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Cherith Brook

d’s Mercy & Gospel Resis

icing Go tance

C A T H O L I C W O R K E R Lent 2011

So E lijah did according to the word of the L ord; he went and lived by the C herith Brook…and the ravens brought him bread… I Kings 17

Word on the Streets

by Eric Garbison

We began our work on foot. In hopes of giving was targeting prostitutes in the area. He had bitten remember his body gestures were strong. He spoke
airtime to street voices, we walked “The Avenue” her and stabbed her with a screwdriver before she quickly but his words were tangled. We strained to
(Independence Ave) and we hung out behind Dairy fought him off. make sense of what he was saying. We asked ques-
Queen. Later we frequented the “Alley House,” These troubling experiences on the streets and tions to get clarity, but it soon became clear that he
“Indian Hill,” “The Haunted House” and “The Wall.” stories at showers continue to collide with our was either strung out or crazy or both.
We hiked into campsites behind Super Flea and understanding of Jesus and his gospel of peace. At some point I got a creeping feeling. His ges-
the I-29 ramp off The Paseo Ave. We slid gingerly Though taunted by a culture of death, is our com- tures were becoming forceful. His eyes became as
through broken windows and muddied our knees munity not also a Christ haunted landscape? Is wide as they were red. Was he angry or only getting
crawling under fences. We had coffee at Hope Faith, Jesus not already here in some form and if so where animated? Whatever it was, my discomfort was
ate lunch at “Sally’s” (Salvation Army), and dinner do we encounter him? When we don’t, how can we rising. He called himself Gabriel but I was con-
at “Monday Night Church” (Micah Ministries). extend his presence by our own? How will we be vinced he was no angel. When his hand went into
We had our own ideas, of course. And we received if we have nothing to offer but ourselves? his pocket I became cold. I suddenly realized we
brought with us rich past experiences from prior Can our willingness to be there open up new pos- were alone; the other men had vanished. I almost
work in Atlanta and Davenport. But we wanted sibilities or will it escalate the conflict? How can stumbled backward. I remember trying to figure
street voices to speak into our calling. It is essential such spaces be redeemed for God’s conspiracy of out how to get the attention of the others without
for anyone to speak to their own needs and wants. goodness in a broken world? worsening the situation.
So, when people began to ask us if they could When he ripped his
come to the house to do a load of laundry or take hand out of his pocket,
a shower, they helped create “The Shower House” my fear was realized.
(Cherith Brook). He had a knife. But
We still take our weekly pilgrimage but with a then he did some-
different mandate. For one thing, we move around thing I did not expect.
a lot less. In fact, we usually make a beeline to Fast Without pause, he
Stop or Bronceados on the Avenue—both places turned and threw the
are notorious for high drug sales and prostitution. knife across the street.
And we no longer take food or toiletries. Aside We stood there frozen
from our prayers, we go empty handed. as we watched it skip
So why the change? Our experiences over the across the concrete.
past few years called to us for a new approach, in For weeks we
fact they screamed bloody murder. One afternoon tried to process this
we dragged a bleeding man into our living room experience. At first
from a drive-by shooting. Enrique was shot and we second-guessed
killed in our alley after chasing armed robbers from ourselves. Had we
his Aborrotes. Keith came over with bruises on his created this problem,
face and ribs after young men jumped him for the Yes, we proclaim and witness to the fact that instigated something or pissed someone off? Was
meager change earned panhandling. I visited Wes at Jesus is there, exorcising the darkness and rescuing our approach too confrontational?
Truman Medical Center after he suffered a shotgun all things for God. Yes, we are a people of hope. As Then our processing turned to panic: What are
blast to his ankle due to a “misunderstanding.” The Colossians 1:20 says, “Through Christ God was pleased we doing? Who do we think we are anyway? I’m
Bigger Jigger bar down the street has had two fatal to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in scared! We should just forget it.
bar brawls in the past year. Recently, Yuri Ives, a real heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.” Evaluation is essential. And all of these respons-
estate agent and a respected neighborhood leader, Christians speaking about peace often give way es were natural. We have no death wish and we’re
was shot in his own home with his own gun by a 17 to a two-fold temptation: On the one hand, we not going to throw caution to the wind. And yet,
year old intruder. avoid affirming the transformative power of the over time we became aware that we were so focused
Then there is the amount of violence concentrat- gospel. Do we believe that we have weapons of the on our fear we had ignored the outcome—Gabriel
ed toward women, mirroring the way our culture Spirit at our disposal? Do we believe that our com- threw away his knife! We were fixated on the
persecutes women, consuming them for sexual sat- mitment to peace is backed by a force even more causes for the danger and not what caused Gabriel
isfaction and as release for rage. Once I met a young powerful than the violence we face? If we proclaim to disarm.
lady on the streets who had her earlobe bitten off that resurrection overcomes death, do we believe I have learned to retell that story now in its
and her kneecap broken by the swing of a hammer that includes the streets also? entirety. I believe it was a miracle of nonviolence.
held by her “date.” Last summer a friend showed up One day while on our peace-walk, a man we That is to say, an event that points to Jesus’ victory
bleeding after being attacked by a serial rapist who didn’t know approached us talking excitedly. I (continued on page 10)
2 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Lent 2011

