Explore, Discussion, Eval Teiteg WK 2-3 - DOBLON

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Republic of the Philippines


San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418
ISO 9001:2015
TUV-R 01 100 1934918

Name: Doblon, Al Grace A. Course & Section: BEED 2A Score______


On the blanks provided, write T if the statement that follows is true and F if it is false.

F 1. A student’s personality can affect how they learn a second language.

T 2. Learning occurs actively and consciously through explicit instruction
and education.
T 3. Linguistic inputs like grammar, semantics, phonology, etc. contributes
to the child’s acquisition of language.
F 4. Linguistic Acquisition occurs on a conscious level.
F 5. The part of the brain that is responsible for the production of speech is
the Wernicke’s area.
Republic of the Philippines
San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418
ISO 9001:2015
TUV-R 01 100 1934918


A. Using the graphic organizer below, differentiate language acquisition from language
learning. Make use of key words/phrases only to express your ideas.

 Unconcious
 Unintentional
 First Language
 Informal situation
 Natural  Conscious
 Intentional Process
 Second Language
 Formal Situation
 Direct instruction
Republic of the Philippines
San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418
ISO 9001:2015
TUV-R 01 100 1934918

B. Choose which is the most important and the least important among the 9 Factors that
Affect Language Learning for Kids. Explain your reason for choosing each of them on
the spaces that follow each of your choice.

1. Most important - The most significant aspect that affects language learning for
children, in my opinion, is "Support at Home," because this is the initial location where
children learn their language through daily talks, stories, music, prayers, and other
activities. This is the stage at which a child's language is nurtured and developed. When
children feel that their native language is valued, they are more likely to develop a good
second language, social-emotional development, and enhance relationships with
2. Least Important - Age is not a barrier to language learning for me, hence it is the least
important aspect that affects language acquisition for youngsters. Even if you are an
adult or a small child, you may learn a language successfully if you are driven and
eager to learn.

Discussion Board
A. Discuss the following briefly:

1. The neurobiological aspect of language acquisition and language learning – Our

brain is divided into various sections, each of which has a specific purpose in helping us
remember and comprehend the memories and words that we constantly spit forth.
Neurobiology isn't the only medical word for a process that interferes with language
acquisition and memorization.

2. Culture influence on English language learning – Because English is an international

language, learning it should also include understanding about the cultures to which it is
linked. We can learn English more efficiently with the support of cultures because
knowing English isn't just about listening; it's also about having a good grasp of its
culture and maintaining a deep awareness of it. Lastly, we are able to learn the
Republic of the Philippines
San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418
ISO 9001:2015
TUV-R 01 100 1934918

grammar rules,words,spelling and the pronunciation in english through deeper studies

of cultures.

B. In a short paragraph, recall how you were able to learn your L2 or second language.
Discuss your insights on the importance of learning a second language.

As I recall, I learnt a second language by going to school and enrolling in English

classes. Reading books, listening to English music, watching movies, and conversing
with someone who spoke English helped me learn a second language. Those things
assist me in learning good grammar, spelling, word usage, and pronunciation.

Learning a second language is crucial to me because it will be our weapon for

connecting and communicating with people of various races via written and spoken
language. A second language will also aid us in avoiding misunderstandings and
mistranslations while traveling throughout the world, as we all speak different languages
and not everyone understands our original tongues. That is why, when we visit their
country, we must learn and adapt to their language and culture.

In the field of business, a second language is extremely vital because

communicating with clients is a prerequisite. We need to learn their original language in
order to get their trust and heart in order to build a secure worldwide business
Republic of the Philippines
San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418
ISO 9001:2015
TUV-R 01 100 1934918

On the blank, write the letter of the correct and best answer that corresponds to each of
the statements that follow.

______ 1. the timeframe in which humans are said to be more adept in acquiring a

a. acquisition period b. critical period c. childhood years d. fluency


______ 2. Part of the brain that processes memories

a. Hypothalamus b. Cerebral Cortex c. Thalamus d. Hippocampus

______ 3. Input that a learner can understand since it is at par with the learner’s
cognition or just a level above it

a. comprehensible data c. comprehensible input

b. prior knowledge d. coded information

______ 4. The Emergent Model of Language Learning was conceptualized by

a. Howard Nostrand c. Stephen Krashen

b. Michael Byram d. Carol Morgan

______ 5. A second language learning method in which language learners engage

themselves physically in their usage of the target (second) language

a. language orientation c. language immersion

b. language acquisition d. language absorption

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