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f u n c t io n s : checking information;
gram m ar: future forms; question
tags; Nor/Neither / So
vo c a bu la ry: future time
expressions; arranging a party;
phrases with about

22nd July 2042

Moon hotel to welcome first
History will be made today when the
Titan Moon Hotel finally opens its doors
to welcome the first tourists to the moon.
The $36 billion project, which has
been delayed for three years, hopes to
receive more than 50 guests a week
before too long.
The first tourist shuttle leaves for the
moon from the London Sp ace Port later
this evening. Guests on it include the
Internet billionaire M ira Xin and her
new husband Bob Latchford. They are
spending a three-day honeymoon there.

3 Look at the pictures again. What do you think the
1 Look at the pictures in the newspaper on stories are about?
these pages. What do the pictures show?
T his o n e s h o w s a b u ild in g in t h e fu tu r e .
4 Read and check your ideas. What is 'different' about
this newspaper?
2 Work in pairs. Think of a
current news story for each section of the 5 Г.Й>>Ж»ГЛ Read and listen to the stories again. Decide
newspaper. if the sentences are correct or incorrect. Correct the
incorrect sentences.
sport travel ; entertainment
science and technology 1 They planned to open the Titan Moon Hotel in 2039.
2 Mira Xin has just got married.
Can you think o f a science 3 There are some human actors in Star Client.
a n d technology story? 4 Interflix film producers think actors are too expensive.
5 Shirley Williams lost a foot in a car accident.
Yes, computers attached to 6 Doctors thought Shirley's career was over.
eyeglasses. They're incredible!
7 Dr Miriamjameson is a scientist.
8 People are already using 3D holograms.


Actors call for Star Client ban
Angry actors are calling on people not to go and see the latest
Interflix film Star Client because they fear it could be the end
of their profession. The film features an entire cast of robots
playing human roles. Interflix producers have responded saying
that the enormous fees that Hollywood stars are asking for make
it impossible for studios to produce films. M aybe actors need
not worry too much because early reviews of the film have been
terrible. The film opens in the UK on Friday.

Shirley's Helsinki Happiness
Doctors have told Shirley Williams that she will be able to compete in the
European Championships in Helsinki next month. The 28-year-old boxer
had a complete hand transplant after being involved in a car accident
in July 2040. Doctors told her that her career was over. But a two-year
intensive recovery programme means that she now has the chance to
compete again. 'I never thought this day would arrive', she told reporters.
'After Helsinki I'm going to start training for Lima 2044,' she added.


3D holograms a reality, scientists say
Imagine sitting in a business meeting in N ew York
while also sitting in your pyjamas back home in
London. According to scientists at the United European
University in Zurich, this will be a reality sometime in
the near future. Dr Miriam Jameson, head of the science
and computing department, held a press conference
yesterday to announce a major breakthrough in
hologram technology. She promised that two years from
now it will be possible to send 3D images of yourself
anywhere in the world. Full-body transportation though,
she explained, is still just a dream for the future.

■ T H iN K V A L U E S H Work in pairs. Compare your ideas with your

partner. Give your reasons.
Believe in a better future
1 What kind of future do you think I think the story about robots acting in films shows
these stories show? a negative future because I don't think that it is a
© - a positive future good thinj for technology to replace humans.
© - not positive or negative
© - a negative future Ш ЗШ ПЗ Think of a positive future. What things do you
Robot films 3D holograms see? Think about these areas.
Moon hotel Miracle boxer technology medicine world peace poverty sport weather

No one is hun>in


GRAM M AR 3 Read the sentences. Mark them P (prediction),

I (intention), A (arrangement) or F (fixed event).
Future forms
1 She won't do very well in her exams.
1 Complete the example sentences with the verbs 2 They're going to buy a new car soon.
in the list. Check your answers with the stories
3 The match starts at 3 pm.
on pages 66-67. Then match the sentences in
Exercise 1with the rules. Write a-d. 4 He’s meeting his mother for lunch on Friday.
5 The new zoo opens on Friday.
opens spending start will
6 One day we’ll all live under the sea.
a The film_________ in the UK on Friday. 7 I’m going to write a novel one day.
b History_________ be made later today. 8 They're having a party on Tuesday.
c I’m going to __________training for Lima 2044.
d They are __________a three-day honeymoon there.
4 Choose the best future form to com plete the

A °<^reyou doing)/ Do you do anything on Friday

W e often use evening?
• the present simple tense to talk about fixed future В Yes, 11'm working / 'll work at the restaurant.
events. 1__
A Oh, what time 2areyou finishing / do you finish?
• to talk about future plans and
b e g o in g to
В The restaurant usually closes at 9 pm and I work
intentions. *1__
until then but there’s a party this Friday so I
• w ill/w o n 't to make predictions about the future.
з 3won'tl don't finish until at least 10 pm. W hy?
A W ell 14'm having / 'll have a party. Lots of people
• the present continuous to talk about future
5come / are coming and I wanted to invite you, too.
arrangements. 4__
В I’d love to come.
A You 6won't b e / aren't being too tired?
2 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple В No way. I t 7is being / will b e the perfect way to start
form of the verbs in the list. the weekend.

arrive open finish start leave

ARRIVALS Future time expressions
1 Com plete the tim e expressions with the words in
the list.
m e i-i-i
from later after time near next next | long

LUST DAY FRIDAY! Ш ТШ 1 the week after_____

2 before to o ......... _
5 the day
6 .......

