Biosorption of Heavy Metals Using Rice M

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Chemosphere 54 (2004) 987–995

Biosorption of heavy metals using rice milling by-products.

Characterisation and application for removal of
metals from aqueous effluents
Cesar Ricardo Teixeira Tarley, Marco Aurelio Zezzi Arruda *

Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, State University of Campinas––UNICAMP,

P.O. Box 6154, Campinas 13084-971, S~ao Paulo, Brazil
Received 19 September 2002; received in revised form 1 September 2003; accepted 1 September 2003


The morphological characteristics as well as chemical composition of rice husks were evaluated by different tech-
niques such as spectroscopy and thermogravimetry. The material, which is considered a by-product obtained from rice
milling, was then investigated as a potential decontaminant of toxic heavy metals present in laboratory effluents. Studies
using glass columns were carried out at room temperature employing 100 ml of synthetic solutions containing Cd(II)
and Pb(II) at 100 mg l1 in order to study the effects of pH, flow rate and particle size on Cd(II) and Pb(II) adsorption.
After establishing the optimised conditions, the potentiality of rice husks for removing Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions from 100
ml of laboratory effluent, presenting concentrations before treatment of 22 and 12 mg l1 , respectively, was evaluated.
The ability to take up other metals species, such as Al(III), Cu(II) and Zn(II), present in this effluent was also studied.
According to the data obtained, under the optimised conditions (pH ¼ 4.0, flow rate of 8.0 ml min1 and 6355 lm rice
husk particle size), 30 g of husks were necessary to attain the permissible limits for effluent release, as recommend by the
EPA, for those species evolved in this work (Al, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn).
 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rice husks; Effluent treatment; Heavy metals

1. Introduction of these alternatives is chemical precipitation. However,

some limitations in this process can be pointed out, such
Effluent treatment is nowadays one of the most im- as cost, low efficiency, labor-intensive operation, and
portant targets for industry and other institutions, lack of selectivity of the precipitation process (Gaballah
mainly those where the effluent contains different con- and Kilbertus, 1998; Lee et al., 1998). New approaches
taminant species. Different alternatives for treating ef- for removing metals based on biosorption using algae or
fluents are described in the literature, including chemical bacteria have been reported (Madrid et al., 1998; Dos
precipitation, carbon adsorption, ion exchange, and Santos and Lenzi, 2000). Although these materials pre-
membrane separation process, among others (Matheic- sent binding sites, including amines, carboxyl and thiol
kal and Yu, 1999; Juang and Shiau, 2000; Lacour et al., groups, their use for effluent treatment purposes may
2001; Yan and Viraraghavan, 2001). The most common not be suitable due to their poor natural abundance. On
the other hand, the use of other natural materials, such
as peanut shells, soybean hulls and corncobs, which are
Corresponding author. Fax: +55-193-788-3023. available in large quantities, may present higher poten-
E-mail address: (M.A. Zezzi Arr- tials as inexpensive sorbents for effluent treatment
uda). (Marshall et al., 1999; Wafwoyo et al., 1999; Vaughan
0045-6535/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
988 C.R. Teixeira Tarley, M.A. Zezzi Arruda / Chemosphere 54 (2004) 987–995