A Modest Proposal
by Nick Pickrell

In Jim Douglass’ recent work, JFK and the Aside from financial concerns, many young wants to address the injustices they face. The
Unspeakable, he writes in great detail about JFK’s adults are joining the military today for eco- worker is forced to decide between taking on
turn toward peace and how it led to a great rift nomic reasons. They need a job with benefits to multiple low-paying jobs to make ends meet or
between the former president and the military provide for their family; they need a way to pay risk losing everything because the employer de-
industrial complex. In the book, Douglass shares for college; they need a way to pay for training to cided to replace all the workers who thought they
from one of Thomas Merton’s writings: become a pilot; or they would like to be able to were being treated unjustly. The worker ends up
“Our weapons dictate what we are to do. They travel the world. Recruitment brochures high- being enslaved not only to his or her debt but
force us into awful corners. They give us our living, light these perks but downplay the physical and also to the employer.
they sustain our economy, they bolster up our politi- emotional cost that comes with taking another When we come out from under the burden
cians, they sell our mass media, in short we live by life. At Cherith Brook, there are many we love of debt, we are freer to be men and women of

them. But if they continue to rule us we will most who have been unable to cope with the horrors of conscience. We are freer to speak up and act out
surely die by them.” war and now struggle with addiction, homeless- against the many injustices in the world because
Thomas Merton, a highly revered spiritual ness, and mental illness. Also, our neighborhood we are no longer enslaved by debt.
leader, saw something very sinister happening in high school is a military magnet school and for
the world. As World War II ended and the arms many students is the only obvious path towards a 2. Join a community
race of the Cold War began, Merton saw nothing college education. We live in a society where aggressive competition
but doom ahead. Military spending across the As more and more Iraq and Afganistan veter- runs rampant. Nations compete in arms races,
world increased sharply. More weapons were ans show up at our place for a shower and a meal, economics, and education. Individuals compete
built, more workers were employed to build it is becoming apparent that a new path must be in the workplace and in politics. This kind of
them, and more resources were diverted from forged. We are now dying by the very swords we competition does nothing but tear communities
other sectors to accommodate the arms buildup. have made, and more and more families are being apart and create conflicts like the Cold War. In
This caused large amounts of people to become ravaged by the pain of losing sons and daughters order to create a more lasting peace, we need to
reliant on war for their family’s survival. because of war. recapture the practice of collaboration and cama-
Peter Maurin, co-founder of the Catholic raderie. Pope John XXIII, in his famous “Pacem
Worker movement, spoke adamantly about how in Terris” Encyclical, states:
all people should be able to practice the Works “Everyone must sincerely co-operate in the ef-
of Mercy in their jobs. Meaning, all should have fort to banish fear and the anxious expectation of
occupations where they are not contributing to war from men’s minds. But this requires that the
war, exploitation, oppression, and destruction fundamental principles upon which peace is based in
of life, which is the antithesis of the Works of today’s world be replaced by an altogether different
Mercy. Working toward this vision of a society one, namely, the realization that true and lasting
without war can seem overwhelming or foolish to peace among nations cannot consist in the possession
some, but we are in desperate need of a new way of an equal supply of armaments but only in mutual
forward. To help break us from the hopelessness trust.”
that sets in when thinking of how to affect posi- This was written in 1963, when both the
tive change in society, below is a modest proposal Vietnam War and the arms race with the Soviet
for how to “build a society where its easier for Union were escalating. The world was anxious
people to be good.” and fearful, and not much has changed. From
high unemployment rates to the “War on Terror,”
1. Get out of debt people are still being beat down by fear and a
Students in the US have an average of $24,000 “dog-eat-dog” workplace. What better way to
Woodcut entitled Peaceable Kingdom by Fritz Eichenberg in school loans, households in the US have an counter all this fear and competitiveness than by
average of $8,100 of credit card debt, and 80% living in community.
The year is now 2011 and we are living in a of Americans are living with debt. These three In community, fear and competitiveness give
nation where unemployment has skyrocketed but statistics spell disaster for many. Because the way to collaboration and camaraderie. Instead
the military is hiring and spending significantly majority of Americans are living in debt, two of looking out for one’s self at the expense of
more than it did during the Cold War years (even things happen. First, businesses are granted the others, people take personal responsibility for the
after accounting for the inflation rate). The opportunity to “lord it over” their workers. If community. Also, with all this newfound sharing
DOD is the nation’s largest employer, touting a the majority of the labor pool is in debt and des- comes new possibilities. Through the sharing of
workforce four times as large as Wal-Mart’s 1.3 perately seeking gainful employment, businesses resources people are freed up to work less--al-
million employees. We are spending over 54% of gain an unfair advantage over the workers. From lowing more time to foster a healthy community.
our nation’s discretionary budget on the military low pay and no benefits, to longer work weeks People are then freed to inspire, challenge, and
while education gets 6.2% and health gets 5.3%. with no vacation, businesses can do what they encourage one another--which leads to mutual
Our nation is also the biggest spender when it want and expect to still have many people apply- trust. And that is the foundation of a more last-
comes to the military, accounting for 46.5% of ing for positions at their company. ing peace.
the world’s total military spending while the Second, debt puts the worker in a precarious
next top 10 countries combined for only 20.8% of situation. If an indebted worker feels an injustice 3. Live below the poverty line
the world’s total military spending (Stockholm has been committed in the workplace, the reali- As stated earlier, 54% of our nation’s discre-
International Peace Research Institute, Yearbook ties of possible termination and long lines at tionary budget is spent on war while 11% is
2010). unemployment weigh heavily on someone who (continued on page 5)
Lent 2011 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 3
Poetry Sustainability

