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Steam Systems
Reprinted with permission from CHE (Chemical Engineering), March 2015.
Copyright © 2015 Access Intelligence.

Why Bad Things Happen Part 1

to Good Steam Equipment

Accounting for an entire steam-trap population is crucial to avoiding safety incidents and sub-
optimal production — high-priority consideration must be given to steam-system management

James R. Risko istorically, steam systems

TLV Corp.

H have provided the most
effective source of read-
ily conveyable heat to
industrial process applications, in-
cluding those in the chemical pro-
IN A STEAM SYSTEM? cess industries (CPI), and there is
no similar low-cost substitute that
can replace steam. Without steam,
industrial production would be dra-
MANAGEMENT matically curtailed, and the low-cost
PRIORITIZATION manufactured products that are
EVALUATING THE made from steam’s heat or power-
NUMBERS generation assistance would not
exist. Without steam, our quality of
SYSTEM GOALS life, economies and society in gen-
CREATING A NEW eral would suffer.
PARADIGM While many CPI workers may ap-
preciate that steam systems are a
necessity, the same individuals may
have also experienced negative
steam-related incidents throughout
their careers, making them harbor
unfavorable thoughts. Specifically,
these events may have resulted in
safety issues, equipment failures
and unscheduled shutdowns of a
unit or a full production line. Safety
events are extremely challenging
and sorrowful issues if someone FIGURE 1. Effective steam traps keep heat in the system to optimize
production rates and heat quality, and they also discharge condensate to
is injured, and shutdowns can be provide for system safety and reliability. Major problems can occur if con-
disruptive to the entire workforce. densate is not readily drained from the system
It is not surprising, then, that peo-
ple lack an enthusiastic attitude when it ment. Such destruction may render critical
comes to steam. process equipment, such as turbines, flares
or heat exchangers, unusable. Additionally,
What can go wrong in a steam system? high return-system backpressure caused by
What types of issues can arise in a steam steam leakage or blowthrough from bypass
system, and can listing and classifying these steam might restrict production quantity or
items help to determine an executable pre- quality through heat-exchange equipment.
vention path or risk-mitigation procedure? Of Backpressure can also cause the heat-ex-
course, it is relatively easy to identify the most change application to be put on bypass or
common maladies seen in a steam system. to waste condensate by routing to ground
There can be waterhammer, erosion damage level. While some steam-system failures are
and steam leaks in utility systems or equip- common, the challenge then is to identify the


FIGURE 2. A typical steam
Design CDLs plant has less in-service
condensate discharge loca-
In-service CDLs tions (CDLs) than the original
design. As total failures are
reduced through monthly
replacements, the number
8,000 of “good” CDLs increases. If
actual replacements are less
than known total failures, car-
Number of CDLs

ryover failures result, thereby

6,000 reducing available good CDLs
to effectively drain the system
in the subsequent year. For
more details, see the calcula-
tion box on p. 26

2,000 Total failures – actual

Total failures – target Carryover failures

Target monthly replacements Actual monthly
0 replacements
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

sources of these incidents. This leads to the commissioned, because no part of the plant
larger question, “Why do bad things happen had been shut down.
to good steam equipment?” When the in-service quantity of CDLs is
The technical answer lies in understanding lower than the design calls for, then it may
that the cause for a large percentage of failures be that the reduction was due to a misun-
might be due to the steam system not being derstanding of the importance in maintain-
maintained to the “as-built” or “design” speci- ing the design total, or possibly from general
fication. The original designers analyzed the neglect of the trap population. If the discrep-
plant requirements and determined the most ancy is not explainable, then the system’s
suitable design, according to their expertise drainage is restricted from the originally re-
and standards. That original design included quired capability. Here, the target for total in-
the correct number of steam traps and the as- service CDLs should be increased to equal
semblage of piping and components that help the original design total of 11,000 CDLs.
to drain condensate from the system. Com- When routinely administered, steam-
monly referred to as a condensate discharge trap surveys conducted by plant personnel FIGURE 3. Accurate and
regularly sustained diagnosis
location (CDL), the total assembly is required (Figure 3) provide invaluable information for of steam traps’ operating
to remove condensate and effectively maintain evaluating the health of the steam system. conditions is essential to
the design performance of the steam system. As it turns out, in this hypothetical example, determining the population’s
Once built, the plant is handed over to the end several years had passed since the last trap current health (state of the
population). Once failures
user for operation and maintenance — with survey was completed. So, when the current are identified, the informa-
the expectation of sustaining the initial design. survey was finished, it was found that there tion is valuable for allocating
Unfortunately, that is when operational bud- were 3,000 trap failures (both hot leaking resources to restore all con-
densate discharge locations
gets, personnel turnover and, in some cases, failures and cold-blocked low-temperature to an “as designed” operating
inexperience with steam systems may play a failures occurred); and 7,000 traps were condition for safety and reli-
causal role in negative events. considered to be in good condition. This sit- able performance

