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Bio based adhesive refers to the phenomenon where natural and synthetic materials adhere to

biological surfaces. An understanding of the fundamental mechanisms that govern bio based adhesion is
of great interest for various researchers who aim to develop new biomaterials, therapies and
technological applications such as biosensors. This review paper will first describe various examples of
the manifestation of bio based adhesion along with the underlying mechanisms. This will be followed by
a discussion of some of the methods for the optimization of bio based adhesion. Finally, nanoscale and
macroscale characterization techniques for the efficacy of bio based adhesion and the analysis of failure
surfaces are described (Palacio and Bhushan 2012).

Bonding components is one of the oldest engineering processes. The first uses of adhesive were
highlighted by archaeologists and date back to the middle and upper Palaeolithic era . Ochre was one of
the natural resources used during this period essentially for practical reasons. From this period on,
techniques continued to progress: adhesive applications became more and more used in daily life for
both engineering purposes and artistic ones. We can especially cite the use of adhesive by the Egyptians,
the Greeks, and the Romans who developed adhesive techniques for veneering and marquetry as well
as for ceramics and wood materials (Université et al. 2016).

The origin of all these adhesives was natural (such as animal-, fish-, or plant-based glue). Turning points
in the bio based adhesive story were the Industrial Revolution and the arrival of plastics during the
twentieth century. The production of plastic adhesives has continually increased during recent years due
to economic incentive: adhesives are cheap and competitive in regard to other bonding techniques such
as bolting techniques. One of the most significant markets of adhesives remains the building and
construction sector. They are used for structural purposes as well as for flooring or wall covering
(Université et al. 2016).

The main issue relies in the use of adhesive in timber buildings that is a growing market. Adhesives are
used for bonding several layers of timber to design tailored components. Moreover, the development of
the timber construction market (especially in the USA and Nordic countries) is on a par with the growing
concern of public awareness of environment impacts of petrochemical-based products, because such
products are based on depleting resources. Scholars are becoming more and more interested in the
development of bio based adhesives in industry and research. For instance, in 1990, only 30 research
papers were devoted to bio based adhesives versus 1200 in 2012 (source: This reflects the
effective awareness of society to develop environmentally and health-friendly adhesives (Egyptians

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