by Henri Garbison
From Desk to Farm
By Matt White

Chickens are nice, My hands reminded me of the labor I had and plan out the day’s tasks.
Chickens are mean. demanded of them. Every time I opened a door, I felt a sense of accomplishment as the season
grasped the steering wheel, or picked something progressed. The cucumber vines grew out of their
Chickens are fat up, I felt the nagging sting of blisters. This lasted mounds, the tomatoes made their way up the
and chicken are lean. several weeks until the blisters formed into fences, and beans began appearing from flower-
respectable calluses. ing plants. What a marvelous world!
Chickens are nice This summer I departed from my usual work But, farming was very much a roller coaster
and chickens don’t drool. in front of a computer screen to work on a farm ride. Sometimes I felt caught up on weeding, and
growing vegetables. There were many motivating consistent rain made watering an easy task. Oth-
Chickens Like rice factors to my decision: the timing was right and er times it would be much different: the squash
and chickens don’t go to the pool. I found myself between video jobs. Also, a steady would be under attack by various unfamiliar bugs,
diet of Michael Pollan and Wendell Berry drew and the soil would be as dry and hard as concrete.
Chickens are awesome me to the occupational change. I ached to get my One thing I can say: farming is not boring work.
and they’re scared of a possum. hands dirty. As I fumbled my way through the growing
season, I couldn’t help
This is a chicken but feel a connection
and this is how they act, to those who have
gone before me and
and if you’re not careful were so familiar with
you might get attacked. this labor. I thought
of the first people to
cultivate the earth. I
thought of my grand-
father who spent
most of his days rais-
ing wheat from the
flat Kansas ground. I
thought about how he
would have stood in
the shade and longed
for a breeze to stir the
Some seedlings at the family farm. air. I thought about
the migrant farm
I managed to find a small family farm that was workers that pick tomatoes in the heat, and I
in need of seasonal help. They were expanding grew in admiration for them all.
their gardening efforts to accompany their egg I spend most of the day indoors now. My hands
and milk production, and the produce was to be are soft once again. Though I enjoy the work I am
harvested and sold weekly to a CSA (Community doing presently, I often look out the window and
Supported Agriculture) of about 20 members. At wish to be in the sunshine. I’m not sure what role
the time of my hiring, planting was behind sched- farming will play in my future, but I will definitely
ule, so there was much work to be done. bring this experience to my home garden and
The transition from desk work to farm work continue in my hope for a sustainable world.
was a challenging one. I foresaw the physical
challenges, but I did not foresee the complexities
of the job. Being a rookie, I had questions about
every process. The work could be daunting at
times, especially since I often worked alone. Each
day brought new challenges: the surprisingly
quick growth of okra, a black snake in the grass,
an entire row of beans washed away by a heavy
rain. Everything was in a constant state of change,
leaving me to juggle the balance between weeding,
Henri Garbison holding one of our chickens named Rosie. watering, planting, and harvesting.
I was surprised how differently the garden
looked every morning. I arrived most days,
welcomed by the coolness of the wind and the
rising of the sun. The roosters would make their
appropriate noises and three dogs and a cat would
greet me, eager for my attention. I would usually
walk through the garden to look over everything Matt White enjoying the great outdoors.
4 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Lent 2011

An Uncommon Purse
by Jodi Garbison

There’s nothing “common” about shar- jobs would be our common purse -- all of us might arrive soon. If we are unable to find
ing money. It’s quite unnatural. We each would decide how it is used. It makes no what we need, then we discuss it as a group.
bring our own history, inherited perspec- difference whether you make $900 a month The rub comes when not everyone agrees.
tives and entanglements when it comes to or $300 a month. We all have equal voice in Is it working? It certainly isn’t easy.
money and spending. In fact, when Eric the decisions, even though we all have jobs We have struggled through many difficult
and I got married, people warned us that with different pay. conversations and we have all learned and
most of our arguments would center around Once we worked through the bills we grown from each one of them. Sharing
money. If this is true, and for many people tried to determine a monthly stipend for money challenges the false sense of power
it is, why would we take the risk of includ- each person. It’s obvious that we are all at and/or security we often place on money.
ing five other people in something that can different life places socially and what we do We continue to need each other for account-

be difficult for even two people to navigate? with our time and money for entertainment ability in order to move beyond selfish and
Our common purse started as an experi- varies from person to person. I might go careless spending. By releasing our tight
ment to deepen our commitments to each grip on our money
other, by living simply and by practicing we hope to undo
solidarity. We wanted to live lives that the culture’s influ-
more closely resemble Acts chapter 2, which ence of consum-
states, “Because believers shared all in erism and indi-
common, no one was in need and all had vidualism. We have
enough.“ The idea of sharing each other’s learned a lot from
burdens – even financially – seemed scary each other on how
but we felt ready for the challenge. The to challenge deep
idea was to live with a personal sacrifice seeded practices
and continue the downward mobility the of spending and
gospel speaks of. To do this, we needed yet still love each
something besides our own perspective and other.
limited vision. Sound like a
We first sought advice from different miracle? Yes, you
communities we knew who had some form are right…it is a
of common purse. We contacted Jubilee miracle! Several
Partners in Georgia and Reba Fellowship in times throughout
Illinois and they were kind enough to share the last couple
ideas of how things work in their communi- years I’ve wanted
ties. After much discussion and prayer we to bail – gather
decided to combine things we had learned “my” money, count
and tailor them to fit our needs. the losses and go
As a first step, each of us submitted a my own way. It’s
personal budget, which included fixed bills, certainly easier and
monthly income and “wants”. From that cleaner to make de-
we tried to work through the difference cisions on my own.
between “wants” and “needs” and how to But is it healthier?
simplify the bills we had. We tried to imag- Is it healing? Is
ine life without so many things and how it promoting the
we could cut back on things we have grown Kindom of God and
accustomed to. What could we potentially restoring posses-
do without? This is where the ideal of com- sions and owner-
mon purse met the practical reality of day- Woodcut entitled Lord’s Supper by Fritz Eichenberg ship to their right
to-day living. How were we going to actually order? When I’m
implement our plan? to a movie for rejuvenation, Eric might buy tempted to run, I’m gently reminded that
We agreed to find part-time jobs that a book or Nick might go to a concert. We this common purse isn’t just for us, the
would not require us to work more than 20 came up with $100 for a monthly stipend. seven who share it. Our common purse is
hours a week outside the community. This The way this money is spent is discretion- for the good of everyone, the good of others
is important since we all understand our ary. The purpose of the stipend is not sole- who read about it or hear about it. It’s for
first call and commitment to be the work ly for entertainment. It is also to be saved anyone who is challenged by it and is in-
we share in common at Cherith Brook – the for trips or for vacations throughout the spired to try something similar. It’s for the
works of mercy, peacemaking and build- year. Any need that arises beyond the bills good of others who benefit because we have
ing community. We need money, however, is brought to the community to discuss. realigned our hearts to be sharers and not
for personal bills. These are bills that If anyone needs something like clothes hoarders and to live in trust of God instead
wouldn’t be covered by donations such as, or shoes or hygiene items, we first look of fear. Hopefully we now have more in
bills for cell phones, cars and kids’ activi- through donations. Many times, exactly common and no one is in need.
ties. The money made from these part-time what we need is given or if we are patient it
Lent 2011 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 5
Peacemaking Continued

