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MOODBIDRI D.K. -574225



This is to certify that the Mini Project entitled “ IOT Based smart notice board ” has been
successfully completed by



the bonafide students of Department of Computer Science & Engineering,Alva’s

Institute of Engineering and Technology in DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE &
during the year 2019–2020. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal
Assessment have been incorporated in the report deposited in the departmental library. The Mini
project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Mini Project
work prescribed for the Bachelor of Engineering Degree.

Mr. Partha sarathi Dr. Manjunath Kotari

Project Guide HOD CSE









hereby declare that the dissertation entitled, IOT Based smart notice board is completed
and written by us under the supervision of my guide Mr. Partha sarathi, Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Alva’s Institute of Engineering And
BELAGAVI during the academic year 2019-2020.The dissertation report is original and it
has not been submitted for any other degree in any university.
The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany a successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of people who made it possible, success is the epitome of
hard work and perseverance, but steadfast of all is encouraging guidance.

So, with gratitude we acknowledge all those whose guidance and encouragement
served as beacon of light and crowned the effort with success.

The selection of this mini project work as well as the timely completion is mainly due
to the interest and persuasion of our mini project guide Mr. Partha sarathi, Assistant
Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering. We will remember her
contribution for ever.

We sincerely thank, Dr. Manjunath Kotari, Professor and Head, Department of

Computer Science & Engineering who has been the constant driving force behind the
completion of the project.

We thank our beloved Principal Dr.Peter Fernandes, for his constant help and
support throughout.

We are indebted to Management of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and

Technology, Mijar, Moodbidri for providing an environment which helped us in
completing our mini project.

Also, we thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff of Department of Computer
Science & Engineering for the help rendered.






ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………............ ii
ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………….. iii







2.1 13



REFERENCES………………………………………………………… 15

This document deals with an innovative rather an interesting manner of intimating the
message to the people using a wireless electronic display board which is synchronized
using the Bluetooth technology. This will help us in passing any message almost
immediately without any delay just by sending a SMS which is better and more reliable
than the old traditional way of passing the message on notice board. This proposed
technology can be used in colleges many public places, malls or big buildings to enhance
the security system and also make awareness of the emergency situations and avoid many
dangers. Using Bluetooth module display the message onto the display board.




In this world Mobile Phones and the related technologies are becoming more and
more prevalent. Various technical arenas in the field of Telecommunication and
Embedded Systems are becoming omnipresent in the people. The use of cell phones
has rapidly increased over the last decade and a half Upgradation in networking
technologies has encouraged the development and growth of very dense networks.
Now-a-days the general mass prefer communicating while on the move therefore
landlines usage has been drastically reduced. Notice boards are one of the widely
used ones ranging from primary schools to major organizations to convey messages
at large. A lot of paper is been used and which is later wasted by the organizations.
This in turn leads to a lot of deforestation thus leading to global warming. Small
innovative steps in making use of technology for regular purposes would have an
adverse effect on the environment issues which we are presently concerned about.
The main aim of this paper is to design a SMS driven automatic display Board which
can replace the currently used programmable electronic display and conventional
notice boards. It is proposed to design to receive message in display toolkit which can
be used from an authorized mobile phone. The whole process can be described from
the transmitter and receiver section. The BLUETOOTH module receives a message
from the authorized mobile phone and the message is extracted by the
microcontroller from the BLUETOOTH module and is displayed on the MATRIX
display board. Serial to parallel communication is used for the entire process from
WIFI module to Microcontroller and from microcontroller to the matrix display. And
for the acknowledgement LCD display is used. This proposed system in this paper

has many upcoming applications in educational institutions and organizations, crime
prevention, traffic management, railways, advertisements etc. Been user friendly,
long range and faster means of conveying information are major bolsters for this
application. By using this proposed methodology we can enhance the security system
and also make awareness of the emergency situations and avoid many dangers.


The notices were written on wooden notice board hanging on the wall to display
announcements. The goal of electronic notice board is to provide the access to
notices and articles quickly not only within the college premises, also wherever
and whenever they need to know. Electronic display board is fast gaining
acceptance and application in different spheres of life which include educational
institutions, public utility places. In advertisement due to the problem
associated with construction of signposts and manually placement of papers on
walls. All electronic boards are designed with a wired system.


