CK-12 Reading Analysis Sheet: Reading Document Set-Up

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Name: Colton Cabading

Date: 9/29/2020

CK-12 Reading Analysis Sheet

Directions: a. Read the desired CK-12 lesson in Schoology.

b. Complete the questions on the bottom of the CK-12 reading. Write the questions and answers in this document.
Section I: Recall/Review
Section II: Apply Concepts/Think Critically/Points to Consider (choose only 1 of these sections)
Section III: Vocabulary Development
c. Submit your work to your teacher when finished by clicking the blue “Share” button in the top right. Your
teacher’s full name is in Schoology for reference. Review the grading rubric (last page)

Question Unit Number Reading Title

What exact unit and reading 6.01J Air Movement

lesson are you working on?

Example Bio B Unit 4.1 The Nervous System

Reading Document Set-up

Write your name and date above, as well as a title in the upper left
corner. It’s above “File, Edit, View etc..”. The title of this reading guide
should be the class, unit number, and reading lesson. For example, “Bio
B 4.1 The Nervous System”.

In order to earn credit for the readings, instead of filling out a reading
guide or doing a reading quiz, you will need to answer the three sections
at the end of the reading as described in the directions above. An
example of the sections are shown in the image on the right (see red
arrows). Review the grading rubric on the last page of this document.

Your teacher will review your answers and let you know within 24 hours
if you have achieved mastery and received credit. ALL ANSWERS MUST
need any assistance you can send an email in Schoology using the email
envelope icon in the upper right hand corner.
Name: Colton Cabading
Date: 9/29/2020

Section I: Recall or Review Questions

Directions: Go to the bottom of your CK-12 reading and answer all questions in the “Recall” or
“Review” section. If the ”Recall” questions aren't present use the “Objective” questions on the top
of the page. Copy and paste the question(s) in the second column below and write your
answer(s) in the third column. Be specific and thoughtful in your response.

Question Question Answer

Number (copy and paste question here) (complete sentences and in your own words please)

1. Under what circumstances will Chinook winds, when warm winds are going up a
mountain they condense
winds be very strong?

2. Given what you know about Hadley cell

global-scale convection cells,
where would you travel if you
were interested in
experiencing warm, plentiful
3. Describe the atmospheric India and Africa where they have warm land and a
circulation for two places cooler coast, with high and low pressure zones
which can cause Monsoons and Haboobs.
where you are likely to find
deserts, and explain why these
regions are relatively warm
and dry.

4. How could the Indian I don't know. However, India wouldn’t have any
monsoons be reduced in water without them, so they would perish without
their monsoons.
magnitude? What effect would
a reduction in these important
monsoons have on that part of
the world?
5. Why is the name “snow eater” Because the winds are warm and will melt snow on
an apt description of Chinook leeward side.
Name: Colton Cabading
Date: 9/29/2020

6. Why does the Coriolis Effect Because the ground below these winds move so
cause air to appear to move both sides of the equator create cells that rotate
opposite of eachother. .
clockwise in the Northern
Hemisphere? When does
Coriolis Effect cause air to
appear to move

** to add boxes click in the 4th row. Click “Format”. Click “Table”. Click “Insert row below”.
Name: Colton Cabading
Date: 9/29/2020

Section II: Apply Concepts or Think Critically or Points to Consider

Directions: Go to the bottom of your CK-12 reading and complete either: Apply Concepts, Think
Critically or Points to Consider questions. You are to only complete 1 of these sections. Copy
and paste the question(s) in the second column below and write your answers in the third column.
Be specific and thoughtful in your response. If there are none of these sections, you must develop 2
high level questions about the reading and answer them accordingly.

Question Question Answer

Number (copy and paste question from Ck-12) (complete sentences and in your own words please)

1. How do local winds affect the Some winds have very important effects on the
weather and some climate regions.
weather in an area?

2. How do the global wind belts Global wind belts are pretty stable, causing normal
climates. Cools some parts of the world, heats other
affect the climate in an area? parts up.

3. What are the main principles that Coriolis effect is the spin of Earth, low and high
pressure creates wind, sun creates energy that is then
control how the atmosphere distributed into the hemisphere

** to add boxes--left click in box above, then right click, then “insert row below” below.
Name: Colton Cabading
Date: 9/29/2020
Name: Colton Cabading
Date: 9/29/2020

Section III: Vocabulary Development

Directions: Choose any 5 “bold” face vocabulary words from the CK-12 reading to analyze and
increase your science literacy development. Fill out the table below.

Vocabulary Term Your own definition Image/Picture Another Word/Term

(No copy and paste) (copy/paste) that is associated

EXAMPLE: An unhealthy Frito-Lay crunchy, wheat Similar to “Takis”

Hot Cheetos based snack that has added “hot” spices.

1.advection A transfer of a substance by a large body of Temp change

thermal energy.

2.haboob Sandstorm
A sand storm in typically dry hot areas with
minimal vegetation.

3.monsoon A seasonal change in direction of wind Typhoon

4.rainshadow When warm humid air goes over a mountain, it deserts

effect condenses into rain, and all that is left once over
the mountain is dry warm air, creating deserts.

5.katabatic winds Winds that blow vertically on slopes, typically Prevailing winds

** to add boxes--left click in box above, then right click, then “insert row below” below.
Name: Colton Cabading
Date: 9/29/2020

Grading Rubric

Section CK-12 Reading Analysis Grade

(2 points per section) Details/Content 0- Missed Standard
1- Approaching Standard
2- Standard Achieved

Name and date are present. Document has a proper title in

Document Labeled
the upper left hand corner (above file, edit, etc.). Reading 2
(Page 1) Unit and title are present in the table under the directions.

Section is complete with questions written and thoughtful

Recall and Review
answers/responses. No copy paste of answers from 2
(Page 2) Google. Student understanding of concepts is evident.

Apply Concepts/ Section is complete with questions written and thoughtful

Think Critically/ answers/responses. No copy paste of answers from
Google. Student understanding of concepts is evident. 2
Points to Consider/
(Page 3)

Vocabulary The vocabulary table is complete and definitions are in

Development students “own words.” No copy paste from Google. Image
chosen reflects the word correctly. Associated term has 2
(Page 4) been well thought of.

All writing has been proofread for spelling and grammar.

No mistakes are made for full credit (more than 2 mistakes
Grammar and Spelling on the entire document will receive a “0” score for this


**You must earn an 8/10 (80%) to receive credit for the reading

Teacher Remarks:
Solid effort Colton!

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