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Name _______________________ Unit 1 – Introduction/Prehistory Period_____

Review Sheet

Prehistory the period of time before written records

History the study of past events

Geography the study of the physical features of the earth

Five Themes of Geographylocation, place, region, human-environment interaction,

Paleolithic early phase of the Stone Age

Neolithic when ground or polished stone weapons and prevailed

Nomad people having no permanent residence, and who travel from

place to place in search of food and water
Culture a people's unique way of life shown by it's tools, customs,
arts, and ideas
evaluation of other cultures

Cultural Diffusion the spreading of ideas or products from one culture

to another
a person who studies human history and prehistory through the
excavation of sites and the examination of artifacts
a person that studies human societies and cultures and their
Artifact an object made by a human being

Fossil the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism

Agricultural Revolution when nomads discovered how to farm

Need essential for survival

Want not essential for survival

Surplus having more than needed

Irrigation the supply of water to land or crops to help growth

Monotheistic worshiping many gods

Polytheistic Worshiping one god

Animism the belief that all living things have a soul

Monarchy one persons rules all

Democracy government that is controlled by the people

Trade & Barter a system of exchange where people directly exchange goods or
services for other goods or services
a form of culture characterized by cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping and advanced
technology Artisan
a worker in a skilled trade
the person that records events

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