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Shock figures show toll on female carers’ mental health
By Sophie Borland Health Editor

THE appalling toll of the social

care crisis on women can be
revealed today.
Official figures show that looking after
loved ones is having devastating effects
on their health and quality of life.
Women are twice as likely as men to be left
caring for a relative and are at much higher risk
of depression, loneliness and other illnesses.
The figures come from a major NHS survey

‘told her
of 50,800 unpaid carers which found that 68
per cent of them are female.
Half of the women said they did not have
enough time to look after themselves by either
eating properly or getting enough sleep.
One in five – 21 per cent – said they were
they DID
neglecting their own health. Another 48 per
cent felt depressed and 32 per cent had
consulted their GP because their caring
responsibilities were making them ill.
The Daily Mail launched a campaign two
months ago calling on the Government to
have affair’ SEE PAGES 6-7
Turn to Page 2 Close: Jennifer Arcuri with Boris Johnson. The Prime Minister says he visited her home to receive technology lessons


Page  Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019

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Continued from Page One

address the social care crisis
urgently, particularly on dementia.
Almost 345,000 readers have signed
our petition demanding action.
Campaigners said the figures
showed more state funding was
vital. ‘Dementia care is a mess, and
it’s mostly women picking up the
strain,’ said Sally Copley of the
Alzheimer’s Society.
‘Without a properly funded system
of dementia care, more skilled and
experienced women are leaving the
workforce than ever before to look
after family members and loved ones
with dementia.’
Caroline Abrahams of Age UK
said: ‘Each day many women go
above and beyond to care for their
loved ones. The failings of the care
system mean that women in partic-
ular are often left to pick up the Isobel Woods
pieces. Some are at breaking point with her
and many are at risk of it.
‘Women shouldn’t have to care mother Hazel
alone and unsupported as is hap-

I gave up work to care for mum

pening far too often today.’
Yesterday Boris Johnson vowed to
spend £13billion on 40 new hospitals
at the Tory Party conference in Man-
chester but made no mention of ISOBEL Woods became a ‘complete appointments, dental appointments, she
mess’ trying to juggle her job and look wanted to have her hair done – quite
after her mother at the same time. rightly, you needed to do those sorts of
‘Left to pick up The 64-year-old was working full-time things to make her life worthwhile.
the pieces’ as a careers adviser while also acting as ‘I wasn’t concentrating as much as I
an unpaid carer. Eventually she gave up should have been at work but equally I
social care. He promised to fix the her job after being told off by her boss wasn’t looking after mum properly
social care crisis ‘once and for all’ in for leaving work early to check on her either. It’s a hidden disaster. It’s impos-
his first speech as Prime Minister mother Hazel, 89, who has dementia. sible to do that and work. It almost
back in July but has not made any Mrs Woods, who lives in Coventry with always seems to fall on the woman.’
further announcements. her husband Alan, 61, said her life ‘very The mother-of-two said she was ‘drink-
The Mail analysed the latest rapidly became more and more diffi- ing like a fish’ just to get to sleep. Her
results from an NHS Digital survey cult’. She said: ‘We were just constantly mother’s dementia has since worsened
of 50,800 adult carers which was
published in late June. fire-fighting. There would be hospital and she has moved into a care home.
The figures show that 78 per
cent of women carers have oped a health condition from
limited control over their daily
lives, some describing them-
selves as ‘socially isolated’. A
SIGN THE MAIL’S PETITION caring, which might include
joint problems or depression.
A further 65 per cent
third of carers of both sexes
were looking after dementia
sufferers with the rest coping reported feeling stressed and
43 per cent said they were
short tempered or irritable.
with cancer patients or others whom had been forced to take Carers UK said: ‘Women in the A Department of Health and
with long-term conditions. a financial hit, often because UK are hit harder by unpaid Social Care spokesman said:
This research has been they had less time for work. caring responsibilities than ‘We are working to support
undertaken every two years The Mail’s campaign is urg- men, particularly in their 40s, unpaid carers by helping them
since 2012/13 and the latest ing Mr Johnson to set up a 50s and 60s. The negative to stay in or find employment
figures suggest the situation cross-party group to find a impact this can have on wom- and ensuring they have access
is getting worse. funding solution for social en’s careers, finances and gen- to paid breaks or respite care.
Increasing numbers of the care as well as appoint a dedi- eral quality of life is stark.’ ‘We have given local authori-
country’s estimated seven cated Cabinet minister. The largest proportion of ties an extra £1.5billion for adult
million carers report being Research by the Alzheimer’s carers were in the 55 to 64 age and children’s social care next
depressed, socially isolated, Society at the weekend sug- bracket – a quarter of the year, on top of existing grants,
lacking sleep or having to see gested that 112,000 adults had total. As many as 37 per cent to continue to stabilise the sec-
their GP for reasons relating left their jobs over the past said they were suffering from tor. The Government will set
to their responsibilities. year to look after loved ones physical strain, such as back out plans to fix the social care
The results were consist- with dementia. problems from lifting, and 25 system in due course.’
ently worse for women, half of Helen Walker of the charity per cent said they had devel- Comment – Page 16

Head of military: We’re at war every day

BRITAIN is fighting battles with foreign Daily Mail Reporter graph reported. In a speech at Cliveden
powers every day as it fends off relentless Literary Festival in Berkshire, he said:
cyber-attacks from countries such as Rus- ween war and peace no longer exists. He ‘Russia is much more of a threat. Our
sia, the UK’s military chief has warned. warned outer space and cyber warfare opponents are using deniable tactics and
General Sir Nick Carter, the Chief of the will become new fronts in addition to capabilities against us. The changing char-
Defence Staff, said the distinction bet- land, sea and air battles, the Daily Tele- acter of warfare has exposed the distinc-
tions that don’t exist any longer
between peace and war.
‘I feel I am now at war, but it’s
not a war in the way we would
have defined it in the past,’ he
said, adding that Britain is now
being threatened ‘on a daily
basis’. He warned the military
must prepare for both ‘the fight
today and the fight tomorrow’.



Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019 Page 

Out already:

Strictly’s a James Cracknell

wanted to ‘prove
people wrong’

too far for
JAMES Cracknell became the first
casualty of Strictly Come Dancing’s 17th
series last night, departing the
competition after losing a dance-off
with David James.
Cracknell, 47, and Luba Mushtuk, 29,
had received the lowest marks from
judges for a second week running. They
received 1 out of 40 for a ‘stompy’ jive
– up on on last week’s 11 for the tango.
Their routine began with the pair flip-
ping pancakes – which Craig Revel Hor-
wood described as the ‘best part’.
Cracknell said afterwards: ‘Luba’s
been amazing, being so patient with a
couple of left feet.’

View from
the sofa
E’S rowed across the Atlantic,

H trekked to the South Pole and

has two Olympic gold medals
to his name. Alas, James
Cracknell won’t be adding a
glitterball trophy to his haul of achieve-
ments after becoming the first celebrity
to get the boot from this year’s Strictly.
On Saturday night he said that he was tak-
ing part to ‘prove people wrong’. And if those ‘Stompy’: James Cracknell jives with Luba Mushtuk
people were thinking he’d turn
out to be a phenomenal dancer his shoe. Joining Cracknell in the even bigger than last week? His Jones choreographed a bizarre
with a great sense of timing and dance-off was fellow sportsman arms must measure more than cowboy-themed American smooth
David James who performed a his partner Oti Mabuse’s waist. that featured an array of clumsy,
rhythm, then he certainly did.
paso doble that Craig Revel Hor- Following last year’s snog-gate acrobatic lifts that you had to
Cracknell performed a jive to wood described as ‘limp, lame scandal with comedian Seann watch through your fingers.
Tutti Frutti which – for no obvi- and lacklustre’. Walsh, there was a question mark At one stage she was dangling
ous reason – centred around a The ex-England goalie looked a over whether Katya Jones would upside down from Bushell with
pancake-tossing theme. bit shellshocked by the judge’s be relegated to the chorus line. her legs clamped around his neck.
In fairness, being light on your comments, revealing that he had She escaped the axe but was Fred and Ginger it was not.
feet was never going to come ‘fallen in love’ with the dance. punished by being paired with a Bruno Tonioli described the
easily to a 6ft 4in hulk of a man, Heaven help us when he has to no-hoper, BBC sports presenter precarious lifts as being like a
and what should have been pre- perform one he hasn’t taken to. Mike Bushell. On Saturday it ‘psychotic cliffhanger’. Yet some-
cise, sharp flicks and kicks ended Former Emmerdale star Kelvin became clear that she intends to thing tells me the steely-eyed Mrs
up looking as though he was try- Fletcher continued to be a revela- keep him (and her) in the show as ‘It could be worse.
Jones would be prepared to suffer
ing to dislodge a pesky piece of tion with an elegant waltz. And long as possible by turning him some mild concussion if it pro-
We could be on Strictly’
chewing gum from the bottom of was it me, or did his biceps look into a pound-shop Ed Balls. Mrs longs her time on the show.

Alexa, why won’t the BBC let you wake me up?

SOME like to be eased from their slumber By Eleanor Sharples put your listeners first!’ Another gadget ity to enjoy radio programmes on Echo
by a spot of Radio 2. Others prefer to be TV and Radio Reporter owner added: ‘As I use Alexa as an alarm devices. Come on BBC, you must do bet-
roused by a rowdy interview on Radio 4. set to Radio 4, I am very annoyed. It is a ter.’ Kieran Clifton, BBC director of distri-
But from today, users of the Amazon tions as an alarm and will have to access serious inconvenience. bution and business development,
Echo – known for its Alexa voice-recogni- BBC channels by talking to the gadget. ‘I will have to search out a commercial blamed the change on TuneIn failing to
tion system – will no longer be able to set Andrew McIlwaine wrote on the BBC channel to wake up to. I guess I must provide meaningful data feedback.
their alarm to turn on with live BBC radio. website: ‘Really fed-up about this Beeb, retire from Radio 4 in sympathy with He wrote: ‘When we make our pro-
The corporation has withdrawn its sup- Amazon and TuneIn. I’ve been waking up John Humphrys.’ grammes available via third parties, we
port for TuneIn, the popular radio stream- to the Today programme for as long as I A third recalled the furore over TV ask that those platforms either allow you
ing app, on Amazon’s smart speakers. can remember. No longer from Monday. licences for over-75s, writing: ‘No free TV to sign into your BBC account – or provide
Users will lose the option of having sta- You need to get your heads together and for the elderly, now taking away the abil- us with meaningful data directly.’



