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6500 Packet-Optical Platform

Common Equipment
Release 10.1

What’s inside...
Shelf processor circuit packs
Cross-connect circuit packs
BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card
External equipment
4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

323-1851-102.1 - Standard Issue 2

February 2015
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6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1. Right to Use License; Restrictions. Subject to these terms, and the payment of all applicable license fees,
Ciena grants to you, as end user, a non-exclusive license to use the Ciena software (the “Software”) in object code
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export, or import Software.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
8. General. Ciena may assign this Agreement to any Ciena affiliate or to a purchaser of the intellectual property
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6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015

Contents 0

New in this release and documentation roadmap ix

Shelf processor circuit packs 1-1

Shelf processor circuit packs (NTK555AAE5, NTK555ABE5, NTK555CAE5,
NTK555EAE5, NTK555FAE5, NTK555LA, and NTK555NA, and
NTK555MA) 1-1
Overview 1-1
Supported functionality 1-14
Supported SFPs 1-29
Performance monitoring 1-30
Alarms 1-30
Equipping rules 1-33
Technical specifications 1-35
Shelf processor connector pinout 1-36
SP redundancy provisioning procedures 1-38
List of procedures
1-1 Provisioning a circuit pack automatically 1-39
1-2 Changing the protection scheme for a pair of SPs 1-40
1-3 Changing the primary state of a circuit pack 1-42
1-4 Deleting a circuit pack 1-43
Equipment and facility provisioning parameters 1-43
Equipment primary states 1-43

Cross-connect circuit packs 2-1

Cross-connect circuit packs (NTK557xxE5, NTK610BBE5, NTK615AA, NTK615BA,
NTK616AA, and NTK616BA) 2-1
Overview 2-1
Supported functionality 2-20
Connection management 2-20
Synchronization 2-26
Control Plane support 2-28
Multiservice cross-connect (MXC) circuit pack 2-28
Cross-connection types 2-32
Cross-connection rates 2-32
Supported SFPs 2-33
Performance monitoring 2-33
Alarms 2-34

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
vi Contents

Equipping rules 2-39

Technical specifications 2-55
Latency 2-57
Cross-connect provisioning procedures 2-58
List of procedures
2-1 Provisioning a circuit pack automatically 2-60
2-2 Provisioning external synchronization input (ESI) parameters 2-61
2-3 Provisioning the network element timing mode and references 2-63
2-4 Changing the primary state of a circuit pack 2-67
2-5 Deleting the cross-connect circuit packs 2-70

BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card 3-1

Breaker/fuse interface panel (NTK599xx and NTN458RA) 3-1
Overview 3-1
6500 BIPs (NTK599AA, NTK599BA, and NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and
NTK599BK) 3-3
6500 DSM BIP (NTN458RA) 3-10
6500 BIP/FIP (NTK599DA/EA) 3-12
Performance Monitoring 3-15
Alarms 3-15
Equipping rules 3-15
BIP/FIP summary table 3-15
Technical specifications 3-19
BIP connector pinouts 3-20
Power Input Cards (NTK505xxE5, NTK505xx, NTK605xAE5, NTK605xA,
NTK605xE) 3-20
Overview 3-20
Shelf power inputs 3-20
Power connections to Power Input Cards 3-22
Performance Monitoring 3-56
Alarms 3-57
Equipping rules 3-57
2-slot, 7-slot, 14-slot, and 32-slot shelf types 3-57
Power Input Card summary table 3-58
Technical specifications 3-64
1U AC rectifier (NTN458SAE5, NTGS24LDE5) 3-67
Overview 3-67
Performance Monitoring 3-69
Alarms 3-69
Equipping rules 3-69
1U AC rectifier summary table 3-69
Technical specifications 3-70
Access panel (NTK505xAE5, NTK505MBE5, NTK605MAE5, NTK505JA) 3-70
Overview 3-70
Performance Monitoring 3-86
Alarms 3-86
Equipping rules 3-87
Access panel summary table 3-87
Technical specifications 3-89

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
Contents vii

Access panel connector pinouts 3-90

Maintenance interface card (NTK505FAE5, NTK505FBE5) 3-90
Overview 3-90
Performance Monitoring 3-91
Alarms 3-91
Equipping rules 3-91
Technical specifications 3-91
Connector pinouts 3-92
BIP connector pinouts 3-92
Access panel connector pinouts 3-95

External equipment 4-1

Transponder protection tray (TPT) (NT0H59xxE5) 4-1
Overview 4-1
TPT-supported circuit packs in 6500 4-10
Performance Monitoring 4-11
Alarms 4-12
Equipping rules 4-12
TPT summary table 4-12
Technical specifications 4-16
Enhanced Trunk Switch (ETS) (NTUG90ANE5) 4-17
Overview 4-17
ETS Shelf 4-22
ETS Comms 4-24
ETS Switch 4-25
Indicator lamps 4-26
Performance Monitoring 4-28
Alarms 4-28
Equipping rules 4-28
Technical specifications 4-28
External equipment provisioning procedures 4-31

4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-1

4xOptical Protection Switch (4xOPS C-Band 1xOPSM2) circuit pack (NTK554TA) and
2xOptical Protection Switch Module (OPSM2 C-Band) (NTK576AA) 5-1
Overview 5-1
Supported functionality 5-5
Cross-connection types 5-7
Cross-connection rates 5-7
Supported XFPs/SFPs 5-7
Performance monitoring 5-7
Alarms 5-10
Equipping rules 5-11
Technical specifications 5-12
Latency 5-13
Optical protection switch provisioning procedures 5-14
4xOPS and OPSM2 5-14
OPS provisioning engineering considerations 5-14

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
viii Contents

List of procedures
5-1 Provisioning 4xOPS circuit packs and OPSM2 modules automatically 5-23
5-2 Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf 5-25
5-3 Connecting or disconnecting fiber-optic cables to or from circuit packs 5-38
5-4 Editing facility parameters 5-40
5-5 Changing the protection parameters for a pair of facilities 5-41
5-6 Changing the primary state of a facility 5-44
5-7 Changing the primary state of a circuit pack or pluggable 5-47
5-8 Deleting a facility from an equipment 5-49
5-9 Deleting a circuit pack or pluggable 5-51
Equipment and facility provisioning parameters 5-52
Equipment and facility primary and secondary states 5-52
OPTMON facility parameters 5-53
ADJ facility parameters 5-54

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015

New in this release and documentation

roadmap 0

This Technical Publication supports 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500)

Release 10.1 software and subsequent maintenance releases for Release

Issue 2
This document has been up-issued to specify that the following circuit packs
are supported in Release 10.11 and up:
• Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD Submarine with EDFA 1xOTU4 C-Band Type 2
circuit pack (NTK539BN)
• Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD Submarine with EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band circuit
pack (NTK539QN)
Issue 1
The following new/enhanced features are covered in this document:
• new circuit packs and modules
— Fiber Interconnect Module (FIM) Type 1 (NTK504CA)
— Fiber Interconnect Module (FIM) Type 2 (NTK504CB)
— 10 Group Mux/Demux (GMD10) C-Band module (NTT862GA)
— 2150 Passive Optical Multiplexer (3-slot) chassis (174-0064-900)
— 2150 Passive Optical Multiplexer (3-slot) chassis with 19 inch, 23 inch,
and ETSI brackets (K80-0002-901)
— 2150 Passive Optical Multiplexer (3-slot) chassis with 19 inch, 23 inch,
and ETSI brackets and cover (K80-0002-902)
— Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD Submarine XCD with EDFA 1xOTU4 C-
Band circuit pack (NTK539BN)
Note: NTK539BN is supported in software release 10.11 and up.

— Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD Premium with EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band

circuit pack (NTK539QJ)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
x New in this release and documentation roadmap

— Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD Enhanced with EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band

circuit pack (NTK539QK)
— Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD Standard with EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band
circuit pack (NTK539QL)
— Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD Basic with EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band circuit
pack (NTK539QM)
— Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD Submarine with EDFA NxOTU4 C-Band
circuit pack (NTK539QN)
Note: NTK539QN is supported in software release 10.11 and up.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
New in this release and documentation roadmap xi

6500 Packet-Optical Platform technical publications

The following roadmap illustrates the structure of the 6500 technical
publications library.

Planning a Network Installing, Managing and Maintaining and Circuit Pack-Based

Commissioning and Provisioning Troubleshooting Documentation
Testing a Network a Network a Network

Planning - Installation - Administration Fault Management - Common Equipment

Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 General Information and Security Performance (323-1851-102.1)
(NTRN10DB) (323-1851-201.0) (323-1851-301) Monitoring
(323-1851-520) Electrical
Documentation Installation - Configuration - (323-1851-102.2)
Roadmap 2-slot Shelves Provisioning
(323-1851-201.1) Fault Management -
(323-1851-090) and Operating OC-n/STM-n
Alarm Clearing
Parts 1 and 2 (323-1851-102.3)
Installation - 7-slot & Parts 1 and 2
Planning - (323-1851-310)
6500-7 packet-optical (323-1851-543) 40G/100G/OSIC/
Ordering Information
Shelves Configuration - ISS/SLIC10 and
(323-1851-201.2) Bandwidth & Data Fault Management - 200G Services
Latency Services Parts 1,2,3 Module (323-1851-102.4)
Specifications Installation - Replacement
14-slot Shelves (323-1851-320)
(323-1851-170) (323-1851-545)
(323-1851-201.3) Broadband/SMUX
Pluggable Configuration - OTN FLEX MOTR
Datasheets Installation - Fault Management -
Control Plane (323-1851-102.5)
and Reference 32-slot Shelves SNMP
(323-1851-180) (323-1851-201.4) (323-1851-740)
Photonics Equipment
Installation - Encryption and FIPS (323-1851-102.6)
TL-1 Description 2150 Passive Optical Security Policy Fault Management -
(323-1851-190) Multiplexer Chassis Overview and Customer Visible
Data and Layer 2
(3 & 6 slot versions) Procedures Logs
Site Manager (323-1851-102.7)
(323-1851-201.5) (323-1851-340) (323-1851-840)
for 6500 & CPL
Fundamentals Commissioning OTN I/F, PKT I/F, &
(323-1851-195) and Testing PKT/OTN I/F
(323-1851-221) (323-1851-102.8)

SAOS-based Command Fault and MIB

Packet Services Reference Performance Reference
Documentation (323-1851-610) (323-1851-650) (323-1851-690)

6500 Photonic 6500 Data 6500 / 5400 Common

Layer Guide Application Guide Interworking Solution Photonic Layer
Supporting (NTRN15DA) (NTRN15BA) (323-1851-160) Technical Publications
Submarine Networking 6500 Control Plane Universal AC Rectifier Network Interworking
Application Guide Application Guide Application Note Guide
(NTRN72AA) (NTRN71AA) (009-2012-900) (NTCA68CA)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
xii New in this release and documentation roadmap

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015

Shelf processor circuit packs 1-

Shelf processor circuit packs (NTK555AAE5, NTK555ABE5,

NTK555CAE5, NTK555EAE5, NTK555FAE5, NTK555LA, and
This chapter provides an overview of the 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500)
shelf processor circuit packs and their associated procedures.

The shelf processor circuit pack is the central processor for the 6500 shelf.
• Figure 1-1 on page 1-2 provides an overview of the shelf processor (SP)
• Figure 1-2 on page 1-3 provides an overview of the shelf processor
(SP-2) faceplate.
• Figure 1-3 on page 1-3 provides an overview of the shelf processor
(SP-2 Dual CPU) faceplate.
• Figure 1-4 on page 1-4 provides an overview of the shelf processor
(SPAP) faceplate.
• Figure 1-5 provides an overview of the shelf processor w/access panel
(SPAP-2) w/2xOSC 2xSFP faceplate.
• Figure 1-6 on page 1-6 shows the functional block diagram of a SP circuit
pack (NTK555AAE5/NTK555ABE5).
• Figure 1-7 on page 1-7 shows the functional block diagram of a SP-2
circuit pack (NTK555CAE5).
• Figure 1-8 on page 1-8 shows the functional block diagram of a SP-2
circuit pack (NTK555EAE5).
• Figure 1-9 on page 1-9 shows the functional block diagram of a SP-2 Dual
CPU circuit pack (NTK555FAE5).
• Figure 1-10 on page 1-10 shows the functional block diagram of a shelf
processor w/access panel (SPAP) circuit pack (NTK555LA).

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1-2 Shelf processor circuit packs

• Figure 1-11 on page 1-11 shows the functional block diagram of an

integrated SP + OTN Flex MOTR 8xSFP in a NTK503MAE5 or
NTK503NAE5 variant of 2-slot shelf type.
• Figure 1-12 on page 1-12 shows the functional block diagram of a shelf
processor w/access panel (SPAP-2) w/2xOSC 2xSFP circuit pack
Figure 1-1
Shelf processor (SP) faceplate (NTK555AAE5/NTK555ABE5)

Red triangle (Fail)

- Used to communicate hardware or software failure state
- Card OK = LED off, Card Failed = LED on
Green rectangle (Ready)
- Used to communicate hardware or software functional state (circuit
pack is healthy and available for use, does not reflect provisioning state)
- Card initializing = Blinking LED; Card active = LED on; Card failed = LED off
Blue diamond (In Use)

10/100BT RJ-45 connector for craft interface

RS-232 DCE DB-9 connector for craft interface

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
Shelf processor circuit packs 1-3

Figure 1-2
Shelf processor faceplate (SP-2; NTK555CAE5 and NTK555EAE5)

Red triangle (Fail)

- Used to communicate hardware or software failure state
- Card OK = LED off, Card Failed = LED on
Green rectangle (Ready)
- Used to communicate hardware or software functional state (circuit
pack is healthy and available for use, does not reflect provisioning state)
- Card initializing = Blinking LED; Card active = LED on; Card failed = LED off
Blue diamond (In Use)

10/100BT RJ-45 connector for craft interface

USB port (1)

USB port (2)

Figure 1-3
Shelf processor faceplate (SP-2 Dual CPU; NTK555FAE5)

Red triangle (Fail)

Dual CPU
- Used to communicate hardware or software failure state
- Card OK = LED off, Card Failed = LED on
Green rectangle (Ready)
- Used to communicate hardware or software functional state (circuit
pack is healthy and available for use, does not reflect provisioning state)
- Card initializing = Blinking LED; Card active = LED on; Card failed = LED off
Blue diamond (In Use)

10/100BT RJ-45 connector for craft interface

USB port (1)

USB port (2)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1-4 Shelf processor circuit packs

Figure 1-4
Shelf processor faceplate (Shelf processor w/access panel [SPAP]; NTK555LA)

Red triangle (Fail)

- Used to communicate hardware or software failure state
- Card OK = LED off, Card Failed = LED on
Green rectangle (Ready)
- Used to communicate hardware or software functional
state (circuit pack is healthy and available for use, does not
reflect provisioning state)
- Card initializing = Blinking LED; Card active = LED on;
Card failed = LED off
Blue diamond (In Use)
External slots (83, 84, 85)


Ready Major

In Use Minor


10/100BT RJ-45 connectors for

COLAN-X, ILAN OUT, and craft interfaces
Seven telemetry inputs

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
Shelf processor circuit packs 1-5

Figure 1-5
Shelf processor faceplate (shelf processor w/access panel [SPAP-2] w/2xOSC 2xSFP; NTK555NA)

Red triangle (Fail)

- Used to communicate hardware or software failure state
- Card OK = LED off, Card Failed = LED on
Green rectangle (Ready)
- Used to communicate hardware or software functional
state (circuit pack is healthy and available for use, does not
reflect provisioning state)
- Card initializing = Blinking LED; Card active = LED on;
Card failed = LED off
Blue diamond (In Use)

10/100BT RJ-45 connectors

External slots (83, 84, 85, 86, for COLAN-A and ILAN IN
87, 88, 89, 90) interfaces

Telemetry In WSC 3


Ready Major

In Use

10/100BT RJ-45
connector for WSC 4
Telemetry Out craft interfaces 10/100BT RJ-45 connectors

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1-6 Shelf processor circuit packs

Figure 1-6
Shelf processor circuit pack block diagram (NTK555AAE5/NTK555ABE5)

Service 10/100BT
slots RJ-45



Processor Disk
Shelf Module



6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
Shelf processor circuit packs 1-7

Figure 1-7
Shelf processor circuit pack block diagram (NTK555CAE5)

Service 10/100BT
slots RJ-45


Access USB


Processor Flash
Shelf Module



6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1-8 Shelf processor circuit packs

Figure 1-8
Shelf processor circuit pack block diagram (NTK555EAE5)

Service 10/100BT
slots RJ-45

Access USB


Processor Flash
Shelf Module



6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
Shelf processor circuit packs 1-9

Figure 1-9
Shelf processor circuit pack block diagram (NTK555FAE5)

Service 10/100BT
slots Ethernet RJ-45





Processor Flash
Shelf Module



6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1-10 Shelf processor circuit packs

Figure 1-10
Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP) circuit pack block diagram (NTK555LA)

10/100BT RJ45 COLAN-X

10/100BT RJ45 ILAN-OUT
10/100BT RJ45 CRAFT

Ethernet Switch
Service RJ45 Slot 83 83
Slots RJ45 Slot 84 84
Inventory RJ45 Slot 85 85


Shelf Flash
Control Processor Module Disk


6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
Shelf processor circuit packs 1-11

Figure 1-11
Block diagram for the integrated shelf processor + OTN Flex MOTR 8xSFP in a NTK503MAE5 or
NTK503NAE5 variant of 2-slot shelf type

10/100BT RJ45 COLAN-X

10/100BT RJ45 ILAN-OUT
10/100BT RJ45 CRAFT

Ethernet Switch
RJ45 Slot-25 25
RJ45 Slot-26 26
Inventory RJ45 Slot-27 27

Service Processor Module


Flash SFP 4
Disk 10G OTN Flex Mapper

Power SFP 8

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1-12 Shelf processor circuit packs

Figure 1-12
Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP-2) w/2xOSC 2xSFP circuit pack (NTK555NA) block

10/100BT RJ45 COLAN-X

10/100BT RJ45 COLAN-A
10/100BT RJ45 ILAN-IN
10/100BT RJ45 ILAN-OUT
10/100BT RJ45 CRAFT

Service RJ45 Slot 83

Slots RJ45 Slot 84
RJ45 Slot 85
Equipment RJ45 Slot 86
Ethernet Switch Inventory RJ45 Slot 87
RJ45 Slot 88
RJ45 Slot 89
RJ45 Slot 90

EOS Mapper SFP OSC-1 1


EOS Mapper SFP OSC-2 2

10/100BT RJ45 Wasyside-3 3

10/100BT RJ45 Wasyside-4 4

Input RJ45
Processor Module Output RJ45

Alarm DB-9
Disk Supply

EOS Ethernet Over SONET
OSC Optical Service Channel

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Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
Shelf processor circuit packs 1-13

Supported functionality
The SP circuit packs (NTK555AAE5/NTK555ABE5/NTK555CAE5/
NTK555EAE5/NTK555FAE5/NTK555LA/NTK555NA) provide the following
• perform software management for the shelf software management for all
circuit packs on the shelf (software, firmware and FPGA loads)
• maintain backup copy of all system software on a flash disk
• manage all shelf communications across the central office DCN (COLAN),
Local Intershelf LAN (ILAN) and intrasite LAN via optical Data
Communications Channels (DCC) or Optical Service Channels (OSC)
• manage and monitor the other circuit packs in the shelf
• provide the OAM interfaces for monitoring and provisioning the shelf
• maintain shelf provisioning database and on-shelf backups
• provide an RS-232 DCE port and a 10/100Base-T interface on the
faceplate for access to the craft user interface (only NTK555AAE5 and
NTK555ABE5). There is no RS-232 DCE port on any other shelf
processor circuit packs.
• provide a 10/100Base-T interface on the faceplate for access to the craft
user interface (NTK555CAE5, NTK555EAE5, and NTK555FAE5)
• provide three 10/100Base-T interfaces on the faceplate for access to the
COLAN-X, ILAN-OUT, and craft user interface on the integrated shelf
processor in a 2-slot shelf (NTK503MAE5 or NTK503NAE5 variant).
• provide three 10/100Base-T interfaces on the faceplate for access to the
COLAN-X, ILAN-OUT, and craft user interface on the shelf processor
w/access panel (NTK555LA).
• provide five 10/100Base-T interfaces on the faceplate for access to the
COLAN-X, COLAN-A, ILAN-IN, ILAN-OUT, and craft user interface on the
shelf processor SPAP-2 w/2xOSC (NTK555NA)
• provide three proprietary serial interfaces on the faceplate for access to
the external slots on the integrated shelf processor in a 2-slot shelf
(NTK503MAE5 or NTK503NAE5 variant)
• provide three proprietary serial interface on the faceplate for access to the
external slots on the shelf processor w/access panel (NTK555LA)
• provide eight proprietary serial interface on the faceplate for access to the
external slots on the shelf processor SPAP-2 w/2xOSC (NTK555NA)
• provide four telemetry output ports via an RJ45 connector on the shelf
processor SPAP-2 w/2xOSC (NTK555NA)
• provide three alarm output ports via a DB-9 connector on the shelf
processor SPAP-2 w/2xOSC (NTK555NA)

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1-14 Shelf processor circuit packs

• provide two SFP ports to support the 2xOSC and 2 Wayside ports on the
shelf processor SPAP-2 w/2xOSC (NTK555NA); same functionality as
offered by 2xOSC circuit pack (NTK554BAE5)
• support two USB ports to allow access to USB flash storage devices for
load delivery and backup/restore on SP-2 (shelf processors
NTK555CAE5, NTK555EAE5, and NTK555FAE5).
• include an extra CPU which supports SONET/SDH Control Plane and
Photonics Layer 0 Control Plane (shelf processor NTK555FAE5)
• maintain security and event history
• monitor External Alarms and Controls
• generate office alarm outputs
• As of 6500 Release 9.2 (or later) and at a primary shelf of TID
consolidated nodes (TIDc), it is mandatory to replace shelf processor (SP)
(NTK555AAE5 or NTK555ABE5) with SP-2 shelf processor
(NTK555CAE5, NTK555EAE5, or NTK555FAE5) before upgrading to
6500 Release 9.2 (or later). For SP reconfiguration procedure, see Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Note: As of 6500 Release 9.3 (or later), NTZF02xxE5 shelf processor kit
that contains SP shelf processors (NTK555ABE5) also excludes the Site
Manager load, the MIBS, and the OTN FLEX MOTR interface loads. As of
6500 Release 10.0 (or later), Ciena does not offer NTZF02xxE5 shelf
processor kit containing SP shelf processors (NTK555ABE5) anymore.

• As of 6500 Release 9.2 (or later), if you require photonic services

(excluding FGA) in slots 1 and 2 in a 2-slot optical Type 2 shelf
(NTK503LA), it is required to replace the Shelf processor w/access
(SPAP) (NTK555LA) with Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP-2) w/
2xOSC 2xSFP (NTK555NA).
Note: The NTK555EAE5 variant of SP-2 circuit pack only operates with
Release 9.1 or higher software loads.

• Figure 1-13 on page 1-15 shows the ordering simplified flowchart for the
shelf processors used in 6500-7 packet-optical, 2-slot (only NTK503LA
variant), 7-slot, 14-slot, or 32-slot shelf types. Shelf processor is an
integrated part of NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants a 2-slot shelf
and cannot be ordered separately.
• Table 1-1 on page 1-16 and Table 1-2 on page 1-18 show the supported
shelf processor types in this release of 6500 and a simplified comparison.
Table 1-3 on page 1-20 shows the supported shelf processor types
(non-integrated and orderable) in this release of 6500 and a detailed

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
Shelf processor circuit packs 1-15

Figure 1-13
Shelf processor ordering simplified flowchart for 6500-7 packet-optical, 2-slot, 7-slot, 14-slot, and
32-slot shelf types (Release 10.1)

Yes 7-slot shelf or common

2-slot optical Type 2 or Yes
SPAP-2 for 2/7-slot shelf
7-slot optical Type 2 shelf? types or integrated 2xOSC
No No

SONET/SDH Control Plane or
Photonics Layer 0 Control Plane
32-slot shelf or common shelf Yes
processor for 7/14/32-slot
shelf types?
SP-2 redundancy: two SP-2 kits

Simplex: one SPAP-2 kit

Simplex: one SP-2 kit

Simplex: one SPAP kit

SP-2 redundancy: two SP-2 kits
SP-2 redundancy: two SP-2 kits
Simplex: one SP-2 kit

Shelf Processor kit NTZF12KB NTZF14KB

(Release 10.1)
Software load NTK561KB NTK561KB NTK561KB NTK561KB NTK561KB

Note: It is recommended to review Table 1-1, “ 6500 shelf processor type

(simplified comparison as per functionality)” on page 1-16, Table 1-2, “
6500 shelf processor type (simplified comparison as per shelf type)” on
page 1-18, and Table 1-3, “ 6500 shelf processor type (detailed
comparison for non-integrated shelf processors)” on page 1-20 for
detailed instructions on how to choose appropriate shelf processor.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1-16 Shelf processor circuit packs

Table 1-1
6500 shelf processor type (simplified comparison as per functionality)

Shelf External slot Computational Storage Memory SONET/SDH Control

processor inventory support speed Plane and Photonics
(via Access Panel) Layer 0 Control Plane
Note 2 support

NTK555AAE5 No 1x 1x 1x No
Note 1

NTK555ABE5 Yes 1x 1x 1x No
Note 1 Note 3

NTK555CAE5 Yes Up to 2.5x 10x 4x No

(Note 1 and (Note 3 and Note 4 Note 4 Note 4
Note 6) Note 7)

NTK555EAE5 Yes Up to 2.5x 10x 8x No

(Note 1, (Note 3, and Note 4 Note 4 Note 4
Note 5, and Note 7)
Note 6)

NTK555FAE5 Yes Up to 2.5x 10x 8x Yes

(Note 1 and (Note 3 and Note 4 Note 4 Note 4
Note 6) Note 7)

NTK555LA Yes 1x 1x 1x No
Note 1 Note 8

NTK555NA Yes 1.5x 5x 4x No

Note 1 Note 9

Integrated Yes 1x 1x 1x No
Note 1 Note 10

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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Shelf processor circuit packs 1-17

Table 1-1 (continued)

6500 shelf processor type (simplified comparison as per functionality)

Shelf External slot Computational Storage Memory SONET/SDH Control

processor inventory support speed Plane and Photonics
(via Access Panel) Layer 0 Control Plane
Note 2 support

Note 1: The supported shelf processors are:

NTK555AAE5: Shelf processor (SP) circuit pack
NTK555ABE5: Shelf processor (enhanced) (SP) circuit pack
NTK555CAE5: Shelf processor (SP-2) circuit pack
NTK555EAE5: Shelf processor (SP-2) circuit pack
NTK555FAE5: Shelf processor (SP-2 Dual CPU) circuit pack
NTK555LA: Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP) circuit pack
NTK555NA: Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP-2) w/2xOSC 2xSFP circuit pack
NTK555MA: Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP-2) circuit pack
Integrated: Shelf processor integrated in a 2-slot shelf type
Note 2: This is used for inventory and autoprovisioning support for Photonic layer passive modules (for
example, OMD4, CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2, MBMD2, GMD10, FIM Type 1, FIM Type 2, and DSCM),
Transponder Protection Tray (TPT), or OMX supported in 6500.
Note 3: This shelf processor supports interfacing with external slots when in a shelf equipped with an
access panel that has External Slot interfaces (RJ-45 connectors, see Table 3-19, “ Access panel—
interface descriptions” on page 3-71).
Note 4: The SP-2 shelf processors (NTK555EAE5, NTK555CAE5, and NTK555FAE5) are the
enhanced version of SP shelf processor (NTK555ABE5) that offer performance improvements in the
area of computational speed by increasing CPU processing power and available free memory by
increasing file storage and memory.
Note 5: The NTK555EAE5 variant of SP-2 shelf processor is the enhanced version of NTK555CAE5
variant of SP-2 shelf processor that offers 32-slot shelf support.
Note 6: This shelf processor circuit pack kit can be used if the shelf is equipped with PKT/OTN cross
connect circuit packs.
Note 7: Use SP-2 shelf processors (NTK555CAE5, NTK555EAE5, and NTK555FAE5)
— in a GNE shelf configured as a standalone or redundant private IP GNE where the number of RNEs
is greater than 12 (if the RNEs are MSPP, then even with SP-2 shelf processor kits, the maximum
is 12 RNEs).
— for performance improvement in a shelf equipped with four Photonic OTSs
— in a shelf configured as a “Release Server”. SP-2 shelf processor kits can be used as a “Release
Server” for SP and SP-2 via FTP after the FTP server is enabled
Note 8: This SPAP shelf processor includes three External Slot interfaces (RJ-45) in its integrated
access panel.
Note 9: This SPAP-2 w/2xOSC shelf processor includes eight External Slot interfaces (RJ-45) in its
integrated access panel.
Note 10: This integrated shelf processor includes three External Slot interfaces (RJ-45) in its
integrated access panel.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1-18 Shelf processor circuit packs

Table 1-2
6500 shelf processor type (simplified comparison as per shelf type)

Shelf 6500 shelf type

2-slot 7-slot 6500-7 14-slot 32-slot
Note 2 and packet-optical Note 5 Note 6
7-slot Type 2 Note 4
Note 3

NTK555AAE5 No Yes for 7-slot shelf No Yes No

Note 1 and Note 7

No for 7-slot Type 2


NTK555ABE5 No Yes for 7-slot shelf No Yes No

Note 1 and Note 7

No for 7-slot Type 2


NTK555CAE5 No Yes for 7-slot shelf Yes Yes No

(Note 1 and and
Note 9)
No for 7-slot Type 2

NTK555EAE5 No Yes for 7-slot shelf Yes Yes Yes

(Note 1, and
Note 8, and
Note 9) No for 7-slot Type 2

NTK555FAE5 No Yes for 7-slot shelf Yes Yes Yes

(Note 1 and and
Note 9)
No for 7-slot Type 2

NTK555LA Yes No No No No
Note 1 Note 10

NTK555NA Yes No for 7-slot shelf No No No

Note 1 Note 11 and
Yes for 7-slot Type
2 shelf
Note 11

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
Shelf processor circuit packs 1-19

Table 1-2 (continued)

6500 shelf processor type (simplified comparison as per shelf type)

Shelf 6500 shelf type

2-slot 7-slot 6500-7 14-slot 32-slot
Note 2 and packet-optical Note 5 Note 6
7-slot Type 2 Note 4
Note 3

Integrated Yes No No No No
Note 1 Note 12

Note 1: The supported shelf processors are:

NTK555AAE5: Shelf processor (SP) circuit pack
NTK555ABE5: Shelf processor (enhanced) (SP) circuit pack
NTK555CAE5: Shelf processor (SP-2) circuit pack
NTK555EAE5: Shelf processor (SP-2) circuit pack
NTK555FAE5: Shelf processor (SP-2 Dual CPU) circuit pack
NTK555LA: Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP) circuit pack
NTK555NA: Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP-2) w/2xOSC 2xSFP circuit pack
NTK555MA: Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP-2) circuit pack
Integrated: Shelf processor integrated in a 2-slot shelf type
Note 2: The supported 2-slot shelves are:
NTK503MAE5: 6500 2-slot shelf w/SP + OTN Flex MOTR 8xSFP (DC-powered)
NTK503NAE5: 6500 2-slot shelf w/SP + OTN Flex MOTR 8xSFP (AC-powered)
NTK503LA: 6500 2-slot optical Type 2 shelf assembly
Note 3: The supported 7-slot shelf assemblies are:
NTK503PAE5: 6500 7-slot optical shelf assembly
NTK503KA: 6500 7-slot optical Type 2 shelf assembly
Note 4: The supported 6500-7 packet-optical shelf assembly is:
NTK503RA: 6500-7 packet-optical shelf assembly
Note 5: The supported 14-slot shelf assemblies are:
NTK503AA: 6500 14-slot optical shelf assembly
NTK503AB/NTK503ABE5: 6500 14-slot optical shelf assembly
NTK503BA/NTK503BAE5: 6500 14-slot optical/front electrical shelf assembly
NTK503CA/NTK503CAE5: 6500 14-slot optical/rear electrical shelf assembly
NTK503CCE5: 6500 14-slot optical/rear electrical shelf assembly
NTK503GA/NTK503GAE5: 6500 14-slot metro front electrical shelf assembly
NTK503ADE5: 6500 14-slot converged optical shelf assembly
NTK503BDE5: 6500 14-slot converged optical/front electrical shelf assembly
NTK503CDE5: 6500 14-slot converged optical/rear electrical shelf assembly
NTK503SA: 6500 14-slot packet-optical shelf assembly
Note 6: The supported 32-slot shelf assemblies are:
NTK603AAE5 and NTK603AB: 6500 32-slot packet-optical shelf assembly
Note 7: This shelf processor is not supported in 14-slot packet-optical shelf assembly (NTK503SA).
Note 8: The NTK555EAE5 variant of SP-2 shelf processor is the enhanced version of NTK555CAE5
variant of SP-2 shelf processor that offers 32-slot shelf support.
Note 9: This shelf processor circuit pack kit can be used if the shelf is equipped with PKT/OTN cross
connect circuit packs.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1-20 Shelf processor circuit packs

Table 1-2 (continued)

6500 shelf processor type (simplified comparison as per shelf type)

Shelf 6500 shelf type

2-slot 7-slot 6500-7 14-slot 32-slot
Note 2 and packet-optical Note 5 Note 6
7-slot Type 2 Note 4
Note 3

Note 10: This SPAP shelf processor w/access panel is only supported in 2-slot optical Type 2 shelf
(NTK503LA variant).
Note 11: This SPAP-2 w/2xOSC shelf processor also includes two OSC SFP ports and 2 Wayside
Ethernet (RJ-45) ports to provide equivalent functionality to an OSC w/WSC 2 Port SFP 2 port 10/
100BT (2xOSC) circuit pack (NTK554BAE5). This shelf processor is only supported in the 2-slot optical
Type 2 shelf (NTK503LA variant) and the 7-slot optical Type 2 shelf (NTK503KA variant).
Note 12: This shelf processor is integrated in the NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants of 2-slot
shelf type.

Table 1-3
6500 shelf processor type (detailed comparison for non-integrated shelf processors)

Features Shelf processor



Support for √ √
32-slot shelf (all

Support for √ √ √ √
14-slot shelf (all

Support for √ √ √ √
7-slot optical

Support for √
7-slot optical
Type 2 shelf

Support for √ √ √

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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Shelf processor circuit packs 1-21

Table 1-3 (continued)

6500 shelf processor type (detailed comparison for non-integrated shelf processors)

Features Shelf processor



Support for √ √
2-slot optical
Type 2 shelf

Support for N/A

2-slot shelf
w/SP + OTN

Support for N/A

2-slot shelf
w/SP + OTN

MSPP services √ √ √ √
10G Broadband √ √ √ √ √ √

40G Broadband √ √ √ √ √ √

ULH Broadband √ √ √ √

100G √ √ √ √

Passive √ √ √ √ √ √

Non-passive √ √ √ √ √

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1-22 Shelf processor circuit packs

Table 1-3 (continued)

6500 shelf processor type (detailed comparison for non-integrated shelf processors)

Features Shelf processor



Nodal √ √ √ √

Control Plane
and Photonics
Layer 0 Control

OTN switching √ √ √
Integrated OSC √
on shelf

Colorless √ √ √

Support for √ √ √
OTN I/F and
PKT I/F circuit

Support for √ √ √ √
eMOTR circuit

Support for ISS √ √ √

C-Band circuit

Large DCN √ √ √ √
Release server √ √ √ √
AMP Gain Tilt √ √ √ √
Internal test set √ √ √ √
SAPI/DAPI √ √ √ √
Security: IP √ √ √ √ √
Control Access

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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Shelf processor circuit packs 1-23

Table 1-3 (continued)

6500 shelf processor type (detailed comparison for non-integrated shelf processors)

Features Shelf processor



OTN Control √ √ √

TCM support for √ √ √ √ √

circuit pack

TCM support for √ √ √

circuit pack

Primary shelf of √ √ √ √ √

Supported SFPs
Table 1-4 provides a list of the SFPs that are supported on the shelf processor
SPAP-2 w/2xOSC (NTK555NA).

Table 1-4
Supported SFP modules for the shelf processor SPAP-2 w/2xOSC (NTK555NA)

Shelf processor Supported SFP module

shelf processor w/access • P155M

panel (SPAP-2) w/2xOSC — OC-3/STM-1 CWDM 1511 nm (0-15 dB span) (NTK592NPE6)
2xSFP (NTK555NA)
— OC-3/STM-1 CWDM 1511 nm (10-30 dB span) (NTK592NBE6)
— OC-3/STM-1 CWDM 1511 nm (20-34 dB span) (NTK592NHE6)
— OC-3/STM-1 CWDM 1511 nm (0-34 dB span) (NTK592NGE5)
— OC-3/STM-1 CWDM 1511 nm (12-42 dB span) (NTK592NVE5)
• P155622M
— OC-3/12/STM-1/4 SR1/I1.1_I4.1 1310 nm (NTTP04BF)
— OC-3/12/STM-1/4 IR1/S1.1_S4.1 1310 nm (NTTP04CF)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
1-24 Shelf processor circuit packs

Performance monitoring
The SPAP-2 w/2xOSC circuit pack supports the following monitored entities:
• PM collection of SONET section (S)/SDH regenerator section (RS) at OC-
3/STM-1 rate for OSC facilities
• PM collection of SONET line (L)/SDH multiplex section (MS) at OC-3/
STM-1 rate for OSC facilities
• Physical layer PM collection for OSC facilities

For detailed information and procedures associated with performance

monitoring, refer to Fault Management - Performance Monitoring, 323-1851-

For a complete list of alarm and alarm clearing procedures for the 6500, refer
to Part 1 and Part 2 of Fault Management - Alarm Clearing, 323-1851-543.

Equipment alarms
The following alarms are raised by the Shelf Processor Circuit pack. Since the
Shelf Processor is the primary shelf controller, it is responsible for raising
alarms against:
— Shelf Processor Equipment
— Comms facilities that are based on the SP circuit pack
— Common Shelf Equipment
— Shelf Security
— External Alarms/Controls

Note that other shelf alarms may be raised, such as timing alarms, that are
raised by the circuit pack that supports them (for example, the Cross Connect/
Sync circuit pack).
• Autoprovisioning Mismatch
• CPU2 Unreachable
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Circuit Pack Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Failed
• Circuit Pack Latch Open
• Circuit Pack Upgrade Failed
• Autoprovisioning Mismatch - Pluggable
• Circuit Pack Missing - Pluggable
• Circuit Pack Mismatch - Pluggable

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Shelf processor circuit packs 1-25

• Circuit Pack Failed - Pluggable

• Circuit Pack 3rd Party- Pluggable
• Circuit Pack Unknown - Pluggable
• Intercard Suspected - Pluggable
• Provisioning Incompatible - Pluggable
• Cold Restart Required: FPGA Changed
• Database Not Recovered For Slot
• Flash FPGA Baseline Unsupported
• Intercard Suspected
• Internal Mgmt Comms Suspected
• Incomplete Software Lineup
• Packet Rate Limit Exceeded
• Protection Switch Complete
• Provisioning Incompatible
• Remote Inventory Not Supported
• Secondary Service Failed

Security alarms
• All provisioned RADIUS Server Unavailable
• Intrusion Attempt
• Primary RADIUS Server Unavailable
• Secondary RADIUS Server Unavailable
• Dormant account detected
• Primary RADIUS Accounting Server Unavailable
• Secondary RADIUS Accounting Server Unavailable
• All Provisioned RADIUS Accounting Servers Unavailable

Common Equipment Alarms

• Craft Load missing
• Cross-Connection Mismatch
• Duplicate Shelf Detected
• Duplicate IP Address
• Disk Full
• Disk 75 Percent Full
• Disk 90 Percent Full

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1-26 Shelf processor circuit packs

• Disk Full -CPU2

• Disk 75 Percent Full - CPU2
• Disk 90 Percent Full - CPU2
• ETH LAN Port Failure
• Flash Banks Mismatch
• Manual area address dropped from area
• Number of Level 1 NEs exceeded
• Root Directory Has Reached Maximum File Entry Limit
• Routing Table Overflow
• OSPF Max Capacity Reached
• Software Auto-Upgrade in Progress
• Software Auto-Upgrade Failed
• Software Delivery Incomplete
• Software Delivery in Progress
• Software Configuration Unknown
• Software Upgrade Failed
• Software Upgrade In Progress
• TOD Server Not Provisioned
• TOD Threshold Exceeded
• Unable to Synchronize TOD
• WAYSIDE 1/2 Port Failure
OSC Alarms
• OSC Loss Of Signal
• OSC Signal Degrade
• OSC OSPF Adjacency Loss

Control Plane Alarms

• Configuration Mismatch - Primary State
• Configuration Mismatch - Common ID
• Configuration Mismatch
• CPU2 Unreachable
• CPU2 Warm Restart Required
• OSRP CCI session down
• OSRP CCI session out of sync
• OSRP Node Operationally Blocked

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Shelf processor circuit packs 1-27

• OSRP redundant database synch failed

• Remote Node Unreachable

Equipping rules
The following equipping rules apply to shelf processor circuit packs:
• is a single slot interface
• can be equipped in slots 15 and 16 of 6500-7 packet-optical or 14-slot
shelf types. The two shelf processors in a 6500-7 packet-optical or 14-slot
shelf support shelf processor redundancy through 1+1 equipment
protection where the shelf processor in slot 15 (working SP) is the active
shelf processor by default while the shelf processor in slot 16 (protection
SP) provides support for shelf processor equipment protection, local
dynamic and real time database redundancy/backup. If the shelf
processor in slot 15 fails, the standby shelf processor in slot 16 takes over
and becomes the active shelf processor.
• can be equipped in slots 41 and 42 of 32-slot shelf types. The two shelf
processors in a 32-slot shelf support shelf processor redundancy through
1+1 equipment protection where the shelf processor in slot 41 (working
SP) is the active shelf processor by default while the shelf processor in slot
42 (protection SP) provides support for shelf processor equipment
protection, local dynamic and real time database redundancy/backup. If
the shelf processor in slot 41 fails, the standby shelf processor in slot 42
takes over and becomes the active shelf processor.
• can be equipped in slot 15 of the 7-slot shelf types. Since there is only one
shelf processor equipped in a 7-slot shelf, shelf processor redundancy
and therefore shelf processor equipment protection, local dynamic and
real time database redundancy/backup are not supported in a 7-slot shelf
• is an integrated part of the NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants of
2-slot shelf or a field-replaceable shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP)
(NTK555LA)/shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP-2) w/2xOSC 2xSFP
(NTK555NA) in NTK503LA variant of 2-slot shelf on slot 15. Since there is
only one shelf processor equipped in a 2-slot shelf, shelf processor
redundancy and therefore shelf processor equipment protection, local
dynamic and real time database redundancy are not supported in a 2-slot
shelf type.

When a shelf is configured to run without redundant shelf processors, the
standalone shelf processor must be inserted in slot 15 of 6500-7 packet-
optical shelf type or 14-slot shelf types or slot 41 of 32-slot shelf type. The
standalone shelf processor in a 2-slot optical Type 2 shelf type or 7-slot shelf
type must be always inserted in slot 15.

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1-28 Shelf processor circuit packs

• both SPs forming the 1+1 protection group must be the same PEC. The
only exception is when using NTK555AAE5 and NTK555ABE5. A 1+1 SP
protection group can have an NTK555AAE5 and NTK555ABE5 only if the
14-slot shelf is not equipped with the NTK505MB Access Panel and an
OMX, OMD4, CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2, MBMD2, GMD10, FIM Type 1,
FIM Type 2, or DSCM circuit pack is not provisioned in the access panel
slots (83-90).

In a 14-slot or 32-slot shelf with 1+1 SP protection provisioned, only one SP
must be replaced at a time. Removal of both shelf processors affects external
communications to/from the 6500 shelf (local or remote craft access is not
possible) and can result in data loss. When replacing a redundant SP, wait at
least 5 minutes after the SP has been inserted before replacing the second

In a 6500 shelf that has photonic modules, for example, SLA, MLA, WSS,
while traffic is not affected by removal or failure of both shelf processors in a
redundant configuration or removal/failure of a non-redundant shelf
processor, it will result in the loss of photonic adjustment control within the
DOC domain that the shelf resides. Existing traffic is not affected, however,
the ability of the photonic system to adjust the channels if needed is lost.

• For SP-2 Dual CPU circuit packs, the shelves must be equipped with two
SP-2 Dual CPU circuit packs if the SONET/SDH Control Plane or Layer 0
Control Plane is enabled. Note that If the SONET/SDH Control Plane or
Layer 0 Control Plane is not activated, then it is not mandatory to have two
SP-2 Dual CPU circuit packs. Also if the OTN Control Plane is used, it is
not mandatory to have two SP-2 circuit packs.
Technical specifications
Table 1-5 on page 1-29 lists the weight, power consumption, and SFP
specifications for the shelf processor circuit packs.

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Shelf processor circuit packs 1-29

Table 1-5
Weight and power consumption for shelf processor circuit packs

Circuit pack Weight Power consumption

Typical (W) Power Budget (W)

Shelf processor (SP) circuit pack 0.8 kg (1.7 lb) 21 21


Shelf processor (SP) circuit pack 0.8 kg (1.7 lb) 21 21


Shelf processor (SP-2) circuit pack 1.1 kg (2.4 lb) 40 42

(NTK555CAE5) (see Note 1) (see Note 1)

Shelf processor (SP-2) circuit pack 1.0 kg (2.3 lb) 47 50

(NTK555EAE5) (see Note 1 and (see Note 1 and
Note 2) Note 2)

Shelf processor (SP-2 Dual CPU) circuit pack 1.2 kg (2.6 lb) 57 61
(NTK555FAE5) (see Note 1 and (see Note 1 and
Note 2) Note 2)

Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP) 0.7 kg (1.4 lb) 14 16

circuit pack (NTK555LA)

Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP-2) w/ 0.8 kg (1.8 lb) 21 25

2xOSC 2xSFP circuit pack (NTK555NA)

SFP specifications; only applicable to NTK555NA (see Note 3)

Note 1: When equipped in a 14-slot packet-optical shelf (NTK503SA), this module is powered in feeder
zone 2 and its power is attributed to the zone 2 power budget.
Note 2: When equipped in a 32-slot shelf, this module is powered in feeder zone 2 and its power is
attributed to the zone 2 power budget.
Note 3: For optical SFP specifications, see the following sections in Part 3 of 6500 Planning,
NTRN10DB (Chapter 8):
— “OSC w/WSC 2 Port SFP 2 Port 10/100BT (2xOSC) circuit packs and 2xOSC ports on shelf
processor SPAP-2 w/2xOSC optical specifications”

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1-30 Shelf processor circuit packs

Shelf processor connector pinout

Table 1-6 provides the pinout of the DB9 DCE port on the shelf processor

Table 1-6
DCE DB9 female connector pinout (NTK555AAE5/NTK555ABE5)

Pin Signal Direction Description

1 CD DCE-to-DTE Carrier Detect

2 TX DCE-to-DTE Transmit Data

Pin 5 Pin 1
3 RX DTE-to-DCE Receive Data

4 DTR DTE-to-DCE Data Terminal Ready

Pin 9 Pin 6 5 GND Ground

6 DSR DCE-to-DTE Data Set Ready

7 RTS DTE-to-DCE Request To Send

8 CTS DCE-to-DTE Clear To Send

9 RI DCE-to-DTE Ring Indicator

Table 1-7 provides the pinout of the 10/100Base-T RJ-45 connectors on the
shelf processor.

Table 1-7
10/100Base-T RJ-45 pinout

RJ-45 Plug Pin
Shelf Access panel 48x10/100BT I/
processor O panel




Pin 8 Pin 1 4 No connection No connection No connection

Pin 1 Pin 8 5 No connection No connection No connection


7 No connection No connection No connection

8 No connection No connection No connection

Note: The RJ-45 plug orientation varies by circuit pack/shelf/port.

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Shelf processor circuit packs 1-31

SP redundancy provisioning procedures

The following flowchart provides the various steps/procedures that must be
performed in order to establish the SP redundancy. It applies to the second
SP installation.

All procedures assume that the user is logged in to the network element with
the appropriate user privilege code. Refer to the login procedures in
Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.

6500 Shelf Processor (SP)

Provisioning Diagram

Install SP Circuit Pack

Slot 16 or 42
Procedure 1-1

Configure SP
Equipment Protection
Procedure 1-2


Table 1-8 provides references to different procedures covered in this chapter.

Table 1-8
Procedures in this chapter

Topic Page

Procedure 1-1, Provisioning a circuit pack automatically 1-32

Procedure 1-2, Changing the protection scheme for a pair of SPs 1-33

Procedure 1-3, Changing the primary state of a circuit pack 1-35

Procedure 1-4, Deleting a circuit pack 1-36

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1-32 Shelf processor circuit packs

Procedure 1-1
Provisioning a circuit pack automatically
If automatic equipping is enabled, when inserted in the shelf, the SP circuit
pack is automatically provisioned as in-service.