A Modest Proposal
continued from page 2

spent on education and health care combined. ourselves from nature. We throw away lots of tance and forge a new connection with the earth.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was prophetic when he things and watch it magically disappear, not The other thing local living and artisanry does
said, “A nation that continues year after year to knowing where it goes. We eat food from grocery is put a face on economics. So much of our work
spend more money on military defense than on pro- stores and know nothing of the farms that grew and consumption happens inside large multi-
grams of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.” it. We buy cell phones, clothes, and televisions national corporations. These corporations in
With the reality of our nation’s runaway military and have no idea of the injustices that exist in the many ways take on the role of god for us. They
spending coupled with the worst economic col- manufacturing of these items. Instead, we turn are entities that we enter into, get money from,
lapse since the Great Depression, it is becoming a blind eye to the harm being done to the earth buy goods from and produce for--which creates
more apparent that we can’t pay for war as well as because of our insatiable thirst for consumer a dependency. Conversely, when we practice
health care and education. Something is going to goods. trading and bartering food we have grown, we
have to give in order to pay for it all. Thankfully, These conditions have given birth to a war realize that we need God to bring some rain so
we don’t have to wait in order to bring about between man and creation. Deforestation, soil our crops don’t die. The intermediary has been
change in this arena. erosion, drought, pollution and food shortages removed and a dependence on God and neighbor
The military’s budget comes largely from our are all signs of this battle. Thankfully, in our emerges. It is empowering to know how to bet-
tax dollars. Over the years, more and more of our attempts to disconnect ourselves from the earth, ter a neighbor’s life directly, without the corpora-
tax dollars have been diverted to cover the rising we are reminded of our interconnectedness. tion acting as the central hub.
cost of war. Individual and corporation income Remember the tomato shortage recently? The Lastly, local living and artisanry slow us down.
taxes, excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol, estate weather wasn’t conducive to a healthy tomato Whenever anyone commits to making and
taxes, gift taxes, customs duties, and savings crop so a massive shortage occurred, causing repurposing things, it takes time. We are forced
bonds (formerly war bonds) are all taxes that many restaurants to charge anyone who wanted to sit for hours when looming a rug or carving a
have been and are still used for war. The way we tomatoes on their sandwich. Despite industry’s spoon. Sure, we could buy it and save time but a
can change this is through war tax resistance. claim on our allegiance, we were reminded that mind shift needs to take place. Anytime we buy
There are two main ways people have resisted even industry can’t prevent a crop from going something that could have been made, it really
over the years. First, individuals can choose to bad. is time lost--not gained. Anytime we give in to
donate the percentage of their tax dollars used the snare of busy-
for war to any charity or justice organization they
choose. Many will also include a letter to the IRS
“We drive everywhere in cars, heat ness and efficiency,
we lose presence to
stating what they did, why they did it, and en-
close the receipt for the donation that was made.
and cool our houses, buy every- the moment as well
as time for solitude.
Second, individuals can live below the poverty
line to avoid paying federal income taxes, which is
thing wrapped in plastic, and play This truly is time lost
when we so desper-
the primary tax source for the military. The good
news is that if you are living in community it is
video games. In essence, we have ately need that kind
of time to foster a
significantly easier to live below the poverty line
because of the sharing of resources. Either way,
isolated ourselves from nature.” healthy heart, family
and community.
practicing war tax resistance is an empowering
way to build a society that cherishes peace over In the book of Isaiah, a beautiful description 5. Put your home in a trust
war. of the Kingdom of God is proclaimed. People will The Year of Jubilee is a pretty radical way to
live in the houses they build, eat the food they practice economics. In Leviticus 25:23, Moses
4. Craft Economy grow, and the lion will lay with the lamb. There is relays this message from God to the people of
The holiday shopping season with all its ad- a sense of justice and harmony between God and Israel, “The land must not be sold permanently,
vertising repeatedly tells us that unless we have man, brother and sister, woman and creation. because the land is mine and you reside in my
certain benchmark items then we are not worth All are in harmony, working together for an land as foreigners and strangers.” In a society
much. Even children get in on the act, pressuring everlasting peace on earth. Our way to enter into that has a strong sense of entitlement, this verse
parents to go out and buy, buy, buy. Because of that kind of harmony now is through local living gives us a much needed shift in perspective.
Mammon’s evangelists--advertisers--many shop- and artisanry. Growing food, making gifts, and God reminds the people of Israel that the land is
pers turn into wild animals come Black Friday. trading goods with one another does a couple ultimately God’s so they are not to possess it.
People end up trampled on, beaten down and, in of things to accomplish this. One, it is human- A. W. Tozer, in the book called The Pursuit of
some cases, killed. All because we gave in to the izing. In war, a very deliberate effort is made to God, puts fresh words to this Old Testament
god of consumption. If we are honest though, dehumanize the enemy by distancing and differ- Jubilee practice. He calls it “the blessedness of
many of us are addicted to materialism even entiating “us” from “them.” This gives people the possessing nothing,” and goes on to say that the
outside of the holiday shopping season. We want ability to destroy the enemy easier. Remember benefit of possessing nothing is that we are then
to “possess” lots of things that might grant us the Christmas Truce of 1914? Once the enemies free to treat all we have as a gift. Houses, food,
status or power, even though all of these things came together to share pictures, food and stories, friendships and family are no longer possessions
will break or rust or decay. no one wanted to fight each other anymore. to be grasped tightly but rather gifts meant to be
Because of our propensity for materialism, our The same holds true for the environment. The shared and cherished.
stewardship of the earth has greatly diminished. more distance we put between ourselves and the Along with possessing nothing comes a
We drive everywhere in cars, heat and cool our natural earth, the easier it is for us to exploit and sense of freedom. I remember the time a fellow
houses, buy everything wrapped in plastic, and abuse it. By making the goods we need, riding worker, Josh, was talking about how free he felt
play video games. In essence, we have isolated bicycles, and growing food we decrease this dis- (continue on page 10)
6 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Lent 2011
Community Poetry