Page  Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019

Parents may
Jewish Labour
By Sophie Borland
Health Editor MP ‘fights on’
THE Health Secretary argued
as she faces
be forced to
yesterday that there is a ‘very
strong argument’ for making
vaccinations for children
Matt Hancock said he had sought
LABOUR MP Dame Margaret Hodge
advice from experts over the past has vowed to fight to keep her seat
few days on how to introduce man- amid claims the Left wants to force

give children
datory jabs. her out for standing up to Jeremy Cor-
Official figures last week showed a byn over anti-Semitism.
fall in the uptake of all 13 routine child- The Jewish MP, pictured, will face a rese-
hood vaccinations, including MMR, lection battle in her east London constit-
polio and diphtheria. uency after activists voted for the chance
The rates for MMR had dropped for to pick a new candidate.
the fifth year in a row, with 14 per cent She is the second MP to be ‘triggered’
of children not receiving the two through the party’s

necessary jabs. new ballot proce -
Mr Hancock, who has three children, dures, which make it
said yesterday: ‘I think there’s a very easier for members to
strong argument for a movement force a contest.
towards compulsory vaccination and I The Jewish Labour
think the public would back us. I Movement called the
received advice inside government vote a ‘shameful
this week on how we might go about it moment’ for the party
and I’m looking very seriously at it.’ as Dame Margaret,
Addressing a fringe event at the Con-
servative Party conference in Man-
chester, the Health Secretary said par-
Minister says there’s a ‘strong 75, has spent her
career fighting anti-
Semitism and the
ents who did not vaccinate their own BNP. Labour mem-
children were putting other vulnerable
youngsters at risk.
‘The worst thing is, if you don’t vac-
cinate your child and you can, then
argument’ for compulsory jabs bers in Dame Margaret’s Barking seat
said that, although the ballot triggering
the reselection process was carried, 55 per
cent of wards and more than 90 per cent
the person you are putting at risk is of union branches had voted against it.
not only your own child but it’s also The MP said: ‘I am obviously disap-
the child who can’t be vaccinated for pointed... At a vital time for the country,
with a general election looming, we should
‘I think the public be focusing our efforts on holding Boris
Johnson and the Tories to account. I will
would back us’ work to secure the full backing of Barking
Labour Party, so I can continue to play my
medical reasons,’ he said. ‘Maybe part as their MP in doing that.’
they’ve got cancer and so their immune But Jon Lansman, founder of the pro-
system is too weak. You’ve got to make Corbyn Momentum group, said the move
sure the system would work – some had nothing to do with anti-Semitism.
children can’t get vaccinated and some He tweeted: ‘I’m told it happened
will hold strong religious convictions because members on the Right had
you want to take into account. expected her to retire and want an MP
‘Then I’d want to make it very easy who actually lives there.’
for when the children arrive at school,
and aren’t vaccinated, to get vacci-
nated and make it the norm.
‘I’m very worried about falling rates
... as party fears
of vaccinations, especially measles. It’s
unbelievable that Britain has lost its
measles-free status and it should be a
real wake-up call.
‘When he said I was getting
three of the best, I wasn’t
expecting a triple jab’
losing 100 seats
At risk: The uptake of 13 routine jabs has fallen AN INTERNAL poll shows Labour could
‘I think the social media companies
have got a lot to answer for. lose 100 seats at the next election.
They allow the spread of anti- measles and polio were once Digital showed the proportion meant to be given two MMR Up to a third of those who voted Labour
vaccines messages. I will do widespread and deadly. of children receiving both MMR jabs to protect against measles, at the last election could switch to the
whatever I can. California made childhood jabs fell from 87.2 per cent in mumps and rubella – the first at Liberal Democrats, a union poll found.
‘The science is absolutely clear vaccinations compulsory two 2017/18 to 86.4 per cent. Cover- one month old and the second A further 10 per cent are expected to
and settled on the importance years ago; parents who refuse to age of the six-in-one vaccine, just before starting school. ditch Labour for the Brexit Party, the
of vaccinations.’ comply cannot enrol their chil- which includes polio, hepatitis On a separate issue, Mr Han- Sunday Times reported.
Experts have blamed the dren at school. B and tetanus, dropped from cock said he wants the Govern- The survey has prompted fears among
increasingly vociferous ‘anti- The only exceptions are young- 95.1 per cent to 94.2 per cent. ment to introduce tougher rules
vaxx’ movement for spreading sters with cancer or other con- Jeremy Corbyn’s allies that he would be
Health officials are particularly on air pollution, particularly
‘fake news’ via social media that ditions that leave their immune worried about the increase of where children and schools are forced to quit in the event of a second
jabs are harmful. system compromised. They measles, with 231 confirmed concerned. straight general election loss.
Public complacency may also would not be able to tolerate cases in January to March – just Mr Hancock said: ‘Poor air Left-winger Laura Pidcock is now seen
be a factor, with many parents the jab. short of the 284 registered in quality is a health issue and we as Mr Corbyn’s preferred successor in
forgetting that diseases such as Last week’s figures from NHS total for 2017. Children are need to tackle it.’ the event of him having to stand down.



Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019 Page 

Traffic cop is hounded out

of his job after two decades
... over prang with suspect
By Andrew Levy

A POLICEMAN with almost 20

years’ service quit in disgust after
Who would
being hounded over a car chase.
PC Lee Rumsey had left his patrol car in
gear when he jumped out to follow a sus-
dare join the
pected thief on foot.
The vehicle accelerated forward, knocking
the man over and resulting in a charge of dan-
gerous driving for Mr Rumsey.
force now?
However, the 51-year-old traffic officer was PLACED in dangerous and unpredicta-
cleared by a jury in just two hours – including ble situations, police officers are
an hour’s break for lunch. forced to make instant decisions which
Mr Rumsey had hoped to put the episode can have long-lasting consequences
behind him, but learned he was still facing a for their careers.
disciplinary hearing for gross misconduct. To
make matters worse, the man he arrested on But while they face being dragged
suspicion of six offences did not face any through the courts or disciplinary
charges following the chase in August 2017. hearings, the job has been made even
Jay Woodgate, 23, has been jailed twice for more difficult as the shrinking number
dangerous driving since the incident which of officers has emboldened criminals.
ended Mr Rumsey’s career. The former traffic Richard Atkins QC, chairman of the Bar
officer, whose last day with Cambridgeshire Council, warned that many are ‘going
Constabulary was on Saturday, said: ‘I felt so about their business unchallenged’.
betrayed. They had one bite at court and then
Last month, Detective Chief Super-
intendent Richard Tucker of the Met
‘I was in the dock, like Police said a violent machete attack
a criminal’ on a constable was ‘a symptom of
people having less fear of police’.
Just last week, career criminal Peter
launched the disciplinary hearing, which was
the last straw. They spent £100,000 on the McLeod, 42, from Sunderland, who
prosecution and are spending another £50,000 told PC Andrew Jackson in August that
on the disciplinary, which will probably still go he would ‘chop him up with an axe’
ahead without me, but they left this guy on the before punching him in the face,
streets to commit more offences.’ walked free from court after receiving
The saga began just after 8pm on August 29, a 16-week suspended sentence. The
2017, when Mr Rumsey and a sergeant in the thug, who was on licence for an axe
passenger seat saw a Mercedes driver lose con- attack on a neighbour at the time, had
trol at a roundabout in Peterborough. When
they switched on their blue lights the Mer- previously assaulted two other officers.
cedes raced away. The officers chased it at up Another policeman, Christopher
to 80mph through a business estate and then Burnham, 48, is facing a ‘long road to
a residential area. The car finally stopped after recovery’ from brain injuries after he
hitting a lorry, and three people ran away. was hit by a Mini when he tried to stop
Mr Rumsey said he ‘tapped’ the driver’s legs it last Wednesday in Radford, Coventry.
with his patrol car to make him fall over – but as A 37-year-old has been charged with
he jumped out to grab him, he accidentally attempted murder.
pressed the accelerator. ‘My vehicle went up
the kerb, struck the suspect again
and went into some bushes,’ he duct – he said he was not con- insurance, theft of petrol and pos- the stuffing out of me,’ he said. youths fought around them. He
said. ‘It was purely by accident. I cerned as this was ‘standard pro- session of a knife. ‘For 19 years I Woodgate was jailed for 14 months met EastEnders star Barbara
said to my sergeant, “I’m really cedure’. But Mr Rumsey was stood in the witness box to give evi- last month after admitting danger- Windsor while on duty during
sorry, I had a senior moment”.’ stunned when he was charged with dence,’ Mr Rumsey said. ‘Now I was ous driving by trying to evade Prince William’s wedding in 2011.
Woodgate was left with a small dangerous driving and grievous in the dock, like a criminal.’ He was police by going the wrong way An IOPC spokesman said: ‘Police
cut on his head and claimed his bodily harm. The latter charge swiftly cleared after a four-day trial. down a dual carriageway. officers have to use force in a
shoulder had been dislocated – was eventually dropped. Top brass who had ‘shunned’ He was on licence from jail after manner which is justifiable and
but Mr Rumsey said this was When he appeared at Cambridge him before the trial began to offer another dangerous driving offence. proportionate.’ A Cambridgeshire
never confirmed. Crown Court in May he learned no their congratulations. But Mr Mr Rumsey is now planning to Constabulary spokesman said: ‘As
When the officer learned he was further action had been taken Rumsey then learned from the become a lorry driver. this matter remains subject to
being investigated by the Inde- against Woodgate, despite being Cambridgeshire Police Federation, He was was commended for disciplinary proceedings, it would
pendent Police Complaints Com- arrested for failing to stop, driving which represents rank-and-file bravery while serving with the Met be inappropriate to make any
mission – since replaced by the a suspected stolen vehicle, posses- officers, that a disciplinary hearing in 2009 after giving CPR to a dying further comment.’
Independent Office for Police Con- sion of cannabis, driving with no would still take place. ‘It knocked man with stab wounds while

Orgy of interest for the

£500,000 ‘Caligula ring’
A SOLID sapphire ring once By James Tozer
thought to have belonged to the
notorious Roman emperor Caligula of his troops. The couple were assassi-
nated in 41AD. The ‘Caligula ring’ is a
has gone on sale. rare sky blue hololith – meaning it is
It bears the image of his fourth wife made from a single piece of stone.
Caesonia – played in the controversial Experts now believe it is an Italian repro-
1979 erotic movie Caligula by Dame duction carved during the Renaissance.
Helen Mirren. It was owned by the Earl of Arundel
Expected to fetch close to £500,000, it from 1637 to 1762, when it became one
has attracted worldwide interest, with of the famous Marlborough Gems, a col-
one Asian collector said to have hired a lection of 800 engraved jewels amassed
team to queue outside Wartski, the royal by the 4th Duke of Marlborough.
jewellers in London where it is being Latterly it was in a French collection
sold, to ensure he is the first through before being acquired by Wartski. Direc-
the doors when they open today. tor Kieran McCarthy said: ‘Very few
Caesonia was said to be so beautiful hololiths exist and I would argue this is
Star: Helen Mirren as Caesonia in Caligula that Caligula paraded her naked in front the best example you can find.’ Gem: The solid sapphire ring is ultra rare


Page  Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019

By Emine Sinmaz, Claire

Ellicott and Sam Greenhill Ex-model ‘told friends they
BoRis Johnson has insisted
there was ‘no interest to
declare’ over his relationship
with an American entrepre-
did have sex’. But he insists:
neur who reportedly told
friends they had an affair.
He faces a police investigation I have nothing to declare COMMENTARY
over allegations that he did
favours for Jennifer Arcuri, party conference began, he
34, whose firms have received was asked if he had misused
£126,000 of public money. public funds and replied: ‘eve-
her shoreditch apartment,
which has a nightclub dancing
pole, for what he said were
ing together.’ And a friend of
miss Arcuri’s said mr Johnson
had visited her in Cheshire
by Stephen
the pole - dancing model
turned businesswoman has
reportedly told friends she had
a sexual relationship with him
rything i did was in complete
conformity with the rules.’
the sunday times reported
that miss Arcuri had told four
technology lessons.
David enrich, finance editor
of the New York times, said
he had been told of miss Arcu-
from where she ran business
Hacker House with her now
husband. the source said: ‘it
did leap out at me as being
when he was London mayor. friends she had a sexual rela- ri’s alleged relationship with possibly indiscreet.’

