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APRIL Greetings

ECCA News !"##$%&'#()*+,)%,-.%/,00$%1"2%3",#4%

Greetings—Now that we have survived the Grey Cup Fes-
tivities, we can turn our thoughts and activities to winter and
the holiday Christmas season. As I get older it seems that
As we head into spring (according
2011 the ice will come off the river,
to the
the sun will
bit colder).
comes earlierdates!)
In this the trees
and earlier
the snow
each year will disappear,
(and maybe
to budofout,
a couple new
grass will
turn green and the early spring
and somewillrecipes
start tofrom
River It has been
Café. a longsup-
As always, and
())*' explore ourFrom
interesting winter but we doport
river banks
look forward
and parksYour
to spring.
A time
as they to get
support us. out onto our pathways and
Eau claire community association

the Board: association board has identified sev-

To celebrateeral
spring the EautoClaire
key issues community
be overhauled association
during the nextisyear.
Our aplanning
“Spring commit-
Fling” party on
May 5, 2011 teeatisthe Community
keeping on top Room in the Eau Claire
of developments Market.
in the area (the Drop by and meet
office/housing marketyour
neighbours.being what it is, developments are not as intense as in previous years), their
The following pages
report haveon
appears information frompage.
the following our aldermen
Our parking regarding
committeethe budget
also hasprocess
a re- that the
port regarding on street parking for our residents and
City is going through, a message from our MLA Kent Hehr, notes from the YMCA, visitors. We will be re-
ECCA Newsletter

information regarding the CBC used book sale in May, and a couple of messages from the City
viewing and revamping our objectives and bylaws. With the bylaws being
of Calgary over
regarding 911old,
15 years and asharing
brush upourisparks withalong
required, our puppies. But most
with defining ourimportant
member- of all, the
ECCA has a new set of bylaws. For the full report see page 2.
ship criteria. We are exploring a website design and implementation. We are
Check out thelooking
colour forward
versiontoofhaving our own community
this newsletter website
on our website, help increase in- As
terest in our community. With
always, support our advertisers as they support us. many of our residents travelling and spending

From thetime Board out of the City this will provide an opportunity to keep in touch with the
community. Of course, we will post the newsletter on the site in all its glori-
The following items are keeping your board busy - concerns with traffic and noise, issues with
ous colours!
Firewater, We development
have a new of blocks 501/601,
community meeting
liaison officer withCalgary
from the other Police
inner Service.
city community
associations, Centre City project, cell tower placements and wireless telecommunications
Constable Kevin Whitley reported that car prowlings and theft are on the
antenna structures, the City budget discussions, Muy Thai & Kick Boxing Gym request,
rise, which is what usually happens at this time of year. Lock your vehicle
demolition of the Eau Claire apartment building (should happen this spring), the big blue box
and remove anything that may be of interest to a thief. Put your packages and
building (Concorde Pacific plans no action at this time), the Peace Bridge, etc, etc.
valuables into the trunk or take them with you. Cst. Whitley provided infor-
Membership Drive
mation - ongoing
regarding with allBlock
Apartment buildings
Thisinvoiced. Thank
is a building by you to all who have
responded. program
Should you require an individual membership form
and for more information check out their website please send an email request to and your message will be sent on to the membership coordinator.
Skating Party - On Saturday, January 29th, the ECCA hosted a skating party at the Prince’s
Island Park Lagoon. Even through the weather was chilly and snowy over 100 people came out
throughout the day /56(.,$%2()'")%75#%8",9":%;5$%,-.%/,00(-"))<%%/,="%,%!"##$%
to skate. We had experienced skaters, young skaters, old skaters, and quite a
few new skaters. There &'#()*+,)%,-.%,%'",6*'$%,-.%0#5)0"#5>)%1"2%3",#<%
were several first time skaters from Somalia and India. The hot
chocolate, cookies and fire pits were enjoyed 35>#%?&&@%A5,#.%
by all. ECCA would like to thank BBQs Galore
for the fire pits, Good Earth Cafe (Eau Claire) for the hot chocolate and cookies, City Parks for
preparing the ice and providing benches and firewood, Kidsport for the skate shack (skate
rentals wereOlympic
free!) and Eau Relay
Torch Claire— Market for the use
The Olympic of their
Torch signboards
will arrive to advertise the event.
in Calgary
Also to the Barley Mill, YMCA, Cineplex Odeon and the Sheration for the gift certificates
the evening of January 18, 2010 at the Olympic Plaza. It will be in
they provided. As this was one of the first community events hosted by ECCA and the success
the Calgary/Banff area on January 19th and 20th.
of it, come next January we will be planning another skating party. Review pictures on this
event on our website. A small women’s jacket was left behind at the party. If you lost a jacket
Eau Claire Community Parking Report
and can describe it please send an email to to claim the jacket.
ECCA in discussion with Merle Jensen, Coordinator Parking and Special
Review of Events
ECCA’s Vision/Mission/Objectives-
– Traffic now itthat
Engineering, City of Calgary, wasour Bylawsthat
confirmed havethebeen
visitorapproved, the
board is looking
parkinginto reviewing
permit program our vision,
is not mission
currently being statement and objectives
discussed regarding as a community.
its termination
We would also like to create a logo. Thus put your thinking caps on and
and that there is no current plan or agenda to discuss terminating this program your artistic
in thehands to
paper and future.
help create a logo and vision for this community. Watch the website
Continued on Page for 2 further
updates and if you would like to comment on this, send an email to