Shop 7am to 7pm

3 in two weeks' 7 four years now
4 ..........weekend 8 in th e _______ future

2 Com plete these sentences in your notebook with

your own ideas. Think about your family, friends,
school, town, country.

1 I think in the near future.

Predictions 2 l think 40 years from now.
3 I think in 20 years'time.
22 J U N E
4 I _____ . the week after next.
Intentions 5 I _____ _ next Friday.
0 The sale fin ishes on Friday 6 I _____ _ before too long.
1 Flight FL098 7 I _______ this weekend.
2 The concert_________________ Arrangements 8 I later today.
3 The train____________________ 9 I _ tomorrow morning.
4 The shop
■ д я т а н и и ш я^

1 You are going to listen to two interviews with people from the future newspaper: boxer Shirley
Williams and moon tourist Mira Xin. Compare your questions.
• Student A: Write three questions to ask Shirley.
• Student B: Write three questions to ask Mira.

2 M Listen to the interviews. Do they ask your questions? W hat questions do they ask?

3 m Listen again. Choose the correct picture and put a tick ( / ) in the box below it.
* 1 What is Mira going to do on the moon? 2 What is she taking with her?

3 What is one of Shirley's plans for the year? 4 W hat is she going to do?

Personal goals
1 Complete the lists so they are true for you. 2 Е2ЖЗЗШЭ Work in pairs. Compare your lists
from Exercise 1. Say what things you are going
Two things I want to do today
to do.
1 __________________________
2 _____________________________ I really want to finish my school project tonight.
Two things I want to do this week
1 __________________ 3 Е 2 Ш Ш З Discuss how you are going to do the
2 ____________________ things on your lists.

Two things I want to do this year How are you. going to finish
1 _________________ your project tonight?
2 ___________________
Well, I 'm going to start it as soon as I get
Two things I want to do in my lifetime
home. I'm not going to watch any TV.
1 ____________________ 2
2 ______________________


1 Imagine you are organising a p arty for your
birthday. Put these things in order o f importance.

□ music
venue (where you are going to have the party)
publicity (letting people know about the party)

S P E A K IN G W o rk in pairs. Com pare your ideas

with a partner.

A special venae's not very im portant. I'll ju s t use

my house. M usics very im portant. You c a n t have
a p arty w ithout good music.

3 Read the chat room posts quickly. W h a t kind of 4 Read the posts again. W h o is responsible for
p arty are they arranging? Do you think Lucy is a each area in Exercise 1?
good organiser?

Lucy O ne w e e k to go, Lucy OK, that’s a better Lewis No problem - see

Kw everyone. Ju s t checking in. idea - no need to draw up m you at about 11 then.
H o w ’s the music going, Fran? a guest list and no invitations
needed. Ju s t the posters. Lewis,
Lucy OK, that’s everything,
Fran All done. I’ve hired the
yo u ’re doing that, aren’t yo u ?
R r I think. W e just need to
D J. I paid him a deposit. decorate the room the evening
Don’t forget the them e w e ’ve
You wanted m e to do that, didn’t before and w e ’re ready. I’m really
chosen - superheroes.
yo u ? going to enjoy this party.
Lewis I thought that w as
Lucy That’s great, Fran. 3 V in ce’s job.
Lewis S o am I.
Food - K e v ? m
Lucy No, I’ve got you down
Ш К е у All organised. T h ey’re
R< for posters. Let m e know if
Kev Lucy - is Mr O ’Brien
delivering the drinks the day ‘u J5 O K with it all?
you c a n ’t do it.
after tomorrow.
Lewis No, that’s fine. I’ll do
Lucy W h a t?!!?
Lucy But w hat about the
it tomorrow. T h ey’ll be ready
R* fo o d ? You haven’t forgotten
about that, have yo u ?
to put up in the afternoon. That
Kev You’ve asked Mr
should be OK, shouldn’t it? Гид O ’Brien, haven’t yo u ?
Kev All sorted. Ja c k ie and
Oliver Yes, and I can help
About having the party, I mean.
Ш Pete are going to help me
on the day.
if you want, Lewis. Lucy I’m not responsible

Kev S o can I.
■w for that, am I?
Lucy That’s great. Anyone
R ' heard from Oliver? He
Kev Yes, you are, Lucy.

promised to send out invitations Lewis Great. Can you both

I've got the ‘to-do’ list right
here. C h eck with the headm aster -
by email. Anyone know if he’s com e round to my house in
Lucy. I don’t think w e can have
done it ye t? the morning?
a party without getting permission
■ ■ Oliver W h at do you mean ■ ■ Oliver Sure, but I w o n ’t be from him to use the school hall.
иШ ‘send out invitations'? The шШ able to be there before 11.
party is open to everyone, isn’t it?
Lucy Neither do I. I’ll do it

I thought w e agreed to put up

Kev Nor will I. R* first thing tomorrow. Sorry

posters around the sch ool? about that.


