Assignment 1 Land Development Regulation

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PL 3011: Land Development

Land Development Regulation
Group Assignment (6 Students)

Land development is a development activity that requires and follows a high number of
regulations. It has a broad impact on the community, both directly and indirectly. Also, it
brings numerous influences in terms of socially and economically.

Understanding regulations related to land development in Indonesia is an important step

before proceeding into the process of land development itself. This assignment has an
objective to give students a chance to increase their understanding of the regulations in
the context of land development.

In this assignment, you are asked to read and compile various regulations related to land
development. You also need to identify which area of land development is ruled by the
regulations. Give examples and sketches where relevant.

Assignment Steps
1. Classes are divided into several groups; each group has a maximum of 6 students
2. Select a set of regulations for each group:
1) Regulation related to land use (ownership rights, land acquisition, share rights,
spatial planning laws, zoning regulations, location permits, strategic
environmental assessment, etc.)
2) Regulation related to the sale and purchase of the land (procedures for buying
and selling land, tax for buying and selling land)
3) Regulation related to permits: land development procedures from land
acquisition to building construction (Location permit, land acquisition, land
restrictions, etc.)
4) Regulation related to the physical construction of the building (Building
regulation. For example, building code. Please refer to Indonesian National
Standards or SNI)
5) Regulation related to housing development (Law concerning housing; Law
concerning vertical housing; Housing SNI, etc.)
6) Regulation related to sanitation and environmental hygiene (SNI)
7) Regulation related to landscape and green open space (SNI)
8) Regulation related to industrial estate developer (SNI)
9) Regulation related to Kasiba and Lisiba (Ready to Build area) (Law)
10) Regulation related to land consolidation (Law)
11) Regulation related to housing standard (infrastructure and utility standard for
housing development) (SNI)
3. Regulation references and website addresses must be included in the assignment.
For example Regulation of The Government of The Republic of Indonesia
Number 36 of 2005 Concerning The Implementation of Law Number 28 of 2002
Concerning Buildings retrieved from, on ...(date)…

Format and Submission

The report is submitted in the form of a paper with the following format:
 Paper Size: A4
 Report cover: Yellow transparent cover
 Font: Arial, 11 pt
 Maximum of Pages: 15 pages
 sketches should be drawn on a scale of 1:1.000
Please coordinate with other groups to have the same format. All reports must be
compiled into one book with the “Indonesian Regulation in Land Development” title.
The deadline for submission is 27 September 2021. (via teaching Asisistant) upload into

List of Regulation (You may add other regulations):

1. Law No. 5 of 1960
2. Law No. 28 of 2002
3. Law No. 27 of 2007
4. Law No. 26 of 2007
5. Law No. 1 of 2011
6. Law No. 20 of 2011
7. Law No. 2 of 2012
8. Law No. 3 of 2014
9. Law No 11 od 2020
10. Regulation of The Government of The Republic of Indonesia No.80 of 1990
11. Regulation of The Government of The Republic of Indonesia No. 74 of 2001
12. Regulation of The Government of The Republic of Indonesia No.16 of 2004
13. Regulation of The Government of The Republic of Indonesia No. 36 of 2005
14. Regulation of The Government of The Republic of Indonesia No. 142 of 2015
15. Regulation of The Government of The Republic of Indonesia No. 14 of 2016
16. Regulation of The President of The Republic Indonesia No. 30 of 2015
17. Governor of West Java Decree No. 58 of 2011
18. Local Government Regulation of West Java Province No. 1 of 2008
19. Local Government Regulation of Bandung City No. 18 of 2011
20. Regulation of The Minister of Home Affairs No. 15 of 1975
21. Regulation of The Minister of Home Affairs No. 32 of 2010
22. Regulation of The Minister of Agriculture No. 5 of 2015
23. Regulation of The Minister of Public Housing No.31 of 2006
24. Regulation of The Minister of Public Housing No.32 of 2006
25. Regulation of The Minister of Public Housing No. 33 of 2006
26. Regulation of The Minister of Public Works No. 29/PRT/M/2006
27. Regulation of The Minister of Public Works No. 5 of 2008
28. Regulation of The Minister of Public Housing and Public Works No.
29. Regulation of The Minister of Industry No. 39/M-IND/PER/2/2016
30. Regulation of The Minister of Industry No. 40/M-IND/PER/6/2016
31. Regulation of the Head of the National Land Agency No. 4 of 1991
32. Letter of the Head of the National Land Agency No.410-4245
33. Circular Letter of The Minister of Agriculture/Head of National Land Agency No.
34. Circular Letter of The Minister of Agriculture/Head of National Land Agency No.
35. Circular Letter of The Minister of Home Affairs No. 590/5648/Agr 9 October
36. SNI 03-6368 of 2000
37. SNI 19-6410 of 2000
38. SNI 03-1733 of 2004
39. SNI 03-6891 of 2004
40. SNI 03-7013 of 2004
41. SNI 3242 of 2008
42. SNI 0225 of 2011
43. SNI 1726 of 2012

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