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Fill in the HOUSE
Nieve de Limón

Long-winded Mary
The Owners (2014) created by Adilkhan Yerzhanov who was
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
both the director and screenwriter. It is a Kazakhstani film that is Who I am?

Logo by Matilda Palmu & Sampo Leiniitty

at moments so sweet, so strange, tragic, and beautiful. This is Sampo Leiniitty, 37 Vaatteentekijä ja

¡ interview exclusive !
definitely a subtle film and a dark comedy which I saw months ago Retromies @retromies.
and has still stuck with me as enlightening and original. At its core My shop:
it is about family and happiness. Featured as part of the awesome Studio Retromies Merimiehenkatu 10,
streaming platform Mubi’s library. Helsinki @studioretromies.
EAT: Kauppa on yhdistelmä tarkkaan
Estonian õige juustupalmik suitsujuust. This is what the label kuratoitua vintage ja second-hand
Echo says. It is braided salty smoked cheese hairs. When you cut it you -valikoimaa ja omaa, pääosin vanhoista
Kamillathefruit have little shreds of yummy cheese snack. I wasn’t sold at first, materiaaleista valmistettua, vintage-henkistä
but a friend recommended it paired with wheat beer. Studio Retromies -vaatemallistoani. Käyn parhaillaan taistelua aikaa
falling in the dark blue sky vastaan ja yritän saada kaupan auki vielä ennen joulua, mutta
to get caught by the mellow wind so high viimeistään heti tammikuun alkupuolella. Ilmoitan aikataulusta SoMe-
Estonia Bonus section! Karakter Bar is a sweet little new glass
the mind still wonders does it did right kanavissani.
box bar making a crazy off-menu sour cocktail with Frangelico and
but body falls deeper and drops out of the sky Vanhojen vaatteiden valikoiman pääpaino on farkuissa ja muissa
Xanté. These hazelnut and pear flavors make it taste like some
niiden kanssa yhteensopivissa käyttövaatteissa. Valikoimassa
magical marzipan dream. Go outside of Old Town and get it.

by baby kiitos
four walls are enough for everyday practice painotetaan laatua ja ajattomuutta.
READ: Studio Retromies -merkin ensimmäiset tuotteet tulevat myyntiin näillä
to make your own presence feel a little more savage
Ursula K. Le Guin’s essay “The Carrier Bag of Fiction”. Go find näkymin kevättalvella 2021. Valmistan kaikki omat tuotteeni itse, aina
you only need a surface to please your inner gut
the PDF online and enlighten yourself with some speculative suunnittelusta toteutukseen.
and maybe a couple of tissues to wipe away your issues
feminist theory of evolutionary narrative. She callenges the How did you get into clothes?
importance of the archetypal slaughtering hero with the the [Corresponding Olen ollut kiinnostunut vaatteista ja pukeutumisesta teini-ikäisestä
vessel, the bag, the collector, the story. from Estonia]: saakka. Innostus tuli urheilun kautta, kun aloin 90-luvulla katsoa
LISTEN: Dear sweet beebis, NBA-koripalloa ja Michael Jordanista tuli ensimmäinen tyyli-
Cut Worms’ Nobody Lives Here Anymore. It is sweet New- esikuvani. Vanhoista vaatteista kiinnostuin vähän myöhemmin
Americana from an Ohioan-singer-songwriter. He’s a bit twangy In my new life, there are no clocks to be found and I see the 2000-luvun alussa elokuvien, musiikin ja Marimekon historian
and boot-stompin sometimes, but also a Midwest crooner saying waning moon sometimes through my skylight. I reside at the kautta. Samoihin aikoihin keksin myös kirpputorien olemassaolon.
it like it is. He’s available on Bandcamp and perfect for teary eyed tops of stairs with small windows admiring new ceilings. New Suurimman intohimoni, eli farkut löysin kunnolla silloisen Leviksen
lonesome nights. old clothes come with tiny LEGO pieces and IT experts are the Suomen edustajan innoittamana vuonna 2007. Kyseinen henkilö
friendliest faces. They convince me that dirt is tech and food is on minulle edelleen ehkä se tärkein yksittäinen tyyppi, johon olen
by Matilda Palmu

