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Lecture 7. Digital Communications

Part II. Digital Modulation

• Digital Baseband Modulation

• Digital Bandpass Modulation
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Digital Communications
Analog Signal
Bit sequence
t 0001101110……

A-D Digital Digital

Source Baseband Bandpass
SOURCE Modulation Modulation

t t

Baseband Bandpass
Channel Channel

D-A Digital Digital

User Baseband Bandpass
Conversion Demodulation Demodulation

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Digital Modulation


Bit sequence
Modulated signal
Digital Bandpass
Bandpass Channel

• How to choose proper digital waveforms to “carry” the digits?

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Digital Modulation

Bit sequence Digital Modulated Baseband/Bandpass

0001101110…… Signal Channel

• Bit Rate: number of bits transmitted in unit time

• Required channel bandwidth: determined by the bandwidth of the
modulated signal.

• Bandwidth Efficiency:

Information Bit Rate Rb

Required Channel Bandwidth Bh

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Digital Baseband Modulation

• Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)

• Pulse Shaping
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Digital Baseband Modulation

• Choose baseband signals to carry the digits.

– Each baseband signal can carry multiple bits.

• Each baseband signal carries 1 bit.

Binary • Bit Rate: Rb  1/ 
• Totally 2 baseband signals are required.

• Each baseband signal carries a symbol (with log2M bits).

M-ary • Symbol Rate: R  1/ 
s Bit Rate: Rb  log 2 M / 
• Totally M baseband signals are required.

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Digital Baseband Modulation

• Focus on “amplitude modulation”

– The baseband signals have the same shape, but different amplitudes.

– Time-domain representation of the modulated signal:

s(t )  Z
n 
n  v(t  n )

where Zn is a discrete random variable with Pr{Zn  ai }  1/ M , i  1,..., M ,

v(t) is a unit baseband signal.

– Power spectrum of the modulated signal:

Read the
1  2  2 
 m  supplemental
Gs ( f )  V ( f )    Z     f  
2 Z
material for
   m     details.
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Pulse Amplitude Modulation


• Binary PAM
• Binary On-Off Keying (OOK)
• 4-ary PAM
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Binary PAM

1: a positive rectangular pulse 0: a negative rectangular pulse

with amplitude A and width  with amplitude -A and width 

A 

 -A

1 1 0 1 0 0 1 …
s(t) s(t )  Z
n 
n  v(t  n )
…...  Pr{Z n  1}  1/ 2
0  2 t  A, 0  t  
 v(t )  
-A 0, otherwise

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Power Spectrum of Binary PAM

1  2 Z2 
 m 
Gs ( f )  V ( f )    Z  f 

   m     
With Binary PAM: V ( f )  A sinc( f  ) GBPAM ( f )  A2 sinc2 ( f  )
Z  0,  Z2  1

GBPAM ( f )

-2/ 1/ 0 1/ 2/ f

See Textbook (Sec. 3.2) or Reference [Proakis & Salehi] (Sec. 8.2) for more details.

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Effective Bandwidth of Binary PAM

GBPAM(f)  A2 sinc2 ( f  )

-2/ 1/ 0 1/ 2/ f

90% bandwidth: 1/ 
90% power
95% bandwidth: 2 / 
95% power

• Suppose 90% of signal power must pass through the channel (90% in-band power):
Required Channel Bandwidth: Bh _ 90%  1/ 
Bh _ 90%  Rb
Bit rate: Rb  1/ 

• Suppose 95% of signal power must pass through the channel (95% in-band power):

Required Channel Bandwidth: Bh _ 95%  2 /   2 Rb

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Bandwidth Efficiency of Binary PAM

Information Bit Rate Rb

• Bandwidth Efficiency :  
Required Channel Bandwidth Bh

• Bandwidth Efficiency of Binary PAM:

Rb  1/ 
 BPAM  1 with 90% in-band power
Bh _ 90%  1/ 

Bh _ 95%  2 / 
 BPAM  0.5 with 95% in-band power

What if the two pulses have unsymmetrical amplitudes?