To enable automatic equipping, refer to the “Enabling/disabling slot-based

automatic equipping” procedure in Administration and Security, 323-1851-

Refer to “Equipping rules” on page 1-27 for supported slots for the SP circuit

Risk of equipment damage
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage electrostatic
sensitive devices. Use antistatic protection to avoid damaging
circuit packs.

• To provision the SP in slot 16 or 42, ensure the last SP that occupied the
slot has been deleted from equipment provisioning.
• Ensure the plastic pin protector on the circuit pack has been removed.

Step Action

1 Wear an appropriate ESD personal grounding device to dissipate

electrostatic charges. If you are wearing an antistatic wrist strap, connect the
cord on the shelf installed in a grounded rack/cabinet or clip to a suitable
ground point.
2 Insert the SP circuit pack in the correct slot in the shelf.
If you are logged in to Site Manager when you automatically provision a circuit
pack, click Refresh in the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application to
display the circuit pack in the list of available equipment.

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Shelf processor circuit packs 1-33

Procedure 1-2
Changing the protection scheme for a pair of SPs
Use this procedure to change the protection scheme for a pair of SP
• from 1+1 SP to unprotected
• from unprotected to 1+1 SP

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 If you are changing the protection scheme Then go to
from 1+1 SP to unprotected step 3
from unprotected to 1+1 SP step 4

Risk of communication loss
If you place an SP out-of-service, you may cause a loss
of communication.

Change the even slot SP equipment to the out-of-service state. See

Procedure 1-3, “Changing the primary state of a circuit pack” on page 1-35.

If the SP in the even slot is currently the active SP, an SP protection switch will occur
and all users will be logged out. It may take up to 15 minutes to regain contact with
the shelf.

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1-34 Shelf processor circuit packs

Procedure 1-2 (continued)

Changing the protection scheme for a pair of SPs

Step Action

When two SPs are equipped in a shelf but no protection is provisioned, if you place
the active SP in the odd slot to out of service while the SP in even slot is in service,
no switch will occur. The SP in the odd slot is still acting as the active SP in the shelf
and will respond to all internal and external service requests. Removing the SP in
the odd slot will result in loss of communication to the shelf and loss of all SP
support. Before removing the SP in the odd slot, ensure that equipment protection
is provisioned as 1+1 to ensure an auto switch will occur.

4 Select Protection Provisioning from the Protection drop-down menu to

open the Protection Provisioning application.
5 Select the SP equipment and shelf from the Type and Shelf drop-down lists.
The provisioning data table opens.
6 Select an entry from the table.
When changing the protection scheme, provisioning the protection scheme
for one of the circuit packs in a pair automatically provisions the protection
scheme for the other circuit pack in the pair.
7 Click Edit to open the Edit protection provisioning dialog box.
8 Select the radio button of the new protection scheme (Unprotected or 1+1).
9 Click OK.
10 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

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Shelf processor circuit packs 1-35

Procedure 1-3
Changing the primary state of a circuit pack
Use this procedure to change the primary state of a circuit pack to in-service
or out-of-service.

To change the 2-slot integrated SP equipment to OOS, you must first put all
the provisioned OTM1 line or FLEX client facilities to OOS. To change the
SPAP-2 w/2xOSC circuit pack to OOS, you must first put the provisioned OSC
facilities to OOS. Refer to the “Changing the primary state of a facility”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Configuration, 323-
1851-310 for the detailed procedure.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration drop-
down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
4 Select the circuit pack in the Equipment area.
5 Click Edit in the Equipment area to open the Edit Equipment dialog box.
6 Select IS or OOS from the Primary state drop-down list.
7 Click OK.
8 If you are changing the primary state to OOS, click Yes in the warning dialog

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1-36 Shelf processor circuit packs

Procedure 1-4
Deleting a circuit pack
Use this procedure to delete circuit pack equipment from the list of provisioned
equipment in the Equipment and Facility Provisioning application. This
procedure is applicable only to the protection SP. Only the redundant SP in the
even slot of the shelf may be deleted.

To perform this procedure, you must
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• change the primary state of the protection SP circuit pack to OOS and its
protection scheme to unprotected. See Procedure 1-2, “Changing the
protection scheme for a pair of SPs” on page 1-33 and Procedure 1-3,
“Changing the primary state of a circuit pack” on page 1-35.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration drop-
down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
4 In the Equipment area, select the equipment you want to delete.
5 Click Delete in the Equipment area.
6 Click Yes in the warning dialog box.

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Shelf processor circuit packs 1-37

Equipment and facility provisioning parameters

Equipment primary states
Table 1-9 provides information on equipment primary states.

Table 1-9
Equipment primary states

Primary State Description

IS In-service; no failure detected

IS-ANR In-service - abnormal; failure exists but entity is still capable of performing
some of its provisioned functions (that is, partial failure)

OOS-AU Out-of-service - autonomous; failure detected

OOS-MA Out-of-service - maintenance; no failure detected (OOS for maintenance

for provisioning memory administration)

OOS-AUMA Out-of-service autonomous maintenance; failure detected

OOS-MAANR Out-of-service - maintenance - abnormal; partial failure detected

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1-38 Shelf processor circuit packs

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015

Cross-connect circuit packs 2-

Cross-connect circuit packs (NTK557xxE5, NTK610BBE5,

NTK615AA, NTK615BA, NTK616AA, and NTK616BA)
This chapter provides an overview of the 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500)
cross-connect circuit packs and their associated procedures.

The cross-connect circuit pack performs the following functions:

• connection management (see “Connection management” on page 2-15
for more information)
• synchronization (see “Synchronization” on page 2-21 for more

The cross-connect circuit packs manage synchronization and shelf bandwidth

as separate entities. For example, if there is a synchronization failure on the
cross-connect circuit pack in slot 7 of a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf, slot 7 of a
6500 14-slot shelf, or slot 9 of a 6500 32-slot shelf and a bandwidth
management failure on the cross-connect circuit pack in slot 8 of a 6500-7
packet-optical shelf, slot 8 of a 6500 14-slot shelf or slot 10 of a 6500 32-slot
shelf, the system can still carry traffic and provide synchronization timing to
other network elements.

STS-1/VC-3 cross-connect circuit packs provide high-order (HO) traffic

switching at STS1 (SONET) and HO_VC3/VC4 (SDH) traffic granularities.
240G+ STS-1/VC-3 (240/0) cross-connect circuit packs and 640G+ STS-1/
VC-3 (240/0) cross-connect circuit packs also provide traffic switching at

VT1.5/VC-12 cross-connect circuit packs provide low-order traffic (LO)

switching at VT1.5/VT2 (SONET) and VC11/VC12/LO_VC-3 (SDH) traffic
granularities, as well as high order traffic switching at STS1 (SONET) and
HO_VC3/VC4 (SDH) traffic granularities.

PKT/OTN cross-connect circuit packs provide OTN switching at ODUk traffic


6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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2-2 Cross-connect circuit packs

The 6500 also supports SuperMux circuit packs that contain an on-board
high-order cross-connect (switching at STS1 and HO_VC3/VC4) making
SuperMux or a pair of mated SuperMux circuit packs capable of operating
without 6500 shelf cross-connect circuit packs. The NTK535FAE5 variant of
the SuperMux can also be configured to switch up to 20Gbps of high-order
traffic through STS-1/VC-3 (or VT1.5/VC12) cross-connect circuit packs.

Table 2-1 lists the supported cross-connect circuit packs in 6500. For all
supported OTN I/F, PKT I/F and PKT/OTN I/F circuit packs in any shelf type,
it is mandatory to use dual PKT/OTN cross-connect circuit packs.

Table 2-1
Supported cross-connect circuit packs in 6500

Description PEC Function Supported Shelf


6500 7-slot shelf types

The 6500 7-slot shelf types do not support/require cross-connect circuit packs. N/A

6500-7 packet-optical shelf type (Note 1)

X-Conn 1200G PKT/ NTK615BA This cross connect supports up to 6500-7 packet-
OTN Type 2 1200 Gbit/s OTN capacity with ODUk optical shelf type
switching granularity. This cross-connect (NTK503RA)
circuit pack needs SP-2 circuit packs to
function (NTK555CAE5, NTK555EAE5,
or NTK555FAE5).

6500 14-slot shelf types except packet-optical (Note 2)

X-Conn 80G STS-1/ 14-slot shelf types

NTK557AAE5 This cross-connect has a fixed capacity of
VC-3 (80/0) 80 Gbit/s with STS1/VC3 switching (NTK503AxE5/
granularity. This means a 80/0 cross- NTK503BxE5/
connect circuit pack supports a maximumNTK503CxE5/
of 80G total XC capacity with no LO XC NTK503ADE5/
capacity. NTK503BDE5/
X-Conn 160G+ STS-1/ NTK557BAE5 This cross-connect has a fixed capacity of NTK503GA)
VC-3 (160/0) 160 Gbit/s with STS1/VC3 switching
granularity. This means a 160/0 cross-
connect circuit pack supports a maximum
of 160G total XC capacity with no LO XC

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Cross-connect circuit packs 2-3

Table 2-1 (continued)

Supported cross-connect circuit packs in 6500

Description PEC Function Supported Shelf


X-Conn 80G/80G VT- NTK557NAE5 This cross-connect has a fixed capacity of 14-slot shelf types
1.5/VC-12 (80/80) 80 Gbit/s with VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12/LO (NTK503AxE5/
VC3 (AU4 mapped) switching granularity. NTK503BxE5/
VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12/LO VC3 (AU4 NTK503CxE5/
mapped) capacity is 80 Gbit/s. This NTK503ADE5/
means a 80/80 cross-connect circuit pack NTK503BDE5/
supports a maximum of 80G capacity in NTK503CDE5/
total with a HO limit of 80G and LO limit of NTK503GA)
80G traffic.
Note: Although 80G of VT1.5/VC11/VT2/
VC12 capacity is supported, if ONM
Applications Platform (AP) is managing
the network, there is a limit of 20,000
standing alarms in the managed network.
OMEA alarm filtering is required if path
alarming causes this limit to be exceeded.
Full path alarming (up to the limit
applicable to circuit packs or NE) is
available at the network element and Site
Manager interface.

X-Conn 80G/20G VT- NTK557PAE5 This cross-connect has a fixed capacity of

1.5/VC-12 (80/20) 80 Gbit/s with VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12/LO
VC3 (AU4 mapped) switching granularity.
VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12/LO VC3 (AU4
mapped) capacity is limited to 20 Gbit/s.
This means a 80/20 cross-connect circuit
pack supports a maximum of 80G
capacity in total with a HO limit of 80G and
LO limit of 20G traffic.

X-Conn 20G/20G VT- NTK557QAE5 This cross-connect has a fixed capacity of

1.5/VC-12 (20/20) 20 Gbit/s with VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12/LO
VC3 (AU4 mapped) switching granularity.
VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12/LO VC3 (AU4
mapped) capacity is 20 Gbit/s. This
means a 20/20 cross-connect circuit pack
supports a maximum of 20G capacity in
total with a HO limit of 20G and LO limit of
20G traffic.

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2-4 Cross-connect circuit packs

Table 2-1 (continued)

Supported cross-connect circuit packs in 6500

Description PEC Function Supported Shelf


MXC 20G/20G VT1.5/ NTK557TBE5 This cross-connect has a fixed capacity of 14-slot shelf types
VC-12 5xSFP 20 Gbit/s with VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12/LO (NTK503AxE5/
VC3 (AU4 mapped) switching granularity. NTK503BxE5/
VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12/LO VC3 (AU4 NTK503CxE5/
mapped) capacity is 20 Gbit/s. This NTK503ADE5/
means a MXC cross-connect circuit pack NTK503BDE5/
supports a maximum of 20G capacity in NTK503CDE5/
total with a HO limit of 20G and LO limit of NTK503GA)
20G traffic. The SFP optics are integrated
on the faceplate (multiservice cross-
connect, MXC). See “Multiservice cross-
connect (MXC) circuit pack” on page 2-22
for more details.

X-Conn 240G+ STS-1/ NTK557EAE5 This cross connect supports up to 240

VC-3 (240/0) Gbit/s high-order and LO_VC3 capacity
with STS1/VC3 switching granularity.
LO_VC3 connections are only supported
to/from compatible circuit packs. This
means a 240/0 cross-connect circuit pack
supports a maximum of 240G total XC
capacity but no LO VT1.5/VT2/VC11/
VC12 connections.

X-Conn 240G+/80G NTK557GAE5 This cross connect supports up to 240

VT1.5/VC-12 (240/80) Gbit/s high-order and LO_VC3 capacity
with STS1/VC3 switching granularity, with
the low-order VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12
capacity limited to 80G. Low order
connections are only supported to/from
compatible circuit packs. This means a
240/80 cross-connect circuit pack
supports a maximum of 240G capacity in
total with a STS-1/HO/LO_VC3 limit of
240G and VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12 limit of
80G traffic.
Also see Note 3.

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Cross-connect circuit packs 2-5

Table 2-1 (continued)

Supported cross-connect circuit packs in 6500

Description PEC Function Supported Shelf


6500 14-slot packet-optical shelf type (Note 1)

X-Conn 240G+ STS-1/ NTK557ES This cross connect supports up to 240 14-slot packet-
VC-3 (240/0) Gbit/s high-order and LO_VC3 capacity optical shelf type
with STS1/VC3 switching granularity. (NTK503SA)
LO_VC3 connections are only supported
to/from compatible circuit packs. This
means a 240/0 cross-connect circuit pack
supports a maximum of 240G total XC
capacity but no LO VT1.5/VT2/VC11/
VC12 connections.

X-Conn 240G+/80G NTK557GS This cross connect supports up to 240

VT1.5/VC-12 (240/80) Gbit/s high-order and LO_VC3 capacity
with STS1/VC3 switching granularity, with
the low-order VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12
capacity limited to 80G. Low order
connections are only supported to/from
compatible circuit packs. This means a
240/80 cross-connect circuit pack
supports a maximum of 240G capacity in
total with a STS-1/HO/LO_VC3 limit of
240G and VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12 limit of
80G traffic.
Also see Note 3.

X-Conn 600G PKT/ NTK615AA This cross connect supports up to

OTN 600 Gbit/s OTN capacity with ODUk
switching granularity. This cross-connect
circuit pack needs SP-2 circuit packs to
function (NTK555CAE5, NTK555EAE5,
or NTK555FAE5).

X-Conn 1200G PKT/ NTK615BA This cross connect supports up to 14-slot packet-
OTN Type 2 1200 Gbit/s OTN capacity with ODUk optical shelf type
switching granularity. This cross-connect (NTK503SA)
circuit pack needs SP-2 circuit packs to
function (NTK555CAE5, NTK555EAE5,
or NTK555FAE5).

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2-6 Cross-connect circuit packs

Table 2-1 (continued)

Supported cross-connect circuit packs in 6500

Description PEC Function Supported Shelf


6500 32-slot shelf types (Note 4)

X-Conn 640G+ STS-1/ NTK610BBE5 This cross connect supports up to 640 32-slot shelf types
VC-3 (640/0) Gbit/s high-order and LO_VC3 capacity (NTK603AAE5 and
with STS1/VC3 switching granularity. NTK603AB)
LO_VC3 connections are only supported
to/from compatible circuit packs. This
means a 640/0 cross-connect circuit pack
supports a maximum of 640G total XC
capacity but no LO VT1.5/VT2/VC11/
VC12 connections.

X-Conn 1600G PKT/ NTK616AA This cross connect supports up to

OTN 1600 Gbit/s OTN capacity with ODUk
switching granularity. This cross-connect
circuit pack needs SP-2 circuit packs to
function (NTK555EAE5 or

X-Conn 3200G PKT/ NTK616BA This cross connect supports up to 32-slot shelf types
OTN Type 2 3200 Gbit/s OTN capacity with ODUk (NTK603AAE5 and
switching granularity. This cross-connect NTK603AB)
circuit pack needs SP-2 circuit packs to
function (NTK555EAE5 or

6500 2-slot shelf types

The 2-slot shelf type does not support/require cross-connect circuit packs. N/A

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Cross-connect circuit packs 2-7

Table 2-1 (continued)

Supported cross-connect circuit packs in 6500

Description PEC Function Supported Shelf


Note 1: For PKT/OTN shelf configurations (including those that also support Photonic and/or
Broadband services) in a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf type, the 6500-7 packet-optical shelf type supports
redundant single height/single width cross-connect circuit packs (1+1 equipment protection) located in
slots 7 and 8.
Note 2: For PKT/OTN and MSPP shelf configurations (including those that also support Photonic and/
or Broadband services) in a 6500 14-slot shelf type, the 14-slot shelf type supports redundant single
height/single width cross-connect circuit packs (1+1 equipment protection) located in slots 7 and 8.

Note 3: The following conditions exist if you want to add a SDH-SONET gateway or LO-HO connection
with a 240/80 cross-connect circuit pack (NTK557GAE5 or NTK557GS):
— When a LO VC3 path from an STM-n facility on a 1xOC-192/STM-64, 2xOC-48/STM-16, 8xOC-3/
12/STM-1/4, or 16xSTM-1e circuit pack is used as a VC3 or STS1 connection source with a 240G+/
80G VT1.5/VC-12 (240/80) cross connect circuit pack (NTK557GAE5 or NTK557GS) to a HO VC3
destination (AU3-mapped in any STM-n facility), an STS-1 gateway destination (OCn/EC1 facility),
or to a DS3/E3 facility, any VC11/VC12 traffic sourced from within the same AU4/VC4 may
experience an in-service traffic interruption when the VC3/STS1 connection is entered or bridged
(during a bridge and roll operation involving the STM-n facility).
— LO VC3 sources within the AU4/VC4 are not affected by the addition of VC3/STS1 connections.
Path connections that are made or bridged on any other cross-connect circuit pack type (except the
240/80 cross-connect circuit pack) and connections or bridge and roll activities between LO VC3
sources and LO VC3 destinations are not affected.
— Therefore, in order to avoid the possibility of any VC11/VC12 traffic interruption when using the 240/
80 cross-connect circuit pack with 1xOC-192/STM-64, 2xOC-48/STM-16, 8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4, or
16xSTM-1e circuit packs, it is recommended to avoid assigning VC11/VC12 connections to AU4/
VC4s that are required to support LO VC3 connections between the STMn facilities on these circuit
packs and HO VC3 destinations (STMn facility), STS1 gateway destinations (OCn/EC1 facility) or
to a DS3/E3 facility. Otherwise, it is recommended to enter or bridge all connections between LO
VC3 sources (from STMn facilities on these circuit packs) and HO VC3, STS1, or DS3/E3
destinations before the VC11/VC12 connections or traffic within the AU4/VC4 is established.

Note 4: For PKT/OTN and MSPP shelf configurations (including those that also support Photonic and/
or Broadband services) in a 6500 32-slot shelf type, the 6500 32-slot shelf type supports redundant
double height/single width cross-connect circuit packs (1+1 equipment protection) located in slots 9 and

Figure 2-1 on page 2-8 shows the faceplate of the cross-connect circuit pack.
Figure 2-2 on page 2-8 shows the faceplate of the MXC circuit pack.
Figure 2-3 on page 2-9 to Figure 2-8 on page 2-14 show the functional block
diagrams for different cross-connect circuit packs.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
2-8 Cross-connect circuit packs

Figure 2-1
Cross-connect circuit pack faceplate (NTK557AAE5 is shown as an example)

Red triangle (Fail)

X-Comm 80G
- Used to communicate hardware or software failure state
Sync - ST3

- Card not failed = LED off, Card failed = LED on

In Use
Green rectangle (Ready)
- Used to communicate hardware or software functional state
- Card initializing = Blinking LED; Card OK = LED on; Card not ready = LED off

Blue diamond (In Use)

- Used to communicate whether circuit pack can be extracted
Ref 1
(on->no pull, off->can be pulled
Ref 2
- Equipment in-service = LED on; Equipment out-of-service = LED off

Ref 3
Yellow circle (Synchronization status)
Ref 4
- Used to communicate loss of synchronization timing reference
- One LED per timing reference (1 Fail, 2 Fail, 3 Fail, 4 Fail)
S/N NT030MEE9999E


Type E

Figure 2-2
MXC circuit pack faceplate

Red triangle (Fail)

- Used to communicate hardware or software failure state
5 Port SFP

- Card not failed = LED off, Card failed = LED on

In Use
Green rectangle (Ready)
- Used to communicate hardware or software functional state
Ref 1
- Card initializing = Blinking LED; Card OK = LED on; Card not ready = LED off
Ref 2

Ref 3
Blue diamond (In Use)
Ref 4
- Used to communicate whether circuit pack can be extracted
(on->no pull, off->can be pulled
1 Tx - Equipment in-service = LED on; Equipment out-of-service = LED off

2 Tx Yellow circle (Synchronization status)

- Used to communicate loss of synchronization timing reference
3 Tx - One LED per timing reference (1 Fail, 2 Fail, 3 Fail, 4 Fail)

4 Tx

Red/yellow bi-color circle (Fail/LOS)
- Used to communicate Rx Loss of Signal/optical module fail
5 Tx

- Red = module fail; Yellow = Rx Loss of Signal

Transmit/receive SFP dual LC connector

S/N NT030MEE9999E


Type E

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Cross-connect circuit packs 2-9

Figure 2-3
Cross-connect circuit pack block diagram (NTK557xxE5, except NTK557TBE5 and NTK557GAE5/

Traffic to all slots

Cross-connect fabric

Traffic from all slots


Processor Power
Sync Module Supply

PEC XC circuit pack STS/HO LO_VC3 VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12

capacity capacity capacity
NTK557AAE5 80G STS-1/VC-3 80G 0G 0G
NTK557BAE5 160G+ STS-1/VC-3 160G 0G 0G
NTK557EAE5 240G+ STS-1/VC-3 240G 240G 0G
NTK557ES 240G+ STS-1/VC-3 240G 240G 0G
NTK557NAE5 80G/80G VT-1.5/VC-12 80G 80G 80G
NTK557PAE5 80G/20G VT-1.5/VC-12 80G 20G 20G
NTK557QAE5 20G/20G VT-1.5/VC-12 20G 20G 20G

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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2-10 Cross-connect circuit packs

Figure 2-4
Cross-connect circuit pack block diagram for MXC (NTK557TBE5)

Traffic to all slots



20G VT1.5/LO processor SONET/SDH
cross-connect fabric SFP 4

Traffic from all slots SFP 5


Processor Power
Sync Module Supply

OHP Overhead processor

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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Cross-connect circuit packs 2-11

Figure 2-5
Cross-connect circuit pack block diagram (NTK557GAE5/NTK557GS)

Traffic to all slots

240G STS/VC-3 80G VT/LO

cross-connect fabric cross-connect fabric

Traffic from all slots


Processor Power
Sync Module Supply

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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2-12 Cross-connect circuit packs

Figure 2-6
Cross-connect circuit pack block diagram (NTK615AA/NTK615BA)

XC Traffic to all slots

cross-connect fabric
XC Traffic from all slots


Processor Power
Sync Module Supply

PEC XC circuit pack PKT/OTN capacity

NTK615AA X-Conn 600G PKT/OTN 600G

NTK615BA X-Conn 1200G PKT/OTN Type 2 1200G

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Figure 2-7
Cross-connect circuit pack block diagram (NTK610BBE5)

Traffic to all slots

Cross-connect fabric

Traffic from all slots


Processor Power
Sync Module Supply

PEC XC circuit pack STS/HO/LO_VC3 VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12

capacity capacity

NTK610BBE5 640G+ STS-1/VC-3 640G 0G

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2-14 Cross-connect circuit packs

Figure 2-8
Cross-connect circuit pack block diagram (NTK616AA/NTK616BA)

XC Traffic to all slots

cross-connect fabric
XC Traffic from all slots


Processor Power
Sync Module Supply

PEC XC circuit pack PKT/OTN capacity

NTK616AA X-Conn 1600G PKT/OTN 1600G

NTK616BA X-Conn 3200G PKT/OTN Type 2 3200G

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Cross-connect circuit packs 2-15

Supported functionality
The cross-connect and MXC circuit packs (NTK615AA, NTK615BA,
NTK616AA, NTK616BA, NTK557xx, and NTK610BBE5) provide the following

Connection management
In the 6500 architecture and for MSPP, converged MSPP/Photonic, converged
MSPP/Broadband, or converged MSPP/Broadband/Photonic services, the
cross-connect circuit packs switch traffic between port circuit packs. Two
cross-connect circuit packs provide redundant equipment protection. All
ingress port circuit pack traffic is mapped into appropriate SONET/SDH or
ODU containers and directed towards the cross-connect circuit pack which
switches the incoming traffic to the appropriate egress port circuit pack.

The cross-connect circuit pack allows any input channel to be connected to

any output channel. This basic functionality allows the system to support
diverse connection and protection configurations. Figure 2-9 on page 2-16
provides an overview of the 6500 cross-connect architecture.

The cross-connect circuit packs are 1+1 protected working in hot standby and
have synchronization phase and frequency alignment. The 6500 supports
hitless (no errors) switching between the switch matrices for circuit pack
failure, removal of the circuit pack, and software upgrades. Switching to the
redundant cross-connect does not affect system configuration and user

As the MXC circuit pack contains optical ports, switching between the MXC
circuit packs could result in a protection switch between protected optical
ports (if optical ports are unprotected, the traffic will be lost).

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2-16 Cross-connect circuit packs

Figure 2-9
6500 cross-connect overview

Cross-connect circuit pack


Port circuit pack Port circuit pack

Port circuit pack Port circuit pack

Cross-connect circuit pack capacities

The number of cross-connects that can be provisioned depends on the cross-
connect circuit pack type (see Table 2-1 on page 2-2) and the number of
destinations that exist for a cross-connect. A destination is an egress point for
the traffic that a connection is carrying from the network element. For detailed
connection topologies with destinations labeled, see Figure 2-10 on
page 2-17. Table 2-2 on page 2-18 summarizes the number of bidirectional
cross-connects available for each SONET/SDH cross-connect circuit pack at
the various connection rates.
Table 2-3 on page 2-20 summarizes the number of bidirectional cross-
connects available for each PKT/OTN cross-connect circuit pack at the
various connection rates.

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Cross-connect circuit packs 2-17

Figure 2-10
Cross-connects—number of destinations

Unprotected Connections

From From

1 destination 2 destinations

To To
1WAY cross-connect 2WAY cross-connect
(1 destination) (2 destinations)

Path Protected Connections

From Mate From Mate

3 destinations

4 destinations
2WAYPR cross-connect
(3 destinations)

To Mate

2WAYDPR cross-connect
(4 destinations)

LINE/MS Protected Connections

From Protection From Protection

4 destinations

3 destinations
To To Protection

2WAY cross-connect 2WAY cross-connect

on 1+1 or between 1+1 or
protected endpoint protected endpoint
(3 destinations) (4 destinations)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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2-18 Cross-connect circuit packs

Table 2-2
SONET/SDH cross-connect circuit packs capacity summary

Number of bidirectional cross-connects

Number (see Note 1)
SONET/SDH Connection rate of
XC destinations Unprotected to Unprotected to Protected to
(see Note 1) unprotected protected protected
(see Note 2) (see Note 3) (see Note 4)

80/0 STS1/HO_VC3 1536 768 512 384

STS3c/VC4 512 256 170 128

160/0 STS1/HO_VC3 3072 1536 1024 768

STS3c/VC4 1024 512 341 256

240/0 STS1/HO_VC3 4608 2304 1536 1152

LO_VC3 4608 2304 1536 1152
STS3c/VC4 1536 768 512 384

20/20 VT1.5/VC11 10752 5376 3584 2688

MXC 20/20 VT2/VC12 8064 4032 2688 2016
LO_VC3 384 192 128 96
STS1/HO_VC3 384 192 128 96
STS3c/VC4 128 64 42 32

80/20 VT1.5/VC11 10752 5376 3584 2688

VT2/VC12 8064 4032 2688 2016
LO_VC3 384 192 128 96
STS1/HO_VC3 1536 768 512 384
STS3c/VC4 512 256 170 128

80/80 VT1.5/VC11 43008 21504 14336 10752

VT2/VC12 32256 16128 10752 8064
LO_VC3 1536 768 512 384
STS1/HO_VC3 1536 768 512 384
STS3c/VC4 512 256 170 128

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Table 2-2 (continued)

SONET/SDH cross-connect circuit packs capacity summary

Number of bidirectional cross-connects

Number (see Note 1)
SONET/SDH Connection rate of
XC destinations Unprotected to Unprotected to Protected to
(see Note 1) unprotected protected protected
(see Note 2) (see Note 3) (see Note 4)

240/80 VT1.5/VC11 43008 21504 14336 10752

(see Note 5) VT2/VC12 32256 16128 10752 8064
LO_VC3 4608 2304 1536 1152
STS1/HO_VC3 4608 2304 1536 1152
STS3c/VC4 1536 768 512 384

640/0 STS1/HO_VC3 12288 6144 4096 3072

LO_VC3 12288 6144 4096 3072
STS3c/VC4 4096 2048 1365 1024

Note 1: This is the maximum destinations of the specified type and rate that a cross-connect circuit
pack can support independently of the software release or interface circuit pack type. Specific software
release, interface circuit pack type, and traffic mix may limit the actual number of possible destinations.
Note 2: Includes 2WAY cross-connect types.
Note 3: Includes 2WAYPR cross-connect type and 2WAY cross-connect type to a single line/MS pro-
tected endpoint.
Note 4: Includes 2WAYDPR cross-connect type and 2WAY cross-connect type between line/MS pro-
tected endpoints.
Note 5: The 240/80 cross-connect circuit pack implements VT1.5/VC11 and VT2/VC12 grooming
through a two-stage switching fabric (a subtended low order switching scheme), therefore the number
of possible VT1.5/VC11 and VT2/VC12 destinations or bi-directional cross-connect is limited to 1536
unique STS-1/VC-3/TUG-3 sources and 1536 unique STS-1/VC-3/TUG-3 destinations. LO VC-3 paths
originating on the L2SS DS1/E1/DS3/E3 4xGE (PDH gateway) circuit packs (NTK531MAE5) consume
an STS-1/TUG-3 worth of the low order switch capacity (reducing the number of possible VT1.5/VC11
and VT2/VC12 connections by an equivalent amount).

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2-20 Cross-connect circuit packs

Table 2-3
PKT/OTN Cross-connect circuit packs capacity summary

Number of bidirectional cross-connects

Number (see Note 1)
PKT/OTN Connection rate of
XC destinations Unprotected to Unprotected to Protected to
(see Note 1) unprotected protected protected
(see Note 2) (see Note 3) (see Note 4)

600G PKT/ ODU0 480 ODU0 240 ODU0 160 ODU0 120 ODU0
OTN ODU1 240 ODU1 120 ODU1 80 ODU1 60 ODU1
ODU2 60 ODU2 30 ODU2 20 ODU2 15 ODU2
ODU3 12 ODU3 6 ODU3 4 ODU3 3 ODU3

1200G PKT/ ODU0 960 ODU0 480 ODU0 320 ODU0 240 ODU0
OTN Type 2 ODU1 480 ODU1 240 ODU1 160 ODU1 120 ODU1
ODU2 120 ODU2 60 ODU2 40 ODU2 30 ODU2
ODU3 24 ODU3 12 ODU3 8 ODU3 6 ODU3

1600G PKT/ ODU0 1280 ODU0 640 ODU0 426 ODU0 320 ODU0
OTN ODU1 640 ODU1 320 ODU1 213 ODU1 160 ODU1
ODU2 160 ODU2 80 ODU2 53 ODU2 40 ODU2
ODU3 32 ODU3 16 ODU3 10 ODU3 8 ODU3

3200G PKT/ ODU0 2560 ODU0 1280 ODU0 852 ODU0 640 ODU0
OTN Type 2 ODU1 1280 ODU1 640 ODU1 426 ODU1 320 ODU1
ODU2 320 ODU2 160 ODU2 106 ODU2 80 ODU2
ODU3 64 ODU3 32 ODU3 20 ODU3 16 ODU3

Note 1: This is the maximum destinations of the specified type and rate that a cross-connect circuit
pack can support independently of the software release or interface circuit pack type. Specific software
release, interface circuit pack type, and traffic mix may limit the actual number of possible destinations.
Note 2: Includes 2WAY cross-connect types.
Note 3: Includes 2WAYPR cross-connect type.
Note 4: Includes 2WAYDPR cross-connect type.

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Cross-connect circuit packs 2-21

The 6500-7 packet-optical, 6500 14-slot, or 6500 32-slot shelf provides
system synchronization using 1+1 redundant synchronization hardware on
the cross-connect circuit pack for both timing generation and timing
distribution. The 6500 2-slot or 7-slot shelf does not support/require cross-
connect (XC) or MXC circuit packs and therefore does not support/require
timing generation and timing distribution.

Synchronization hardware
The 6500 synchronization system spans across several components and
consist of the following:
• cross-connect or MXC circuit pack that contains a Stratum 3 level (freerun)
shelf clock and BITS interfaces
• OC-n/STM-n or SuperMux interface circuit packs, which can recover
timing from incoming signals and transfer it to the XC circuit pack
• access panel, which is the location of the shelf BITS inputs/outputs
• shelf processor that provides the user interface

The synchronization system supports the following modes:

• Internal timing - Using the internal stratum 3 clock on the active cross
connect module to generate timing signals
• BITS timing - recovering timing from local BITS inputs, supporting DS1
(SONET), E1(DSH), 2.048 MHz (SDH), or 64 kHz CC (SDH-J) signals to
synchronize the local clock.
• Line Timing - recovering timing from OCn optical signals to synchronize
the local clock.

Up to four timing sources may be selected with automatic protection switching

between them. A mix of Line and BITS inputs is also supported. For detailed
information on synchronization options and Sync Messaging support, see
Chapter 5, “Synchronization” in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.

Figure 2-11 on page 2-22 provides an overview of the 6500 synchronization


6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
2-22 Cross-connect circuit packs

Figure 2-11
6500 synchronization architecture

Unbalanced Balanced


Access Panel

Cross-connect circuit packs

OC-n/STM-n or SuperMux
interface circuit packs

Control Plane support

All SONET/SDH cross-connect circuit packs (except 20/20 and MXC circuit
packs) and PKT/OTN cross-connect circuit packs support Control Plane. In
order to commission the Control Plane, the cross-connect circuit packs must
be present in the system. Refer to the 6500 Packet-Optical Platform Control
Plane Application Guide, NTRN71AA, for detailed information on Control
Plane concepts, applications, and engineering rules supported in this release
of 6500.

Multiservice cross-connect (MXC) circuit pack

The multiservice cross-connect (MXC) circuit pack combines the functions of
a cross-connect circuit pack and an optical interface circuit pack on a single
circuit pack. The MXC circuit pack is only supported in 14-slot shelf types (not
supported in 6500-7 packet-optical, 6500 2-slot, 6500 7-slot, or 6500 32-slot

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Cross-connect circuit packs 2-23

shelf type). The optical ports on the MXC circuit pack provide the same
functionality as provided by the optical ports on the optical interface circuit
packs described in subsequent sections in this chapter.

The MXC circuit pack supports five SFP modules. Port 1 supports OC-3/STM-
1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/STM-16 ports. Ports 2 to 5 support OC-3/STM-1
or OC-12/STM-4 ports. The maximum total bandwidth supported for the five
SFP ports is 5G. The MXC circuit pack is supported in SDH network elements
(NE mode is SDH) and SONET network elements (NE mode is SONET).

The MXC circuit pack operates in a redundant 1+1 protection configuration

and manages the synchronization and bandwidth as separate entities. The
MXC circuit pack
• provides the same bandwidth management capability as the 20G/20G
VT1.5/VC-12 XC (20/20) circuit pack and is capable of high-order and low-
order traffic switching connections up to 20G capacity. See “Connection
management” on page 2-15 for more details.
• contains synchronization hardware for both timing generation and timing
distribution. See “Synchronization” on page 2-21 for more details.

In this release of 6500, the MXC circuit pack supports the following interface
circuit packs:
• 63xE1 circuit pack
• 24x10/100BT circuit pack
• 24x10/100BT with 8xSFP circuit pack
• 8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 circuit pack
• 2xOC-48/STM-16 circuit pack
• 16xOC-n/STM-n 5G STS-1/HO SFP circuit pack
• 16xOC-n/STM-n 5G VT1.5/LO SFP circuit pack
• 16xOC-n/STM-n 10G STS-1/HO SFP circuit pack
• 16xOC-n/STM-n 10G VT1.5/LO SFP circuit pack
• 4xGE EPL circuit pack
• 24xDS3/E3 circuit pack
• 24xDS3/EC-1 circuit pack
• L2SS VT1.5/LO 4xGE circuit pack
• L2SS DS1/E1/DS3/E3 4xGE circuit pack (PDH gateway)
• DS1 module (DSM) (the DSM support is achieved by using an OC3/12
circuit pack)

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2-24 Cross-connect circuit packs

When using the MXC circuit pack, interface slots (slots 1 to 6 and 9 to 14 for
14-slot shelf types) can only support 2.5G of traffic:
• only port 1 on a 2xOC-48/STM-16 circuit pack is supported (you cannot
provision cross-connects on port 2)
• only ports 1 to 4 on a 8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 circuit pack are supported (you
cannot provision cross-connects on ports 5 to 8)
• only ports 1 to 8 on a 16xOC-n/STM-n 5G STS-1/HO SFP or 16xOC-n/
STM-n 5G VT1.5/LO SFP circuit pack are supported while using OC-3/
STM-1 SFPs (you cannot provision cross-connects on ports 9 to 16)
• only ports 1 to 4 on a 16xOC-n/STM-n 5G STS-1/HO SFP or 16xOC-n/
STM-n 5G VT1.5/LO SFP circuit pack are supported while using OC-12/
STM-4 SFPs (you cannot provision cross-connects on ports 5 to 16)
• only ports 1 to 4 on a 16xOC-n/STM-n 10G STS-1/HO SFP or 16xOC-n/
STM-n 10G VT1.5/LO SFP circuit pack are supported while using OC-3/
STM-1 or OC-12/STM-4 SFPs (you cannot provision cross-connects on
ports 5 to 16)
• only port 1 on a 16xOC-n/STM-n 10G STS-1/HO SFP or
16xOC-n/STM-n 10G VT1.5/LO SFP circuit pack is supported while using
OC-48/STM-16 SFPs (you cannot provision cross-connects on ports 2 to
• only ports 3 and 4 on a 4xGE EPL circuit pack are supported (you cannot
provision cross-connects on ports 1 and 2)

The SFP ports on the MXC circuit pack provide the following functionality.
• supports OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, and OC-48/STM-16 (SONET and
SDH) services
• supports non-concatenated rates of VT1.5/VC11, VT2/VC12, STS-1/
• supports contiguous concatenation at STS3c, STS12c/VC4-4c, STS24c/
VC4-8c, and STS48c/VC4-16c
• terminates section/RS and line/MS overhead
— terminates section/RS and line/MS overhead bytes in Rx direction
— inserts section/RS and line/MS overhead bytes in Tx direction
• section/RS DCC or line/MS DCC selectable where the default is Off (a
section/RS DCC on each of the five optical ports and a maximum of two
line/MS DCC per MXC circuit pack)
• monitors optical power input and output
• selectable automatic laser shut off controlled by software
• automatic detection of SFP modules, which are hot pluggable.

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Cross-connect circuit packs 2-25

• auto provisioning of OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC48/STM16

specific SFPs
• manual provisioning of SFP modules that support both OC-3/STM-1 and
OC-12/STM-4 or OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, and OC-48/STM-16. For
example, since the IR-1/S1.1_S4.1 OC-3/12/STM-1/4 SFP supports both
OC-3/STM-1 and OC-12/STM-4, the user must manually provision the
SFP module for OC-3/STM-1 or OC-12/STM-4 operation.
• supports unprotected, 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing (OC-48/STM-16 port 1
only), 1+1/MSP linear (OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/STM-16
ports), and UPSR/SNCP traffic (OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/
STM-16 ports) protection schemes
• line timing synchronization support (provides the handover between the
line timing and the shelf), SONET and SDH external synchronization
mode supported (does not support SDH-J)

• supports the network configurations listed in Table 2-4

Table 2-4
MXC supported network configurations

From To

OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/STM-16 unpro-

E1, E3, DS3, EC-1, 10/
100BT, OC-3/STM-1, or OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/STM-16 1+1/
OC-12/STM-4 unprotect- MSP linear configuration
ed OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/STM-16 UPSR/
SNCP configuration

OC-48/STM-16 BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration

OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/STM-16 unpro-

OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/
STM-4, or OC-48/STM- OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/STM-16 1+1/
16 1+1/MSP linear con- MSP linear configuration
figuration OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/STM-16 UPSR/
SNCP configuration

OC-48/STM-16 BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration

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2-26 Cross-connect circuit packs

Table 2-4 (continued)

MXC supported network configurations

From To

OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/STM-16 unpro-

OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/
STM-4, or OC-48/STM- OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/STM-16 1+1/
16 UPSR/SNCP configu- MSP linear configuration
ration OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, or OC-48/STM-16 UPSR/
SNCP configuration

OC-48/STM-16 BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration

Cross-connection types
The multiservice cross-connect circuit pack (MXC) supports the following
cross-connection types:
• 1WAY (Unidirectional)
• 1WAYPR (Unidirectional Path Ring)
• 2WAY (Bidirectional)
• 2WAYPR (Bidirectional Path Ring)
• 2WAYDPR (Dual Bidirectional Path Ring)

Cross-connection rates
The multiservice cross-connect circuit pack (MXC) supports the following
cross-connection rates:
• VT1.5/VC11 and VT2/VC12 (any port supporting sub-STS1 connections)
• STS1/VC3 and STS3c/VC4 (OC-3/STM-1 ports)
• STS1/VC3, STS3c/VC4, and STS12c/VC4-4c (OC-12/STM-4 ports)
• STS1/VC3, STS3c/VC4, STS12c/VC4-4c, STS24c/VC4-8c, and STS48c/
VC4-16c (OC-48/STM-16 ports)

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Cross-connect circuit packs 2-27

Supported SFPs
Table 2-5 provides a list of the SFPs that are supported on the
MXC circuit pack.

Table 2-5
Supported SFP modules for the MXC circuit pack

Interface circuit pack Supported SFP modules

• MXC (NTK557TBE5) • P155M

— OC-3/STM-1 SR-0 (multimode) 1310 nm (NTTP02AD)
— OC-3/STM-1 SR1/I1 1310 nm (NTTP02BF)
— OC-3/STM-1 IR1/S1.1 1310 nm (NTTP02CD)
— OC-3/STM-1 LR1/L1.1 1310 nm (NTTP02ED)
— OC-3/STM-1 LR2/L1.2 1550 nm (NTTP02FF)
— STM-1e (NTTP60AE)
• P622M
— OC-12/STM-4 LR1/L4.1 1310 nm (NTTP05EF)
— OC-12/STM-4 LR2/L4.2 1550 nm (NTTP05FF)
• P155622M
— OC-3/12/STM-1/4 SR1/I1.1_I4.1 1310 nm (NTTP04BF)
— OC-3/12/STM-1/4 IR1/S1.1_S4.1 1310 nm (NTTP04CD and
• P2G5
— OC-48/STM-16 SR1/I16 1310 nm (NTTP03BF)
— OC-48/STM-16 IR1/S16.1 1310 nm (NTTP03CF)
— OC-48/STM-16 LR1/L16.1 1310 nm (NTTP03EF)
— OC-48/STM-16 LR2/L16.2 1550 nm (NTTP03FF)
— 155M/622M/2.5G CWDM (NTK590xH where x= L, M, N, P, Q, R, S,

Performance monitoring
The multiservice cross-connect circuit pack (MXC) supports the following
monitored entities:
• PM collection for SONET section (S)/SDH regenerator section (RS) and
SONET line (L)/SDH multiplex section (MS) services
• PM collection for SONET path (P)/SDH path (P) services, except for STM-
1e and DSM OC-3 facilities
• PM collection for STS1/VC3, STS3c/VC4, STS12c/VC4-4c, STS24c/VC4-
8c, and STS48c/VC4-16c concatenated payloads

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• PM collection for SONET VT Path (VTn)/SDH VC Path (VCm) for VT1.5/

VC11, VT2/VC12, STS1/LO VC3 (VT1.5/LO circuit packs only), STS1/HO
VC3, and VC4 non-concatenated payloads
• PM collection of protection switch count/duration, except for STM-1e
• Physical layer PM collection (OPR, OPRN, OPT, and OPTN), except for
STM-1e and DSM OC-3 facilities

For detailed information and procedures associated with performance

monitoring, refer to Fault Management - Performance Monitoring, 323-1851-

For a complete list of alarm clearing procedures for the 6500, refer to Part 1
and Part 2 of Fault Management - Alarm Clearing, 323-1851-543.

Equipment alarms (XC and MXC)

• Autoprovisioning Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Circuit Pack Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Mate Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Failed - Sync
• Circuit Pack Failed - Traffic
• Circuit Pack Latch Open
• Circuit Pack Upgrade Failed
• Cold Restart Required: FPGA Changed
• Database Not Saved: CLI Save Config Required
• Intercard Suspected
• Internal Mgmt Comms Suspected
• Provisioning Incompatible

Equipment alarms (MXC only)

• Alarm Provisioning Near Limit
• Circuit Pack Failed
• Packet Rate Limit Exceeded

Pluggable alarms (MXC only)

• Client Circuit Pack Missing - Pluggable
• Circuit Pack Mismatch - Pluggable

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• Client Circuit Pack Failed - Pluggable

• Client Circuit Pack Unknown - Pluggable
• Autoprovisioning Mismatch - Pluggable
• Intercard Suspected - Pluggable
• provisioning Incompatible - Pluggable

OCn/STMn (MXC only)

• Auto Protection Switch Acknowledge Time Out
• Forced Ring Switch Active
• Forced Switch Active
• Far End Protection Line Fail
• Loopback Active
• Loss of Frame
• Loss of Signal
• Lockout Protection Ring Active
• Lockout working Ring Active
• Lockout Active
• LINE DCC Link Failure
• LINE DCC OSPF Adjacency Loss
• Manual Ring Switch Active
• Node Id Mismatch
• Protection Exerciser Failed
• Protection Scheme Mismatch
• Protection Mode Mismatch
• Protection Switch Byte Fail
• Protection Switch Complete
• Protection Default K-Byte
• Protection Invalid K-Byte
• Ring Protection Switch Complete
• Ring Protection Switch Fail
• Signal Fail
• Signal Degrade

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• SECTION DCC Link Failure

• SECTION DCC OSPF Adjacency Loss
• Trace Identifier Mismatch

STS Path (MXC only)

• Excessive Error rate
• Forced Switch Active
• Loopback Active - Facility
• Loopback Active - Terminal
• Loss of Pointer
• Payload Label Mismatch
• Protection Switch Complete
• Signal Degrade
• Test Access in Progress - Monitor E
• Test Access in Progress - Monitor F
• Test Access in Progress - Monitor EF
• Test Access in Progress - Split A
• Test Access in Progress - Split B
• Test Access in Progress - Split E
• Test Access in Progress - Split F
• Test Access in Progress - Split EF
• Trace Identifier Mismatch
• Traffic Squelched
• Unequipped

VT Path (MXC only)

• Excessive Error rate
• Forced Switch Active
• Loopback Active - Facility
• Loopback Active - Terminal
• Loss of Pointer
• Payload Label Mismatch

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• Protection Switch Complete

• Signal Degrade
• Test Access in Progress - Monitor E
• Test Access in Progress - Monitor F
• Test Access in Progress - Monitor EF
• Test Access in Progress - Split A
• Test Access in Progress - Split B
• Test Access in Progress - Split E
• Test Access in Progress - Split F
• Test Access in Progress - Split EF
• Trace Identifier Mismatch
• Traffic Squelched
• Unequipped

Common (MXC only)

• Timing Distribution Loss of Reference - 1st Ref
• Timing Distribution Loss of Reference - 2nd Ref
• Timing Distribution Loss of Reference - 3rd Ref
• Timing Distribution Loss of Reference - 4th Ref
• Timing Distribution Forced Switch - 1st Ref
• Timing Distribution Forced Switch - 2nd Ref
• Timing Distribution Forced Switch - 3rd Ref
• Timing Distribution Forced Switch - 4th Ref
• Timing Distribution Lockout - 1st Ref
• Timing Distribution Lockout - 2nd Ref
• Timing Distribution Lockout - 3rd Ref
• Timing Distribution Lockout - 4th Ref
• Timing Generation Loss of Reference - 1st Ref - Major
• Timing Generation Loss of Reference - 2nd Ref - Major
• Timing Generation Loss of Reference - 3rd Ref - Major
• Timing Generation Loss of Reference - 4th Ref - Major
• Timing Generation Loss of Reference - 1st Ref - Minor
• Timing Generation Loss of Reference - 2nd Ref - Minor

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• Timing Generation Loss of Reference - 3rd Ref - Minor

• Timing Generation Loss of Reference - 4th Ref - Minor
• Timing Generation Forced Switch - 1st Ref
• Timing Generation Forced Switch - 2nd Ref
• Timing Generation Forced Switch - 3rd Ref
• Timing Generation Forced Switch - 4th Ref
• Timing Generation Lockout - 1st Ref
• Timing Generation Lockout - 2nd Ref
• Timing Generation Lockout - 3rd Ref
• Timing Generation Lockout - 4th Ref

Control Plane Alarms

• Warm Restart Required
Common (XC and MXC)
• Software Auto-Upgrade in Progress
• Software Auto-Upgrade Failed

Equipping rules
The following equipping rules apply to cross-connect and MXC circuit packs:
• For 6500 where MSPP circuit packs are present, SONET/SDH cross-
connect circuit packs (STS-1/VC-3 X-Conn, VT1.5/VC12 X-Conn, or
MXC) must be equipped in the appropriate shelf slots (in a 1+1 equipment
protection configuration).
• For 6500 where PKT/OTN circuit packs are present, a PKT/OTN cross-
connect (PKT/OTN X-conn) must be equipped in the appropriate shelf
slots (in a 1+1 equipment protection configuration).
• MSPP circuit packs that work with SONET/SDH cross-connects (or MXC)
cannot be equipped in the same shelf as PKT/OTN circuit packs that work
with PKT/OTN cross-connects since only one type of cross-connect can
be equipped in the shelf.
• For 14-slot shelf types, cross-connect (or MXC) circuit packs are equipped
in slots 7 and 8 when required.
• For 32-slot shelf types, cross-connects circuit packs are equipped in slots
9 and 10 (double-height slots) when required.
• For 6500-7 packet-optical shelf type, cross-connect circuit packs are
equipped in slots 7 and 8 when required.
• The 6500 7-slot shelf type does not support/require cross-connect circuit
• The 2-slot shelf type does not support/require cross-connect circuit packs.