Analyzing a steam-trap population

Steam traps (Figure 1) are ubiquitous in
steam systems, and when operating effec-
tively, they can efficiently retain heat in the
system. Consider the analysis of a hypothet-
ical plant’s steam-trap population shown in
Figure 2. Based on this plant’s “state of the
population” summary, it is seen that the orig-
inal design (and as-built) condition included
11,000 CDLs. Over time, the plant’s manage-
ment decided to decommission and remove
1,000 steam traps from service, leaving only
10,000 in-service CDLs. In this example, no
plant personnel could find documentation
to support why 1,000 steam traps were de-


Estimating annual new failures Annual Failure Rate
(Reported failures – Carryover failures) / Years be- (Annual new failures) / (Total in-service population)
tween surveys
Example: 1,000 traps / 10,000 traps = 10% annual
Example: (3,000 reported failures – 1,000 carryover failure rate
failures) / 2 years = 1,000 annual new failures
State of the Population
Average trap life (Failures) / (Total in-service population)
(Total in-service population) / (Annual new failures) (Good traps) / (Total in-service population)

Example: 10,000 traps / 1,000 traps failed in a year = Example: 3,000 failures / 10,000 traps = 30% state
10 year trap life expectancy of failure
7,000 good traps / 10,000 traps = 70% good state

uation creates a significant operational and to grow until catastrophic events occur.
maintenance dilemma for the site. One takeaway from this example is that for
If the goal is to have a “zero reset” sce- every 1,000 traps that must be repaired in
nario, in which all failed traps must be re- a year, there is a requirement for the plan-
paired, and the cost to repair the average ning and repair resources to correct 84 traps
failure is $600, then $1.8 million is needed monthly without fail. That replacement re-
from the year’s budget to accomplish the quirement equates to repairing 4–5 CDLs
target. To achieve this goal, 250 steam traps per day, with any lesser amount creating a
must be replaced each month, which repre- gap at year-end; the difference here equaling
sents two or three maintenance crews work- the next year’s carryover failures.
ing full time for a year, assuming that every Steam traps must be replenished or re-
trap is accessible and can be isolated for paired in order to maintain a sustainable
repair or replacement. It is certainly a monu- operation. Not taking the highest-priority
mental task that may have been caused by corrective action with regard to steam trap
an improper course of action a number of failures is somewhat comparable to reusing
years before, when trap replacements were a teabag even though it no longer dispenses
not completed in sufficient quantity to keep flavor — although there is a teabag in ser-
pace with the annual failure rate (amount of vice, it no longer provides a useful purpose.
failures per year) of the population. Similarly, if a steam trap has failed — par-
Consider that the average annual failure ticularly via a cold failure — then the CDL is
rate of a steam trap population in a mature no longer serving its intended purpose, and
plant can be estimated from historical re- must be repaired.
cords, provided that there are at least two Is there any question about what outcome
survey events within a period of 4–5 years. should be expected if all of the steam traps
Simply subtract the carryover failures (failed and related CDLs in a system were simply iso-
traps recorded from a prior survey for which lated by valving, thereby completely remov-
no action was taken to repair) from the re- ing their drainage capability? There would be
ported failures that were recorded in the no way to automatically remove condensate
survey. The remainder is the quantity of new from the system, creating a highly dangerous
failures. The number of new failures can be situation. What about if just 30% were shut
divided by the number of years since the prior off, or 50%? It is akin to gambling with the
survey to provide an estimate of the average safety of the plant, as the potential forma-
annual new failures of a steam trap popula- tion of condensate slugs in the pipeline can
tion. Several related useful calculations are lead to unstable, hazardous conditions. It is
shown in the box above. extremely distressing to consider a site that
In this hypothetical plant history, if the is not replacing trap failures due to a bud-
management of the trap population had get constraint, because the timely repair of
been continuous and sustainable at an an- traps allows the system to operate at the
nual failure rate of 1,000 (10%), then the intended conditions. This must be seen as
plant should only have to support the repair an inflexible demand. Timely action should
of 84 traps per month, not 250 traps. How- be mandatory, not optional, to optimize the
ever, in this case, the trap population was al- operation of a steam system.
lowed to deteriorate to 3,000 failures (30%
failure state), and this situation places a tre- Management prioritization
mendous burden on resources. Worse still, if In a properly drained and maintained steam
not corrected, the failures can be expected system, it is critical that the steam flowing