et al., 2001). In addition, although the use of these All reagents were of analytical grade and deionised
materials is still not very common, in general, they water obtained from a Milli-Q system (Millipore, Bed-
present good adsorption capacity (Dushenkov et al., ford, MA, USA) was used throughout. The Cd(II) and
1995). Bailey et al. (1999) have presented an interesting Pb(II) solutions, at 100 mg l1 concentrations were pre-
review, which focuses on the potential of a wide variety pared in distilled/deionised water using PbCl2 H2 O and
of low cost sorbents for heavy metals. According to CdCl2 H2 O (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
these authors, a low cost sorbent can be assumed if it The wastewater used was obtained from an analytical
requires less prior processing, is abundant in nature, or chemistry laboratory. It was made up of residues from
is either a by-product or waste material from another sample preparation processes (different mineral acids
industry. These materials could be alternatives for ex- and oxidant agents), organic compounds used for ex-
pensive treatment processes. traction of different metals in biological samples, slurry
In this sense, various solid wastes can be used for samples (in general from biological samples) and, finally,
these purposes. In Brazil, rice husks are an interesting solutions of metals used for calibration procedures in
candidate due to the annual rice production, which was atomic absorption spectrometry.
estimated as 12 million tons in 2002 (IBGE, 2002). Rice
husks, a by-product of rice processing, comprise 23% of 2.2. Instruments and apparatus
the rice grain, being considered a significant waste dis-
posal problem. Traditionally, rice husks have been used The Cd(II) and Pb(II) concentrations were deter-
in manufacturing block, employed in civil construction mined by using a Perkin–Elmer Model Analyst 300
as panels, or used by the rice industry itself as a source flame atomic absorption spectrometer (FAAS) equipped
of energy for boilers (Della et al., 2001). In addition, the with deuterium lamp background correction. For mea-
presence of compounds such as cellulose, hemi-cellulose, suring other metals present in the effluent, a Perkin–
lignin and silica in this material, with binding sites ca- Elmer Model Optima DV 3000 inductively coupled
pable to take up metals also suggests the use of rice plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP OES) was
husks as a possible low cost natural adsorbent for also used. In addition, a Perkin–Elmer Model Analyst
metals. 600 electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometer
The majority of applications are related to industrial (ETAAS) equipped with Zeeman background correction
effluents (Atkinson et al., 1996; Khalid et al., 1999); the was used for measurements of Cd(II) and Pb(II) in
use of natural adsorbents for removal of heavy metals the rice husk samples. The operational conditions for
from laboratory effluents has not been described. In this FAAS, ETAAS and ICP OES were those already es-
sense, the aim of this work was to characterise and use tablished by the manufacturers.
rice husk materials for removing cadmium and lead A Digimed DM20 pH-meter was employed for pH
from laboratory effluents. These metals were chosen measuring, while a QW-3000 microwave oven was used
based on their industrial applications and potential for sample preparation, in order to evaluate the total
pollution impact on the environment (Low et al., 2000). metal content in the rice husk samples.

2.3. Rice husk characterisation

2. Materials and methods The functional groups present in the rice husks were
characterised by a Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR)
2.1. Reagents and Samples 1605 spectrometer, using KBr discs to prepare the rice
husk samples. The spectral range varied from 4000 to
Rice (Oryza sativa L) husks were kindly provided by 400 cm1 .
rice producers from Parapu~a city, S~ao Paulo state, The X-ray diffraction spectrum was obtained by us-
Brazil. To prepare the powdered husks, they were ini- ing a Shimadzu XRD 6000 X-ray diffractometer. Sam-
tially ground and homogenised using a food blender ples were exposed to X-ray (k ¼ 1:54060 A ) with the 2h
with steel blades (Walita, S~ao Paulo, Brazil) for 10 min. angle varying between 5 and 50. The applied voltage
Particle sizes 6355 lm were obtained by passing the and current were 40 kV and 30 mA, respectively. An
milled material through a steel sieve. Afterwards, the elemental analyser (Perkin–Elmer PE 2400) was used for
ground husks were stored in polyethylene bottles (high C, N and H determinations. The thermal behaviour of
density) and used without any other physical or chemi- rice husk was obtained by using a TGA 2950 thermo-
cal treatment. The experiments were carried out in glass gravimetric analyser. About 10 mg of rice husk were
columns (30 · 3.4 cm) coupled to a peristaltic pump for heated up to 950 C in oxidant atmosphere at 20
controlling the column eluate flow rate. Glass wool was C min1 temperature rate.
inserted in the column at the bottom to prevent loss of The morphological characteristics of rice husks were
husks during the effluent treatment. evaluated by using a JEOL JMT-300 scanning electron
C.R. Teixeira Tarley, M.A. Zezzi Arruda / Chemosphere 54 (2004) 987–995 989