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Binary On-Off Keying (OOK)

1: a positive rectangular pulse 0: nothing (can be regarded as a

with amplitude A and width  pulse with amplitude 0)

1 1 0 1 0 0 1 …
s(t) s(t )  Z
n 
n  v(t  n )
…...  Pr{Z n  1}  Pr{Z n  0}  1/ 2
0  2 t  A, 0  t  
 v(t )  
-A 0, otherwise

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Power Spectrum of Binary OOK

1  2 Z2 
 m 
Gs ( f )  V ( f )    Z  f 

   m     
GBOOK ( f )   A sinc( f  ) 
With Binary OOK: V ( f )  A sinc( f  ) 
Z  1/ 2,  Z2  1/ 4 1 1 
 m 
 
 4 4
f 
m     

GBOOK ( f )

1 2
… …
2/ 1/ 0 1/ 2/ f

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Bandwidth Efficiency of Binary OOK

Information Bit Rate Rb

• Bandwidth Efficiency : 
Required Channel Bandwidth Bh

• Bandwidth Efficiency of Binary OOK:

Rb  1/ 
 BOOK  1 with 90% in-band power
Bh _ 90%  1/ 

Bh _ 95%  2 / 
 BOOK  0.5 with 95% in-band power

Can we improve the bandwidth efficiency without sacrificing the in-band power?

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

4-ary PAM

• 4-ary PAM: Each waveform carries 2-bit information.

A 
11: 10: 01: 00:
A/3 
  -A/3

1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 …
s(t )  Z
n 
n  v(t  n )
A  Pr{Z n  1}  Pr{Z n  1/ 3}
…...  Pr{Z n  1}  Pr{Z n  1/ 3}
0  2 t
 1/ 4
 A, 0  t  
 v(t )  
0, otherwise
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Power Spectrum of 4-ary PAM

1  2 Z2 
 m 
Gs ( f )  V ( f )    Z  f 

   m     
With 4-ary PAM: V ( f )  A sinc( f  ) G4 PAM ( f )  95 A2 sinc2 ( f  )
Z  0,  Z2  5 / 9

9 A2

-2/ 1/ 0 1/ 2/ f

• Required channel bandwidth with 90% in-band power: Bh _ 90%  1/ 

• Required channel bandwidth with 95% in-band power: Bh _ 95%  2 / 
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Bandwidth Efficiency of 4-ary PAM

• Symbol rate: RS  1/ 

• Bit rate: Rb  2  RS  2 / 

• Require channel bandwidth:

with 90% in-band power: Bh _ 90%  1/   RS  Rb
with 95% in-band power: Bh _ 95%  2 /   2 RS  Rb

 4 PAM  2 with 90% in-band power

 4 PAM  1 with 95% in-band power

4-ary PAM achieves higher bandwidth efficiency than binary PAM!

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Bandwidth Efficiency of M-ary PAM

• Suppose there are totally M distinct amplitude (power) levels.
• How many bits are carried by each symbol?
M  2k k  log 2 M
• What is the relationship between symbol rate RS and bit rate Rb?
RS  Rb / k or Rb  kRS
• What is the required channel bandwidth with 90% in-band power?
Bh _ 90%  RS  Rb / k
Tradeoff between bandwidth efficiency
• Bandwidth Efficiency of M-ary PAM and fidelity performance

 MPAM  k  log2 M with 90% in-band power

• A larger M also leads to a smaller minimal amplitude difference – higher error

probability (to be discussed).
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Pulse Shaping

• Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI)

• Sinc-Shaped Pulse and Raised-Cosine Pulse
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Transmission over Bandlimited Channel

• Frequency domain
Baseband Channel
PAM signal H(f) GY ( f )  GPAM ( f ) | H ( f ) |2
-Bh 0 Bh f The signal distortion
incurred by channel is
0 f
always non-zero!!

