Read The Corresponding Section in Your Textbook To Fill in The Details For Each Tribe

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Read the corresponding section in your textbook to fill in the de

. Section 5: Northwest Coast Section 6: California

features the California culture region
contains huge redwood
Thick forests, spruce, and trees cover coastal
rugged mountains mountains.

Main food
their main source of food salmon, shellfish, deer,
was clams fish, and sea roots,berries, pine nuts,
weed. acorns

California people build

Types of homes simple homes,in Forest
that use thin boards from areas. they use the bark
logs or living treesand they from the redwood trees to
made roof shingles out of drape these into cone-
large sheets of cedar bark. shaped to form a house.

Types of, and California people will use

materials for, the women were simple plant materials for many
crafts and aprons or skirts made from useful items,they made
clothing grasses are the plants or cooking baskets, storage
sometimes from leather baskets, shifters, and fish
strips. traps,.

they used men used tools made from
wedges,slegehamers for the antlers of deer and Elk
tools to help them with to trip large slabs of bark
work. from redwood trees.
n in your textbook to fill in the details for each tribe.

Section 7: Great Basin Section 8: Plateau Section 9: Southwest

a low area between the

Syrian Nevada and the
Rocky Mountains, rainit's the plateau culture region The area contains
mostly desert, low grass, features Flatlands, Rolling mountains, flat-topped
and Sagebrush, and Grassy Hills, and steep gorges. large Messi's, canyons, and
pine trees. rivers provide water. deserts.

their main source of food

was fish and plants and they
gatheredSprouts of wild they cook stews of corn,
their food source were birds onions and carrots from the rabbit mean, and Chili
and duck eggs. low grasslands. Peppers.

they built their homes partly

temporary shelters of willow Underground.they dug a pit
poles shaped into a cone lined it with a frame of logs,
and covered with brush or and covered everything with they use bricks to make
reeds samplings, reads, in mud. their houses

clothing from animal hides

and decorated with seeds the clothes are made out of
and shells; woven baskets cotton, Drew, spun and
rabbit skin and hats woven into clotth.

Willow digging steaks, Spirit, corn grinders, dams, clay

decoys, sharp sticks. fishing net. pots, clay ovens
Section 10: Great Plains Section 11: Eastern Section 12: Southeast

the Great Plains region is

mostly treeless grassland
with cold Winters and hot
summers. Buffalo and the
other animals graze freely River, mountains and coastal
over the vast teritory dense forests plains.

corn, beans, squash,

their main source of food their main source of food squirrels, rabbits, turkeys,
was Buffalo. was bear, Birds and greens. deer, wild plants

they used to make their log-frame homes covrered

houses out of buffalo skin. with elm bark tripes of woven young trees.

they use Stones, shells,

feathers, has pearls, bones,
clothing and bags made their houses made out of and clay for jewelry. They
from buffalo rock and tree trunks. also wore deer skin.

Spears, bows and arrows spears,and a paddle log. they use bow and arrows.

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