tech. My only friends color categorize for me and always want to vaatetusalalla tutustunut ja kutsun häntä farkku-kummisedäkseni.
congratulate me for arriving with a drink. There’s a grey diversity What did you want to be when you were a kid?
everywhere, people from different countries that sill look the Jalkapalloilija. Ei ollut muita vaihtoehtoja. Vietin kaiken vapaa-
same and buildings from different centuries made from the same aikani futiskentällä, eikä elämääni ei mahtunut muuta. Koulu oli
stuffs. The best beach was used by the military and the most ajantuhlausta.
At work here I am mainly introduced by my supervisor to others What is your favorite working music?
To Salarakas beautiful store is the new hardware big box.
Milloin mitäkin, mutta huomaan usein kuuntelevani Metallicaa kun
as the intern who doesn’t speak French and also as who arrived The further I’m away, the more myself I feel. The longer I’m
Seuraavanlainen two days before the lockdown started. This leaves everyones away, the less lonely I feel. I listen to my body and feed all my
teen vaatteita. Myymälätyössä tykkään usein kuunnella Brittipoppia.
Who is your style and/or creative icon?
Your letter arrived in Paris a while ago, today words come faces looking towards me with a bit of pity (it’s understandable, vices. My time is more valuable with an expiration. Käteeni on tatuoitu James Dean, sillä hän opetti minut käyttämään
easier to me than before so I’m writing you back. but a bit heavy to endure). I have experienced a lot of “do you This month is about what is strange, fantastical, mythical, and klassista valkoinen t-paita ja farkut -yhdistelmää. Myös Johnny
I overthink - overthinking on how to begin this letter to you. speak French?” within the first few seconds of meeting, it’s a dreamy. If November was a haze, December is a daze. It feels Depp on ollut tärkeä tyyli-ikoni hattuineen, huiveineen ja risaisine
I have been putting off writing this letter because of it: the bit of a banal start for my taste. You know me I don’t like to be like an alternate universe, a dream, a mirage. What happens in farkkuineen.
beginning.The beginning, opening, the entrance, the first reveal reduced to one thing, in this case a language I don’t speak. the shadows? The dark holds hidden potential, not yet defined Luovuus syntyy niin monen lähteen kautta, että mahdotonta
is everything, don’t you agree? After the person of encounter recovers and makes peace with or revealed. Even this month we, Salarakas, are nearly invisible. nimetä yhtä tai edes kahta nimeä. Ihailen tällä hetkellä suuresti
Once entering a room for example to meet with someone the fact that I don’t speak French, the conversation switches The lockdown is keeping us physically limited, but lively. We’re etenkin joitain japanilaisia ja italialaisia vaatesuunnittelijoita ja
or some people I usually come in with a smile and a hint of to food, which is my favourite part. Upon recommendation I here when you need, just on the other side of a (smoke)screen. vaatteentekijöitä.
anxiety, which I like to cover in different ways depending on the recently tasted Beaujolais Nouveau wine that is very calendar My first Finnish friend told me that the tradition this time of year What is your favorite tool?
circumstance. Sometimes when I’m very excited and anxious I specific, 3rd Thursday of November to be exact is when the wine is to light a candle alone in the dark and to think of those who Vintage-ikään päässyt JUKI -teollisuusompelukoneeni on jämäkkä
come in with a completely straight face, which confuses people, is released to be tasted. It’s bright and fresh with red fruit flavors, have died. This year, let’s light a flame and think of those we ja luotettava kumppani. Kutsun häntä vanhaksi japanilaiseksi
and I might come across as a snob and standoffish. such as cherry, strawberry, and raspberry. Have you ever had it? hope to see soon too. Get nostalgic and weepy and sentimental, herrasmieheksi.
An ideal entrance is when I am revealed by drapes rolling up It’s 12:40 pm. I am on my work lunch break, today I have a watch all the old videos and read the old letters. Then throw What is your biggest dream?
like being on a stage of a theatre and instead of a spot light piece of pumpkin pie next to me with a cup of black coffee, yourself a party, shake the skeleton, gorge on sugar and salt, Unelmoin, että saan tehdä niitä asioita, mistä nautin eniten. En
being on me I am shining by soft sun rays shooting out of my pumpkin pie is the flavour of autumn. The pie filling reminds me wear your fanciest clothes. We’ll see you on the other side. kaipaa valtavaa omaisuutta, mutta haluaisin elää kaikin puolin
face and body in every direction. Then I am not nervous and I of the color of London plane trees in the autumn. London planes mukavaa ja huoletonta elämää.
What is your ideal date night?
am received by the others with the same amount of luminosity, are beautiful, the streets of Paris are full of them, it reminds me Love always,
Päivällä kirppiskierros ja illalla pientä tissuttelua, laittautumista ja
even a bit more than my own. Does that make me an egoist? of Tehran. I dream of walking with you here. Long-winded Mary and Salarakas ehkä teatteriin, jonka jälkeen Farangiin syömään.
It’s been over a month that I am living the lockdown life of Paris. I need to get back to work now. What is your favorite fancy-night-out garment?
Covid has redefined the experience of living in such a vibrant I miss you. Pukeudun farkkuun lähes aina kun mahdollista. Tosin aioin tehdä
place, but I’m thankful for all the little things I can still get. Being Oh I forgot to ask....... How are you? How are the apartment for conversations, inquiries, or contributions:
itselleni liivin ja housut keltaisesta vakosametista heti, kun on aikaa.
a non-local or simply the “Seuraavanlinen” has made me think plants? And don’t forget to send that letter you were supposed insta: @salarakashel
En yleensä juurikaan erottele bile- ja arkivaatteita, vaan saatan vetää
about introductions in different places and what it makes of us. to. email:
maalaushommiin parhaat housut jalkaan. Vaatteissani saa näkyä
phono: 0452510121 for love notes. <3 elämän jäljet.
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G l o s s o l a l i a 1. Suzanne Vega, DNA - Tom’s diner