Number of steam leaks 35,000 FIGURE 4. Often, high priority is given to
* 20 lb/h average leak fixing the leakage failures or hot failures
Cumulative steam loss to reduce steam loss and increase profit.
1,400 Commonly, the repair of hot failures with
high-value loss is given first priority in
1,200 instances other than very critical applica-
25,000 tions. A representative example of the
* 15 lb/h average leak correlation of yearly repairs to reduction
Number of steam leaks

1,000 in steam loss is shown here


Steam loss (lb/h)

* 10 lb/h average leak



0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

within the system remains at near- Evaluating the numbers

saturated quality and that avoidable In many plants, the typical program to
backpressure in the return header is manage the steam trap population may
reduced, in order to diminish the likeli- be controlled by budget constraints, by
hood of waterhammer, erosion, corro- changing responsibilities or by a lack of
sion and plating. Superheated steam priority. Although plant operations can
or steam with near-saturation quality be critically affected, the budget may be
normally cannot cause hammer or high controlled by maintenance that requires
erosion at normal velocities because close collaboration and coordination
there is not enough condensate to be between departments. However, re-
propelled downstream. Hammer and gardless of the circumstance or cause,
erosion occur when liquid pools in the it sometimes seems that once a sys-
system are thrust at high speeds, but tem has reached a manageable level
when a system is properly drained, the after years of cooperation and dedica-
damaging component is missing. Once tion, then the operational problems are
again, it is evident that steam-trap fail- minimized and some portion of the trap
ure rates are reduced in successfully maintenance budget is reassigned to a
maintained steam systems, enabling different project not related to trap repair.
efficient condensate removal from Then, the portion of the trap population
the system. considered to be “good” suffers by see-
Maintaining CDLs to manufacturer ing an increase in carryover failures, and
specifications helps to eliminate steam often no survey action takes place for
leakage (hot failures) and blocked dis- an extended time. All the while, new fail-
charge conditions (cold failures). When ures are accumulating, thereby reducing
CDL failures — both hot and cold — the safety, reliability and performance
are minimized, insulation is maintained of the system. This situation is unfor-
and boilers are not pushed beyond their tunate, because the system had finally
specified limits, the steam system can reached a relatively sustainable condi-
be optimized with regards to conden- tion. Subsequently, after several years of
sate drainage, as well as the ability to inaction, the plant’s trap population may
sustain steam quality when transported deteriorate so much that a significant
throughout the system. negative incident occurs. At this point,
It sounds simple enough — maintain the follow-up (some might say knee-jerk)
the insulation, keep the boiler within its reaction may be to fix the steam system
limits and ensure that the steam trap very hastily. This is an all-too-frequent
population provides for quality con- scenario that can lead to the previously
densate drainage. It certainly sounds presented example where 3,000 traps
straightforward in concept. If it were failed at a single site.
so readily attainable, then why isn’t this Once failures have been identified,
goal accomplished more often? then the focus is often placed on fixing


FIGURE 5. For zero reset of 3,000
all 3,000 failures, monthly
replacement of 250 CDLs is
required. If actual replacem-
nents monthly are reduced, 2,500
the gap results in year-end Total failures – actual
carryover failures that reduce
the effective good in-service
CDLs in the next year 2,000
Number of failures Total failures – target