To overcome existing problem, we are going to make the system by

avoiding wire with the internet of things. Here the information will be
sent by only authorized person through mobile or computer. Here we use
nRF for sending message through computer and GSM for sending message
through mobile. RTC is used for setting time to send the message on the
matrix board. The main objective of the system is to develop a wireless
notice board that displays notices in the form of image, text, pdf. It uses a
Raspberry pi as a processor. Raspberry pi is equipped with a Portable
Projector/LCD display. We can display messages and can be easily set or
changed from anywhere in the world. In addition, mobile application is
used to convert voice into text. Here the voice is pass through the voice
reorganization system and converted into text. The system will send this
message to cloud. Then it passes to the notice board which is connected to
internet by Wi-Fi. The processor, process it and displayed on the screen. We
can send the message to all the screens or desired screen.


Arduino uno- The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board based on the
Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by The board is
equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to
various expansion boards and other circuits. The board has 14 digital I/O pins , 6 analog
I/O pins, and is programmable with the Arduino IDE via a type B USB cable.

Bluetooth module hc 05- It’s a Serial Bluetooth module for Arduino and other
microcontrollers with Operating Voltage: 4V to 6V (Typically +5V) and Operating
Current: 30mA.Its Range can vary up to 100m. Can be easily interfaced with Laptop or
Mobile phones with Bluetooth.

Block Diagram Of Proposed System.

Figure 1 Block diagram of proposed system




1. Arduino UNO

Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet). It

has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog
inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header
and a reset button.



Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and

software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or
a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED,
publishing something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of
instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino
programming language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), based
on Processing.

Over the years Arduino has been the brain of thousands of projects, from everyday objects
to complex scientific instruments. A worldwide community of makers - students,
hobbyists, artists, programmers, and professionals - has gathered around this open-source
platform, their contributions have added up to an incredible amount of accessible
knowledge that can be of great help to novices and experts alike.

Arduino was born at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute as an easy tool for fast
prototyping, aimed at students without a background in electronics and programming. As
soon as it reached a wider community, the Arduino board started changing to adapt to new
needs and challenges, differentiating its offer from simple 8-bit boards to products
for IoT applications, wearable, 3D printing, and embedded environments. All Arduino
boards are completely open-source, empowering users to build them independently and
eventually adapt them to their particular needs. The software, too, is open-source, and it is
growing through the contributions of users worldwide.

Arduino is a computer hardware and software company, project, and user community that
designs and manufactures microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive
objects that can sense and control objects in the physical world. The project's products are
distributed as open-source hardware and software, which are licensed under the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) or the GNU General Public
License (GPL),[1] permitting the manufacture of Arduino boards and software distribution
by anyone. Arduino boards are available commercially in preassembled form, or as do-it-
yourself kits.
The project's board designs use a variety of microprocessors and controllers. These
systems provide sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to
various expansion boards ("shields") and other circuits. The boards feature serial
communications interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on some models, for
loading programs from personal computers. The microcontrollers are mainly programmed
using a dialect of features from the programming languages C and C++. In addition to
using traditional compiler toolchains, the Arduino project provides an integrated
development environment (IDE) based on the Processing languageproject.
The Arduino project started in 2005 as a program for students at the Interaction Design
Institute Ivrea in Ivrea, Italy,[2] aiming to provide a low-cost and easy way for novices and
professionals to create devices that interact with their environment
using sensors and actuators. Common examples of such devices intended for beginner
hobbyists include simple robots, thermostats, and motiondetectors.
Arduino/Genuino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet).
It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog

inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a
reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect
it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get
started.. You can tinker with your UNO without worring too much about doing something
wrong, worst case scenario you can replace the chip for a few dollars and start over again.
"Uno" means one in Italian and was chosen to mark the release of Arduino Software (IDE)
1.0. The Uno board and version 1.0 of Arduino Software (IDE) were the reference
versions of Arduino, now evolved to newer releases. The Uno board is the first in a series
of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform; for an
extensive list of current, past or outdated boards see the Arduino index of boards.

Why Arduino?

Thanks to its simple and accessible user experience, Arduino has been used in thousands
of different projects and applications. The Arduino software is easy-to-use for beginners,
yet flexible enough for advanced users. It runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Teachers
and students use it to build low cost scientific instruments, to prove chemistry and physics
principles, or to get started with programming and robotics. Designers and architects build
interactive prototypes, musicians and artists use it for installations and to experiment with
new musical instruments. Makers, of course, use it to build many of the projects exhibited
at the Maker Faire, for example. Arduino is a key tool to learn new things. Anyone -
children, hobbyists, artists, programmers - can start tinkering just following the step by
step instructions of a kit, or sharing ideas online with other members of the Arduino