U n e l m a T y t t ö

# 4 S a l a r a k a s F a v o r i t e s
2. Cubicolor - Brainsugar
Han Lei D r e a m s & M a g i c / / U n e l m i a & Ta i k u u t t a 3. El Guincho - Bombay
because they wanted to find the cruel beast that was killing all the
Farsi// (by Seuraavanlainen) 4. Polo & Pan - Nanã

I went to a flea market with my friends to find a new winter innocent people.
Shotor binäd där khaab pänbe daane: camel dreaming of cotton 5. Diamond Messages - Liquid summer

jacket. First I didn’t see anything special but suddenly my eyes I was happy that I lived in my own slightly isolated place next
seeds: it’s used when refering to people who we know are not 6. Tourist - Kin
were drawn to this beautiful fur jacket. It had long multicolored to the sea and the forest. If someone or something would come 7. Édith Piaf - Non, je ne regrette rien

going to achieve their wishes and dreams
fur. I asked the person who was selling the jacket if he knew from the forest I could immediately see them on the bare rocks 8. Röyksopp - Eple
English// (by Long-winded Mary)
what kind of animal this was because I’ve never seen fur like before they could reach my house. And from the seaside no one 9. Real Lies - North circular
Pipe dream: unlikely dream
could enter because the rocks were so high and it was impossible

this. He said nothing. The fur had amazing colors, it looked so

Colder than a witches teet: very cold 10. Glue70 - What you want
much alive; light and dark brown mixed with different shades of to dock a boat there and swimming there would mean suicide. 11. Ariel T - Way home
Spanish//Español (by Nieve de Limón)
grey and tiny splashes of brick orange shining in the pale winter Even in these terrifying times I managed to feel safe in my isolated 12. Cashmere Cat - Mirror maru
¡Ni en sueños!- It will never happen, not even in your dreams.

sun. Usually, I prefer not to use animal fur, even if it’s second “castle” but the restlessness inside me wouldn’t disappear.  13. Unknown Mortal Orchestra - So good at being in trouble
Que sueñes con los angelitos: I hope you have nice dreams.

