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Name: Marie Ashley E.

Casia __ Level: BSN – 1 Date: 5/8/2021__



I. Definition:

A. Gloving: The technique of how to properly wear and remove gloves following aseptic
technique and infection control procedures. The sterile gloving technique is used to protect
patients in the hospital and clinical settings from the spread of disease and germs, especially
while performing delicate procedures that could introduce deadly bacteria into sterile organs
or body cavities.

B. Gowning: The technique of how to properly wear and removes gowns following aseptic and
surgical asepsis technique. Clean or disposable impervious (water resistant) gowns or plastic
aprons are worn during procedures when the nurses uniform are likely to be soiled.

II. Purpose:


To enable the nurse to work close to a sterile objects freely without contaminating them.
To prevent transmission of potentially infective organisms from the nurses hands to
clients at high risk for infection
A. Gowning:
 To enable the nurse to work close to a sterile field and handle sterile objects freely
 To protect clients from becoming contaminated with microorganisms on the nurses
hands arms and clothing.

III. Equipment/ Supplies Needed:

- Sterile pack containing sterile gown
- Sterile gloves
- Soap and running water
- Paper towels or cloth towels
- Sink

IV. Procedure:

A. Gloving

Action Rationale P.E

1. Perform thorough hand washing. Reduces the transmissions of
2. Lay the glove pocket on the flat surface Any moisture of the surface could
with the cuff of the gloves facing the contaminate the gloves.
worker. This step prepare sterile surface to perform
sterile application of gloves.
3. Pick the paper of powder from inside the The inner surface which are next to the
glove pocket/ container with transfer sterile gloves will remain sterile. Forceps are
forceps. used to move a sterile article from one place
to another.
4. Powder the palm and interdigital spaces
The powder prevents irritation, makes the
by interlacing the digits and rubbing the
gloves easier to put on and keeps your
back of the hands with the powder palms.
hands dry and comfortable.
5. Pick the folded cuff of the glove for The hands are not sterile. By touching only
dominant hand with the forefinger and the inside of the gloves, the nurse avoids
thumb of other hand, touching only the
glove’s inside surface. Keep the other
contaminating the outside.
fingers of the non-dominant hand clenched.

6. Bring the thumb of the hand to be gloved

towards the small fingers across the palm. If the thumb is kept against the palm, it is
Hold the remaining fingers closed to each less likely to contaminate the outside of the
other. gloves. This step allows ease of application.

7. Carefully pull the glove over the

Attempting to further unfold the outfit is
dominant hand, leaving the cuff in place.
likely to contaminate the gloves.
8. Do not release the glove until the thumb
If the thumb is kept against the palm, it is
is in the right place.
less likely to contaminate the gloves.
9. Spread the rest of the fingers to find the
To ensure its finger fits smoothly into the
right place.
10. Make sure that the cuff did not roll up
the wrist. The skin on the wrist is unsterile.

11. With the gloved dominant hand, slip the Only the sterile glove material on dominant
fingers underneath the second glove’s cuff. hand should touch the glove material of the
other glove.
12. Insert the ungloved fingers under the
Attempting to further unfold the outfit is
folded cuff with the cuff across the palm.
likely to contaminate the gloves.
13. Pull the second glove over the non-
dominant hand carefully until the middle In this position, the thumb is less likely to
finger and thumb are in the right place. touch the arm and become contaminated.

14. Push the cuff downward until it covers

the wrist, making sure that no part of the
gloved hand touches the exposed, non- The skin on the wrist is unsterile.
gloved hand.

15. Insert two fingers into the fold of the

The hands are not sterile, by touching only
first glove then push cuff downward until
inside the gloves, the nurse avoids
the wrist is covered.
contaminating the outside.
This steps prevents the accidental touching
16. Interlock fingers of hands until ready for
of non-sterile objects or the front of the

B. Ungloving

Action Rationale P.E

1. Remove gloves by grasping glove at the
palmar surface just below the cuff. Pull off This keeps the soiled parts of the used
glove over the fingers completely by gloves from touching the skin of the wrist or
inverting or rolling the glove inside out. hand.

2. Continue to hold the inverted, remove

Touching the outside of the second soiled
the glove with fingers of the gloved hand.
glove with the bane hand is avoided.
3. Place the first two fingers of the bare
hand inside the cuff of the second glove The soiled part of the gloves is folded to the
and pull second glove off the fingers by inside to reduce the change of transferring
turning it inside out. any microorganisms by direct contact.

Soiled items have to be properly discarded to

reduce transmission of microorganisms.
4. Discard glove and perform after care.
Hand hygiene is done because contact with
microorganisms may occur while removing

C. Gowning
Procedure Rationale P.E
Your gown will be unsterile if its outer
1. Pick up the gown, grasping the inside of surface touches any unsterile objects.
the gown at the collar. Gowns act as protective barrier and should
be worn to reduce exposure to blood, body
fluid or other potentially infectious liquids.

2. Hold the gown at arm’s length away from

the body and allow gown to unfold by itself, Gown will be unsterile if its outer surface
being careful not to allow the gown to touch touches any unsterile objects.
the floor or any other surface.

3. Hold the gown by the inside surface

spread open and insert each arm through Gown will be unsterile if its outer surface
the armholes. touches any unsterile objects.

4. Keeping your arms in front of you at

shoulder height, extend the hands towards Gown will be unsterile if its outer surface
the gown cuff. touches any unsterile objects.

5. Tie the collar securely from behind and

Overlapping securely covers the uniform at
pull the sleeves unto your arms for proper
the back. Waist ties keep the gown from
fit. Tie the waist strings or snaps at the
falling away from the body, which can cause
back of the gown.
inadvertent soiling of the uniform

D. Gown Removal

Procedure Rationale P.E

The gloves are considered the most
1. If with gloves, remove them to wash
contaminated area so remove them first.
your hands.
Hand hygiene is done because contact with
microorganisms may occur while removing
Remove gown in a manner that does not
contaminate clothing. If you remove the
2. Untie the waist ties FIRST then the collar.
collar first, the top portion of the gown
might just fall off and your clothing becomes
exposed to the soiled items
3. Shake down both sleeves down the arms This way the sleeves are loosened from the
so that the sleeves cover the hands. arms and hands while still covering the arms
and hands
4. With one hand covered by the gown
material, grasp the sleeve at the wrist of the To ensure that the soiled gown material only
left hand. Pull off the sleeve of the left touches the sleeve of the left hand of the
hand until the hand is free. gowned material

5. When left hand is free, grasp both ends

To prevent the left hand from touching the
of the collar, making sure the fingers are
soiled outer part of the gown and gown
touching the inside of the gown.
6. With the right hand still holding on to the To prevent the left hand from touching the
sleeve, pull down and remove the gown soiled outer part of the gown.
with the left hand such that the gown will Gown is rolled in to a ball inside out to
be inside out. lessen transfer of microorganisms by direct
Soiled items have to be properly discarded to
reduce transmission of microorganisms.
7. Perform after care of the materials.
Hand hygiene is done because contact with
microorganisms may occur while removing

Learning Insights.

I have learned that in Gloving there are important steps needed to be followed even if it’s in
small details because it is already a big help in eliminating transmission of microorganisms. In Gowning
and Gown removal, I have observed that it serves as a boundary in the sterile field. It is important to
understand and follow all the principles and procedures to maintain the sterility. I have learned that as a
first year nursing student, I have to practice these procedures because this will be very useful in my
upcoming duties someday.


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