There are many other microcontrollers and microcontroller platforms available for
physical computing. Parallax Basic Stamp, Netmedia's BX-24, Phidgets, MIT's
Handyboard, and many others offer similar functionality. All of these tools take the messy
details of microcontroller programming and wrap it up in an easy-to-use package. Arduino
also simplifies the process of working with microcontrollers, but it offers some advantage
for teachers, students, and interested amateurs over other systems:

• Inexpensive - Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive compared to other

microcontroller platforms. The least expensive version of the Arduino module can be
assembled by hand, and even the pre-assembled Arduino modules cost less than$50
• Cross-platform - The Arduino Software (IDE) runs on Windows, Macintosh OSX, and
Linux operating systems. Most microcontroller systems are limited to Windows.

• Simple, clear programming environment - The Arduino Software (IDE) is easy-to-use
for beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users to take advantage of as well. For
teachers, it's conveniently based on the Processing programming environment, so students
learning to program in that environment will be familiar with how the Arduino IDE works.
• Open source and extensible software - The Arduino software is published as open
source tools, available for extension by experienced programmers. The language can be
expanded through C++ libraries, and people wanting to understand the technical details
can make the leap from Arduino to the AVR C programming language on which it's based.
Similarly, you can add AVR-C code directly into your Arduino programs if you wantto.
• Open source and extensible hardware - The plans of the Arduino boards are published
under a Creative Commons license, so experienced circuit designers can make their own
version of the module, extending it and improving it. Even relatively inexperienced users
can build the breadboard version of the module in order to understand how it works and
save money.


Arduino is open-source hardware. The hardware reference designs are distributed under
a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.5 license and are available on the Arduino
website. Layout and production files for some versions of the hardware are also available.
The source code for the IDE is released under the GNU General Public License, version
2.[8] Nevertheless an official Bill of Materials of Arduino boards has never been released
by the staff of Arduino.
Although the hardware and software designs are freely available under copyleft licenses,
the developers have requested that the name "Arduino" be exclusive to the official
product and not be used for derived works without permission. The official policy
document on use of the Arduino name emphasizes that the project is open to incorporating
work by others into the official product.[9] Several Arduino-compatible products
commercially released have avoided the Arduino name by using -duino namevariants.[10]

An early Arduino board[11] with an RS-232 serial interface (upper left) and an Atmel
ATmega8 microcontroller chip (black, lower right); the 14 digital I/O pins are at the top,
the 6 analog input pins at the lower right, and the power connector at the lower left.

An Arduino board consists of an Atmel 8-, 16- or 32-bit AVR microcontroller (although
since 2015 other makers' microcontrollers have been used) with complementary
components that facilitate programming and incorporation into other circuits. An
important aspect of the Arduino is its standard connectors, which let users connect the
CPU board to a variety of interchangeable add-on modules termed shields. Some shields
communicate with the Arduino board directly over various pins, but many shields are
individually addressable via an I²Cserial bus so many shields can be stacked and used in
parallel. Before 2015, Official Arduinos had used the Atmel megaAVR series of chips,
specifically the ATmega8, ATmega168, ATmega328, ATmega1280, and ATmega2560.
In 2015, units by other producers were added. A handful of other processors have also
been used by Arduino compatible devices. Most boards include a 5 V linear regulator and
a 16 MHz crystal oscillator (or ceramic resonator in some variants), although some
designs such as the LilyPad run at 8 MHz and dispense with the onboard voltage regulator
due to specific form-factor restrictions. An Arduino's microcontroller is also pre-
programmed with a boot loader that simplifies uploading of programs to the on-chip flash
memory, compared with other devices that typically need an external chip programmer.
This makes using an Arduino more straightforward by allowing the use of an ordinary
computer as the programmer. Currently, optiboot bootloader is the default bootloader
installed on Arduino UNO.[12]
At a conceptual level, when using the Arduino integrated development environment, all
boards are programmed over a serial connection. Its implementation varies with the
hardware version. Some serial Arduino boards contain a level shifter circuit to convert
between RS-232 logic levels and transistor–transistor logic (TTL) level signals. Current
Arduino boards are programmed via Universal Serial Bus (USB), implemented using
USB-to-serial adapter chips such as the FTDI FT232. Some boards, such as later-model
Uno boards, substitute the FTDI chip with a separate AVR chip containing USB-to-serial
firmware, which is reprogrammable via its own ICSP header. Other variants, such as the
Arduino Mini and the unofficial Boarduino, use a detachable USB-to-serial adapter board
or cable, Bluetooth or other methods, when used with traditional microcontroller tools
instead of the Arduino IDE, standard AVR in-system programming (ISP) programming is