hand, but this time I wanted to make an exception. I bought the At times I was thinking that there’s something wrong with me 14. Moloko - Sing it back
Náhuatl// (a language of the Uto-Aztecan language family)
jacket because it was so beautiful that I couldn’t resist it, as if I because I’m not afraid of the thing that was killing the people or 15. Mikko Joensuu - There used to be darkness

Nahualli: a sorcerer; a shape-changer 16. Jon Hopkins - Emerald rush
was drawn to the jacket.  I don’t feel sad about the lost lives at all but quite the opposite;
Cochitlehua: to jump up from bed in a hurry. To see in dreams or 17. Hooray for Earth - Say enough
I was walking one day in the forest proudly wearing my new sometimes imagining the killings made me feel oddly satisfied. I
in a nightmare.

fur jacket when I suddenly felt a sting in my back. I took off the couldn’t tell anyone about these feelings so I kept to myself and 18. Lesley Gore - You don’t own me
Finnish//Suomi (by Long-winded Mary) 19. Young Fathers - Rain or shine
jacket and tried to feel my back to figure out what caused the gradually isolated myself from the community.
yökyöpeli: night ghost/devil: night owl 20. Annie - Heartbeat
sting. I couldn’t find anything so maybe it just was something that I feel cold and slowly I open my eyes. It takes a while to see

clearly and to realise where I am. I’m not in my bed. I’m naked,
Ei sanat salahan joua Words shall not be hid 21. Daft Punk - Veridis quo
was caught in the fur jacket, maybe a safety pin or something eikä luottehet lovehen; nor spells be buried; 22. Boards of Canada - Roygbiv

similar.  lying in the rocks outside my house. I stand up and see blood mahti ei joua maan rakohon, : might shall not sink underground 23. Seinabo Sey - Never get used to
Days go by and I start to feel more and more restless, there’s everywhere. I look at my hands and they are covered with dried

vaikka mahtajat menevät. though the mighty go. 24. Bobby Womack & Peace - Across 110th street
something bad happening in the town. Soon I heard rumors blood. I touch my body to make sure that I’m not hurt. I can’t find (from the Kalevala) 25. Björn Olsson - Vissling i D
about people disappearing in the forest from the town and some any wounds so the blood is someone else’s. Then the reality hits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
brutally lacerated bodies were found quite near to my home. me like a shockwave. I look around and I see dismembered and
Overall the atmosphere in the darkening winter in the small lacerated human bodies everywhere. I can taste the blood in my 12 13 14 15 16 17

town between the sea and great forest was getting troubling. mouth. My whole body starts to shake when I realize that it was
People were afraid to go out and some were too afraid to stay in me, I am the beast, I did all this. I open my mouth to scream but I 18 19 20 21 C r o s s w o r d / /
can’t make any sound.  22 23 24 25 R i s t i s a n a t e h t ä v ä
Suddenly I feel that I’m not alone, someone alive is close to me.
I turn around and I see an old man holding a gun pointed in my 26 27 28 29 30
direction. I smile at him and nod my head in approval “go ahead,
fire the gun”. I see the silver bullet shining in the morning sun just
31 32 33 34 Long-winded Mary
before it pierces my chest. I fall to the ground and feel warm blood 35 36 37 38 39 Answers are in english except when they denote translation or a
bursting out of my chest. I feel warm and safe, it is over now. I fall specific cultural term. Umlauts and accents should be ignored.
asleep and never wake up. 40 41 42 43 44
The puzzle is shamelessly Helsinki and foreigner inspired.