500 failures
Target monthly replacements

Actual replacements
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

the hot failures, because these repairs can a plant with an average steam-trap lifecycle
be readily justified by simple energy-cost of ten years, the actual failures could be es-
analysis. Figure 4 illustrates a typical close timated as 2,000, consisting of the 1,000
relationship between hot-failure traps and re- carryover failures just identified and 1,000
duced steam loss. Especially in times of very new failures. While the diagnosis of each
high energy prices, incredible emphasis is trap in the population is performed at regular
placed on reducing the cost of operations by intervals (usually annually or semi-annually),
fixing leaking steam traps. A progress chart, new failures are constantly occurring, as il-
similar to the one shown in Figure 4, can be lustrated in Figure 6.
generated and tracked. Thus, if the project If carryover failures are included as part of
plan is to eliminate 3,000 failures from the the repair strategy, a significant number of
hypothetical plant, then the corresponding CDLs will be operating improperly, thereby
requirement is to repair 250 CDLs per month, increasing the chances of a debilitating in-
otherwise there will be a carryover failures cident occurring within the plant. For this
gap (see Figure 5 for additional analysis). reason, it is not recommended to adopt a
The carryover failures represent the real work process that allows carryover failures
world; rarely do plants correct all or even and focuses only on those traps that have
nearly all of the failures. The result is that already been fixed. Instead, a paradigm shift
a significant number of CDLs are not re- is required.
stored to proper drainage operation, and it
is not uncommon to carry a sizable number System goals
of failures over to the following year. Once Applying maintenance action to individual
carryover failures are accepted in a plant’s steam traps is a path action, but not an
operations, the steam system becomes overarching system goal. Risk lies in the
destined for sub-optimal and potentially false sense of security that is given when
unreliable operation. the goal is simply to repair a given number
What follows when 1,000 carryover failures of steam traps, and the real goal of achiev-
are extended into the following year? Instead ing an optimized steam system is neglected.
of correcting all 3,000 failed steam traps (a So, if the annual target is established to fix
zero reset mentality), suppose that the plant 2,000 steam traps and only 1,000 traps are
management allocated a budget for repair repaired, there might be some explanation of
of only 2,000 failures instead. Perhaps this mitigating events that explains the lapse. In
thought process stems from the expecta- such a situation, the carryover failures might
tion that with 2,000 failures corrected, the be considered acceptable under the circum-
next annual period will only require budget stances, and a new goal is assigned for the
for 1,000 failures. However, that is not an next year. However, this is a dangerous situ-
accurate scenario, because those 1,000 ation, because while the potential for dam-
CDLs represent carryover failures only, and age is not visible, it is prevalent in the unad-
the plant also must consider new failures. In dressed sections of the steam system, and


12,000 FIGURE 6. There is always an
Design CDLs identification-repair response-
In-service CDLs time lag between diagnosis
10,000 and maintenance action.
Target Although a site may elect to
Zero reset perform sufficient repairs to
8,000 reach a target state of the CDL
population at year-end, new
Number of CDLs

failures occuring during the
6,000 repair period always lower the
actual year-end state. It is just
one of many justifications for
4,000 adopting a zero reset
mentality for maintenance-
response planning

New failures
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

the downstream recipients of that steam. recognized until the next survey.
The potential for peril can increase in sever- The result is that the best state deterio-
ity over time. rates between the prior and new surveys,
Without a full understanding of the long- with the theoretical “best sustainable” con-
term impact on a steam system, there can dition being realized at the beginning date
exist a false impression that a system can of the next survey. This theoretical point
be well managed, even if there is allowance occurs midway between the prior survey
for carryover failures. Figure 7 provides ad- and the next survey date — if annual sur-
ditional insight into a longer-term view. As it veys are conducted, and repair is immediate
turns out, the best possible theoretical state and linear, then the best good state occurs
of the population occurs only after a zero at midyear.
reset condition is experienced from the prior If the original goal of the designers is
survey report, and when accumulated re- recalled, it was to have 11,000 fully func-
pairs equal new accumulated failures. After tional CDLs at the site. For whatever rea-
the midway point, zero reset has been theo- sons, the plant’s management decided to
retically reached, and new replacements decommission and remove 1,000 installa-
cease, as there are no known failures that tions, leaving a population of only 10,000
remain to be repaired. However, unidentified in-service CDLs (a 9% reduction from the
new failures are still occurring and will not be design). Even if there is perfect harmony
12,000 FIGURE 7. Sites sometimes
Design CDLs decide upon a fixed number
of annual repairs instead
of striving for zero reset,
In-service CDLs thinking they can achieve a
* * nearly 100% good in-service
CDL population state over
several years. However, due
Target * Best
sustainable to new failures during the
8,000 repair cycle, the theoretical
“best sustainable” condition
is reached midway through a
Number of CDLs

perfectly correlated, linear in-

spection and repair term, after
which the number of CDLs in
* Adjustment for
new failures
good condition will decline