Ye s t e r d a y m r J o h n s o n tionship with mr Johnson while mr Johnson by classmates on Downing street refused to ometimes it seems that there
he was mayor and married to her mBA course in London. comment on the affair allega-
admitted he had not declared
barrister marina Wheeler. He told the sunday times: tions. After mr Johnson was is barely a young woman in Boris
his friendship with miss Johnson’s orbit who does not
Arcuri, a now married mother- During that time mr John- ‘two friends from her busi- referred to the police watch-
of-one who lives in Los Ange- son gave speeches for free at ness class said they had been dog, a spokesman said: ‘eve- risk being propositioned by him.
les, to City Hall officials. her tech conferences and told by Arcuri that she was rything was done with propri- Yesterday it was virtually confirmed
But he said ‘everything was arranged preferential access sleeping with Boris.’ ety and in the normal way.’ to the satisfaction of fair-minded observers
done with full propriety’ dur- for her to join him on overseas A tory activist who spent miss Arcuri could not be that, while he was mayor of London (and
trade missions, despite her time with her before the 2015 contacted. she has said all the married), he had an affair with former model
companies not qualifying. He election told the newspaper: grants and trade mission trips
‘Very proud of also paid office-hour visits to ‘she told me they were sleep- were awarded fairly. and businesswoman Jennifer Arcuri, to add
to his many previous flings.
everything I did’ At least, that is what four friends of hers have
ing an appearance on BBC1’s
the Andrew marr show.
FOUR INQUIRIES HE FACES told the sunday times. only a very unworldly
person could have believed otherwise. ms Arcuri
had previously explained mr Johnson’s visits to
mr Johnson, who faces up to The Greater London Authority has asked Labour wants Britain’s top civil servant, Sir her east London flat by saying that she was
four inquiries into the matter, teaching him about technology!
at first dodged questions from whether Mr Johnson should face a criminal Mark Sedwill, to look into claims Miss Arcuri We also learnt yesterday from a female journal-
marr who asked him: ‘As she investigation for misconduct in public office. went on overseas trade trips. Shadow Cabinet ist that 20 years ago Boris allegedly squeezed her
was certainly a friend of yours, It wants the Independent Office for Police Office spokesman Jon Trickett said there were inner thigh as he sat next to her at a lunch while
did you declare that interest?’ Conduct to assess allegations that Miss Arcu- allegations of ‘serious conflicts of interest, he was apparently engaged in exactly the same
When pressed again, the ri’s company received £11,500 because of her abuse of power and misuse of public funds’. operation with a woman on his other side – an
Prime minister said: ‘there friendship with him while he was mayor. Current London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has incident which he denies.
was no interest to declare... Appalling. shameless. Reckless. All these
Let’s be absolutely clear, i am
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media asked City Hall officials to look into other
words, and more, could be reasonably applied to
very, very proud of everything and Sport is investigating why Miss Arcuri’s awards handed out during Mr Johnson’s time his behaviour. But the fact is that it has already
that we did and certainly eve- company was given £100,000 in 2018. It is in office. A spokesman said they would check been factored in by the great British public.
rything that i did as mayor.’ thought the firm, now run from California, what ‘processes were followed to ensure the electors of London voted for him as mayor
speaking later as the tory was eligible as it had a UK phone number. that any lessons are learned for the future’. in 2008 and 2012 even though his previous sexual
shenanigans were common knowledge. the tory
Party faithful (whom one might expect to be

He squeezed my thigh under socially conservative) recently preferred him by a

margin of two to one to the upright Jeremy Hunt.
And the tories having risen sharply in the polls
since mr Johnson became prime minister ten
weeks ago, one may surmise that most people do
not especially care that he has the morals of an

table (and another woman’s too)

By Jim Norton – quite a signature move.’ the allegations
alley cat, though i don’t doubt there are many
other reservations about him.
Whether voters would be so indulgent towards
another leading politician who strayed so often
from the marriage bed is an open question. All
that can be confidently said is that Boris has
have caused fury in No 10 at the start of been given a special pass by the public to do
DoWNiNG street has been forced to the Conservative Party conference. more or less what he pleases in the boudoir.
deny accusations that Boris Johnson Downing street initially declined to But not when it comes to public money. that is
groped two women beneath a table at comment, but a spokesman later branded what makes this case different from his previous
the allegations ‘untrue’. scandals. He’s been accused of lots of things over
a private lunch two decades ago. Responding to the denial, miss
Journalist Charlotte edwardes claimed the years – not just regular extramarital excur-
edwardes tweeted: ‘if the Prime minister sions – but never, until now, of having his hand in
the Prime minister, who was then editor doesn’t recollect the incident then clearly
of the spectator, squeezed her thigh, the till.
i have a better memory than he does.’
which made her ‘sit suddenly upright’.

Asked about the claims at a fringe event
she said she divulged this to a young at the tory conference, mr Hancock said:
woman who was sitting on his other side, ‘Boris has never lectured other people
who said mr Johnson – who had spoken f course, it’s not alleged he benefited
about their private lives and i think we personally in any financial sense. But it
about his ‘current wife’ at the dinner – should focus on delivering on what we are
had done ‘exactly the same’ to her. is suggested that he may have helped
in politics for, which in my view is to serve ms Arcuri’s companies with various
A source yesterday said the Prime the citizens of this country.’ handouts (despite her apparently being a lousy
minister was ‘angry’ at the allegations Labour mPs Jess Phillips and Dawn businesswoman), and that she was invited on
and flatly denied them. Butler criticised his remarks for ‘dismiss- three mayoral trade missions abroad even though
meanwhile Health secretary matt ing sexual harassment’ and called on the her company was not eligible for any of them.
Hancock came in for criticism after claim- minister to apologise. Later mr Hancock if it could be proven that mr Johnson did any of
ing the alleged incident was ‘a private Accuser: Charlotte Edwardes said he did not dismiss the claims telling these things by way of a favour to his lover – if
matter’, before rowing back. he has enough inner flesh beneath his fin- Channel 4 News: ‘i know Charlotte well that is what she was – i doubt he could survive.
Cabinet minister Liz truss, who holds gers to make me sit suddenly upright. and i entirely trust what she has to say.’ Giving public money to girlfriends does not go
the women and equalities brief, last night ‘my mother always said, “Wear a badge ex-defence secretary Penny mordaunt down well even in countries such as france and
pledged to ‘look into the claims’. to the cinema with which to stab the wan- said of mr Johnson: ‘i think occasionally italy where political corruption is commonplace.
the incident was said to have taken dering hands”. But this is work, so i am he has the style of frank spencer in a it would surely be fatal here.
place shortly after mr Johnson took over silent. Afterwards, i confide in the young china shop. But he is a decent person and this is where i cry: oh, Boris! Why have you put
as editor of the spectator in 1999 at the woman on his other side. she replies, “oh i think he cares a great deal about women yourself in such a position? Why were you
magazine’s former offices at Doughty God, he did exactly the same to me”. and girls.’ mr Johnson was married at the consorting with a goodtime girl such as Jennifer
street in central London. ‘We speculate: Were the squeezes simul- time of the alleged incident to his second Arcuri (she had a nightclub dancing pole in her
in a column for the sunday times, miss taneous? for balance? Was he hedging? wife marina Wheeler. flat) when you were running London, and should
edwardes wrote: ‘more wine is poured; “And did you notice how he kept referring they filed for divorce a year ago. During have been at home with your lovely and clever
more wine is drunk. Under the table, i feel to his ‘current’ wife?”, she says. i did. We his time editing the spectator from 1999 wife, marina?
Johnson’s hand on my thigh. He gives it a grimace. my memory is that he had a to 2005, it emerged he was having an affair And for us to have to cope with this story now
squeeze. His hand is high up my leg and “reputation”. still, the “double squeeze” with columnist Petronella Wyatt. of all times! the country is in the grip of a collec-



Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019 Page 

Boris must
come clean
about this
... if it’s just another dalliance,
the public would forgive him
Invitations on foreign trade trips: Former model Jennifer Arcuri
tive nervous breakdown. The Gov- there yet. We shouldn’t assume Mr Khan, no one has so far managed ple prepared to give him the benefit that he didn’t do anything wrong.
ernment is trying to extricate Brit- Johnson is guilty as charged. Jen- to produce a ‘smoking gun’ – of the doubt expect something bet- That’s hopeless, and won’t
ain from the EU on the best nifer Arcuri is a pushy (and seem- namely, the proof to support the ter than complete evasion from a convince anyone.
possible terms, while suffering ingly rather kooky) young woman allegations against Mr Johnson. Prime Minister confronted with Should he survive this latest cri-
repeated ambushes in the House who managed to get herself invited Maybe they will. We would be such serious allegations. sis, he must finally accept that the
of Commons. to all sorts of places and, indeed, foolish to rule it out. But all we My prediction is that sooner or private life of a statesman is not
For those of us who passionately to secure invitations on foreign have at the moment are four sepa- later he will have to provide a fuller entirely his own affair. His youthful
want Mr Johnson to succeed, and trade trips, on which it is said rate enquiries intending to look account of his actions, and it would indiscretions are admittedly of lit-
bring an end to the nightmare of that no financial support was into the matter, and a good deal of be better if this wasn’t drawn out tle concern to us.
Brexit, this idiotic tale of a self- given to her. embarrassment for Mr Johnson. of him painfully, but offered freely But when he was Mayor of Lon-
indulgent and heedless entangle- Lots of people work at City Hall. and in good faith. don, and already had his eyes

ment with such a woman is It’s perfectly plausible that the It is surely unthinkable that we firmly on No 10, it was rash and
absolutely the last thing we wanted sharp-elbowed Ms Arcuri con- could enter an election campaign irresponsible of him to befriend
to hear. vinced officials that she was a wor- N view of this, it is not good in a matter of weeks with the basic Jennifer Arcuri, and potentially
No one should be in any doubt. If thy recipient of fairly modest funds, enough for him to bluster charges still unanswered, and Cor- open himself to harmful criticism.
the Prime Minister’s many oppo- and a proper participant in trade about how proud he is of his byn & Co able to repeat endlessly At least his present squeeze, Car-
nents are able to make the most missions, without any direct inter- record as mayor (as he did on the damaging allegation that the rie Symonds, seems sensible and
serious charges of financial impro- vention from Mr Johnson. yesterday’s Andrew Marr Show on leader of the Tory Party is guilty of stable. If she were able to lay her
priety stick, and he is shown the Moreover, although some of the BBC1) while refusing to give even misconduct in public office. hands on the male equivalent of a
door as someone manifestly unfit Sunday Times’s finest reporters the barest of answers to pertinent So Boris Johnson should give a chastity belt, and place it firmly
to be trusted, we will be one large have been engaged on this story questions. more complete account of his around Boris’s nether regions
step closer to a Corbyn govern- for several weeks, with the appar- His diehard enemies will doubt- actions, and not rely on Tory while retaining the key, she would
ment. It’s that serious. ent full cooperation of Labour-run less never be satisfied with what- MPs and Cabinet ministers to earn the undying thanks of a grate-
But let’s try to be calm. We’re not City Hall and the Mayor, Sadiq ever he says. But fair-minded peo- blather on about how sure they are ful nation.



Page  V1 Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019

Best way to beat diabetes: Lose No pinatas in the park – messy

10% of weight after diagnosis party craze deemed a hazard
LOSING weight straight after diagnosis is By Ben Spencer THE party craze of pinatas has been By Colin Fernandez
the most effective way to send type 2 dia- Medical Correspondent banned in a popular park and branded Environment Correspondent
betes into remission, a study has shown.
twice as likely to go into remission as an environmental hazard.
Obesity is the biggest risk factor for the Smashing up tissue-paper effigies of lions ‘No Littering, No Pinatas,’ have been put
those who stayed the same weight. and other creatures has become a must-do up. Eliza Merchan, a spokesman for the
development of type 2 diabetes which Professor Simon Griffin told Diabetic charity that runs the 14-acre park, said rev-
puts people at risk of heart disease, pastime at many festivities, with blind-
Medicine journal: ‘This reinforces the ellers left ‘colourful bits of paper, sweet
stroke, blindness and amputations. folded children using a stick to release wrappers and bits of plastic,’ adding: ‘It
importance of managing one’s weight.’ sweets and confetti packed inside.
The Cambridge University study of 67 A spokesman for NHS England said: ‘The has been driving our volunteers nuts’.
Celebrities such as Harry Potter actress Charity Keep Britain Tidy also warned
people, aged between 40 and 69, with NHS Long Term Plan will see the diabe- Emma Watson and TV presenter Kirstie
newly-diagnosed diabetes found that 257 that pinatas, which are inspired by Mexi-
tes prevention programme expand to Allsopp have joined in the fun but now can fiestas, pose a litter threat to wildlife.
were in remission at a five-year follow- help 200,000 people a year who are at London’s Myatt’s Fields Park in Camber- Chief executive Allison Ogden-Newton
up. Those who managed a 10 per cent risk of developing type 2 avoid it and well has become the first to ban the craze said: ‘We’d be worried about plastic wrap-
weight loss in this period were more than trial very low-calorie diets.’ because of the mess it leaves. Signs saying pers dispersed in public places.’

