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Medicinal Plants play an improtant role in human life to combat diseases since time
immemorial. The rural folks and tribals in India even now depend largely on the surrounding
plants/forests for their day-to day needs. Medicinal plant are being looked upon not only as
a source of health care but also as a source of income. The value of medicinal plants related
trade in India is of the order of 5.5 billion US dollar (exim Bank Report-1997) and is further
increasing day-by-day. The international market of herbal products is estimated to be US $
62 billion. India’s share in the global market of medicinal plants trade is less than
0.5%. In view of the innate Indian strengths, which include diverse eco-systems for growth
of medicinal plants, technical/farming capacity, strong manufacturing sector , the medicinal
plants sector can provide a huge export opportunity after fulfilling domestic needs.

The Government of India has recently set-up a national level body, the NMPB for the growth
and development pf medicinal plants sector (MPS) in the country. There is a need to
streamline and strengthen MPS with a view to promote integrated development by co-
ordinating, stimulating production, processing, marketing and establishing a sound
infrastructure of the sector in the country. Government of India aims to make the cultivation
of medicinal plants and its sustainable management, a people’s movement.

The varied agro-climate conditions in the India make it suitable for growing a wide range
and variety of valuable medicinal plants. The production of medicinal plants being labour
intensive, generates increased employment opportunities for the farmers particularly the
rural masses/tribals and enhances their incomes. Growing medicinal plants is much more
remunerative as compared to growing cereals, horticulture crops etc.

The present e-book of Government of India Schemes and guidelines is a set of interventions
to streamline the medicinal plants sector, achieve high quality commercial production and
create post-harvesting infrastructure through financial assistance. These interventions
should lead to increased production with emphasis on quality and entrepreneurship in every
aspect of the medicinal plants sector industry and export.

By sowing the herb only once, one can harvest it two to three times in a year. This means the
profit margin for the next two times will be higher as the input costs involved will be much lower,"

Krishi Bhagya scheme

created a farm pond 

3,000 plants for Rs 9.20 lakh at the rate of Rs 40 per plant from Pali in
Rajasthan, which he planted on his half-acre land. Practising organic
farming, he produced 15 kg of saffron in the first year. He sold the
produce at Rs 40,000 per kg, which brought in Rs 6.20 lakh. After
reducing his various expenses, he earned a profit of nearly Rs 5.40 lakh.

 Patanjali Food Products for making aloe vera juice.

Questions To Ask Before Starting Medicinal Herbs Farming

For successful medicinal herbs farming business, you must take it as a profit making commercial
venture. Just as like any other business. These are the basic questions, you must ask yourself
before getting into the field.

 What should I plant? According to the climate, soil condition, and available irrigation facility, you
must select a right species for farming.
 How much area does it require? According to the land available, select the right herb. Because,
some of them have high yield capacity and they generate profitability with a small piece of land, but
some of them are just opposite. Smaller acreage will not give a close cost-of-goods production figure.
This data is critically important for any successful expansion program. Each crop has its own
 How much money do I need? This is one of the most important factors. You must have a detailed
financial plan before start the plantation.
 Do I have suitable land for herb? You must take into the account about the soil quality and of course
the PH balance. Check about the irrigation facility.
 Should I go with monoculture or polyculture?  For a small herb farm venture, it is advisable to use
what is known as a polyculture situation. This is where more than six crops are grown, rather than a
monoculture program. This gives to the small farmer is protection against saturated markets, giving him
better stability in both marketing and cash flow.
 Where is the market? This is the most crucial factor for a small scale medicinal herbs farm. Your
product must be organically grown and labeled. It is recommended to get into the export.

Herbs are the plants which are used for food, flavoring, medicine, or fragrances for their
savory. Herbs Plant come in various forms which including leaves, roots, flowers,
seeds, root bark, inner bark (cambium), resin and pericarp also Herbal has cosmetics
uses too which come in many forms, such as face creams, scrubs, lipstick, natural
fragrances, and body oils INDIA.

I empower producers and would-be cultivators to consider herbs as a potential harvest

due to the gigantic differing qualities of herb undertakings. At the point when vegetable
producers consider developing herbs they generally consider crisp business sector
herbs, the most mainstream being sweet basil, cilantro, and level leaf parsley. Isabgol is
consider best remedy for constipation .Crisp business herbs can become on vast
acreages for deals to wholesalers and chain stores or on little acreages for immediate
deals to restaurants, agriculturist's businesses, and strength markets.
Nagarjuna Social Service Society (NSSS)

 Central Herbal Agro Marketing Federation of India

Herbal Tree

There has been a shift in universal trend from synthetic to herbal medicine recently. It is
ancient wisdom that plants have therapeutic value and are used to treat various diseases
since Neanderthal age. All ancient civilizations in the world are known to use plants for
medicinal purposes. Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicines are well known to the
world for their natural ingredients and multiple benefits. Nature has bestowed our country
with an enormous wealth of medicinal plants; therefore India has often been referred to as
the Medicinal Garden of the world.

Medicinal Plants play an important role in human life to combat diseases since time
immemorial. The rural folks and tribals in India even now depend largely on the
surrounding plants/forests for their day-today needs. Medicinal plants are being looked
upon not only as a source of health care but also as a source of income. The value of
medicinal plants related trade in India is of the order of 5.5 billion US dollar (Exim Bank
Report-1997) and is further increasing day-by-day. The international market of herbal
products is estimated to be US $ 62 billion. India share in the global market of medicinal
plants trade is less than 0.5%. In view of the innate Indian strengths, which include
diverse eco-systems for growth of medicinal plants, technical/farming capacity, strong
manufacturing sector , the medicinal plants sector can provide a huge export opportunity
after fulfilling domestic needs.

The Government of India has recently set-up a national level body, the NMPB for the
growth and development medicinal plants sector (MPS) in the country. There is a need to
streamline and strengthen MPS with a view to promote integrated development by co-
ordinating, stimulating production, processing, marketing and establishing a sound
infrastructure of the sector in the country. Government of India aims to make the
cultivation of medicinal plants and its sustainable management, a people movement.

The varied agro-climate conditions in the India make it suitable for growing a wide range
and variety of valuable medicinal plants. The production of medicinal plants being labour
intensive generates increased employment opportunities for the farmers particularly the
rural masses/tribals and enhances their incomes. Growing medicinal plants is much more
remunerative as compared to growing cereals, horticulture crops etc.

The annual turnover of the Indian herbal medicinal industry is about Rs. 7,500 crore as
against the pharmaceutical industry’s turnover of Rs. 14,500 crores with a growth rate of
more than 15 percent. As per study commissioned by the Associated Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (ASSOCHAM), the Indian herbal industry is projected to double to Rs.15, 000
crore by 2015, from the current 7,500 core business. India has a vast and rich resource of
herbal raw materials and it can create a niche for itself in the global herbal market if the
domestic industry produced quality products of international standards. The apex chamber
estimates global herbal industry to grow to Rs 70,000 crore by 2015, more than double
from the current level of Rs 30,000 crore.Small-scale players in the sector are likely to
witness brighter times ahead.
ach detailed project reports cover all the aspects of business, from analysing the market,

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Baidhyanath, Lucknow/Delhi


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