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• Both cross-connects or MXC circuit packs must be the same variant

(except during a reconfiguration).
• The size of the cross-connect switching capacity determines the service
interface slot capacity:
— Table 2-6 lists the 14-slot switching capacity by shelf and X-Conn type
(in this release).
— Table 2-7 on page 2-37 lists the 32-slot switching capacity by shelf and
X-Conn type (in this release).
— Table 2-8 on page 2-38 lists the 6500-7 packet-optical switching
capacity by shelf and X-Conn type (in this release).
Table 2-6
6500 14-slot shelf switching capacity by shelf and X-Conn type (in this release)

14-slot shelf X-Conn type Configuration total capacity by Slot switching capacity
variant (Note 4) connection type (backplane interface b/w) by
(Note 1, shelf and X-Conn type
Note 2, and (Gbps); each of
Note 3)
STS1/ HO LO VC-3 LO VT1.5/ PKT/ OTN 1 to 4 5 7 9 11 to
(Note 5) (Note 6) VC12 (Note 8) and and and 14
(Note 7) 6 8 10
NTK503AA NTK557TBE5 20G (Note 9) - 2.5G 5G 5G 2.5G 2.5G
NTK503AB (MXC 20G/20G)
NTK557QAE5 20G (Note 9) - 5G 10G - 10G 5G
(XC 20G/20G)
NTK503GA NTK557AAE5 80G - - -
(XC 80G/0G)
NTK557PAE5 80G (Note 10) 20G -
(XC 80G/20G) (Note 11)
NTK557NAE5 80G (Note 12) -
(XC 80G/80G)
NTK557BAE5 160G - - - 10G 20G - 20G 10G
(XC 160G/0G)
NTK557EAE5 160G (Note 10 and - -
(XC 240G/0G) Note 13)
NTK557GAE5 160G (Note 10 and 80G -
(XC 240G/80G) Note 13) (Note 14)

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Table 2-6 (continued)

6500 14-slot shelf switching capacity by shelf and X-Conn type (in this release)

14-slot shelf X-Conn type Configuration total capacity by Slot switching capacity
variant (Note 4) connection type (backplane interface b/w) by
(Note 1, shelf and X-Conn type
Note 2, and (Gbps); each of
Note 3)
STS1/ HO LO VC-3 LO VT1.5/ PKT/ OTN 1 to 4 5 7 9 11 to
(Note 5) (Note 6) VC12 (Note 8) and and and 14
(Note 7) 6 8 10
NTK503ADE5 NTK557TBE5 20G (Note 9) - 2.5G 5G 5G 2.5G 2.5G
NTK503BDE5 (MXC 20G/20G)
NTK557QAE5 20G (Note 9) - 5G 10G - 10G 5G
(XC 20G/20G)
NTK557AAE5 80G - - -
(XC 80G/0G)
NTK557PAE5 80G (Note 10) 20G -
(XC 80G/20G) (Note 11)
NTK557NAE5 80G (Note 12) -
(XC 80G/80G)
NTK557BAE5 160G - - - 10G 20G - 20G 10G
(XC 160G/0G)
NTK557EAE5 240G (Note 10) - - 20G 20G - 20G 20G
(XC 240G/0G)
NTK557GAE5 240G (Note 10) 80G -
(XC 240G/80G) (Note 14)
NTK503SA NTK557ES 240G (Note 10) - - 20G 20G - 20G 20G
(XC 240G/0G)
NTK557GS 240G (Note 10) 80G -
(XC 240G/80G) (Note 14)
NTK615AA - - - 600G 50G 50G - 50G 50G
(XC 600G PKT/
NTK615BA - - - 1200G 100G 100G - 100G 100G
(XC 1200G
Type 2)

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Table 2-6 (continued)

6500 14-slot shelf switching capacity by shelf and X-Conn type (in this release)

14-slot shelf X-Conn type Configuration total capacity by Slot switching capacity
variant (Note 4) connection type (backplane interface b/w) by
(Note 1, shelf and X-Conn type
Note 2, and (Gbps); each of
Note 3)
STS1/ HO LO VC-3 LO VT1.5/ PKT/ OTN 1 to 4 5 7 9 11 to
(Note 5) (Note 6) VC12 (Note 8) and and and 14
(Note 7) 6 8 10
Note 1: The non-converged 14-slot shelf assemblies are:
NTK503AA: 6500 14-slot optical shelf assembly
NTK503AB: 6500 14-slot optical shelf assembly
NTK503BAE5: 6500 14-slot optical/front electrical shelf assembly
NTK503CAE5: 6500 14-slot optical/rear electrical shelf assembly
NTK503CCE5: 6500 14-slot optical/rear electrical shelf assembly
NTK503GA: 6500 14-slot metro front electrical shelf assembly
Note 2: The converged 14-slot shelf assemblies are:
NTK503ADE5: 6500 14-slot converged optical shelf assembly
NTK503BDE5: 6500 14-slot converged optical/front electrical shelf assembly
NTK503CDE5: 6500 14-slot converged optical/rear electrical shelf assembly
Note 3: The packet-optical 14-slot shelf assembly is:
NTK503SA: 6500 14-slot packet-optical shelf assembly
Note 4: The cross-connect circuit packs are:
NTK557AAE5: X-Conn 80G STS-1/VC-3 (80/0)
NTK557BAE5: X-Conn 160G+ STS-1/VC-3 (160/0)
NTK557EAE5: X-Conn 240G+ STS-1/VC-3 (240/0)
NTK557ES: X-Conn 240G+ STS-1/VC-3 (240/0)
NTK557GAE5: X-Conn 240G+/80G VT1.5/VC-12 (240/80)
NTK557GS: X-Conn 240G+ 80G VT1.5/VC-12 (240/80)
NTK557NAE5: X-Conn 80G/80G VT-1.5/VC-12 (80/80)
NTK557PAE5: X-Conn 80G/20G VT-1.5/VC-12 (80/20)
NTK557QAE5: X-Conn 20G/20G VT-1.5/VC-12 (20/20)
NTK557TBE5: MXC 20G/20G VT1.5/VC-12 5xSFP (20/20)
NTK615AA: X-Conn 600G PKT/OTN
NTK615BA: X-Conn 1200G PKT/OTN Type 2
Note 5: STS1/HO capacity includes all STS/HO concatenated connection types. An XC I/F 40G STS-1/HO
circuit pack (NTK525FAE5) can be mated with a 40G Broadband circuit pack in order to combine the 20G/
slot capacity of the two mated slots into one 40G facility.
Note 6: AU4-mapped VC-3 (LO_VC3) connection capacity with compatible port cards.
Note 7: VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12 connection capacity with compatible LO port cards.
Note 8: PKT/OTN capacity (rounded) with compatible PKT/OTN I/F circuit packs (or with Broadband circuit
packs mated with compatible PTK/OTN XC I/F circuit packs).
Note 9: Total STS1/HO, LO_VC3 and LO VT1.5/VC12 connection bandwidth is limited to 20G across the
entire shelf (with the per slot maximum as noted).
Note 10: STS1/HO and LO_VC3 capacity is shared.
Note 11: Total LO VT1.5/VC12 connection bandwidth is limited to 20G across the entire shelf (with the per
slot maximum as noted).

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Table 2-6 (continued)

6500 14-slot shelf switching capacity by shelf and X-Conn type (in this release)

14-slot shelf X-Conn type Configuration total capacity by Slot switching capacity
variant (Note 4) connection type (backplane interface b/w) by
(Note 1, shelf and X-Conn type
Note 2, and (Gbps); each of
Note 3)
STS1/ HO LO VC-3 LO VT1.5/ PKT/ OTN 1 to 4 5 7 9 11 to
(Note 5) (Note 6) VC12 (Note 8) and and and 14
(Note 7) 6 8 10
Note 12: Total STS1/HO, LO_VC3 and LO VT1.5/VC12 connection bandwidth is limited to 80G across the
entire shelf (with the per slot maximum as noted).
Note 13: This cross-connect circuit pack only supports 160G of STS1/HO/LO_VC3 capacity in these 14-slot
shelf variants. It must be used in a 14-slot converged shelf (NTK503xDE5 variant) in order to make use of its
240G capacity.
Note 14: VT1.5/VT2/VC11/VC12 connection bandwidth with compatible port cards is limited to a total of
1536 STS-1/VC3/TUG-3s (80G) across the entire 14-slot shelf (with the per slot maximum as noted).

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Table 2-7
6500 32-slot shelf switching capacity by shelf and X-Conn type (in this release)

32-slot shelf X-Conn type Configuration total capacity by Slot switching capacity
variant (Note 2) connection type (backplane interface b/w)
(Note 1) by shelf and X-Conn type
STS1/ LO LO PKT/ for each of the 32 service
HO VC-3 VT1.5/ OTN slots (slots 1-8, 11-18,
(Note 3) (Note 4) VC12 (Note 5) 21-28, 31-38)

NTK603AAE5 NTK610BBE5 640G (Note 6) - - 20G

NTK603AB (XC 640G/0G)
(Note 7)

NTK616AA - - - 1600G 50G

(XC 1600G
(Note 7)

NTK616BA - - - 3200G 100G

(XC 3200G
Type 2)
(Note 7)

Note 1: The packet-optical 32-slot shelf assemblies are:

NTK603AAE5: 6500 32-slot packet-optical shelf assembly
NTK603AB: 6500 32-slot packet-optical shelf assembly
Note 2: The cross-connect circuit packs are:
NTK610BBE5: X-Conn 640G+ STS-1/VC-3 (640/0)
NTK616AA: X-Conn 1600G PKT/OTN
NTK616BA: X-Conn 3200G PKT/OTN Type 2
Note 3: STS1/HO capacity includes all STS/HO concatenated connection types.
An XC I/F 40G STS-1/HO circuit pack (NTK525FAE5) can be mated with a 40G Broadband circuit pack in
order to combine the 20G/slot capacity of the two mated slots into one 40G facility.
Note 4: AU4-mapped VC-3 (LO_VC3) connection capacity with compatible port cards.
Note 5: PKT/OTN capacity (rounded) with compatible PKT/OTN I/F circuit packs (or with Broadband
circuit packs mated with compatible PTK/OTN XC I/F circuit packs).
Note 6: STS1/HO and LO_VC3 capacity is shared.
Note 7: This cross-connect is only supported in a 32-slot shelf.

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Table 2-8
6500-7 Packet-Optical shelf switching capacity by shelf and X-Conn type (in this release)

6500-7 X-Conn type Configuration total capacity by Slot switching capacity

packet- (Note 2) connection type (backplane interface
optical shelf b/w) by shelf and X-
variant Conn type (Gbps),
(Note 1) each of

STS1/ LO LO PKT/ 1 to 6 7 and 8

HO VC-3 VT1.5/ OTN
VC12 (Note 3)

NTK503RA NTK615BA - - - 600G 100G -

(XC 1200G
Type 2)
(Note 4)

Note 1: The 6500-7 packet-optical shelf assembly is:

NTK503RA: 6500-7 packet-optical shelf assembly
Note 2: The cross-connect circuit pack is:
NTK557ES: X-Conn 240G+ STS-1/VC-3 (240/0)
NTK557GS: X-Conn 240G+ 80G VT1.5/VC-12 (240/80)
NTK615AA: X-Conn 600G PKT/OTN
NTK615BA: X-Conn 1200G PKT/OTN Type 2
Note 3: PKT/OTN capacity (rounded) with compatible PKT/OTN I/F circuit packs (or with Broadband
circuit packs mated with compatible PTK/OTN XC I/F circuit packs).
Note 4: Since a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf has only six service slots, only 600G of the 1200G capacity
of this cross-comment circuit pack can be used in this shelf.

• If the external synchronization mode is SDH-J and the use of the 64 kHz
ESI or 6 MHz ESO ports is required, the following releases of the cross-
connect circuit packs are required:
— NTK557AA/BA: Release 08 or higher
— NTK557EAE5/GAE5: Release 01 or higher
— NTK557ES/NTK557GS: Release 01 or higher
— NTK557NA/PA/QA: Release 04 or higher
— NTK557AA/BA: Release 05A, 06B
— NTK557NA/PA/QA: Release 02A
The 02A, 05A, and 06B releases are cross-connect circuit packs which
have been upgraded as a result of a return/repair operation.
• To support VT1.5/VC11 and VT2/VC12 switching granularity, both cross-
connect or MXC circuit packs and the optical interface circuit packs must
support VT1.5/VC11 and VT2/VC12 switching granularity.

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• In a 14-slot shelf type (except packet-optical; NTK503SA; shelf type), you

cannot provision a cross-connect circuit pack in slot 7 or 8 if one of these
slots already contains a Broadband or Photonic circuit pack.
• In a packet-optical variant of 14-slot shelf type (NTK503SA), you cannot
provision a cross-connect circuit pack in slot 7 or 8 if one of these slots
already contains a Photonic circuit pack. Broadband circuit packs must not
be placed in slots 7 and 8 of a 14-slot packet-optical shelf type.
• In a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf type, you cannot provision a cross-
connect circuit pack in slot 7 or 8 if one of these slots already contains a
Photonic circuit pack. Broadband circuit packs must not be placed in slots
7 and 8 of a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf type.

Technical specifications
Table 2-9 lists the weight, power consumption, and SFP specifications for the
cross-connect circuit packs.

Table 2-9
Weight and power consumption for cross-connect circuit packs

Cross-connect circuit pack Weight Power specification (W)

kg (lb)
Typical (see Power Budget
Note 1) (see Note 2)

X-Conn 80G STS-1/VC-3 (NTK557AAE5) 1.2 (2.6) 44 44

X-Conn 160G+G STS-1/VC-3 (160/0) 1.2 (2.6) 45 45


X-Conn 80G VT-1.5/VC-12 (80/80) 1.2 (2.6) 35 35


X-Conn 80G VT-1.5/VC-12 (80/20) 1.2 (2.6) 35 35


X-Conn 20G VT-1.5/VC-12 (20/20) 1.2 (2.6) 35 35


X-Conn 240G+ STS-1/VC-3 (240/0) 1.2 (2.6) 46 49


X-Conn 240G+ STS-1/VC-3 (240/0) 1.2 (2.6) 46 49


X-Conn 240G+/80G VT1.5/VC-12 (240/80) 1.2 (2.6) 58 62


X-Conn 240G+/80G VT1.5/VC-12 (240/80) 1.2 (2.6) 58 62


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Table 2-9 (continued)

Weight and power consumption for cross-connect circuit packs

Cross-connect circuit pack Weight Power specification (W)

kg (lb)
Typical (see Power Budget
Note 1) (see Note 2)

MXC 20G/20G VT1.5/VC-12 5xSFP 1.0 (2.2) 60 (see Note 3) 60 (see Note 3)

X-Conn 600G PKT/OTN (NTK615AA) 1.1 (2.4) 92 118

X-Conn 1200G PKT/OTN Type 2 (NTK615BA) 1.3 kg (2.9 lb) 106 • 165 (when used
in 14-slot
• 125 (when used
in 6500-7

X-Conn 640G+ STS-1/VC-3 (640/0) 3.4 (7.4) 130 (see Note 4) 190 (see Note 4)

X-Conn 1600G PKT/OTN (NTK616AA) 3.4 (7.4) 176 250

X-Conn 3200G PKT/OTN Type 2 (NTK616BA) 3.2 kg (7.1lb) 187 275

SFP specifications; only applicable to MXC (see Note 5)

Note 1: The typical power consumption values are based on operation at an ambient temperature of
25 (+/-3oC) and voltage of 54 V dc (+/-2.5 V).
Note 2: The power budget values are based on the maximum power consumption in an ambient
temperature range from 5oC to 40oC at a voltage of 40 V dc (+/-2.5 V). These values must be used in
sizing feeders and estimating theoretical maximum power draw.
Note 3: For this circuit pack that must be equipped with SFPs, the power values published in this table
do not include SFPs power values. You must add 1 W to typical or power budget values per SFP.
Note 4: This module's power is attributed to the feeder zone 2 power budget only in a 32-slot shelf.
Note 5: For optical SFP specifications, see the following sections in Part 3 of 6500 Planning,
NTRN10DB (Chapter 8):
— “OC-3/12/STM-1/4 SFP optical specifications”
— “OC-48/STM-16 SFP and DPO optical specifications”
— “OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16 CWDM optical specifications”

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Table 2-10 on page 2-41 shows the latency specifications for cross-connect
circuit packs. Table 2-11 on page 2-42 shows the latency specifications for
OCn/STMn ports in MXC circuit packs. This information is used in conjunction
with ingress and egress latency data for circuit packs that support connections
to/from the cross-connects.

Table 2-10
Latency for cross-connect (XC) circuit packs

Description PEC Typical Latency (µs)

X-Conn 80G STS-1/VC-3 NTK557AAE5 1

X-Conn 160G+ STS-1/VC-3 (160/0) NTK557BAE5 1

X-Conn 80G/80G VT-1.5/VC-12 (80/80) NTK557NAE5 6

X-Conn 80G/20G VT-1.5/VC-12 (80/20) NTK557PAE5 6

X-Conn 20G/20G VT-1.5/VC-12 (20/20) NTK557QAE5 6

X-Conn 240G+ STS-1/VC-3 (240/0) NTK557EAE5 1

X-Conn 240G+ STS-1/VC-3 (240/0) NTK557ES 1

X-Conn 240G+/80G VT1.5/VC-12 (240/80) NTK557GAE5 1 (see Note 1)

X-Conn 240G+/80G VT1.5/VC-12 (240/80) NTK557GS 1 (see Note 1)

MXC 20G/20G VT1.5/VC-12 5xSFP NTK557TBE5 6

X-Conn 640G+ STS-1/VC-3 (640/0) NTK610BBE5 1

X-Conn 600G PKT/OTN NTK615AA 3 (see Note 2)

X-Conn 1200G PKT/OTN Type 2 NTK615BA 3 (see Note 2)

X-Conn 1600G PKT/OTN NTK616AA 3 (see Note 2)

X-Conn 3200G PKT/OTN Type 2 NTK616BA 3 (see Note 2)

Note 1: Typical latency applies to all STS, High Order and Low Order VC-3 connections with the
exception of LO VC-3 sourced from the L2SS DS1/E1/DS3/E3 4xGE (PDH gateway) circuit pack.
Typical latency for VT1.5/VT2 and VC11/VC12 connections from any source and LO VC-3
connections from the L2SS (PDH gateway) is 8 us.
Note 2: Typical latency applies to all ODUk/Packet flows.

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Table 2-11
Latency for OCn/STMn ports in MXC circuit packs

Description PEC Typical Latency (µs)



MXC 20G/20G VT1.5/VC-12 5xSFP circuit pack NTK557TBE5 10 (see 5 (see Note 2)
Note 1)

Note 1: This is the typical latency for STS-1, STS-Nc, LO_VC3 and HO paths and includes the delay
through the integrated or mate MXC’s fabric. LO VT1.5, VT2, VC11 and VC12 paths incur a typical
latency of 23 µs (including the delay through the integrated or mate MXC’s fabric).
Note 2: This is the typical latency from the integrated or mate MXC’s fabric to the OCn/STMn facility.

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Cross-connect provisioning procedures

The following flowchart provides the various steps/procedures that must be
performed in order to have the cross-connect circuit pack ready to carry traffic.

6500 Cross-connect Circuit Pack

Provisioning Diagram

Install 2 Identical XC
Circuit Pack(s)
Procedure 2-1

Line Timing Install and Configure

End Internal Shelf Timing Mode Line OCn Circuit Packs
Procedure Refer to the OCn
Circuit Pack documentation

Configure ESI Sources

Procedures 2-2

Provisioning NE
Timing Mode and
Procedure 2-3


Note: For an MXC circuit pack, only the cross-connect functionality

is covered in this flowchart. For the OCn functionality of an MXC
circuit pack, refer to the OCn circuit pack documentation, 323-1851-102.3.

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Table 2-12 provides references to procedures covered in this chapter.

Table 2-12
Procedures in this chapter

Topic Page

Procedure 2-1, Provisioning a circuit pack automatically 2-45

Procedure 2-2, Provisioning external synchronization input (ESI) 2-46


Procedure 2-3, Provisioning the network element timing mode and 2-48

Procedure 2-4, Changing the primary state of a circuit pack 2-52

Procedure 2-5, Deleting the cross-connect circuit packs 2-54

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Procedure 2-1
Provisioning a circuit pack automatically
When automatic equipping is enabled, a cross-connect circuit pack is
automatically provisioned when it is inserted in the shelf.

To enable automatic equipping, refer to the “Enabling/disabling slot-based

automatic equipping” procedure in Administration and Security, 323-1851-

Risk of equipment damage
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage electrostatic
sensitive devices. Use antistatic protection to avoid damaging
circuit packs.

• To provision equipment for an empty equipment slot, ensure the last
equipment that occupied the slot has been deleted.
• Ensure the plastic pin protector on the circuit pack has been removed.
• Ensure automatic equipping is enabled.

Step Action

1 Wear an appropriate ESD personal grounding device to dissipate

electrostatic charges. If you are wearing an antistatic wrist strap, connect the
cord on the shelf installed in a grounded rack/cabinet or clip to a suitable
ground point.
2 Insert two cross-connect circuit packs in slots 7 and 8 of a 14-slot shelf or
slots 9 and 10 of a 32-slot shelf.
If inserting a cross-connect circuit pack with automatic equipping enabled, the
mate cross-connect circuit pack also automatically provisions with the same
attributes (for example, PEC) irrespective of the automatic equipping status
of the mate slot. For example, if you insert a cross-connect circuit pack in slot
7 of a 14-slot shelf which has automatic equipping enabled, a cross-connect
with the same PEC is automatically provisioned in slot 8. If a cross-connect
circuit pack is not present in the mate slot, a Circuit Pack Missing alarm is
raised. If a cross-connect with a different PEC is present in the mate slot, a
Circuit Pack Mate Mismatch alarm is raised.
If you are logged in to Site Manager when you automatically provision a circuit
pack, click Refresh in the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application to
display the circuit pack in the list of available equipment.

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Procedure 2-2
Provisioning external synchronization input (ESI)
Use this procedure to provision the signal format, line code, frame format,
impedance, and San for ESI A and ESI B. DUSOVERRIDE is provisionable for
ESI A and ESI B if the network element is in the SONET external
synchronization mode with the signal format of DS1 and frame format of ESF.
The options available depend on the NE external synchronization mode
(SONET, SDH, or SDH-J). See Table 2-14 on page 2-56 for details.

This procedure is only applicable if ESI A and/or ESI B is to be used for timing
generation or timing distribution. See Procedure 2-3, “Provisioning the
network element timing mode and references” on page 2-48 for information on
provisioning timing generation for the network element.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 UPC or

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Synchronization from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Synchronization application.
3 Select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
4 Select the ESI tab.
5 Click Edit to open the Synchronization Edit dialog box.
For information on the signal format, frame format, line code, impedance, and
San values, see Table 2-14 on page 2-56.
6 If you want to change the Then select
ESI A parameters ESI A from the Type drop-down list
ESI B parameters ESI B from the Type drop-down list

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Procedure 2-2 (continued)

Provisioning external synchronization input (ESI) parameters

Step Action

7 If the network element is in SDH external synchronization mode, select the

signal format from the Signal format drop-down list.
If the network element is in the SDH external synchronization mode, the
signal format must be the same on all ESI and ESO ports. Signal format on
ESO A is forced to set the same signal format as ESI A. Signal format on ESO
B is forced to set the same signal format as ESI B. Mixed signal formats
between ESI/ESO are not allowed. All signal formats on ESI/ESO must be set
to either 2MHz or 2 Mbit/s(E1).
8 If the network element is in SDH external synchronization mode, select the
impedance from the Impedance drop-down list.
For 2 MHz and E1 signals, select 75R for coaxial cables (BT43 connectors on
access panel) or 120R for twisted pairs (DB9 connector on access panel).
9 Select frame format from the Frame format drop-down list.
Not applicable to SDH 2MHz signals.
10 If network element is in SDH external synchronization mode with E1 signals
with a CRC4 frame format, select the overhead bit used for Sync Status
Messaging from the San drop-down list.
11 Click Apply.
12 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
If Then go to
you want to change the parameters for the step 6
other ESI port
you have completed the changes step 13

13 Click OK.

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Procedure 2-3
Provisioning the network element timing mode and
Use this procedure to provision the timing generation (timing mode and
references) for the network element. The timing mode can be set to:
• internal timing—the shelf timing is derived from an internal clock on the
cross-connect circuit pack
• line timing—the shelf timing is derived from a received OC-n/STM-n/
STM1J/STM4J signal
• external timing—the shelf timing is derived from the BITSIN/ESI ports
• mixed timing—the shelf timing is derived from OC-n/STM-n/STM1J/
STM4J ports and BITSIN/ESI ports

For line timing, external timing, and mixed timing, a hierarchy of up to four
reference sources can be provisioned. The timing generation selects the
source in the hierarchy with the highest derived quality level for the shelf
timing. If there is more than one source at the highest derived quality level, the
timing generation selects the highest priority source in the hierarchy from
references with the same derived quality level (first is the highest priority and
fourth is the lowest priority). To provision a timing source from an OC-n/STM-
n/STM1J/STM4J port, the reference source must be logically equipped.

If a reference source is selected as the active source, the reference source

cannot be deprovisioned (Source changed to None). To deprovision the active
source, you first must either perform a manual switch to another source or a
lockout on the active source (see the “Operating a synchronization protection
switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,

If a reference source is not selected as the active source, it can be

deprovisioned (Source changed to None). It is recommended that you perform
a lockout of the reference source before deprovisioning it (see the “Operating
a synchronization protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310).

If using the BITSIN/ESI in the hierarchy, you must provision the ESI
parameters, see Procedure 2-2, “Provisioning external synchronization input
(ESI) parameters” on page 2-46.

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Procedure 2-3 (continued)

Provisioning the network element timing mode and references

The internal timing source is provided by a SONET/SDH-compliant Stratum 3/

G.813 Option 1 free running clock (±4.6 ppm) produced within the network
element. Sources of line timing are OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-
16, OC-192/STM-64, STM-1J, and STM-4J facilities.

You cannot use the DS3, EC-1, E1, E3, DS1DS3, E1DS3, E1E3, STM1E, GE,
10/100BT, L2SS, PDH gateway, or RPR facilities as synchronization source

DS1 DSM facilities and OC-3 ports which are provisioned as DSM hosts
cannot be used as synchronization source references.

For information on network synchronization planning, see the Overview

section in the “Synchronization” chapter in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.

To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with a level 3 UPC or higher
• have a network synchronization plan for the network element

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Synchronization from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Synchronization application.
3 Select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
4 If you want to provision Then
the timing mode and references of an independent timing step 5
otherwise step 6

5 Select the required Timing Group Name for the independent timing group for
which you wish to change the mode.
6 Select the Timing Generation tab.
7 Click Edit to open the Synchronization Edit dialog box.
8 Select Timing Mode & References from the Type drop-down list.

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Procedure 2-3 (continued)

Provisioning the network element timing mode and references

Step Action

9 From the network synchronization plan, determine the timing mode required.
Select the required Timing mode radio button to set the timing mode for the
network element.
Risk of Service outage
To avoid timing loops, verify the clock source setting of
each network element in the network. An incorrect
clock source setting can cause a service outage.

In general, the Timing mode radio buttons are disabled if both cross-connect
circuit packs are missing.
Except when changing the timing mode from line timing or external timing to
mixed timing, you must remove all references from the hierarchy (set the
references to None, see step 10) before changing the timing mode.
10 From the network synchronization plan, determine the references to be
provisioned. For each timing generation reference to be provisioned, select
the timing reference from the appropriate source drop-down list, leave all
other possible references as None. See Table 2-13 on page 2-55.
• Only one port of each multi-port circuit pack can be used as a timing
reference source.
• The available options from the source drop-down lists are dependent on
the selected timing mode. Only logically equipped sources are available
for selection.
• You cannot remove the active reference source from the hierarchy. To
remove the active source from the timing generation hierarchy, you first
must either perform a manual switch away from the active source or a
lockout on the active source (refer to the “Operating a synchronization
protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310).
• If a reference source is not selected as the active source, it can be
removed from the timing generation hierarchy. It is recommended that
you perform a lockout of the reference source before removing it from the
timing generation hierarchy (refer to the “Operating a synchronization
protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310).
• E1, E3, DS3, EC-1, DS1DS3, E1DS3, E1E3, STM1E, GE, 10GE, 10/
100BT, L2SS, PDH gateway, and RPR facilities cannot be set as
synchronization source references.
• DS1 DSM facilities and OC-3 ports which are provisioned as DSM hosts
cannot be set as line synchronization source references.

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Procedure 2-3 (continued)

Provisioning the network element timing mode and references

Step Action

11 Click OK.
12 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
13 If the Synchronization Protection application is open, click Refresh in the
Synchronization Protection application to update the application with the
changes you have made to the hierarchy.

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2-52 Cross-connect circuit packs

Procedure 2-4
Changing the primary state of a circuit pack
Use this procedure to change the primary state of a circuit pack to in-service
or out-of-service.

If path cross-connects or synchronization references are provisioned on the

network element, only one non-OTN XC (or MXC) circuit pack can be put OOS
at any one time. The mate cross-connect must be IS, with no equipment
alarms, synch faults, or intercard suspected alarm. If the shelf is equipped with
only one non-OTN XC (or MXC) circuit pack, you cannot change the primary
state to OOS unless all path cross-connects and synchronization references
are deleted first. Also for MXC circuit packs, if you want to change the
equipment state to OOS, you must put all its facilities to OOS first.

Both PKT/OTN cross-connect circuit packs can be put OOS only if

• OSRP control plane is disabled.
• No circuit packs requiring the PKT/OTN cross-connect circuit packs are
• No shelf timing dependencies are provisioned.
• No ESO is provisioned.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration drop-
down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
4 Select the circuit pack in the Equipment area.
If cross-connects or synchronization references are provisioned on the
network element, only one XC (or MXC) circuit pack can be put OOS at any
one time. If the shelf is equipped with only one XC (or MXC) circuit pack, you
cannot change the equipment state to OOS unless all cross-connects and
synchronization references are deleted first. Also for MXC circuit packs and if
you want to change the equipment state to OOS, you must put all its facilities
OOS first.

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Procedure 2-4 (continued)

Changing the primary state of a circuit pack

Step Action

Risk of service interruption
If you place a facility out-of-service, you can cause a
loss of traffic.

5 Click Edit in the Equipment area to open the Edit Equipment dialog box.
6 Select IS or OOS from the Primary state drop-down list.
7 Click OK.
8 If you are changing the primary state to OOS, click Yes in the warning dialog

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2-54 Cross-connect circuit packs

Procedure 2-5
Deleting the cross-connect circuit packs
Use this procedure to delete the cross-connect circuit packs from the list of
provisioned equipment in the Equipment and Facility Provisioning application.

To delete the cross-connect circuit packs:

• All circuit packs that require a cross-connect circuit pack for proper
operation must be deleted from the shelf.
• Both cross-connect circuit packs must be OOS.
• All timing references must be set to <none>.
• Supermux circuit packs must not be part of the shelf timing group.

For the PKT/OTN cross-connect circuit packs, there must be no VCPs, FCCs,
DTLs, and DTLSETs provisioned. The OSRP-Node must be in the blocked
node admin state.

When one instance of the cross-connect circuit pack is deleted, its mate
cross-connect circuit pack will also be deleted.

To perform this procedure, you must
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• delete all circuit packs that require the cross-connect circuit pack. Refer to
the “Deleting a circuit pack, module, or pluggable” procedure in Part 1 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
• deprovision all timing references on the XC, see Procedure 2-3,
“Provisioning the network element timing mode and references” on
page 2-48.
• put both cross-connect circuit packs out-of-service, see Procedure 2-4,
“Changing the primary state of a circuit pack” on page 2-52.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration drop-
down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
4 In the Equipment area, select the equipment you want to delete.

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Procedure 2-5 (continued)

Deleting the cross-connect circuit packs

Step Action

5 Click Delete in the Equipment area.

6 Click Yes in the warning dialog box.

Table 2-13
Timing reference parameters

Mode Source (Note 1) Description

Internal Timing - No sources available for selection

Line Timing Any equipped OC-n/STM-n/STM1J/STM4J port See Note 2, Note 3, and Note 4

None Indicates no reference provisioned

External Timing BITSIN-A/ESI-A External synchronization input A

(see Note 5)
BITSIN-B/ESI-B External synchronization input B

None Indicates an unused source

Mixed Timing BITSIN-A/ESI-A External synchronization input A

BITSIN-B/ESI-B External synchronization input B

Any equipped OC-n/STM-n/STM1J/STM4J port See Note 2, Note 3, and Note 4

None Indicates no reference provisioned

Note 1: Each possible source, except None, can only appear once in the timing reference hierarchy.
Note 2: Only one port on each multi-port circuit pack can be selected as a timing generation and timing
distribution reference.
Note 3: DS3, EC-1, E1, E3, DS1DS3, E1DS3, E1E3, STM1E, GE, 10/100BT, 10GE, L2SS, PDH
gateway, and RPR facilities cannot be set as synchronization source references.
Note 4: DS1 DSM facilities and OC-3 ports which are provisioned as DSM hosts cannot be set as
synchronization source references.
Note 5: To maximize reliability, the BITSIN/ESI ports require the payload of the incoming signal to be
all 1’s. The BITSIN/ESI hardware may not operate correctly with other payload patterns.

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Table 2-14
ESI parameters

Parameter Values Description

SONET external synchronization mode

Signal format DS1 Digital signal, level 1

Line code B8ZS Line code for ESI.

Impedance 100R Impedance of ESI, 100R (100 ohm).

Frame format SF (default), ESF Superframe format (SF) or extended superframe format
(ESF). If ESF selected, Sync Status Messaging is

San Not applicable

DUSOVERRIDE disable (default), DUSOVERRIDE can only be set to enable If the network
enable element is in the SONET external synchronization mode
with the signal format of DS1 and frame format of ESF.

SDH external synchronization mode

Signal format E1, 2MHz (default) E1 (2048 kbit/s signal) or 2MHz (2048 kHz clock)

Line code HDB3 (Note 1) Line code for ESI.

HDB3 for E1 signal. Not applicable to 2MHz signal format.

Impedance 75R (default), 120R Impedance of ESI. Select 75R (75 ohm) for coaxial cables
(BT43 connectors on access panel) or 120R (120 ohm)
for twisted pairs (DB9 connector on access panel).

Frame format Normal (default), Frame format for E1 signal. If Normal selected, Sync
CRC4 (Note 1) Status Messaging is not supported on ESI. If CRC4
selected, Sync Status Messaging is supported.
Not applicable to 2MHz signal format.

San SA4 (default), SA5, Overhead bit used for Sync Status Messaging. Only
SA6, SA7, SA8 applicable to E1 signal format with CRC4 frame format.
(Note 1)

DUSOVERRIDE Not applicable. (Note 2)

SDH-J external synchronization mode

Signal format 64K CC Signal format for ESI.

Line code AMI Line code for ESI.

Impedance 110R Impedance of ESI, 110R (110 ohm).

Frame format 8K (default), 8K400HZ Frame format for ESI.

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Table 2-14 (continued)

ESI parameters

Parameter Values Description

San Not applicable

DUSOVERRIDE Not applicable. (Note 2)

Note 1: The line code, frame format, and SAN parameters in the SDH external synchronization mode
are only applicable if the E1 signal format is selected.
Note 2: If the network element is in the SONET external synchronization mode with the signal format
of DS1 and frame format of ESF, you can override the BITSIN quality level by enabling DUSOVERRIDE

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6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input
Card 3-

This chapter provides an overview of the 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500)

common circuit packs. See Table 3-1 for different circuit packs covered in this

Table 3-1
Circuit packs in this chapter

Topic Page

Breaker/fuse interface panel (NTK599xx and NTN458RA) 3-2

Power Input Cards (NTK505xxE5, NTK505xx, NTK605xAE5, 3-22

NTK605xA, NTK605xE)

1U AC rectifier (NTN458SAE5, NTGS24LDE5) 3-63

Access panel (NTK505xAE5, NTK505MBE5, NTK605MAE5, 3-67


Maintenance interface card (NTK505FAE5, NTK505FBE5) 3-86

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3-2 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Breaker/fuse interface panel (NTK599xx and NTN458RA)

The 6500-7 packet-optical, 2-slot (DC-powered), 7-slot (when NTK503KA
shelf variant is equipped with DC Power Input Cards), or 14-slot shelf supports
redundant power feeds from separate -48/60 Vdc power sources. A 6500
specific breaker interface panel (BIP) or fuse interface panel (FIP) can be
used for power distribution and management to the 6500-7 packet-optical,
2-slot (DC-powered), 7-slot (when NTK503KA shelf variant is equipped with
DC Power Input Cards), or 14-slot shelves (AC-powered shelves are not
supported from a BIP/FIP). Combinations of up to four 20A/40A loads such as
6500-7 packet-optical, 7-slot, or 14-slot shelves equipped with 40A rated
Power Input Cards can be powered from a 4x20A or 4x40A 2U BIP installed
at the top of a rack. A 1U BIP/FIP is installed at the top of the rack and can be
configured with 10A/20A/40A breakers to support a single 10A load such as
a 2-slot shelf (DC-powered) or a single 20A/40A load such as 6500-7
packet-optical, 7-slot, or 14-slot shelf. A BIP/FIP is not required if 10A feeds
are provided directly to a 2-slot or 7-slot shelf, if 20A/30A/40A feeds are
provided to a 6500-7 packet-optical, 7-slot, or 14-slot shelf or if 50A/60A feeds
are provided to a 60A rated 6500-7 packet-optical or 14-slot shelf equipped
with 60A rated Power Input Cards. A 32-slot shelf supports direct connect of
60A/80A/100A feeds as well as 3x50A/3x60A feed configurations so no
BIP/FIP is required. The NTK603AB variant of 32-slot shelf also supports
direct connect of 60A/80A/100A feeds as well as 4x40A/4x60A feed
configurations so no BIP/FIP is required.

This release supports the following BIP/FIP variants:

• 6500 BIPs
— NTK599AA: 2 x 100A per input feed with D-type alarm connectors
providing 4 x 40A outputs per feed (supported on all 14-slot shelf types
except 14-slot packet-optical shelf types). Each of the two input feeds
are rated for 100A maximum. If only one 100A feed is used; the total
output current must not exceed 100A. If two 100A feeds are used, the
total output current must not exceed 160A.
— NTK599BA: 4 x 40A (or optional 2 x 80A) per input feed with D-type
alarm connectors with optional wire-wrap adaptor providing 4 x 40A
outputs per feed (supported on 6500-7 packet-optical, 7-slot, and
14-slot shelf types). The allowable input configurations are 2 x 80A
feeds using external jumpers or 4 x 40A feeds without external
jumpers. In each case the total output current must not exceed 160A
per side.

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BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card 3-3

— NTK599BGE5: 4 x 20A (or optional 2 x 40A) per input feed with D-type
alarm connectors with optional wire-wrap adaptor providing 4 x 20A
outputs per feed (supported on 6500-7 packet-optical, 7-slot, and all
14-slot shelf types). The allowable input configurations are 2 x 40A
feeds using external jumpers or 4 x 20A feeds without external
jumpers. In each case the total output current must not exceed 80A per
— NTK599BH: 1 x 40A (or optional 2 x 20A or 4 x 10A) per input feed with
D-type alarm connectors with optional wire-wrap adaptor providing
4 x 10A outputs per feed (supported on 2-slot shelves (only
NTK503MAE5 and DC powered NTK503LA variants) and 7-slot shelf).
The allowable input configurations are 1 x 40A feeds using 4-way
jumpers, 2 x 20A using 2-way jumpers, and 4 x 10A feeds without
external jumpers. The total output current must not exceed 40A per
— NTK599BK: 1 x 50A per input feed with D-type alarm connectors with
optional wire-wrap adaptor providing 4 x 50A outputs per feed
(supported on 6500-7 packet-optical (NTK503RA) and 14-slot
packet-optical shelf (NTK503SA)). The allowable input configurations
are 1 x 50A feeds using 4-way jumpers. The total output current must
not exceed 50A per side.
Note: For more information on NTK599AA, NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5,
NTK599BH, and NTK599BK BIPs, refer to “6500 BIPs (NTK599AA,
NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and NTK599BK)” on page 3-4.
The NTK599AA BIP has been manufacture discontinued and is no longer
available. For replacement information, see Planning - Ordering
Information, 323-1851-151 (Chapter 2).

• DSM BIP (not supported for a 2-slot, 6500-7 packet-optical, 7-slot, or

32-slot shelf type)
— NTN458RA: 1 x 100A per input feed with wire-wrap alarm connectors
providing 8 outputs per feed (4 x 20A, 1 x 15A, and 3 x 5A) (supported
on all 14-slot shelf types except 14-slot packet-optical shelf types). The
total output current must not exceed 100A.
For more information on NTN458RA DSM BIP, refer to “6500 DSM BIP
(NTN458RA)” on page 3-11.
• BIP/FIP, 13x5A and 1x10A, 20A or 40A, 1U front access
— NTK599DA (BIP): 1 x 60A A and B input feeds each providing up to 13
5A breakered output feeds (A and B) plus one additional optional 10A,
20A, or 40A breakered (A and B) feed (note that you must order 10A,
20A, and 40A breaker kits separately), no external alarm input or
output function. The total output current drawn from either the A or B
input feed must not exceed 60A.

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3-4 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

— NTK599EA (FIP): 1 x 60A per input feed providing up to 13 5A fused

output feeds (A and B) plus one additional optional 10A, 20A, or 40A
breakered (A and B) feed (note that you must order 10A, 20A, and 40A
breaker kits separately), no external alarm input or output function.
The total output current drawn from either the A or B input feed must
not exceed 60A.
For more information on NTK599DA (BIP) and NTK599EA (FIP), refer
to “6500 BIP/FIP (NTK599DA/EA)” on page 3-13.
The 6500-7 packet-optical, 7-slot, or 14-slot network element does not require
filtered battery and the BIPs NTK599AA/BA and NTN458RA cannot provide
filtered battery. BIP/FIP NTK599DA/EA provide filtered battery.

6500 BIPs (NTK599AA, NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and

The NTK599AA, NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and NTK599BK
BIP attributes are as follows:
• input connections for:
— two 100A, -48/60 Vdc supplies (NTK599AA) with rear access
— four 40A (or optional two 80A with supplied jumper) independent A and
four 40A (or optional two 80A with supplied jumper) independent B,
-48/60 Vdc supplies (NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, and NTK599BH)
with front access connections and the capability of linking adjacent
input feeds
— four 60A independent A and four 60A independent B, -48/60 Vdc
supplies (NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, and NTK599BH) with front
access connections and the capability of linking adjacent input feeds
— four 10A (or optional two 20A or one 40A with supplied jumpers)
independent A and four 10A (or optional two 20A or one 40A with
supplied jumpers) independent B, -48/60 Vdc supplies (NTK599BH)
with front access connections and the capability of linking adjacent
input feeds
— four 50A independent A and four 50A independent B, -48/60 Vdc
supplies (NTK599BK) with front access connections and the capability
of linking adjacent input feeds
• input connection point (2 x M6 studs) for bonding the protective earth (PE)
to the BIP chassis
• 4 x 40A circuit breakers (NTK599AA, NTK599BA), 4 x 20A circuit breaker
(NTK599BGE5), 4 x 10A circuit breakers (NTK599BH), or 4 x 50A circuit
breakers (NTK599BK) per A and B feed providing eight circuit breakers
mounting capability

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• eight circuit breakers, four connected to ‘A’ negative input(s) and four
connected to ‘B’ negative input(s)
• eight output power connectors, four connected to ‘A’ negative input(s) and
four connected to ‘B’ negative input(s) with either rear access connectors
(NTK599AA) or front access connectors (NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5,
NTK599BH, and NTK599BK)
• 19 in./23 in./ETSI rack mount, 1 U high unit (NTK599AA) or 2 U high unit
(NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and NTK599BK), and 280 mm
• circuit breaker trip indication (circuit breaker type to be On, Off or trip
• alarm unit for bay level alarm gathering, display (critical, major and minor
lamps for the frame), and alarm reset. For the NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5,
NTK599BH, and NTK599BK variants, the alarm unit is field replaceable.
• input and output alarm connectors/wire-wrap fields (D-type for
NTK599AA, D-type/wire-wrap field for NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5,
NTK599BH, and NTK599BK)
• visual alarm inputs and outputs (NTK599AA) or visual and audible alarm
inputs and outputs (NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and
• optional battery return (BR) to frame ground (FG) strap

For PEC information, see Planning - Ordering Information, 323-1851-151.

Figure 3-1 on page 3-7 shows a front view of the NTK599AA BIP variant.
Figure 3-2 on page 3-8 shows a rear view of the NTK599AA BIP variant.
Figure 3-3 on page 3-9 shows a front view of the NTK599BA BIP,
NTK599BGE5BIP, NTK599BH BIP, and NTK599BK BIP variant.

Input power connection

The BIP operates over the steady state input voltage range of -40.0 V to
-75.0 Vdc with overvoltage transients. Each input supply feed consists of up
to two 100A separate feeds (NTK599AA), four 40A (or two 80A with
application of optional external jumpers), four 60A separate feeds
(NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, and NTK599BH), four 20A separate feeds
(NTK599BGE5 and NTK599BH), or four 10A separate feeds (NTK599BH), or
four 50A separate feeds (NTK599BK) for each A and B power input. Input
power connectors to the BIP are made using two shrouded terminal block
assemblies for each of the A and B input power feeds.

The input terminals, with lugs in position, are protected from inadvertent
access preventing the shorting of any negative terminal to any positive
terminal, or any terminal to frame.

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3-6 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

The BIP has a pair of M6 studs for connection to protective earth (PE). These
studs work with double hole crimp terminals. This connection point is separate
from the two points where the optional connection can be made between the
common A and B feed returns and PE.

The BIP also provides for input reverse polarity protection in that reversing the
polarity does not affect the characteristics of the BIP.

The BIP provides LEDs to indicate the status of each of the A or B input power
feeds. The green FLT (NTK599AA BIP) or Power OK (NTK599BA BIP,
NTK599BGE5 BIP, NTK599BH BIP, and NTK599BK BIP) LED (one for the A
feed (FLTA or Power OK A) and one for B feed (FLTB or Power OK B)
illuminate under normal operating conditions to indicate that each power
interface (A or B) feed has two power feeds. The green FLT or Power OK LED
extinguishes to indicate either or both of the following conditions:
• the input feed on the side (A or B) of the module below -39 Vdc ± 1 Vdc
• an open fuse in the capacitor module

Output power connection

The BIP provides eight output power connectors where four connect to the ‘A’
negative input and four connect to the ‘B’ negative input. All eight power output
connectors are 3-way (NTK599AA) or 2-way (NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5,
NTK599BH, and NTK599BK) Combo D-type panel mount shell.