1 ! April 2011 ECCA Newsletter

Happy Easter - April 24

Eau Claire Community Association has member of the association; how membership fees are
New By-laws to be collected; how information can and is be shared
In September 2009, the directors of the ECCA decided and how directors' meeting can be conducted. After
that the association's bylaws needed updating. The discussion the members voted unanimously to accept
original set had been filed in June of 1992 when the the bylaws.
“Eau Claire Community Association of Calgary” was This set of membership accepted bylaws now needed
first created and established. to be filed with Alberta Registries. This agency is
Since that time, our community has changed responsible for the manner in which non profit
significantly. In 1992, there were still a number of organizations conduct their business in Alberta and
single family homes, the pathway system was not as ensure that bylaws reflect the standards of the
fully developed, and the issues facing the community provincial laws. Our first filing identified minor
were different from today. In 2011 there are no more grammatical deficiencies, which upon correction,
single family homes (occupied by families), all resulted in the bylaws being accepted and “filed”. As
residents live in multi-storey condominiums, of February 09, 2011, the bylaws that were passed at
communication forms have changed from snail mail our meeting on November 18, 2010 have now become
and the black telephone to email, twitter, facebook, the “rules” under which the Eau Claire Community
cell phones and a myriad of quick and easy ways to Association operates. The bylaws can be viewed on
exchange information. Our bylaws no longer reflected the Association's website
the way we live and communicate in this day and age, We hope that the updated bylaws will serve the Eau
so it became obvious our by-laws – which describe Claire Community Association well in the coming
and proscribe how we do business needed a major years. We have prepared them with flexibility in mind
revision. and in language straight forward enough to make
To make changes to our bylaws, we of course had to them easily understandable. We are sure they will
follow the existing rules. Information as to the Alberta need to be revised again in future years because the
government's current content requirements for by- environment in which we operate is sure to continue
laws in the non profit sector was obtained, seminars to change. Submitted by R. Winterer
attended, help sought from the City of Calgary. A
draft version was written and input sought from Thank you Thank you Thank you
directors and members of the Community. Mr The ECCA Board would like to express their
Merriman the City's Community Recreation appreciation and thanks to Reinhold for taking on
Coordinator was especially helpful as he pointed us in the ByLaw task. We would also like to thank John
the right direction to get information, and proved to be Merriman for his help and guidance through the
an essential sounding board as ideas were proposed whole process.
and evaluated.
On a very cold blustery November 18, 2010, a The Lani Donaldson Literacy Foundation
quorum of hardy members of the community Presents An Evening in Paris
association attended a Special General Meeting at Friday May 6th from 6 to 9 pm
which the draft bylaws (which had undergone a Willow Park Wines & Spirits
number of revisions) were presented. Notices had (10801 Bonaventure Dr SE)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Literacy is a
been sent out and posted earlier in condominium unique fundraising event benefiting two important
buildings, condo boards had been approached to help charities: Youville Residence in Calgary and Room
distribute the draft bylaws and the notice for the to Read Canada.
Special General Meeting. At the meeting Reinhold Enjoy wine, hors d'oeuvres, entertainment, live and
Winterer, the Secretary of the Association, highlighted silent auctions, plus the opportunity to win some
the major changes that the ECCA was proposing in great prizes all the while making a difference.
this set of bylaws. Key changes were the redefinition Tickets are only $50 each and are available at
of a quorum, an update of what is required to be a

