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Name:_Stephanie Johnson___________________________________

Session #4 Exam Questions. Due Saturday, July 31 at 11:59pm.

(1) What is the narrow and more specific definition of a Sacrament?

Using this definition why wouldn’t marriage be considered a sacrament?
(20 points)

The narrow definition of a Sacrament is a Means of Grace that is a

sacred act; that is commanded or instituted by Jesus Christ; that is the
Word of God combined with a physical or visible element; and is meant
to convey or assure forgiveness of sins, power over death, and eternal
Marriage would not be considered a sacrament because it is not meant
to convey or assure the forgiveness of your sins as a means of Grace.

(2) Fill in the blanks (20 points)

Holy Baptism = Word of God + Water

In Holy Communion:
 Christ’s Body = Word of God + Bread
 Christ’s Blood = Word of God + Cup (Fruit of the Vine)

What are the three benefits from saving faith one receives in Holy
Baptism and Holy Communion? (Hint with Holy Baptism you receive
these benefits for the first time. In Holy Communion, you are assured
you still have these benefits.)
Benefits are you are reborn as an individual, reborn with Christ to save
you from sin, and you receive power over death and eternal life in
Heaven. You are forgiven for your future sins.

(3) Bob Johnson in a 65 year-old neighbor who just told you he was
baptized last week at his church. Based on this class’ textbook, Scripture
and the lecture, list five questions you can ask to make sure it was a
valid baptism and how well he understands what he received. (20
I would ask Bob if he received the Word of God while being baptized,
Matthew 28:16-20. I would ask if he has made a decision for Christ and
accepted him in his heart. I would ask if he considers baptism a means
of Grace. I would ask if he believes baptism is a symbol or the actual act
of accepting God’s forgiveness.

(4) Frank is fooling around on his wife. He feels bad about it but is not
willing to break off the affair. Based on the reading and lecture, should
he go to Holy Communion at Church this Sunday? Why or why not?
In your answer please answer the following:
 Is he still receiving Christ’s body and blood?
 What are the benefits of Holy Communion?
 Is he still receiving its benefits?
(20 points)
Frank should not go to Holy Communion because he is not repentant in
his actions. By having an affair, he is violating the sixth and tenth
commandments. He does not indicate that he is willing to change or that he
is sorry, therefore he is not receiving Christ’s body and blood. The benefits
of Holy Communion are acknowledging your sins and asking forgiveness
through the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Frank is not receiving those

(5) Andrea is a believer in Jesus Christ. She has faith, and attends church
regularly. She keeps praying and praying that her cancer go away. It
has only gotten worse. She says, “Prayer doesn’t work.” Based on the
class’ textbook, Scripture and the lecture, what could you tell her that
would assure you it does? (20 points)
Prayer is a means for us to communicate to God, it is not a two-way street.
God hears us, but we should not expect an immediate response. God has a
plan for us all. His answer to our prayer may not be to grant our request, but
may be to gain a better understanding of his Word and live according to His
will. Our faith means that we accept that He knows better than we do what we

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