Jihadis’ families plot to

smuggle them to Britain
... as PM’s call Selfie: Tooba
Gondal, far left,
before joining IS
to fly children and with her
children Asiya
and Ibrahim now

back is sunk by
Cabinet mutiny


By Larisa Brown
Defence and Security Editor

BRITISH families are plotting to

smuggle relatives who joined
Islamic State out of Syria amid a
Cabinet row over the issue, intel-
ligence sources claim.
They say there has been ‘chatter’
among those living in the UK about

Former IS recruiter
how they can help suspect jihadi fam-
ily members get back to Britain.
Islamic State members have already
been smuggled out of camps where Brit-
ish citizens are held, another western
security source said, adding that the
‘window of time for countries to repatri-
ate effectively is closing very quickly’.
begs to return home
It comes during a Cabinet rift over AN Islamic State recruiter daughter Asiya, 1 months,
whether to fly British children back home who fled London begged to and son Ibrahim, two, after
from the camps, with Boris Johnson
making the case for repatriation in top
be allowed home yesterday. trying to flee.
secret security meetings. Tooba Gondal, 25, a former In a letter published by The
But Defence Secretary Ben Wallace and student at Goldsmiths, Uni- Sunday Times yesterday, she
versity of London, travelled appealed to be let back into
from Walthamstow, east Lon- Britain, despite once calling
‘Window of time to don, to Syria in 2015. it a ‘filthy country’.
repatriate is closing’ From the terrorist group’s She said: ‘I am not a terror-
capital of Raqqa, she glori- ist. I have never harmed you,
Home Secretary Priti Patel are against fied the brutal regime and nor do I intend to. I want to
the move, with Miss Patel saying there is lured British girls to be ‘jihadi prove I am a changed per-
‘no way’ the likes of Shamima Begum, 19, brides’. It is thought London son; a much better individual
will be allowed back into Britain. schoolgirl Shamima Begum for society. I want to face jus-
The Daily Mail tracked former London was among her recruits. tice in a British court. I wish
schoolgirl Begum, who married an IS She wed three IS fighters, to redeem myself.’
fighter, to her camp in Syria last week, all of whom were killed. Gondal has been banned
from where she claimed to have changed
and said she wanted to come home. As IS lost ground, Gondal – from re-entering the UK by a
But Miss Patel told The Sun on Sunday who now calls herself Umm Home Office exclusion order.
yesterday: ‘Our job is to keep our coun- Muthanna Al Britaniyah – was But she says her second hus-
try safe. We cannot have people who sent in April to the Ain Issa band – Ibrahim’s father – was
would do us harm allowed to enter our camp in northern Syria with British, which she believes
country – and that includes this woman.’ her two young children, gives her grounds to return.
A Whitehall source said the PM had
wanted to pick up 30 British chil-
dren from camps in Syria, but rity Council weeks ago. Intelli- traffickers. It was not clear British citizenships. Kurdish camp as an incubator for the next
failed to get enough support after gence sources claim the families of whether they included the wives forces holding foreign fighters and generation of extremists. It is con-
facing a Cabinet mutiny. suspect jihadists have discussed and children of British jihadis. their wives have urged their home sidered so dangerous that mem-
He wanted to bring under-16s bribing guards to smuggle their The Government has refused to nations to take them back. bers of the Syrian Democratic
back, but leave their parents in relatives out of Syria, although take Britons back over fears that There are up to 12,000 foreign Forces have stopped going inside.
the Middle East. none is thought to have acted. there would not be enough evi- women and children in the Al- A source said: ‘These people left
The row was leaked at the week- But there have been reports of dence to convict them in the UK. Hawl camp, including Britons. London and Berlin to go to the
end after the issue was discussed foreigners being smuggled out of The Home Office has instead US officials have described IS as desert to fight for an idea. They
at a meeting of the National Secu- Al Hawl camp in Syria by human stripped suspect jihadists of their being active inside, using the are still committed to that idea.’



Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019 Page 

By Ben Spencer
Medical Correspondent

BABY boomers are on course to

overtake young people as the
Baby boomers are per cent admitted binge drinking.
‘People do not expect binge-drink-
ing in older people,’ Dr Rao said.
‘It is something that has gone
completely undetected.’
While teenagers used to be con-

rivalling young as
country’s problem drinkers, NHS sidered Britain’s biggest drinkers,
experts today are more worried
statistics suggest. about middle-aged, middle-class
Hospital admissions for mental people – particularly women – who
disorders linked to alcohol have order wine from supermarkets
surged by a fifth among the middle- and drink at home.
aged in the past five years, according Katherine Severi, of the Institute

problem boozers
to figures compiled by NHS Digital. of Alcohol Studies, said: ‘It is clear
There has been a 21 per cent increase in from the figures that the negative
the number of over-50s admitted for effects of drinking are a growing
addiction, memory loss and dementia problem for middle-aged and
linked to drinking since 2013/14. older people across the country.
Among younger groups – those aged 15 ‘In addition to increases in can-
to 49 – admissions have fallen by 7 cers and strokes, mental disorders
per cent in the same period. admitted to hospital for mental a better understanding of their drinking is detrimental in older related to alcohol are another area
Experts say the figures highlight and behavioural disorders linked health. Baby boomers are drink- age when people’s bodies can’t get where the impact of older people’s
a growing generational gap in to alcohol in 2018/19, up from ing more than previous genera- rid of the alcohol as quickly.’ drinking on their health is getting
attitudes to alcohol. 25,288 five years previously. tions did, but also seem to not be Dr Rao said the figures – which too strong to ignore.’
Younger people are drinking far For those aged 15 to 49 there aware of the health impacts of apply only to the most problem- She pointed to figures published
less than they did in the past, but were 36,593 admissions last year, that drinking. atic drinkers – represent ‘only the in Scotland last week which
alcohol is still a central part of the down from 39,512 in 2013/14. ‘It’s a manifestation of the drink- tip of the iceberg’. He pointed to a showed the adoption of minimum
lives of their parents’ generation. Dr Tony Rao, of the addictions ing culture that people were research paper he is due to pub- unit pricing – a move shunned in
The figures, analysed by the faculty at the royal college, who brought up in during the 1950s, lish shortly in the Advances In England – has successfully reduced
Royal College of Psychiatrists, assessed the figures, said: ‘Younger 60s and 70s, which many people Dual Diagnosis journal, in which a drinking and called on Westmin-
show that 30,642 over-50s were people are drinking less and have are still living with. That level of study of 190 over-65s revealed 22 ster to consider the policy.



Page 10 v1 Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019

Apologise to race row

TV host, BBC chiefs told
Former head Flashpoint: Dan
Walker and Naga
of equalities discussing
Donald Trump’s
quango slams
By George Odling
THE BBC should apologise to a
TV presenter involved in a race
row, former equalities boss
Trevor Phillips has said.
The corporation is facing pressure
over its reprimand to naga Mun-
chetty for condemning Donald
Trump’s call for four Democratic
congresswomen to ‘go back to their
own countries’.
Mr Phillips said the decision had put a
‘stain’ on the professional reputation of
the 44-year-old journalist.
In an on-air discussion with Breakfast
co-host Dan Walker, Miss Munchetty,
who has Indian and Mauritian
ancestry, said: ‘Every time I have should update its guidelines to instance, we have a professional into the remarks she made during BBC spokesman said: ‘The BBC is
been told, as a woman of colour, reflect the fact it now employed journalist doing what journalists their discussion in July. fully committed to complying with
to go back to where I came from, many more journalists of differ- are paid to – to make an informed Chancellor Sajid Javid and comic the Equality Act, and we’re not
that was embedded in racism.’ ent backgrounds. decision – but they are saying she Sir Lenny Henry have condemned aware of any failure to do so.
Following a single complaint, the He added: ‘That way, they could shouldn’t be allowed to do that. the decision to reprimand Miss ‘The statement from the execu-
BBC ruled she was entitled to boast about their success in pro- ‘It is a form of censorship and Munchetty. BBC newsnight pre- tive team is clear, the BBC is not
describe comments as racist but moting diversity and resolve this the way they have handled it senter Emily Maitlis warned that impartial on racism.
had breached guidelines by also issue instead of digging themselves has put a stain on her profes- the complaints unit looked ‘mas- ‘Racism is not an opinion and it
challenging Mr Trump’s motives. further into a hole over all this. sional reputation.’ sively out of touch’. is not a matter for debate. Racism
Mr Phillips, former chairman of ‘The BBC always gets its knick- David Jordan, the BBC’s edito- A petition to have its decision is racism.
the Equality and Human Rights ers into a twist about race, mak- rial policy director, has suggested reversed had last night reached ‘naga has the very clear support
C o m m i s s i o n , s a i d t h e B B C ing mistake after mistake. In this Walker led Miss Munchetty, 44, more than 11,500 signatures. A of the top of the organisation.’

COMMENTARY An indefensible
blunder by Beeb’s
By John tiality’ has been lost. The corporation, of
course, has a duty not to be biased, but
Mair that doesn’t mean it has to deny simple
facts. It isn’t ‘impartial’, for instance, to
give equal weight to the beliefs of the Flat
VETERAN BBC PRODUCER AND Earth Society. And it isn’t ‘impartial’ to
CO-CREATOR OF QUESTION TIME ignore perceived racism or to pretend it

W Thought Police
isn’t grossly offensive.
ITHIn the corridors of David Jordan, the BBC’s director of edi-
new Broadcasting House, torial and policy standards, is a decent
the BBC’s editorial and man but he has spent so much time sitting
on the fence that he’s now probably got
policy standards unit is some very nasty splinters lodged where
known as the Thought they hurt most.
Police – and, like the sinister secret He shouldn’t be surprised that a group of
agents in George Orwell’s prominent black media figures, including
journalist Krishnan Guru-Murthy and
nineteen Eighty-Four, they some- BBC executives find themselves in a hole, Munchetty is an excellent journalist who actors Colin Salmon, David Harewood,
times target their own side. you can be sure they will keep digging furi- pulls off the difficult double act required Adrian Lester and Sir Lenny Henry, have
That, in effect, is what happened to ously. The whole sorry affair should have of all news anchors, male and female – described the BBC’s warped decision as
naga Munchetty, the highly respected been forgotten long ago. inspiring trust while looking good at the ‘deeply flawed, illegal and contrary to the
BBC Breakfast news presenter whose It stems from a 40-second conversation same time. spirit and purpose of public broadcasting’.
parents were born in India and Mauri- live on air between Miss Munchetty and Her voice was especially relevant on this For good measure, they added that it was
tius – and who was publicly reprimanded her Breakfast co-host, Dan Walker, discuss- story, precisely because she is not white. ‘racially discriminatory’.

ing her reaction to a typically inflammatory That’s a good point: for the life of me, I
by corporation bigwigs last week for tweet by Donald Trump. cannot understand why Miss Munchetty
daring to say on air that racism made The US President said that four black was scolded while Walker, who coaxed her
her furious. congresswomen should ‘go back to the S she said, she knows how it feels to to speak out, was not. Surely they should
It was an indefensible mistake by our totally broken and crime-infested places hear those hateful words: ‘Go home.’ both be disciplined, or neither.
state broadcaster to criticise her on this from which they came’. She wasn’t just spouting a vacuous, Faced with a barrage of criticism from all
issue. A bad situation was made even worse Plainly disgusted by that comment, Walker knee-jerk comment – she meant sides, BBC executives must be bitterly
over the weekend when the BBC appeared described the jibe as telling, and asked Miss what she said and spoke from experience. regretting their mistreatment of Miss Mun-
to back-pedal. An email to all staff signed Munchetty how it made her feel, as a woman If I’d been producing the show that morn- chetty. And yet I don’t think they fully under-
by director-general Tony Hall declared: from an ethnic background. ing I would have been quick to congratu- stand yet how much harm has been done.
‘naga Munchetty – one of our stars – was ‘Furious!’ she retorted. ‘Absolutely furi- late her on a strong bit of telly. For all its claims about the importance of
completely within her rights. We com- ous. That was embedded in racism.’ And yet one – just one! – anonymous diversity, when push comes to shove the
pletely back her up. A lot of other people would feel as angry viewer didn’t feel the same way, and filed corporation’s treatment of its ethnic minor-
‘She was speaking honestly and from the as her, she added. I liked her passion and a complaint. ity staff has been found wanting.
heart about her own experiences. We I’m certain that many viewers were cheer- Miss Munchetty’s consequent censure is The lesson for the Thought Police is sim-
admire her for it and she was completely ing as she spoke. When presenters speak symptomatic of the layers of bureaucracy ple: before you attack one of your best, try
justified in doing so.’ What a mess. When from the heart, it makes great TV. Miss at the Beeb, where the meaning of ‘impar- thinking first.



Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019 Page 11

The doctor
who’s blind
... and deaf
Medical student uses special
‘Don’t shoot until you see the
colour of their eye shadow’

Major row as
Army says: Let
Bluetooth stethoscope – and male troops
patients love her folding cane wear make-up
By Larisa Brown
ON her first day working on the By Andy Dolan Defence and Security Editor
ward, a doctor asked Alexandra
Adams why she was walking and empathy is the most important THE Defence Secretary slapped
thing you can give patients.’
around with a patient’s cane. Writing about her first placement for
down Army chiefs yesterday after
After explaining it was actually the British Medican Journal, she said: they announced plans to let male
hers, the deaf and blind medical ‘When I arrived a doctor asked what I soldiers wear make-up.
student was told not to touch any was doing with the patient’s cane. Under current rules, only female
patients – then sent home. ‘I had to point out, apologetically, that troops are allowed cosmetics
Now in her fourth year at university, it was mine. I was told in front of my while on duty.
Miss Adams, 25, has refused to let her colleagues, staff on the ward, and the However, the Army said in a state-
disabilities hold her back from becom- patients that I was not allowed to touch ment that as an ‘inclusive employer’
ing a doctor. any of the patients – I felt disgusting.’ it was revising its guidance to make
‘It has always been that if someone A doctor told Miss Adams she couldn’t
told me I couldn’t do something, I would look at X-rays, adding: ‘Imagine you’re it ‘gender neutral’.
go out of my way to prove I could,’ she a patient. Would you want a disabled The move sparked an immediate
said. ‘I can do cannulation, take blood, doctor treating you? Absolutely not!’ row among officers and ministers,
catheterise [and] spot rashes.’ Miss Adams said: ‘That first day I had with Defence Secretary Ben Wal-
Born deaf in both ears, and with experienced workplace discrimination lace contradicting the official line.
vision of less than 5 per cent in her left – and I wasn’t even a qualified doctor Speaking at the Tory conference in
eye and none in her right, Miss Adams yet.’ The student, originally from Kent, Manchester, Mr Wallace said: ‘Men
has a Bluetooth stethoscope connected has opted to work in palliative care will be allowed to wear make-up in
to her hearing aids. She relies on touch rather than surgery as she finds some
tasks difficult to perform. She is cur-
‘I have less eyesight rently working with older patients, with ‘As long as it is
her folding cane proving to be a popular
but more insight’ conversation topic. camouflage’
‘They say, “ooh, is that a 9mm pistol?”
One thinks I’m a drummer.’ the Army as long as it is camou-
to feel for veins, adding: ‘You can pick Miss Adams described the reaction flaged colour.’
up a lot about patients just by listening from the patients as ‘wonderful’, add-
to them. Patient safety is paramount so ing: ‘They don’t discriminate.’ The controversy followed military
if I’m doubting something, or I’m She has met other disabled medics in personnel accusing the Army of
unsure, I always ask someone.’ America, including five blind doctors, double standards.
Miss Adams had been due to repre- and documents diversity in her blog Leaked orders for senior officers
sent GB as a swimmer at the 2012 Par- Faces of the NHS. based in Canada advised ‘make-up
alympics, but was hospitalised aged 16 Despite limited vision, Miss Adams is not to be worn’ for men but
with acid reflux. takes portraits of workers around the women are allowed if it is ‘incon-
She told The Sunday Times that UK and includes their stories, too. spicuous’, The Sun reported.
stomach surgery went ‘very wrong’, On Friday, Miss Adams will give a talk
forcing her to have more than 20 about her life at the O2 in Greenwich, Colonel Richard Kemp, ex-com-
operations and stay in hospital for London. Her Cardiff tutor, Dr Jeff Allen, mander of British forces in Afghani-
18 months. said it was ‘fantastic how Alexandra stan, dismissed the revised guid-
The experience saw her switch her has applied herself ’, adding: ‘She has ance as a joke, tweeting: ‘Early April
focus from swimming to medicine – and shown she has the potential to be a 1st.’ Other defence ministers were

she duly enrolled to study the subject good doctor. She faces additional chal- said to be furious, with one source
at Cardiff University. lenges, but there are other students I saying the change was ‘bonkers’.
She says being a patient taught her have more concerns over.’ Last night army chiefs issued a
the value of empathy. ‘I’ve been able to NHS England chief executive Simon
go up to patients who’ve been terrified, Stevens said: ‘Alexandra is an extraor-
revised statement making no men-
and I just draw the curtains and say, “I dinary young woman who defied the tion of any changes. A spokesman
know how you feel”. odds through sheer hard work and said: ‘Queen’s Regulations currently
‘I have less eyesight than most, but determination. I hope her example will state that while on duty male sol-
more insight than many. That insight inspire thousands.’ Inspirational: Alexandra Adams with her white cane diers may not wear make-up.’

High praise for Jerusalem, our favourite hymn

IN these divided times, it may seem By Eleanor Sharples which came fifth, was performed by The
impossible to get everyone singing TV and Radio Reporter Kingdom Choir, which sang at the Duke CHORUS OF APPROVAL: THE TOP 10
from the same hymn sheet. and Duchess of Sussex’s wedding last
But members of this green and pleas- the modern song In Christ Alone com- May. Singer Daniel O’Donnell performed 1. Jerusalem (And Did 7. Guide Me, O
ant land have finally reached a decision ing third in a survey of tens of thou- In Christ Alone from the Causeway Those Feet) Thou Great
– with Jerusalem named the nation’s sands of Britons. Coast in Northern Ireland. Jehovah/Redeemer
favourite song of worship. Jones was joined by guests including Jerusalem did not feature on the list 2. How Great Thou Art
The poem by William Blake, set to Britain’s Got Talent winner and Chel- last time the survey was conducted in 3. In Christ Alone 8. Amazing Grace
music by Sir Hubert Parry in 1916, was sea Pensioner Colin Thackery, classical 2013. This year’s runner-up topped the
revealed as our number one hymn in a chart on that occasion. 4. Dear Lord And 9. Be Still, For The
singer Russell Watson and Black Pan-
Songs of Praise special yesterday hosted ther actress Sope Aluko. Yesterday’s BBC special also saw Father Of Mankind Presence Of The Lord
by Aled Jones. Ranked in fourth place was Dear Lord celebrities choosing their favourite 10. I, The Lord Of Sea
The Welsh singer, 48, counted down And Father Of Mankind, which was sung hymns, with poet John Cooper Clarke
5. Abide With Me
the country’s ten favourites from De for the programme by Welsh mezzo- selected How Great Thou Art. ‘True 6. I Vow To Thee, My And Sky (Here I Am,
Montfort Hall in Leicester, with How soprano Katherine Jenkins from St Dav- poetry is found in the words of classic Country Lord)
Great Thou Art ranking second and id’s Cathedral in Wales. Abide With Me, hymns,’ he said.




Page 12 Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019

÷They can’t
agree on plan
talks today
÷Mogg blasts
Bercow antics
Finger-pointing: Boris Johnson is quizzed by Andrew Marr yesterday
By Jason Groves

Did Carrie hack

Political Editor

ANTi-BrEXiT MPs were last night

dithering over whether to try to
bring down Boris Johnson during
this week’s Tory conference.
on a TV grilling for BoJo

his fringe with

Labour, the scottish National Party

and the Lib Dems will hold emergency oris has had a haircut. A
talks in London today with a rag-bag of half-hols chop. one of
independent MPs to decide on their next those twerpish ones which
step in frustrating a No Deal Brexit.
Ministers are on standby to travel back to make you dread going back
London from the conference in Manchester to school and facing your

the secateurs?
if an attempt is made to topple the PM. mates. i’m not sure who his crimp-
They fear speaker John Bercow will allow er is these days but, judging by the
MPs free rein to try to hobble Mr Johnson’s
efforts to get an EU deal in the hope of even- severity of his fringe, it’s possible
tually cancelling Brexit altogether. Carrie simply placed a bowl over
Under one proposal being considered, MPs his head and attacked it with a
could change the law to allow the Commons pair of secateurs.
speaker to stand in for the Prime Minister Andrew Marr charitably didn’t ask
and request another delay from Brussels.
Commons Leader Jacob rees-Mogg yes-
him about it while interviewing him taught him how important it is to keep tion into his investment plans for hospitals
terday savaged Mr Bercow, saying his recent yesterday, possibly because the Prime Boris reined in. Give him any yardage and and ‘gigabit broadband’, whatever that is.
conduct had ‘damaged the standing of the Minister might have quizzed him about he charges off like a bronco bull. The way he kept saying ‘gigabit’ suggested
House of Commons in the eyes of the British his own peculiarly tinged locks. Don’t you think, said Marr, it’s time you he hadn’t a clue what it meant either. Per-
public to the lowest point in modern his- speaking of colour, there is a rather grey- told everyone to just calm down? haps he wasn’t concentrating in those tech-
tory’. But last night the prospect of a formal ish hue here in Manchester. Grey skies, ‘i think i’ve been a model of restraint,’ nology lessons he was so fond of.
grey weather. Even Marr’s studio had a Boris guffawed.

