Case Study Sigma - 186

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Name: Vaibhav Atri Enrollment No: 20BSPDD01C186


Sigma private limited is a successful calculator company of USA. It was
established in 1997 at California. Within five years they supplied their product to
the whole USA. The Chief executive officer, Mr. Robert was a visionary and had
planned to expand his business to other countries. He wanted to start their
production unit in Japan as the raw material for the calculator was being imported
from there and the skilled labor at less rates was available. Mr. Robert submitted
the business proposal to the Japanese authorities. A meeting was fixed with the
ministry officials on 15th August, 2008.As Mr. Robert greeted Mr. Tashunaka,
chief secretary of economic affairs and began the conversation by looking directly
at his eye. In America talking by looking at the eye is marked as a sense of respect.
In Japan it is considered as disrespect. This resulted in confrontation, Mr.
Tashunaka felt offended. He left the meeting and cancelled the deal.

Q: What is the importance of cross-cultural communication.?


Cross-cultural communication is a necessity for any company that has a

diverse workforce or plans on conducting global business. This type
of communication provides an understanding of how employees of
different cultures speak, communicate and perceive the world around them.

Cross-cultural communication in an organization deals with understanding

different business customs, beliefs and communication strategies. Language
differences, high-context vs. low-context cultures, nonverbal differences, and
power distance are major factors that can affect cross-cultural communication.

Q2. According to you who is at fault? Mr. Robert or Mr. Tashunaka? Why?

Ans. According to me both Mr. Robert & Mr. Tashunaka were correct at their own
place. Due to the lack of cross-cultural communication the deal was canceled.

Q3. If you were Mr. Robert what you would have done before the meeting and
after the cancellation of deal?

Ans. In place of Mr. Robert I would have gone, first I will learn about the cultural
communication of America and Japan. This will enhance the communication
between me and Mr. Tashunaka. Better communication would have resulted
positively to the deal. After the cancellation of deal, I will learn the cross-culture
communication between America and Japan. And re-approach to Mr. Tashunaka .
More over this would have made me habitual of knowing cultural difference
person with whom I am communicating.

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