• Time domain

PAM signal Baseband Channel

y (t )  s(t )  h(t )  Z
n 
n  x(t  n )

h(t) x(t )  v(t )  h(t )
s(t )  Z
n 
n  v(t  n )

Sample y(t) at m, m=1,2,…, we have Inter-symbol

y(m )  Z
n 
n  x(m  n )  Z m  x(0)   Z n  x(m  n )
nm (ISI)!
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

ISI and Eye Diagram

• An eye diagram is
constructed by plotting
overlapping k-symbol
segments of a baseband
• An eye diagram can be
displayed on an oscillo-
scope by triggering the
time sweep of the
See Reference [Ziemer &
Tranter] (Sec. 4.6) for
more details about eye
• ISI is caused by insufficient channel bandwidth.
• Any better choice than rectangular pulse? Sinc-Shaped pulse
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Sinc-Shaped Pulse

v(t) V(f)  A sinc( f  )

A A

-/2 0 /2 t -2/ -1/ 0 1/ 2/ f

Rectangular Pulse

v(t)=Asinc(t/) V(f)
A A

2  0  2 t -1/(2) 0 1/(2) f

Sinc-Shaped Pulse

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Binary Sinc-Shaped-Pulse Modulated Signal

1: a positive sinc-shaped pulse 0: a negative sinc-shaped pulse

with amplitude A and first with amplitude -A and first
crossing-zero point  crossing-zero point 
2  0  2 t

2  0  2 t -A

s(t) 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
… …
…  …
  Pr{Z n  1}  1/ 2
s(t )  Z
n 
n  v(t  n )
 v(t )  Asinc(t /  )
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Power Spectrum of Sinc-Shaped-Pulse Modulated Signal

1  2 Z2 
 m 
Gs ( f )  V ( f )    Z  f 

   m     
With Binary Sinc-Shaped- Z  0,   1 2 GBSSP ( f )  A2 , | f | 21
Pulse Modulated Signal: V ( f )  A , | f | 21


-1/(2) 0 1/(2) f

Bit Rate: Rb  1/   BSSP  2

Required channel bandwidth: Bh  1/(2 )  Rb / 2 (with 100% in-band power)

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Sinc-Shaped-Pulse Modulated Signal over Bandlimited Channel

• Frequency domain
Baseband Channel
Binary Sinc-Shaped-Pulse signal H(f) GY ( f )  GBSSP ( f ) | H ( f ) |2
-1/(2) 0 1/(2) f
-Bh 0 Bh f
-1/(2) 0 1/(2) f

• Time domain
Binary Sinc-Shaped-Pulse signal Baseband Channel y(t )  s(t )  h(t )

s(t )  Z n  v(t  n ) h(t)
n  Zero ISI at t=m!
y(t) 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
… …
…  …
Are there any other (better) choices to achieve zero ISI?
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Nyquist Pulse-Shaping Criterion for Zero ISI

Nyquist pulse-shaping criterion for zero ISI
A necessary and sufficient condition for x(t) to satisfy
1, n  0
x(n )  
0, n  0 
is that its Fourier transform X(f) satisfies  X ( f   ) .
m 

Suppose that there is a baseband channel with the channel bandwidth W. To

pass a modulated signal with symbol rate 1/ through the channel:
• If 1/-W>W, there is no way to satisfy the Nyquist pulse-shaping criterion
for zero ISI. 

 X ( f  m )  
m 

…… ……
-2/ -1/ 0 W 1/-W 1/ 2/
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Nyquist Pulse-Shaping Criterion for Zero ISI

According to Nyquist pulse-shaping criterion for zero ISI:

 If the symbol rate 1/>2W, there is no way that we can design a system
with zero ISI.
 , | f | W
 If the symbol rate 1/=2W, we must have X ( f )  
0, otherwise
• The maximum symbol rate for zero ISI is 2W.

• In the binary case, the highest bandwidth efficiency for zero-ISI is

2, which is achieved by the binary sinc-shaped-pulse modulated signal.

 If the symbol rate 1/<2W, we have numerous choices. One of them is

called Raised-Cosine Pulse.