Circuit breakers
The BIP provides eight plug-in rocker switch circuit breakers where four
connect to the ‘A’ negative input and four connect to the ‘B’ negative input.

Alarm input
The BIP receives:
• three alarm signals (Critical, Major and minor visual alarms) from the 6500
through a 9-way D-type connector (Male/Pin type) alarm input interface
• three alarm signals (Critical, Major and minor visual and audible alarms,
six inputs) from the 6500 through a 9-way D-type connector (Female/
receptacle type) alarm input interface (NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5,
NTK599BH, and NTK599BK)

For details on the BIP connector pinouts, see “BIP connector pinouts” on
page 3-21.

For the NTK599AA BIP, the external alarm signal activation is a relay contact
to -48/60 Vdc return (RTN). The incoming alarm signal energizes a relay in the
BIP and causes illumination of the corresponding alarm LEDs on the alarm

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BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card 3-7

For the NTK599BA BIP, NTK599BGE5 BIP, NTK599BH BIP, and NTK599BK
BIP, the external alarm signal activation is a loss of a relay contact to -48/60
Vdc return (RTN). The loss of the alarm signal energizes a relay in the BIP and
causes illumination of the corresponding alarm LEDs on the alarm unit. If
using the alarm input on the NTK599BA BIP or NTK599BGE5 BIP, you must
use either an Issue 3 or later SDH access panel (NTK505LAE5), a
SONET/J-SDH access panel (NTK505MAE5), an SDH-J access panel
(NTK505KA), an access Panel with connections for eight external slots
(NTK505MBE5), or an access Panel with connections for four external slots

Figure 3-1
6500 BIP (NTK599AA)—front view

Breaker interfaces Critical Minor
(DB-9 male) A feed B feed

Bracket status Bracket
Filter-A LED Power
ALARM OUT status Alarm
(DB-25 male) reset
Rack alarm unit

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3-8 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Figure 3-2
6500 BIP (NTK599AA)—rear view

B3 B1

B4 B2

A3 A1

A4 A2


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Figure 3-3
6500 BIP (NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and NTK599BK)—front view

Alarm cutoff
With front cover on Lamp test
Status A feed status


B feed status

With front cover open (wire-wrap variant shown

for the Alarm out connector) Power landing

Alarm in
Output power
Front cover cable area

(inside the cover)
Alarm out

Detail for D-sub

adaptor variant

Alarm output
The BIP provides an alarm output interface through a 25-way D-type, pin/male
connector (NTK599AA) or a 25-way D-type, pin/male or wire-wrap field
(NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and NTK599BK) and provides the
following output alarms:
• three visual bay alarms (critical, major and minor)
• three audible bay alarms (critical, major and minor) (NTK599BA,
NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and NTK599BK only)
• power alarm
• circuit breaker alarms

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3-10 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

The NTK599AA, NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and NTK599BK

BIPs do not contain an internal audible alarm. However, an audible alarm
signal from other equipment can be passed through the NTK599BA,
NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and NTK599BK and carried on the alarm
contacts provided within the input/output connectors.

The relays of the NTK599AA BIP are deenergized when there is no alarm
condition, and energized in an alarm condition. The relays of the NTK599BA,
NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and NTK599BK BIPs are energized when there
is no alarm condition, and deenergized in an alarm condition. ‘Normal’ (N/O
and N/C) refers to a deenergized relay. The three relay contacts are:
• COM (common) - the contact connected to either of the other two contacts
• N/O (normally open)
• N/C (normally closed)

For details on the BIP connector pinouts, see “BIP connector pinouts” on
page 3-21.

Alarm unit
The alarm unit (AU) contains LEDs to provide visual indication of alarms active
for the 6500 installed on the rack. The alarm unit illuminates the appropriate
LEDs (critical, major and minor) on the front panel of the BIP based on alarm
signals received from the 6500 shelves through the alarm input interface and
close the appropriate alarm relay contacts on the alarm output interface. The
alarm unit contains the following LEDs:

• red and yellow alarm LEDs fed from the input alarm signals illuminate to
indicate the following conditions:
— critical alarm (red)
— major alarm (red)
— minor alarm (yellow)

• red power LED illuminates to indicate either or both of the following

— tripped circuit breaker on either side (A or B)
— open alarm unit fuse

The alarm unit contains an LED test button on the front panel of the BIP. When
pressed, all LEDs illuminate. The alarm unit also contains a push button
switch (ACO) on the BIP front panel to reset all BIP alarm relays. The alarm
unit is field replaceable on NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and
NTK599BK variants.

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BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card 3-11

There is a BIP Alarm Terminator (NTK599BD) that can be installed on the

Alarm Input connector of the NTK599BA 2U BIP, NTK599BGE5 2U BIP,
NTK599BH 2U BIP, and NTK599BK 2U BIP if the BIP alarm functionality is not
required (disables alarms).

6500 DSM BIP (NTN458RA)

The DSM BIP is mounted at the top of the equipment frame and is fed by two
redundant office battery inputs (-48 Vdc). The breaker interface panel (BIP)
NTN458RA supports four breakers at 20A, three breakers at 5A, and one
breaker at 15A per feed. The total output current must not exceed 100A. The
BIP can accommodate eight DSMs.

Figure 3-4 on page 3-12 shows views of the DSM BIP (NTN458RA variant).

Power input alarm

This circuit detects input power failure. A green light “on” indicates normal
operation. If input power has been lost, this light is off. In normal operation, the
power input alarm external relay contacts are in an energized or powered
state. The contacts are in a deenergizing or powered-off state when input
power is lost, providing common (C) to normally closed (NC) closure for the
alarm state.

Breaker alarm
Breaker alarms operate in one of two ways. Both methods have a red indicator
light “off” for normal operation and “on” when the alarm circuit is activated. The
first method uses indicating type breakers that provide a mechanical
connection to activate the alarm card. The second method uses open-circuit
electronic sensing across the fuse holder. Open-circuit detection usually
requires a reset switch to clear the breaker alarm.

Both methods have the breaker alarm external relay contacts deenergized or
in a powered-off state for normal operation and energized or in a powered-on
state when a breaker alarm is detected, providing common (C) to normally
open (NO) closure for the alarm state.

Bay alarms
Bay alarms are visual indications for the rack frame (system level). These
alarms can be a combination of three different levels: critical, major, and
minor. Critical alarms are red, a major alarm can either be a red or yellow, and
the minor alarm is always yellow. The external alarm contacts are deenergized
or in a powered-off state for normal operation and energizing or going to a
power-on state when an external alarm is detected. Activation of these types
of alarms comes from external equipment alarm contacts that are either in the
rack frame or system and provide an alarm ground to the input ports of the
alarm system.

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3-12 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Alarm circuits
Most monitoring alarm systems require an alarm ground signal to activate the
individual alarms. The most common, is a single-point contact or paralleled
contact configuration. An alarm ground wire connects to the common of the
external relay contact, and the associated NC or NO contact connects to the
alarm monitoring system. When the alarm activates, the relay closure
between the C and either the NC or NO sends an alarm ground to the alarm
monitoring system, activating the appropriate alarm. Multiple relay contacts
can be paralleled in this configuration to activate a single or multiple input to
the alarm monitoring system.

Figure 3-4



Rear view



Top view
23" bracket

19" bracket


Front view
Output breakers Output breakers
power A power B

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BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card 3-13

6500 BIP/FIP (NTK599DA/EA)

The BIP/FIP NTK599DA/EA are 1U high assemblies that mount at the top of
the equipment frame. Deployment of BIP/FIP NTK599DA/EA is supported in
the following rack types:
• ETSI racks compliant to ETS 300 119-3
• standard 19” and 23” EIA racks compliant with EIA 310-D

The BIP/FIP can be used for bay configurations containing one to 13 Common
Photonic Layer (CPL) modules or one to eight DSMs (powered from the
5A A/B output feeds) as well as one 6500 shelf or other Ciena product
(powered from the 10A, 20A or 40A A/B output feed when the optional
breakers are equipped). Breaker kits are separately ordered from Ciena
(NTK599ZR for 10A, NTK599ZT for 20A, NTK599ZS for 40A). Available rack
space and the requirement to limit the total current draw to 60A (A or B) will
limit the number and type of loads that can be connected. For example, only
seven DSMs may be equipped in the same rack and powered from the same
BIP/FIP as a 14-slot shelf. When configured with 10A A/B breakers, the
BIP/FIP can be used with 2-slot (DC-powered) or 7-slot (NTK503PAE5 or
NTK503KA shelf variant equipped with DC Power Input Cards) shelf. With 20A
or 40A A/B breakers, the BIP/FIP can be used with a 6500-7 packet-optical
(NTK503RA), 7-slot (NTK503PAE5 or NTK503KA shelf variant equipped with
DC Power Input Cards), or 14-slot shelf (equipped with any power inputs cards
except the NTK505DS 2x50A breakerless variant. The BIP/FIP is not required
for 2-slot (AC-powered) or 32-slot shelf type.

Figure 3-5 on page 3-14 shows views of the BIP NTK599DA and FIP

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3-14 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Figure 3-5
BIP/FIP NTK599DA/EA—front view

The BIP/FIP has 13 x 5A redundant breakers (BIP) or fuses (FIP) with an

optional 10A, 20A, or 40A breaker for each A and B feeder. 20A or 40A
breakers must be used with 6500-7 packet-optical shelf or 14-slot shelves.
10A, 20A or 40A breakers must be used for 7-slot shelf (NTK503PAE5 or
NTK503KA variant), 10A breakers must be used for 2-slot shelf. CPL and
DSMs must only be powered by the 5A breaker/fuse feeds. The BIP and FIP
are supplied with the 5A breakers or fuses installed, you must order the 10A,
20A, or 40A breakers separately. The total output current must not exceed

The BIP/FIP NTK599DA/EA also has the following features:

• front and rear access for installation and a pull out drawer for servicing
• power routing diversity
• field or custom termination of power feeds, without the need for special
• input power and grounding lugs are located on the BIP/FIP front surface,
permitting unobstructed access for assembly and maintenance

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• power cables are routed towards the rear of the BIP/FIP, then out of the
• optional return or ground bridge accessible from front
• A and B are isolated loads, have separate alarm capabilities and can be
separately configured
• the Filter Fail red LED indicates that the voltage is less than or equal to
-34 V

The BIP/FIP is rated for operation in the temperature range of -10°C to +60°C.
The BIP/FIP provides A and B inputs with a voltage of -48 Vdc nominal
(-40 Vdc to -60 Vdc).

Power input alarm indicators

The BIP NTK599DA has two alarm/status LEDs. The FIP NTK599EA has
three alarm/status LEDs. The alarm LEDs on the A side (left front side) are
identical to the LEDs on the B side (right front side). For the BIP/FIP LED
summary, see Table 3-2.

When a breaker trips, it pops out. When a fuse is blown on the A or B side of
the FIP, the A side or B side Fuse Fail LED is lit as appropriate. To identify the
blown fuse, look at the plastic lens top of the fuses to identify the fuse with the
broken filament (the pop-up alarm indicator will be visible). Order 5A
replacement fuse kit NTK599ZW from Ciena.

Table 3-2
BIP/FIP NTK599DA/EA—LED summary (A or B side)

Operation state PWR ON Filter Fail Fuse Fail

(green LED) (red LED) (red LED) -FIP only

Normal operation On Off Off

Failed operation (see Note) On On On

One or more fuses are On On or Off On

blown (FIP only)

Note: LED is lit when the voltage is less than or equal to -34 V.

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Equipping rules
The BIP/FIP is installed at the top of the rack and can support up to four 14-
slot shelves terminating in a single rack or up to four 6500-7 packet-optical or
7-slot shelves (when NTK503KA shelf variant is equipped with DC Power
Input Cards) terminating in a single rack. The BIP/FIP is not required for 2-slot
or 32-slot shelf.

BIP/FIP summary table

Table 3-3 shows a summary table for BIP/FIP. Shaded items are manufacture
discontinued and are no longer available.

Table 3-3
BIP/FIB summary table

Description Order Code Notes

Breaker Interface Panel, 2x100A, 1U+1U NTK599AA 1, 15

1U+1U BIP Installation Kit NTK599ZZ 2

2U BIP Installation Kit NTK599ZY 3

Breaker Interface Panel, 4x40A, 2U D-type/wire-wrap alarm NTK599BA 4


Breaker Interface Panel, 4x20A, 2U D-type/wire-wrap alarm NTK599BGE5 5


Breaker Interface Panel, 4x10A, 2U D-type/wire-wrap alarm NTK599BH 6


Breaker Interface Panel, 4x50A, 2U D-type/wire-wrap alarm NTK599BK 7


DSM breaker interface panel, 2 x 100A NTN458RA 8, 15

Breaker Interface Panel, 13x5A, 20A or 40A, 1U Front Access NTK599DA 9, 10, 11

Fuse Interface Panel, 13x5A, 20A or 40A, 1U Front Access NTK599EA 12, 13, 14

BIP/FIP Breaker Kit, 10A Breakers, Qty 2 NTK599ZR 16

BIP/FIP Breaker Kit, 20A Breakers, Qty 2 NTK599ZT 17

BIP/FIP Breaker Kit, 40A Breakers, Qty 2 NTK599ZS 18

BIP Breaker Kit, 5A Breakers, Qty 2 NTK599ZU 19

FIP Fuse Kit, 5A Fuse, Qty 2 NTK599ZW 20

23” Horizontal Tie Bar NTN450ZA 21

19” Horizontal Tie Bar NTN450ZB 22

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Table 3-3 (continued)

BIP/FIB summary table

Description Order Code Notes

BIP/FIP Installation/Grounding Kit NTK599ZX 23

Note 1: This breaker interface panel provides four 40A circuit breakers per side to power up to three
14-slot shelves (maximum that can fit in a bay) in one bay and is 1U high (requires 1U of space above
for access). This breaker interface panel cannot be used to power the DSM shelves. The manufacturing
of NTK599AA is discontinued, use NTK599BAE5 or NTK599BGE5.

Note 2: The 1U+1U BIP Installation Kit contains fasteners and cage nuts to mount the 1U+1U breaker
interface panel to a variety of equipment frames/racks. It contains a length of cable and lugs to connect
the 1U+1U BIP to office frame/rack ground. It also contains 2-hole compress lugs to connect office
power cables to the 1U+1U BIP. The manufacturing of NTK599ZZ is discontinued, use NTK599ZX and
either NTK599ZA, NTK599ZB, NTK599ZC, or NTK599ZD when ordering BIP NTK599BA or

Note 3: The 2U BIP Installation Kit contains fasteners and cage nuts to mount the 2U breaker interface
panel to a variety of equipment frames/racks. It contains a length of cable and lugs to connect the 2U
BIP to office frame/rack ground. It also contains straight and 90 degree angled 2-hole compress lugs
to connect office power cables to the 2U BIP for vertical or rear power cable routing options. The
manufacturing of NTK599ZY is discontinued, use NTK599ZX and either NTK599ZA, NTK599ZB,
NTK599ZC, or NTK599ZD.

Note 4: This breaker interface panel provides four 40A circuit breakers per side to power up to three
14-slot shelves or up to six 6500-7 packet-optical or 7-slot shelves (using two BIPs) in one bay and are
2U high. Has D-type output alarm connector (or wire-wrap via an adapter). This breaker interface panel
cannot be used to power the DSM shelves.

Note 5: This breaker interface panel provides four 20A circuit breakers per side to power up to three
14-slot shelves or up to six 6500-7 packet-optical or 7-slot shelves in one bay (using two BIPs) and is
2U high. Has D-type output alarm connector (or wire-wrap via an adapter). This breaker interface panel
cannot be used to power the DSM shelves.

Note 6: This breaker interface panel provides four 10A circuit breakers per side to power up to four
2-slot shelves (only NTK503MAE5 and DC powered NTK503LA variants) or up to four 7-slot shelves
in one bay and is 2U high. Has D-type output alarm connector (or wire-wrap via an adapter). This
breaker interface panel cannot be used to power the DSM shelves.

Note 7: This breaker interface panel provides four 50A circuit breakers per side to power up to two
14-slot packet-optical shelf (NTK503SA) shelves equipped with 2x50A Power Input Cards or up to four
6500-7 packet-optical shelf (NTK503RA) shelves equipped with 50A Power Input Cards. Has D-type
output alarm connector (or wire-wrap via an adapter). This breaker interface panel cannot be used to
power the DSM shelves.

Note 8: This breaker interface panel provides four 20A, one 15A, and three 5A circuit breakers per
side to power up to eight DSMs (depending on the power cable used). This breaker interface panel
cannot be used to power the 14-slot or 7-slot shelves.

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3-18 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Table 3-3 (continued)

BIP/FIB summary table

Description Order Code Notes

Note 9: This breaker interface panel (BIP) can be used for bay configurations containing one 14-slot
shelf and other CIENA products (up to seven DSMs) or up to eight DSMs. BIP contains thirteen 5A
breakers and a position for a 20A or 40A breaker for each feed (A/B). For 14-slot shelves, use 40A
breakers. For DSMs, use 5A breakers. Can also be used for bay configurations containing one 14-slot
shelf and Common Photonic Layer modules. Does not provide access panel to BIP external alarm
functionality. Requires power cables NTTC01BC, NTTC01BD, or NTTC01BE. When used with power
cables NTTC01BD or NTTC01BE, the high current ring lugs supplied with the BIP can be discarded.

Note 10: This breaker interface panel (BIP) can be used for bay configurations containing one 7-slot
shelf and other CIENA products. BIP contains thirteen 5A breakers and a position for a 20A or 40A
breaker for each side. For 7-slot shelves, use 40A breakers. Can also be used for bay configurations
containing one 7-slot shelf, and Common Photonic Layer or DSM modules. Does not provide access
panel to BIP external alarm functionality. Requires power cables NTTC01CFE6, NTTC01CHE6,

Note 11: This breaker interface panel (BIP) can be used for bay configurations containing one
6500-7 packet-optical shelf and other Ciena products. BIP contains thirteen 5A breakers and a position
for a 20A or 40A breaker for each side. For 6500-7 packet-optical shelf, use 40A breakers. Can also be
used for bay configurations containing one 6500-7 packet-optical shelf, and Common Photonic Layer
or DSM modules. Does not provide access panel to BIP external alarm functionality. Requires power
cables NTTC01FE, NTTC01FF, NTTC01FG, or NTTC01FH.

Note 12: This fuse interface panel (FIP) can be used for bay configurations containing one 14-slot
shelf and other CIENA products (up to seven DSMs) or up to eight DSMs. FIP contains thirteen 5A
fuses and a position for a 20A or 40A breaker for each feed (A/B). For 14-slot shelves, use 40A
breakers. For DSMs, use 5A fuses. Can also be used for bay configurations containing one 14-slot shelf
and Common Photonic Layer modules. Does not provide access panel to FIP external alarm
functionality. Requires power cables NTTC01BC, NTTC01BD, or NTTC01BE. When used with power
cables NTTC01BD or NTTC01BE, the high current ring lugs supplied with the BIP can be discarded.

Note 13: This fuse interface panel (FIP) can be used for bay configurations containing one 7-slot shelf
and other Ciena products. FIP contains thirteen 5A fuses and a position for a 20A or 40A breaker for
each side. For 7-slot shelves, use 40A breakers. Can also be used for bay configurations containing
one 7-slot shelf and, Common Photonic Layer or DSM modules. Does not provide access panel to FIP
external alarm functionality. Requires power cables NTTC01CFE6, NTTC01CHE6, NTTC01CJE6, or

Note 14: This fuse interface panel (FIP) can be used for bay configurations containing one 6500-7
packet-optical shelf and other Ciena products. FIP contains thirteen 5A fuses and a position for a 20A
or 40A breaker for each side. For 6500-7 packet-optical shelf, use 40A breakers. Can also be used for
bay configurations containing one 6500-7 packet-optical shelf and, Common Photonic Layer or DSM
modules. Does not provide access panel to FIP external alarm functionality. Requires power cables

Note 15: Not supported in 14-slot packet-optical shelf type (NTK503SA).

Note 16: This kit contains two 10A breakers (one for each A/B feed) for use with the 1U front access
BIP or FIP (NTK599DA or NTK599EA). Order one kit for a 2-slot or 7-slot shelf connected to the 1U
front access BIP or FIP.

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Table 3-3 (continued)

BIP/FIB summary table

Description Order Code Notes

Note 17: This kit contains two 20A breakers (one for each A/B feed) for use with the 1U front access
BIP or FIP (NTK599DA or NTK599EA). Order one kit for a 6500-7 packet-optical, 7-slot, or 14-slot shelf
connected to the 1U front access BIP or FIP.

Note 18: This kit contains two 40A breakers (one for each A/B feed) for use with the 1U front access
BIP or FIP (NTK599DA or NTK599EA). Order one kit for a 6500-7 packet-optical, 7-slot, or 14-slot shelf
connected to the 1U front access BIP or FIP.

Note 19: This kit contains two 5A breakers for use with the 13x5A, 20A or 40A 1U front access BIP.
Order only as replacements for broken breakers.

Note 20: This kit contains two 5A fuses for use with the 13x5A, 20A or 40A 1U front access FIP. Order
only as replacements for blown fuses.

Note 21: Order this horizontal tie bar if installing the 1U BIP or FIP (NTK599DA/EA) in a 23” rack.
Order one horizontal tie bar per 1U BIP or FIP (NTK599DA/EA).

Note 22: Order this horizontal tie bar if installing the 1U BIP or FIP (NTK599DA/EA) in a 19” rack.
Order one horizontal tie bar per 1U BIP or FIP (NTK599DA/EA).

Note 23: The BIP/FIP Installation Kit contains fasteners and cage nuts to mount the 2U breaker
interface panel (NTK599BA or NTK599BGE5), the 1U BIP/FIP (NTK599DA/EA), or the 1U AC rectifier
(NTN458SA) to a variety of equipment frames/racks. It contains a length of cable and lugs to connect
the BIP/FIP/AC rectifier to office frame/rack ground. The manufacturing of NTK599ZX is discontinued
and you must use the RoHS compliant version (NTK599ZXE6).

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Technical specifications
Table 3-4 lists the physical specifications for BIP/FIP.

Table 3-4
Physical specifications for BIP/FIP

Equipment Physical specification Notes

Breaker interface panels (14-slot variants)

Height (2 x 100A variant, 1U (44.4 mm / 1.75 in.) 1U required above NTK599AA BIP for
NTK599AA, BIP/FIP, maintenance and cabling purposes (for
NTK599DA/EA) example, torque and lug inspection)

Height (NTK599BA, 2U (88.9 mm / 3.5 in.)

and NTK599BK)

Width (all variants) 440.5 mm / 17.3 in.

Depth (all variants) 280.0 mm / 11 in.

Breaker interface panels (DSM variant)

DSM variant, NTN458RA:

Height 1U (44.4 mm / 1.75 in.)
Width 482.6 mm / 19 in (with
Depth 584.2 mm /23 in. (with
281.6 mm / 11.09 in.

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Table 3-5 lists the weight for the BIP/FIP.

Table 3-5
Technical specifications for BIP/FIP

Description PEC Weight (estimated)

Breaker Interface Panel, 4x40A, 1U+1U NTK599AA 4.9 kg (10.8 lb)

Breaker Interface Panel, 4x40A, 2U D-type/wire-wrap NTK599BA 8.6 kg (19.0 lb)

alarm connectors

Breaker Interface Panel, 4x20A, 2U D-type/wire-wrap NTK599BGE5 8.6 kg (19.0 lb)

alarm connectors

Breaker Interface Panel, 4x10A, 2U D-type/wire-wrap NTK599BH 8.6 kg (19.0 lb)

alarm connectors

Breaker Interface Panel, 4x50A, 2U D-type/wire-wrap NTK599BK 8.6 kg (19.0 lb)

alarm connectors

Breaker Interface Panel, 20A (for DSM shelves) NTK458RA 4.5 kg (10.1 lb)

1U Breaker Interface Panel (including breakers) NTK599DA 5.5 kg (12.2 lb)

1U Fuse Interface Panel (including fuses) NTK599EA 5.3 kg (11.7 lb)

BIP connector pinouts

See “BIP connector pinouts” on page 3-88.

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3-22 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Power Input Cards (NTK505xxE5, NTK505xx, NTK605xAE5,

NTK605xA, NTK605xE)
The 6500 supports redundant -48/60 Vdc power feeds (A and B) through
Power Input Cards or power supply units (operating over the range -40 V to
-75 Vdc). The 6500 also supports AC power feeds (A and B) through Power
Input Cards for certain shelves. Power Input Cards include fastener to secure
it to the 6500 shelf.

Shelf power inputs

With the exception NTK503NAE5 and NTK503MAE5 variants of the 2-slot
shelf that have integrated power supply, redundant A/B power feeds are
connected to a 6500 shelf through separate Power Input Cards. Power Input
Cards are separately orderable and field-replaceable units (FRUs). Each shelf
supports specific Power Input Cards with specific current ratings, current
protection options and cabling solution.

Each power feed is monitored through its input breaker, fuse, AC/DC power
conversion circuit (as applicable) and provides a low/no voltage indication
which the shelf processors uses to raise a Power Failure - A,
Power Failure - B or Power Failure alarm against the affected feed (as
applicable to the shelf and power card). A Fused Power Input Card also
monitors any equipped alarm indicator fuses and the shelf processor will raise
a Power Failure - Fuse Blown alarm against any feed with a blown alarm
indicator fuse that has sufficient voltage on the power input terminals (if there
is low/no voltage on the power input terminals, a Power Failure - A or Power
Failure - B alarm will be raised regardless of the alarm indicator fuse state).
As long as the shelf processor is active, a Power Failure - Low Voltage alarm
will be raised to indicate a power brownout when all the power feeds to the
shelf have low/no voltage.

A green Power OK LED indicates when sufficient voltage is detected through

the power input card (or into the shelf in the case of a 2-slot shelf with
integrated power inputs). A Power OK LED is provided for each power feed
except on the NTK605CAE5 and NTK650EAE5 variants of the 3x60A Power
Input Cards (used in the NTK603AAE5 variant of the 32-slot shelf).
NTK605CAE5 and NTK650EAE5 3x60A power cards have one Power OK
LED which indicates that all three feeds are active and a yellow Low Voltage
LED to indicate that at least one feed has voltage, but one or more feeds has
low/no voltage.

Shelf power schemes and Power Input Card types can be selected based on
the following powering applications and criteria:

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card 3-23

Power inputs integrated into the shelf

• -48/60 Vdc D-Sub A/B power inputs
— used in applications that range from 5A to 10A per feed.
— the power function is integrated into the shelf and cannot be separately
ordered or replaced.
— the shelf has two 2W2 D-Sub power landings: one to connect
A feed/return cable and one to connect the B feed/return cables.
— specific D-Sub power cables are supported.
— no breaker or user-serviceable fuse is provided, so current must be
externally limited/protected to the lesser of the shelf or power cable
rating. For example, a 4x10A BIP (NTK599BH) may be used to limit
current for up to four 10A-rated 2-slot shelves with integrated DC
power inputs.
• 100 - 240 Vac A/B power inputs
— used in applications that require operation at 100 to 240 Vac
— the power function is integrated into the shelf and cannot be separately
ordered or replaced.
— the shelf has two 3-pin IEC320 female sockets: one to connect A
power cable and one to connect the B power cables.
— specific AC power cables are supported.
— each integrated power supply independently converts 100 - 240 Vac to
-48 Vdc for use by the circuit packs and modules equipped in the shelf.
— the shelf does not include a breaker or user-serviceable fuse for the
AC feeds.
Power connections to Power Input Cards
• -48/60 Vdc Power Input Card with D-Sub connector
— used in applications that range from 5A to 50A per feed.
— two Power Input Cards are required to be equipped in the shelf: the
A feed/return connects to one Power Input Card and the B feed/return
connects to the other Power Input Card.
— the Power Input Card has a 3W3 or 2W2 D-Sub power landing to
connect either the A or B feed/return power cable.
— specific D-Sub power cables are supported.
Variants are described as one of the following types:

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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3-24 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

— Breakered: a circuit breaker limits the current between the power input
terminals and the shelf backplane. Breakered Power Input Cards are
the default type to select for all applications unless your site powering
practice requires use of fuses or a breakered variant is not supported
or required for the specified application.
— Fused: a fuse limits the current between the input terminals and the
shelf backplane. The fuse and an optional fuse-blown alarm indicator
fuse are equipped in a removable fuse cartridge. Specific shelves and
Power Input Card variants support a variety of main fuses in a range
from 5A to 50A. Select Fused Power Input Cards if your site powering
practice requires use of fuses or if the feeder cables or power source
must be current limited/protected at a rating less than is available with
a breakered Power Input Card variant.
— Breakerless: power is not current limited with a breaker or fuse so
current must be externally limited/protected to the lesser of the Power
Input Card rating, the shelf rating or the power cable rating. Select a
breakerless Power Input Card only if current is limited/protected at the
power disconnect point (for example a BIP/FIP).
• -48/60 Vdc Power Input Card with terminals for 2-hole lugs cables
— used in applications that range from 20A to 60A per feed.
— used in shelves that support one or more A/B power zones.
— two Power Input Cards are required to be equipped in the shelf: one or
more A feeds/returns connects to one Power Input Card and one or
more B feeds/returns connects to the other Power Input Card.
— feed and return power cables are connected to the Power Input Card
using 2-hole lugs.
— power wire is ordered by length as required and slack can be trimmed
at the time of installation. If a lug-based Power Input Card is connected
to a 4x20A, 4x40A or 4x50A BIP (NTK599BGE5, NTK599BA or
NTK599BK) specific cable assemblies are required.
— some variants support a busbar to bridge one power feed/return to
more than one shelf power zones.
Variants are described as one of the following types:
— Breakered: a circuit breaker per power feed limits the current between
the power input terminals and the shelf backplane. Breakered Power
Input Cards are the default type to select for all applications unless
your site powering practice requires use of fuses or a breakered
variant is not supported or required for the specified application.
— Fused: a fuse per power feed limits the current between the power
input terminals and the shelf backplane. The fuse and an optional
fuse-blown alarm indicator fuse are equipped in a removable fuse

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BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card 3-25

cartridge. Specific shelves and Power Input Card variants support a

variety of main fuses in a range from 20A to 60A. Select Fused Power
Input Cards if your site powering practice requires use of fuses or if the
feeder cables or power source must be current limited/protected at a
rating less than is available with a breakered Power Input Card variant.
— Breakerless: power is not current limited with a breaker or fuse so
current must be externally limited/protected to the lesser of the Power
Input Card rating, the shelf rating or the power cable rating. Select a
breakerless Power Input Card only if current is limited/protected at the
power disconnect point (for example a BIP/FIP).
• 24 Vdc Power Input Card with D-Sub connector
— used in applications that require operation at 24 Vdc (27 Vdc nominal).
— two Power Input Cards are required to be equipped in the shelf: the A
feed/return connects to one Power Input Card and the B feed/return
connects to the other Power Input Card.
— each Power Input Card independently converts 24 Vdc to -48 Vdc for
use by the circuit packs and modules equipped in the shelf.
— the two Power Input Cards are used in a 1+1 equipment protected
configuration where either Power Input Card can supply all of the
power to the shelf backplane.
— the Power Input Card has a 2W2 D-Sub power landing to connect
either the A or B feed/return power cable.
— specific D-Sub power cables are supported.
Only one type is available:
— Breakered: a circuit breaker limits the current between the power input
terminals and the integrated 24 Vdc to -48 Vdc converter.
• 100 - 240 Vac Power Input Card
— used in applications that require operation at 100 to 240 Vac
— two or more Power Input Cards are required to be equipped in the shelf
with an AC power cable to each.
— each card independently converts 100 - 240 Vac to -48 Vdc for use by
the circuit packs and modules equipped in the shelf.
— for applications that use two Power Input Cards in a 1:1 equipment
protected configuration, either Power Input Card can supply all of the
power to the shelf backplane. For applications that use three or four
Power Input Cards 1:N equipment protection is available (one
equipped Power Input Card and associated AC feed can act as a
back-up for any one of the other Power Input Cards). For applications

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that use four Power Input Cards, a 2:2 equipment configuration is

available (two Power Input Cards and associated AC feeds provide
redundancy for the other two).
— the Power Input Card has a 3-pin IEC320 female sockets.
— specific AC power cables are supported.
— the card does not include a breaker or user-serviceable fuse for the AC
Refer to following tables:
• Table 3-6, “6500 shelves with integrated power supply units (PSU)” on
page 3-26
• Table 3-7, “6500 2-slot Type 2 shelf with Power Input Cards” on page 3-27
• Table 3-8, “7-slot shelf (NTK503PAE5 variant), 6500-7 packet-optical, and
14-slot shelves (all variants) with Power Input Cards” on page 3-27
• Table 3-9, “6500 7-slot Type 2 shelf with Power Input Cards” on page 3-28
• Table 3-10, “6500 32-slot shelves with Power Input Cards” on page 3-29
• Table 3-11, “ 6500 power feeds versus Power Input Cards/Power supply
units” on page 3-29
• Table 3-12, “6500 Power Input Cards other characteristics” on page 3-36
Note: The NTK505AA and NTK505BA variants are manufacture
discontinued. For replacement information, see Planning - Ordering
Information, 323-1851-151.

Table 3-6
6500 shelves with integrated power supply units (PSU)

Shelf Power supply unit (PSU)

Integrated DC-Power Integrated AC-Power

Supply Unit Supply Unit

2-slot shelf w/SP + OTN Flex MOTR 8xSFP shelf (DC- √

powered) (NTK503MAE5)

2-slot shelf w/SP + OTN Flex MOTR 8xSFP shelf (AC- √

powered) (NTK503NAE5)

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Table 3-7
6500 2-slot Type 2 shelf with Power Input Cards

Shelf Power Input Cards


2-slot optical Type 2 shelf (NTK503LA) √ √ √

NTK505TA: Power Input Card (breakerless) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 10A
NTK505TR: 24 Vdc Power Input Card (breakered) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input
NTK505SB: AC Power Input Card (100 - 240 Vac)

Table 3-8
7-slot shelf (NTK503PAE5 variant), 6500-7 packet-optical, and 14-slot shelves (all variants) with
Power Input Cards

Shelf Power Input Cards



7-slot optical shelf √


6500-7 packet- √ √ √ √
optical shelf

14-slot shelf √ √ √
(NTK503AA/ (when
NTK503AB/ equipped with
NTK503BAE5/ 40A fuse or
NTK503CAE5/ less)
with 40A rating

Converged 14-slot √ √ √ √
with 60A rating

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Table 3-8
7-slot shelf (NTK503PAE5 variant), 6500-7 packet-optical, and 14-slot shelves (all variants) with
Power Input Cards

Shelf Power Input Cards



14-slot packet- √ √ √ √
optical shelf
with 60A/2x50A

NTK505AA: 40A Power Input Card (breakered) - 3-Wire D-Sub Input

NTK505BA: 40A Power Input Card (breakerless) - 3-Wire D-Sub Input
NTK505CE: 40A Power Input Card (breakered) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input
NTK505DE: 40A Power Input Card (breakerless) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input
NTK505EEE5: Fused Power Input Card - 2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 40A
NTK505CC: 50A Power Input Card (breakered) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input
NTK505EC: Fused Power Input Card - 2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 50A
NTK505CAE5: 60A Power Input Card (breakered)NTK505DAE5: 60A Power Input Card
(breakerless)NTK505DS: 2x50A Power Input Card (breakerless)
NTK505EAE5: Fused Power Input Card - Max 60A

Table 3-9
6500 7-slot Type 2 shelf with Power Input Cards

Shelf Power Input Cards


7-slot optical Type 2 shelf (NTK50KA) √ √ √

NTK505QA: Power Input Card Type 2 (breakered) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 50A
NTK505QE: Power Input Card Type 2 (fused) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 50A
NTK505RA: AC Power Input Card Type 2 (100 - 240 Vac)

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Table 3-10
6500 32-slot shelves with Power Input Cards

Shelf Power Input Cards


32-slot packet- √
optical shelf

32-slot packet- √
optical shelf

NTK605CAE5: 3x60A Power Input Card (breakered)

NTK605EAE5: 3x60A Power Input Card (fused)
NTK605FA: 3x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (breakered)
NTK605FE: 3x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (fused)
NTK605GA: 4x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (breakered)
NTK605GE: 4x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (fused)

Table 3-11
6500 power feeds versus Power Input Cards/Power supply units

Power Input Card or Power Supply 1A, 1B 2A, 2B 3A, 3B 4A, 4B Other Referenced
Unit note

Breakered Power Input Cards

40A Power Input Card (breakered) - √ Note 1

3-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505AA)

40A Power Input Card (breakered) - √ Note 1 and

2-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505CE) Note 6

50A Power Input Card (breakered) - √ Note 1

2-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505CC)

60A Power Input Card (breakered) √ Note 1 and

(NTK505CAE5) Note 6

3x60A Power Input Card (breakered) √ √ Note 2

(NTK605CAE5) (when
with a

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Table 3-11 (continued)

6500 power feeds versus Power Input Cards/Power supply units

Power Input Card or Power Supply 1A, 1B 2A, 2B 3A, 3B 4A, 4B Other Referenced
Unit note

3x60A Power Input Card Type 2 √ √ Note 3

(breakered) (NTK605FA) (when
with a

4x60A Power Input Card Type 2 √ √ √ √ Note 4

(breakered) (NTK605GA) (when (when when
equipped equipped feeds 2
with a with a and 3 are
4-prong 2-prong bridged
busbars) busbars) with

24 Vdc Power Input Card (breakered) √ Note 7

- 2-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505TR)

Power Input Card Type 2 (breakered) √

- 2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 50A

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Table 3-11 (continued)

6500 power feeds versus Power Input Cards/Power supply units

Power Input Card or Power Supply 1A, 1B 2A, 2B 3A, 3B 4A, 4B Other Referenced
Unit note

Breakerless Power Input Cards

40A Power Input Card (breakerless) - √ Note 1

3-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505BA)

40A Power Input Card (breakerless) - √ Note 1 and

2-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505DE) Note 6

60A Power Input Card (breakerless) √ Note 1 and

(NTK505DAE5) Note 6

2x50A Power Input Card (breakerless) √ Note 5


Power Input Card (breakerless) - √ Note 8

2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 10A

Fused Power Input Cards

Fused Power Input Card - 2-Wire √ Note 1 and

D-Sub Input, Max 40A (NTK505EEE5) Note 6
supporting 5A, 10A, 15A, 20A, 30A,
and 40A fuses

Fused Power Input Card - 2-Wire √ Note 1

D-Sub Input, Max 50A (NTK505EC)
supporting 20A, 30A, 40A, and 50A

Fused Power Input Card √ Note 1 and

(NTK505EAE5) - Max 60A Note 6
supporting 20A, 30A, 40A, 50A, and
60A fuses

3x60A Power Input Card (fused) √ √ Note 2

(NTK605EAE5) supporting 30A, 40A, (when
50A, and 60A fuses equipped
with a

3x60A Power Input Card Type 2 √ √ Note 3

(fused) (NTK605FE) supporting 30A, (when
40A, 50A, and 60A fuses equipped
with a

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
3-32 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Table 3-11 (continued)

6500 power feeds versus Power Input Cards/Power supply units

Power Input Card or Power Supply 1A, 1B 2A, 2B 3A, 3B 4A, 4B Other Referenced
Unit note

4x60A Power Input Card Type 2 √ √ √ √ Note 4

(fused) (NTK605GE) supporting 30A, (when (when when
40A, 50A, and 60A fuses equipped equipped feeds 2
with a with a and 3 are
4-prong 2-prong bridged
busbars) busbars) with

Power Input Card Type 2 (fused) - √

2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 50A
(NTK505QE) supporting 5A, 10A,
15A, 20A, 30A, 40A, and 50A fuses

AC Power Input Cards

AC Power Input Card (100 - 240 Vac) √ Note 9


AC Power Input Card Type 2 2 to 4 AC Note 10 and

(100 - 240 Vac) (NTK505RA) feeds Note 11

Integrated Power Inputs

Integrated DC-Power connections on √ Note 12

a 2-slot shelf w/SP + OTN Flex MOTR
8xSFP (DC-powered)

Integrated AC-Power connections on √ Note 13

a 2-slot shelf w/SP + OTN Flex MOTR
8xSFP (AC-powered) (NTK503NAE5)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card 3-33

Table 3-11 (continued)

6500 power feeds versus Power Input Cards/Power supply units

Power Input Card or Power Supply 1A, 1B 2A, 2B 3A, 3B 4A, 4B Other Referenced
Unit note

Note 1: This Power Input Card supports one -48/60 Vdc power feed/return (1A or 1B depending on the
power card slot). Two power input cards are required per shelf. A and B power is supplied to each slot in the
shelf (except to an Access Panel in a 7-slot shelf (NTK503PAE5 shelf variant), 6500-7 packet-optical, or
14-slot shelf does not draw power directly from the Power Input Cards).
Note 2: This Power Input Card supports three separate -48/60 Vdc feeds/returns (3A or 3B depending the
power card slot). The three feed/return terminals can be bridged together to share a single feed/return using
3-prong busbar/jumpers. Two power input cards are required per shelf. Each of the three feeds provides
power to specific set of slots and the three A and B feeds follow the same distribution:
— Zone 1: feed 1 to slots 1-7 and 21-27
— Zone 2: feed 2 to cross-connects (slots 9 and 10), cooling fan modules (slots 45 and 46), access panel
(slot 47), shelf processors (slots 41 and 42), and slots 8,11, 28, 31
— Zone 3: feed 3 to slots 12-18 and 32-38
See “Feeder wire configurations in 32-slot shelf type” on page 3-37 for more information on feeders in
32-slot shelf.
Note 3: This Power Input Card supports three separate -48/60 Vdc feeds/returns (3A or 3B depending the
power card slot). The three feed/return terminals can be bridged together to share a single feed/return using
3-prong busbar/jumpers. Two power input cards are required per shelf. Each of the three feeds provides
power to specific set of slots and the three A and B feeds follow the same distribution:
— Zone 1: 11 service slots (2-3, 6-8, 18, 21, 25-28), XC-A cross-connect circuit pack (slot 9), and SP-A
shelf processor (slot 41)
— Zone 2: 10 service slots (4-5, 14-15, 22-24, 35-37) and cooling fan modules (slots 45 and 46)
— Zone 3: 11 service slots (1, 11-13, 16-17, 31-34, 38), XC-B cross-connect circuit pack (slot 10), SP-B
shelf processor (slot 42), and access panel (slot 47)
See “Feeder wire configurations in 32-slot shelf type” on page 3-37 for more information on feeders in
32-slot shelf.
Note 4: This Power Input Card supports four separate -48/60 Vdc feeds/returns (4A or 4B depending the
power card slot). The four feed/return terminals can be bridged together to share a one or two feeds/returns
using 2-prong or 4-prong busbar/jumpers. Two power input cards are required per shelf. Each of the four
feeds provides power to specific set of slots and the four A and B feeds follow the same distribution:
— Zone 1: eight service slots (1, 11-13, 31-34), XC-B cross-connect circuit pack (slot 10), SP-B shelf
processor (slot 42), and access panel (slot 47)
— Zone 2: eight service slots (2-3, 14-15, 21, 35-37) and a cooling fan module (slot 45)
— Zone 3: eight service slots (4-5, 16-17, 22-24, 38) and a cooling fan module (slot 46)
— Zone 4: eight service slots (6-8, 18, 25-28), XC-A cross-connect circuit pack (slot 9), and SP-A shelf
processor (slot 41)
See “Feeder wire configurations in 32-slot shelf type” on page 3-37 for more information on feeders in
32-slot shelf.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
3-34 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Table 3-11 (continued)

6500 power feeds versus Power Input Cards/Power supply units

Power Input Card or Power Supply 1A, 1B 2A, 2B 3A, 3B 4A, 4B Other Referenced
Unit note

Note 5: This Power Input Card supports two separate -48/60 Vdc feeds/returns (2A or 2B depending the
power card slot). Two power input cards are required per shelf. Each of the two feeds provides power to
specific set of slots and the two A and B feeds follow the same distribution:
— Zone 1: feed 1 to
– slots 1, 3, 5, 7 (cross-connect), 10, 12, and 14
– cooling fan modules 1 and 3 when equipped with high flow front cooling fan module (Type 3)
(NTK507LS) or high flow rear cooling fan module (Type 3) (NTK507MS)
— Zone 2: feed 2 to
– slots 2, 4, 6, 8 (cross-connect), 9, 11, and 13
– slots 15 and 16 (shelf processors) and slot 17-2 (MIC)
– cooling fan module 2 when equipped with high flow front cooling fan module (Type 3) (NTK507LS) or
high flow rear cooling fan module (Type 3) (NTK507MS) or all three cooling fan modules when
equipped with high flow front cooling fan module (NTK507LDE5) or high flow rear cooling fan module
Note 6: When 40A (NTK505CEE5, NTK505DEE5, or NTK505EEE5) or 60A (NTK505CAE5, NTK505DAE5,
or NTK505EAE5) rated Power Input Cards are equipped in a 14-slot packet-optical shelf (NTK503SA), the
two shelf power zones share the 40A/60A feeder, but each zone is limited the lesser of 40A or the provisioned
Note 7: This Power Input Card supports one 24 Vdc power feed/return. Two Power Input Cards are required
per shelf (redundant A and B; maximum 17A each and a total of 17A for both Power Input Cards when load
sharing and when the applied voltage is within the specified operating range). A shelf equipped with and
provisioned to use these Power Input Cards will report 18 Amps as the Provisioned shelf current system
parameter in the Node information panel (refer to Administration and Security, 323-1851-301). Each 24 Vdc
Power Input Cards accepts a 24 Vdc (27 Vdc nominal) feed and independently converts it to 48 Vdc for use
within the shelf (this Power Input Card enables the shelf and equipped circuit packs to operate in DC power
installations that do not have -48/60 Vdc power systems).

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card 3-35

Table 3-11 (continued)

6500 power feeds versus Power Input Cards/Power supply units

Power Input Card or Power Supply 1A, 1B 2A, 2B 3A, 3B 4A, 4B Other Referenced
Unit note

Note 8: This Power Input Card supports one -48/60 Vdc power feed/return. Two Power Input Cards are
required per shelf (redundant A and B; maximum 10A).
Note 9: This Power Input Card supports one 100/240 Vac power feed. Two Power Input Cards are required
per shelf (redundant A and B; maximum continuous apparent power of 542 VA each and a total of 542 VA
for both Power Input Cards when load sharing). Similar to the AC power supplies integrated in the AC variant
of 2-slot shelf (NTK503NAE5), each AC Power Input Card accepts a 100 to 240 Vac feed and independently
converts it to 48 Vdc dc for use within the shelf. This Power Input Card enables the shelf and equipped circuit
packs to operate in installations that do not have DC power. Right-routing AC power cables are required. See
Planning - Ordering Information, 323-1851-151 (Chapter 4) for more details.
Note 10: This Power Input Card supports one 100V/240V AC power feed. Two, three or four AC Power Input
Cards are required per 7-slot Type 2 shelf (NTK503KA). The following Power Input Card and AC feeder
redundancy Provisioned shelf current settings are supported:
— 1X5_1X5: 1:1 Power Input Card/feeder protection when equipped with two AC Power Input Cards (in
slots 17 and 20)
— 1X5_2X5: 1:2 Power Input Card/feeder protection when equipped with three AC Power Input Cards (in
slots 17, 18 and 20)
— 1X5_3X5: 1:3 Power Input Card/feeder protection when equipped with four AC Power Input Cards (in
slots 17 to 20)
— 2X5_2X5: 2:2 Power Input Card/feeder protection when the shelf equipped with four AC Power Input
Cards (in slots 17 to 20)
Note 11: The AC Power Input Cards support maximum continuous apparent power of 542 VA each and a
total of 542 VA for all Power Input Cards when load sharing. Each AC Power Input Card accepts a 100 to
240 Vac feed and independently converts it to 48 Vdc dc for use within the shelf. The AC Power Input Card
enables the shelf and equipped circuit packs to operate in installations that do not have DC power. AC power
cables are required. See Planning - Ordering Information, 323-1851-151 (Chapter 4) for more details.
Note 12: Two -48/60 Vdc power feeds/return connections are integrated into this 2-slot shelf variant
(redundant A and B; maximum 10A). The integrated DC power connection points are not field-replaceable.