An official Arduino Uno R2 with descriptions of the I/O locations

The Arduino board exposes most of the microcontroller's I/O pins for use by other circuits.
The Diecimila,[a] Duemilanove,[b] and current Uno[c] provide 14 digital I/O pins, six of
which can produce pulse-width modulated signals, and six analog inputs, which can also
be used as six digital I/O pins. These pins are on the top of the board, via female 0.1-inch
(2.54 mm) headers. Several plug-in application shields are also commercially available.
The Arduino Nano, and Arduino-compatible Bare Bones Board[13] and
Boarduino[14] boards may provide male header pins on the underside of the board that can
plug into solderless breadboards.
Many Arduino-compatible and Arduino-derived boards exist. Some are functionally
equivalent to an Arduino and can be used interchangeably. Many enhance the basic
Arduino by adding output drivers, often for use in school-level education, to simplify
making buggies and small robots. Others are electrically equivalent but change the form
factor, sometimes retaining compatibility with shields, sometimes not. Some variants use
different processors, of varying compatibility.
Digital Pins
The pins on the Arduino can be configured as either inputs or outputs. This document
explains the functioning of the pins in those modes. While the title of this document refers
to digital pins, it is important to note that vast majority of Arduino (Atmega) analog pins,
may be configured, and used, in exactly the same manner as digital pins.

Properties of Pins Configured as INPUT

Arduino (Atmega) pins default to inputs, so they don't need to be explicitly declared as
inputs with pinMode() when you're using them as inputs. Pins configured this way are said
to be in a high-impedance state. Input pins make extremely small demands on the circuit
that they are sampling, equivalent to a series resistor of 100 megohm in front of the pin.
This means that it takes very little current to move the input pin from one state to another,
and can make the pins useful for such tasks as implementing a capacitive touch sensor,
reading an LED as a photodiode, or reading an analog sensor with a scheme such
as RCTime.

This also means however, that pins configured as pinMode(pin, INPUT) with nothing
connected to them, or with wires connected to them that are not connected to other circuits,
will report seemingly random changes in pin state, picking up electrical noise from the
environment, or capacitively coupling the state of a nearby pin.

Pullup Resistors with pins configured as INPUT

Often it is useful to steer an input pin to a known state if no input is present. This can be
done by adding a pullup resistor (to +5V), or a pulldown resistor (resistor to ground) on
the input. A 10K resistor is a good value for a pullup or pulldown resistor.

Properties of Pins Configured as INPUT_PULLUP

There are 20K pullup resistors built into the Atmega chip that can be accessed from
software. These built-in pullup resistors are accessed by setting the pinMode() as
INPUT_PULLUP. This effectively inverts the behavior of the INPUT mode, where HIGH
means the sensor is off, and LOW means the sensor is on.

The value of this pullup depends on the microcontroller used. On most AVR-based boards,
the value is guaranteed to be between 20kΩ and 50kΩ. On the Arduino Due, it is between
50kΩ and 150kΩ. For the exact value, consult the datasheet of the microcontroller on your

When connecting a sensor to a pin configured with INPUT_PULLUP, the other end
should be connected to ground. In the case of a simple switch, this causes the pin to read
HIGH when the switch is open, and LOW when the switch is pressed.

The pullup resistors provide enough current to dimly light an LED connected to a pin that
has been configured as an input. If LEDs in a project seem to be working, but very dimly,
this is likely what is going on.

The pullup resistors are controlled by the same registers (internal chip memory locations)
that control whether a pin is HIGH or LOW. Consequently, a pin that is configured to
have pullup resistors turned on when the pin is an INPUT, will have the pin configured as
HIGH if the pin is then switched to an OUTPUT with pinMode(). This works in the other
direction as well, and an output pin that is left in a HIGH state will have the pullup
resistors set if switched to an input with pinMode().

