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2º Bachillerato


Type of text: Expressing an Opinion We write opinion essays in order to convince our reader that our
point of view is correct.
OPENING Paragraph 1 Topic: Are school uniforms a good idea?
State the topic and your opinion. Although some students claim that school uniforms are undemocratic
and limit our freedom, in my opinion, the opposite is true.
BODY Paragraph 2 Firstly, school uniforms make all students equal. When we wear
Support your opinion with reasons, uniforms, we don't feel that we are in competition with each other.
facts and examples. Include a new We don't have to worry that other students will laugh at us if our
idea in each paragraph. clothes are not the most expensive or trendy. School uniforms let us
focus on the differences in our personalities, not in our parents' bank
Paragraph 3 Furthermore, school uniforms give us greater freedom: freedom from
the problem of deciding what to wear every morning; freedom to be
judged by our characters and our ideas --- not by our clothes.
CLOSING Paragraph 4 In conclusion, it seems to me that school uniforms are clearly
Restate your opinion. preferable to the daily problem of choosing what to wear and trying
to compete with other students at school.
Useful Language:
in my opinion I think / believe / feel that clearly
from my point of view I agree / disagree of course
it seems to me that as far as I'm concerned fortunately / unfortunately
it is clear that personally obviously
as I see it

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