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Essay Exam #6: (Each question is worth 25 points) Due Saturday, August 14
at 11:59pm

1. You’re at a party and someone says to you “When we die, all people will
go to Heaven and we will be spirit angels playing harps on clouds.”
Based on the reading, discussion, lecture and the Bible, how would you
respond to this person’s statement?

I would tell that person that the description they are giving of heaven is not the
true image of heaven. I would tell them that heaven is beyond description, that
words would not suffice. I would tell him or her that according to 1 Corinthians
2:9,10, nobody has seen or heard or felt in their heart all that God has prepared
for those who have accepted him into their heart. The Bible does tell us in
Revelation that we will see God’s face, and that we will glorify him and worship
him for eternity. We will be without hunger, thirst, pain, sorrow, and death.
Heaven is filled with light and fellowship.

2. You read on someone’s Facebook page: “President Biden is THE Anti-

Christ” Based on the reading, discussion, lecture and the Bible, how would
you respond to this person’s claim?

I would respond that President Biden is not the Anti-Christ, as he does not deny
that Jesus is from God, and therefore a deity. I have never heard President Biden
exalts himself above God or proclaim to be God. Finally, although President Biden
is a faithful Christian, and has been for decades, he is the leader of the free
world, not a leader in a specific church, and therefore cannot be the Anti-Christ.

3. Based on the lecture, list what principles of interpretation are most

important when reading the Book of Revelation? Why? What is the main
reason there are disagreements about how to interpret this book, especially
as it related to Revelation 20?

The Book of Revelation is a type of literature that is called apocalyptic, it

uses symbols very heavily and needs to be read carefully so that words
used symbolically are not taken literally. There are several ways to
interpret the Book of Revelation, and specifically Revelation 20. The first
principle is premillennialism, which teaches us that Jesus will return and
establish an actual kingdom on earth. Under that umbrella is
dispensationalism, where God has established seven time periods for
humanity where we live under specific expectations. Postmillennialism is
another way to interpret Revelation 20. It interprets that chapter to mean
that Christ will work through Christians to create a period of peace and
prosperity on earth, and that this period will end after 1,000 years. After
this time, Satan will return to wage war, and Jesus will return to be
ultimately victorious. Amillennialism is yet another way to interpret
Revelation 20. It does not take the chapter literally, but believes that it is
describing something far more beautiful and meaningful.

4. Based on the lecture, readings, and the Bible, what signs are we currently
seeing that shows we are heading closer and closer to Judgment Day?
Make sure you tie you observations to Scripture to support your claims.

Matthew 24:12 – There are currently more and more ways to sin, and acts of sin
are increasing.
Matthew 24:6 – There have been two major world wars, it seems this past
century there has never been a time when two groups were not in war or at least
on the edge of it.
Matthew 24:7 – We are currently seeing famine in the Horn of Africa, as well as
some communities in the Middle East.
Luke 21:25 – We have seen record numbers of hurricanes, typhoons, and other
tropical storms that affect the ocean. We have also had devastating tsunamis.
Matthew 24:10 – Christian groups have been tortured, mistreated, even executed
in places like Nigeria and Yemen.
Matthew 24:10 – Church membership is declining.
Matthew 24:24 – I have seen pastors call worshipers up to be healed, claiming it
to be a miracle.

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