microscope. The rice husk samples were covered with a 1986). Only after attaining these conditions was the ef-
thin layer of gold and an electron acceleration voltage of fluent considered for discharge. In order to evaluate the
20 kV was applied. treatment efficiency for other metals, after establishing
The silicon concentration in rice husks was quantified the optimal conditions for Cd(II) and Pb(II) laboratory
by using a Shimadzu EDX 700 X-ray fluorescence effluent treatment, a new column was employed with the
spectrometer after incidence radiation varying from 15 same conditions for performing a screening related to
to 50 kV. The calibration graph was made using in- other metals present in the same effluent. Thus, the ini-
strumental standards. In the investigation of 13 C NMR, tial and final concentrations of these metals [Zn(II),
a Varian INOVA nuclear magnetic resonance spec- Cu(II) and Al(III)] were also determined.
trometer was employed. The high-resolution spectrum
of the rice husk samples was obtained with a frequency
of 500 MHz using cross polarisation and magic angle 3. Results and discussion
spinning (CP/MAS).
3.1. Rice husk characterisation
2.4. Optimisation of biosorption parameters using rice
husks Like all vegetable biomass, rice husks are composed
of cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin (Juliano, 1985). In
For these experiments 100 ml of a solution contain- this way, high values (%, m m1 ) were obtained for
ing Cd(II) and Pb(II) at 100 mg l1 concentrations was carbon (42.6 ± 0.2), nitrogen (5.2 ± 0.1) and hydrogen
passed through the packed column. The experimental (0.8 ± 0.3).
parameters affecting the bioaccumulation of Cd(II) and The 13 C NMR spectrum of rice husks is shown in
Pb(II) species were examined. Fig. 1. As shown, the spectrum presents the lignin-
The effect of pH on the ability of rice husks to adsorb cellulose structure. The resonance lines were attributed
metal ions was investigated. For this purpose, the pH to repeating units of cellulose. The signal intensity was
values of the Cd(II) and Pb(II) solution were varied associated to resonance lines of glucose, which present
from 2 to 6. This solution was percolated through the different signals as follows: C-1 at 106 ppm, C-2, 3, 5 at
glass column containing 2.0 g of rice husks ( 6355 lm) 74 and 76 ppm; C-4 at 85 and 89 ppm: C-6 at 64 and 65
at a 4 ml min1 flow rate. ppm. The presence of amorphous and crystalline cellu-
Sample flow rates also play an important role in the losic regions has usually been confirmed by the splitting
retention of elements. For checking the effect of flow of the C-4 resonance lines (Solum et al., 1995). Related
rate on metal uptake, this parameter was varied (2, 4, 6 to lignin and hemi-cellulose, the resonance lines were
or 8 ml min1 ). attributed to typical functional groups. In this way, the
In order to examine the effect of particle size on metal peaks were attributed to acetate groups present in the
adsorption, the particle diameters were studied in the hemi-cellulose structure. Signals at 22 ppm (methyl
6355 lm and 355 < £ 6 600 lm ranges. In addition, carbon) and 175 ppm (carboxyl carbon) were observed
whole rice husks also were investigated. while others were not identified due to the superimposed
cellulose resonance lines. The resonance lines for lignin
2.5. Procedure to remove heavy metals from laboratory were associated to a guaiacyl unit as shown in Fig. 1
effluent (structural unit––left side). It was possible identify the
peak related to methoxy groups at 57 ppm. In addition,
Columns were packed with a known mass (2–30 g) of it was also possible to observe some peaks ranging from
rice husks with particle size 6355 lm. The effluent, 115 to 150 ppm due to aromatic carbons (Freitas et al.,
containing several elements and organic compounds, 1997).
was taken and the pH was adjusted to 4.0 with 10 The FT-IR technique is an important tool to identify
mol l1 sodium hydroxide. Initial, Cd(II) and Pb(II) some characteristic functional groups, which are capable
concentrations were determined and 100 ml of the so- of adsorbing metal ions. According to Fig. 2, a broad
lution was passed through the column. By using a band between 3000 and 3750 cm1 indicates the presence
peristaltic pump, the flow rate was adjusted to the de- of OH groups on the rice husk surface (Kamath and
sired value. The initial concentrations of the metal ions Proctor, 1998). This stretching is due to both the silanol
present in the solution and the final concentrations after groups (Si–OH) and adsorbed water on the rice husk
treatment were both determined by FAAS. The limiting surface. The stretching of the OH groups bound to
Cd(II) and Pb(II) concentrations (0.474 and 1.32 mg l1 , methyl radicals presented a signal between 2940 and
respectively) in the treated effluent were defined ac- 2820 cm1 . These groups are present on the lignin
cording to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, structure (Lopez Pasquali and Herrera, 1997). The peaks
2000). The pH values of the treated effluent were defined located at 1730 and 1640 cm1 are characteristics of
according to the Brazilian legislation (CONAMA, carbonyl group stretching from aldehydes and ketones.
990 C.R. Teixeira Tarley, M.A. Zezzi Arruda / Chemosphere 54 (2004) 987–995