Note 13: Two 110/220 Vac power connections are integrated into this 2-slot shelf variant (redundant A and
B; continuous apparent power of 343 VA each and a total of 343 VA for both Power Input Cards when load
sharing). Each 100 to 240 Vac feed is independently converted to 48 Vdc for use within the shelf. This
integrated AC to DC conversion function is not field-replaceable. This shelf type is suitable for use in
installations that do not have DC power. Right-routing AC power cables are required. See
Planning – Ordering Information, 323-1851-151 (Chapter 4) for more details.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
3-36 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Table 3-12
6500 Power Input Cards other characteristics

Power Input Connectors 2-hole lug Test points

Card power
3W3 style 2W2 style IEC 100-240 Vac termination
(three-contact) (two-contact) IEC320(F)
D-type D-type connectors
connectors connectors

• NTK505AA √
• NTK505BA

• NTK505CE √ √
• NTK505DE

• NTK505CC √
• NTK505EC

• NTK505EEE5 √
• NTK505TR

• NTK505CAE5 √ √
• NTK505DAE5
• NTK605CAE5
• NTK605CEE5

• NTK505EAE5 √
• NTK505DS
• NTK605FA
• NTK605FE
• NTK605GA
• NTK605GE

• NTK505SB √
• NTK505RA

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BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card 3-37

Feeder wire configurations in 32-slot shelf type

The NTK603AAE5 variant of 32-slot shelf type supports the following feeder
wire configurations:
• single shared feed:
A single feed of 60A, 80A, or 100A is supplied across input feeds (using a
metal busbar shipped with the 3x60A Power Input Card (breakered)
(NTK605CAE5) or 3x60A Power Input Card (fused) (NTK605EAE5) which
bridges the three feed/return terminals on the 3x60A Power Input Cards).
Current sharing is allowed since any of the three feeder zones can draw a
maximum of 60A, but the total shelf budget must not exceed the shared
feeder rating. However, zone power balancing is enforced by restricting
the budget on a per zone basis to less than 60A per zone.
• three independent feeds:
Three independent feeds are supplied to the Power Input Card all with the
same rating. That is, 3x40A, 3x50A or 3x60A. Per zone budget is enforced
and the minimum fuse size (applies to Fused Power Input Cards;
NTK605EAE5) must be equal or greater than the feeder size.
The NTK603AB variant of 32-slot shelf type supports the following feeder wire
• when equipped with 3x60A feeds:
— single shared feed:
A single feed of 60A, 80A, or 100A is supplied across input feeds
(using a metal busbar that must be ordered separately when ordering
the 3x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (breakered) (NTK605FA) or 3x60A
Power Input Card Type 2 (fused) (NTK605FE) which bridges the three
feed/return terminals on the 3x60A Power Input Cards Type 2).
Current sharing is allowed since any of the three feeder zones can
draw a maximum of 60A, but the total shelf budget must not exceed
the shared feeder rating. However, zone power balancing is enforced
by restricting the budget on a per zone basis to less than 60A per zone.
— three independent feeds:
Three independent feeds are supplied to the Power Input Card all with
the same rating. That is, 3x40A, 3x50A or 3x60A. Per zone budget is
enforced and the minimum fuse size (applies to Fused Power Input
Cards; NTK605FE) must be equal or greater than the feeder size.
Note: A 3x60A powering options is also available when using the 4x60A
Power Input Cards Type 2 (NTK605GA/NTK605GE) by bridging the
middle two power terminals (power zones 2 and 3) with 2-prong bus bars
(though the power of one 60A feed is shared by 16 circuit packs compared
to sharing by 10 circuit packs when 3x60A Power Input Cards Type 2 are

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
3-38 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

• when equipped with 4x60A feeds:

— single shared feed:
A single feed of 60A, 80A, or 100A is supplied across input feeds
(using a metal busbar that must be ordered separately when ordering
the 4x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (breakered) (NTK605GA) or
4x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (fused) (NTK605GE) which bridges
the four feed/return terminals on the 4x60A Power Input Cards Type 2).
Current sharing is allowed since any of the four feeder zones can draw
a maximum of 60A, but the total shelf budget must not exceed the
shared feeder rating. However, zone power balancing is enforced by
restricting the budget on a per zone basis to less than 60A per zone.
— double shared feeds:
Two feeds of 40A, 60A, 80A, or 100A are supplied across input feeds
(using two metal busbars that must be ordered separately when
ordering the 4x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (breakered) (NTK605GA)
or 4x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (fused) (NTK605GE) which one
metal busbar bridges the power zones 1 and 2 feed/return terminals
and another metal busbar bridges power zones 3 and 4 feed/return
terminals on the 4x60A Power Input Cards Type 2). Current sharing is
allowed since any of the four feeder zones can draw a maximum of
60A, but the total shelf budget must not exceed the shared feeder
rating. However, zone power balancing is enforced by restricting the
budget on a per zone basis to less than 60A per zone.
— triple shared feeds:
Three feeds of 60A are supplied across input feeds (using a metal
busbar that must be ordered separately when ordering the 4x60A
Power Input Card Type 2 (breakered) (NTK605GA) or 4x60A Power
Input Card Type 2 (fused) (NTK605GE) which bridges the power
zones 2 and 3 feed/return terminals on the 4x60A Power Input Cards
Type 2). Current sharing is allowed since any of the four feeder zones
can draw a maximum of 60A, but the total shelf budget must not
exceed the shared feeder rating. However, zone power balancing is
enforced by restricting the budget on a per zone basis to less than 60A
per zone.
— Four independent feeds:
Four independent feeds are supplied to the Power Input Card all with
the same rating. That is, 4x40A or 4x60A. Per zone budget is enforced
and the minimum fuse size (applies to Fused Power Input Cards
NTK605GE) must be equal or greater than the feeder size.
The 32-slot shelf type (both variants) do not support power budgets with
different current limits on each zone. Refer to “Power budgets for 32-slot shelf
type” in Part 3 of 6500 Planning, NTRN10DB (Chapter 8) for 32-slot shelf
power budget.

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Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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The largest power cable size that can be accommodated onto the 32-slot
shelf is 14 mm in overall outer diameter (AWG#2 or smaller). Power feed
larger than the recommended size must be tapped to a smaller cable to the
32-slot shelf.

Feeder wire configurations in 14-slot packet-optical shelf type

The 14-slot packet-optical shelf supports operation with one A feed and one
B feed rated to a maximum of 40A/60A when equipped with 40A/60A rated
Power Input Cards. The shelf also supports two independent feeds when the
shelf is equipped with a 2x50A breakerless Power Input Card (NTK505DS).
With the 2x50A Power Input Card, two independent feeds with the same rating
are supplied to each Power Input Card. That is, 2x40A or 2x50A. The following
restrictions are applied:
• single shared feed is not supported (that is to supply a single feed of 60A,
80A, or 100A across input feeds by using a metal busbar or jumper to
bridge the two feed/return terminals on the 2x50A Power Input Cards).
• current sharing is not allowed.

The 2x50A breakerless Power Input Card (NTK505DS) is rated for a
maximum of 50A on each of the two feeds and connection to a power source
current limited to more than 50A will exceed the rating. A 60A feed can only
be connected to the shelf when equipped with Power Input Cards rated for
60A such as the 60A breakered (NTK505CAE5), 60A breakerless
(NTK505DAE5) and Fused Power Input Card (NTK505EAE5).

The 14-slot packet-optical shelf type does not support power budgets with
different current limits on each zone. Refer to “Power budget for 14-slot
packet-optical shelf type (NTK503SA)” in Part 3 of 6500 Planning,
NTRN10DB (Chapter 8) for 14-slot packet-optical shelf power budget.

For PEC information, see Planning - Ordering Information, 323-1851-151.

Figure 3-9 on page 3-42 to Figure 3-22 on page 3-54 provide an overview of
the faceplate for different Power Input Cards.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
3-40 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Figure 3-6
Power Input Card (breakerless) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 10A (NTK505TA)

Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that a minimum voltage

in the correct polarity is being supplied to backplane
(this LED does not support lamp test)

Power Card
-40V --- -75V 10A Power OK

L+ L-

Insertion/extraction handle

D-type connector

Battery Return (Socket) -40/-75 Vdc (Pin)

Figure 3-7
24 Vdc Power Input Card (breakered) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505TR)

Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that the breaker is “ON”
and that a DC voltage within the operating range is detected
and being converted to -48 Vdc for supplying to backplane 25A pop-up
(this LED does not support lamp test) breaker

Power Card On Off

+20V --- +30V 17A Power OK

L+ L-

Insertion/extraction handle

D-type connector

L+=“+24 Vdc”, “0 Vdc”

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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Figure 3-8
AC Power Input Card (100 - 240 Vac) (NTK505SB)

Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that an

AC voltage within the operating range is detected
and being converted to -48 Vdc for supplying to
backplane (this LED does not support lamp test)

IEC 100-240 Vac IEC320(F) connector

Insertion/extraction handle

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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3-42 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Figure 3-9
40A Power Input Card (breakered) - 3-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505AA)

Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that the breaker is “ON” and that a
minimum voltage in the correct polarity is being supplied to backplane
Power (this LED does not support lamp test)

Circuit breaker switch

Po Available on breakered power cards only

Card pull handle

Tab to aid in power card removal from shelf

D-type connector
Battery Return (pin)
L+ PE (socket)

-48/-60 Vdc (pin)


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Figure 3-10
40A Power Input Card (breakerless) - 3-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505BA)

Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that a minimum voltage

Power in the correct polarity is being supplied to backplane
Card (this LED does not support lamp test)

Test Test points

Card pull handle

Tab to aid in power card removal from shelf

D-type connector

L+ Battery Return (pin)

PE (socket)
L- -48/-60 Vdc (pin)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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3-44 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Figure 3-11
40A Power Input Card (breakered) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505CE)

Power Card
Test points
Test points
Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that a minimum voltage
in the correct polarity is being supplied to backplane
(this LED does not support lamp test)
Po Circuit breaker switch
Available on breakered power cards only

Card pull handle

Tab to aid in power card removal from shelf

-48/60V D-type connector

Battery Return (Socket)

L- -48/-60 Vdc (Pin)

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Figure 3-12
40A Power Input Card (breakerless) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505DE)

Power Card
Test points
Test points

Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that a minimum voltage

in the correct polarity is being supplied to backplane
(this LED does not support lamp test)

Card pull handle

Tab to aid in power card removal from shelf

-48/60V D-type connector

Battery Return (Socket)

L- -48/-60 Vdc (Pin)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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3-46 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Figure 3-13
40A Fused Power Input Card (NTK505EEE5)

Power Card

Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that the main fuse and/or
alarm indicator fuse is present and working and that a minimum
voltage in the correct polarity is being supplied to the backplane
(this LED does not support lamp test)
Alarm indicator fuse - Optional
Fuse holder (removable fuse cartridge) - Contains main fuse
(and optional alarm indicator fuse)
Card pull handle
Tab to aid in power card removal from shelf

D-type connector

Battery Return (Socket)

L- -48/-60 Vdc (pin)

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Figure 3-14
50A Power Input Card (breakered) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input (NTK505CC)

Insertion/extraction handle

Circuit breaker switch

Available on breakered power cards only

Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that the breaker is “ON”
and that a minimum voltage in the correct polarity is being supplied
to backplane (this LED does not support lamp test)

D-type connector

Battery Return (Socket)

-48/-60 Vdc (Pin)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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3-48 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Figure 3-15
50A Fused Power Input Card (NTK505EC)

Insertion/extraction handle

Alarm indicator fuse - Optional

Fuse holder (removable fuse cartridge) - Contains main fuse
(and optional alarm indicator fuse)
Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that the breaker is “ON”
and that a minimum voltage in the correct polarity is being supplied
to backplane (this LED does not support lamp test)

D-type connector

Battery Return (Socket)

-48/-60 Vdc (Pin)

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Figure 3-16
60A Power Input Card (breakered) (NTK505CAE5)

Insertion/extraction handle

Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that the breaker is “ON”
and that a minimum voltage in the correct polarity is being supplied
to backplane (this LED does not support lamp test)


Power lugs (lug kits for #2 or #6

L- gauge cables available)

Plastic insulator

Test Points for power feed

voltage measurements
L+ L-

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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3-50 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Figure 3-17
60A Power Input Card (breakerless) (NTK505DAE5)

Insertion/extraction handle

Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that a minimum voltage
in the correct polarity is being supplied to backplane
(this LED does not support lamp test)


Power lugs (lug kits for #2 or #6

L- gauge cables available)

Plastic insulator

Test Points for power feed

voltage measurements
L+ L-

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Figure 3-18
60 Fused Power Input Card - Max 60A (NTK505EAE5)

Insertion/extraction handle

Alarm indicator fuse - Optional

Fuse holder (removable fuse cartridge) - Contains main fuse

(and optional alarm indicator fuse)
Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that the main fuse and/or
alarm indicator fuse is present and working and that a minimum
voltage in the correct polarity is being supplied to the backplane
(this LED does not support lamp test)


Power lugs (lug kits for #2 or #6 gauge cables available,

however the actual lug size depends on the feed size
L- required to support a given configuration or feed size
required to maintain voltage-drop, whichever is larger)
Plastic insulator

These are not test points as this power input card does not support
test points.

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3-52 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Figure 3-19
2x50A breakerless Power Input Card (NTK505DS)

Insertion/extraction handle
A green circle ‘Pwr OK’ LED for each of feed L1 and L2 indicates
that a minimum voltage in the correct polarity is being supplied to
associated backplane power zone
L2 (these LEDs do not support lamp test)

Power lugs (lug kits for #2 or #6

L1- gauge cables available)


Plastic insulator


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Figure 3-20
Power Input Card Type 2 (breakered) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 50A (NTK505QA)

50A feed with circuit

breaker switch D-type connector

Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that

the breaker is “ON” and that a minimum voltage
in the correct polarity is being supplied to backplane
(this LED does not support lamp test)

Figure 3-21
Power Input Card Type 2 (fused) - 2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 50A (NTK505QE)

Insertion/extraction handle

Alarm indicator fuse -

Optional D-type connector
Fuse holder (removable fuse cartridge) -
Contains main fuse
(and optional alarm indicator fuse)
Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that the main
fuse and/or alarm indicator fuse is present and working
and that a minimum voltage in the correct polarity
is being supplied to the backplane
(this LED does not support lamp test)

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3-54 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Figure 3-22
AC Power Input Card Type 2 (100 - 240 Vac) (NTK505RA)

IEC 100-240 Vac IEC320(F) connector

100V -- 240V; 50/60 Hz; 8.4A

OK Power Card

Fan air inlet grille Green circle ‘Power OK’ LED indicates that an
AC voltage within the operating range is detected
and being converted to -48 Vdc for supplying to backplane
(this LED does not support lamp test)

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Figure 3-23
3x60A breakered Power Input Card (NTK605CAE5 variant)

60A feed with circuit 60A feed with circuit

breaker switch breaker switch

Off On Off On
L1 L2

Power Card Test Points

Low Voltage
_ L3
This unit has
more than one
Power + Off On
L1 L2 L3
power source.

60A feed with circuit

breaker switch
Test Points for power feed
voltage measurements

Green ‘Power’ LED indicates that all three breakers are “ON”
and that a minimum voltage in the correct polarity is being
supplied to all three backplane power zones
(this LED does not support lamp test)

Yellow ‘Low Voltage’ LED indicates that there is at least

one feed with a minimum voltage in the correct polarity with
its breaker “ON” (some power is required to illuminate the LED)
but that one or more feeds are low voltage or that one or two
breakers are have tripped or “OFF”
(this LED does not support lamp test)

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3-56 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Figure 3-24
3x60A Fused Power Input Card (NTK605EAE5)

Fuse holder (removable fuse cartridge) - Contains main fuse (and optional alarm indicator fuse)

Alarm indicator fuse - Optional Alarm indicator fuse - Optional

Off On Off On
L1 L2
Verify both MAIN & INDICATOR
fuses are installed at Turn-Up.
Note: Power Card Test Points
Replace both MAIN & INDICATOR
Low Voltage
_ L3
fuses if either is operated.
This unit has
more than one
Power + Off On
L1 L2 L3
power source.

Alarm indicator fuse - Optional

Test Points for power

feed voltage measurements

Green ‘Power’ LED indicates that all three main fuses and/or
alarm indicator fuses are present and working and that a minimum
voltage in the correct polarity is being supplied to all three
backplane power zones (this LED does not support lamp test)

Yellow ‘Low Voltage’ LED indicates that there is at least

one feed with a minimum voltage in the correct polarity with
a working fuse (some power is required to illuminate the LED)
but that one or more feeds are low voltage or that one or two
fuses are missing or blown (this LED does not support lamp test)

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Figure 3-25
3x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (breakered) (NTK605FA variant)

60A-rated circuit breakers for

power feeds L1 to L3

Safety cover

This unit has

more than one
power source.
Pwr Pwr Pwr
L1 L2 OK

When safety cover removed:

L3+ L2+ L1+ L3- L2- L1- A green circle ‘Pwr OK’ LED for each feed L1 to L3 indicates
that the associated breaker is “ON” and that a minimum voltage
in the correct polarity is being supplied to associated backplane
power zone (these LEDs do not support lamp test)
Battery returns for measuring
voltage across the power feed
and return terminals -48V/-60V feeds

Figure 3-26
3x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (fused) (NTK605FE)

Fuse cartridges for power

feeds L1 to L3

Safety cover

This unit has

more than one
power source.
Pwr Pwr Pwr
L1 L2 OK

When safety cover removed:

L3+ L2+ L1+ L3- L2- L1- A green circle ‘Pwr OK’ LED for each feed L1 to L3 indicates
that main fuse and/or alarm indicator fuse is present and working
and that a minimum voltage in the correct polarity is being supplied
to associated backplane power zone (these LEDs do not support lamp test)
Battery returns for measuring
voltage across the power feed
and return terminals -48V/-60V feeds

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Figure 3-27
4x60A breakered Power Input Card Type 2 (NTK605GA variant)

60A-rated circuit breakers for

power feeds L1 to L4

Safety cover

This unit has

more than one
power source.
Pwr Pwr Pwr Pwr
L1 L2 OK
L3 L4

When safety cover removed:

L4+ L3+ L2+ L1+ L4- L3- L2- L1- A green circle ‘Pwr OK’ LED for each feed L1 to L4 indicates
that the associated breaker is “ON” and that a minimum voltage
in the correct polarity is being supplied to associated backplane
power zone (these LEDs do not support lamp test)
Battery returns for measuring
voltage across the power feed
and return terminals -48V/-60V feeds

Figure 3-28
4x60A Fused Power Input Card Type 2 (NTK605GE)

Fuse cartridges for power

feeds L1 to L4

Safety cover

This unit has

more than one
power source.
Pwr Pwr Pwr Pwr
L1 L2 OK
L3 L4

When safety cover removed:

L4+ L3+ L2+ L1+ L4- L3- L2- L1- A green circle ‘Pwr OK’ LED for each feed L1 to L4 indicates
that main fuse and/or alarm indicator fuse is present and working
and that a minimum voltage in the correct polarity is being supplied
to associated backplane power zone (these LEDs do not support lamp test)
Battery returns for measuring
voltage across the power feed
and return terminals -48V/-60V feeds

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Equipping rules
2-slot, 7-slot, 14-slot, and 32-slot shelf types
The Power Input Cards are:
• located in slots 17 and 18 of the 2-slot shelf (only NTK503LA variant of
2-slot shelf as NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants of 2-slot shelf
include integrated power unit supply and do not have filed-replaceable
Power Input Cards).
• located in slots 17 and 18 of the 7-slot shelf (NTK503PAE5 variant), slots
17, 18, 19, and 20 of the 7-slot optical Type 2 shelf (NTK503KA variant
when equipped with AC Power Input Cards but only slots 17 and 19 when
the shelf is equipped with DC Power Input Cards since they are
• located in slot 17, subslots 17-1 and 17-3 of 14-slot shelf. The 14-slot shelf
types support up to 40A with D-type connector Power Input Cards and up
to 60A with lug terminated Power Input Cards. D-type Power Input Cards
are available as 40A breakered (NTK505AA/NTK505CEE5), breakerless
(NTK505BA/NTK505DEE5), and fused (NTK505EEE5 which can be
equipped with 20A, 30A and 40A fuses). Lug terminated Power Input
Cards are available as 60A breakered (NTK505CAE5), breakerless
(NTK505DAE5), breakerless 2x50A (NTK505DS), and fused
(NTK505EAE5 which can be equipped with 20A, 30A, 40A, 50A and 60A
• located in slots 17 and 18 of the 6500-7 packet-optical shelf. The 6500-7
packet-optical shelf type supports the same 40A and 60A Power Input
Cards as 14-slot shelf types (see above). The 6500-7 packet-optical shelf
also supports 50A breakered (NTK505CC) and fused (NTK505EC which
can be equipped with 20A, 30A, 40A, and 50A fuses) Power Input Cards.
• located in slot 43 and 44 of 32-slot shelf. The NTK603AAE5 variant of
32-slot shelf type supports 3x60A Power Input Card (breakered)
(NTK605CAE5) and 3x60A Power Input Card (fused) (NTK605EAE5).
The NTK603AB variant of 32-slot shelf type supports 3x60A Power Input
Card (breakered) (NTK605FA), 3x60A Power Input Card (fused)
(NTK605FE), 4x60A Power Input Card (breakered) (NTK605GA), and
4x60A Power Input Card (fused) (NTK605GE). Both Power Input Cards
are lug terminated. The 3x60A Power Input Card (fused) (NTK605EAE5
or NTK605FE) and 4x60A Power Input Card (fused) (NTK605GE) can be
equipped with 30A, 40A, 50A, and 60A fuses.

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3-60 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Technical specifications
Table 3-14 lists the weight and power consumption for the Power Input Cards.

Table 3-13
Technical specifications for Power Input Cards

Description PEC Weight Typical (W) Power

(estimated) (see Note 1) Budget (W)
(see Note 2)

40A Power Input Card (breakered) - NTK505AA 0.8 kg (1.8 lb) 2 2

3-Wire D-Sub Input

40A Power Input Card (breakerless) - NTK505BA 0.8 kg (1.8 lb) 2 2

3-Wire D-Sub Input

40A Power Input Card (breakered) - NTK505CEE5 0.8 kg (1.8 lb) 2 2

2-Wire D-Sub Input

40A Power Input Card (breakerless) - NTK505BAE5 0.8 kg (1.8 lb) 2 2

3-Wire D-Sub Input

40A Power Input Card (breakerless) - NTK505DEE5 0.8 kg (1.8 lb) 2 2

2-Wire D-Sub Input

50A Power Input Card (breakered) - NTK505CC 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) 2 2

2-Wire D-Sub Input

Fused Power Input Card - 2-Wire D-Sub NTK505EC 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) 2 2
Input, Max 50A

60A Power Input Card (breakered) NTK505CAE5 0.9 kg (1.9 lb) 2 2

60A Power Input Card (breakerless) NTK505DAE5 0.9 kg (1.9 lb) 2 2

Fused Power Input Card - Max 60A NTK505EAE5 0.9 kg (1.9 lb) 2 2

2x50A Power Input Card (breakerless) NTK505DS 0.8 kg (1.8 lb) 5 10

(see Note 3 (see Note 3
and Note 4) and Note 4)

3x60A Power Input Card (breakered) NTK605CAE5 2.0 kg (4.5 lb) 10 30

(see Note 5 (see Note 5
and Note 6) and Note 6)

3x60A Power Input Card (fused) NTK605EAE5 2.0 kg (4.5 lb) 10 30

(see Note 5 (see Note 5
and Note 6) and Note 6)

3x60A Power Input Card Type 2 NTK605FA 2.7 kg (6.0 lb) 10 30

(breakered) (see Note 7 (see Note 7
and Note 9) and Note 9)

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Table 3-13
Technical specifications for Power Input Cards

Description PEC Weight Typical (W) Power

(estimated) (see Note 1) Budget (W)
(see Note 2)

3x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (fused) NTK605FE 2.7 kg (6.0 lb) 10 30
(see Note 7 (see Note 7
and Note 9) and Note 9)

4x60A Power Input Card Type 2 NTK605GA 2.7 kg (6.0 lb) 14 40

(breakered) (see Note 8 (see Note 8
and Note 10) and Note 10)

4x60A Power Input Card Type 2 (fused) NTK605GE 2.7 kg (6.0 lb) 14 40
(see Note 8 (see Note 8
and Note 10) and Note 10)

Fused Power Input Card - 2-Wire D-Sub NTK505EEE5 0.9 kg (1.9 lb) 2 2
Input, Max 40A

Power Input Card (breakerless) - 2-Wire NTK505TA 0.4 kg (0.8 lb) 2 2

D-Sub Input, Max 10A

24 Vdc Power Input Card (breakered) - NTK505TR 0.7 kg (1.4 lb) 17 33

2-Wire D-Sub Input (see Note 11)

AC Power Input Card (100 - 240 Vac) NTK505SB 0.8 kg (1.7 lb) 17 45
(see Note 12)

Power Input Card Type 2 (breakered) - NTK505QA 1.4 kg (3.2 lb) 2 2

2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 50A

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3-62 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Table 3-13
Technical specifications for Power Input Cards

Description PEC Weight Typical (W) Power

(estimated) (see Note 1) Budget (W)
(see Note 2)

Power Input Card Type 2 (fused) - NTK505QE 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) 2 2

2-Wire D-Sub Input, Max 50A

AC Power Input Card Type 2 NTK505RA 1.2 kg (2.6 lb) 17 50

(100 - 240 Vac)

Note 1: The typical power consumption values are based on operation at an ambient temperature of
25 (+/-3oC) and voltage of 54 Vdc (+/-2.5 V).
Note 2: The power budget values are based on the maximum power consumption in an ambient
temperature range from 5oC to 40oC at a voltage of 40 Vdc (+/-2.5 V). These values must be used in
sizing feeders and estimating theoretical maximum power draw.
Note 3: Half of this module's power is attributed to each of the two feeder zones in a 14-slot
packet-optical shelf (NTK503SA).
Note 4: This power value is per Power Input Card and since two are required per 14-slot packet-optical
shelf (NTK503SA), this results in a shelf power budget of 20W. If a power feed is not active or a Power
Input Card is removed, the equivalent feed(s) on the other Power Input Card will dissipate twice the
power resulting in a maximum of 20W per shelf.
Note 5: One third of this module's power is attributed to each of the three feeder zones in a 32-slot shelf
Note 6: This power value is per Power Input Card and since two are required per 32-slot shelf
(NTK603AAE5), this results in a shelf power budget of 60W. One third of the circuit pack's power is
attributed to each of the three power zones. If a power feed is not active, the equivalent feed on the other
Power Input Card will dissipate twice the power resulting in a maximum of 60W per shelf.
Note 7: One third of this module's power is attributed to each of the three feeder zones in a 32-slot shelf
Note 8: One fourth of this module's power is attributed to each of the four feeder zones in a 32-slot
shelf (NTK603AB).
Note 9: This power value is per Power Input Card and since two are required per 32-slot shelf
(NTK603AB), this results in a shelf power budget of 60W. One third of the circuit pack's power is
attributed to each of the three power zones. If a power feed is not active, the equivalent feed on the other
Power Input Card will dissipate twice the power resulting in a maximum of 60W per shelf.
Note 10: This power value is per Power Input Card and since two are required per 32-slot shelf
(NTK603AB), this results in a shelf power budget of 60W. One fourth of the circuit pack's power is
attributed to each of the four power zones. If a power feed is not active, the equivalent feed on the other
Power Input Card will dissipate twice the power resulting in a maximum of 60W per shelf.
Note 11: This typical value assumes that the shelf is supplied with 27 Vdc and is equipped with circuit
packs in slots 1 and 2 with total typical draw of 100W. If the shelf is operating at the maximum
recommended power budget limit, typical power for each Power Input Card is 22W.
Note 12: This typical value assumes shelf is supplied a minimum 110 Vac and is equipped with circuit
packs in slots 1 and 2 with a total typical draw of 100W. If the shelf is operating at the maximum
recommended power budget limit, typical power for each Power Input Card is 33W.

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BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card 3-63

1U AC rectifier (NTN458SAE5, NTGS24LDE5)

The 6500 requires DC power for operation. The 1U high rectifier converts AC
power to DC power. One 1U AC rectifier is required to power one
14-slot shelf equipped with 40A Power Input Cards, and two 1U AC rectifiers
are required to power one 14-slot shelf equipped with 60A (or less) Power
Input Cards, one for “A” feed and one for “B” feed. 1U AC rectifier is not
supported on 6500-7 packet-optical, 2-slot, or 32-slot shelf type.

The 1U AC rectifier:
• must be used with 6500 breakered Power Input Cards or Fused Power
Input Cards
• requires rear access cabling for the AC power and cannot be installed in
‘back-to-back’ rack configurations or closed cabinets
• has a depth of greater than 300 mm and cannot be used in 300 mm deep
ETSI racks or cabinets (for example, ETSI rack NTKD71AB)

The 1U AC rectifier kit (NTN458SA) includes the following components:

• rectifier chassis pre-installed with two (1500 W) rectifier modules
• rectifier chassis ground cable assembly, #6 AWG
• CO REF ground cable assembly, #6 AWG
• 10 m alarm cable, #22 AWG’ for connecting to 6500 access panel or
external equipment
• 5 hex screws. Four are required for installation, one is spare.

The 1U AC rectifier supports 120, 208, 220, or 240 Vac feed inputs. For the
corresponding wire sizes and fuse/breaker ratings, see Table 3-14 and
Table 3-15.

For the purpose of feed redundancy, the 1U AC rectifier must be powered by

two AC feed inputs in case of a 7-slot (when NTK503KA shelf variant is
equipped with DC Power Input Cards) or 14-slot shelf equipped with 40A
breakered or Fused Power Input Cards, and by one or two AC feed inputs in
case of a 14-slot shelf equipped with 60A (or less) breakered or Fused Power
Input Cards.

Note: The manufacturing of NTN458SA and NTGS24LDE5 is

discontinued. If you are using the Universal AC Rectifier Solution for
Packet-Optical Transport to convert AC power to DC power, refer to the
Universal AC Rectifier Application Note for Packet-Optical Transport,
009-2012-900, for all information related to this AC Rectifier solution.

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3-64 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Table 3-14
1U AC rectifier supported inputs for a 7-slot (when NTK503KA shelf variant is equipped with DC
Power Input Cards) or 14-slot shelf equipped with 40A Power Input Cards (one rectifier powering
both A and B feeds)

Input Max. current of Breaker of each AC Wire size of each Output power
each AC feed feed AC feed (Note 1)

120 Vac 8.0 A 15 A #14 AWG 600 W (Note 2)

208 Vac 9.0 A 15 A #14 AWG 1500 W (Note 3)

220 Vac 7.5 A 15 A #14 AWG 1500 W (Note 3)

240 Vac 7.0 A 15 A #14 AWG 1500 W (Note 3)

Note 1: The 6500 shelf must be provisioned to match the rectifier's output power. The Provisioned
shelf current parameter is set in the equipment's System Information panel. For more information, refer
to Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.
Note 2: On a 7-slot shelf, you must set the Provisioned shelf current to 15A (a 599W maximum total
shelf power budget). On a 14-slot shelf, you must use the lowest Provisioned shelf current setting
which is 20A but you must not equip the shelf with modules surpassing a maximum 600W power
budget. If Fused Power Input Cards are being used, 15A fuses are recommended for the 7-slot shelf
and 15A or 20A fuses are recommended for the 14-slot shelf.
Note 3: Set the Provisioned shelf current to 40A (a 1500W total shelf power budget). If Fused Power
Input Cards are being used, a 40A fuses are recommended.

Table 3-15
1U AC rectifier supported inputs for a 14-slot shelf equipped with 60A (or less) Power Input Cards
(one rectifier per A/B feed)

Input Max. current of each Breaker of each AC Wire size of each AC Output
AC feed feed feed power
(Note 1)
One feed Two feeds One feed Two feeds One feed Two feeds
per 1U per 1U per 1U per 1U per 1U per 1U
rectifier rectifier rectifier rectifier rectifier rectifier

120 Vac 16.0 A 8.0 A 20 A 15 A #12 AWG #14 AWG 1200 W

(Note 2)

208 Vac 18.0 A 9.0 A 20 A 15 A #12 AWG #14 AWG 3000 W

220 Vac 15.0 A 7.5 A 20 A 15 A #12 AWG #14 AWG 3000 W

240 Vac 14.0 A 7.5 A 15 A 15 A #12 AWG #14 AWG 3000 W

Note 1: The 6500 shelf must be provisioned to match the rectifier's output power. The Provisioned
shelf current parameter is set in the equipment's System Information panel. For more information, refer
to Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.
Note 2: On a 14-slot shelf, you must set the Provisioned shelf current to 30A (a 1199W maximum
total shelf power budget). If Fused Power Input Cards are being used, 30A fuses are recommended.

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Equipping rules
The 1U AC rectifier can be installed in a 19-inch or 23-inch rack. To install the
rectifier in a 23-inch rack, you must install the extender brackets supplied with
the rectifier chassis. Do not use the compression lugs, #10 - 14 AWG,
supplied with the 1U rectifier kit. Use the #8 AWG power lug kit (NTK599ZE)

1U AC rectifier summary table

Table 3-16 shows a summary table for rectifier.

Table 3-16
1U AC rectifier summary table

Description Order Code Notes

1U AC Rectifier Kit NTN458SAE5 1, 2, 3

1U AC Rectifier Module NTGS24LDE5 4

Note 1: This kit includes a rectifier chassis pre-installed with two 1500 W rectifiers, #6 AWG rectifier
chassis ground cable, #6 AWG CO reference ground cable, and 5 hex screws. It also contains #10 -14
AWG compression lugs, do not use these, use the #8 AWG/10 mm² power lugs provided in kit
NTK599ZE for 40A Power Input Cards (NTK505CE or NTK505EEE5 equipped with 40A fuse) and use
the #6 AWG/16 mm² power lugs provided in kit NTK599ZA/NTK599ZB for 60A Power Input Cards
(NTK505CAE5 or NTK505EAE5 equipped with 60A fuse). Each rectifier NTN458SA requires one BIP/
FIP Installation/Grounding Kit NTK599ZX. This rectifier must only be used with the 14-slot packet-
optical shelf when it is equipped with 40A or 60A breakered or Fused Power Input Cards. This rectifier
must not be used with breakerless Power Input Cards including the 2x50A breakerless Power Input

Note 2: You must order one rectifier kit when using 40A Power Input Cards (NTK505CEE5 or
NTK599EEE5). You must order two rectifier kits when using 60A Power Input Cards (NTK505CAE5 or
NTK505EAE5 equipped with 60A fuse or less).

Note 3: This 1U AC rectifier is only supported on 14-slot and 7-slot (when NTK503KA shelf variant is
equipped with DC Power Input Cards) shelf types (not supported on 2-slot or 32-slot shelf type).

Note 4: This is a field replaceable 1500 W rectifier module for the 1U AC rectifier NTN458SA. Order
for sparing purposes only.

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3-66 BIP/FIP/AP/MIC/rectifier/Power Input Card

Technical specifications
Table 3-17 lists the physical specifications for 1U AC rectifier.

Table 3-17
Physical specifications for 1U AC rectifier

Equipment Physical specification

Height 1U (44.4 mm / 1.75 in.)

Width 439.0 mm / 17.3 in.

Depth 327.0 mm / 12.9 in.

Table 3-18 lists the weight for the 1U AC rectifier.

Table 3-18
Technical specifications for 1U AC rectifier

Description PEC Weight (estimated)

1U AC Rectifier (without rectifier modules) NTN458SA 2.4 kg (5.3 lb)

1U AC Rectifier (including 2 1500 W rectifier modules) NTN458SA 8.0 kg (17.6 lb)

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Access panel (NTK505xAE5, NTK505MBE5, NTK605MAE5,

The access panel (AP) in a 6500 shelf provides access to OAM&P functions
such as:
• external synchronization input (ESI)
— Not applicable to access panel with connections for four external slots
(NTK505PAE5) in a 7-slot shelf assembly (NTK503PAE5 variant)
— Not applicable to integrated access panel or shelf processor w/access
panel in a 2-slot shelf assembly
• external synchronization output (ESO)
— Not applicable to access panel with connections for four external slots
(NTK505PAE5) in a 7-slot shelf assembly (NTK503PAE5 variant)
— Not applicable to integrated access panel or
shelf processor w/access panel in a 2-slot shelf assembly
• telemetry I/O and alarms
— Only input telemetry is applicable to integrated access panel or shelf
processor w/access panel in a 2-slot shelf assembly
• data communications interfaces to the 6500 for dial-up modem access,
DCN access, craft user interface access, and collocated shelf
• visual alarm indicator light emitting diodes (LED) for critical, major and
minor alarms that are active on the 32-slot shelf access panel
• visual alarm indicator light emitting diodes (LED) for critical, major and
minor alarms that are active on the 2-slot shelf integrated access panel
• allowing the user to shut off the audible receive attention alarms and
perform a shelf level lamp test using a push button switch (only in
NTK605MAE5 access panel)
Access panel (AP) can be connected to the following external equipment
through its external slots:
• Photonic layer passive modules (for example, OMD4, CMD44, BMD2,
UBMD2, MBMD2, GMD10, FIM Type 1, FIM Type 2, and DSCM),
Transponder Protection Tray (TPT) or OMX
• PPC6 (174-0040-900)
The following access panels can be used:
— access panel with connections for eight external slots (SONET)
(NTK505MBE5) in a 14-slot shelf assembly

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— access panel with connections for 12 external slots (NTK605MAE5) in

a 32-slot shelf
— access panel with connections for four external slots (NTK505PAE5)
in a 7-slot shelf assembly (NTK503PAE5 variant)
— access panel with connections for four external slots (NTK505JA) in a
6500-7 packet-optical shelf assembly
— integrated access panel or shelf processor w/access panel in a 2-slot
shelf assembly
Note 1: The 6500 does not support autoprovisioning and automatic
inventory on the passive modules equipped in a 2150 (6-slot) or
2150 (3-slot) chassis since 2150 (6-slot) or 2150 (3-slot) chassis cannot
be connected to 6500 shelf access panel external slots. Hence, you must
manually provision the 2150 (6-slot) or 2150 (3-slot) chassis and any
passive modules in its sub-slots. However, if you equip any of supported
passive modules in a PPC6, the 6500 supports autoprovisioning and
automatic inventory through the built-in PPC6 inventory control logic
which interfaces directly with the 6500 shelf access panel. Note that the
passive modules OMDF4, OMDF8, BS1, BS2, BS3, BS5, and OSCF do
not directly report to the 6500 shelf access panel.
Note 2: The 6500 does not support autoprovisioning and automatic
inventory on the 2110 DCMs equipped in a 2110 shelf since 2110 shelf
cannot be connected to 6500 shelf access panel external slots. You must
use the DSCM variants NTT870xx if you need automatic inventory
Also in a 6500-7 packet-optical or 7-slot shelf (NTK503PAE5 variant), the
access panel NTK505JA or NTK505PAE5 contains a temperature sensor that
is linked to the cooling fan module through the backplane. If the access panel
is extracted, the fans will operate at high-speed (but will not activate the “Fail”
lamp on the fan module).

The 6500 supports the following access panel variants:

• access panel (SDH) (NTK505LAE5). This access panel can be only used
in 14-slot shelf types (not usable in other shelf types).
• access panel (SONET/J-SDH) (NTK505MAE5). This access panel can be
only used in 14-slot shelf types (not usable in other shelf types).
• access panel (SDH-J) (NTK505KA). This access panel can be only used
in 14-slot shelf types except in 14-slot packet-optical shelf (NTK503SA)
(not usable in other shelf types).
• access panel with connections for eight external slots (SONET)
(NTK505MBE5). This access panel can be only used in 14-slot shelf types
(not usable in other shelf types).

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• access panel for 32-slot shelf assembly (NTK605MAE5). This access

panel can be only used in 32-slot shelf type (not usable in other shelf
• access panel for 7-slot shelf assembly (NTK505PAE5). This access panel
can be only used in 7-slot shelf type (NTK503PAE5 variant) (not usable in
other shelf types).
• access panel for 6500-7 packet-optical shelf assembly (NTK505JA). This
access panel can be only used in 6500-7 packet-optical shelf type (not
usable in other shelf types).
• integrated access panel for 2-slot shelf assembly (NTK503MAE5 and
NTK503MAE5 variants). This access panel only exists for the
NTK503MAE5 and NTK503MAE5 variants of 2-slot shelf type (not usable
in NTK503LA variant of 2-slot shelf type and other shelf types).
• shelf processor w/access panel for 2-slot shelf assembly (NTK503LA
variant). This access panel only exists for the NTK503LA variant of 2-slot
shelf type (not usable on the NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants of
2-slot shelf type and other shelf types).
Note: All access panels are supported with any NE mode (SONET, SDH,
or SDH-J), however specific ESI/ESO interface types and specific
connectors varies by access panel. The capabilities of each access panel
are summarized in Table 3-19, “ Access panel—interface descriptions”.

If the external synchronization mode is SDH-J and the use of the 64 kHz ESI
or 6 MHz ESO ports is required, the following releases of the cross-connect
circuit packs are required:

• NTK557AA/BA: Release 08 or higher

• NTK557EAE5/GAE5: Release 01 or higher
• NTK557ES/NTK557GS: Release 01 or higher
• NTK557NA/PA/QA: Release 04 or higher
• NTK557TB: Release 01 or higher
• NTK557AA/BA: Release 05A, 06B
• NTK557NA/PA/QA: Release 02A
The 02A, 05A, and 06B releases are cross-connect circuit packs which have
been upgraded as a result of a return/repair operation.

For PEC information, see Planning - Ordering Information, 323-1851-151.

Figure 3-29 on page 3-70 shows the interfaces available on the access
panels. Table 3-19 on page 3-71 provides a description of the interfaces
available on the access panels.

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For details on the access panel connector pinouts, see “Access panel
connector pinouts” on page 3-85.

Figure 3-29
Access panel—front views


Access Panel (SDH) (NTK505LA)

A ESO B ESI/ESO ACO Visual / Audible Alarms Telemetry COLAN-A COLAN-B ILAN In ILAN Out COLAN-X
6.312 MHz

Access Panel (SONET/J-SDH) (NTK505MA)

6.312 MHz

Access Panel (SDH-J) (NTK505KA)

External 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 DTE ESI/ESO/ 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Telemetry COLAN-A COLAN-B ILAN In ILAN Out COLAN-X
Slots Alarms A

Access Panel with connections for eight external slots (SONET) (NTK505MBE5)

51 52 53 54 55 56 External Slot ILAN In ILAN Out

Telemetry Alarm A ESI B A ESO B ESO/ESI
DTE Critical

Minor Lamp
57 58 59 60 61 62 External Slot COLAN-X COLAN-A

Access Panel for 32-slot shelf assembly (NTK605MAE5)

83 84 85 86 Telemetry Alarm COLAN-A ILAN In ILAN Out COLAN-X

External Slot

Access panel for 7-slot shelf assembly (NTK505PAE5)

Telemetry Out
Telemetry In

ESI/ESO Alarms
83 84 85 86 COLAN-A ILAN In ILAN Out COLAN-X

Access panel for 6500-7 packet-optical shelf assembly (NTK505JA)


Ready Major

In Use Minor


Shelf processor w/access panel for NTK503LA variant of

2-slot shelf assembly (NTK555LA)



Ready Major

In Use

Shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP-2) w/2xOSC 2xSFP (NTK555NA)

for NTK503LA variant of 2-slot shelf assembly and NTK503KA variant of
7-slot shelf assembly

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Table 3-19
Access panel—interface descriptions

Port Physical Access Panel or Description

interface integrated shelf
processor and
access panel (see
Note 1)

ESI / ESO 75 ohm • NTK505LAE5 • External synchronization inputs (ESI) for

unbalanced BT • NTK605MAE5 timing generation references which enable the
type 43 connector 6500 to be timed from an external timing
and 120 ohm reference of stratum 3 (ST3)/G.813 Option 1
balanced DB9 or better quality.
female connector • ESI A/B support DS1, 2 MHz, 2 Mbit/s (E1),
100 ohm • NTK505JA and 64 kHz Composite Clock (64K CC) input
unbalanced BT signals. DS1 and 64 kHz Composite Clock are
type 43 connector only supported on the balanced interface
and 120 ohm inputs (DB9 and wirewrap).
balanced DB9 • External synchronization outputs (ESO) for
female connector timing distribution references which enable
other network elements to be timed from the
wire-wrap pins • NTK505MAE5 6500.
• NTK505MBE5 • ESO A/B support DS1, 2 MHz, and 2 Mbit/s
• NTK605MAE5 (E1) output signals.

two 120 ohm • NTK505KA • For a NTK605MAE5 access panel, you can
balanced DB9 use a female DB9 to wire wrap adapter
female (NTK605MZE5) to cover over the DB9
connectors connectors of the ESI/ESO ports to provide
wire wrap posts.
• For a NTK505JA access panel, you can use a
female DB9 to wire wrap adapter (NTK505JZ)
to cover over the DB9 connectors of the ESI/
ESO ports to provide wire wrap posts.
• Integrated access panel in a 2-slot shelf
(NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants)
does not have ESI/ESO ports.
• Shelf processor w/access panel in a 2-slot
shelf (NTK503LA variant) does not have ESI/
ESO ports.

ESO two mini-BNC • NTK505MAE5 • 6.312 MHz external synchronization outputs

6.312 MHz connectors • NTK505KA for timing distribution.

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Table 3-19 (continued)

Access panel—interface descriptions

Port Physical Access Panel or Description

interface integrated shelf
processor and
access panel (see
Note 1)

Alarms DB9 female • NTK505JA • Provides an interface for Critical, Major and
connector • NTK505LAE5 minor alarm conditions.

• NTK505KA • Alarms are intended to be connected to the

frame alarm unit (AU) and combined with
• NTK555NA other central office alarms.
wire-wrap pins • NTK505MAE5 • Audible alarms are not available on the SDH
• NTK505MBE5 (NTK505LAE5) and SDH-J (NTK505KA)
Access Panels.
• NTK605MAE5
• Enables user to cut-off audible alarms from a
DB25 female • NTK605MAE5 remote switch (for example, rack ACO on BIP)
connector • NTK505PAE5 (NTK505MBE5, NTK605MAE5,
• For a NTK605MAE5 access panel, you can
use a female DB25 to wire wrap adapter
(NTK605MYE5) to cover over the DB25
connectors of the alarm ports to provide wire
wrap posts.
• For a NTK505JA access panel, you can use a
female DB9 to wire wrap adapter (NTK505JZ)
to cover over the DB9 connectors of the alarm
ports to provide wire wrap posts.
• The DB25 connectors in a 7-slot shelf access
panel (NTK505PAE5) are rotated 180 degrees
compared to access panels in a 14-slot or
32-slot shelf.
• Integrated access panel in a 2-slot shelf
(NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants)
does not have alarming ports.
• Shelf processor w/access panel in a 2-slot
shelf (NTK503LA variant) does not have
alarming ports.

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Table 3-19 (continued)

Access panel—interface descriptions

Port Physical Access Panel or Description

interface integrated shelf
processor and
access panel (see
Note 1)

ACO/Lamp push button • NTK605MAE5 • Enables user to shut off the audible receive
Test switch attention alarms and perform a shelf level
lamp test using a push button switch.
• Integrated access panel in a 2-slot shelf
(NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants)
does not have ACO/Lamp Test ports.
• Shelf processor w/access panel in a 2-slot
shelf (NTK503LA variant) does not have
ACO/Lamp Test ports.

Critical/ LED • NTK605MAE5 • Enables user to visually see the critical, major
Major/Minor • Integrated access and minor alarms that are active on the 2-slot
Alarm panel in a 2-slot or 32-slot shelf.
indicators shelf (only
NTK503MAE5 and
• NTK555LA
• NTK555NA

DTE DB9 male • NTK505LAE5 • Asynchronous RS-232 interface for remote

connector • NTK505MAE5 dial-in access through modem to the 6500.
Port is switched to the active shelf processor.
• NTK505KA
• Integrated access panel in a 2-slot shelf
• NTK505MBE5 (NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants)
• NTK605MAE5 does not have DTE ports.
• Shelf processor w/access panel in a 2-slot
shelf (NTK503LA variant) does not have DTE

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Table 3-19 (continued)

Access panel—interface descriptions

Port Physical Access Panel or Description

interface integrated shelf
processor and
access panel (see
Note 1)

Telemetry DB25 female • NTK505LAE5 • Telemetry inputs enable the customer to

(see connector • NTK505KA connect external environmental monitoring
Note 2) equipment to the 6500 (for example, door
• NTK505MBE5 open indicator, fire alarm, and flood alarm).
• NTK605MAE5 Designed to operate with normally open relay
• NTK505PAE5 contacts.
• Telemetry outputs enable the customer to
wire-wrap pins • NTK505MAE5 control external equipment from the 6500 (for
RJ-45 connector • Integrated access example, lights and alarms). Designed to
panel in a 2-slot operate with normally open circuits.
shelf (only • For a NTK605MAE5 access panel, you can
NTK503MAE5 and use a female DB25 to wire wrap adapter
NTK503NAE5 (NTK605MYE5) to cover over the DB25
variants) connectors of the telemetry ports to provide
• NTK505JA wire wrap posts.