H o r o s c o p e s
45 46 47 48

Jim P. Stone
by Matilda Palmu

49 50 51 52 53 54

Capricorn: Have you spoken to your familiar lately? Your coven 55 56 57 58

is calling.
59 60 61 62 63
Aquarius: Past, Present, and Future heard that your divorce
finalized. 64 65 66 67

A d v i c e / N e u v o j a Pisces: Save your ancestry reading for the third full moon of
2021. 68 69 70 71
Sunny Dae Aries: Get in touch with someone you took a long journey with.

by Matilda Palmu
72 73 74 75
Dear Sunny, Taurus: Your full moon smoothie will taste sour if you keep
Since we have been forced to live lives in solitude lately, I have adding spite.
ACROSS 50. More than a woman
been taking many moonlit walks. Gemini: The wizard is deceptive, and also not potty trained. 1. Finnish changing letters 52. Lyric poem
I walk through the gardens of my neighbors, under their fruit Cancer: Charge your crystals this month. 4. ____ facto 55. Kaksi, English backwards
trees, by their loud and blinding decorations. Leo: The long road may be coming to an end. 8. H _ _ _ _ M 56. Merde, Finnish
I think on my year. I think on my family. I think on my ever Virgo: Have you let the heat in through your nose lately? Breathe 12. A wash 57. Divorce
16. Painter Henri 59. Before MA
spinning orbs, giving me their guiding energy towards my future it. 18. Kalevala fish 60. It, Finnish 13. Poisonous plant Nerium Oleander abbr. 60. Old word for poet
challenges. Libra: Justice is not always in balance. 19. Tristan & _____, var. sp. 61. Not short 14. Sulfur abbr. 62. Spokane International Airport code
And I wonder.  Scorpio: You are providing gifts with the touch of a button. Press 21. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps 63. Sound from Linnanmäki 15. Norse explorer L___ 65. ___mä on leiffii.
22. Faith, Finnish 64. Small drink with dessert
When will the sun shine again on our blue skin? the buttons. 23. Lies 66. Letters to a Young Poet writer
17. _-ryhmä 66. Joki, Spanish/Portugeuse/Italian
20. Somali-American model Fatima 69. Essential winter vitamin
What spell have we been cursed with? Sagittarius: Listen to the stillness and accept that you had no 24. What sheep say 67. Some letters of the rainbow flag 24. Sports or push-up 71. Kelly on trial, not flying
Why are we destined to walk alone in the moonlight? part in it. 25. My, Spanish 68. Wind and keys instrument 27. En____ par____ 74. Eazy of N.W.A.
26. Cargo gear company 70. Old oboe 29. Fleet of warships or Groove
72. At your earliest convenience
Sincerely, Kotibaarista 28. Religious pedestal
30. How a Bostonian says God 73. ____ Dokie
30. Speaking in tongues
33. To help, Finnish
Wicked Witch of the Woods Hogo Hammer 31. ___ Mahal 75. Yoko Ono song 36. He had a dream
32. Portuguese archipelago DOWN 38. Benicio ___ Toro
Dear Woods, Honey Buttered Rum 34. Lane abbr. 1. Losers, German 39. Co-__ community
35. Baari neljännen ja viidennen linjan 2. Horrible US female name 40. Nazi genocidors
You are kind of a downer. Have your friends told you that? Magic välissä 3. Parties to get drunk with coworkers
15ml honey 41. Radio
is everywhere, but it is not always so sullen. 37. Weekday crush abbr. 4. There are none in team 42. Oil spill
The sun has magic just as bountiful as the moon, so bask in that 15ml butter (salted OK) 38. Extinct flightless bird 5. Ongelma, English 47. Last emperor of Russia
warmth when you can find it. 3ml ground allspice 40. The Finnish President, if he was a 6. December or June 21st 50. Type of homo sapien
Spanish boy 7. Openly gay
But seriously, stop being such a bummer. 60ml Jamaican Rum (e.g. Plantation Xaymaca or Navy Island) 51. Pull or slang for American
43. Relaxes 8. Tel Aviv country for short 53. Devil, Spanish
90ml boiling water 45. Natural fiber 9. American game show for short. 54. Kerroksia, French
46. Sn RIP Trebek.
With warmth, 48. Alternatives to Posti 10. Nepalin pääkaupunki
55. Barack
Sunny Dae Whip together honey, butter and allspice. While continuing to stir, 58. Indian gauntlet-sword
49. FI neighbor 11. Vivid dream
add rum and hot water. (#3 - issue solution)
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