granite tinge to it. it felt like we were Marr suggested he had no chance of unit-
‘Model of watching a flashback scene in a movie. ing the country. The PM huffily puffed his
restraint’ The PM was perched upright, palms on cheeks out. ‘We’re building 40 new hospi- HiCH brings us to Jennifer
thighs as though posing for his rugger team tals!’ he yelled. The broadcaster promised Arcuri. Marr said he had to
photo. He was very keen to talk about the they’d get to those eventually. ask him about the honey
vote of no-confidence appeared to be fading hospitals his government plans to build. Boris took a swig of water. A flicker in his blonde to whose business
as members of the so-called remain Alli- Not so fast, said Marr. First of all he eyeballs suggested mild disappointment Boris gave a grant while Mayor of London.
ance squabbled over who should replace Mr wished to discuss those ‘ humbug’ that it wasn’t a stolichnaya and soda. That i-have-to-ask framing suggested
Johnson if he is ousted. The row came as: remarks Boris had made in the house last There would be no deal with Nigel Farage’s Marr was on uncomfy ground.
÷ Mr Johnson came out fighting over the week to Labour MP Paula sherriff Brexit Party, he insisted. ‘The Conserva- ‘i’m not going to be prurient,’ he assured
latest sleaze allegations, with No 10 denying when she accused him of using inflamma- tives don’t do deals with other parties.’ his guest. Bo-ring! Boris led his host up a
claims by journalist Charlotte Edwardes tory language. Marr might have asked what the recent blind alley and, somehow, managed to end
that he squeezed her thigh 20 years ago; The Prime Minister said it had all been a coalition was all about, but let it slide. up ridiculing his successor, sadiq Khan.
÷ Downing street warned that the Govern- big misunderstanding. The humbug, he ‘We’re about to announce the biggest By now we were short on time. And
ment had as few as ten days to strike a Brexit explained, was aimed at sherriff ’s criti- investment in...’ Hang on! Can we still finally, we got to those hospitals.
deal, but insisted it was still possible; cism of his use of the term ‘surrender Bill’ leave the EU without a deal? ‘of course we Marr suggested the problem was NHs
÷ it emerged that the Prime Minister apolo- which he uses to describe the so-called can!’ the PM harrumphed. He wasn’t tell- staffing numbers, not shiny new buildings.
gised to the Queen last week after the Benn Act, which forbids us leaving the EU ing us how, though. Boris, unable to stay focused, managed to
supreme Court ruled his advice to her to without a deal on october 31. Marr asked him if he’d spoken to any divert this into a rant about Labour’s
suspend Parliament was unlawful; He certainly wasn’t surrendering on the other EU heads of state to help him out by recent conference.
÷ He said he had been a ‘model of restraint’ ‘surrender Act’, by the way. He carried on vetoing an extension. Boris wasn’t going to ‘This is the Tory party conference!’ com-
as he defended his description of anti-No repeating it half a dozen times. go into that. ‘Ah,’ said Marr coming across plained Marr, yanking the bronco back in
Deal legislation as the ‘surrender Act’; Marr had certainly had his ready Brek. all sherlock Holmesy. ‘so you might have line. indeed it is – and the PM desperately
÷ it was reported that No 10 is investigating He was on the edge of his seat, poised to done!’ old lobby hack trick, that. seizing needs a good one.
claims that MPs behind the so-called sur- dart, ferret-like, into any gap between the upon a non-denial. At least this week couldn’t be any worse
render Act received help drafting the legisla-
tion from the EU and French government. PM’s sentences. Past experience has Again, Boris tried to drag the conversa- than the last one. Could it?
sNP Westminster leader ian Blackford
urged opposition parties to unite
and bring down the Government figure, such as Labour grandee have made it clear they will not now seem unsure what to do. Com- a formal vote of no-confidence they
this week to install a caretaker pre- Dame Margaret Beckett, to take install Mr Corbyn at No 10 and are menting on last week’s toxic events will consider alternatives to unset-
mier who would delay Brexit and charge of a so-called ‘government pushing for a compromise. in the Commons, he said: ‘Parlia- tle the PM, with Plaid Cymru push-
avoid a No Deal departure at the of national unity’. Dame Margaret is the favourite, ment made a huge effort to come ing for formal impeachment pro-
end of next month. He said it was And Labour appeared to be get- but others being canvassed include back early to debate Brexit. Fine. ceedings against Mr Johnson.
not enough to ‘sit back and hope ting cold feet. Education spokes- Tory former chancellor Kenneth ‘But did you actually hear any- And today’s meeting of opposi-
Boris Johnson doesn’t allow us to man Angela rayner said Labour Clarke, ex-Labour deputy leader thing ... which advanced the store tion leaders could see the Lib
crash out without a deal’, adding: would not support a vote until Harriet Harman and Tory former of human knowledge about Brexit? Dems pushing to bring forward the
‘We do not believe Johnson is going after a new law kicked in next home secretary Amber rudd. Absolutely not.’ Pressed on the date when Mr Johnson has to
to extend Article 50 – and we won’t month requiring Mr Johnson to Mr rees-Mogg condemned the threat of a no-confidence vote, he legally ask Brussels to extend Arti-
risk time running out.’ seek another Brexit delay. plot as a ‘remoaner coup’. And Mr said the Government had already cle 50 to saturday – as the current
But the Lib Dems warned they she added: ‘We want to make Johnson mocked the plotters, who offered to set aside parliamentary october 19 deadline would not
would only back a vote of no-con- sure we get No Deal off the table went to the supreme Court to time for a vote to trigger an elec- leave enough time for a court case
fidence if Jeremy Corbyn stepped before we do anything else.’ The secure their right to hold the Gov- tion, only for Mr Corbyn to refuse. if Mr Johnson tries not to obey.
aside and allowed a less divisive Lib Dems and independent MPs ernment to account on Brexit but if pro-remain MPs pull back from Comment – Page 16



Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019 Page 13


Conference diary
David, it’s Mummy:
Now, about that pig...
undReds of signed Me dave, which included the
copies of david allegation that, while an under-
cameron’s autobi- graduate at oxford, the future
PM took part in a bizarre
ography For The initiation ceremony that
Record are on sale included a pig’s head.
at conference — at a in his book, cameron says: ‘My
discounted price. first reaction wasn’t anger or
i’m told the ex-PM considered embarrassment. i couldn’t
attending but stayed believe someone
away to avoid being would write a book
asked difficult ques- about me and include
tions about brexit. a story that was both
The book was three false and ludicrous.’
years in the making but not everyone
— so it is strange that was immediately
despite its 750 pages, sure it was false.
its author did not cameron’s mother
find the space to Mary telephoned her
mention one signifi- son the day after the
cant figure during pig’s head story
his leadership. went public to ask
Lord ashcroft, whom cameron him if it was true.
made deputy Tory chairman a friend of cameron said: ‘i
and who helped raise millions of think it was the only time Mrs
pounds for the party, is curi- cameron, who had heard all
ously absent from the oeuvre. sorts of stories about dave,
cameron has never forgiven actually went to the trouble to
ashcroft for the latter’s unau- call him to seek reassurance it
thorised 2015 biography, call was ridiculous.’

CHATTER abounds in
hotel bars of the antics Major’s big
curtain call
of Sir John Major, who
joined the legal case against
Boris at the Supreme Court,
then accused him of Blair): ‘When the curtain
chicanery in a speech. falls, it is time to get off the
Yes, this is the same Major stage — and that is what I
who declared on the steps propose to do.’
of Downing Street in 1997 Yet another politician who
(after his trouncing by Tony breaks his word.

aMid the barrage of

criticism, at least one
Quote of the day
person is happy to defend
boris’s combative Parliamen- Jacob Rees-Mogg, the
tary language last week. commons Leader, said: ‘Like
The Tory Party’s official gulliver tied down at Lilliput,
historian, Lord Lexden, told the we are tied down by a ragtag,
conservativeHome website: motley collection of feeble,
‘MPs have been almost fickle, footling politicians.
shamefully well-behaved during ‘all in desperate pursuit of a
the brexit debates. churchill in single ignoble aim — to renege
his Liberal days wore with pride on the solemn promise they
the scar inflicted on his fore- made to the british people
head by the bound copy of and try to cancel the largest
commons standing orders single democratic mandate in
hurled at him by an enraged our history.’
Tory in 1912. Had he been enjoying our own
‘Where are the free fights and stephen glover, who asked in
Queen ‘took advice on firing Boris’ suspended sittings of yore?
The verbal pugnacity of speaker
bercow is a poor substitute
Thursday’s Mail: ‘can [boris],
like Jonathan swift’s fictional
hero gulliver ... break free from
for the ancient traditions of the bonds wrapped around
THE Queen has been seeking advice Court ruling that Boris Johnson’s insinuate that this would extend to the House.’ That’s fighting talk. him by lesser men?’
on whether she has the power to decision to suspend Parliament was the Queen stepping in to remove
sack a prime minister, it was
reported last night.
‘unlawful, void and of no effect’.
Buckingham Palace said it ‘would
the Prime Minister or advise him to
step down would be untrue.’ Don’t they know it’s Brexit?
She asked aides whether she not comment on rumours’. In a telephone call last week Mr Tory MEPs over in Brussels are looking for an intern to
could oust a premier who refused But another source told the Mail: Johnson apologised to the Queen begin work with them at the European Parliament on a
to stand aside, a source told the i ‘The Royal Household and Govern- for the embarrassment caused by stipend of £1,500 a month. Perhaps they know something we
newspaper. The guidance was ment have spoken on the constitu- the court ruling. He said ‘how sorry don’t. The job starts on November 1 — the day after Britain is
requested before the Supreme tion and Her Majesty’s role, but to he was’, aides confirmed. supposed to have left the EU.




Page 14 Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019

Add 2 storeys to your house

without planning permission
FAMILIES will be able to By Jason Groves will eventually be rolled out to all ple up and down the nation. All too
detached properties. often the planning system proves
add two storeys to their
homes without planning
permission under reforms
Political Editor

was originally aimed principally

Homeowners will still need to
comply with building regulations,
but neighbours will not have a
complicated, outdated and bureau-
cratic and is too complex and costly
for people and small businesses to
£30bn vow
to be unveiled today.
Housing Secretary Robert
Jenrick will announce the
at town centres and would have
still required light-touch plan-
ning approval.
formal route to object.
The move will raise fears of a
rash of unsightly developments –
navigate. This is a barrier to build-
ing the homes that we need...
‘I want to give families the free-
to revamp
But under the new plans, fami-
move in a package of meas-
ures tearing up ‘outdated and
bureaucratic’ planning laws.
lies will be able to build up to two
storeys using permitted develop-
ment rights – the same system
but ministers hope it will allow
growing families to expand their
property without moving, and
encourage developers to add new
dom they need to expand their
homes and ensure small developers
get a fair chance to succeed.
‘Our vision for reforming the plan-
rural areas
The proposal, affecting owners used for small extensions and loft homes to existing buildings. ning system will speed up and sim- SAJID Javid will today seek to
of detached properties, was first conversions. Mr Jenrick will say: ‘The bold plify the process, while ensuring woo rural voters with billions
floated by Mr Jenrick’s predeces- The right will be afforded first to changes to the planning process that communities still retain a say
sor Sajid Javid 18 months ago. It purpose-built blocks of flats, but will make a real difference to peo- over their future.’ of pounds for roads, broad-
Ministers will also try to acceler- band and buses.
ate the conversion of disused and The Chancellor will promise
unsightly commercial properties an ‘infrastructure revolution’
into residential homes. as he sets out the Tory Party’s
Under a ‘permission in principle’ stall ahead of an expected
system, developers will not have to early general election.
get detailed planning permission He is set to announce the first
projects in a £25billion, five-
‘Giving families the year road investment strategy,
freedom to expand’ a £5billion package to support
broadband roll-out to the
hardest-to-reach 20 per cent
before the bulldozers can move in. of the country, and a £220mil-
A source said: ‘This will create more lion fund for bus routes.
attractive and prosperous high
streets by replacing eyesores with Mr Javid will pledge that the
family homes, while also reducing investment will ‘make the UK a
the need to build houses on green better place to live and work’
field land and in the countryside.’ adding it will ensure ‘no com-
Big developers will also be offered munity is left behind’.
the option of a fast-track planning Projects with the go-ahead
service in return for higher fees. include upgrades for the trans-
The package is part of wider moves Pennine A66 and the A428
to boost housebuilding, which is
seen as a key battleground for an between Cambridge and Mil-
upcoming election. However, minis- ton Keynes. Some £20million
ters have dropped plans for new will go on trials for ‘on demand’
housing to be built on green belt bus services and £30million
areas close to railway stations. will improve existing services
Sources said existing green belt or replace cut routes.
protections would remain in place.

‘Utterly vile’: The banner – and hanging effigies – in Salford

Tory effigies ‘hanged’

near conference site
POLICE last night launched an inves- sive than seeing this in my morning
tigation into a banner calling for run. Does this classify as death/ter-
the deaths of Conservatives near rorist threat? Utterly vile.’ Salford
the site of the party conference. Council removed the banner.
Two effigies in nooses were Manchester’s Labour mayor
placed beneath the message, Andy Burnham described the ban-
draped across a bridge in Salford. ner as ‘unacceptable, while
It read: ‘130,000 killed under Tory Labour MP Yvette Cooper tweeted:
rule. Time to level the playing field.’ ‘We cannot let politics descend
The Left-leaning Institute for Public into incitement.’ Health Secretary
Policy Research estimated 130,000 Matt Hancock said last night:
deaths in England between 2012 ‘Threats of violence against public
and 2017 were caused by austerity. figures are not acceptable.’
Tory councillor Kerry Boyd tweeted A Greater Manchester Police
a picture of the scene, writing: spokesman confirmed the force
‘Never have I felt more apprehen- was investigating the matter.