Fig. 1. 13 C NMR spectrum of rice husks. Peak labels refer to the typical building units associated with cellulose (C), lignin (L) and
acetate groups in hemi-cellulose (H).


12 9
Transmittance (%)

Mass (mg)

2920 1730 1511
6 3420 1640

1053 2

0 0
4000 3000 2000 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Frequency (cm )
--1 Temperature ( o C)

Fig. 2. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrum of rice Fig. 3. Thermogravimetric curve (TG) of rice husks. For de-
husks. The arrows indicate the maximum signal obtained. For tails, see text.
details, see text.

ond step of pyrolysis was obtained when the tempera-

These groups can be conjugated or non-conjugated to ture was varied from 250 to 360 C. In this step, a higher
aromatic rings (1640 and 1730 cm1 , respectively). The mass loss (5.8 mg) was observed. The behaviour of the
peaks associated with the stretching in aromatic rings pyrolysis curve at this temperature indicates hemi-
were verified at 1511 cm1 while deformations related to cellulose and cellulose decomposition, as well as loss of
C–H and C–O bonds were observed from 1085 to 1030 the remaining adsorbed water (Teng and Wei, 1998).
cm1 . Lignin decomposition occurs in the 360–525 C range,
The overall mass loss during thermogravimetric an- thus indicating that this structure presents higher sta-
alyses can be divided into steps related to moisture, bility than hemi-cellulose and cellulose. Finally, no mass
hemi-cellulose, cellulose and lignin (Fig. 3). Thus, as one loss was detected when the temperature was increased to
can see, a mass loss of 0.43 mg by heating the rice husks 950 C. This result indicates the presence of oxides
up to 250 C was verified due to the elimination of (mainly those of aluminium and silicon), which are
moisture retained in this material. Afterwards, the sec- stable at higher temperatures.
C.R. Teixeira Tarley, M.A. Zezzi Arruda / Chemosphere 54 (2004) 987–995 991

Table 1
1200 Metal concentrations in rice husks determined by ICP OES or
ETAAS (n ¼ 5)
Metal Concentration (lg g1 )
Intensity (cps)

800 Al 761 ± 136

Ca 1434 ± 286
Cda 0.03 ± 0.01
Cr 39.2 ± 5.26
Fe 179 ± 31
K 2572 ± 67
Mg 329 ± 54
Mn 196 ± 3
Na 961 ± 106
0 Ni 22.9 ± 1.19
0 10 20 30 40 50
Pba 2.1 ± 0.7
2θ ( o)
Determined by ETAAS (results in ng g1 ).
Fig. 4. X-ray diffractograms of rice husks. For details, see text.