• NTK555LA • The DB25 connectors in a 7-slot shelf access

panel (NTK505PAE5) are rotated 180 degrees
• NTK555NA compared to access panels in a 14-slot or
32-slot shelf.
• Integrated access panel in a 2-slot shelf
(NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants)
has seven telemetry inputs. However it does
not have output telemetry ports.
• Access panel (NTK505JA) in a 6500-7
packet-optical shelf (NTK503RA) has seven
telemetry input and four telemetry output
• Shelf processor w/access panel SPAP
(NTK555LA) in a 2-slot Type 2 shelf
(NTK503LA variant) has seven telemetry
inputs. However it does not have output
telemetry ports.
• Shelf processor SPAP-2 w/2xOSC
(NTK555NA) in a 2-slot Type 2 shelf
(NTK503LA variant) or 7-slot Type 2 shelf
(NTK503KA variant) has seven telemetry
input and four telemetry output ports.

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Table 3-19 (continued)

Access panel—interface descriptions

Port Physical Access Panel or Description

interface integrated shelf
processor and
access panel (see
Note 1)

COLAN RJ-45 connector • NTK505LAE5 • Provides 10/100Base-T connectivity between

(A/B) • NTK505MAE5 the carrier’s DCN and the specific shelf
processor (A refers to shelf processor located
• NTK505KA in slot 15 of a 14-slot shelf type and B refers to
• NTK505MBE5 shelf processor located in slot 16 of a 14-slot
shelf type).
• Integrated access panel in a 2-slot shelf
(NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants)
does not have COLAN (A/B) port.
• Shelf processor w/access panel in a 2-slot
shelf (NTK503LA variant) does not have
COLAN (A/B) port.

COLAN (A) RJ-45 connector • NTK505JA • Provides 10/100Base-T connectivity between

• NTK605MAE5 the carrier’s DCN and the active shelf
processor of a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf
• NTK505PAE5 type, 32-slot shelf type, or shelf processor of a
• NTK555NA 7-slot shelf type and intended for applications
in which the carrier supplies a single port to
the DCN.
• Integrated access panel in a 2-slot shelf
(NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants)
does not have COLAN (A) port.
• Shelf processor w/access panel in a 2-slot
shelf (NTK503LA variant) does not have
COLAN (A) port.

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Table 3-19 (continued)

Access panel—interface descriptions

Port Physical Access Panel or Description

interface integrated shelf
processor and
access panel (see
Note 1)

COLAN_X RJ-45 connector • NTK505JA • Central office LAN provides switched

• NTK505LAE5 10/100Base-T connectivity between the
carrier’s DCN and the 6500.
• NTK505MAE5
• Port is switched to the active shelf processor,
• NTK505KA intended for applications in which the carrier
• NTK505MBE5 supplies a single port to the DCN.
• NTK605MAE5
• NTK505PAE5
• Integrated access
panel in a 2-slot
shelf (only
NTK503MAE5 and
• NTK555LA
• NTK555NA

ILAN_IN/ RJ-45 connector • NTK505JA • Interoffice LAN and provides 10/100BT

OUT • NTK505LAE5 connectivity from the 6500 to subtended
shelves for shelf management. Ports are
• NTK505MAE5 switched to the active shelf processor.
• NTK505KA • Integrated access panel in a 2-slot shelf
• NTK505MBE5 (NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants)
• NTK605MAE5 does not have dedicated ILAN_IN port (only
ILAN_OUT port).
• NTK505PAE5
• Shelf processor w/access panel in a 2-slot
• Integrated access shelf (NTK503LA variant) does not have
panel in a 2-slot dedicated ILAN_IN port (only ILAN_OUT
shelf (only port).
NTK503MAE5 and
• NTK555LA
• NTK555NA

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Table 3-19 (continued)

Access panel—interface descriptions

Port Physical Access Panel or Description

interface integrated shelf
processor and
access panel (see
Note 1)

External RJ-45 connector • NTK505MBE5 • Provides eight proprietary serial interfaces for
slots connectivity between the 14-slot shelf and up
(83 to 90) to eight Photonic layer passive modules (for
example OMD4, CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2,
MBMD2, GMD10, FIM Type 1, FIM Type 2,
and DSCM), PPC6, Transponder Protection
Tray (TPT), or OMX. The proprietary serial
interfaces in this type of access panel enable
the 14-slot shelf to support autoprovisioning
and inventory for the connected equipment.
(see Note 3 and Note 4)

External RJ-45 connector • NTK605MAE5 • Provides 12 proprietary serial interfaces for

slots connectivity between the 32-slot shelf and up
(51 to 62) to 12 Photonic layer passive modules (for
example OMD4, CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2,
MBMD2, GMD10, FIM Type 1, FIM Type 2,
and DSCM), PPC6, Transponder Protection
Tray (TPT), or OMX. The proprietary serial
interfaces in this type of access panel enable
the 32-slot shelf to support autoprovisioning
and inventory for the connected equipment.
(see Note 3 and Note 4)

External RJ-45 connector • NTK505PAE5 • Provides four proprietary serial interfaces for
slots connectivity between the 7-slot shelf and up to
(83 to 86) four Photonic layer passive modules (for
example OMD4, CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2,
MBMD2, GMD10, FIM Type 1, FIM Type 2,
and DSCM), PPC6, Transponder Protection
Tray (TPT), or OMX. The proprietary serial
interfaces in this type of access panel enable
the 7-slot shelf to support autoprovisioning
and inventory for the connected equipment.
(see Note 3 and Note 4)

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Table 3-19 (continued)

Access panel—interface descriptions

Port Physical Access Panel or Description

interface integrated shelf
processor and
access panel (see
Note 1)

External RJ-45 connector • NTK505JA • Provides four proprietary serial interfaces for
slots connectivity between the 6500-7 packet-
(83 to 86) optical shelf and up to four Photonic layer
passive modules (for example OMD4,
and DSCM), PPC6, Transponder Protection
Tray (TPT), or OMX. The proprietary serial
interfaces in this type of access panel enable
the 6500-7 packet-optical shelf to support
autoprovisioning and inventory for the
connected equipment.
(see Note 3 and Note 4)

External RJ-45 connector • Integrated access • Provides three proprietary serial interfaces for
slots panel in a 2-slot connectivity between the 2-slot shelf and up to
(25 to 27) shelf (only three Photonic layer passive modules (for
NTK503MAE5 and example OMD4, CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2,
NTK503NAE5 MBMD2, and DSCM), PPC6, Transponder
variants) Protection Tray (TPT), or OMX. The
proprietary serial interfaces in this type of
access panel enable the 2-slot shelf to
support autoprovisioning and inventory for the
connected equipment.
(see Note 3 and Note 4)

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Table 3-19 (continued)

Access panel—interface descriptions

Port Physical Access Panel or Description

interface integrated shelf
processor and
access panel (see
Note 1)

External RJ-45 connector • NTK555LA • Provides three proprietary serial interfaces for
slots connectivity between the 2-slot Type 2 shelf
(83 to 85) and up to three Photonic layer passive
modules (for example OMD4, CMD44, BMD2,
UBMD2, MBMD2, and DSCM), PPC6,
Transponder Protection Tray (TPT), or OMX.
The proprietary serial interfaces in this type of
shelf processor w/access panel enable the
2-slot Type 2 shelf to support autoprovisioning
and inventory for the connected equipment.
(see Note 3 and Note 4)

External RJ-45 connector • NTK555NA • Provides eight proprietary serial interfaces for
slots connectivity between the 7-slot Type 2 or
(83 to 90) 2-slot Type 2 shelf and up to eight Photonic
layer passive modules (for example OMD4,
CMD44, BMD2, FIM Type 1 (only in 7-slot
Type 2 shelf), FIM Type 2 (only in 7-slot Type
2 shelf), and DSCM), PPC6, Transponder
Protection Tray (TPT), or OMX. The
proprietary serial interfaces in this type of
shelf processor w/access panel enable the
7-slot Type 2 or 2-slot Type 2 shelf to support
autoprovisioning and inventory for the
connected equipment.
(see Note 3 and Note 4)

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Table 3-19 (continued)

Access panel—interface descriptions

Port Physical Access Panel or Description

interface integrated shelf
processor and
access panel (see
Note 1)

Note 1: Access panel names:

NTK505LAE5: Access Panel (SDH)
NTK505MAE5: Access Panel (SONET/J-SDH)
NTK505KA: Access Panel (SDH-J)
NTK505MBE5: Access Panel with connections for eight external slots (SONET)
NTK605MAE5: access panel for 32-slot shelf
NTK505PAE5: access panel for 7-slot shelf
NTK505JA: Access Panel for 6500-7 packet-optical shelf
Note 2: For telemetry input and output connection details, see procedure for “Connecting control and
communication cables” in Part 1 of Installation, 323-1851-201.
Note 3: The 6500 does not support autoprovisioning and automatic inventory on the passive modules
equipped in a 2150 (6-slot) or 2150 (3-slot) chassis since 2150 (6-slot) or 2150 (3-slot) chassis cannot
be connected to 6500 shelf access panel external slots. Hence, you must manually provision the 2150
(6-slot) or 2150 (3-slot) chassis and any passive modules in its sub-slots. However, if you equip any of
supported passive modules in a PPC6, the 6500 supports autoprovisioning and automatic inventory
through the built-in PPC6 inventory control logic which interfaces directly with the 6500 shelf access
panel. Note that the passive modules OMDF4, OMDF8, BS1, BS2, BS3, BS5, and OSCF do not directly
report to the 6500 shelf access panel.
Note 4: The 6500 does not support autoprovisioning and automatic inventory on the 2110 DCMs
equipped in a 2110 shelf since 2110 shelf cannot be connected to 6500 shelf access panel external
slots. You must use the DSCM variants NTT870xx if you need automatic inventory support.

For a complete list of alarm clearing procedures for 6500, refer to Part 1 and
Part 2 of Fault Management - Alarm Clearing, 323-1851-543.

Common alarms
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Corrupt Inventory Data

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Equipping rules
The access panel is installed in 6500 shelf as follows:
• on the top of the 14-slot shelf type
• on the top of the 32-slot shelf in slot 47
• on the bottom of the 7-slot shelf (NTK503PAE5 variant) in slot 19
• on the bottom of the 6500-7 packet-optical shelf in slot 19
• on the bottom of the 7-slot Type 2 shelf type in slot 15 (integrated with the
shelf processor in NTK503KA variant of 7-slot shelf)
• on the bottom of the 2-slot shelf type in slot 15 (integrated in the shelf for
NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants of 2-slot shelf and integrated
with the shelf processor in NTK503LA variant of 2-slot shelf)

Access panel summary table

Table 3-20 shows a summary table for access panel.

Table 3-20
Access panel summary table

Description Order code Notes

Access Panel (SDH) NTK505LAE5 1, 6, 7

Access Panel (SONET/J-SDH) NTK505MAE5 2, 6, 7

Access Panel (SDH-J) NTK505KA 3, 6, 7

Access Panel with connections for eight external slots NTK505MBE5 4, 5, 6, 7


Access Panel for 32-slot packet-optical shelf NTK605MAE5 6, 8, 9, 10

Access Panel for 7-slot optical shelf NTK505PAE5 6, 11, 13

Access Panel for 6500-7 packet-optical shelf NTK505JA 6, 12, 14

Female DB25 to wire wrap adapter NTK605MYE5 15

Female DB9 to wire wrap adapter NTK605MZE5 16

Female DB9 to wire wrap adapter (Type 2) NTK505JZ 17

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Table 3-20 (continued)

Access panel summary table

Description Order code Notes

Note 1: This access panel provides fully connectorized terminations for shelf level alarms,
synchronization, and management connectivity. The panel provides BT type 43 or D-type connectors
for synchronization inputs/outputs and D-type connectors for alarm and telemetry signals.
Note 2: This access panel provides fully connectorized terminations for management connectivity and
modem access. The panel provides mini-BNC connectors for 6.312 MHz synchronization outputs and
wire-wrap connectors for synchronization, alarm, and telemetry inputs/outputs.
Note 3: This access panel provides fully connectorized terminations for shelf level alarms,
synchronization and management connectivity. The panel provides D-type connectors for
synchronization inputs, mini-BNC connectors for 6.312 MHz synchronization outputs, and D-type
connectors for alarm and telemetry signals. Includes two cables (NTK509HA) which are used as
adapters between the mini-BNC connectors on the Access Panel (SDH-J) and standard BNC cables.
Note 4: This access panel provides fully connectorized terminations for management connectivity and
modem access. The panel provides wire-wrap connectors for synchronization and alarms interfaces,
DB9 male connectors for modem access, DB25 connectors for telemetry inputs/outputs, and RJ-45
connectors for LAN interface ports. This access panel also provides eight RJ-45 serial interfaces for
connectivity between the 14-slot and up to eight photonic layer modules (for example, OMD4, CMD44,
BMD2, UBMD2, MBMD2, GMD10, FIM Type 1, FIM Type 2, and DSCM) or PPC6. The RJ-45 serial
interfaces in this type of access panel enable the 32-slot to support autoprovisioning and inventory for
the photonic layer modules (for example, OMD4, CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2, MBMD2, GMD10,
FIM Type 1, FIM Type 2, and DSCM) or PPC6.
Note 5: This access panel can be equipped in all 14-slot shelf types and is recognized by shelf
inventory if the 14-slot shelf is running Release 5.0 or higher software load.

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Table 3-20 (continued)

Access panel summary table

Description Order code Notes

Note 6: All access panels are supported with any NE mode (SONET, SDH, or SDH-J), however specific
ESI/ESO interface types and specific connectors varies by access panel. The capabilities of each
access panel are summarized in Table 3-19.
Note 7: This access panel is intended for 14-slot shelf types except NTK505KA access panel that is
not supported in 14-slot packet-optical shelf (NTK503SA). This access panel is not supported in 7-slot
or 32-slot shelf type.
Note 8: This access panel provides fully connectorized terminations for management connectivity and
modem access. The panel provides BT type 43 or D-type connectors for synchronization, D-type
connectors for alarms interfaces, push button switch for ACO/Lamp Test, LEDs for critical/ major/minor
alarm indicators, DB9 male connectors for modem access, DB25 connectors for telemetry inputs/
outputs, and RJ-45 connectors for LAN interface ports. This access panel also provides 12 RJ-45 serial
interfaces for connectivity between the 32-slot and up to 12 photonic layer modules (for example, OMD4,
CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2, MBMD2, GMD10, FIM Type 1, FIM Type 2, and DSCM) or PPC6. The RJ-45
serial interfaces in this type of access panel enable the 32-slot to support autoprovisioning and inventory
for the photonic layer modules (for example, OMD4, CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2, MBMD2, GMD10, FIM
Type 1, FIM Type 2, and DSCM) or PPC6.

Note 9: This access panel can be equipped in a 32-slot shelf type and is recognized by shelf inventory
if the 32-slot shelf is running Release 6.0 or higher software load.
Note 10: This access panel is intended for 32-slot shelf types. Order one per shelf.
This access panel is not supported in 7-slot or 14-slot shelf type.
Note 11: This access panel provides fully connectorized terminations for management connectivity and
modem access. The panel provides D-type connectors for alarms interfaces, DB25 connectors for
telemetry inputs/outputs, and RJ-45 connectors for LAN interface ports. This access panel also provides
four RJ-45 serial interfaces for connectivity between the 7-slot (NTK503PAE5 variant) and up to four
photonic layer modules (for example, OMD4, CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2, MBMD2, GMD10, FIM Type 1,
FIM Type 2, and DSCM) or PPC6. The RJ-45 serial interfaces in this type of access panel enable the
7-slot shelf (NTK503PAE5 variant) to support autoprovisioning and inventory for the photonic layer
modules (for example, OMD4, CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2, MBMD2, GMD10, FIM Type 1, FIM Type 2, and
DSCM) or PPC6.
Note 12: This access panel provides fully connectorized terminations for management connectivity and
modem access. The panel provides DB9 connectors for ESI/ESO and alarms interfaces, and RJ-45
connectors for telemetry inputs/outputs and LAN interface ports. This access panel also provides four
RJ-45 serial interfaces for connectivity between the 6500-7 packet-optical shelf and up to four photonic
layer modules (for example, OSC Filter (1516.9 nm), OMD4, CMD44, BMD2, UBMD2, MBMD2,
GMD10, and DSCM). The RJ-45 serial interfaces in this type of access panel enable the 6500-7
packet-optical shelf to support autoprovisioning and inventory for the photonic layer modules (for
example, OSC Filter (1516.9 nm), OMD4, CMD44, BMD-2, UBMD2, MBMD2, GMD10, and DSCM).

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Table 3-20 (continued)

Access panel summary table

Description Order code Notes

Note 13: This access panel is intended for 7-slot shelf type (NTK503PAE5 variant only) and is
recognized by shelf inventory if the 7-slot shelf (NTK503PAE5 variant) is running Release 6.0 or higher
software load. Order one per shelf. This access panel is not supported in other shelf types.
Note 14: This access panel is intended for 6500-7 packet-optical shelf type and is recognized by shelf
inventory if the 6500-7 packet-optical shelf is running Release 10.0 or higher software load. Order one
per shelf. This access panel is not supported in other shelf types.
Note 15: This adapter fits over DB25 connectors of the alarms or telemetry ports of a NTK605MAE5
access panel to provide wire wrap posts.
Note 16: This adapter fits over DB9 connectors of the ESI/ESO ports of a NTK605MAE5 access panel
to provide wire wrap posts.
Note 17: This adapter fits over DB9 connectors of the ESI/ESO ports of a NTK505JZ access panel to
provide wire wrap posts.

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Technical specifications
Table 3-21 lists the weight and power consumption for the access panels.

Table 3-21
Technical specifications for access panels

Description PEC Weight Typical (W) Power

(estimated) (see Note 1) Budget (W)
(see Note 2)

Access Panel NTK505LAE5 1.0 kg (2.2 lb) 0 0


Access Panel with connections for eight NTK505MBE5 1.0 kg (2.2 lb) 0 0
external slots

Access Panel for 32-slot packet-optical NTK605MAE5 1.3 kg (2.9 lb) 1 1

shelf (see Note 3) (see Note 3)

Access Panel for 7-slot optical shelf NTK505PAE5 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) 0 0

Access Panel for 6500-7 packet-optical NTK505JA 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) 0 0


Note 1: The typical power consumption values are based on operation at an ambient temperature of
25 (+/-3oC) and voltage of 54 Vdc (+/-2.5 V).
Note 2: The power budget values are based on the maximum power consumption in an ambient
temperature range from 5oC to 40oC at a voltage of 40 Vdc (+/-2.5 V). These values must be used in
sizing feeders and estimating theoretical maximum power draw.
Note 3: This module's power is attributed to the feeder zone 2 power budget only in a 32-slot shelf.

Access panel connector pinouts

See “Access panel connector pinouts” on page 3-91.

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Maintenance interface card (NTK505FAE5, NTK505FBE5)

The MIC provides the following functionality.
• visual alarm indicator light emitting diodes (LED) for critical, major and
minor alarms that are active on the 6500 shelf
• shelf power status (indicates shelf is receiving sufficient power from power
interfaces A and/or B)
• enables the shelf processor to receive LAN or DTE communications from
the access panel
• alarm cut-off (ACO) button cuts off alarms and performs lamp tests using
a push button switch

Figure 3-30 provides an overview of the MIC faceplate in a 14-slot shelf.

Figure 3-30
MIC faceplate overview

Green circle (Power)

MIC Single LED for combined PWR feeds (OR’d) -
Power used to indicate presence of -48 V A or B
Critical Red / Yellow circles (Shelf level alarm)
One LED for each shelf level alarm,
Major red for Critical, red for Major and yellow for Minor

White circle (ACO/RCV ATTN)
Single LED to indicate an ACO or
Lamp Test Receive Attention condition

ACO/Lamp test push-button

For a complete list of alarm clearing procedures for 6500, refer to Part 1 and
Part 2 of Fault Management - Alarm Clearing, 323-1851-543.

Equipment alarms
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Corrupt Inventory Data

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Equipping rules
The maintenance interface card (MIC) is installed in slot 17, subslot 17-2 of
the 14-slot shelf. In a 32-slot shelf, the maintenance interface card (MIC)
functions are performed by access panel (NTK605MAE5). In a 7-slot shelf, the
maintenance interface card (MIC) functions are located on Cooling Fan
Module for 7-slot shelf (NTK507PAE5) or Cooling Fan Module Type 2 for 7-slot
shelf (NTK507PB). In a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf, the maintenance interface
card (MIC) functions are located on Cooling Fan Module for 6500-7 packet-
optical shelf (NTK507QA). In a 2-slot shelf, the maintenance interface card
(MIC) functions are integrated on 2-slot shelf (NTK503MAE5/NTK503NAE5/

Technical specifications
Table 3-22 lists the weight and power consumption for the MIC.

Table 3-22
Technical specifications for MIC

Description PEC Weight Typical (W) Power

(estimated) (see Note 1) Budget (W)
(see Note 2)

Maintenance interface card (MIC) NTK505FAE5 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) 1 1


Note 1: The typical power consumption values are based on operation at an ambient temperature of
25 (+/-3oC) and voltage of 54 Vdc (+/-2.5 V).
Note 2: The power budget values are based on the maximum power consumption in an ambient
temperature range from 5oC to 40oC at a voltage of 40 Vdc (+/-2.5 V). These values must be used in
sizing feeders and estimating theoretical maximum power draw.

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Connector pinouts
BIP connector pinouts
Table 3-23 to Table 3-27 on page 3-90 provide details on the DB9, DB25, and
wire-wrap connector pinouts available on the BIPs.

The relays are in the alarm condition when no power is applied/available.

Table 3-23
Alarm input DB9 male connector pin assignment (NTK599AA)

Pin Signal

1 Spare pin
Pin 1 Pin 5 2 Critical

3 Major

Pin 9 4 Minor
Pin 6
5 Reserved pin

6 Spare pin

7 Receive Attention

8 Battery Return

9 Fault clear

Table 3-24
Alarm input DB9 female connector pin assignment (NTK599BA, NTK599BGE5,
NTK599BH, and NTK599BK)

Pin Signal

1 Critical Visual N/O

Pin 5 Pin 1 2 Critical Audible, N/O

3 Battery Return

Pin 9 Pin 6 4 Battery Return

5 Battery Return

6 Major Visible, N/O

7 Major Audible, N/O

8 Minor Visible, N/O

9 Minor Audible, N/O

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Table 3-25
Alarm output DB25 male connector pin assignment (NTK599AA)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 Minor, N/O 14 Minor, COM

2 Minor, N/C 15 Not connected

Pin 1 Pin 13
3 Major, N/O 16 Major, COM

4 Major, N/C 17 Not connected

Pin 14 Pin 25
5 Critical, N/O 18 Critical, COM

6 Critical, N/C 19 Not connected

7 Power, N/O 20 Power, COM

8 Power, N/C 21 Not connected

9 BRK Audible, N/O 22 BRK Audible, COM

10 BRK Audible, N/C 23 Not connected

11 BRK Visual, N/O 24 BRK Visual, COM

12 BRK Visual, N/C 25 Not connected

13 Not connected

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Table 3-26
Alarm output DB25 female connector pin assignment (NTK599BA,
NTK599BGE5, NTK599BH, and NTK599BK)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 Minor Audible, N/O 14 Minor Visual, N/O

Pin 13 Pin 1 2 Minor Audible, COM 15 Minor Visual, COM

3 Minor Audible, N/C 16 Minor Visual, N/C

Pin 25 Pin 14 4 Not connected 17 Not connected

5 Major Audible, N/O 18 Major Visual, N/O

6 Major Audible, COM 19 Major Visual, COM

7 Major Audible, N/C 20 Major Visual, N/C

8 Not connected 21 Not connected

9 Critical Audible, N/O 22 Critical Visual, N/O

10 Critical Audible, COM 23 Critical Visual, COM

11 Critical Audible, N/C 24 Critical Visual, N/C

12 Not connected 25 Not connected

13 Not connected

Table 3-27
Optional alarm output wire-wrap connector pin assignment (NTK599BC)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1A Visual Minor, N/O 1B Visual Minor, N/C

2A Visual Minor, COM 2B Visual Major, COM

Pin 1A Pin 9A
3A Visual Major, N/O 3B Visual Major, N/C

4A Visual Critical, N/O 4B Visual Critical, N/C

Pin 1B Pin 9B
5A Visual Critical, COM 5B Audible Minor, COM

6A Audible Minor, N/O 6B Audible Minor, N/C

7A Audible Major, N/O 7B Audible Major, N/C

8A Audible Major, COM 8B Audible Critical, COM

9A Audible Critical, N/O 9B Audible Critical, N/C

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Access panel connector pinouts

Figure 3-29 on page 3-70 shows the interfaces available on the
• SDH access panel (NTK505LAE5)
• SONET/SDH-J access panel (NTK505MAE5)
• SDH-J access panel (NTK505KA)
• access panel with connections for eight external slots (NTK505MBE5)
• access Panel for 32-slot packet-optical shelf (NTK605MAE5)
• access Panel for 7-slot optical shelf (NTK505PAE5)
• Access Panel for 6500-7 packet-optical shelf (NTK505JA)

Table 3-28 on page 3-91 to Table 3-45 on page 3-102 provide details on
different connector pinouts available on the access panels.

Table 3-28
ESI/ESO 120 ohm balanced DB9 female connector pinout (NTK555NA,
NTK505LAE5, NTK505JA, and NTK605MAE5)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 ESI A-N (ring) 6 ESI A-P (tip)

Pin 5 Pin 1
2 ESO A-N (ring) 7 ESO A-P (tip)

3 ESI B-N (ring) 8 ESI B-P (tip)

Pin 9 Pin 6
4 ESO B-N (ring) 9 ESO B-P (tip)


Table 3-29
ESI/ESO A 120 ohm balanced DB9 female connector pinout (NTK505KA)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 ESI A-N (ring) 6 ESI A-P (tip)

Pin 5 Pin 1
2 ESO A-N (ring) 7 ESO A-P (tip)

Pin 9 Pin 6 4 GND 9 GND


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Table 3-30
ESI/ESO B 120 ohm balanced DB9 female connector pinout (NTK505KA)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 ESI B-N (ring) 6 ESI B-P (tip)

Pin 5 Pin 1
2 ESO B-N (ring) 7 ESO B-P (tip)

Pin 9 Pin 6 4 GND 9 GND


Table 3-31
Alarms DB9 female connector pinout (NTK505LAE5, Release 1 and 2)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 NC 6 NC
Pin 5 Pin 1
2 Critical, N/O 7 NC

3 Major, N/O 8 COM

Pin 9 Pin 6 4 Minor, N/O 9 NC

5 NC

Table 3-32
Alarms DB9 female connector pinout (NTK505JA, NTK505LAE5, Release 3
onwards, and NTK505KA)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 Visual Critical N/C 6 Visual Critical COM

Pin 5 Pin 1
2 Visual Critical N/O 7 Visual Major N/C

3 Visual Major, N/O 8 Visual Major COM

Pin 9 Pin 6
4 Visual Minor, N/O 9 Visual Minor N/C

5 Visual Minor COM

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Table 3-33
Alarms DB25 female connector pinout (NTK605MAE5 and NTK505PAE5)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 Visual Minor N/O 14 Visual Minor, COM

Pin 13 Pin 1
2 GND 15 ACO

3 Visual Major, N/O 16 Visual Major, COM

Pin 25 Pin 14
4 N/C 17 N/C

5 Audible Minor, N/C 18 N/C

6 Audible Major, N/C 19 GND

7 Audible Major, 20 Visual Major, N/C


8 Audible Critical, 21 Visual Minor, N/C


9 GND 22 Visual Critical, COM

10 Audible Critical, N/ 23 Visual Critical, N/C


11 Audible Minor, 24 Audible Critical, N/C


12 Audible Minor, N/O 25 Visual Critical, N/O

13 Audible Major, N/O

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Table 3-34
Telemetry in/out DB25 female connector pinout (NTK505LAE5/KA/MBE5,
NTK605MAE5, and NTK505PAE5)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 Out 3, N/O 14 Out 3, COM

2 Out 1, N/O 15 Out 1, COM

Pin 13 Pin 1
3 Out 4, N/O 16 Out 4, COM

4 Out 2, N/O 17 Out 2, COM

Pin 25 Pin 14 5 In 7 18 In 15

6 In 8 19 In 16

7 In 5 20 In 13

8 In 6 21 In 14

9 GND 22 In 11

10 In 3 23 In 12

11 In 4 24 In 9

12 In 1 25 In 10

13 In 2

Table 3-35
DTE DB9 male connector pinout (NTK505LAE5/MA/KA/MBE5 and

Pin Signal Direction Description

1 CD DCE-to-DTE Carrier Detect

Pin 1 Pin 5 2 RX DCE-to-DTE Receive Data

3 TX DTE-to-DCE Transmit Data

4 DTR DTE-to-DCE Data Terminal Ready

Pin 6 Pin 9
5 GND Ground

6 DSR DCE-to-DTE Data Set Ready

7 RTS DTE-to-DCE Request To Send

8 CTS DCE-to-DTE Clear To Send

9 RI DCE-to-DTE Ring Indicator

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Table 3-36
BITS/ACU/alarms wire-wrap connector pinout (NTK505MAE5)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

Pin 12A
Pin 8A Pin 32A 2A ESI A-P (tip) 2C ESI A-N (ring)
Pin 2A Pin 16A
4A ESI B-P (tip) 4C ESI B-N (ring)

6A ESO A-P (tip) 6C ESO A-N (ring)

Pin 2C Pin 16C 8A ESO B-P (tip) 8C ESO B-N (ring)
Pin 8C Pin 32C

12A ACO/Lamp Test 12C Ground

Visual/Audible Alarms

16A Visual Minor, N/O 16C Visual Minor, N/C

18A Visual Minor, COM 18C Visual Major, COM

20A Visual Major, N/O 20C Visual Major, N/C

22A Visual Critical, N/O 22C Visual Critical, N/C

24A Visual Critical, COM 24C Audible Minor, COM

26A Audible Minor, N/O 26C Audible Minor, N/C

28A Audible Major, N/O 28C Audible Major, N/C

30A Audible Major, COM 30C Audible Critical, COM

32A Audible Critical, N/O 32C Audible Critical, N/C

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Table 3-37
Telemetry wire-wrap connector pinout (NTK505MAE5)

Pin Signal Pin Signal

2A Out 4, N/O 2C Out 4, COM

4A Out 3, N/O 4C Out 3, COM

Pin 2A Pin 30A
6A Out 2, N/O 6C Out 2, COM

8A Out 1, N/O 8C Out 1, COM

Pin 2C Pin 30C
10A In 16 10C Ground

12A Ground 12C In 15

14A In 13 14C In 14

16A Ground 16C In 12

18A In 10 18C In 11

20A Ground 20C In 9

22A In 7 22C In 8

24A Ground 24C In 6

26A In 4 26C In 5

28A Ground 28C In 3

30A In 1 30C In 2

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Table 3-38
BITS/ACU/alarms wire-wrap connector pinout (NTK505MBE5)

Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal

Pin 2A Pin 32A

Pin 2C Pin 32C

Pin 2E Pin 32E


2A ESI A-P (tip) 2C ESI A-N (ring) 2E Ground

4A N/C 4C N/C 4E N/C

6A ESO A-P (tip) 6C ESO A-N (ring) 6E Ground

8A N/C 8C N/C 8E N/C

10A ESI B-P (tip) 10C ESI B-N (ring) 10E Ground

12A N/C 12C N/C 12E N/C

14A ESO B-P (tip) 14C ESO B-N (ring) 14E Ground

16A N/C 16C N/C 16E N/C


18A Ground 18C ACO/Lamp Test 18E Ground

20A N/C 20C N/C 20E N/C

Visual/Audible Alarms

22A Visual Minor, N/O 22C Visual Minor, COM 22E Visual Minor, N/C

24A Visual Major, N/O 24C Visual Major, COM 24E Visual Major, N/C

26A Visual Critical, N/O 26C Visual Critical, COM 26E Visual Critical, N/C

28A Audible Minor, N/O 28C Audible Minor, COM 28E Audible Minor, N/C

30A Audible Major, N/O 30C Audible Major, COM 30E Audible Major, N/C

32A Audible Critical, N/O 32C Audible Critical, COM 32E Audible Critical, N/C

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Table 3-39
External Slot I/F RJ-45 (NTK505JA, NTK555LA, NTK555NA, NTK503MAE5,
NTK503NAE5, NTK505MBE5, NTK605MAE5, and NTK505PAE5)

RJ-45 Plug Pin Signal

1 Ground

2 Presence Detect

3 Serial Clock

Pin 8 Pin 1 4 Serial Data

Pin 1 Pin 8 5 Power

6 Ground

7 Ground

8 Ground

Note: The RJ-45 plug orientation varies by circuit pack/shelf/port.

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Table 3-40
Female DB25 to wire wrap adapter connector pinout (NTK605MYE5)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A GND N/C Visual Visual Visual GND Audible Audible Audible GND
Minor, Major, Critical, Minor, Major, Critical,

B ACO N/C Visual Visual Visual GND Audible Audible Audible GND
Minor, Major, Critical, Minor, Major, Critical,

C GND N/C Visual Visual Visual GND Audible Audible Audible GND
Minor, Major, Critical, Minor, Major, Critical,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Front view

Table 3-41
Telemetry wire-wrap adapter connector pinout (NTK605MYE5)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A Out 1, N/ Out 2, Out 3, Out 4, N/ In 10 GND In 1 In 2 In 3 GND


B Out 1, Out 2, Out 3, Out 4, In 11 GND In 4 In 5 In 6 GND


C In 16 In 15 In 14 In 13 In 12 GND In 7 In 8 In 9 GND

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Table 3-42
ESI/ESO wire-wrap adapter connector pinout (NTK605MZE5)

1 2 3 4




1 2 3 4

Front view

Table 3-43
10/100Base-T RJ-45 pinout

RJ-45 Plug Pin
Shelf Access panel 48x10/100BT I/
processor O panel




Pin 8 Pin 1 4 No connection No connection No connection

Pin 1 Pin 8 5 No connection No connection No connection


7 No connection No connection No connection

8 No connection No connection No connection

Note: The RJ-45 plug orientation varies by circuit pack/shelf/port.

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Table 3-44
Alarm input RJ-45 telemetry connector pinout (integrated access panel in
NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants of 2-slot shelf or shelf processor w/
access panel in NTK503LA variant of 2-slot shelf)

RJ-45 Plug Pin Signal Cable color code

(NT6Q71ABE6 cable included
with NT6Q59ABE6 kit)

1 In 1 Blue

2 In 2 White (twisted w/Blue)

3 In 3 Orange

Pin 8 Pin 1 4 In 4 White (twisted w/Green)

Pin 1 Pin 8 5 In 5 Green

6 In 6 White (twisted w/Orange)

7 In 7 Brown

8 Ground White (twisted w/Brown)

Note: The RJ-45 plug orientation varies by circuit pack/shelf/port.

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Table 3-45
Telemetry in RJ-45, Telemetry Out RJ-45, and visual alarm output DB9
connector pinout for NTK505JA and SPAP-2 w/2xOSC (NTK555NA)

RJ-45 Plug: Pin Signal Cable color code (NT6Q71ABE6 cable

Environmental/ included with NT6Q59ABE6 kit)
Telemetry in

1 In 1 Blue

2 In 2 White (twisted w/Blue)

3 In 3 Orange

4 In 4 White (twisted w/Green)

5 In 5 Green

Pin 8 Pin 1 6 In 6 White (twisted w/Orange)

7 In 7 Brown

8 Ground White (twisted w/Brown)

RJ-45 Plug: Pin Signal Cable color code (NT6Q71ABE6 cable

Telemetry/ Control Out included with NT6Q59ABE6 kit)

1 Out 1, COM Blue

2 Out 1, N/O White (twisted w/Blue)

Pin 1 Pin 8 3 Out 2, COM Orange

4 Out 3, COM White (twisted w/Green)

5 Out 3, N/O Green

6 Out 2, N/O White (twisted w/Orange)

7 Out 4, COM Brown

8 Out 4, N/O White (twisted w/Brown)

DB-9(F): Alarm output Pin Signal Pin Signal

Pin 5 Pin 1 2 VIS_CRIT_NO 7 VIS_MAJ_NC


Pin 9 Pin 6 4 VIS_MIN_NO 9 VIS_MIN_NC


6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015

External equipment 4-

This chapter provides an overview of the 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500)

external equipment. See Table 4-1 for different external equipment covered in
this chapter.

Table 4-1
External equipment in this chapter

Topic Page

Transponder protection tray (TPT) (NT0H59xxE5) 4-2

Enhanced Trunk Switch (ETS) (NTUG90ANE5) 4-19

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
4-2 External equipment

Transponder protection tray (TPT) (NT0H59xxE5)

In 6500, the Transponder Protection Tray (TPT) provides line and/or client
protection for some of 6500 circuit packs by using the Ciena Transponder
Protection Tray (TPT) module.

In conjunction with 1+1 APS (ODU) layer linear protection scheme, 1+1 TPT
and 1+1 port TPT protection are offered. Use of TPT is meant to protect the
client equipment against client port faults and equipment failure. The client
equipment can be a multi client-port or a single-client port circuit pack. The
1+1 port TPT allows certain client ports on a multi client-port circuit pack to be
TPT protected, while other client ports on the same multi client-port circuit
pack can remain unprotected. Therefore on a multi client-port circuit pack that
support 1+1 port TPT protection, a mixture of protected and unprotected client
ports is supported. However in the case of 1+1 TPT protection, all client ports
of a multi client-port circuit pack switch to protection even if the fault only
occurs on one port.

The TPT contains optical splitter/coupler filters that function as entry and exit
points to the 6500 network. As an entry point to the 6500 network, the
splitter/coupler receives a signal from one client fiber. The filter splits the
power of the signal and then transmits it over two separate fibers into the client
ports on the two circuit packs which form the TPT protection group. The power
of the signals that are transmitted to the two circuit packs is approximately 50
percent of the power of the signal that was received.

As an exit point from the 6500 network, the coupler receives a signal from only
one client fiber and no signal from the other client fiber. To accommodate this,
the software within the circuit packs determines which signal is best. The
circuit pack with the best signal transmits its signal to the TPT, which transmits
the signal to the subtending equipment. The non-active circuit pack will shut
down its client lasers, so that the TPT will only have one optical signal which
is coupled to the client equipment.

As an example, Figure 4-1 illustrates the function of the TPT for OTSC circuit
packs, however the principle is the same for other circuit packs that support
1+1 TPT and 1+1 port TPT protection.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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External equipment 4-3

Figure 4-1
1+1 TPT protection (10G OTSC example)

Tributary side Protection tray (TPT) 6500 network


Rx 10G


Active (laser on)
Protected (laser off)

Three variants of TPT modules are available in 6500:

• 2-Channel Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-2) and 2-Channel Multimode
Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-2 MM)
The 2-channel transponder protection tray is a 1U high single-mode or
multi-mode passive tray containing two splitters and two couplers that split
and couple an optical signal. Each splitter/coupler works in conjunction
with a pair of TPT-supported circuit packs as shown in “TPT-supported
circuit packs in 6500” on page 4-11. A 2-channel TPT module
— is a rack-mounted external tray that is 1 U high
— contains six duplex SC-SC bulkhead adapters (that is; 12 adapters) on
the faceplate for optical connections (three adapters per
splitter/coupler pair).
— contains two splitter/coupler filters; each filter has 6 pigtails
— contains fiber management components to manage fibers entering
and exiting the tray
— single-mode 2-Channel Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-2)
(NT0H59ABE5) can support a maximum of two protected pairs of
ports (1310 nm)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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4-4 External equipment

— multi-mode 2-Channel Multimode Transponder Protection Tray

(TPT-2 MM) (NT0H59BBE5) can support a maximum of two protected
pairs of ports (850 nm)
Figure 4-2 shows an interior view of the 2-channel TPT. Figure 4-3 on
page 4-5 shows the functional block diagram of a 2-channel TPT.
Figure 4-2
Interior view of a 2-channel Transponder Protection Tray

1 2
CLIENT To client Rx To client Rx CLIENT To client Rx To client Rx O
T IN 1 2 IN 1 2 T

CLIENT Fm client Tx Fm client Tx CLIENT Fm client Tx Fm client Tx O
P OUT 1 2 OUT 1 2 P



1 2

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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External equipment 4-5

Figure 4-3
2-channel TPT block diagram (NT0H59ABE5/NT0H59BBE5)

Inventory inventory

Client 2 Client 2
Rx 2
Client 2

Rx 1
Client 2 Client 2

Tx 2
Client 2


Tx 1
Client 1 Client 1
Rx 2

Client 1

Rx 1
Client 1 Client 1

Tx 2
Client 1


Tx 1

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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4-6 External equipment

• 4-Channel Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-4) and 4-Channel Multimode

Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-4 MM)
The 4-channel transponder protection tray is a 1U high single-mode or
multi-mode passive tray containing four splitters and four couplers that
split and couple an optical signal. Each splitter/coupler works in
conjunction with a pair of TPT-supported circuit packs as shown in
“TPT-supported circuit packs in 6500” on page 4-11. A 4-Channel TPT
— is a rack-mounted external tray that is 1 U high
— contains 12 duplex SC-SC bulkhead adapters (that is; 24 adapters) on
the faceplate for optical connections (three adapters per splitter/
coupler pair).
— contains four splitter/coupler filters; each filter has 6 pigtails
— contains fiber management components to manage fibers entering
and exiting the tray
— single-mode 4-Channel Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-4)
(NT0H59AAE5) can support a maximum of four protected pairs of
ports (1310 nm)
— multi-mode 4-Channel Multimode Transponder Protection Tray
(TPT-4 MM) (NT0H59BAE5) can support a maximum of four protected
pairs of ports (850 nm)
Figure 4-4 on page 4-7 shows an interior view of the 4-channel TPT.
Figure 4-5 on page 4-8 shows the functional block diagram of a 4-channel

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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External equipment 4-7

Figure 4-4
Interior view of a 4-channel Transponder Protection Tray

1 2 3 4
T IN Rx 1 Rx 2 IN Rx 1 Rx 2 IN Rx 1 Rx 2 IN Rx 1 Rx 2 T

P OUT Tx 1 Tx 2 OUT Tx 1 Tx 2 OUT Tx 1 Tx 2 OUT Tx 1 Tx 2 P



1 2 3 4

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4
Figure 4-5

Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4

Out In Out In Out In Out In

Release 10.1
4-8 External equipment


6500 Packet-Optical Platform


Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation


Optical Optical Optical Optical Optical Optical Optical Optical

4-channel TPT block diagram (NT0H59AAE5/NT0H59BAE5)

Coupler Splitter Coupler Splitter Coupler Splitter Coupler Splitter

From From To To From From To To From From To To From From To To

Client 1 Client 1 Client 1 Client 1 Client 2 Client 2 Client 2 Client 2 Client 3 Client 3 Client 3 Client 3 Client 4 Client 4 Client 4 Client 4
Tx 1 Tx 2 Rx 1 Rx 2 Tx 1 Tx 2 Rx 1 Rx 2 Tx 1 Tx 2 Rx 1 Rx 2 Tx 1 Tx 2 Rx 1 Rx 2

February 2015
323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Common Equipment
External equipment 4-9

• 10-Channel Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-10)

The 10-channel transponder protection tray (TPT-10) is a 2U high
single-mode passive tray containing ten splitters and ten couplers that split
and couple an optical signal. Each splitter/coupler works in conjunction
with a pair of TPT-supported circuit packs as shown in “TPT-supported
circuit packs in 6500” on page 4-11. A TPT-10 module
— is a rack-mounted external tray that is 2 U high
— contains 30 duplex LC-LC bulkhead adapters (that is; 60 adapters) on
the faceplate for optical connections (three adapters per
splitter/coupler pair).
— contains ten splitter/coupler filters
— contains fiber management components to manage fibers entering
and exiting the tray
— single-mode 10-channel transponder protection tray (TPT-10)
(NT0H59ACE5) can support a maximum of ten protected pairs of ports
(1310 nm/1550 nm)
Figure 4-6 shows an external view of the 10-channel TPT and the layout
of connectors on the faceplate. Figure 4-7 on page 4-10 shows the
functional block diagram of a 10-channel TPT.
Figure 4-6
Interior view of a 10-channel Transponder Protection Tray

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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Figure 4-7

Client 1 Client 1 Client 2 Client 2 Client 10 Client 10

Out In Out In Out In

Release 10.1
4-10 External equipment

6500 Packet-Optical Platform


Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation

10-channel TPT block diagram (NT0H59ACE5)

Optical Optical Optical Optical Optical Optical

Coupler Splitter Coupler Splitter Coupler Splitter

From From To To From From To To From From To To

Client 1 Client 1 Client 1 Client 1 Client 2 Client 2 Client 2 Client 2 Client 10 Client 10 Client 10 Client 10
Tx 1 Tx 2 Rx 1 Rx 2 Tx 1 Tx 2 Rx 1 Rx 2 Tx 1 Tx 2 Rx 1 Rx 2

February 2015
323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Common Equipment
External equipment 4-11

TPT-supported circuit packs in 6500

TPT protection is supported on the following circuit packs in 6500:
• 10G OTSC circuit pack (supporting single-mode TPT modules)
• SuperMux circuit pack (supporting single-mode and multi-mode TPT
• 2x10G OTR circuit pack (supporting single-mode TPT modules)
• 4x10G OTR circuit pack (supporting single-mode and multi-mode TPT
• 10G OC-192/STM-64 WT circuit pack (supporting single-mode TPT
• 10GEL WT circuit pack (supporting single-mode TPT modules)
• 10G OTU2 WT circuit pack (supporting single-mode TPT modules)
• 40G MOTR consisting of 40G MUX OCI circuit pack (NTK525CFE5
variant) and 40G OCLD or Wavelength-Selective 40G OCLD circuit pack
(supporting single-mode TPT modules).
• 40G OTR consisting of 40G+ CFP OCI circuit pack and 40G OCLD or
Wavelength-Selective 40G OCLD circuit pack (supporting single-mode
TPT modules).
• 100G MOTR consisting of 10x10G MUX circuit pack and 100G OCLD,
Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD, Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD, or 100G WaveLogic
3 OCLD circuit pack (supporting single-mode TPT modules).
• 100G OTR consisting of 100G OCI circuit pack and Flex2 WaveLogic 3
OCLD, Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD, or 100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD circuit
pack (supporting single-mode TPT modules).
• FLEX MOTR circuit pack (supporting single-mode and multi-mode TPT
• 8xOTN Flex MOTR circuit pack or Integrated OTN FLEX MOTR function
in 6500 2-slot shelf w/SP + OTN Flex MOTR 8xSFP shelf assembly
(DC-powered) (NTK503MAE5) or 6500 2-slot shelf w/SP + OTN Flex
MOTR 8xSFP shelf assembly (AC-powered) (NTK503NAE5) (supporting
single-mode and multi-mode TPT modules)
• (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR circuit pack (supporting single-mode and multi-
mode TPT modules)

Each type of Transponder Protection Tray contains a patch panel with pairs of
SC-SC connectors (for 2-Channel and 4-Channel TPTs) or LC-LC connectors
(for 10-Channel TPT). Use these connectors to make the fiber connections
between subtending equipment and the Transponder Protection Tray, and
between the tray and the circuit packs. For 2-Channel and 4-Channel TPTs,

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
4-12 External equipment

connectors on the client-side are accessed by lifting the pull-up tab located on
top of each bulkhead. For 10-Channel TPT, connectors on the client-side are
accessed by removing the dust caps.

The TPT can be located anywhere in the equipment rack or collocated with
subtending equipment. The TPT can be also collocated with client equipment.

Although the TPT is a passive device, autoprovisioning and inventory support

are still possible if using
• NTK555ABE5, NTK555EAE5, NTK555CAE5, or NTK555FAE5 shelf
processor and NTK505MBE5 access panel in a 14-slot shelf type
(NTTC09BME6 or NTTC09DM cable assembly is required to connect the
TPT RJ45 port to the NTK505MBE5 access panel external slot ports)
• NTK555EAE5 or NTK555FAE5 shelf processor and NTK605MAE5
access panel in a 32-slot shelf type (NTTC09BME6 or NTTC09DM cable
assembly is required to connect the TPT RJ45 port to the NTK605MAE5
access panel external slot ports).
• NTK555ABE5, NTK555EAE5, NTK555CAE5, or NTK555FAE5 shelf
processor and NTK505PAE5 access panel in the NTK503PAE5 variant of
a 7-slot shelf type (NTTC09BME6 or NTTC09DM cable assembly is
required to connect the TPT RJ45 port to the NTK505PAE5 access panel
external slot ports).
• NTK555NA shelf processor w/access panel in the NTK503KA variant of a
7-slot shelf type (NTTC09BME6 or NTTC09DM cable assembly is
required to connect the TPT RJ45 port to the NTK555NA external slot
• NTK555EAE5, NTK555CAE5, or NTK555FAE5 shelf processor and
NTK505JA access panel in a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf type
(NTTC09BME6 or NTTC09DM cable assembly is required to connect the
TPT RJ45 port to the NTK505JA access panel external slot ports)
• integrated shelf processor/access panel in NTK503MAE5 and
NTK503NAE5 variants of 2-slot shelf or shelf processor w/access panel
(SPAP) (NTK555LA)/shelf processor w/access panel (SPAP-2) w/2xOSC
2xSFP (NTK555NA) in NTK503LA variant of 2-slot shelf (NTTC09BME6
or NTTC09DM cable assembly is required to connect the TPT RJ45 port
to the access panel external slot ports).