2 ! April 2011 ECCA Newsletter

Earth Day - April 22
Message from Kent Hehr, MLA for Calgary Buffalo

As Education Critic for the Alberta Liberal Caucus I often find myself examining what the
proper balance between faith based education and secular education should be in Alberta.
However, in the town of Morinville all four schools are operated by the Greater St. Albert
Catholic regional school division. Parents have no choice regardless of faith but to have
their children attend a Catholic school. Now I want to make one thing abundantly clear I
am not against faith based education. In fact I’m entirely supportive of faith based
education. The issue at hand here is not about faith based schools but about choice.
According to the school board only 30 percent of kids who go to school Morinville
identify as Catholic. That indicates to me that a sizeable majority of students are receiving
faith based education when they would probably prefer a secular option. It doesn’t matter whether the 70
percent who aren’t Catholic are Protestant, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, or Budhist. What matters is that
they are not able to pursue a secular education if that’s what they desire. I am a strong defender of the right
for students to receive a Catholic Education if they so choose but the reciprocal arrangement must also be
available. Parents who wish to have their children pursue a secular education must have that option. I asked
the honorable Minister of Education questions on this topic on March 7th and February 23rd and you can see
those questions and the minster’s response on my website under the “In the
Legislature” section. In my view since St. Albert has four schools it would seem to make the most sense to
simply convert at minimum one of those schools to a secular curriculum. This would provide the people of
St. Albert with the choice that they deserve.

These are my thoughts but I’d like to hear yours. As always my office is open from 9am-4pm M-Fri. You
can contact me by phone 403-244-7737 by email on twitter @kenthehr or
even on

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3 ! April 2011 ECCA Newsletter

ECCA Spring Fling - May 5 - come one, come all!!