Pb(II) were observed, thus indicating the potentiality of

The X-ray diffraction patterns for rice husks are rice husks for effluent treatment.
shown in Fig. 4. A broad peak from 15 to 35 2h dif- Scanning electron micrographs of rice husks are
fraction angles indicates the presence of amorphous shown in Fig. 6. The morphology of this material can
silica (Kamath and Proctor, 1998). In fact, the result facilitate the adsorption of metals, due to the irregular
obtained confirms those already reported in the litera- surface of the rice, thus makes possible the adsorption of
ture for rice husk ash (Della et al., 2001). metals in different parts of this material. So, based on
Fig. 5 represents an X-ray fluorescence spectrum for the morphology, as well as on the fact that high amounts
rice husks. The silicon concentration was approximately of silica are concentrated on the external epidermis of
4.0%, and its high amount in the rice husks represents rice husks (Della et al., 2001), it can be concluded that
high SiO2 contents, so that its presence can result in a this material presents an adequate morphological profile
material with both good mechanical resistance and high to retain metal ions.
ash content.
Quantitative analysis by ICP OES and ETAAS
shows the predominance of K, Ca, and Na (Table 1). In 3.2. Optimisation of biosorption parameters using rice
addition, high concentrations of Fe, Mn and Al in rice husks
husks were observed, which can be explained due to the
favourable availability of these metals in plants, mainly The first parameter studied was the pH because it
those cultivated in flooded soils, as in the specific case of plays an important role in adsorption processes (Low
rice (Swarup, 1989). Low concentrations of Cd(II) and et al., 2000), mainly if treatment efficiency is considered.
As shown in Fig. 7, at pH ¼ 2 only a low adsorption for
Pb(II) (0.20 mg g1 ) and Cd(II) (0.06 mg g1 ) was ob-
1 tained. However, when the pH was increased to 4,
. higher values for metal absorption were achieved [4.23
A = Si Kα mg g1 for Pb(II) and 1.42 mg g1 for Cd(II)], thus in-
B = P Kα dicating better adsorption capacity of these metals re-
Intensity (cps)

. C = Rh Lα (source)
D = K Kα
lated to the proposed adsorbent. When pH values of 5 or
. E = Ca K α 6 were tested, only slight variations on the results were
F = Ca KKβ observed, indicating that good adsorption capacity was
. G = Mn Kα
H = Fe Kα already obtained at pH ¼ 4. It also interesting to com-
0.06 ment that, at pH ¼ 4, the relative standard deviation
. C (RSD) of the results were lower than 3.5% for Pb(II) and
B E G 0.6% for Cd(II).
DF The adsorption profile as a function of solution pH
can be explained based on surface charge density, having
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Energy (KeV)
functional groups such as hydroxyl, carboxyl, amino
and others. As the surface charge density decreases with
Fig. 5. X-ray fluorescence spectrum of rice husks. For details, an increase in the solution pH, the electrostatic repul-
see text. sion between the positively charged metal ions and the
992 C.R. Teixeira Tarley, M.A. Zezzi Arruda / Chemosphere 54 (2004) 987–995

actions between the functional groups –COOH, OH,

and –C–O–R in the carbohydrate backbone and metal
ions have been confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spec-
troscopy and FT-IR. Also the presence of silanol groups
on the surface of the rice husks, from the silica contained
in the material, tends to form a surface presenting
weakly acid characteristics (Ka ¼ 106 –108 ) (Dugger
et al., 1964). Khalid et al. (1999) have already described
these kinds of ion exchange reactions that take place on
the surface of this material. The interaction model based
on an exchange reaction is the most common to describe
the adsorption processes on biosorbents. Some success-
ful modelling studies are available in the literature to
explain metal biosorption or interactions between metal
and organic ligands of various biosorbents (Schiewer
and Wong, 1999; Lee and Davis, 2001). Among these
models, surface complex formation is able to take ac-
count of the adsorption effects related to the valence
metals and ionic radius. The higher adsorption of Pb(II)
than Cd(II) on rice husks can be attributed by coordi-
nation sphere of these two metal ions. Cd(II) offers a
smaller coordination sphere than Pb(II) since Cd(II)
offers a smaller ionic radius than Pb(II), 10 300 and
13 200 A , respectively (Emsley, 1991). The coordination
sphere of Cd(II) embraces a smaller number of hy-
droxyls and carboxyls than Pb(II). Similar results have
been reported by Chen et al. (2002), in which it was
Fig. 6. Scanning electron micrograph of rice husks (6355 lm) found that metal binding on calcium alginated-based
with (a) 500 and (b) 5000 times of magnification. The bars in- ion exchange resin follows a decreasing order of
dicate the magnification, represented by the first number (in Pb(II) > Cu(II) > Ca(II). In addition, the preference of
lm). Other numbers indicate the acceleration voltage (kV), date biosorbents for metals has been related to metal elec-
(day month1 ) and the number of the micrograph, respectively. tronegativity (Matos and Arruda, 2003). The reported
effect is a stronger attraction due to the higher electro-
negativity. The electronegativity values for Cd(II) and
5 Pb(II) are 1.69 and 2.33, respectively, thus corroborating
to the adsorption profile of these metals.
According to the results obtained, the initial pH for
(mg metal/g adsorbent)

