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Lab Quiz

Software Used: My SQL

(Total Points 10)
Course Name: Database for business
Course Code: MIS 310
Semester: Spring 2021

#1 Get a list of Product ID and Product Name from Products table that comes under Produce and
Seafood category (2 points)

#2 What are the territories from Northern and Southern regions? (2 points)

#3 Get a list of employees who do not work in New York. (2 points)

#4 Get a list of Ship City that are in Ship Country 'USA' from Orders table. (1 point)

#5 Show a list of territories that starts with territory ID 021(1 point)

#6 Show a list of customers whose fax numbers are available (1 point)

#7 Look at the ERD of Northwind on next page and determine the number of junction tables and name
of those tables (1 point)

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