Ward 7 Message - Alderman Druh Farrell from citizens, employees and Council about values
For many years, a large share of the cost of suburban and priorities related to City services (Phase Two);
and finally, will ask how budget dollars should be
growth has been covered by all Calgarians through allocated to provide the services Calgarians want
their property taxes and utility rates. A large portion now and for the future (Phase Three). The
of your tax dollars is directed to new growth, rather information obtained will be provided to City
than reinvestment and renewal in our established
communities. Last July, City Council passed a set of Council in June, 2011 for our consideration as we
confirm priorities for the 2012-2014 business plans
principles to guide the new levy negotiations with the and budgets. This will build the foundation for future
suburban development industry. These principles planning and budgeting.
recommended development levies that would more
closely reflect the true costs of growth.
The response from citizens during Phase One was
The discussion around the cost of suburban growth encouraging – community workshops engaged over
has become an urgent one. Calgary has grown by 80 community organizations, associations and civic
250,000 people (the population of Saskatoon) over partners. The next two phases are where we really
the last decade and during this time, growth-related need citizens to tell us how to make the city we all
debt has ballooned to $1.5 billion. If left unchecked, want a reality – what is important, what is not. The
utility debt alone is projected to rise to $2.5 billion focus is on City services, your values and priorities
by 2018. and how they relate to the services that touch your
It takes many years for a new community to fully
build out, and yet these new communities still require As Phase Two begins, five Community Forums will
the amenities afforded to all Calgarians, before there take place involving citizens, youth and community
is a tax base to support the services. Improper associations. Dates and locations for these forums
timing of new development puts a huge burden on can be found at
both the operating and capital budgets. In addition to forums, an information kit and
discussion guide will be available on March 15; it
The principle of allowing housing choice – where can be completed online, in hard copy or as a group
you want to live in Calgary and in what type of by a conversation host. Beginning on March 16, a
dwelling – is an important one. It is equally series of workshops will be held to train citizens,
important that the true costs are associated with the staff and community organizations to host their own
choices that we make and that they are not based on a conversations. The information kit and schedule of
public subsidy. workshops can also be found at
Recommendations on the proposed development If you’ve got something to say about Calgary’s
agreement will be debated at the Land Use Planning future and want to load it on YouTube, you can use
and Transportation Committee on April 20 where the Budget TV. Give us your ideas by loading your
public has the opportunity to comment. I encourage video on your channel, then leave a message on our
you to participate. channel – YYCBudgetTV – and we will add you to
the community conversation. It’s as simple as that.
Ward 7 & Ward 8 Message - Aldermen Druh
Farrell and John Mar This is an exciting time in Calgary, a time to let us
know what is important to you. Please help us by
Our City. Our Budget. Our Future. participating.

In February 2011, City Council approved the To learn more, please visit my facebook page, follow
engagement process for the facilitated review of core m e o n Tw i t t e r @ D r u h F a r r e l l , o r v i s i t
services and The City’s business planning and budget
process. This three-phase public engagement process
began by asking citizens and City of Calgary If John can be of assistance on any civic matter do
employees what information they needed in order to not hesitate to contact his office by phone (403)
participate (Phase One); then will gather information 268-2430, fax (403) 269-3823 or at .

4 ! April 2011 ECCA Newsletter

Mother’s Day - May 8

5 ! April 2011 ECCA Newsletter

Victoria Day - May 23
Pets and People: Learning to Share our Parks Responsibly
In order to maintain, preserve and utilize the City’s parks and green spaces in a sustainable manner, The City of
Calgary Parks, in partnership with Animal & Bylaw Services, has created the Pick Up Pooch’s Poo Yourself
(P.U.P.P.Y.) program. The intention of this program is to educate citizens about the importance of picking up after
their pets and to become familiar with responsible pet ownership, as outlined in Calgary’s Responsible Pet
Ownership Bylaw.
The P.U.P.P.Y. program will consist of four events throughout 2011. Each event will involve a community-based
park clean-up, as well as opportunities for education and interaction with various experts.

Sunday, April 17 – Southland Park: Come learn how animal waste affects the watershed, as well as how
improper use of park spaces can lead to river bank erosion and water contamination.
Sunday, June 12 – River Park: Veterinarians will be on site to explain how sickness and disease can
spread to both animals and humans if pet waste is not picked up.
Sunday, September 25 – Nose Hill Park: It is a reality that Calgarians must learn to live in harmony with
wildlife, such as coyotes. Come explore how the habituation of wildlife can occur if pet waste is left
Sunday, October 16 – Bowmont Park: Calgary’s parks are multi-use spaces. Come learn more about
how to share these spaces in a manner that is respectful of pets, wildlife, bicyclists and all users of green

By participating in this program, Calgarians will gain a deeper appreciation of how to use parks and green spaces
in responsible ways. Learning to share the space is crucial to increasing user enjoyment and sustaining the
ecological integrity of the many beautiful parks across Calgary.
Come participate in a P.U.P.P.Y. program event! Show how you take pride in your parks by assisting with a park
cleanup and learn how to protect your parks for shared use today and in the future!
For more information about the P.U.P.P.Y. program please go to or call 3-1-1.