Heart attacks ‘needlessly’

kill two women every day
By Ben Spencer tors for heart disease are often

Doctors just told me I had asthma

Medical Correspondent more deadly for women. Smoking,
for example, increases women’s
heart attack risk up to twice as
AT leAST two women die much as men’s; high blood pressure
‘needlessly’ of a heart SIMONE Telford was told for years surgery for a heart bypass. ‘There increases women’s risk 80 per cent
attack every day because her shortness of breath was down were six critical blockages in total,’ more; and type 2 diabetes increases
men get better medical to asthma. But then, aged just 42, she said. ‘I felt the doctors were women’s risk 50 per cent more.
her worried sister took her to A&E. looking at me as if to say we don’t Dr Ghada Mikhail, a consultant
care, experts warn. She said: ‘I was in hospital and know how you’re even still here. interventional cardiologist at
A report by the British heart Imperial College healthcare NhS
Foundation today reveals stark they had just done an ECG scan ‘The doctors were saying I had
Trust in london, said: ‘Men are
differences in how the sexes [which checks the heart’s rhythm], probably had angina for a couple much more aware of the possibil-
are looked after due to the mis- and I said, almost jokingly, “I haven’t of years, and it’s not been picked ity of having heart disease. If men
taken belief that heart attacks had a heart attack, have I?” They up because you’re female, because
are a ‘man’s disease’. just looked at me and said, “Yes, a you’re young. It’s not even been ‘Men are much
The BhF found that women get very big heart attack.” ’ looked at at all.’
treated slower, are less likely to Miss Telford, an IT analyst from The 46-year-old said: ‘I really more aware’
receive life-saving scans and tests, Cheshire, who was visiting her sis- want to stress that symptoms of a
and, even when they are discharged ter in Australia at the time three heart attack aren’t always what develop symptoms of chest pain,
from hospital, many are not pro- Survivor: Miss Telford years ago, had to go straight into you think. Just get it checked out.’ they are much more likely to call
vided with vital drugs or access to an ambulance and seek medical
rehabilitation programmes. help. There remains still the mis-
The charity’s researchers esti- said: ‘heart attacks have never likely to miss their symptoms. A And Biology – concludes there is a perception that heart disease is a
mate that 8,243 women in england been more treatable. Yet women woman is 50 per cent more likely stark gender divide at the centre man’s disease.’
and Wales have died over a ten-year are dying needlessly because to initially receive an incorrect of cardiovascular care. Professor Chris Gale, a consult-
period – the equivalent of 69 a heart attacks are often seen as a diagnosis than a man. Dr Babu-Narayan said the find- ant cardiologist at the University
month, or more than two a day – man’s disease, and women don’t even when they are diagnosed ings highlight a ‘deeply entrenched of leeds, who has published sev-
who would have survived if they had receive the same standard of correctly, women often do not get issue which manifests itself in a eral studies looking at women’s
received the same care as men. treatment as men.’ the best treatment. series of unconscious biases’, heart care, said: ‘On their own, the
While men are more likely to have The report reveals that when They are 2.7 per cent less likely adding: ‘The studies detailed in differences in care are very small,
a heart attack, with 132,000 women have a heart attack they to be prescribed statins and 7.4 this briefing have revealed ine- but when we look at this across
recorded each year, women suffer often delay seeking help – taking per cent less likely to get beta qualities at every stage of a wom- the population of the UK, it adds
73,000 – nearly 20,000 more than are up to seven hours and 12 minutes blockers when leaving hospital, an’s medical journey. The assump- up to a significant loss of life.
diagnosed with breast cancer. to arrive at hospital, compared despite their proven benefit of tion that women are not at risk of ‘We need to understand more
Dr Sonya Babu-Narayan, a con- with three hours and 30 minutes lowering the risk of a subsequent heart attack is false, and has about why this is happening, and
sultant cardiologist and associ- for men. heart attack or stroke. proven to be deadly.’ the way health systems make it
ate medical director at the BhF, In addition, doctors are far more The BhF report – called Bias The report warns that risk fac- more likely to happen.’



Page 16 Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019

COMMENT Of all the Brexit

Boris must speak the
language of harmony
SO begins the Tory conference the
conspiracy theories,
the claim it’s a plot
opposition parties tried to prevent – and
doubtless still hope to wreck.
In a pathetic display of spite, they first
blocked a Commons recess allowing
Conservative MPs to attend the annual
gathering – held this year in Manchester.

by evil bankers is
Now they are plotting ways of cutting it
short, possibly via a no-confidence vote
which would see those MPs summoned
back to Westminster.
The sad truth is that in the absence of
any meaningful purpose, this dysfunctional

surely the loopiest

Parliament has descended into petulance
and malice.
They huff and puff about Boris Johnson’s
supposed unfitness to govern, yet offer no
alternative and cynically thwart the only way
to break the deadlock – a general election.
It’s true Mr Johnson has made mistakes.
He now acknowledges that accusing a

female MP of ‘humbug’ when she warned ROM the day we voted to you wanted to maximise returns on bets
of the dangers of inflammatory language leave the European Union, that the UK would ‘crash out of the EU’,
was insensitive. Equally, the decision to why on earth would you ‘short’ the stock
those most unhappy with of a company whose London-listed shares
expel 21 MPs who failed to toe his Brexit the result have been would rise if sterling collapsed?
line was unnecessarily brutal. i n t e n t on undermining In fact, any ‘shorting’ of Cineworld would
And accusations that, when London
mayor, he channelled funds to an that popular verdict’s legitimacy THE effectively be a bet against No Deal.
As the FT concluded, this ‘investigation’
by means of conspiracy theories.
organisation run by a woman with whom
he had a close personal relationship cannot
be airily dismissed. There may have been –
These theories almost invariably involve
claims of illicit financial string-pulling.
The implication is that the British
DOMINIC seized on so avidly by the opponents
of Brexit is ‘firmly in the realm of
conspiracy theories’.
as he insists – no impropriety, but questions
must be answered.
In his defence, the Prime Minister has
people, or at least those who voted for
Brexit, are the unwitting dupes of
nefarious financiers.
L AWSON To rub it in, the UK’s independent
fact-checking organisation, Full Fact, also
forensically demolished the central
been subjected to an extraordinary barrage
of hostility from his opponents.
The latest — now being pushed by the
Labour Party, the former Chancellor
COLUMN claim, under the headline: ‘We think
there’s a big error in that viral article
While going into vapours about his use of Philip Hammond and, believe it or not, about hedge funds and Brexit.’
words, such as surrender and betrayal – they Boris Johnson’s sister Rachel — is that example) ‘soaring inflation’. Anyway, his And Full Fact said that when they asked
scream ‘liar’, ‘cheat’ and ‘fascist’ almost the Prime Minister’s plan to achieve claim was seized on by the best-selling Byline Times to supply ‘more information
every time he rises from the green benches. Brexit on October 31, Deal or No Deal, is novelist Robert Harris, who is profoundly on which firms they consider to have been
Compared with these hypocrites, he has part of a conspiratorial arrangement with hostile to Brexit. direct or indirect Vote Leave donors, they
been a paragon of restraint. ‘hedge fund’ financiers who allegedly Mr Harris tweeted: ‘Philip Hammond, would not release this information’.
stand to gain billions if the country ex-Chancellor, seriously suggests that one None of these inconvenient facts has
This week he must stay calm, and use his reason the Prime Minister may want a deterred Labour’s Shadow Chancellor,
vaunted oratorical skills to reunite his ‘crashes out’ of the EU.
The claim is that there are a number hard Brexit is so that his backers in the John McDonnell, from writing to the
party for the struggle ahead. o f financiers who both back Boris City don’t lose billions — corruption on a Cabinet Secretary Mark Sedwill, demand-
Johnson and have made enormous scale I wouldn’t dare put in fiction.’ ing ‘an independent inquiry’ into the
bets on the pound crashing and stock Sadly for those who want to believe in claims made by Mr Hammond.
Despite recent travails, there is cause for markets falling. Further, that Boris is in conspiratorial fantasies, this allegation of
optimism. The Tories still lead in the polls
and Mr Johnson’s personal ratings soar
league with, or manipulated by, these multi-billion-pound corruption of the PM
by pro-Brexit speculators is fiction. But
unpatriotic money-men.
above those of hapless Jeremy Corbyn. Last Thursday, Rachel Johnson, in an like most such conspiracy theories, it And on yesterday’s Andrew Marr Show,
Labour’s internal polling is said to suggest interview on the BBC, criticised ‘an didn’t just come out of thin air. McDonnell’s colleague Angela Rayner ran
the party could lose up to 100 seats at a executive’ — that is, the Government led In fact, it comes from a recent article in with the ball, declaring: ‘What worries me
general election. No wonder they’re so by her brother — ‘that is so keen to deliver a somewhat obscure new publication is that speculators are going to profit off
Brexit in any shape or form, to get the called Byline Times, which asserted it a No Deal, they are all backing Boris
scared of having one. could ‘reveal that currently £4,563,350,000 Johnson, and that’s a conflict of interest.’
But Mr Johnson can’t rely on the country out of the EU’.
(£4.6 billion) of aggregate short positions This conspiracy-theorising, masquerad-
hopelessness of his opponents to win a
majority. He must project his own vision, Hostile on a “No Deal Brexit” have been taken
out by hedge funds that directly or
ing as principled political argument, is
just the latest — and I hope last — spasm
for Brexit and beyond. Asked who was behind this aggressive indirectly bankrolled Boris Johnson’s of the campaign to prove that Brexit is
He might start by explaining how he strategy, she replied: ‘It could be coming leadership campaign. the outcome not of democracy but of
would pull Britain out of the EU by October from my brother himself … it could also be ‘Most of these firms also donated to sinister subterfuge.
31 if he doesn’t get a deal – a move that from — who knows — people who have Vote Leave … currently £8,274,350,000 There was the claim that it was all down
now appears to be illegal. invested billions in shorting the pound or (£8.3 billion) of aggregate short positions to Russian influence via Facebook: but
However, he clearly still hopes an shorting the country in the expectation has been taken out by hedge funds while the Kremlin was undoubtedly keen
agreement can be struck. And though of a No Deal Brexit.’ connected to the Prime Minister.’ on Brexit for its own reasons, there was
I’m not sure what Rachel meant by Oddly, the identities of these alleged never a shred of evidence that it had any
improbable, it’s not impossible. ‘shorting the country’. I suppose she
There have been signs that Europe is in ‘Boris-backing, Britain-selling’ hedge influence on the outcome.
meant financiers taking bets that the funds do not appear in the article. Then there was the claim, backed by the
the mood for negotiation. National leaders, share price of British companies will fall. Nevertheless, despite this omission —
notably Angela Merkel, realise that further Electoral Commission, that a young Leave
She didn’t explain how they might be which no proper newspaper would campaigner, Darren Grimes, had illicitly
delay means more uncertainty and influencing her brother in his policy, but regard as satisfactory in a so-called
plummeting business confidence across broken the spending cap in the last week
the insinuation was clear. ‘investigation’ — the article went viral. of the campaign to the tune of £680,000.
the EU. This is making them very nervous. It was instantly taken up by Philip So viral, in fact, that its allegations were Amid much fanfare, he was fined £20,000.
With or without a deal however, the Prime Hammond, one of the 21 MPs from whom subjected to penetrating analysis in the But in July, a court upheld 25-year-old
Minister must drive forward his domestic the Conservative whip was withdrawn Financial Times.
after they voted for what the PM calls Grimes’s appeal, finding him innocent.
agenda. He has imaginative plans for the The FT absolutely loathes Brexit, and In this context, we should never forget
NHS, policing and improving schools. This ‘the Surrender Bill’, compelling the last week called on Boris Johnson to
Government to beg the EU for yet another that far from the Leave campaign’s victory
is what ordinary people really care about. resign. But it roundly ridiculed Byline being one of big money over the little man,
Where Mr Corbyn represents a back-to- extension of our EU membership on Times’s widely circulated ‘revelations’.
whatever terms Brussels sets. the Remain campaign outspent Leave by
the-future 1970s agenda of punitive taxes, £28.4 million to £13.4 million, once you
ruinous borrowing and national decline,
In an article for Saturday’s Times, the
former Chancellor, whose loathing for the
Benefit include the £9.3 million spent by the then-
Boris must offer confidence and hope. Prime Minister is painfully obvious, wrote: To quote the FT: ‘The inference is that Government on a pamphlet sent to every
But if he is to succeed in his mission, he ‘Boris Johnson asserts, ever more boldly, hedge funds have used their financial home telling us that leaving would be
has to carry his whole party with him. To that we will leave the EU on October 31, might to influence the outcome of Brexit terrible ‘for jobs and the economy’.
paraphrase Lady Thatcher, he must speak “with or without a deal”. via political donations and are now Then, last week, came the disintegra-
the language of harmony – not division. ‘But as his sister has reminded us, he is standing to benefit from short positions tion of the most treasured conspiracy
backed by speculators who have bet in UK companies. The problem is, it theory of them all: that the largest
ARGUABLY the most pressing issue p r o - Brexit donor, Arron Banks, had
÷ facing Britain is our crumbling social
care system. We reveal today how women
billions on a hard Brexit — and there is
only one outcome that works for them: a
crash-out No Deal Brexit that sends the
doesn’t make any sense.’
I won’t detain readers with the full
demolition, but among the points made
broken electoral law with his contribu-
tions during the referendum.
are bearing the brunt of the crisis, being currency tumbling and inflation soaring.’ was that many so-called ‘UK stocks’ might Last Tuesday, the National Crime Agency
twice as likely to be full-time unpaid carers, Among the necessary facts missing from be quoted on the London index but ‘have announced that, despite lengthy investi-
with often devastating effects on their Mr Hammond’s article, which might have little exposure to the UK economy’. gation, it had found no evidence of such
mental and physical health. Successive reassured us that he knew what he was For example, the Cineworld cinema criminality on Mr Banks’s part.
governments have shunted this problem talking about, are: the identity of these chain, which, according to the data cited No wonder those campaigning to stop
‘speculators’; the nature of their invest- by Byline Times, experienced the most Brexit have moved on to a new conspiracy
into the long grass. Do we finally have a theory. The latest one is the loopiest of
ments in full; and how, exactly, their ‘short-selling’ in the past month, derives
Prime Minister with the courage to fix it? portfolios stand to gain from (for 75 per cent of its revenues from the U.S. If all: a true mark of their desperation.



