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Unelected SECC Board with

Common Sense Information For Living Awake & Free in Scott County, Iowa Unlimited Taxing Authority
Did You Know These The question is NOT if it
was a good idea to consoli-
date the 3 dispatch services
for cost and safety reasons.
We were told it would save taxpay-
ability to finance capital improve-
ments through the sale of bonds
authorized by the City Council”.
With a vote by the Davenport City
Council, the taxpayer now has a
3. The payroll expense ($4.4M)
now sits at where it was projected
to be in 2017 and grows each year.
4. The intergovernmental agree-
ment states that 30 months after

SECC911 Facts? ers $4.6 million over 20 years. $14 million, 20 year building debt. consolidation, if mutually agreed
That figure came from a $103,000 by the SECC Board and Medic,
Consolidation Study that outlined 4. The Board of Supervisors the 9 Medic dispatchers will
how that savings could be achieved then used its bonding powers for become Scott County employees.
through a 6,000 square foot build- the purchase of the emergency This could impact the SECC
ing, costing $2.3 million, and $2.1 communication systems. The budget by another $650K in salary

What Was Promised: What We Got: million to equip the building.

Instead, SECC911 is now a $26

SECC budget will authorize
the repayment each year for the
County’s debt service. So while we
and benefits
5. SECC is required to build a $1.2
million fund balance reserve.
all snoozed, we took on a second 6. The residential tax rollback is
- Saves Taxpayers - Cost Taxpayers
million project carrying $28
million of debt for 20 years, and
is the 2nd largest expenditure of
the County budget at $8 million
20 year, $14 million debt for
expected to increase by 4% for the
next 7 years. Will these additional
tax dollars be used to lower the levy
$4.6M over 20 yrs $28M over 20 yrs dollars a year.

How did an expenditure

And that’s how a project that
would carry a $28 million debt
never came before the people as a
rate or grow the agency?
7. Taxation to pay for SECC goes
beyond the new tax levy for the
of this magnitude never referendum. long term debt. We have a 911 fee
come before the people as a Yes, it’s done. We’re standing here on our cell phone bills, and Scott
- $2.3M building - $7.3M building referendum?
1. Create an independent authority
through a joint powers agreement,
looking at a 28,450 square foot
building. What we can do now,
however, is diligently watch over
county could implement a new
wireline 911 surcharge. More taxes,
more fees, more money.
its $8 million a year price tag.
(the intergovernmental agreement The levy is uncapped. Now We Know,
- 6,000 sf building - 28,450 sf building for SECC). The board of directors
put in place then has the power to
enter into contracts, acquire prop-
erty, and the authority to approve
There will be
Never Again
In the end, however, the most
important lesson is to make sure
the purchases. immediate pressure this doesn’t happen again.
to increase taxes.
- $2M equipment - $6M equipment 2. The County board of supervi-
sors has the ability to create a “local
emergency management Fund” 1. The service contracts that were
placed in long term debt will expire
Understand how intergovernmen-
tal agreements are formed—now
we know what can and did happen
and fund this authority through a when a board has the power to
special levy. That levy is not subject and grow the operating budget, contract, purchase, and approve
2. Equipment will become
- $0.53/$1000 Levy - $0.90/$1000 Levy to any of the caps on taxes.”

3. “The City of Davenport is classi-

obsolete before we’ve paid that 20
year debt, and we’ll be paying for
replacement and the original debt.
their own purchases and have a
uncapped levy at their disposal to
pay for it. Will you now engage,
fied as a “Charter City and has the attend meetings, watch the board
How did this happen, and what should you know moving forward? See other side. actions and get involved?

SECC Board of Directors (below) Meet 1st Thursday Each Month at 5:30 p.m. at Sign up for
Scott County Admin Bldg Downtown Davenport, Iowa.
Tom Sunderbruch - Scott County Board of Supervi- Dr. Frank Claudy - Medic EMS Board President Rubber Stamping Alerts
sors, Chair 563-343-7250 - 563-421-7880 -
Mike Freemire - Bettendorf Mayor - 563-344-4014 Marty O’Boyle - Eldridge Mayor - 563-370-8742
& News Updates at
- -
Bill Gluba - Davenport Mayor -563-326-7701 More info at

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