House Notes
by Josh Armfield

Part of our covenant together at Cher-

Tell Them
by Linda L. Skinner

Tell them I love them, tell them I care

ith Brook has to do with caring for God’s Tell them don’t worry, for I will be there
creation. As we move into our fifth year
as a community we are trying to pay more Jesus, my Savior, died on the cross
attention to the food that we eat, especially To bring salvation to all that are lost
when it is running around and growing in
our backyard. And that’s the point! Our Tell them don’t worry, and have yea no fear
chickens are a constant reminder to us that I’m here to save you, all that come near
food comes from the earth and not from a
grocery store or a restaurant. Recently we Tell them I love them, just whisper my name
learned that chickens produce fewer eggs Tell them I wash out all shame
in the winter because of a lack of light and
not so much a lack of heat. So we replaced Tell them I hung here, it was not done in vain
the tin roof on our chicken coop with a plexi Tell them I love them, tell them I care
glass roof so that our chickens can get more
light. Thankfully the weather has warmed Tell them I’m Jesus, I’ll always be here
up also, but since we made the adjustment
to the roof we’ve been getting about six eggs
a day from our eight chickens! We hope to
be producing thirty eggs a day by the end
of the summer with the addition of twenty-
five more chickens to our flock. Of course,
now that we have more than thirty chickens
running around our yard, we’ve had to find
a way to keep them out of our garden space. Jessi McDaniel from Dominican University, Chicago, is
So we are fortifying our garden with chicken working on priming the railing for our front porch.
wire! As I said, we are learning to pay more
attention to our food. And we understand tion. Please consider coming to the gather-
that these new steps toward local living will ing to practice Gospel Obedience in resisting
create more work for us initially, but they are Nuclear Weapons.
healthy steps for us and for creation. We know that peace starts first within
ourselves and with our relationships with
others. With this in mind, this March
we went through a two-day interpersonal
conflict-resolution training together as a
community along with our shower volun-
teers. We hope that we can continue to keep
in mind the nonviolent Jesus as we practice
the works of mercy here. We often talk
about the “Shower House” as a sanctuary.
The “Shower House” is a place for us all to be
free from the violence in our lives, whether
it is violence on the streets or violence in our
hearts. We must continue to train ourselves
how to live, speak, and work nonviolently
with others.
So needless to say, we are busy. We hope
that it is a healthy busyness. It is the busy-
Twenty-five light brahmas enjoying their new chicken coop. ness of community, hospitality, and peace-
making. We are busy writing letters to our
We are continuing to resist the construc- friends in jail. We are busy hosting student
tion of a new nuclear weapons plant on 150 groups, teaching and sharing the life that we
Hwy and Botts road here in Kansas City. live here. We are busy blessing the homes
On April 29-May 2, along with Holy Fam- of friends that were once homeless. We are
ily Catholic Worker, we will be hosting the busy making candles and granola and keep-
Midwest Catholic Worker Faith & Resistance ing our bicycles clean and oiled. We are busy A beautiful sketch entitled Breaking Free by Misty.
Retreat. The theme for the weekend is “The sharing meals together. And God continues
Hope of Easter and a Disarmed World.” We to change us into the beloved community
will have speakers and roundtables, and we that Jesus so often spoke about as the King-
will end the weekend with a nonviolent ac- dom of God.
Lent 2011 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 7
8 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Lent 2011

A Call to Covenant
by Micah Waters

At Cherith Brook, we often talk about our force in our lives to spur us on to carrying impossible ethic but rather to see it as Jesus’
three orbs of life. These orbs are areas or our part of the load; it is our calling. manifesto for kingdom living; to hear Jesus’
practices around which we structure our summons to take up
daily living. We see in these orbs the way
the gospel has shaped us and leads us to
“...our calling began as a gener- our cross and follow
him and be ready to
re-shape our lives. One orb is not more
important than another and none would be
al longing to hear Jesus’ words encounter suffer-
ing on our journey
complete without the other two. Day in and
day out the three orbs we continually seek to
and do them. It began with a of discipleship. We
hoped to gain new
commit ourselves to are community, peace-
making and the works of mercy.
desire to see the Sermon on the eyes so when we
heard Jesus’ words,
Most people would see the complexities of
daily responsibilites and expect us to have
Mount as something more than “Whatever you do
unto the least of
by-laws, contracts, or some sort of legally
binding document to force everyone to
an impossible ethic but rather these, you do unto
me,” we would be
participate in the ins and outs of daily life.
Between offering showers to people, work-
to see it as Jesus’ manifesto for able to see Jesus
on the margins of
ing in the garden, welcoming people in for
meals, tending the chickens, painting walls,
kingdom living...” society.
This calling is
making dinners, doing the laundry, building one we hope for all
fences, leading prayers and a whole score of For us, our calling began as a general Christians to respond to; to hear the call to
other things, some may think that we would longing to hear Jesus’ words and do them. follow Jesus and to respond with action with
need something to make everyone do their It began with a desire to see the Sermon a reshaping of their lives. We are also
share. And in fact, we do have a compelling on the Mount as something more than an (continued on page 11)