6 April 2011 ECCA Newsletter

Royal Wedding - April 29









7 April 2011 ECCA Newsletter

Remember to Vote - May 2
CBC/Calgary Reads Book Sale:
The Family Who Reads Together
By grade 2, it was clear that Anna was struggling to read. Through Calgary Reads, an early literacy
initiative, Anna was matched with a trained volunteer for individual tutoring. Her mother, Nancy, recognized
the effectiveness of Calgary Reads in bolstering literacy levels and soon became a volunteer tutor herself.
Eventually she became a volunteer with the annual CBC/Calgary Reads book sale.
As a tireless advocate of the fundraising event that she feels perfectly reflects the mission of Calgary
Reads, Nancy logs countless hours as a member of the book sale’s Operations Committee, in addition to
sorting, setup, and sale day duties. And just as Nancy once followed her daughter into the Calgary Reads
program, Anna, now in grade 11, has joined her mother as a book sale volunteer. It was a natural
progression, since Anna is now an avid reader, who frequently recommends books to Nancy. Together,
mother and daughter characterize the multi-generational commitment of a family that has been touched by
Calgary Reads.
The CBC/Calgary Reads book sale is the major annual fundraiser for the program, and an essential
event for book lovers. In 2010 the book sale raised $125,000 for the early literary initiative, while thousands
of book lovers returned home with high quality used books.
This year the book sale promises to be even better, with a larger location and expanded hours.
Join us at the annual CBC/Calgary Reads book sale on May 13 (noon-9pm), May 14 (9am-6pm) and May
15 (9am-4pm) at the Calgary Curling Club, 720 – 3rd Street NW. You can also help by dropping off quality
used books at the Calgary Curling Club, starting April 27, weekdays from 8am-8pm and weekends from
9am-4pm, or at any RBC branch from April 11 - May 4.

YMCA Calgary Activities:

• Open Y Day: On the third Sunday of every month, Calgarians can enjoy FREE all-day access at any YMCA
Calgary branch.
• CBC Live Right Now (January 3 – July 1, 2011): CBC Live Right Now is designed to inspire Canadians to
join together and improve the health and wellness of this country. The focus is on small steps everyone can
take in their life to improve their health. People of all ages can take part in daily challenges found on the Live
Right Now website and earn rewards for steps taken toward bettering their health—and through small,
manageable changes join together to improve the health of our families, communities and country. YMCA
Canada is proud to be a national partner in this movement, supporting the idea that health and wellness should
be accessible for Canadians. When people are healthy and well, it helps to strengthen the foundations of
community. In addition to a number of local initiatives, YMCA Calgary is offering one-week ‘Try the
Y’ vouchers as one of the Live Right Now challenge rewards (given out online for steps taken to
improve health and wellness). The vouchers provide one-week access to any YMCA branch in Calgary.
• YMCA Program Registration: It’s never too late to join in the fun! Registration continues even after
programs have begun and fees are adjusted accordingly. Get energized in a new program or enjoy one of the
ongoing favorites!
• Fitness Flex Pass / Drop in: Ready to get healthy but can’t commit to a regular program? YMCA Calgary
offers the Fitness Flex Pass and drop-in rates. Come be part of the YMCA family!
• Free Youth Leadership Programs: As a commitment to the health & wellness of our community, YMCA
Calgary is delighted to offer all Youth Leadership Programs at ZERO COST. YMCA helps children and youth
grow, thrive, lead and belong.
• Teen Night: Giving youth a fun and safe place to go, YMCA Calgary branches host Teen Night every Friday
night. Activities vary by branch.
• Day Camps and Residential Camps Registration: It’s that time of year! YMCA Calgary offers an
incredible array of choices for Spring Break and Summer Day camps. Registration dates vary by camp. Give
your kids a chance to meet others, build confidence and get active and excited!