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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External equipment 4-13

For a complete list of alarm clearing procedures for 6500, refer to Part 1 and
Part 2 of Fault Management - Alarm Clearing, 323-1851-543.

Equipment alarms
• Autoprovisioning Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Circuit Pack Mismatch

Equipment alarms
• Corrupt Inventory data

Equipping rules
TPT is an external equipment.

TPT summary table

Table 4-2 shows a summary table for TPT.

Table 4-2
External equipment

Description Order Code Notes

4-Channel Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-4) NT0H59AAE5 1, 6, 7

2-Channel Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-2) NT0H59ABE5 2, 7

4-Channel Multimode Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-4 MM) NT0H59BAE5 3, 6, 7

2-Channel Multimode Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-2 MM) NT0H59BBE5 4, 7

10-Channel Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-10) NT0H59ACE5 5, 6, 7

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
4-14 External equipment

Table 4-2 (continued)

External equipment

Description Order Code Notes

Note 1: This is a single-mode 4-channel TPT equipment and is used to provide 1+1 TPT protection on
— FLEX MOTR, 8xOTN Flex MOTR, (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR, 10G OC-192/STM-64 WT, 10GEL WT,
10G OTU2 WT, 10G OTSC, SuperMux, 4x10G OTR, and 2x10G OTR circuit packs.
— 40G MOTR groups (40G MUX OCI/40G OCLD or 40G MUX OCI/Wavelength-selective 40G OCLD
while 40G MUX OCI circuit pack must be NTK525CFE5 variant).
— 40G OTR groups (40G+ CFP OCI/40G OCLD or 40G+ CFP OCI/Wavelength-selective 40G
— 100G MOTR groups (10x10G MUX/100G OCLD,10x10G MUX/100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD, 10x10G
MUX/Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD, or 10x10G MUX/Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD).
— 100G OTR groups (100G OCI/100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD, 100G OCI/Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD, or
100G OCI/Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD).
For more information about TPT equipment, see Common Equipment, 323-1851-102.1. For more
information about TPT protection, see Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
Note 2: This is a single-mode 2-channel TPT equipment and is used to provide 1+1 TPT protection on
— FLEX MOTR, 8xOTN Flex MOTR, (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR, 10G OC-192/STM-64 WT, 10GEL WT,
10G OTU2 WT, 10G OTSC, SuperMux, 4x10G OTR, and 2x10G OTR circuit packs.
— 40G MOTR groups (40G MUX OCI/40G OCLD or 40G MUX OCI/Wavelength-selective 40G OCLD
while 40G MUX OCI circuit pack must be NTK525CFE5 variant).
— 40G OTR groups (40G+ CFP OCI/40G OCLD or 40G+ CFP OCI/Wavelength-selective 40G
— 100G MOTR groups (10x10G MUX/100G OCLD,10x10G MUX/100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD, 10x10G
MUX/Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD, or 10x10G MUX/Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD).
— 100G OTR groups (100G OCI/100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD, 100G OCI/Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD, or
100G OCI/Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD).
For more information about TPT equipment, see Common Equipment, 323-1851-102.1. For more
information about TPT protection, see Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
External equipment 4-15

Table 4-2 (continued)

External equipment

Description Order Code Notes

Note 3: This is a multi-mode 4-channel TPT equipment and is used to provide 1+1 TPT protection on
SuperMux, 4x10G OTR, FLEX MOTR, 8xOTN Flex MOTR, and (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR circuit packs.
For more information about TPT equipment, see Common Equipment, 323-1851-102.1. For more
information about TPT protection, see Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
Note 4: This is a multi-mode 2-channel TPT equipment and is used to provide 1+1 TPT protection on
SuperMux, 4x10G OTR, FLEX MOTR, 8xOTN Flex MOTR, and (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR circuit packs.
For more information about TPT equipment, see Common Equipment, 323-1851-102.1. For more
information about TPT protection, see Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,

Note 5: This is a single-mode 10-channel TPT equipment and is used to provide 1+1 TPT protection on
— FLEX MOTR, 8xOTN Flex MOTR, (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR, 10G OC-192/STM-64 WT, 10GEL WT,
10G OTU2 WT, 10G OTSC, SuperMux, 4x10G OTR, and 2x10G OTR circuit packs.
— 40G MOTR groups (40G MUX OCI/40G OCLD or 40G MUX OCI/Wavelength-selective 40G OCLD
while 40G MUX OCI circuit pack must be NTK525CFE5 variant).
— 40G OTR groups (40G+ CFP OCI/40G OCLD or 40G+ CFP OCI/Wavelength-selective 40G
— 100G MOTR groups (10x10G MUX/100G OCLD,10x10G MUX/100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD, 10x10G
MUX/Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD, or 10x10G MUX/Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD).
— 100G OTR groups (100G OCI/100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD, 100G OCI/Flex3 WaveLogic 3 OCLD, or
100G OCI/Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD).
For more information about TPT equipment, see Common Equipment, 323-1851-102.1. For more
information about TPT protection, see Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
Note 6: One Fiber Manager for each TPT is required. Use the fiber manager for fiber slack
management since these TPTs do not have fiber management capabilities.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
4-16 External equipment

Table 4-2 (continued)

External equipment

Description Order Code Notes

Note 7: Follow the instructions below:

— In a 14-slot shelf and for inventory and autoprovisioning support, you must use NTK555ABE5,
NTK555EAE5, NTK555CAE5, or NTK555FAE5 shelf processor and NTK505MBE5 access panel.
You must also order one NTTC09BME6 or NTTC09DM cable assembly to connect the TPT RJ45
port to the NTK505MBE5 access panel external slot ports.
— In a 32-slot shelf and for inventory and autoprovisioning support, you must use NTK555EAE5 or
NTK555FAE5 shelf processor and NTK605MAE5 access panel. You must also order one
NTTC09BME6 or NTTC09DM cable assembly to connect the TPT RJ45 port to the NTK605MAE5
access panel external slot ports.
— In the NTK503PAE5 variant of a 7-slot shelf and for inventory and autoprovisioning support, you
must use NTK555ABE5, NTK555EAE5, NTK555CAE5, or NTK555FAE5 shelf processor and
NTK505PAE5 access panel. You must also order one NTTC09BME6 or NTTC09DM cable
assembly to connect the TPT RJ45 port to the NTK505PAE5 access panel external slot ports.
— In the NTK503KA variant of a 7-slot shelf and for inventory and autoprovisioning support, you must
use NTK555NA shelf processor w/access panel. You must also order one NTTC09BME6 or
NTTC09DM cable assembly to connect the TPT RJ45 port to the NTK555NA external slot ports.
— In a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf and for inventory and autoprovisioning support, you must use
NTK555EAE5, NTK555CAE5, or NTK555FAE5 shelf processor and NTK505JA access panel. You
must also order one NTTC09BME6 or NTTC09DM cable assembly to connect the TPT RJ45 port
to the NTK505JA access panel external slot ports.
— In the NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5 variants of a 2-slot shelf, integrated shelf processor/access
panel is used for inventory and autoprovisioning support. You must also order one NTTC09BME6
or NTTC09DM cable assembly to connect the TPT RJ45 port to the integrated access panel
external slot ports.
— In the NTK503LA variant of a 2-slot shelf, NTK555NA shelf processor w/access panel is used for
inventory and autoprovisioning support. You must also order one NTTC09BME6 or NTTC09DM
cable assembly to connect the TPT RJ45 port to the NTK555NA external slot ports.

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External equipment 4-17

Technical specifications
Table 4-3 lists the physical specifications for TPT.

Table 4-3
Physical specifications for TPT

Equipment Physical Weight Power

Typical (W) Power Budget (W)

2-Channel Transponder 1U (43 mm / 1.7 in.) 4.1 kg (9.0 lb) 0 0

Protection Tray (TPT-2)

2-Channel Multimode 1U (43 mm / 1.7 in.) 4.3 kg (9.5 lb) 0 0

Transponder Protection
Tray (TPT-2 MM)

4-Channel Transponder 1U (43 mm / 1.7 in.) 4.1 kg (9.0 lb) 0 0

Protection Tray (TPT-4)

4-Channel Multimode 1U (43 mm / 1.7 in.) 4.2 kg (9.3 lb) 0 0

Transponder Protection
Tray (TPT-4 MM)

10-Channel Transponder 2U (86 mm / 3.4 in.) 4.1 kg (9.0 lb) 0 0

Protection Tray (TPT-10)

Table 4-4 lists the specifications for the 2-channel and 4-channel single-mode
and multimode transponder protection trays.

Table 4-4
2-channel and 4-channel Transponder protection trays (TPT-2, TPT-2 MM, TPT-4, and TPT-4 MM)

Characteristic Value or range

Maximum total input power 21 dB

Minimum return loss 45 dB

4CH or 2CH single-mode 4CH or 2CH Multimode

Wavelength 1260 nm to 1360 nm 770 nm to 860 nm

Maximum Splitter 4.0 dB 5.8 dB

Insertion Loss
Combiner 4.0 dB 5.8 dB

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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4-18 External equipment

Table 4-4
2-channel and 4-channel Transponder protection trays (TPT-2, TPT-2 MM, TPT-4, and TPT-4 MM)

Characteristic Value or range

Physical Height 43 mm (1.70 in.) (1 U rack 43 mm (1.70 in.) (1 U rack space)

Dimension space)

Width (see Note) 443 mm (17.44 in.) 443 mm (17.44 in.)

Depth 279 mm (11 in.) 279 mm (11 in.)

Note: The width specified is with the mounting brackets installed.

Table 4-5 lists the specifications for the 10-channel single-mode transponder
protection trays (TPT-10).

Table 4-5
10-channel Transponder Protection Tray (TPT-10) specifications

Characteristic Value or range

Maximum total input power 24 dB

Minimum return loss 45 dB

Wavelength 1260 nm to 1360 nm 1528 nm to 1607 nm

Maximum Splitter 3.8 dB 3.8 dB

Insertion Loss
Combiner 3.8 dB 3.8 dB

Chromatic dispersion -5 ps/nm to 5 ps/nm

Physical Height 86 mm (3.4 in.) (2 U rack space)

Width (see Note) 438 mm (17.25 in.)

Depth 278 mm (11.02 in.)

Note: The width specified is without the mounting brackets installed.

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Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
External equipment 4-19

Enhanced Trunk Switch (ETS) (NTUG90ANE5)

The 6500 supports 1+1 Enhanced Trunk Switch (ETS) unidirectional
automatic and user-initiated protection switch capabilities on different circuit
packs by using Ciena 565, 5100 and 5200 Advanced Services Platform
Enhanced Trunk Switch (ETS) module (NTUG90ANE5) as shown in
Figure 4-8 to Figure 4-10 on page 4-21.

Figure 4-8
1+1 ETS protection

Primary Path (working line)

Circuit pack Circuit pack
C CS LS LS CS D Switch
A Splitter Rx Tx Photonic Rx Tx B Subtending
Subtending Tx Rx Layer Tx Rx Equipment
Equipment E F Tx
Tx Rx
Circuit pack Circuit pack
Rx Tx Photonic Rx Tx
Tx Rx Layer Tx Rx
Switch F E Splitter
Secondary Path (protection line)

CS = Client side
LS = Line side

The supported 6500 circuit packs are:

• 10G WT
• 10GEL WT
• 10G OTR
• 2x10G OTR
• 4x10G OTR
• 10G OTSC
• 40G MOTR groups (40G MUX OCI/40G OCLD or 40G MUX OCI/
Wavelength-selective 40G OCLD)
• 100G MOTR groups (10x10G MUX/100G OCLD, 10x10G MUX/100G
WaveLogic 3 OCLD, or 10x10G MUX/Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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Figure 4-9

40G MUX OCI Primary Path

Release 10.1
Port 1 ETS 40G MUX OCI & 40G OCLD (working line) 40G MUX OCI & 40G OCLD Port 1 ETS
Port 1
C CS LS LS CS D Port 1
A Splitter Rx P1 Tx Photonic Rx Tx P1 Switch B Subtending
Subtending Tx P1 Rx Tx Rx P1
Equipment Layer Equipment
Rx P2 Tx P2
E Tx P2 Rx P2 F Rx
Rx D Tx P3 C
Tx P3 Rx P3
B Rx P4 Tx P4 A
4-20 External equipment

Tx P4 Rx P4
Switch E Splitter
F Secondary Path

6500 Packet-Optical Platform

40G MUX OCI & 40G OCLD (protection line) 40G MUX OCI & 40G OCLD
Rx P1 Tx Photonic Rx Tx P1
40G MUX OCI Tx P1 Rx Layer Tx Rx P1
Port 2 ETS Rx P2 Tx P2 40G MUX OCI
40G MUX OCI Tx P2 Rx P2 Port 2 ETS
Port 2 Tx P3 D Port 2
A Splitter Tx P3 Rx P3
Subtending Rx P4 Switch B Subtending
Equipment Tx P4
Tx P4 Equipment
Rx P4

Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation

F E Splitter


Port 3 ETS Port 3 ETS
40G MUX OCI D Port 3
Port 3 Splitter C Switch B Subtending
Subtending Equipment
Equipment F Rx
1+1 ETS protection (example for 40G MUX OCI circuit pack)

Switch E Splitter


40G MUX OCI Port 4 ETS
Port 4 ETS D Port 4
40G MUX OCI Switch B Subtending
Port 4
A Splitter Equipment
Equipment F Rx
E Splitter

February 2015
323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Common Equipment
Figure 4-10

100G MUX OCI Primary Path 100G MUX OCI

Release 10.1
Port 1 E TS 100G MUX OCI & 100G OCLD (working line) 100G MUX OCI & 100G OCLD Port 1 E TS
Spl itter C CS LS LS CS D Port 1
Port 1 A Rx P1 Tx Swi tch B
Phot onic Rx Tx P1 Subtend ing
Subtending Tx P1 Rx Tx Rx P1
Equipment Layer Equipment
Rx P2 Tx P2
E Tx P2 Rx P2 F Rx
ETS Rx P3 Tx P3 ETS Tx
Rx D C
Tx P3 Rx P3
B Rx P4 Tx P4 A
Tx P4 Rx P4
Switch Rx P5 Tx P5
F E Spli tter
ETS splits client TX signal 50/50 Tx P5 Rx P5
so traffic is bridged on working Rx P6 Tx P6
Tx P6

6500 Packet-Optical Platform

and protection lines Rx P6
Rx P7 Tx P7
Tx P7 Rx P7
100G MUX OCI Rx P8
Tx P8
Port 2 ET S Tx P8 Rx P8 100G MUX OCI
100G MUX OCI Rx P9 Tx P9 Port 2 E TS
C Tx P9 100G MUX OCI
Port 2 Spl itter Rx P9 D Port 2
A Rx P10
Subtending Tx P10 Swi tch B
Tx P10 Subtending
Equipment Rx P10
Tx F Rx

Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation

Secondary Path A
Switch 100G MUX OCI & 100G OCLD (protection line) 100G MUX OCI & 100G OCLD
CS LS E Spl itter
Working and protect XFPs Rx P1 Tx Photonic Rx Tx P1
connected to ETS switch. The ETS Tx P1 Rx Layer Tx Rx P1
Rx P2 Tx P2
decides better path, switch criteria Tx P2
is loss of light. Rx P2 100G MUX OCI
Rx P3 Tx P3
100G MUX OCI Tx P3 Port 3 ETS
Rx P3 100G MUX OCI
Port 3 E TS Rx P4 D
100G MUX OCI Tx P4 Port 3
Tx P4 Rx P4 Switch B
Port 3 Spl itter C Subtending
A Rx P5 Tx P5
Subtending Tx P5 Equipment
Equipment Rx P5
Rx P6 F Rx
E Tx P6
Tx Tx P6 Rx P6 ET S Tx
Rx ETS Rx P7 C
1+1 ETS protection (example for 10x10G MUX circuit pack)

D Tx P7 Tx P7
Rx P7 A
B Rx P8
Tx P8 Tx P8
Rx P9 Rx P8 E Splitter
Switch Tx P9
F Tx P9
Rx P10 Rx P9
Client port XFP laser is shutoff Tx P10
Tx P10
if LOFEF parameter is Enabled Rx P10
and fault occurs
100G MUX OCI Port 4 ETS
Port 4 E TS D Port 4
100G MUX OCI Switch B Sub tending
Spl itter C
Port 4 A Equipment
Equipment F Rx
Tx Note 1: Only 4 of the 10 ports are shown as connected C
to ETSs, but all 10 can be.
Note 2: There can be some 100G MUX OCI client ports not E Splitte r
F connected to ETS and others connected. This is supported
allowing a mix of unprotected and protected services.

February 2015
External equipment 4-21

323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2

Common Equipment
4-22 External equipment

ETS protection is supported on the following circuit packs:

• 10G OTR (NTK530MAE5)
• 2x10G OTR (NTK530PAE5, NTK530PGE5, and NTK530PME5)
• 4x10G OTR (NTK530QA, NTK530QE, and NTK530QM)
• 10G OTSC (NTK528AAE5)
• 10G OC-192/STM-64 WT (NTK530AAE5, NTK530BAE5, and
• 10GEL WT (NTK530ABE5 and NTK530BBE5)
• 40G MUX OCI (NTK525CAE5 and NTK525CFE5)
• 10x10G MUX (NTK529BBE5)

Figure 4-11 shows an interior view of the 4-channel tray. Figure 4-12 on
page 4-23 shows the functional block diagram of an Enhanced Trunk Switch

Figure 4-11
Front view of an Enhanced Trunk Switch

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Figure 4-12
Enhanced Trunk Switch (ETS) block diagram (NTUG90ANE5)


Optical Optical Switch

Splitter Control


The ETS consists of three parts: the ETS shelf, the ETS Comms module, and
the ETS Switch module.

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4-24 External equipment

ETS Shelf
The ETS Shelf is a two-slot, 1U high, rack-mount shelf that contains the ETS
Switch module and ETS Comms module.

The ETS Comms and ETS Switch modules are both individually field
replaceable. However, only the ETS Comms can be replaced in-service. The
ETS shelf also provides easy front access for fiber connections. The ETS
Shelf also includes a 5-pin power terminal block located on the rear of the unit
for redundant DC power supply connections. The ETS Shelf requires a fan
module to cool the shelf.

The ETS shelf can be powered using the breaker interface panel (BIP)/fuse
interface panel (FIP) (NTK599DA/NTK599EA). The BIP/FIP can also be used
to power the 14-slot shelf if you add the BIP/FIP Breaker Kit (NTK599ZS) and
the 14-slot Cable Assy (NTTC01BD or NTTC01BE). If DC power is not
available, use the 2U rectifier (NTN458SB). For more information about 2U
rectifier (NTN458SB) and how to order this item, refer to the Common
Photonic Layer (CPL) documentation suite, 323-1661-XXX.

The internal backplane connection in the ETS Shelf supplies electrical power
and supports monitoring and configuration for each module (ETS Switch and
ETS Comms module) installed in the unit. You can make a TCP connection to
the ETS Shelf by connecting an Ethernet cable to the 10BASE-T Ethernet
connector (RJ-45) on the backplane of the ETS Shelf.

Note: Both the RS-232 DB9 serial port on the ETS Comms module and
the RJ-45 Ethernet port on the back panel of the ETS Shelf support the
same set of TL1 commands.

Back panel
Figure 4-13 shows the back panel of the Enhanced Trunk Switch.

Figure 4-13
Back panel

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External equipment 4-25

Table 4-6 describes the connectors on the back panel of the ETS Shelf.

Table 4-6
Back panel connectors

Module Connector Description

ETS Shelf ETHERNET One RJ-45 Ethernet connector for TCP communications via a
10BASE-T Ethernet cable. The Ethernet connector is enabled by
the ETS Comms module mounted in slot A on the left side of the
ETS Shelf.

ALARMS One DB25 connector for aggregated major and minor telemetry
alarm relays.

POWER One standard five-position terminal block for power connections.

Alarm relay block for parallel telemetry

Hard-wired alarm connections for individual modules mounted in the ETS
shelf can be made through the standard DB25 connector located on the rear
of ETS Shelf. A maximum of four telemetry outputs from the ETS to the 6500
shelf or 565, 5100 and 5200 Advanced Services Platform shelf is supported.
The alarm relay is open under normal conditions and closed when the power
is off or when the alarm is active.

Note: You must manually configure the telemetry alarm description with
the appropriate text in the Telemetry configuration screen of the System

ETS Comms
The ETS Comms module monitors and communicates with the ETS Switch
mounted in the ETS Shelf. It polls and reports shelf information, slot
occupancy, and the types of modules installed in the shelf, and their status.
The ETS Comms is also used to set various parameters of the ETS Switch.
The ETS Comms supports a TL1 command line interface.

The ETS Comms has the following features:

• monitoring and alarm reporting for all modules in the ETS shelf
• administration and management for all modules in the ETS Shelf:
— monitoring and control of the ETS node
— configuration saving and restoration functions
— ETS node security management
— transfer of configuration data files

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4-26 External equipment

If a reset occurs as a result of electrical power failure, the ETS Comms
module recovers with its current configuration information intact after it
resumes operation. However, the date and time must be reset after a reset

Front panel
The front panel of the ETS Comms contains:
• five indicator lamps
• two buttons
• one RS-232 DB9 connector for craft interface connections to the ETS
Comms module

Figure 4-14 shows the front panel of the ETS Comms module.

Figure 4-14
Front panel of the ETS Comms module

Table 4-7 describes the buttons on the front panel of the ETS Comms module.

Table 4-7
Front panel buttons of the ETS Comms module

Button Description

ACO Interrupts the audible alarms by deactivating the ETS Comms alarm relays.

INIT Reinitializes the module, which resets the LEDs and alarm relays based on
the new startup alarm conditions.

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External equipment 4-27

ETS Switch
The ETS Switch module provides continuous optical power monitoring on the
primary and secondary paths. It typically provides client-layer optical path
protection and optical channel path protection. If optical power on one path
drops below a preset threshold, the ETS Switch will switch traffic to the other

If a reset occurs or if a total electrical power failure occurs, the ETS switch
recovers on the current (most recent) active path with its current (most
recent) switch thresholds and operating mode configuration data.

Front panel
The front panel of the ETS Switch contains:
• six indicator lamps
• two switch buttons. In automatic mode, the module switches traffic
between paths when the measured signal power is less than a preset
threshold. In manual mode, traffic can only be switched to the alternate
path by pressing a button on the module front panel, or by sending an
explicit TL1 command to the module. Table 4-8 on page 4-27 describes
these switch buttons on the front panel of the ETS Switch module.
Table 4-8
Switch buttons of the ETS Switch module

Button Description

AUTO/MAN switches from automatic to manual mode and vice versa.

THR/PRI/SEC operates a switch when in manual mode.

• six SC/UPC optical connectors for fiber patchcords connections to Port A,

Port B, Port C, Port D, Port E and Port F.

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4-28 External equipment

Figure 4-15 shows the front panel of the ETS Switch module.

Figure 4-15
Front panel of the ETS Switch module

Indicator lamps
The description of the indicator lamps of all three ETS module components

ETS Shelf
Indicator lamps on the front panel of the ETS Shelf unit show the status of the
fans and the status of the primary and secondary power supplies.

ETS Switch
The six indicator lamps on the front panel of the ETS Switch module show the
• module status
• path in use
• current operating mode

The AUTO LED indicates the operating mode. When the AUTO LED is off, the
module is in manual mode; and when the AUTO LED is green, the module is
in automatic mode.

ETS Comms
The front panel of the ETS Comms module has the following indicator lamps:
• CARD: bi-color LED (green/yellow) that indicates the operating status of
the ETS Comms module
• CRIT: indicates that a critical alarm is active against the ETS
• MAJ: indicates that a major alarm is active against the ETS
• MIN: indicates that a minor alarm is active against the ETS
• ACO: indicates that the ETS Comms telemetry alarm relays are

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External equipment 4-29

See Table 4-9 for more information on the indicator lamps on the ETS Comms.

Table 4-9
Indicator lamps for ETS Comms module

Indicator Color Purpose


CARD Yellow/Green Indicates the operational state of the ETS Comms module. This LED has
(bi-color) the following states:
Green — the module is operating normally.
Yellow — the module failed to initialize. This state can indicate that the
ETS Comms module is not fully seated in the slot.
Green/Yellow flashing — the ETS Comms module is not mounted in the
correct slot of the ETS Shelf.
This lamp is off when a loss of power has occurred.

CRIT Red Indicates that a module managed by the ETS Comms raised a critical

MAJ Red Indicates that a module managed by the ETS Comms raised a major
alarm or the ETS Comms has lost contact to the monitored module.

MIN Yellow Indicates that a module managed by the ETS Comms raised a minor
alarm or one of the power supplies (A or B) has failed.

ACO Yellow Indicates that the alarm cut-off (ACO) button was pressed, deactivating
the ETS Comms telemetry alarm relays. Present alarms are no longer
reported through the alarm relays in this case.

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4-30 External equipment

Equipping rules
ETS is an external equipment and is used to provide 1+1 ETS protection on
10G WT, 10GEL WT, 10G OTR, 2x10G OTR, 4x10G OTR, 10G OTSC,
40G MUX OCI, and 10x10G MUX circuit packs. For more information about
ETS protection, see Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,

Technical specifications
Table 4-10 lists the physical specifications for ETS.

Table 4-10
Physical specifications for ETS

Equipment Physical specification Power

Typical (W) Power Budget (W)

Enhanced Trunk Switch (ETS) 1U (43 mm / 1.7 in.) 12 16


Table 4-11 lists the enhanced trunk switch specifications.

Table 4-11
Enhanced Trunk Switch specifications

Characteristic Value or range

Minimum Maximum Typical

Power consumption Fan module — 6.72 W —

(see Note 1)
ETS Comms — 7W 5W

ETS Switch — 2W —

Voltage –40 V dc –57 V dc –48 V dc

Power cable required for making power 18 AWG 12 AWG —

connection (0.8 mm2) (3 mm2)

Ground wire (through 2-hole lug) 10 AWG 10 AWG —

Use stranded copper wire (5 mm2) (5 mm2)

Fiber type Single mode fiber

Wavelength 1260 nm to 1360 nm and 1460 nm to 1630 nm

Minimum return loss Switch section 40 dB

Coupler section 40 dB

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External equipment 4-31

Table 4-11 (continued)

Enhanced Trunk Switch specifications

Characteristic Value or range

Minimum Maximum Typical

Maximum Insertion Switch section 2.1 dB

Coupler section 4.3 dB

End-to-End 6.4 dB

Absolute Switching Absolute switching –35.0 dBm –35.0 dBm —

Mode (see Note 2) limit threshold
(see Note 3)

Absolute switching — ±2.0 dB —

limit threshold
(ASLTH) accuracy

Received power level — 19 dBm —


Received power level — 19 dBm —

(without damage)

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4-32 External equipment

Table 4-11 (continued)

Enhanced Trunk Switch specifications

Characteristic Value or range

Minimum Maximum Typical

Window Switching Reference power –29.0 dBm –6.0 dBm —

Mode (see Note 2) level (RPL)
Default: –29.0 dBm

RPL accuracy — ±2.0 dB —

Upper window 6.0 dB 29.0 dB —

switching range
(UWSR) (see Note 4)
Default: 6.0 dBm

Lower window 6.0 dB 29.0 dB —

switching range
(LWSR) (see Note 4)
Default: 6.0 dBm

Upper window — 0.0 dBm —

switching limit
threshold (UWSLTH)

Lower window –35.0 dBm — —

switching limit
threshold (LWSLTH)

Received power level — 0.0 dBm —

(see Note 5)

Received power level — 19 dBm —

(without damage)

Auto-switch-back hysteresis 2.0 dB

Switch-back hold time 3s

Received power monitor accuracy ±2.0 dB

(Received power range –35.0 dBm to 0.0 dBm)

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External equipment 4-33

Table 4-11 (continued)

Enhanced Trunk Switch specifications

Characteristic Value or range

Minimum Maximum Typical

Alarm relay signals Dry contact: critical, major and minor alarms.
Relay open under normal operation.
Relay closed when power is off or alarm is active.
See “Connector pinouts” on page 3-88 for DB25
connector pinout

Craft Interface • Supports TL1 command interface through a DB9 front

panel connector: 9600 bps, no parity, no flow control, 8
data bits, 1 stop bit, no start bit. See “Connector
pinouts” on page 3-88 for DB9 RS-232 pin assignment.
• Supports TL1 command interface through an Ethernet
RJ-45 connector on the rear of the ETS shelf. Ciena
recommends using a shielded CAT 5 cable for the
Ethernet connections.

Fuses 2A

Physical Dimension Height 44.5 mm (1.75 in.) (1 U rack space)

Width (see Note 6) • 442.7 mm (17.43 in.) with a setback from front to
mounting flange equal to 35.6 mm (1.4 in.), 127 mm
(5.0 in.) or 165.1 mm (6.5 in.)
• 431.8 mm (17 in.) with a setback from front to mounting
flange equal to 152.4 mm (6.0 in.)

Depth 300 mm (11.8 in.) excluding connectors

Note 1: Maximum power consumption values are obtained during worst-case operating conditions
(for example, temperature, humidity).
Note 2: All dBm power levels referenced are aggregate power levels.
Note 3: This value cannot be provisioned.
Note 4: Can be provisioned in 1 dB increments.
Note 5: Captured RPL at the moment the link is setup should not exceed –6 dBm.
Note 6: The width specified is with the mounting brackets installed.

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4-34 External equipment

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015

4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-

This chapter provides an overview of the 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (6500)

4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS). See Table 5-1 for circuit packs/modules
covered in this chapter.0

Table 5-1
4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) in this chapter

Topic Page

4xOptical Protection Switch (4xOPS C-Band 1xOPSM2) circuit pack 5-2

(NTK554TA) and 2xOptical Protection Switch Module (OPSM2 C-Band)

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
5-2 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

4xOptical Protection Switch (4xOPS C-Band 1xOPSM2) circuit pack

(NTK554TA) and 2xOptical Protection Switch Module (OPSM2 C-
Band) (NTK576AA)
The 4xOptical Protection Switch (4xOPS C-Band 1xOPSM2) circuit pack
(also referred to as 4xOPS) provides 1+1 optical layer protection functionally
(similar to ETS; Enhanced Trunk Switch).

Each 4xOPS circuit pack includes two fixed optical protection groups and two
pluggable protection groups. The two pluggable protection groups are
provided by equipping a 2xOptical Protection Switch Module (OPSM2 C-
Band) (also referred to as OPSM2) in the sub-slot. Each protection group
(fixed or pluggable) has six unidirectional ports (common, SW1, SW2). In the
transmit direction, the signal is divided into two optical streams by a splitter
and goes out on both SW1 and SW2 ports. In the receive direction, the SW1
and SW2 Rx signals are selected by an optical switch based on optical power
and provisioned LOS thresholds. This circuit pack comes with a
4xOPS sub-slot filler panel/cover (410-5300-001) which must only be
removed when a OPSM2 is equipped in the sub-slot.

The optical switch can be placed in different locations to provide path and
equipment protection.

Figure 5-1 on page 5-3 shows the faceplate of a 4xOPS circuit pack and
Figure 5-2 on page 5-4 provides a functional block diagram of the 4xOPS
circuit pack. Figure 5-3 on page 5-5 provides a functional block diagram of the
OPSM2 module.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-3

Figure 5-1
4xOPS circuit pack faceplate

Red triangle (Fail)

- Used to communicate hardware or software
failure state
- Card not failed = LED off, Card failed = LED on
Green rectangle (Ready)
- Used to communicate hardware or software
functional state
- Card initializing = Blinking LED; Card OK = LED
on; Card not ready = LED off
Blue diamond (In Use)
- Used to communicate whether circuit pack can
be extracted
(on->no pull, off->can be pulled)
- Equipment in-service = LED on; Equipment
out-of-service = LED off

Yellow bi-color circle (LOS)
- Used to communicate Rx Loss of Signal
Fixed protection groups

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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5-4 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Figure 5-2
4xOPS circuit pack block diagram (NTK554TA)

Inventory and Control


Power OPS Pluggable Module


2x1 Optical
OPS3 SW1 In 13

OPS3 SW1 Out 14

OPS3 SW2 In 15

OPS3 SW2 Out 16

1x2 Optical
OPS3 COM In 17
OPS3 COM Out 18

2x1 Optical OPS4 SW1 In 19

OPS4 SW1 Out 20

PD PD OPS4 SW2 In 21

OPS4 SW2 Out 22

1x2 Optical
Splitter OPS4 COM In 23

OPS4 COM Out 24

OPS Optical Protection Switch
PD Photodiode

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-5

Figure 5-3
OPSM2 module block diagram (NTK576AA)

2x1 Optical
OPS1 SW1 In 1
OPS1 SW1 Out 2

OPS1 SW2 In 3

OPS1SW2 Out 4
1x2 Optical

2x1 Optical OPS2 SW1 In 7

OPS2 SW1 Out 8


OPS2 SW2 Out 10

1x2 Optical
Splitter OPS2 COM In 11
Inventory &
OPS2 COM Out 12

OPS Optical Protection Switch
PD Photodiode

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5-6 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Supported functionality
The 4xOPS circuit pack (NTK554TA) and OPSM2 module (NTK576AA)
provide the following functionality.
• can be used in the following applications:
— Client-layer Optical Path Protection: Between 6500 client ports and
subtending equipment
— Optical Channel (OCH) Path Protection: Between 6500 line ports and
— Span Layer Path Protection: After a Passive Photonic OTS to protect
the span signal
— Stand-alone with 3rd Party Equipment
• see Table 5-2 for function and connector type for each port in 4xOPS
optical interface (NTK554TA)

Table 5-2
4xOPS optical interfaces

Protection group Interface name Physical port # Function Connector type

OPS3 SW1In 13 Input from path 1 LC

SW1 Out 14 Output to path 1

SW2 In 15 Input from path 2

SW2 Out 16 Output to path 2

Common In 17 Common input

Common Out 18 Common output

OPS4 SW1In 19 Input from path 1 LC

SW1 Out 20 Output to path 1

SW2 In 21 Input from path 2

SW2 Out 22 Output to path 2

Common In 23 Common input

Common Out 24 Common output

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-7

• see Table 5-3 for function and connector type for each port in OPSM2
module (NTK576AA)

Table 5-3
OPSM2 module

Protection group Interface name Physical port # Function Connector type

OPS1 SW1In 1 Input from path 1 LC

SW1 Out 2 Output to path 1

SW2 In 3 Input from path 2

SW2 Out 4 Output to path 2

Common In 5 Common input

Common Out 6 Common output

OPS2 SW1In 7 Input from path 1 LC

SW1 Out 8 Output to path 1

SW2 In 9 Input from path 2

SW2 Out 10 Output to path 2

Common In 11 Common input

Common Out 12 Common output

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5-8 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Performance monitoring
The 6500 Packet-Optical Platform monitors and collects physical PMs for
4xOPS and OPSM2 circuit pack facilities. Table 5-4 on page 5-8 provides a list
of monitor types supported on 4xOPS and OPSM2 circuit packs. Figure 5-4
on page 5-9 and Figure 5-5 on page 5-10 show the 4xOPS and OPSM2 circuit
pack optical monitoring points.

For detailed information and procedures associated with performance

monitoring, refer to Fault Management - Performance Monitoring, 323-1851-

Table 5-4
Monitor types table for 4xOPS and OPSM2 circuit pack

Monitor type Facility






6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-9

Figure 5-4
4xOPS circuit pack optical monitoring points

Inventory and Control


Power OPS Pluggable Module


2x1 Optical
OPS3 SW1 In 13

OPS3 SW1 Out 14

OPS3 SW2 In 15

OPS3 SW2 Out 16

1x2 Optical
OPS3 COM In 17
OPS3 COM Out 18

2x1 Optical OPS4 SW1 In 19

OPS4 SW1 Out 20

PD PD OPS4 SW2 In 21

OPS4 SW2 Out 22

PMs collected at all PD locations
1x2 Optical
Facility: OPTMON port 13,15,19,21 Splitter OPS4 COM In 23
Parameter: OPR-OTS*, PSCW-OTS,
*AVG, MIN, and MAX measurements also provided.

OPS Optical Protection Switch
PD Photodiode

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
5-10 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Figure 5-5
OPSM2 circuit pack optical monitoring points

2x1 Optical
OPS1 SW1 In 1
OPS1 SW1 Out 2

OPS1 SW2 In 3

OPS1SW2 Out 4
1x2 Optical

2x1 Optical OPS2 SW1 In 7

OPS2 SW1 Out 8

PMs collected at all PD locations

Facility: OPTMON port 1,3,7,9 PD PD OPS2 SW2 In 9
Parameter: OPR-OTS*, PSCW-OTS,
1x2 Optical
Splitter OPS2 COM In 11
Inventory &
OPS2 COM Out 12

*AVG, MIN, and MAX measurements also provided.

OPS Optical Protection Switch
PD Photodiode

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-11

For a complete list of alarm clearing procedures for 6500, refer to Part 1 and
Part 2 of Fault Management - Alarm Clearing, 323-1851-543.

Equipment alarms
• Autoprovisioning Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Circuit Pack Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Failed
• Intercard Suspected
• Internal Mgmt Comms Suspected
• Provisioning Incompatible
• Circuit Pack Upgrade Failed
• Circuit Pack Unknown
• Database Not Recovered For Slot

Pluggable alarms
• Circuit Pack Missing - Pluggable
• Circuit Pack Failed - Pluggable
• Intercard Suspected - Pluggable

Common alarms
• Software Auto-Upgrade in Progress
• Software Auto-Upgrade Failed

OPTMON facility alarms

• Protection Switch Complete - Revertive
• Forced Switch Active
• Manual Switch Active
• Lockout Active
• Gauge Threshold Crossing Alert Summary
• Loss of Signal

Adjacency alarms
• Adjacency Mismatch

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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5-12 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Equipping rules
The following equipping rules apply to 4xOPS circuit pack:
• is a single slot interface
• can be equipped in any slot (1-14 except slots 7 and 8 if cross-connect
circuit packs are provisioned in slots 7 and 8) of the 14-slot packet-optical,
optical, converged optical, optical/front electrical, converged optical/front
electrical, optical/rear electrical, or converged optical/rear electrical
• can be equipped in slots 1-8, 11-18, 21-28, and 31-38 of the 32-slot
packet-optical shelf.
• can be equipped in slots 1 to 7 of the 7-slot optical shelf.
• can be equipped in slots 1 to 8 of the 6500-7 packet-optical shelf.
• can be equipped in slots 1 and 2 of the 2-slot optical shelf.

The following restrictions on using a cross-connect circuit pack are applied

when deploying a 4xOPS circuit pack:
• the 4xOPS circuit packs do not use any cross-connect capacity and can
be installed in shelves equipped with or without cross-connect circuit
• In a 14-slot shelf type, you cannot provision a cross-connect circuit pack
in slot 7 or 8 if one of these slots already contains a 4xOPS circuit pack
• In a 14-slot shelf type, when the 4xOPS circuit packs are installed in slot
7 or 8, only Broadband circuit packs or Photonic circuit packs can be
provisioned in the other interface slots (slots 1 to 6 and 9 to14), as MSPP
interface circuit packs require a cross-connect circuit pack. See Part 1 of
6500 Planning, NTRN10DB (Chapter 3) for a full list of supported
Broadband and Photonic circuit packs.
• In a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf type, you cannot provision a cross-
connect circuit pack in slot 7 or 8 if one of these slots already contains a
4xOPS circuit pack

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-13

Technical specifications
Table 5-5 lists the weight, power consumption, and other specifications for the
4xOPS optical interface circuit pack and OPSM2 module.

Table 5-5
Technical specifications for 4xOPS circuit pack and OPSM2 module

Parameter 4xOPS (NTK554TA) OPSM2 module (NTK576AA)

Weight (estimated) 0.7 kg (1.6 lb) 0.3 kg (0.7 lb)

Power consumption Typical (W): 8 (see Note 1) Typical (W): 1 (see Note 1)
Power Budget (W): 10 (see Power Budget (W): 1 (see
Note 2) Note 2)

Connector type LC

Maximum insertion loss:

From COM In to SW1 Out 4.3 dB (see Note 3)

From COM In to SW2 Out 4.3 dB (see Note 3)

From SW1 In to COM Out 1.8 dB (see Note 3)

From SW2 In to COM Out 1.8 dB (see Note 3)

Device automatic switch time:

From SW1 In to SW2 In 15 ms (see Note 4)

From SW2 In to SW1 In 15 ms (see Note 4)

Maximum input power (applies to +23.0 dBm

Common, SW1, and SW2 inputs)

Power monitor (PD1 and PD2) - 40.0 to +18.0 dBm

Power monitor (PD1, PD2) +/- 1 dB from -35.0 to 18.0 dBm

accuracy (see Note 5) +/- 2 dB from -40.0 to -35.0 dBm

Operating wavelength range (all 1260 nm-1360 nm and

ports) 1460 nm-1620 nm

Note 1: The typical power consumption values are based on operation at an ambient temperature of
25 (+/-3oC) and voltage of 54 V dc (+/-2.5 V).
Note 2: The power budget values are based on the maximum power consumption in an ambient
temperature range from 5oC to 40oC at a voltage of 40 V dc (+/-2.5 V). These values must be used in
sizing feeders and estimating theoretical maximum power draw.
Note 3: Inclusive of faceplate connectors.
Note 4: This is the OPS automatic switch time. Subtending equipment recovery time will dictate overall
restoration time.
Note 5: Accuracy at CWDM waves may not meet 1 dB spec.

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Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
5-14 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Optical protection switch provisioning procedures

The following flowchart provides the various steps/procedures that must be
performed in order to have the 4xOPS and OPSM2 ready to carry traffic.

4xOPS and OPSM2

Install 4xOPS circuit pack(s) and OPSM2

Procedure 5-1

Fiber Common and Switch ports

Procedure 5-2 and 5-3


facility parameters
Procedures 5-4

Edit protection group parameters

as required
Procedure 5-5


OPS provisioning engineering considerations

The optical switch can be placed in different locations to provide path and
equipment protection. In this release, the OPS can be used in the following
• client-layer optical path protection – between 6500 client ports and
subtending equipment (Figure 5-6)
• optical channel path protection – between 6500 line ports and a CMD
(Figure 5-7) (see Table 5-6 for CMD type support in this application)
• passive network span layer path protection – after a passive photonic OTS
to protect the span signal (Figure 5-8)
• stand-alone with 3rd party equipment path protection (Figure 5-9)

The circuit packs connected to the OPS are provisioned as Unprotected. The
circuit packs connected to the OPS do not necessarily need to be equipped in
the same shelf. The protection groups are auto-created when the circuit pack
and pluggable module are provisioned. Protection group latches to the current
state if there is an equipment failure (if the Loss of DC Power mode parameter
is set to No).

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-15

Figure 5-6
Client-layer optical path protection

Figure 5-7
Optical channel path protection

Figure 5-8
Passive network span layer path protection

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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5-16 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Figure 5-9
3rd party equipment path protection

Table 5-6
CMD support for 1+1 OPS in the optical channel path protection application

CMD Type Low cost Channel Access OTS Subtype

single span








When using 1+1 OPS in the client-layer optical path protection application, the
following engineering rules apply:
• This application is applicable to all node types, networks, and line rates.
• The photonic layer can have multi-span links – no special rules/guidelines.
• Regenerators in the link are supported.
• Consumes client-side link budget. For example, OPS does not support
1+1 client layer protection for the OC192/STM64 SR-1/I-64.1 interface due
to link budget.
• The TX Conditioning or Laser Off Far End Fail parameter on the 6500
client port connected to the OPS must be set to shut off the laser when the
circuit pack detects faults or certain alarm conditioning signals. Failure to
set this parameter correctly will prevent automatic protection switching
from occurring.

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-17

• OPS LOS threshold should be kept at -20 dBm threshold unless otherwise
required to be changed.
• Rx power level at SW1 IN and SW2 IN should not differ by more than
2 dB. Use attenuator pads, if necessary, to meet this requirement. This
operational consideration exists to ensure that the subtending equipment
receiver does not see a dramatic change in power level when the OPS
switches. Some subtending equipment may take longer time to re-acquire
a signal if the new signal has a different power level.
• OPS switch port ADJ facility expected far end address is provisioned to
point to OTR client port. OPS alarms (due to Client laser shutoffs) are not
correlated out by site level correlation/network level correlation. Since
most of OTR client ports don’t have ADJ facility, adjacency facility is
unidirectional (from OPS to OTR).

Circuit packs supported in the client-layer optical path protection application

• 10G OTSC
• 10G OTR
• 2x10G OTR
• 4x10G OTR
• (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR
• 40G OCLD/Wavelength-selective 40G OCLD mated with 40G MUX OCI
(NTK525CF variant) or 40G+ CFP OCI
• 100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD mated with 10x10G MUX or 100G OCI

When using 1+1 OPS in the optical channel path protection application, the
following engineering rules apply:
• This application is aNTRN10DBpplicable to all node types, networks, and
line rates.
• Consumes link budget on add/drop path (~ 4 and 2 dB, respectively).
• OPS LOS threshold for SW1/SW2 IN OPTMON facility is provisioned 6 dB
below the SW1/SW2 IN OPTMON facility OPR-OTS PM value. The OPS
LOS threshold may need to be re-provisioned after system changes like
channel add/delete, span change, and so on. A good way to know if the
OPS LOS threshold needs to be re-visited is to perform a Reset Baseline
of the SW1/SW2 OPTMON facility OPR-OTS PM value when the OPS
LOS threshold is initially set as well as setting the PM Profile for the SW1/
SW2 OPTMON facility to 2 dB (the default value is 6 dB). If the power

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
5-18 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

changes by more than 2 dB away from the baseline value, the Gauge TCA
Summary alarm will be raised and this would trigger re-visiting the LOS
threshold value.
• Regenerators in the link are not supported.
• Rx power level at SW1 IN and SW2 IN must not differ by more than 2 dB.
Use attenuator pads, if necessary, to meet this requirement.
• When using NGM WT service circuit packs, the chromatic dispersion delta
between the working path fiber and the protection path fiber must not
exceed 500 ps/nm. Over the C-Band this means for instance that:
— using NDSF with a dispersion coefficient on the order of 16 to 17 ps/
nm-km, this is approximately 30 km
— using TWRS with a dispersion coefficient in the range 2.6 to 6.0 ps/
nm-km, at a worst-case 6 ps/nm-km, this is approximately 83 km.
• The OPS is provisioned in the topology under the following conditions:
— when the OPS is connected to a 6500 CMD and the OPS is in the
same shelf as the CMD
— when the OPS is connected to a 6500 CMD and the OPS is not in the
same shelf as the CMD and OTR but the shelves are TID consolidated
• The OPS is not provisioned in the topology under the following conditions:
— when the OPS is connected to a 6500 CMD and the OPS is not in the
same shelf as the CMD and OTR and the shelves are not TID
— when the OPS is connected to a CPL CMD
• When the OPS is provisioned in the topology
— Adjacencies are manually provisioned between OTR, OPS, and CMD:
– Set ADJ-Type to TXRX for OPS SW1 Out and SW2 Out ports.
– Set ADJ-Type to TX for OPS Common In port and ADJ-Type to RX
for OPS Common Out port.
– Provision OTS1 CMD Channel In port ADJ-TX Expected Far End
Address to point to OPS SW1 Out port. Do not provision OTS1
CMD Channel Out port ADJ-RX Expected Far End Address. Make
sure the Sync Provisioned parameter is set to True.
– Provision OTS2 CMD Channel In port ADJ-TX Expected Far End
Address to point to OPS SW2 Out port. Do not provision OTS2
CMD Channel Out port ADJ-RX Expected Far End Address. Make
sure the Sync Provisioned parameter is set to True.
– Provision the OPS Common In port ADJ-TX Expected Far End
Address to point to the OTR line port. Do not provision the OPS
Common Out port ADJ-RX Expected Far End Address.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-19

— SPLI functionality is supported.

