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Purposive Communication – process of exchanging

thoughts or communicating in which ideas are

5 C’s in Communication
deliberately thought about to serve its purpose.
 Courtesy - politeness
Elements of Communication
 Clarity – clear pronunciation, proper grammar
 Speaker – source of message or the sender of etc.
message  Concise – simple and short
 Message – information, ideas, thought  Concrete – able to explain directly
conveyed by speaker in words or in actions  Complete – 5ws and how , avoid ambiguity
 Encoding – process of converting the message
Context on Communication
into words, actions, or other forms
 Channel – medium or means of communicating  Beliefs
 Decoding – process of interpreting the encoded  History
message of the speaker by the receiver  Tradition
 Receiver – recipient of the message, decodes  Religion
 Feedback – reaction, response, or information Specific Context
provided by receiver  family
 Context – environment where communication
takes place Types of Communication
 Barrier – factor that affects the flow of
communication  Formal and Informal
 Verbal
Barriers of Communication  Non verbal – gestures, body language, eye
contact, sign language
 Semantic or Language Barriers - science of  Visual – visual aids e.g. photograph, diagrams,
meaning. Use words or symbols in different chart
sense. Ex. Jargons  Written -sent through writing e.g Email, letter,
 Organizational Barrier …
 Internal and external
 Personal Barrier- judgment, social values,
attitude, bias,pressure of time Ethical Communication –
 Psycho-Sociological barrier – depends on the
emotional and psychological status of Guides communication with regards to moral principles
Principle/ Characteristics of ethical communication
 Physical Barrier – physical distraction
Environmental factors like noise, temperature,  Honesty
room, voice qualities  Courtesy
Defect in medium – telephone, postal system  Confidentiality
 Respect
Principles of Communication
 Credit
 Know your audience.
 Know your purpose.
 Know your topic. Communicative Competence
 Anticipate objections.
- Ability to use language system appropriately
 Present a rounded picture.
- Communicator’s goal is achieved through
 Achieve credibility with your audience.
 Follow through on what you say. effective and appropriate interaction
 Communicate a little at a time. - Management of messages for the purpose of
 Present information in several ways. creating meaning
 Develop a practical, useful way to get feedback. -
 Use multiple communication techniques.
Grammatical – morphology and syntax
 Communication is complex.  When listening to
or reading someone else's message, we often Discourse – connection of sentences of utterance.
filter what's Sociolinguistic – interaction of language to society or to
being said through a screen of our own relate language in social context
opinions.  One of the major barriers to
- Ability of receiver to accommodate or adjust to
communication is our own ideas and
communication style of the sender
Strategic Competence – keeping communication
Communication According to Purpose: flowing / sustaining communication
 To Inform - Ability to adapt to the use of verbal and non-
 To instruct verbal language
 To entertain
 To persuade Psycholinguistic – how the brain processes the
language spoken or received
- cognitive process e.g thinking,memory, perception,
learning …

Cohesion is the grammatical and lexical relationship of


Coherence is when a message of a text has sense

Linguistic Skill – product of being educated and exposed

to language


Interconnectedness of people across the globe

Intercultural communication pertains to the exchange

information of people that belongs to different groups
with unique culture

Drivers of Globalization

 Colonization – control of foreigners to the local

in a certain area
 Diaspora – immigration / A diaspora is a
scattered population whose origin lies in a
separate geographic locale.
 Technology


- Multiple modes of communicating a message

Conveyed through combination of modes

- Gestural
- Spatial
- Audio
- Oral languages

Combination of

- Images
- Motion
- Audio
- Podcast
- Audio-record
- Blog
- Tumblr
- Animation
- Presentation
- Moovly
- Vlog
- Sway
- Website
- Performance
- Oral story telling
- presentation

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