See Reference [Proakis & Salehi] (Sec. 8.3.1) for more details.

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Raised-Cosine Pulse: Tradeoff between Bandwidth

Efficiency and Robustness

Sinc-Shaped Pulse: v(t)=Asinc(t/) V(f)

A A

2  0  2 t 
2 2
• Strong ISI at t  n .
• Perfect synchronization is required at the receiver side. 0 
1 2
 cos(2 t )  2
Raised-Cosine Pulse: v (t )  Asinc(t /  )  1  (4 t ) 2  V(f)
  A

2  0  2 t 
1 0 1 f
More robust 2 2
• Larger 
Larger bandwidth
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Summary I: Digital Baseband Modulation

Complexity Bandwidth Efficiency

Binary PAM Low 1 (90% in-band power)

4-ary PAM Low 2 (90% in-band power)

Binary Sinc- High

Shaped-Pulse (Susceptible to 2 (100% in-band power)
Modulation timing jitter)

Binary Raised- 1 2
2 Rb  
Cosine-Pulse Moderate
Modulation (100% in-band power)
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Digital Bandpass Modulation

• Binary ASK
• Binary FSK
• Binary PSK
• Quaternary PSK
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Digital Bandpass Modulation

• How to transmit a baseband signal over a bandpass channel?

1 0 1 0

Amplitude Binary Amplitude Shift Keying

modulation (BASK)
Carrier Signal
Frequency Binary Frequency Shift Keying
modulation (BFSK)

modulation Binary Phase Shift Keying

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Binary Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)

• Generate a binary ASK signal:

– Send the carrier signal if the information bit is “1”;
– Send 0 volts if the information bit is “0”.

1 0 1 0

sBASK (t )  sBOOK (t ) cos(2 fct ) t

Binary On-Off Keying sBOOK (t )

cos(2fct) t
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Power Spectrum of BASK

• Power spectrum of Binary OOK:

1 1 1 
 m 
GBOOK ( f )   A sinc( f  )     f 

  4 4 m     

• Power spectrum of Binary ASK: Read the

material for
GBASK ( f )  14 [GBOOK ( f  fc )  GBOOK ( f  fc )] details.

GBASK ( f )

… … … …
-fc1/ -fc -fc1/ 0 fc1/ fc fc1/ f
2 Rb
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Bandwidth Efficiency of BASK

GBASK ( f )

-fcRb -fc -fcRb 0 fcRb fc fcRb f


The bandwidth of BASK signal is twice of that of its baseband signal

(binary On-Off Keying)!

• The required channel bandwidth for 90% in-band power:

Bh _ 90%  2Rb
• Bandwidth Efficiency of BASK:  BASK  0.5 with 90% in-band power
 BASK  0.25 with 95% in-band power

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Binary Frequency Shift Keying (BFSK)

• Generate a binary FSK signal: Frequency offset

– Send the signal A cos(2 ( fc  f )t ) if the information bit is “1”;

– Send the signal A cos(2 ( fc  f )t ) if the information bit is “0”.

sBFSK (t )  sb1, BFSK (t ) cos(2 ( fc  f )t )  sb 2, BFSK (t ) cos(2 ( fc  f )t )

A bi  1 0 bi  1
sb1, BFSK (t )   sb 2, BFSK (t )  
bi  0 A bi  0
Binary On-Off Keying Binary On-Off Keying

0 1 0 1

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Bandwidth Efficiency of BFSK

GBFSK ( f )  14 [Gb1, BFSK ( f  ( fc  f ))  Gb1,BFSK ( f  ( fc  f ))]

 14 [Gb 2, BFSK ( f  ( fc  f ))  Gb 2, BFSK ( f  ( fc  f ))]

GBFSK ( f )

( fc  f ) ( fc  f ) 0 f c  f fc  f f
2f  2 Rb
• The required channel bandwidth for 90% in-band power:
Bh _ 90%  2f  2Rb
• Bandwidth efficiency of BFSK:   0.5 
 0.5   BASK
1  f / Rb
(with 90% in-band power)
The bandwidth efficiency of BFSK signal is lower than that of BASK signal!
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK)

