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1 Grammar 3

obligation and ability

Modal chase
mustn’t mustn’t be should have should have have got to should have
must take should call
wear making cooked taken make called

don’t have should have to stay weren’t able don’t have

could read
to take attend out to read to wear

should has couldn’t did have to have to should be

should read
been cook call make cooked

didn’t have must to shouldn’t should have have to

had to call
to apply send have gone on attend wear

could to should to mustn’t not

has to apply can’t wear has to wear
pass calling stay out

don’t must mustn’t mustn’t don’t have should have

should take
read attend make to call been

was able to shouldn’t shouldn’t

had to send mustn’t call can read
pass have taken have been

should have didn’t have must have

must go on should wear must pass
worn to go on worn

don’t must should have mustn’t

can call had taken must send
to send applied cook

mustn’t stay had to shouldn’t must to go must stay have to should to

had to take
out attend have left on out apply take

1 I’ve put on a lot of weight recently. I really a diet.

2 Men a tie to that restaurant, otherwise they won’t let you in.

3 You an umbrella with you when you go out later, in case it rains.

4 The children are asleep, so we too much noise.

5 When I started my first job, I my boss ‘Sir’.

6 When I was six, my teacher was really pleased that I simple books well.

7 I’ve got a long day tomorrow, so I late tonight.

8 We Jim and arrange to meet tonight. Have you got his number?

9 Before you get a job abroad, you for a work permit.

10 You the food more carefully; this chicken could kill someone!

11 It’s my father’s birthday in two weeks. I him a card.

12 I was ill when I took my driving test but still I .

13 Our flight left early, so we a taxi to the airport.

14 If you want to pass your exams this year, you more of your classes.

15 He really late; he missed some really important information.

16 She studies hard and English newspapers and magazines really well now.

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