained in Earth's systems. There have ecotone, may be wide or narrow

been times when the Earth didn't have polar ice

caps or deserts and there have been times when
ice buried much of the Earth's surface. Desert

(Because the Earth is round, the sun strikes the • Deserts occur in bands near 30C north and

surface at different angles, ranging from 0° (just south of the Equator, and in the interior of

above the horizon) to 90° (directly overhead). continents

When the sun's rays are vertical, the Earth's • Precipitation is low and highly variable,
surface gets all the energy possible. The more generally less than 30 cm per year
slanted the sun's rays are, the longer they travel
• Deserts may be hot or cold
through the atmosphere, becoming more scattered
and diffuse. Because the Earth is round, the frigid • Desert plants are adapted for heat and
polar regions never get a high sun, and because of desiccation tolerance, water storage, and
the tilted axis of rotation, these areas receive no reduced leaf surface area
sun at all during part of the year.
• Annual rainfall in the desert is less than 10
The tropics are warm all year, averaging 25 to 28 inches (25 cm) and, in some years, may be
degrees Celsius (77 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit). This zero. Because of the extreme dryness of the
is because the tropics get more exposure to the desert, its colonization is limited to
sun. Because of all that sun, the tropics don't
• Common desert animals include many kinds
experience the kind of seasons the rest of the Earth
of snakes and lizards, scorpions, ants,
does. The tropical seasons are broken up into just
beetles, migratory and resident birds, and
two: the wet season and the dry season.
seed-eating rodents; many are nocturnal

• Urbanization and irrigated have reduced

General Features of Terrestrial Biomes the natural biodiversity of some deserts

• Terrestrial biomes are often named for • The net productivity of the desert is low.
major physical or climatic factors and for High productivity can sometimes be
vegetation achieved with irrigation, but these gains are
often only temporary. The high rates of • Fires set by humans may help maintain this
evaporation cause minerals to accumulate biome
near the surface and soon their
• Also, the tropical grasslands contain quite
concentration may reach levels toxic to
short plants which makes it an excellent
hunting ground. For instance, the African
savanna is one of the tropical grasslands.


• Equatorial and subequatorial regions Temperate Grassland

• Savanna precipitation is seasonal • Temperate grasslands are found on many

• Temperature is warm year-round (24–29C)
but more seasonally variable than the • Precipitation is highly seasonal
• Winters are cold (often below –10C) and
• Grasses and forbs make up most of the dry, while summers are hot (often near
ground cover 30C) and wet

• Tropical Grasslands are the ones which • Temperate grasslands receive rainfall of the
receive 50 cm to 130 cm rain. Furthermore, range 25 cm and 75 cm. Furthermore, the
they have both rainy and dry days. As a climate in the temperate grasslands makes
result, they are warm all year round. it both dormant and growing.

• Moreover, tropical grasslands are also • The dominant plants, grasses and forbs, are
called Savanna. These grasslands contain adapted to droughts and fire
shrubs and small trees that are dry in
• Native mammals include large grazers such
as bison and wild horses and small
• The dominant plant species are fire- burrowers such as prairie dogs
adapted and tolerant of seasonal drought
• Most grasslands have been converted to
• Common inhabitants include insects and farmland
mammals such as wildebeests, zebras, lions,
• 4 seasons - seasonal precipitation, less rain
and hyenas
than temperate forest plains & prairies;
Midwest very fertile soil
• The flooded grasslands are having water all the ground, they depend on the air to bring
year-round. Furthermore, these grasslands them moisture and inorganic nutrients.
contain numerous vegetation that grows in Many orchids and many bromeliads
water. (members of the pineapple family like
"Spanish moss") are epiphytes.