Page 18 Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019

Fury as £8.4million
Thomas Cook boss
says: Don’t blame me
By Tom Witherow
and Tom Payne
Worker’s 200-mile protest walk
REDUNDANT Thomas Cook staff A FURIOUS Thomas Cook employee is ing no official information from Tho-
yesterday savaged the firm’s chief walking 200 miles to Parliament in mas Cook. Mrs Murrell, who was at
executive after he defended his uniform to demand answers. the firm for 20 years, left at noon on
£8.4million pay package and insisted Cabin manager Rachel Murrell is Friday from her home in Kingsteign-
he did nothing wrong. one of 9,000 staff left high and dry ton, Devon, with her dog Pip.
Peter Fankhauser said he did ‘not have when the firm folded at 2am on Mon- She said: ‘I feel disgusted by the
a bad conscience’ over his pay and day. She received the news from a way we’ve been treated. I want to
bonuses as the business headed towards staff WhatsApp chat group. stand up to this injustice. Directors
catastrophic collapse. Staff do not know when they will be have scarpered off with millions and
The 58-year-old also said he had only paid or made redundant after receiv- employees have got nothing.’ Angry: Rachel Murrell in her staff uniform
received £4million of the total because the
rest was awarded in shares that
are now worthless. He’s tried to spin it. He made 9,000 of pay is outrageous. He’s partly We had solutions.’ Meanwhile, it chance of recovery for the firm. Mr
And he denied the collapse of people unemployed, so he’s not responsible for putting a lot of emerged yesterday that the former Fontenla-Novoa, who is now presi-
the 178-year-old company last getting any sympathy. people out of work.’ Thomas Cook boss who presided dent of the loss-making travel
Monday was his fault, claiming he ‘He took money for something Manuel Cortes, general secretary over its decline spent the run-up agent Logitravel, spent the sum-
would not have done anything dif- he didn’t deserve. He was at the of the Transport Salaried Staffs to its collapse at his £2million mer at his mansion in the moun-
ferently and blaming the banks helm – he is responsible.’ Association, said Mr Fankhauser’s Spanish mansion. tains of the Costa Blanca as Tho-
and the Government for pulling Today should have been payday denials were ‘pathetic’. Manny Fontenla-Novoa, 65, mas Cook headed for the rocks.
the rug from under it. for the 9,000 staff who lost their Mr Fankhauser told The Mail on pocketed £16.8million in pay and The father-of-four and wife Les-
Mike Kilburn, 47, a cabin man- jobs, but none expects to be paid. Sunday of his frustration that the performance -related bonuses ley Ann moved to the gated five-
ager for 19 years, said unemployed Labour MP Graham Stringer, a Government did not step in to despite being chief executive dur- bed property after selling their
staff would have no sympathy for member of the Commons trans- provide assurances to investors, ing one of the most disastrous Surrey mansion for £4million.
Mr Fankhauser. port committee, said Mr adding: ‘We were so close to a deal. periods in the company’s history. A British expat said: ‘I suspect
The married father-of-two said: Fankhauser had ‘lost complete We didn’t ask for a bridging loan, Under his leadership from 2007 he’ll be keeping his head down.’
‘Everybody at the top got their big touch with reality’, adding: ‘This just a back-up loan, which would to 2011, Thomas Cook’s share Several official inquiries into the
cut – a massive bonus when they is typical of the chief executives of be drawn only in the worst-case price plummeted as a series of failure of the debt-laden firm have
didn’t actually achieve anything. many of our businesses. The level scenario. We had enough money. profit warnings destroyed any been launched.



Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019 Page 19

Riders on the storm

Downpours ruin
our weekend –
with Hurricane
Lorenzo on way
By James Tozer
THE atrocious weather that swept
across the country at the
weekend is not going away,
forecasters warned last night.
A month’s worth of rain fell in some
regions over the past two days and
more is expected.
A rush of Arctic air will deliver a blast of
chilly autumnal weather, with snow flur-
ries over high ground, and the remnants
of Hurricane Lorenzo bringing gales.
The 160mph storm is expected to reach
Britain on Thursday night, by which time
it will have lost some of its power. More
than 70 flood warnings were in place last
night across England and Wales with

‘Frosts and wintry

ground saturated by up to four inches of
rain. Fo o t h o l m Flume in
Lancashire saw the most rain with 95.2mm
(3.75in) in 36 hours.
The extreme conditions meant the route
of the UCI road cycling world champion- THREE-DAY FORECAST
ship in North Yorkshire had to be changed TODAY TOMORROW WEDNESDAY
at the last minute while the fan zone in Rinse cycle: Road racing in the Yorkshire Dales yesterday
Harrogate was shut down. North: Sunny North: Rainy, North:
A regatta on the Thames in Lon- than it has recently. Instead of tem- know if it will hit us, it could still spells, heavy but feeling Sunny
don also fell foul of the weather and peratures in the low 20s Celsius we bring widespread gales.’ rain later cooler spells
a railway line across the Pennines will see just 12-14C (54-57F) during A man died and two other people High: 15C (59F) High: 11C (52F) High: 12C (54F)
was closed by a mudslide. the day, with overnight frosts and were seriously injured when a car hit Low: 9C (48F) Low: 5C (41F) Low: 4C (39F)
Becky Mitchell of the Met office potentially wintry showers over the a tree and overturned in heavy rain
said: ‘We’ve got another area of Scottish peaks.’ near Fontwell, West Sussex, on South: Heavy South: Some South:
heavy rain pushing in which could She said it was very unusual for a Saturday night. showers after sun, heavy Bright
spell very tricky travelling condi- storm as powerful as Lorenzo to get Two campers spending the night on a cloudy start thundery rain at times
tions. Then from Wednesday we so close to the UK, adding: ‘It’s Dartmoor were found at dawn by
will see chilly Arctic air which will likely to weaken into an area of low rescue teams after their tent and High: 17C (63F) High: 17C (63F) High: 13C (55F)
make everywhere feel much cooler pressure, but while we don’t yet belongings were swept away. Low: 13C (55F) Low: 6C (43F) Low: 6C (43F)

Most students fall victim to fraud Firemen ‘face higher cancer risk’
MORE than half of students and recent By Eleanor Harding FIrEFIGHTErS have called for action Daily Mail Reporter
graduates say they have been scammed Education Editor after claims they are ‘twice as likely’ to die
during their time at university. from cancer than other workers. there is a direct link between a firefighter’s
According to a survey of more than university warned them about fraud. research for the BBC’s Inside out pro- occupation and cancer.’
2,000 people aged 18 to 34 by Lloyds Bank, Scams ranged from phishing emails offer- gramme suggests that they are at risk Ex-fireman Mitch Coplestone, who has
because the skin acts like a ‘sponge’ for leukaemia, said: ‘Cancer in the fire service is
52 per cent of women and 69 per cent of ing bogus grants to fake landlords who toxins in hot environments and they are indiscriminate... It needs to be addressed.’
men fell victim to fraud while students. pretend to rent out properties. exposed to carcinogens as equipment is Another fireman, Chris Moore, who has
The average amount lost was £420, but Paul Davis, of Lloyds Bank, said: ‘Younger not always decontaminated between calls. non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, said: ‘Fire gloves
nearly a third of students were conned people still learning how to manage their Professor Anna Stec, a fire chemistry and get covered in dirt and muck and smoke
out more than £500, while one in 11 lost finances can easily find themselves being toxicity expert at the University of Central and soot and toxic and carcinogenic chemi-
£1,000 or more. Only 18 per cent said their targeted by fraudsters.’ Lancashire, told the BBC: ‘In my opinion, cals, and we store them in our helmets.’



76 QQQ
Daily Mail, Monday, September 30, 2019

Mr Motivator
Gatland helps
Wales pull off
epic victory
reports from Tokyo Stadium

Asher-Smith wins WARREN GATLAND was hailed as

Wales’s Mr Motivator after

world 100m silver

inspiring them to their first
World Cup win over Australia in
32 years.
Wales almost fell victim to the

to smash record
biggest comeback in the
competition’s history, with
Australia going from 26-8
down to one point behind, only
for Rhys Patchell — who had
come on for the concussed Dan
Biggar in the first half — to hit a
and secure
men top
Pool D and
are set to
England in
Athletics Correspondent quarter- Try scorer: Wales
reports from Doha finals if scrum-half
Eddie Gareth Davies
DinA ASher- SMith Jones’s side claim first place in
claimed 100 metres silver their group. Australia are most
last night — Britain’s first likely to be England’s last-eight
medal here and their 100th opponents.
at a World Championships. Wales’ stars believe head
Jamaica’s dominant Shelly-Ann coach Gatland gives them their
Fraser-pryce won in 10.71sec with hard edge.
Asher-Smith breaking her own Brit- ‘He is a motivator,’ said wing
ish record to cross the line in 10.83. Smile that Josh Adams. ‘He talks when he
Asher-Smith, 23, said: ‘i came says silver:
away with a pB, national record, so
has to — doesn’t talk too much.
Dina Asher- Sometimes you wonder what
you can’t hope for more than that.’


he’s going to say and he
doesn’t say anything. That
works and he always fills you
with confidence,



Goal crazy:


LiverpooL have become

embroiled in a row with the FA as
Your No 1
they battle to avoid being expelled
from the Carabao Cup for fielding an
ineligible player in last week’s win
over MK Dons. for using a player who isn’t eligible,
Sources with experience of the eFL’s but Liverpool are understood to be Leicester look the
disciplinary process have told pinning the blame on the FA in the real deal as they
Sportsmail that in ordinary hope of being given a lesser thrash Newcastle

— PAGES 2-3
circumstances expulsion from the NEWCASTLE...0
competition is the standard sanction TURN TO PAGE 69, COL 1 d or Arsenal
Title tilt years away for Unite



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