— OPS alarms (due to channel failures) are correlated out by site level
correlation/network level correlation.
• OPS SW1/SW2 ports bridge the SPLI requests to/from the Common port.
• Software ensures consistency of ADJ-Type provisioning on OPS group
ports. For example, if you provision the ADJ-Type of SW 1 port as TX/RX,
switch 2 ADJ-Type must be TX/RX and Common ports as TX and RX. If
you need to change placement of OPS in different configuration, ADJ-
Type on all ports must be set to unknown. However, the ADJ-Type can be
modified without first setting to unknown if the ADJ-Type is not changing
to/from TX or RX nor resulting in an inconsistent OPS group. For example,
changing LINE to TXRX will be denied if the other SW port ADJ is still
defined as LINE.
• Software auto provisions (if enabled) the following once auto provision
criteria is validated:
— Wavelength, Tx Nominal power, OTS type on OTRs
— OTR Transmitter/Receiver Type on CMD/OMD ports
— OPS insertion losses on ADJ-FIBER as System Configuration Loss
• Auto provision criteria are as follows:
— CMD ports wavelength are the same
— CMD Tx nominal powers are the same
— OTS types (colored or colorless) are the same
• During initial provisioning, if one of more rules of auto provision criteria
fails, software raises Adjacency Mismatch alarms against both switch
ports and does not auto provision parameters. Once auto provision is
done by software and later user provisioning causes one of more rules of
auto provision criteria to fail, software raises the Adjacency Mismatch
alarm against both switch ports and does not remove auto provisioning of
• SPLI populates the System Configuration Loss (SCL) parameter on ADJ-
FIBER facilities based on OPS insertion loss (read from calibration data in
OPS CCT) on CMD TX and RX ports:
— SCL on CMD TX port has OPS insertion loss in MUX direction (from
Common In to Switch Out)
— SCL on CMD RX port has OPS insertion loss in DEMUX direction
(from Switch In to Common Out)
• DOC adds SCL to existing “Excess loss” parameter on ADJ-FIBER to
derive nominal power values at CMD TX and RX ports.

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5-20 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

• When the OPS is not provisioned in the topology

— You must manually set the CMD Channel In port Transmitter Type to
be the OTR type connected to the OPS.
— You must provision OPS insertion loss as the “Excess loss” parameter
in the CMD ADJ-FIBER facility, 1.3 dB for the CMD RX, 3.5 dB for the

Circuit packs supported in the optical channel path protection application are:
• 2xOC-48/STM-16 (NTK517BA variant)
• SuperMux (only internal equipment mode supported for the NTK535FA
• 10G OTSC
• 2x10G OTR
• 4x10G OTR
• 2.5G MOTR
• Flex MOTR
• (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR
• 40G OCLD/Wavelength-selective 40G OCLD mated with 40G MUX OCI
(NTK525CF variant, excluding the FC800 and FC1200 protocols) or
40G+ CFP OCI, with STORM enabled
• 100G WaveLogic 3 OCLD or Flex2 WaveLogic 3 OCLD in QPSK mode
mated with 10x10G MUX (excluding the FC800 and FC1200 protocols) or
100G OCI, with STORM enabled

Refer to 6500 Packet-Optical Platform Photonic Layer Guide, NTRN15DA, for

the different recovery/restoration time for different circuit packs.

When using 1+1 OPS in the passive network span layer path protection
application, the following engineering rules apply:
• This application is applicable to passive layer point-to-point networks with
no intermediate OADMs or regen sites.
• If line amplifiers are present in either Path 1 or Path 2, do not provision the
FGA ADJ-LINE Expected Far End Address.
• Consumes ~ 6 dB link budget on fiber span path.

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-21

• OPS LOS threshold for SW1/SW2 IN OPTMON facility is provisioned 6 dB

below the SW1/SW2 IN OPTMON facility OPR-OTS PM value. The OPS
LOS threshold may need to be re-provisioned after system changes like
channel add/delete, span change, etc. A good way to know if the OPS
LOS threshold needs to be re-visited is to perform a Reset Baseline of the
SW1/SW2 OPTMON facility OPR-OTS PM value when the OPS LOS
threshold is initially set as well as setting the PM Profile for the SW1/SW2
OPTMON facility to 2 dB (the default value is 6 dB). If the power changes
by more than 2 dB away from the baseline value, the Gauge TCA
Summary alarm will be raised and this would trigger re-visiting the LOS
threshold value.
• Rx power level at SW1 IN and SW2 IN must not differ by more than 2 dB.
Use attenuator pads, if necessary, to meet this requirement.
• When using NGM WT service circuit packs, the chromatic dispersion delta
between the working path fiber and the protection path fiber must not
exceed 500 ps/nm. Over the C-Band this means for instance that:
— using NDSF with a dispersion coefficient on the order of 16 to 17 ps/
nm-km, this is approximately 30 km
— using TWRS with a dispersion coefficient in the range 2.6 to 6.0 ps/
nm-km, at a worst-case 6 ps/nm-km, this is approximately 83 km.
• Adjacencies are manually provisioned between passive network
interfaces and OPS. The OPS Common port is connected to network
facing modules, which could be any valid passive photonics modules
• The OPS is not provisioned as part of the Passive OTS.
• OPS alarms (due to fiber cuts) correlate out OCLD RX LOS if site level
correlation is enabled and OPS is installed in the same shelf as the
passive OTS.
• SPLI is not supported between OPS and network facing ports in passive
span configurations.
• Software ensures consistency of ADJ-Type provisioning on OPS group
ports. For example, if you provisions the ADJ-Type of SW1 port as LINE,
SW2 ADJ-Type must be LINE and Common ports as one of the OSCF,
DSCM, FGA, CMD, BS, or OMDF. If you need to change placement of
OPS in different configuration, ADJ-Type on all ports must be set to

Circuit packs supported in the passive network span layer path protection
application are the same as those supported in the optical channel path
protection application. See the list in the optical channel path protection
application section.

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5-22 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Only the 1310 nm NTTP84BA or NTTP86BA (supported on 4x10G OTR

NTK530QA variant, 2x10G OTR NTK530PGE5 and NTK530PME5 variants,
40G MUX OCI NTK525CFE5 variant, and 10x10G MUX only), or 1550 nm
NTTP84AA XFPs can be used in 1+1 OPS protection.

When using 1+1 OPS in the 3rd party equipment path protection application,
the following engineering rules apply:
• 3rd party equipment may include other Ciena products (CPL,
CoreStream, and so on).
• OPS works as a stand-alone circuit pack and is not provisioned within
• OPS LOS threshold is set by customer based upon 3rd party equipment

Table 5-7 provides references to different procedures covered in this chapter.

Table 5-7
Procedures in this chapter

Topic Page

Procedure 5-1, Provisioning 4xOPS circuit packs and OPSM2 5-23

modules automatically

Procedure 5-2, Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf 5-25

Procedure 5-3, Connecting or disconnecting fiber-optic cables to or 5-37

from circuit packs

Procedure 5-4, Editing facility parameters 5-39

Procedure 5-5, Changing the protection parameters for a pair of 5-40


Procedure 5-6, Changing the primary state of a facility 5-42

Procedure 5-7 Changing the primary state of a circuit pack or 5-44


Procedure 5-8, Deleting a facility from an equipment 5-46

Procedure 5-9, Deleting a circuit pack or pluggable 5-47

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-23

Procedure 5-1
Provisioning 4xOPS circuit packs and OPSM2
modules automatically
If automatic equipping is enabled, a 4xOPS circuit pack and the OPSM2
module present are automatically provisioned when inserted in the shelf.
Facilities will auto-provision.

If automatic equipping is enabled, when inserted in the 4xOPS circuit pack,

the OPSM2 module is automatically provisioned. Facilities will auto-provision.

To enable automatic equipping, refer to the “Enabling/disabling slot-based

automatic equipping” procedure in Administration and Security, 323-1851-

See “Equipping rules” on page 5-12 for supported slots for 4xOPS circuit
packs. If a circuit pack is inserted in an unsupported slot, an Autoprovisioning
Mismatch alarm is raised.

Risk of equipment damage
Electrostatic discharge can damage electrostatic sensitive
devices. Use antistatic protection to avoid damaging circuit

• To provision the 4xOPS circuit pack in an empty slot, ensure the last
equipment that occupied the slot and its related facilities have been
• To provision an OPSM2 for an empty subslot on the 4xOPS circuit pack,
ensure the last OPSM2 that occupied the subslot and its related facilities
have been deleted.
• Ensure the plastic pin protector on the circuit pack and OPSM2 has been
• Ensure automatic equipping is enabled.

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5-24 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Procedure 5-1 (continued)

Provisioning 4xOPS circuit packs and OPSM2 modules automatically

Step Action

1 Wear an appropriate ESD personal grounding device to dissipate

electrostatic charges. If you are wearing an antistatic wrist strap, connect the
cord on the shelf installed in a grounded rack/cabinet or clip to a suitable
ground point.
2 Insert the 4xOPS circuit pack in the correct slot in the shelf.
3 Insert the OPSM2 module in the subslot of the 4xOPS circuit pack.
If you are logged in to Site Manager when you automatically provision a circuit
pack or pluggable module, click Refresh in the Equipment & Facility
Provisioning application to display the circuit pack or pluggable module in the
list of available equipment.

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-25

Procedure 5-2
Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf
Use this procedure to route fiber-optic cables onto the 2-slot, 7-slot, 6500-7
packet-optical, 14-slot, or 32-slot shelf, as applicable.

In order to prevent congestion in the shelf fiber manager and minimize

interference between fiber patch cords and a shelf front cover, you must
consider the recommendations detailed in “Some operational considerations”
in 323-1851-151, Planning - Ordering Information, if any of the following apply:
• using fiber patch cords with a boot length greater than 42.5 mm (not
recommended, but using an extended depth cover solution will provide
additional space in front of the circuit packs)
• using in-line optical attenuators (fixed pads) (not recommended, but using
an extended depth cover solution will provide additional space in front of
the circuit packs)
• using fiber patch cords with a 2.0 mm diameter when more than 192 fibers
are required per side in a 14-slot shelf or per quadrant in a 32-slot shelf
(using bend-insensitive optical patch cords with 1.6 mm diameter is
recommended when fiber manager congestion is a concern)
• using bend-insensitive optical patch cords with a 1.6 mm diameter when
more than 256 fibers are required per quadrant in a 32-slot packet-optical
The fiber manager in each quadrant of a 32-slot packet-optical shelf
accommodates 256 1.6 mm fiber patch cords. With Release 10 or higher
of a 32-slot packet-optical shelf, for any slot that uses only 1.6 mm bend-
insensitive fiber, it is possible to further reduce fiber congestion by
converting the slot’s fiber routing guide from a bend radius of 25 mm to
10 mm by snapping off the removable part of the slot fiber guide. When
the 25 mm snap-off/on feature is removed, the fiber bend radius is 10 mm,
which requires the use of bend-insensitive fiber.
Figure 5-10 on page 5-26 shows examples of fiber managers and related
slot fiber guides based on the version of 32-slot packet-optical shelf.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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5-26 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf

Figure 5-10
Examples of fiber managers and slot fiber guides—32-slot packet-optical shelves

Pre-Release 10 of a
32-slot packet-optical shelf
Example showing one
quadrant with fixed
slot fiber guides

Release 10 or higher
of a 32-slot packet-optical shelf

Example showing one

quadrant with slot fiber
guides with and without
the 25 mm bend radius
snap-off/on feature

Examples showing Examples showing

the 25 mm bend radius the 25 mm bend radius
snap-off/on feature snap-off/on feature
removed (10 mm bend installed (default configuration)
radius configuration)

Whenever possible, it is recommended to convert the fiber guides for each slot
starting from the outer slot in a quadrant and working towards the center of the
shelf. When all the fiber guides in a quadrant are converted from a bend radius
of 25 mm to 10 mm, 384 1.6 mm fiber patch cords can be accommodated. For
details, see Figure 5-11 on page 5-27.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf

Figure 5-11
32-slot packet-optical shelf—(Release 10 and higher)—preparing fiber managers for a high
density of 1.6 mm bend-insensitive fiber in a quadrant

Slot fiber guides

in the fiber manager
of a quadrant

Fixed part of a
slot fiber guide

Examples showing Examples showing

the 25 mm bend radius the 25 mm bend radius
snap-off/on feature snap-off/on feature
removed (10 mm bend installed (default configuration)
radius configuration)

Removable part of the slot fiber guide

(25 mm bend radius snap-off/on feature)


Whenever possible, it is recommended to convert the fiber guides for each slot
starting from the outer slot in a quadrant and working towards the center of the shelf.

To disengage the snap-off/on part of the slot fiber guide,

flex the triangular part of the fixed slot fiber guide forward
while pushing down the front of the snap-off/on part to be removed (as shown).
The pin of the snap-off/on part disengages from the hole in the fixed part.
Then remove the snap-off/on part. Repeat for all the slot fiber guides in the quadrant.

To re-install the 25 mm bend radius snap-off/on feature,

angle the removable part and insert it so that it engages with the clips at the rear
of the fixed part of the slot fiber guide. Push the removable part such that the
pin aligns with the hole in the fixed triangular part, flexing the fixed part of the slot
fiber guide as required.

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5-28 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf

Examples of fiber routing on various shelves follow.

• 2-slot shelves—Figure 5-12 on page 5-28 to Figure 5-14 on page 5-30
• 7-slot shelves—Figure 5-15 on page 5-31
• 6500-7 packet-optical shelf—Figure 5-16 on page 5-32
• 14-slot shelves—Figure 5-17 on page 5-33 to on page 5-33
• 32-slot packet-optical shelves—Figure 5-18 on page 5-34

Some figures show power cables and communication cables as well as

fiber-optic cables. Before routing fiber-optic cables, connect power cables to
the power input cards and communication cables to the access panel. (For
details, see the Installation technical publication specific to the respective
6500 shelf type.) For certain shelves, the fiber-optic cables overlap with power
cables and/or communication cables. In these shelves, a right side view of the
shelf is also provided to show the placement of each type of cable.

Figure 5-12
Example of fiber routing for a 2-slot shelf AC-powered (NTK503NAE5)

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Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf

Figure 5-13
Example of fiber routing for a 2-slot shelf DC-powered (NTK503NAE5)

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5-30 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf

Figure 5-14
Example of fiber routing for a 2-slot optical shelf Type 2 (NTK503LA)

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Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf

Figure 5-15
Example of fiber routing for a 7-slot shelf (NTK503PAE5)

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Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf

Figure 5-16
Example of fiber routing on a 6500-7 packet-optical shelf (NTK503RA)

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Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf

Figure 5-17
Example of fiber routing for a 14-slot shelf

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Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf

Figure 5-18
Example of fiber routing for a 32-slot packet-optical shelf

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Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf

• STM-1e cables are single-ended. If required, you must cut the cables at
the required length and connectorize them with the connectors ordered.
• Make sure that you have hook and loop cables ties (such as VELCRO).
• Make sure that you have removed the snap-off/on part of the fiber routing
guides of a 32-slot packet-optical shelf (Release 10 or higher), for all slots
that will be equipped with a high density of 1.6 mm bend-insensitive fiber
patch cords (see Figure 5-11 on page 5-27).

Risk of fiber-optic cable damage
The minimum bend radius for fiber-optic cable is 1.5 in.
(3.8 cm). Observe this limit at all times to avoid low fiber-optic
cable performance or damage.

Risk of equipment damage
Electrostatic discharge can damage electrostatic sensitive
devices. Use antistatic protection to avoid damaging circuit

Step Action

1 Wear an appropriate ESD personal grounding device to dissipate

electrostatic charges. If you are wearing an antistatic wrist strap, connect the
cord on the shelf installed in a grounded rack/cabinet or clip to a suitable
ground point.
2 Select your next step.
If the shelf cover is Then
installed on the card cage remove the shelf cover from the shelf cage
(refer to the appropriate procedure on
installing and removing the shelf front
cover. (For details, see the Installation
technical publication specific to the
respective 6500 shelf type.) Then go to
step 3.
not installed on the card cage go to step 3

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5-36 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Routing fiber-optic cables onto the 6500 shelf

Step Action

3 Flip down the fiber channel door (if applicable).

4 Route the optical fibers or cables through the fiber channel as applicable.
• For the 2-slot shelf, route optical fibers that terminate on slot 1, 2, and 15
through the large slot on the right side of the shelf to the appropriate
channel of the fiber routing guide. Use curly locks or hook and loop
fasteners (such as VELCRO) to bundle the fibers exiting the shelf.
• For the 7-slot shelf or 6500-7 packet-optical shelf, route optical fibers that
terminate on slot 1 to 4 toward the bottom of the rack through the
appropriate channel of the fiber routing guide, and route optical fibers that
terminate on slot 5 to 7 (slot 5 to 8 of the 6500-7 packet-optical shelf)
toward the top of the rack through the appropriate channel of the fiber
routing guide.
• The shelf number in the Shelf drop-down list is shown in the format:
bay#-physical_shelf#. The P and/or G in suffix(es) displayed next to the
shelf number denote(s) the Primary shelf and/or a GNE. Route optical
fibers that terminate on slots 1 to 7 of the 14-slot shelf (slot 1 to 8 and 21
to 28 of the 32-slot shelf) to the left side of the rack through the
appropriate channel of the fiber routing guide.
Route optical fibers that terminate on slots 8 to 14 of the 14-slot shelf
(slot 11 to 18 and 31 to 38 of the 32-slot shelf) to the right side of the rack
through the appropriate channel of the fiber routing guide.
For examples of fiber routing, see Figure 5-12 on page 5-28 to Figure 5-18 on
page 5-34.
Use external fiber management drawers to store excess fiber cable. Fiber
slack storage is not provided for fibers leaving the 6500 shelf.
5 Close the fiber channel door (if applicable).
6 If you have removed the shelf cover to route optical fibers and cables,
re-install the shelf cover. (For details, see the Installation technical publication
specific to the respective 6500 shelf type.)

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Procedure 5-3
Connecting or disconnecting fiber-optic cables to or
from circuit packs
Use this procedure to connect or disconnect fiber-optic cables to or from
circuit packs.

• Make sure you have the appropriate patch cords before connecting
fiber-optic cables.
• Make sure that the 2xOptical Protection Switch Modules (OPSM2) are
installed before you connect the fiber-optic cables.

Risk of personal injury
When inserted in a shelf slot, the optical interface circuit pack
emits laser light that can blind. Keep all optical connectors on
the optical interface circuit packs capped when they are not
connected to optical fiber cables. Never look directly into the
end of an optical fiber.

Risk of equipment damage
Electrostatic discharge can damage electrostatic sensitive
devices. Use antistatic protection to avoid damaging circuit

Step Action

1 Wear an appropriate ESD personal grounding device to dissipate

electrostatic charges. If you are wearing an antistatic wrist strap, connect the
cord on the shelf installed in a grounded rack/cabinet or clip to a suitable
ground point.
2 Select your next step.
If you are Then go to
disconnecting fiber-optic cables from a circuit pack step 3
connecting fiber-optic cables to a circuit pack step 5

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5-38 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Procedure 5-3 (continued)

Connecting or disconnecting fiber-optic cables to or from circuit packs

Step Action

Disconnecting fiber-optic cables

3 Disconnect the patch cord from the circuit pack.
4 Protect unused ports on the OPSM2 and disconnected patch cord with dust
You have completed this procedure.
Connecting fiber-optic cables
5 Inspect and clean the circuit pack internal connectors and the fiber. See the
chapter on cleaning connectors in Installation - General Information,
6 Inspect and clean connectors and adaptors on patch cords. See the chapter
on cleaning connectors in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0.
Make sure that the two connectors to be mated are clean.
7 Connect the fiber-optic patch cord to the circuit pack port.
8 Repeat step 5 through step 7 for all ports on the circuit pack.
9 Making sure not to violate the fiber-optic cable minimum bend radius. Place
any slack fiber-optic cable in external fiber management drawers.

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Procedure 5-4
Editing facility parameters
Use this procedure to edit the facility parameters for a facility.

Depending on the application, you may need to change the LOS threshold
value on the OPTMON facilities and provision the adjacencies.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration drop-
down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
4 In the Equipment area of the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application,
select the circuit pack or pluggable whose facilities you want to edit.
5 Select the appropriate facility from the Facility Type drop-down list.
6 In the Facility area, select the facility you want to edit.
7 Click Edit in the Facility area to open the Edit Facility dialog box.
8 Select the required parameters from the drop-down lists.
See the following for facility attribute descriptions (note that read-only
parameters are greyed out or not displayed):
• Table 5-10 on page 5-49 for OPTMON facility parameters
• Table 5-11 on page 5-50 for ADJ/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-
FIBER facility parameters
9 Click OK.

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5-40 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Procedure 5-5
Changing the protection parameters for a pair of
Use this procedure to change the following protection parameters for a pair of
protected OPTMON facilities on the OPS/POPS equipment.
• scheme: 1+1 linear IntraCard (default) or Unprotected
The primary state of the SW2 OPTMON facility in the pair must be
manually put to OOS before you can change the scheme from 1+1 linear
IntraCard to Unprotected.
• switch mode: Unidirectional, read only
• remote standard: OTN G.873.1, read only
• revertive mode: Sets the protection switch to revertive or non-revertive.
For 1+1 OPS, revertive switching is applicable only to switches caused by
signal failure (SF) on SW1. The SF declaration is based on the
provisioned OPTMON Loss of Signal (default -20 dBm), and the SF
clearing has a 3 dB hysteresis. When revertive is enabled, the OPS will
switch from SW2 back to SW1 after the SF fault on SW1 RX clears for the
specified wait to restore time, or if an SF failure occurs on SW2 Rx while
a wait to restore is active. Revertive switching is disabled by default. Upon
release of a user initiated manual or forced switch request against SW1,
the group switches back to the working path if there is not currently a fault
present on the working path.
• wait to restore time: Sets the time before traffic is switched back to the
working facility after the original fault causing the switch has cleared.
Editable only when the Revertive mode is set to Yes (enabled). The default
wait to restore time is 5 minutes.
• loss of DC power mode: Defines a consequent action to loss of DC power.
If set to no, the switch latches at the present state. If set to yes, if SW1 was
the active switch port before the loss of DC power, a switch to SW2 occurs.
If SW2 was the active switch port before the loss of DC power, no switch
occurs. Upon power up, traffic remains on SW2 until fault conditions are
evaluated (software does not automatically switch traffic to SW1 on power
up). This feature is useful if the 4xOPS is powered independently of the
protection side equipment.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

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Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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Procedure 5-5 (continued)

Changing the protection parameters for a pair of facilities

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Protection Provisioning from the Protection drop-down menu to
open the Protection Provisioning application.
3 Select the OPTMON facility type and shelf from the Type and Shelf drop-
down lists.
The provisioning data table opens.
4 Select the appropriate OPTMON facility pair you want to change the
attributes, then click Edit.
Changing the attributes for one of the facilities in a pair automatically changes
the attributes for the other facility in the pair.
5 Edit the required parameters.
6 Click OK.
7 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

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5-42 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Procedure 5-6
Changing the primary state of a facility
Use this procedure to change the primary state of an OPTMON facility.

Risk of service interruption
If you place a facility out-of-service, you can cause a
loss of traffic.

The primary state of Adjacency facilities of type ADJ, ADJ-LINE and ADJ-
FIBER is not editable. However, you can change the primary state of non-
derived ADJ-TX or ADJ-RX facilities from initial default IS to OOS-MA by first
editing the Adjacency Type from Unknown to TX for the selected Common In
port, and editing the Adjacency Type from Unknown to RX for the Common
Out port. By default, the transmitter and receiver types for those ADJ-TX and
ADJ-RX are set to Unknown, assuming the far-end address is not yet
provisioned (SPLI can auto-provision the transmitter and receiver types to a
supported type if the far-end addresses are correctly provisioned).
Alternatively, if the transmitter type or receiver type are already set, editing the
transmitter or receiver type to UNKNOWN (optical channel must be
unmanaged from DOC first) or setting the Far End Address to NULL (if Sync
Provisioned is set to True) would set the associated ADJ-TX and ADJ-RX
facility from IS to OOS-MA.

In turn, an OOS-MA ADJ-TX or ADJ-RX can be changed to IS by editing its

Transmitter/Receiver type to a supported type other than UNKNOWN or the
Far end address to a valid end point to have SPLI auto-provision the
transmitter and receiver types.

Editing the ADJ Type of the Common ports of the OPS/POPS from TX or RX
to UNKNOWN will return the ADJ-TX and ADJ-RX Primary State to the initial
default IS state.

To perform this procedure you must:
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration drop-
down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.

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Procedure 5-6 (continued)

Changing the primary state of a facility

Step Action

3 Select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.

4 In the Equipment area of the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application,
select the circuit pack or pluggable whose facility state you want to change.
5 Select the appropriate facility from the Facility Type drop-down list.
6 In the Facility area, select the facility whose state you want to change.
7 Click Edit in the Facility area to open the Edit facility dialog box.
8 Select OOS or IS from the Primary state drop-down list.
Risk of service interruption
If you place a facility out-of-service, you can cause a
loss of traffic.

9 Click OK.
10 If changing the primary state to OOS, click Yes in the warning dialog box.

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Procedure 5-7
Changing the primary state of a circuit pack or
Use this procedure to change the primary state of a 4xOPS circuit pack or
OPSM2 pluggable to in-service (IS) or out-of-service (OOS).

You cannot change the primary state of the OPSM2 pluggable to IS if the
associated 4xOPS circuit pack is OOS. Similarly, you cannot change the
primary state of a 4xOPS circuit pack to OOS if the OPSM2 pluggable is still

Changing the primary state of a 4xOPS circuit pack from OOS to IS

automatically changes the primary state of the provisioned OPSM2 pluggable
on that circuit pack to IS.

You must change the primary state of any related facilities to out-of-service
before changing the primary state of a circuit pack or pluggable to out-of-
service. See Procedure 5-6, “Changing the primary state of a facility” on
page 5-42.

You can change the primary state of 4xOPS circuit packs and OPSM2
modules regardless of the primary state of their non-user provisioned
adjacency facilities.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration drop-
down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
4 If you are changing the primary state to Then go to
OOS step 5
IS step 6

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Procedure 5-7 (continued)

Changing the primary state of a circuit pack or pluggable

Step Action

5 Ensure that any related facilities are out-of-service. See Procedure 5-6,
“Changing the primary state of a facility” on page 5-42.

Risk of service interruption
If you place a facility out-of-service, you can cause a
loss of traffic.

6 Select the circuit pack or pluggable in the Equipment area.

7 Click Edit in the Equipment area to open the Edit Equipment dialog box.
8 Select IS or OOS from the Primary state drop-down list.
9 Click OK.
10 If you are changing the primary state to OOS, click Yes in the warning dialog

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Procedure 5-8
Deleting a facility from an equipment
Use this procedure to delete a facility.

Risk of service interruption
If you delete a facility, you will cause a loss of traffic.

ADJ, ADJ-LINE and ADJ-FIBER facilities cannot be deleted. ADJ-TX and

ADJ-RX facilities can be deleted if their adjacency type is provisioned to TX or
RX and their primary state is OOS-MA. See Procedure 5-6, “Changing the
primary state of a facility” on page 5-42 for more information.

To perform this procedure, you must
• ensure the end-to-end service to be deleted is not carrying traffic
• ensure the facility to be deleted is out-of-service
• ensure that the protection switching scheme on the facility to be deleted is
provisioned as unprotected. See Procedure 5-5, “Changing the protection
parameters for a pair of facilities” on page 5-40.
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration drop-
down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
4 In the Equipment area of the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application,
select the circuit pack or pluggable whose facilities you want to delete.
5 Select the appropriate facility from the Facility Type drop-down list.
6 In the Facility area, select the facility you want to delete.
7 Click Delete in the Facility area.
8 Click Yes in the warning dialog box.

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Procedure 5-9
Deleting a circuit pack or pluggable
Use this procedure to delete a circuit pack or pluggable equipment from the
list of provisioned equipment in the Equipment and Facility Provisioning
application. In order to delete the 4xOPS circuit pack, the OPSM2 pluggable
must be deleted first.

To perform this procedure, you must
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• delete all facilities on the circuit pack or pluggable. See Procedure 5-8,
“Deleting a facility from an equipment” on page 5-46. For the 4xOPS and
OPSM2, you can only delete non-adjacency and user-provisioned
adjacency facilities on the circuit pack and pluggable module.
• put the circuit pack or pluggable to be deleted out-of-service. See
Procedure 5-7, “Changing the primary state of a circuit pack or pluggable”
on page 5-44.
• delete the OPSM2 pluggable before you delete the 4xOPS circuit pack

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration drop-
down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
4 In the Equipment area, select the equipment (circuit pack or pluggable) you
want to delete.
5 Click Delete in the Equipment area.
The Delete button is grayed out when provisioned facilities still exist on the
circuit pack or pluggable module, or pluggable module exists on the circuit
6 Click Yes in the warning dialog box.

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5-48 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Equipment and facility provisioning parameters

Equipment and facility primary and secondary states
Table 5-8 to Table 5-9 provide information on equipment and facility primary
and secondary states.

Table 5-8
Equipment and facility primary states

Primary State Description

IS In-service; no failure detected

IS-ANR In-service - abnormal; failure exists but entity is still capable of performing
some of its provisioned functions (that is partial failure)

OOS-AU Out-of-service - autonomous; failure detected

OOS-MA Out-of-service - maintenance; no failure detected (OOS for maintenance

for provisioning memory administration)

OOS-AUMA Out-of-service autonomous maintenance; failure detected

OOS-MAANR Out-of-service - maintenance - abnormal; partial failure detected

Table 5-9
Facility secondary states

Secondary State Description

<null> Active, working state for a facility.

Working receiver Active OPTMON facility in the specified direction.

Hot standby Inactive facility (Hot standby)

Protection switch Protection switch inhibited (when Lockout is active).


Supporting entity Supporting equipment (circuit pack):

outage • has a failure, or
• is missing, or
• is mismatched, or
• has an associated connection which is failed.

AINS Auto in-service is enabled.

MT Maintenance State is enabled.

FAF Applies to OPTMON facility if there is damage on the particular facility (Facility

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-49

OPTMON facility parameters

Table 5-10
OPTMON facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Unit • OPTMON-shelf-slot-port Displays the facility, shelf number, slot number,

and port number for the selected facility.

Primary State • IS Sets the primary state of the facility. IS and OOS
• OOS are selectable, sets the primary state of the facility.
See “Equipment and facility primary states” on
page 5-48 for complete list of primary states that
can be displayed.

Secondary See “Facility secondary states” on Displays the facility operational state.
State page 5-48 The Auto in-service state is editable for supported
circuit packs.

LOS Threshold • OPS and POPS: Sets the loss of signal threshold at which automatic
(dBm) -40.00 to 15.00 (default: -20) protection switch and alarm reporting occurs. For
more information, see Part 2 of Fault Management
- Alarm Clearing, 323-1851-543.

Port Label • OPSn SW1 In Displays the port label. n=1 to 4

• OPSn SW2 In

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5-50 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

ADJ facility parameters

Table 5-11
ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description


Unit • ADJ-shelf-slot-port Displays the facility, shelf number, slot number, and port
number for the selected facility.

Adjacency Type • CMD Sets the type of the adjacency.

• Unknown (default)
• BS
• TX
• RX

Primary State • IS (default) Displays the primary state of the facility. Read-only.

Status • Unverified Displays current status of the adjacency facility.

• Derived • Unverified - The far end address is user- provisioned
• Reliable but not discovered or verified.

• Unreliable • Derived - the system has derived the value of the

provisioned far end address based on provisioning of
other parameters in the system.
Note: Adjacencies with the Derived status cannot be
altered by the user.
• Reliable - The actual far end address is detected and it
matches the provisioned far end address.
• Unreliable - The actual far end address is detected and
it does not match the provisioned far end address or the
discovery validation has detected a mis-fibering.
• UNKNOWN- It only applies to ADJ-TX and ADJ-RX.

Actual Far End • string format Displays the actual far end address which is the detected
Address TID, shelf, slot, and port of the far end of the fiber. Read-

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Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Actual Far End See Note 2. Displays the option that each field of the far end address
Address Format represents. Read-only

Expected Far End • TID-shelf-slot-port Sets the provisioned far end address of the fiber
Address (Note 1) connection.

Expected Far End See Note 2. Sets the expected far end line receive and client receive
Address Format addresses format reported by the adjacency.

Customer Defined • string format (up to 64 Used to identify a provisioned facility. It is the same as
Facility Identifier characters) the Common Language Facility Identifier (CLFI). The
provisioned value appears in the facility alarm report if
the SP2, SPAP, SPAP-2 w/2xOSC, or the 2-slot
integrated SP is equipped.

Port Label • OPSn SW1 Out Displays the port label. n=1 to 4
• OPSn SW2 Out
• OPSn Common Out
• OPSn Common In


Unit • ADJ-shelf-slot-port Displays the facility, shelf number, slot number, and port
number for the selected facility.

Adjacency Type • Unknown (default) Displays type of the adjacency. Read-Only.


Primary State • IS (default) Displays the primary state of the facility. Read-only.

Status • Reliable Displays current status of the adjacency facility. Read-

• Unreliable only.

• Unverified • Unreliable: The actual far end address is detected and

it does not match the provisioned far end address or the
discovery validation has detected a mis-fibering.
• Reliable: The actual far end address is detected and it
matches the provisioned far end address.
• Unverified: The far end address is user- provisioned but
not discovered or verified.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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5-52 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Actual Far End • string format Displays the actual far end address which is the detected
Address TID, shelf, slot, and port of the far end of the fiber. Read-
This parameter is only applicable to Line Adjacency
facilities in this release.

Actual Far End See Note 2. Displays the option that each field of the far end address
Address Format represents. Read-only
Note: This parameter is only applicable to Line
Adjacency facilities in this release.

Expected Far End • TID-shelf-slot-port Sets the provisioned far end address of the fiber
Address (Note 1) connection. In Line Adjacency facilities, the Expected
Far End parameter is used to detect mis-fibering events
when compared to the actual far end address.

Expected Far End See Note 2. Sets the expected far end line receive address format
Address Format provisioned against adjacency.

Customer Defined • string format (up to 64 Used to identify a provisioned facility. It is the same as
Facility Identifier characters) the Common Language Facility Identifier (CLFI). The
provisioned value appears in the facility alarm report if
the SP2, SPAP, SPAP-2 w/2xOSC, or the 2-slot
integrated SP is equipped.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-53

Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

FIBERTYPE • Allwave Sets the type of the Optical fiber.

• Dispersion Shifted
Single Mode Fiber
• Enhanced Effective
Area Fiber
• Freelight
• Lambda Shifted Single
Mode Fiber
• Large Effective Area
• Non-Dispersion Shifted
• Other
• True Wave Classic
• TrueWave Plus
• TrueWave Reduced
• Unknown Fiber Type

Span Loss (dB) • numeric format Displays the calculated OSC span loss. A dash is
displayed when not applicable. Read-only

Span Loss Margin • 0.00 to 10.00 Sets the margin for span loss. For more information, see
(dB) • 3.00 (default) the description for Target Span Loss and Minimum Span

Target Span Loss • 0.00 to 60.00 Sets the maximum acceptable span loss.
(dB) • 0.00 (default) When Span Loss exceeds (Target Span Loss + Span
Loss Margin), the “High Received Span Loss” alarm is
When Span Loss drops below (Target Span Loss + Span
Loss Margin - 1.0 dB), the “High Received Span Loss”
alarm is cleared.
When Target Span Loss is set to 0.00, the “High
Received Span Loss” alarm is disabled.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Minimum Span • 0.00 to 60.00 Sets the minimum acceptable span loss.
Loss (dB) • 0.00 (default) When Span Loss drops below (Minimum Span Loss -
Span Loss Margin), the “Low Received Span Loss”
alarm is raised.
When Span Loss exceeds (Minimum Span Loss - Span
Loss Margin + 1.0 dB), the “Low Received Span Loss”
alarm is cleared.
When Minimum Span Loss is set to 0.00, the “Low
Received Span Loss” alarm is disabled.

ADJ-TX (Note 1)

Unit • ADJ-shelf-slot-port Displays the facility, shelf number, slot number, and port
number for the selected facility.

Adjacency Type • Unknown Displays type of the adjacency.

• TX

Primary State • IS (default) Sets the primary state of the facility. Read-only.

Circuit Identifier • Up to 64 characters, Sets circuit identifier text. The parameter is also
excluding the following displayed in the DOC screen, photonic connections
characters: backslash screen, and shelf wavelength topology screen, to help
(\), space, double-quote the user identify the channels.
("), colon (:), semicolon
(;), ampersand (&),
greater than (>), less
than (<), or comma (,)

Status • Unverified Displays current status of the adjacency facility. Read-

• Unverified- it means that the far end address is user-
provisioned but not discovered or verified.

Wavelength (nm) • numeric format Displays the wavelength of the facility in numeric format.
The number in brackets is the channel ID.

Discovered • numeric format Displays the wavelength that is discovered by SPLI.

Wavelength (nm) Read-only

Actual Far End • string format Displays the actual far end address which is the detected
Address TID, shelf, slot, and port of the far end of the fiber. Read-

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-55

Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Actual Far End See Note 2. Displays the option that each field of the far end address
Address Format represents. Read-only

Expected Far End • TID-shelf-slot-port Sets the far end address of the fiber connection, which is
Address the transmitter port of the terminal equipment that is
connected to the OPS.

Expected Far End See Note 2. Sets the expected transmit address format provisioned
Address Format against adjacency.

Customer Defined • string format (up to 64 Used to identify a provisioned facility. It is the same as
Facility Identifier characters) the Common Language Facility Identifier (CLFI). The
provisioned value appears in the facility alarm report if
the SP2, SPAP, SPAP-2 w/2xOSC, or the 2-slot
integrated SP is equipped.

Transmitter Type • transmitter type Sets the transmitter type of the facility. It identifies the
equipment type that is transmitting the signal.
Note that Transmitter Type can be automatically set by

Active • False Sets the Active flag of the ADJ-TX. When set to TRUE,
• True the channel will be automatically added when DOC Auto
add channels parameter is set to Enabled. For a DOC
managed channel, the Active parameter is TRUE. If the
Active parameter is changed to FALSE for a DOC
managed channel and the DOC Auto delete channels
parameter is set to Enabled, then the channel will be
automatically deleted by DOC.

Minimum Launch • numeric format Sets minimum capable power in numeric format in dBm
Power (dBm) unit.
The data is part of the defaulted value entered as part of
the Transmitter Type provisioning. The Minimum Launch
Power parameter is used by the DOC application to add
the channel into the network.

Maximum Launch • numeric format Sets the maximum capable power in numeric format in
Power (dBm) dBm unit.
The data is part of the defaulted value entered as part of
the Transmitter Type provisioning. The Maximum
Launch Power parameter is used by the DOC application
to add the channel into the network.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
5-56 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Maximum/typical • numeric format Sets the current provisioned/measured power in numeric

Launch Power format in dBm unit.
(dBm) The data is part of the defaulted value entered as part of
the Transmitter Type provisioning. The Maximum/typical
Launch Power parameter is used by the DOC application
to add the channel into the network. This power must be
within 3 dBm of the actual power.

Paired RX • Yes (default) Sets if the signal has a paired receiver.

• No • Yes- The Transmitter Type will be applied to the
Receiver Type automatically. The Auto Discovered and
Sync Provisioned provisioning on ADJ-TX will also be
applied to ADJ-RX. Used for bidirectional channels.
• No - The provisioning on ADJ-TX and on ADJ-RX are
independent. Used for unidirectional channels.

Basic Rate • Unknown Displays the line rate.

• 2.5G
• 4.0G
• 10.0G
• 10.7G
• 11.1G
• 11.3G
• 40.0G
• 100.0G

DOC Care • False (default) Displays whether the channel is under DOC control.
• True Any change to the facility provisioning could be traffic
affecting. The transmitter type cannot be changed when
DOC care is set to True.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-57

Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Modulation Class • 10G Sets the relative bias for the channel. Used to enable
• 10GNGM groups (or classes) of channels to be prioritized to
achieve a different relative OSNR to other channels.
• 2G5
• 40G
• 40GULH
• 100G
• 100GWL3
• CUSTOM1 to
• Undefined
• Unknown

Express Delete • False (default) Enables or disables express delete of the channel by
• True DOC. When Express Delete is True and the Active
parameter is changed from True to False, DOC invokes
the Forced delete action. The Express Delete parameter
automatically changes to False when the Active
parameter changes from False to True.

Auto Discovered • Auto (default) Enables or disables the auto-population of the

• Manual Transmitter Type. Auto specifies that the Transmitter
Type is auto-populated with the Discovered Type.
Manual specifies that Transmitter Type is user defined
and is not subject to auto-population. Any user edit of the
provisioned Transmitter Type causes Auto to change to
Note: After an upgrade to the current release, this
parameter defaults to Manual if the Transmitter Type is
not Unknown.

Discovered Type • same range of values as The transmitter type that is discovered by SPLI.
Transmitter Type

Sync Provisioned • True (default) This parameter, along with the Auto Discovered
• False parameter, controls whether OTMn facility Tx
wavelength and Tx power autoprovisioning occurs.
Note: After an upgrade to the current release, this
parameter defaults to False to ensure that the Tx power
is not changed as a result of an upgrade.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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5-58 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Rule • Shortest path (default) Displays the routing rule. Editable through TL1 only.
• Longest path

Port Label • OPSn Common In Displays the port label. n=1 to 4


Unit • ADJ-shelf-slot-port Displays the facility, shelf number, slot number, and port
number for the selected facility.

Adjacency Type • Unknown Displays type of the adjacency.

• RX

Primary State • IS (default) Displays the primary state of the facility. Read-only.

Port Label • Chn (T) Displays the port label. Applicable to OMDF4 and

Status • Unverified Displays current status of the adjacency facility. Read-

• Unverified- it means that the far end address is user-
provisioned but not discovered or verified.

Wavelength (nm) • numeric format Displays the wavelength of the facility in numeric format.
The number in brackets is the channel ID.

Discovered • numeric format Displays the wavelength that is discovered by SPLI.

Wavelength (nm) Read-only

Actual Far End • string format Displays the actual far end address which is the detected
Address TID, shelf, slot, and port of the far end of the fiber. Read-

Actual Far End See Note 2. Displays the option that each field of the far end address
Address Format represents. Read-only

Expected Far End • TID-shelf-slot-port Sets the far end address of the fiber connection, which is
Address (Note 1) the receiver port of the terminal equipment that is
connected to the OPS.

Expected Far End See Note 2. Sets the expected receive address format provisioned
Address Format against adjacency.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-59

Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Customer Defined • string format (up to 64 Used to identify a provisioned facility. It is the same as
Facility Identifier characters) the Common Language Facility Identifier (CLFI). The
provisioned value appears in the facility alarm report if
the SP2, SPAP, SPAP-2 w/2xOSC, or the 2-slot
integrated SP is equipped.

Receiver Type • receiver type Sets the receiver type of the facility.
Note that Receiver Type can be automatically set by

Max. Positive • numeric format Displays the maximum positive transient for the receiver.
Transient (dB/s) Read-only

Max. Negative • numeric format Displays the maximum negative transient for the
Transient (dB/s) receiver. Read-only

Sensitivity Level • numeric format Sets the sensitivity threshold power in dBm.
This parameter is automatically provisioned when
provisioning a selected ADJ-RX type.

Overload Level • numeric format Sets the overload threshold in dBm.

This parameter is automatically provisioned when
provisioning a selected ADJ-RX type.

Nominal Level • numeric format Sets the nominal receiver power in dBm.
This parameter is automatically provisioned when
provisioning a selected ADJ-RX type.

Current Rx Input • numeric format Displays the expected power at the receiver.
Power (dBm) This option is not supported in this release.

Paired Tx • Yes (default) Sets if the signal has a paired transmitter.

• No • Yes- The Receiver Type will be applied to the
Transmitter Type automatically. The Auto Discovered
and Sync Provisioned provisioning on ADJ-RX will also
be applied to ADJ-TX. Used for bidirectional channels.
• No - The provisioning on ADJ-RX and on ADJ-TX are
independent. Used for unidirectional channels.

DOC Care • False (default) Displays whether the channel is under DOC control.
• True Any change to the facility provisioning could be traffic
affecting. The receiver type cannot be changed when
DOC care is set to True.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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5-60 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Basic Rate • Unknown Displays the Rx Adjacency rate.

• 2.5G
• 4.0G
• 10.0G
• 11.1G
• 11.3G
• 40.0G
• 100.0G

Auto Discovered • Auto (default) Enables or disables the auto-population of the Receiver
• Manual Type. Auto specifies that the Receiver Type is auto-
populated with the Discovered Type. Manual specifies
that Receiver Type is user defined and is not subject to
auto-population. Any user edit of the provisioned
Receiver Type causes Auto to change to Manual.
Note: After an upgrade to the current release, this
parameter defaults to Manual if the Receiver Type is not

Discovered Type • same range of values as The receiver type that is discovered by SPLI.
Receiver Type

Sync Provisioned • True (default) This parameter, along with the Auto Discovered
• False parameter, controls whether OTMn facility Tx
wavelength and Tx power autoprovisioning occurs.
Note: After an upgrade to the current release, this
parameter defaults to False to ensure that the Tx power
is not changed as a result of an upgrade.

Port Label • OPSn Common Out Displays the port label. n=1 to 4


Unit • ADJ-shelf-slot-port Displays the facility, shelf number, slot number, and port
number for the selected facility.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS) 5-61

Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Adjacency Type • LINE Displays type of the adjacency. Read-only

• RX
• TX
• BS

Primary State • IS (default) Displays the primary state of the facility. Read-only.

Status • Unverified Displays current status of the adjacency facility. Read-

• Derived Only
• Unverified- it means that the far end address is user-
provisioned but not discovered or verified.
• Derived - the system has derived the value of the
provisioned far end address based on provisioning of
other parameters in the system.

Drift Threshold • numeric format Displays the threshold of the changes in the span loss
(default: 6.00) before a fault alarm is raised, in dB. DOC raises an ‘DOC
Action: Fault Detected’ alarm if a span loss changes by
an amount that exceeds the provisioned "drift threshold
input" value for the fiber used by the span. The value has
a supported range of 0.00 to 99.99 dB.

Excess Loss • numeric format Displays the excess loss input power in dB.
(default: 0.00)

Actual Far End • string format Displays the actual far end address which is the detected
Address TID, shelf, slot, and port of the far end of the fiber. Read-
Note: This parameter is not applicable to ADJ-FIBER
facilities in this release.

Actual Far End See Note 2. Displays the option that each field of the far end address
Address Format represents. Read-only
Note: This parameter is not applicable to ADJ-FIBER
facilities in this release.

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
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5-62 4xOptical Protection Switch (OPS)

Table 5-11 (continued)

ADJ/ADJ-LINE/ADJ-TX/ADJ-RX/ADJ-FIBER facility parameters

Parameters Options Description

Expected Far End • TID-shelf-slot-port Sets the provisioned far end address of the fiber
Address (Note 1) connection.

Expected Far End See Note 2. Sets the expected receive address format provisioned
Address Format against adjacency.

Customer Defined • string format (up to 64 Used to identify a provisioned facility. It is the same as
Facility Identifier characters) the Common Language Facility Identifier (CLFI). The
provisioned value appears in the facility alarm report if
the SP2, SPAP, SPAP-2 w/2xOSC, or the 2-slot
integrated SP is equipped.

Fiber Loss Minor numeric format Sets the fiber loss minor threshold in dB. When the fiber
Threshold (default: 3.00) loss exceeds the provisioned excess loss for that fiber by
more than the provisioned threshold, the “High Fiber
Loss” alarm is raised with minor severity if the High Fiber
Loss Detection Alarm system parameter is enabled,

Fiber Loss Major • numeric format Sets the fiber loss major threshold in dB. When the fiber
Threshold (default: 10.00) loss exceeds the provisioned excess loss for that fiber by
more than the provisioned threshold, the “High Fiber
Loss” alarm is raised with major severity if the High Fiber
Loss Detection Alarm system parameter is enabled,

Fiber Loss • numeric format Displays the fiber loss in dB.

Port Label • OPSn SW1 Out Displays the port label. n=1 to 4
• OPSn SW2 Out
• OPSn Common Out
• OPSn Common In

Note 1: The Expected Far End Address is controlled by the Expected Far End Address Format
selection. If the Expected Far End Address Format is set to ‘NULL’, then the Expected Far End
Address is disabled; Otherwise, it is enabled.
Note 2: The Far End Address Format options are:

6500 Packet-Optical Platform Common Equipment

Release 10.1 323-1851-102.1 Standard Issue 2
Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation February 2015
6500 Packet-Optical Platform

Common Equipment

Copyright© 2010-2015 Ciena® Corporation. All rights reserved.

Release 10.1
Publication: 323-1851-102.1
Document status: Standard
Issue 2
Document release date: February 2015

For additional information, office locations, and phone numbers, please visit the Ciena
web site at

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