Tropical Forest
Temperate Forest (Deciduous Forest)
• Distribution is in equatorial and
subequatorial regions • This biome occupies the eastern half of the
United States and a large portion of Europe.
• In tropical rain forests, rainfall is relatively
It is characterized by:
constant, while in tropical dry forests
precipitation is highly seasonal • hardwood trees (e.g., beech, maple, oak,
hickory) which
• Temperature is high year-round (25–29C)
with little seasonal variation • are deciduous; that is, shed their leaves in
the autumn.
• Tropical forests are vertically layered and
competition for light is intense • Deciduous forests can be found in the
eastern half of North America, and the
• Has the most species BIODIVERSITY canopy
middle of Europe. There are many
= top understory =  below canopy Hot &
deciduous forests in Asia. Some of the
wet year round; thin, poor soil
major areas that they are in are southwest
• Tropical forests are home to millions of Russia, Japan, and eastern China. South
animal species, including an estimated 5–30 America has two big areas of deciduous
million still undescribed species of insects, forests in southern Chile and Middle East
spiders, and other arthropods coast of Paraguay. There are deciduous
forests located in New Zealand, and
• Rapid human population growth is now
southeastern Australia also.
destroying many tropical forests
• The number of different species is far more
• Epiphytes are plants that live perched on
limited than in the jungle.
sturdier plants. They do not take
nourishment from their host as parasitic • Large stands dominated by a single species
plants do. Because their roots do not reach are common.
• Deer, raccoons, and salamanders are • The word "Deciduous" means "falling off or
characteristic inhabitants. out at a certain season". That explains why
deciduous forest means a forest in which
• During the growing season, this biome can
the leaves fall off the trees when the winter
be quite productive in both natural and
agricultural ecosystems.
• The soil is very fertile. In fact, some of the
• The deciduous forest has four distinct
great agricultural regions are found in this
seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and
biome. That is one of the reasons there
winter. In the autumn the leaves change
aren't a lot of original deciduous forests left
color. During the winter months the trees
in the world. Almost all of the forests in
lose their leaves.
North America are second growth forests
• The animals adapt to the climate by but it still has the biggest variety of original
hibernating in the winter and living off the plant species. In Europe there are only a
land in the other three seasons. The animals few species of original trees left. Most of
have adapted to the land by trying the the forests have been cleared for
plants in the forest to see if they are good agriculture. China has been clearing the
to eat for a good supply of food. Also the natural trees for at least 4,000 years and
trees provide shelter for them. Animal use most of the forests are man-made.
the trees for food and a water sources.
Most of the animals are camouflaged to
look like the ground. Coniferous Forest

• Water: Adequate • The northern coniferous forest, or taiga,

spans northern North America and Eurasia
• Temperature: Cool season and warm
and is the largest terrestrial biome on Earth
• Precipitation varies; some have periodic
• Soil: Fertile soil
droughts and others, especially near coasts,
• Plants: Deciduous trees (trees that loose are wet
their leaves), shrubs, ground cover
• Winters are cold and long while summers
• Animals: Many mammals, birds, reptiles, may be hot (e.g., Siberia ranges from –50C
insects, arachnids, etc. to 20C)
• Taiga is the Russian word for forest and is from drying out. Evergreens don't loose
the largest biome in the world. It stretches their leaves in the winter like deciduous
over Eurasia and North America. The taiga is trees. They keep their needles all year long.
located near the top of the world, just This is so they can start photosynthesis as
below the tundra biome. The winters in the soon as the weather gets warm. The dark
taiga are very cold with only snowfall. The color of evergreen needles allows them to
summers are warm, rainy, and humid. A lot absorb heat from the sun and also helps
of coniferous trees grow in the taiga. The them start photosynthesis early.
taiga is also known as the boreal forest. Did
you know that Boreal was the Greek
goddess of the North Wind? Tundra

• Conifers such as pine, spruce, fir, and • Tundra covers expansive areas of the Arctic;
hemlock dominate alpine tundra exists on high mountaintops
at all latitudes
• The conical shape of conifers prevents too
much snow from accumulating and • Precipitation is low in arctic tundra, and
breaking their branches higher in alpine tundra

• Animals include migratory and resident • Winters are long and cold (below –30C)
birds, and large mammals such as moose, while summers are relatively cool (less than
brown bears, and Siberian tigers 10C)

• There are not a lot of species of plants in • Permafrost = layer of permanently frozen
the taiga because of the harsh conditions. subsoil Strong winds -no trees, small plants
Not many plants can survive the extreme Plants = mosses, lichens, grasses Animals =
cold of the taiga winter. There are some arctic fox, caribou
lichens and mosses, but most plants are
• Mountain ranges Polar ice caps (Arctic)
coniferous trees like pine, white spruce,
hemlock and douglas fir.

• Coniferous trees are also known as

evergreens. They have long, thin waxy
needles. The wax gives them some
protection from freezing temperatures and

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