To Friends of Cherith Brook

by KC Catholic Workers

We are calling for people of faith over and above the National Nuclear Securi- health of workers and the pollution of our
to practice Gospel Obedience and to ty Association’s (NNSA) annual budget. The streams, fields, and air. We need your help
resist the construction of a new Nuclear new Plant’s selected 180-acre site at 150 Hwy to stop the future production of parts for
Weapons Plant at 150 Hwy and Botts Rd in and Botts Road was mostly used for soybean nuclear weapons. We need you to pray with
south Kansas City. On the weekend of April farming. However, the Kansas City govern- us, act with us, and be with us the weekend
29-May 2, Holy Family House and Cherith ment declared that area “blighted” so that of April 29-May 2, 2011.
Brook Catholic Workers will be hosting the it could use bond authority under Missouri We encourage you to discern and pray
Midwest Catholic Worker Faith and Resis- state law designed to fight urban blight to about how God might be calling you to
tance Retreat here in Kansas City. Catholic give NNSA a new bomb plant. Taxpayers will participate in these events. Here are some
Workers from all over the Midwest will be pay an estimated $4.5 billion over 20 years options: 1) You may come to the scheduled
coming together to put our faith into action for the new Kansas City Plant, which the round-tables and listen to the speaker, 2)
by resisting Nuclear Weapons. Along with City will own until private developers pay You may participate in the nonviolent action
those coming from out of town, we greatly the bonds back through a lease-to-purchase on Monday morning, 3) You may also choose
need participation from local Kansas City scheme backed up by a virtually certain rev- to practice gospel obedience by risking arrest
residents. The weekend will consist of a fo- enue stream from the federal government. at the action (if you choose to risk arrest on
cus speaker, roundtable discussions, oppor- This new Plant will replace an old Nuclear Monday, we request that you at least partici-
tunities for spiritual reflection and prayer, Weapons Plant, also in Kansas City; which pate in the nonviolence training that we are
nonviolence training, and we will conclude has significant environmental and worker offering throughout the weekend).
the weekend with a nonviolent action on health concerns. We want to ensure that We hope that you are able to participate
Monday May 2nd. these matters are handled promptly and in all three of these. A brochure about the
An urgent need has grown in Kansas City comprehensively. weekend can be found on page 9 of this pub-
to resist the production of Nuclear Weapons. We are outraged by this act of planned lication. We hope to see you there. Grace
The Kansas City government has subsidized violent destruction of human life, the misuse and peace to you.
a new federal Nuclear Weapons Production of funds intended for our blighted neighbor-
Plant with $815 million in municipal bonds, hoods in which we live, the disregard for the
Lent 2011 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 9
Faith & Resistance Retreat

The Midwest Catholic Worker

Faith & Resistance Retreat
“The Hope of Easter & A Disarmed World”
April 29 - May 2, 2011

@ De La Salle Education Center

3740 Forest Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109

Schedule: Please Consider:

Friday 4.29 Coming to the retreat.
6:00pm. Dinner & documentary Join us for as much as your schedule allows. We
would love to have you with us.
Saturday 4.30
8:00am. Breakfast Coming to the action.
9:30am. Art Laffin Keynote Ask off work and come to the nonviolent action
(from Dorothy Day CW in DC) on Monday morning, May 2.
12:00pm. Lunch
1:30pm. Roundtable Discussions Civil Disobedience/Gospel Obedience.
(worker contamination, environmental con- Talk to your community, family and workplace
tamination, nuclear weapon policy, etc.) about acting on your convictions through civil
6:00pm. Dinner, Songs & Stories disobedience at the Monday morning action.

Sunday 5.1
8:00am. Breakfast
9:30am. Worship
12:00pm. Lunch
1:30pm. Action Planning
6:00pm. Dinner, nonviolence training
7:30pm. Prayer

Monday 5.2
7:00am. Breakfast
8:00am. Action

What to Bring: Come Early:

Sleeping bag, pillow Create Art, Props & Puppets.
Extra food to share Your Hosts: Come to Kansas City the week on April 22 to
help us with preparations. We especially need
Instruments and songs artists and experienced builders. 10 people
Supplies for signs & puppets Cherith Brook Catholic Worker are welcome to stay at Cherith Brook and Holy
Money to contribute to speaker and space Family Catholic Worker. Please call if inter-
816.241.8047 ested!