Properties of Pins Configured as OUTPUT

Pins configured as OUTPUT with pinMode() are said to be in a low-impedance state. This
means that they can provide a substantial amount of current to other circuits. Atmega pins
can source (provide positive current) or sink (provide negative current) up to 40 mA
(milliamps) of current to other devices/circuits. This is enough current to brightly light up
an LED (don't forget the series resistor), or run many sensors, for example,

but not enough current to run most relays, solenoids, or motors. Short circuits on Arduino
pins, or attempting to run high current devices from them, can damage or destroy the
output transistors in the pin, or damage the entire Atmega chip. Often this will result in a
"dead" pin in the microcontroller but the remaining chip will still function adequately. For
this reason it is a good idea to connect OUTPUT pins to other devices with 470Ω or 1k
resistors, unless maximum current draw from the pins is required for a particular

Technical specifications

Microcontroller ATmega328P
Operating Voltage 5V
Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V
Input Voltage (limit) 6-20V
Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
PWM Digital I/O Pins 6
Analog Input Pins 6
DC Current per I/O Pin 20 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA
32 KB (ATmega328P)
Flash Memory
of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328P)
EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328P)
Clock Speed 16 MHz
Length 68.6 mm
Width 53.4 mm
Weight 25 g

2.2 USING HC-05

A. Operating environment. The objective is to be able to stand near the Arduino and casually
acquire live data. The equipment is claimed to work over 10m. I have used it over 15m with
clear line of sight. One wall of lightweight domestic construction will cut the range to about
5m maximum, and a single layer of foil building insulation can kill it stone dead. This last
can mean that indoor to outdoor communication could be pretty risky.

B. Equipment used: 1) A standard Arduino Uno or Mega. Any 5volt Arduino should suffice.
2) An HC-05 or HC-06 bluetoothmodule isused.The HC-06 operates as a slave only but is
entirely suitable for this exercise. The HC-05 can operate as a master and thus has more
commands. I don’t think there is much difference in the price, and its extra versatility may
be of value in the future. 3) A means of connection. I use a four-conductor cable to a header
on a proto shield. A breadboard lashup would suffice, or female-male leads direct into the
Arduino headers. You could solder the module directly into a proto shield. In this event, it
would be wise to have a jumper in the 5v line so that Bluetooth can be isolated while the
code is uploaded.This may be as simple as running 1k and 2k between Tx and ground. The
picture shows an example, Connecting Arduino with Bluetooth.

C. The communication method and the connections required:This is all about using the
standard serial protocol using hardware, using pins D0 and D1 on the Arduino, which are
clearly marked for the purpose. Pin D0, Rx, is the receiver and therefore connected to the
Tx pin on Bluetooth. This means D1 is connected to Rx on Bluetooth.

This is not about the alternative procedure, known as “software serial” so, if in the unlikely
event that you really do have a need to use software serial for Bluetooth, read no further. The
only other connections required are the standard 5v and ground. I believe all HC-05s come with
six pins. You don’t need the other two for this exercise. And yes, the HC-0x modules are 3.3v
devices but note that the JY-MCU package level shifters on board for the power supply and is
clearly labelled for 3.6 to 6v operation. Note particularly that, while Bluetooth modules come in
two types, master and slave, these characteristics are entirely irrelevant to this exercise, and the
words will not be mentioned again until the appendix at the end - a section that you don’t need
to read.

ESP8266 Pin diagram:




➢ Finally, with the help of this project and from the given information, We have come up
with a conclusion that by using this wireless technology , we can make our
communication more proficient and faster

➢ Also, with better effectiveness of this model, exhibition of the information can be done
effortlessly with minimum errors and maintenance work.


➢ It has a remote application which can be achieved by any smartphone, tablet, etc..

➢ This Project reduces Human work for maintaining the notice board.

➢ It saves the paper as well as printing cost.


[1] Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice G. Mazidi, Rolin D.McKinlay, The 8051
microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and C, edition 01-Sep-
2007,Pearson Education India.
[2] SMS And MMS Interworking In Mobile Networks Arnaud Henry- Labordère ,
Artech House mobile communications, 2004 - Technology & Engineering.
[3] Ayala, Kenneth J. (1996), The 8051 MicrocontrollerArchitecture, Programming
and Applications, Delmar Publishers,Inc.India Reprint.
[4] GSM tele communication standards, June 2000Second edition, European
Telecommunications Standards Institute.
[5] M Samiullah, NS Qureshi,”SMS Repository and Control System using GSM-SMS
Technology,” European journal of scientific research, 2012.
[6] "RS232 Tutorial on Data Interface and cables". ARC Electronics. 2010. Retrieved
28 July 2011.
[7] C. H. Papadimitriou and K. Steiglitz, “Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms
and Complexity”,vol.1,no.2, pp. 1104- 1108,1982.
[8] M. Grotschel, L. Lovasz, and A. Schrijver, “Geometric Algorithms and
Combinatorial Optimization”, vol.10,no.1, pp. 201-206,1988.7, Aug. 2009.


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