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How to Find Long Tail Keywords on Amazon

Garlic Press Seller August 5, 2021

One of the things new sellers struggle with is doing keyword research. There are plenty of
tools like Jungle Scout & Helium 10 that can help you with this. But I like to show you one
of my methods that is extremely easy and straight forward.

How to Find Long Tail Amazon Keywords?

For this we will just listen to what Amazon would suggest for our keyword.

1. Enter your main keyword in the Amazon search bar.

In this example I will use the garlic press as our product.

2. Write down all related keywords to your product.

We see a lot of branded keywords in the list. We don’t want to include these as our
keywords. However, we also see a lot of related keywords. Such as: Stainless Steel,
Mincer, Slicer, Dishwasher safe.These are great keywords that people are searching
for and we 100% want to include in our title.

3. Repeat this step by adding a single letter after our keyword.
To get more results we can add a letter after our keyword. For example; “Garlic
Press a”.
Amazon will now auto suggest all long tail keywords starting with A.

Again, write down all related keywords. These keywords are not used as much as the
keywords we found in step 1-2, but are still searched a bunch. So they are great to use in
our bullet points & description.

This is also a great way to do your product research. As you see there are a people
searching for a garlic press for people with arthritis. This might be a great niche if the
general garlic press market is too saturated.

4. Repeat this step for all letters.

I personally repeat this for all letters. But I understand this work could get a little tedious.
Like I said, there are plenty of tools that automate this tasks. But I think you get a much
better feel for what people are searching for if you see the results directly.


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