Accumulated repairs
New accumulated failures

0 6 12 18 24 30 36


FIGURE 8. The number of Design
in-service CDLs is already a
reduction from the number of In-service
CDLs in the original design, Best
which is not desirable unless Best Sustainable
clearly justified; and even with
a zero reset focus and per-
fectly harmonized inspection Warning Cold failures
and repair, the “best sustain- Hot failures
Number of CDLs
able” condition is controlled Danger Total failures
by the number of annual Warning
failures. Establishing critical Caution
threshold values provides Best sustainable
clear direction for sustainable Best
steam-system performance Design
Total failures
Hot failures
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

with replacement equipment to achieve a new failures are considered, it is possible to

“best sustainable” state, that already rep- have only 7,000 or 8,000 correctly function-
resents an 18% drop in drainage capability ing CDLs; which in the case of the former,
from the design. At this point, it is also im- represents just 63% of the original design.
portant to consider how much redundancy Starting the next year with only 63% of the
the professional engineering firm included original design total considered to be in good
in the original design. Understanding the condition is dangerous, especially if there is
effect of reducing the number of in-service an additional lapse in repair action. It can be
good CDLs from the design, it can be seen expected that another 1,000 traps would fail
that a key step is to increase the quantity of without any repair of previously failed traps.
in-service CDLs until it reaches the design In such an instance, the portion of the popu-
total, less any trap stations clearly suitable lation functioning correctly for system drain-
for decommissioning. age could be reduced to 6,000 traps — only
Furthermore, once carryover failures and 54% of the original design.

FIGURE 9. A paradigm shift

directs full attention to the
performance-based method,
rather than focusing mainly Best sustainable good
on hot failures. Knowing the
number of “good” CDLs rela-
tive to key threshold levels
provides a clear indication of Minimum good
the steam system’s health and
performance expectations Caution