• Generate a binary PSK signal:

– Send the signal A cos(2 fct ) if the information bit is “1”;
– Send the signal A cos(2 fct   ) if the information bit is “0”.
  A cos(2 fct )

1 0 1 0
sBPSK (t )  sBPAM (t ) cos(2 fct )

Binary PAM sBPAM (t )

cos(2fct) t
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Bandwidth Efficiency of BPSK

GBPSK ( f )  14 [GBPAM ( f  fc )  GBPAM ( f  fc )]

GBPSK ( f )

… … … …
-fc 0 fc f
2 Rb
• The required channel bandwidth for 90% in-band power:
Bh _ 90%  2Rb

• Bandwidth Efficiency of BPSK:  BPSK  0.5 with 90% in-band power

 BPSK  0.25 with 95% in-band power

The bandwidth efficiency of BPSK signal is the same as that of BASK signal!
Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

M-ary PSK

• M-ary PSK: transmitting pulses with M possible different carrier

phases, and allowing each pulse to represent log2M bits.

 Binary PSK: “1” s1 (t )  A cos(2 fct )

“0” s2 (t )  A cos(2 fct   )

 Quaternary PSK: “11” s1 (t )  A cos(2 fct  ( / 4))

(QPSK) “10” s2 (t )  A cos(2 fct   / 4)
“00” s3 (t )  A cos(2 fct  3 / 4)

“01” s4 (t )  A cos(2 fct  5 / 4)

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

“1 1” s1 (t )  A cos(2 fct   / 4)   cos(2 f ct )  sin(2 f ct )
2 2
“1 0” 2s (t )  A cos(2 f c t   / 4)   cos(2 f ct )  sin(2 f ct )
2 2
“0 0” 3 ( t )  A cos(2 f c t  3 / 4)   cos(2 f ct )  sin(2 f ct )
2 2
“0 1” 4
s (t )  A cos(2 f c t  5 / 4)   cos(2 f ct )  sin(2 f ct )
2 2
A QPSK signal can be decomposed into the sum of two PSK signals:
an in-phase component and a quadrature component.
sQPSK (t )  d I cos(2 fct )  dQ sin(2 fct )
2 2

1 if b2i 1  1 1 if b2i  1
dI   dQ  
1 if b2i 1  0 1 if b2i  0

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

QPSK Modulator

sQPSK (t )  d I cos(2 fct )  dQ sin(2 fct )
2 2

1 if b2i 1  1 1 if b2i  1
dI   dQ  
1 if b2i 1  0 1 if b2i  0

cos(2 f ct )
• Modulator Mapping
b2i-1 dI
1 if b2i 1  1
Bit series
dI  
1 if b2i 1  0
Serial to Parallel
Mapping dQ
1 if b2i  1 x
dQ  
1 if b2i  0 A
sin(2 f ct )

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Bandwidth Efficiency of QPSK

GQPSK ( f )

… … … …
-fc1/ -fc -fc1/ 0 fc1/ fc fc1/ f

• Symbol rate: RS ,QPSK  1/  • Bit rate: Rb,QPSK  2RS ,QPSK  2 / 

• Required Channel Bandwidth: Bh _ 90%  2RS ,QPSK  Rb,QPSK

Bh _ 95%  4RS ,QPSK  2 Rb,QPSK

• Bandwidth Efficiency:
 QPSK  1 with 90% in-band power
 QPSK  0.5 with 95% in-band power

QPSK achieves higher bandwidth efficiency than BPSK!

Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

Summary II: Digital Bandpass Modulation

Bandwidth Efficiency
(90% in-band power)

Binary ASK 0.5

Binary FSK 0.5 
1  f / Rb

Binary PSK 0.5


Lin Dai (City University of Hong Kong) EE3008 Principles of Communications Lecture 7

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