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Name: Tran Le Linh Trang


3.1 Write the correct past tense form of the verb in parentheses. One
answer is already given.
For a long time, Tim (want) wanted to be a farmer.
1. The first time Tim (try) tried to grow tomatoes was in his
2. When Tim (eat) ate the tomatoes, he liked the flavor.
3. His old job (not be) wasn’t interesting.
3.2 Read the sentences. Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative form
of the adverb in parentheses.
Men are not always polite when they speak. Women are usually more polite.
Generally, women speak (politely) more politely than men.
1. Male friends often only talk once a week. Female friends may talk every day.
Usually, female friends talk(frequently) more frequently than male friends.
2. Boys’ games always need a winner. Girls often don’t care who wins.
In general, girls play (competitively) more competively than boys.
3. Men sometimes interrupt at meetings. Usually, women don’t do this.
People say men don’t listen (patiently) more patiently than women.
3.3 Read the article about Guillermo’s goldfish experiment. Underline
adjective clauses. One is already underlined. Underline three (3) more
adjective clauses.
Every day before feeding the goldfish that he was trying to train, Guillermo
placed a music box next to the fish’s bowl. Then he played a loud song that the
fish could hear for one minute. After the minute, Guillermo fed the fish.
Guillermo put the control fish in a place where he couldn’t hear the music. “I
fed the control fish directly, without playing any music,” explained Guillermo.
To Guillermo’s surprise, the fish that got the music before his feedings almost
immediately learned that food would follow the music. Guillermo reported
that within a few days, “as soon as the music started, the fish swam quickly to
the surface” to eat. In fact, he swam to the surface just as fast as the fish that
saw food at the surface.
3.4 Write the letter of each detail next to the opinion it supports. Not all
details will be used. One answer is already given.
B 1. Drawing on buildings causes serious damage.
D 2. Robbers often hurt people.
F 3. The government should help prisoners more.
3.5 Read the story about Peter and Barbara’s hike.Write the letter of the
correct subordinator or transition to complete the story. Not all of the
choices will be used. One answer is already given.
Peter and Barbara had a frightening experience on their hiking trip last Friday.
They forgot to bring the food and water they had packed! ____E____ , they did
have some fruit juice, but not a lot.___B_____(1) , they really wanted to do their
hike anyway. By the time they reached the top of the mountain, they had already
drunk all of their juice, and they were really thirsty.______A______(2) , they
were getting hungry. So, they hiked down as fast as they could. There, they
found a new surprise!______C_______(3) , they had left their car keys on the
top of the mountain! They didn’t want to hike back up, but they had to.
A. Also
B. However
C. In the same way that they had left their food in the car
D. Just as they were hungry and thirsty on their first round-trip
E. While they didn’t have any water
F. As a result
Have you ever thought about quitting your current job because you
were so stressful? Have you ever thought about how life changes
when you change to another job? Tim Stark who was a busy and
successful management consultant has thought and done it! Tim’s life
changed when he became a farmer.
Tim used to have a busy and successful job in New York City. But
working in high-intensity made him feel stressed. As a result, he got a
backache. So he decided to relax on weekends by starting growing
tomatoes in his apartment. He grew a few tomatoes at the first time.
And then he wanted to grow more. After a year, he had full of 3,000
healthy red tomato plants in his apartment.
As a consequence, he had a bold decision that quit his management
consultant job to become a farmer. And now, he lives in Pennsylvania,
two hours away from New York with his small farm. And of course he
still has many pressures because he often works until sunset, and has a
lot of responsibilities, such as watering his crops, harvesting them, and
bringing them to the market in his old white truck. His back still hurts
but he enjoys it. Just because he like living with nature and do what he
love – working in his fields. He think being a farmer is very
interesting and it also has many advantages.
Many people have changed their job to be happier and heathier. I
think this is a good choice to make your life changes. In conclusion,
love what you do and do what you love is a pretty thing.

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