Holy Family Catholic Worker
10 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Lent 2011
Peacemaking Continued Peacemaking Continued

A Modest Proposal Streets

continued from page 5 continued from page 1

when he was riding his bicycle across the country. unclean laws. They were outraged because Jesus over death. It exposes the chimera of violence
“It was just me, my bicycle, and the road.” I was eating with the “enemies” of the Jewish and calls us to greater trust in the truth of Christ’s
think Josh was practicing the “ blessedness of society. Jesus also exploded the conventional peace. I have no other way to make sense of it. And
possessing nothing.” He spent two months of his meaning of “neighbor” in his day. The parable as I think back over the past four years, there are a
summer being present to all that was around him of the good Samaritan is a prime example of dozen such occurrences.
while sharing conversations, meals and bike rides this. A Jewish person is robbed and beaten and Do we recognize the weapons of the Spirit at our
with others along way. Another way to engage a Samaritan comes to help the beaten man while disposal? Do we believe that our commitment to
in this Jubilee practice of non-possession is by a priest and Levite pass right by. Samaritans and facing danger without harming others is backed by
putting your home into a trust. And don’t stop Jews loathed each other in Jesus’ day and yet he a force more powerful than evils surrounding us?
there! Invite others to share in this gift as well. uses this parable to describe how to be a good Do we affirm the Resurrection we profess is stron-
When living in community, a shared household neighbor. ger than the death we face? It is a great temptation
can be a beautiful thing because everyone who What Jesus did was decrease distance from not to. We have been disciplined by a belief in the
moves in is equally responsible for caring and one another. Jesus intentionally brought need for force that overshadows the possibilities
nurturing the shared gift. Everyone then has together the rich and the poor, the “clean” and present in this age of resurrection.
the opportunity to share in both the joys and the “unclean,” all to demonstrate the way of the This story highlights the other temptation. We
burdens of keeping up a place so many people call peaceable kingdom. He understood that mak- are enticed to think God would not call us into work
“home.” ing someone “other,” by dehumanizing another that might involve risk or even harm. Ron Sider
human, is to make war with them. It is to make once wrote of practicing Christian nonviolence,
6. Practice the Works of Mercy someone our enemy. The Works of Mercy is the “Making peace is as costly as waging war. Unless we are
Nothing could be further from participating prescription offered for changing a people bent prepared to pay the cost of peacemaking, we have no
in war than practicing the Works of Mercy. A on elevating themselves over another, and by right to claim the label or preach the message.” Will we
longtime Catholic Worker, Rita Corbin, created practicing mercy we undo the inner attitudes that only affirm ministry that can guarantee our safety
a beautiful banner which contrasts the Works lead to war and violence. and security? Do we support those called to this
of Mercy and the Works of War. It highlights kind of work or write them off as naïve or foolish?
how diametrically opposed they both are to one * * * We are well aware that there are no assurances
another. In practicing mercy people feed the that that things will always end up in our favor or
hungry; in war people burn crops and land. In There are many ways to live differently - peace- that we will not be harmed. Glamorizing nonviolent
practicing mercy people care for the sick; in war ably - in these days. The Catholic Workers, the living is no more truthful than glamorizing war. In
people inflict wounds and kill. War creates peace Community of the Ark, the Bruderhof Communi- all honesty, this work has exposed our own willing-
through fear of the other while mercy leads to a ties, the Koinonia Farm, and the many monastic ness to give into these temptations as well as our
mutual trust built on love--which is fundamental orders are all groups of people who are devoted own fears, our own brokenness, even the violence
for a more lasting peace. to living life differently in the present day. These within. We want to take seriously that as followers
communities look different in the way they of Jesus we are set apart - made holy for the ways of
operate but are similar in that they are proof peace - even if our vessels are humble, broken and
that we can live differently. St. Francis of Assissi vulnerable.
once said, “Start by doing what’s necessary; then The sign and source of peace in the Colossians
do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the passage quoted above is the cross. It is, ironically, a
impossible.” These are very empowering words for symbol of violence. But it does not symbolize our
anyone looking to loosen the grip war has over means of power nor a weapon we might use against
them. It encourages movement, however small, an enemy. In fact, in I Corinthians 1 & 2 Paul admits
in the direction one wishes to live. Then, by that others will see this symbol as a stupid or an ir-
continuing to take small steps towards peace, the rational choice. They will see it as an indication that
impossible will suddenly be happening and there we are weak or passive. But we believe it was meant
will be no end to the possibilities of what can be to symbolize that the power of peace is not an issue
accomplished. of might, force or coercion--all forms of human
It is imperative, however, to begin this journey strength to which we often turn.
now. In the midst of a turbulent time, Martin The cross is a revelation of the way God’s power
Luther King Jr. spoke of how he journeyed to plays out in the world. It was intended to jog our
the mountaintop and saw the promised land on memory. It was Jesus’ humility, patience, willing-
Woodcut entitled Works of Mercy, Works of War by Rita Corbin the other side. Many people caught that vision ness to endure suffering, and refusal to do harm
and pursued it. Until we are willing to make the that won the day. A contradiction to some and an
Another way to look at the power of the Works same step-by-step progress towards realizing a insult to others, it is, nevertheless, to be our means,
of Mercy is to understand what the Matthew reality marked by peace instead of war we will our strength and our comfort. “For to this you have
25 passage meant in Jesus’ day. When Jesus never make it to the other side of the mountain - been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving
speaks of feeding the hungry, think of how Jesus marked by peace, tranquility and freedom. Let us you an example, so that you should follow in his steps.
embodied that. He invited the poor, the ill, the join together in the necessary work of “building a ‘He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his
sinner, the prostitute and the tax collector to society where it is easier for people to be good.” mouth.’ When he was abused, he did not return abuse;
the table. Jesus ate with them. They shared when he suffered, he did not threaten; but he entrusted
stories. They were welcomed. The Pharisees were himself to the one who judges justly” (I Peter 21-23).
outraged by this because it violated their clean/
Lent 2011 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 11
Community Community Continued How To Help