For more details on these and other events happening at YMCA Calgary, contact any YMCA Calgary branch
or visit
YMCA Calgary is a charitable organization dedicated to serving the community through a variety of programs and
services for people of all ages and abilities. For more than 100 years, hundreds of thousands of Calgarians have been
involved in YMCA Calgary through community programs, health and wellness, education and personal development

8 ! April 2011 ECCA Newsletter

ECCA Spring Fling - May 5 - come one, come all!!

A    -       
L  S C

 D A




Restaurant in
Best O verall Regional  
Best Canad
ian A war d
     

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   o f   
 

Lunch, Dinner, Weekend Brunch, Afternoon Retreat, Special Events

R .-. | -

Also visit BOXWOOD

Central Memorial Park in the Beltline
at 340 13th Avenue SW (403) 265-4006

9 April 2011 ECCA Newsletter

Enerflex MS Walk - June 5 - 20th Anniversary !

9-1-1 Needs You!

9-1-1 is in the business of saving lives, but we need your help. We get over
400,000 9-1-1 calls every year – that’s over 1000 calls to 9-1-1 every day. Unfortunately, many of
these – up to 30% or 300 calls every day - are accidental where the caller didn’t mean to call 9-1-1 and
doesn’t have an emergency.
But even if they didn’t mean to call and they hang up or even if their cell phone called without them
knowing, we have to check and make sure every time someone calls 9-1-1 that it was an accident and
they don’t need emergency services. That means we have to call each of those numbers back.
That’s a lot of work! It could also tie up the line if someone with a real emergency is trying to call us.
You can help prevent accidental calls to 9-1-1. A cell phone in your purse, pocket or backpack can call
9-1-1 sometimes EVEN if the keypad is locked. Some phones have a lock feature to prevent this, but
others, such as Blackberries have an “Emergency Call” function that can dial 9-1-1 even if the keypad is
locked. These phones should be put into “standby” or carried in a holster to prevent accidental 9-1-1
calls. Please talk to your cell phone service provider and find out how to safely carry your phone
to prevent accidental 9-1-1 calls.
An inactive cell phone can dial 9-1-1, even if you don’t have
! a plan or ‘pay as you go’ minutes.
Removing the batteries from old cell phones will prevent accidental 9-1-1 calls.
We also get a lot of 9-1-1 calls as a result of children playing with the phone. Please don’t
$ allow
children to play with your phones. $
If you accidently dial 9-1-1, from your home or cell phone $ stay on the line and tell the Emergency
Communications Officer what happened. If you hang up, $ we have to call you back and that could tie up
a line for someone who really needs it. Hanging up is a$$ real hang up for 9-1-1.
9-1-1 needs you to help make sure that everyone who needs emergency$ help gets it.
Trinity Lutheran Church CALL TO CONVENTION !
Habitat For Humanity Presentation THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S !
Saturday, April 2nd, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. !
Learn more about Habitat for Humanity and how you can help. Hear a OF CANADA
family speak about the impact it has had on them. Everyone welcome! CALGARY DIOCESAN ! COUNCIL
Reservations are appreciated, but not required. For more information +,-.$"//012$3456781/$!5/97/-45/$
or to RSVP, phone 403-266-1570 or email Invites all members
to the
Annual Diocesan Convention
89th":;42$<,=$>?=$@$A1B$C=$<?CC $
Good Friday Service !
April 29, 30, & May 1, 2011
Processing the Cross <:!83!;36=!52!
The Delta South Hotel 135
Friday, April 22nd, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. <;3!(3625!,:>2;!?:236!!
Southland Drive S.E.
Easter Sunday Service Theme: “Centred on Faith & Justice”
Sunday, April 24th, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. Go to: http:// GHIAJ!KLMNBIBI!
Join us to celebrate the resurrection of Our Saviour. !
There will be a potluck brunch following the service.
Please bring some food to share. to ! register
Bullfrog Power Presentation !
Saturday, May 7th, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. !
Our Power, Our Future - 10 fascinating facts about Alberta's electricity
grid. Sponsored by Bullfrog Power. Everyone welcome! Reservations
are appreciated, but not required. For more information or to RSVP,