Cold failures

Cold failures

Hot failures




1 2 3 1 2 3
Year Year
Failure-based method Performance-based method


Creating a new paradigm implement clear ongoing parameters for safe
This is where the necessity of a paradigm shift and reliable operation, a plant should deter-
comes to the forefront. The goal is not to repair mine required threshold target and notification
failed traps, but rather to maintain a minimum values that can be used as the primary focus
threshold of CDLs in functional condition. That for the team responsible for maintaining sys-
quantity of good CDLs should always refer to tem performance. Figure 8 shows the different
the original design total, not to the quantity that key threshold levels of “good” CDLs as: “mini-
are currently in service. Instead of the focus mum,” “caution,” “warning” and “danger.”
on hot failures, steam loss or accumulated re- Note that “best sustainable” is a theoretical
pairs, a site should shift attention to sustain- condition for which it is possible to approach
ing an acceptable “good” threshold value for this level, and “minimum” is the determined
the state of the population — with specific, threshold below which safe and reliable op-
strict dates to start the survey every period. eration of the steam system can be adversely
The established survey start date becomes affected. Other tiers provide information to
sacrosanct and is held steadfast, regardless operations and maintenance personnel on
of daily interferences. The survey takes such a the reasonable expectations of increased risk,
high priority simply because a steam system is should appropriate action not be executed.
indispensable to the production success of a If a plant wants to have a secondary focus
safely operating plant. It should not be a sec- on cold failures to reduce problems caused
ond- or third-priority focus, but the key focus, by condensate in the system, or to repair
thus helping to ensure an optimized steam hot failures to reduce backpressure and re-
system. cover profits lost to unnecessary energy
Another important factor that must be ad- production, that is certainly a fine approach
dressed is outsourcing, which is the allocation to fixing failed CDLs. However, when the big
of responsibilities to third-party entities as con- picture is to achieve safe and reliable plant
tractors to perform certain work. In order to operations, the primary focus, as shown in
achieve a sustainable program under an out- Figure 9, must be to measure the number
sourcing scenario, there are several crucial re- of good CDLs that are draining the system.
quirements: certified test personnel; validated Plants should establish the target of keep-
equipment for making accurate condition judg- ing the good CDLs between the “minimum
ments; and standardized application drawings good” and “best sustainable good” state
for correct installation of repaired equipment. threshold values.
In some plants, testing and maintenance may When the goal is to maintain a state
be conducted by the same third-party entity. of the population at or above “minimum
Regardless, whether a singular third-party good” levels for safety and reliability con-
or multiple entities are involved with activities siderations, the target is straightforward.
that can affect the state of the population, it Now, the repair of failures becomes just
is important that the capability for each pro- a path, not a goal. With a clear message
cess is confirmed. For example, an incredibly to personnel, the steam-system drainage
capable contractor for piping repair may be can be optimized and sustained for best
insufficiently trained for testing activities, and plant performance. Q
must be suitably educated and certified for Edited by Mary Page Bailey
these tasks. Most critically, there should exist
a regular audit process to check and confirm For suggested additional reading on steam systems, see the
online version of this article at
the accuracy of the surveyors’ qualification
certificates, the actual judgments performed Author
by those surveyors, and in the case of main- James R. Risko is the president of TLV Corp.
tenance contractors, the correct installation of (13901 South Lakes Dr., Charlotte, N.C.
29873; Phone: (704) 597-9070; Email:
each repaired CDL. In some instances at least, The author of
the engagement and dedication to a steam more than 30 articles related to steam and
system by owner personnel can be higher condensate systems, Risko is active in both
the standards and technical-writing activities
than with contractors, so a regular and on- of the Fluid Controls Institute (FCI), and has
going audit process is recommended to help previously served as the organization’s chair-
man, standards chair, and chair of the Sec-
obtain sustained high-quality work on such ondary Pressure and Steam Trap sections. He has earned three
critical responsibilities. energy-management certifications, from the Association of Energy
With consideration for the site employees Engineers, North Carolina State Univ., and the Institute of Energy
Professionals. He holds an M.B.A from Wilkes University, and two
who manage the steam system — because B.S. degrees, in mathematics/education and business administra-
responsibilities and personnel change — tion/accounting, from Kutztown University. He is also licensed as a
guidelines must be established. In order to Certified Energy Manager (CEM) and a Professional Energy Man-
ager (PEM).



1. “Steam Heat Exchangers are Underworked and Over-Surfaced”

Risko, J. R. (TLV Corporation), Chem. Eng., Nov. 2004, 58–62.

2. “Handle Steam More Intelligently”

Risko, J. R. (TLV Corporation), Chem. Eng., Nov. 2006, 44–49.

3. “Steam Traps – Operating Principles and Types”

Risko, J. R. (TLV Corporation), Fluid Controls Institute, Technical Sheet #ST 107, April 2008,

4. “Understanding Steam Traps”

Risko, J. R. (TLV Corporation), Chem. Eng. Progress, Feb. 2011, 21–26.

5. “Use Available Data to Lower System Cost”

Risko, J. R. (TLV Corporation), Paper presented at the Industrial Energy Technology Conference,
New Orleans, La., May 18, 2011,

6. “Beware of the Dangers of Cold Traps”

Risko, J. R. (TLV Corporation), Chem. Eng. Progress, Feb. 2013, 50–53.

7. “Implement a Sustainable Steam-Trap Management Program”

Walter, J. P. (TLV Corporation), Chem. Eng. Progress, Jan. 2014, 43–49.

8. “Outsourcing Energy Performance:

Its Potential for Industrial Energy Efficiency Programs”
Russell, Christopher, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Report IE1402,
last accessed March 18, 2014,

9. “What Causes Stall to Occur?”

TLV Co. Ltd. Kakogawa Japan, last modified 2010,

10. “Steam Trap Management System”

TLV Co. Ltd. Kakogawa Japan, last modified 2010,

11. “What is Water Hammer?”

TLV Co. Ltd. Kakogawa Japan, last modified 2011,

12. “Group Trapping”

TLV Co. Ltd. Kakogawa Japan, last modified 2013,

13. “Steam Locking”

TLV Co. Ltd. Kakogawa Japan, last modified 2014,

Reprinted with permission from CHE (Chemical Engineering), March 2015.

Copyright © 2015 Access Intelligence.


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