effluent treatment was fixed at 4. Another important
Pb point to be stressed is that an increase in the pH values
Cd to 5 was detected after the effluent treatment. This value
is within the range established by CONAMA for effluent
release. In addition, there was not observed any pres-
ence of precipitate when the effluent treatment was
1 carried out, thus indicating that the metal removal was
completely related to the adsorption process on rice
0 husks.
2 3 4 5 6 With the pH now fixed at 4 and other parameters
being the same as those already described in item 2.4,
Fig. 7. Effect of pH on removal of the Pb(II) and Cd(II) by rice only slight variations in the results were seen when the
husks (mass of rice husk: 2.0 g; flow rate: 4.0 ml min1 ; particle flow rate was varied from 2 to 8 ml min1 [3% for both
size: 6355 lm; initial concentration: 100 mg l1 for each metal). Cd(II) and Pb(II)]. This means that a fast kinetic process
is involved in the adsorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) on this
material. In addition, this is an interesting result because
higher flow rates can be used, minimising the time and
surfaces of the rice husks is reduced, which causes more costs involved in effluent treatment. In this way, 8
adsorption. According to Chen et al. (2002), the inter- ml min1 was fixed as the optimised condition.
C.R. Teixeira Tarley, M.A. Zezzi Arruda / Chemosphere 54 (2004) 987–995 993

