The Ultimate Cracking Guide For Beginners

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The Ultimate Cracking Guide For Beginners

August 4, 2021


As a beginner you need to know what you’re doing and what is cracking about, so basically
cracking is finding a combolist ( An email:password or user:password list ) with various
methods and then try the combinations in different sites/platform to see if any of them

The concept behind this is that some people (or most ) uses the same login details all over
the internet and we are exploiting this.


Dear crackers you need to know the most important thing about cracking and about
Internet usage in general and it is : Your security and safety. Cracking is certainly
illegal but not that much ( it takes too much effort to track you and the benefits of doing
that is null)

will help you when you’re cracking and hacking in general so here is some actions to take :

The best friend of a cracker/hacker is his virtual machine : a virtual computer

when you can do any dangerous manipulations without fear of damaging your real
His other friend is called VPN : a software that encrypt your data and change your
locations but be aware of the vpn you choose, use paid ones ( you can find accounts
on nulled)
Optionnal : You can also download a software to change your MAC adress ( the
physical address of your network adapter) to be even safer
The last thing you have to do is download a cleaning software like ccleaner to clean
all the data after you finish your work ( yes do it on your virtual machine)


So now you have all the informations you need to start your cracking career, let’s move to
the main part :

We will use in this first level a very basic method to get our first accounts it wont give you
netflix accounts immediatlyu but you have to be patient and experiment from the bottom
to really learn. if you read this tutorial just to have quick accounts then go search for them
online. Lets begin :

Download VMware or virtual box and a Windows 10 ISO then setup your virtual
machine ( you can find tutorials on how to do this on youtube )
After this you need to install a VPN on the virtual machine, you can use a free one
but i highly recommend to get an paid one account ( you can find one in the
accounts section )
Now we need to download a software that will give us combos ( you’ll learn how to
create your own on a future post ) so we will use Slayer Leecher, basically it will give
us combos from the web based on the keywords we put . keep in mind that those
combos are public so anyone can get acces to them if they use the same keywords
as us.
Now go to keyword tool and make some keywords based on what you want (
example : spotify , hulu etc…)
The next step is to start Slayer Leecher ( if you have problems just download the net
framework stuff or disable the windows security ) the put your keywords, after that
click on settings and only check Pastebin, finally choose 24hour result and press
start ( don’t forget to be creative and use different keywords , you are learning so
experiment )
After you got some results ( the more is better ) click on stop then filtring,grab,save
resultat and finally pass to leecher
When you are on the leecher click start , wait untill it finish , click on remove
duplicate then save , and we have our combolist
Now for the check i can’t give you all the download links just search on nulled for the
checker you want , they all have the same working : you put your combolist then
your proxies ( use 6 to get free ones) then you start checking.
You can also use universal checkers like Sentry or storm but i don’t recomend those
at this point ( too complicated for a begginner ) but you can find excellent tutorials
about them if you search a little.

So now you can start cracking with the most basic method , of course this is far from being
the best method but you need to start somewhere and i think this is the best way to learn
the basics and to train yourselF , i’ll make a level 2 tutorial soon to show you a more
advanced technique so check from one time to another


Be sure to use ALL your cracking stuff/softwares on a virtual machine

Start your vpn immediatly after launching your computer
You can use a mac changer software to be more safe
Clean your registery and temporary fils after you finish your work ( yes even on
virtual machine)
Be patient and don’t try to learn everything on a single night, we all started with
trying to hack facebook with some cmd shit LOL

Source: 15

Happy learning!



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