Story Time

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Story time
Read the question and then circle the correct alternative. What is the overall idea of the
story read?
a) Of three houses
b) Of a wolf
c) From a fireplace
d) Of a wolf and 3 little pigs
The second house the wolf destroyed was from?
a) Straw
b) Wood
c) Zinc
d) Bricks
The house that the fool could not destroy was that of:
a) First pig
b) Second little pig
c) Third little pig
d) Fourth pig
The reason that the wolf was able to throw the weak house of the first 2 little pigs was:
a) That they were brothers
b) They only knew how to work on it
c) They just wanted to finish earlier and play
d) They wanted to be caught by the wolf
What is the difference between the brothers who made the houses of straw and wood with
the third brother?
a) The first two piglets were lazy
b) The first two piglets were encouraged
c) The third little pig was lazy
d) All the piglets were lazy
With the fright that the first two pigs went through with the wolf. What material will you
build your next house from:
a) Straw
b) Wood
c) zinc
d) Brick
In the story, when he says “with the wolf at their heels, they arrived at the older brother's
house”, he means that:
a) The wolf was hitting them
b) The wolf followed them very close
c) The wolf walked with a bottle of glue
d) The wolf ran little
At the end of the story it says "He escaped from there giving terrible howls that were
heard throughout the forest." What is meant by this?
a) The wolf walked with a microphone
b) The wolf could not speak
c) I was tired of running so much
d) Burns made with hot water hurt


Continue writing the following story. Finally make up the best title ever
The youngest pig wanted to get married one day. As gifts his two brothers offered to make
his house.

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