Table 2 ml min1 and particle size of 6 355 lm). For the effluent
Effect of particle diameter on Pb(II) and Cd(II) removal using treatment the mass of the rice husks necessary to pro-
rice husks as adsorbent material mote a good retention of the metals was investigated.
Particle diameter Pb RSD Cd RSD The sorbent mass was only investigated at this point of
(mg g1 ) (%) (mg g1 ) (%) the experiments, due to the differences between the re-
Whole husks 1.4 4.2 0.5 7.4 lated effluent (real sample) and those of the standard
(all diameters) solutions utilised for the optimisation of effluent treat-
355 < £ < 600 lm 3.4 3.3 1.1 3.0 ment conditions.
6355 lm 4.0 0.6 1.2 7.8 Before treatment, metal concentrations in the labo-
The results are expressed in mg of metal per g of adsorbent. The ratory effluent were determined and the concentrations
experimental conditions utilised were pH ¼ 4 and flow rate at for Cd(II) and Pb(II) were 22.0 and 12.0 mg l1 , re-
8 ml min1 (n ¼ 3). spectively. Concentration values and final pH after
RSD ¼ relative standard deviation. treatment are shown in Table 3. These results indicate
that 30 g of rice husks are enough for retaining metals
when 100 ml of laboratory effluent was treated. The
Another important parameter in the adsorption
concentrations obtained after effluent treatment were
process is related to the particle size of the adsorbent
lower than the values established by EPA for Cd(II)
material. Some metals are more retained on smaller
(0.474 mg l1 ) and Pb(II) (1.32 mg l1 ). In addition, this
particles (Jansson-Charrier et al., 1996). Therefore, as
natural material also increases the pH value of the ef-
the contact surface between sorbent and the liquid phase
fluent (see Table 3), making it similar to that recom-
plays an important role in the adsorption phenomenon,
mended by CONAMA (pH values between 5 and 9) for
the effect of rice husk particle size on metal adsorption
effluent release. Puranik and Paknikar (1997) made
was studied using three particle size groups (6355 lm,
similar observations on Pb(II) and Zn(II) removal by
355 < £ < 600 lm and the whole husks). Whole ma-
Streptoverticillium cinnamoneum waste biomass, where
terial (30 g) was ground during 10 min, as already de-
the pH value increased from 4.0 to 6.5 during the ad-
fined (item 2.1). From this material, 6.0 g were obtained
sorption process.
with particle size 6 355 lm and 7.0 g with particle size
Excellent results were also achieved for other metals
between 355 and 600 lm. Other diameters were not
determined in the same effluent after treatment, even
tested because they were obtained only in small quan-
with the conditions specifically optimised for removing
tities (0.75 g for 675 lm particle size). As observed in
Cd(II) and Pb(II). Table 4 shows the values for Al(III),
Table 2, a decrease in rice husk particle size led to an
increase in metal adsorption. The other particle sizes
(355 < £ < 600 lm) or the whole material presented
poorer results, mainly for Pb(II). It is important to stress Table 3
Metal concentrations (mg l1 ) and pH values after effluent
that larger particles with spherical shapes, in general,
treatment using rice husks
present higher external mass transfer than smaller par-
ticles. In this case, higher metal adsorption from these Mass (g) Cd Pb pH
particles is attributed to mass transport inside the sor- 2 22.1 ± 0.2 5.8 ± 0.2 4.30 ± 0.03
bent particles (Leusch and Volesky, 1995). On the other 4 20.1 ± 1.3 2.3 ± 0.3 4.40 ± 0.06
hand, when the main processes of metal adsorption onto 6 19.5 ± 0.5 0.7 ± 0.1 4.60 ± 0.07
solid adsorbents are those based on adsorption on the 8 17.2 ± 0.9 <LQa 4.70 ± 0.02
20 1.70 ± 0.02 <LQ 5.20 ± 0.06
particle surface, higher metal adsorption is verified on
30 0.30 ± 0.02 <LQ 5.20 ± 0.03
smaller particles, as observed on rice husks. This com-
ment allows concluding that Cd(II) and Pb(II) sorption The adjusted pH value before treatment was 4.0 ± 0.2 (n ¼ 3).
on rice husks is attributed to adsorption process on the Values below limit of quantification (<0.05 mg l1 Cd and
<0.53 mg l1 Pb).
particle surface, mainly those related to ion exchange or
surface complex formation. Similar results have been
reported for cadmium adsorption on chitin (Benguella
and Benaissa, 2002). Table 4
Metal concentrations (mg l1 ) before (BT) and after (AT) ef-
fluent treatment and the maximum concentrations recom-
3.3. Metal removal from laboratory effluent mended by EPA for effluent release
The pH value of the laboratory effluent (defined in
Section 2.1 and used as a real sample) was between 0 and Al 24.1 0.48 –
1. All conditions for laboratory effluent treatment were Cu 10.7 1.2 4.14
Zn 21.4 2.2 2.87
the same as already defined (pH ¼ 4; flow rate at 8
994 C.R. Teixeira Tarley, M.A. Zezzi Arruda / Chemosphere 54 (2004) 987–995

Cu(II) and Zn(II), before and after effluent treatment, Della, V.P., Kuhn, I., Hotza, D., 2001. Caracterizacß~ao de cinza
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4. Conclusions
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The proposed material is an excellent alternative for Dugger, D.L., Stanton, J.H., Irby, B.N., McDonnell, B.L.,
removing chemical species from effluents. The physical Cummings, W.W., Maatman, R.W., 1964. Exchange of 20
characterisation of rice husks pointed out some proper- metal ions with weakly acidic silanol group of silica gel. J.
ties such as the presence of functional groups (carboxyl, Phys. Chem,––US 68, 757–760.
silanol, etc.) that make adsorption processes possible, Dushenkov, V., Kumar, P.B.A.N., Motto, H., Raskin, I., 1995.
as well as the morphological aspects of the material. Rhizofiltration: the use of plants to remove heavy metals
After the characterisation, the material was used for from aqueous streams. Environ. Sci. Technol. 29, 1239–
removing Cd(II) and Pb(II) from laboratory effluent. 1245.
Emsley, J., 1991. The Elements, second ed. Oxford University
Under the optimised conditions, the results obtained for
Press, New York.
both studied species (and the others which were also EPA, 2000. Environmental Protection Agency. Code of federal
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