Cherith Brook House

CW Covenant
by Cherith Brook Catholic Workers
continued from page 8
Coffee, Sugar, Creamer
Vinegar (gallon size for cleaning)
1. We commit to a life of discipleship, following Jesus, cross bearing, acting learning to hear a more specific calling. It
on our reflections and reflecting on our actions. “If any want to become my is a calling that beckons us to respond to Baking Soda
followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” the needs we encounter in the Historic
Dish Soap
Northeast part of Kansas City. To spend
2. We commit our daily lives to practicing hospitality: Listening for the knock time listening to the lives of those who have Toilet Paper
and looking for the face of Jesus in stranger and friend, while receiving from been cast aside around us, and respond as we
Milk, Eggs, Butter
them God’s welcome of us. “When you did it to the least of these my sisters learn to recognize Jesus as he needs cloth-
and brothers, you did it to me.” ing, food, drink, and welcome. Black Beans
As a response to both our specific and gen-
Salt & Pepper Shakers
3. We commit our daily lives to pursing the nonviolence of God’s Shalom em- eral calling we have written a covenant. We
bodied in Jesus’ life, teachings, death and resurrection. We will pursue the have an annual covenanting retreat in order Folding Tables (standard size)
peace struggle with ourselves, each other, and our enemies, on the streets, to keep our covenant and calling central to
Energy Saving Light Bulbs
in our city, our country and our world. “Love your enemies” and “Overcome our lives. During this time we explore where
evil with good.” God has led us and look forward to where Trailer (flat bed)
God might be leading. In preparation for our
Bike trailers
4. We commit to the journey of forgiveness in all relationships, striving retreat, we each spend time in prayer and
toward reconciliation in ways that recognize the differences in each person. reflection in order to create space to hear Old candles
“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in where God is leading us. Then we share our
Christ has forgiven you.” thoughts with the community to help each
other discern their call. Sharing reflections
5. We commit to common living. has been especially helpful, as it allows
We will play and celebrate together. others to clarify where we are unsure, and
We will share in the work of the house and garden. to solidify where we feel God’s call. Indeed,
We will eat together at agreed upon times. we believe that where two or more gather in
We will worship together. the name of Christ we can be confident in
We will practice a weekly prayer rhythm and encourage personal prayer, discerning truth.
reflection and solitude. At our retreat, we reflect on our year;
We will live locally, present to our neighborhood and community.
We will make decisions by consensus, striving for full agreement.
We will practice Sabbath rhythms—creating space for rest, prayer,
where have we been faithful to God’s leading
and where have we faltered? Is God leading
us in a new direction, or is God calling us
solitude and reflection.
We will hold our finances & resources in common.
We will work less than 20 hours a week outside the community.
to deepen something we are already doing?
Through our time of reflection, we are able
to write into our lives where God is calling
us. In writing, we can remember what God Tennis Shoes (men’s & women’s)
There are many other ways of resisting the idolatries of capitalism. We has done and also look forward to what God
Jeans & Belts
celebrate those as well. “All who believed were together and had all things in is doing. Then, as we discuss and share, we
common…” are able to give concrete reality to ideas. (men’s 30-34, women’s 4-6, 16-18)
Our covenant is our written response to
Men’s Underwear (size 32-38)
6. We commit to prayerful discernment: listening to God and to each other, God’s calling. Without calling, we cannot
listening to scripture and trusting in the presence of the Spirit in our lives. covenant but through our covenant we are Women’s Panties (esp. 4-7)
able to clarify and deepen our calling. As
7. We commit to being servants of creation, caring for the earth and her we spend time at Cherith Brook we are able
resources, reducing our dependence on technology and fossil fuels, rejecting to understand who God has created us to Shampoo & Conditioner
the busyness of modern city life, and returning to the garden of God’s inten- be and what God has created us to do. For
Deodorant & Razors
tions. “And God saw that it was good…very good.” some, that journey leads elsewhere, while
for others, it solidifies their calling to be Tube Socks
8. We commit to living at a personal economic sacrifice: trusting daily for at Cherith Brook. Either way, through
Foot Powder
God’s provision, sharing freely and living off the excess of our culture. “Give our shared life and work and through our
us this day our daily bread.” community discernment and covenant, we Toothpaste & Brushes
are able to hear God’s call more clearly and
9. We commit to shaping our lifestyles around Jesus and his manifesto in respond.
the Sermon on the Mount, living in expectation of his return. “let your light Ibuprofen & Tylenol
shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your
Laundry Soap (high efficiency)
heavenly Parent.”
Cherith Brook Catholic Worker
3308 East 12th Street
Kansas City, MO 64127
(816) 241-8047

Our Upcoming
Who Are We? Schedule Events
Community—Cherith Brook is a residential Showers M, T, Th, F 8 am–noon April 22, 4pm
Christian community committed to sharing Good Friday Way of the Cross
table fellowship with strangers, and all our (meet at 11th St. and Oak in KCMO)
Prayers M, W, F 6:30–7 am
resources with one another. We have found our
inspiration from the early church, the Church of
the Savior, and the Catholic Worker. Community Meal Th 5–7 pm April 29 - May 2
Faith & Resistance Retreat in KC
Mercy—Our daily lives are structured around
Women’s Day Monthly, Last Wed 11:30 am–2 pm
practicing the works of mercy as found in Jesus’
teachings. We are committed to regularly feed- May 17 - 19
ing the hungry, clothing the naked, giving drink Haircuts Monthly, 2nd Sat 9–11 am Community retreat
to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, visiting
the prisoner and the sick in the name of Jesus.
Garden Workday M 2-5 pm
July 3, 6pm
Peacemaking—As followers of Jesus, we Open mic night @ Cherith Brook
understand our lives to be centered in God’s Group Workday Monthly, 2nd Sat 9 am–1 pm
Shalom. Cherith Brook strives to be a “school”
for peacemaking in all its dimensions: political, July 17 - 31
communal, and personal, working constantly to Cherith Brook closed
undo poverty, racism and militarism.

These three orbs can be summed up as the struggle

to connect with the God of life. We pray that Cher-
ith Brook is a space where all of us—the broken—
can come to learn and relearn the ways of Jesus;
a place to struggle together for God’s call of love,
mercy, peace and justice.

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