phone 403-266-1570 or email

10 April 2011 ECCA Newsletter

Printing by Kwik Kopy Design and Print Centre



A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY initiative for small business. ACT FAST: 403.268.6642

11 April 2011 ECCA Newsletter

Our website:
white sugar +,-.,(/0#1-2)(',##345#6

demerara sugar 9:,;-<##),=>-,;()>,?@A':,

101 - 3 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta
Hours of Operation:
old water Monday to Friday
T2P 4G6
The Mission
emon 795 1st Avenue SW
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
To Mission
The maintain or enhance the quality of li
orange Phone: 403.457.5599 Saturday
To maintain or enhance the quality of living
tar 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Eau Claire Community. Quality living i
in the Eau Claire Community. Quality living
black peppercorns
Sunday readya access
includes ready accesstoto work, shops,
work, shops, restaurants
10:00 am to 4:00 pm services and a high quality of residential experience.
bay leaf Sunday is Seniors Day
and a high quality of residential experie
ECCA Guidelines
uniper berries 15% off
The ECCA’s principal source Guidelines
of guidelines which
loves define what the future holds for the Eau Claire
Bring in this ad
innamon stick
The ECCA’s
Plan (ARP).what
is contained
the directed
City Council
source of guideli
in the Area Redevelopment
this ARPfor
be the Eau
whole nutmeg
for a 2 for 1 Coffee developed in 1994 and its major recommendations
Community is contained in the Area Re
were adopted under By-Law 2P95 in 1995.
Plan (ARP). City
bodied red wine 2011 ECCA Newsletter
750ml The Board actively seeks Council directed that t
input from residents.
developedare held in
the first
1994 Wednesday
and its of every
major recomm
resh squeezed organic orange juice month at 5:30 PM at the Eau Claire YMCA 101 - 3
St SW. adopted under By-Law 2P95 in 19
ars, water, and spices with the orange The Board actively seeks input from res
ECCA Board Members 2010 - 2011
Bring up to a boil. Add the wine, or- Meetings are held the first Wednesday o
e juice from the orange and lemon. Let month
Paul at 5:30
Denaeghel! ! PM at the Eau Claire YM
r, but do not boil. Reinhold Winterer! Secretary
St SW.
Stephen Green! ! Treasurer
Petra Yildirim! ! Memberships
of the River Café. Janet MacPhee!! Newsletter
Karin Stiefenhofer ! Website
The 2009—2010 ECCA Board M
Barbara Skocdopole! Director
Doris Reimer! ! Director
Roger Brundrit!! Director
Roger Brundrit
Seema Kama! ! Director
Prince’s Island
Marty Heeg
Ted Rafuse! ! Director La Caille on the
Thea Langseth ! Trinity Lutheran Church
Janet MacPhee
Calgary Police Service Cst. Kevin Whitley Princeton Hall
The ECCA newsletterWinterer Eau
is published five times a year Claire Loo
- February,
April, June, October, December. The next Newsletter deadline
Kwik Kopy Design & Print Centre isPerry
May 22 for Bloxom Livingstone
the June 2011 edition. For advertising and or Ho
Suite105, 407 - 2nd Street SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 2Y3 article submission email: For
electronic Rankin Lookout
of the newsletter visit the website:
Seanne Klingensmith Chateau La Ca
12 April 2011 ECCA Newsletter
Peggy Mandelbaum Princeton Gran
Petra Yildirim Prince’s Island

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