R U LE ; W e can use so and norlneither to agree
Question tags with statements.
1 Complete the sentences. Look at the posts • W e use 1__________to agree with positive
on page 70 and check your answers. Use the statements.
sentences in Exercise 1 to complete the rules. • W e use 2__________to agree with negative
1 You wanted me to do that,__________you?
After so and nor/neither we repeat the verb used in
2 The party is open to everyone,_________ it?
the statement. If the statement is in the present or
3 Lewis, you're doing that,_________ you?
past simple, we use do/did to agree with it. (See rules
4 That should be OK, it? on question tags.)
5 I'm not responsible for that,__________I?
6 You haven't forgotten about that,__________you?
4 W rite replies to agree with the statements.

R U LE : Question tags are short questions which 0 I love school. So do I .

we use to check facts or make conversation. 1 I didn't watch any T V last night.
• With positive statements, use a 0 negative 2 I can’t go to the party.
question tag. 3 I should do my homework.
• With negative statements, use a 1__________ 4 I'm going to bed early tonight.
question tag.
5 I don’t eat meat.
• When b e is used in the statement, repeat it in the
6 I won’t be late.
question tag. (sentences 2, 3, 5)
7 I was very upset with Tim.
• With modal verbs (con, might) and most other verb
forms, repeat the modal or the auxiliary verb in
the question tag. (sentences 4, 6) P ro n u n c ia tio n
• With present or past simple verbs, use 2__________,
don't, does,3__________(present simple) or
Intonation of question tags
4_________ , didn't (past simple), (sentence 1) Go to page 121.

2 Complete the questions with tags. VO CABULARY

0 She sings beautifully, doesn 't sh e ? Arranging a party
1 You won't say anything,__________?
1 Match verbs with nouns to create a ‘to do' list.
2 Debbie didn't phone,__________?
Use the posts on page 70 to help you.
3 You can come to my party,__________?
Verbs Nouns
4 He'sjamie's brother, ?
5 That meal was delicious,__________? send out organise permission room
get hire draw up DJ food and drinks
6 They don't live with you,_________ ?
decorate invitations guest list
7 You've met Liam, ............ ?
Get perm ission fo r th e party.
8 You aren't going to university,__________?

W ork in pairs. W h at order should

N o r/N e ith e r / So you do the things on your to do list?
3 Complete the sentences. Then complete the
ru le s . You. should get permission first, shouldn't you?

LU C Y I’m really going to enjoy this party.

L E W IS So I.

O L IV E R I can help if you want, Lewis.

K EV I don’t think we can have a party without An invitation
getting permission from him.
You are having a party. W rite the invitations.
LU C Y Neither I.
Be sure to say the theme of the party, the date,
O L IV E R I won't be able to be there before 11. time and place of the party and also what your
K EV Nor 1. guests should bring (or not bring).
P H O T O S T O R Y : episode 4
Look at the photos and answer the questions.

What does Megan want to do on Saturday?

What plans have the others got?

Ф )2 .1 0 Now read and listen to the photostory.

Check your answers.

LUKE Friday m orning. I can 't w ait for th e weekend.

OLIVIA Nor ca n I.
RYAN Only one m ore day of school to go. T hank
goodness! I’m ab o u t to go crazy in th a t RYAN I th in k it’s a great idea.
classroom . LUKE So do I.
LUKE I know w h at you m ean. RYAN But I’m going to spend th e day w ith m y cousin.
RYAN A nd th e w e a th e r’s going to be nice th is MEGAN Oh, no, th a t’s a sham e!
w eekend. I checked th e forecast. RYAN Hey! There's n o th in g w rong w ith m y cousin!
MEGAN: So did I. A bit cloudy, b u t no rain . Let’s MEGAN Oh, com e on, Ryan. You know w h at I m ean!
have a picnic. W hat do you reckon, Ryan?

MEGAN So it’s ju st you an d me, Luke.

LUKE Well, M egan, th e re ’s a school football m atch
an y plans, have you? tom orrow m o rning. And I'm in th e team .
OLIVIA Well, actually, yes, I have. M um prom ised MEGAN In oth er w ords, you c a n ’t com e
to take m e shopping. tom orrow either.
MEGAN Oh. Lucky you. LUKE Well, sorry, no. I c a n ’t m iss th e m atch, ca n I?
OLIVIA Yeah, sh e’s going to buy m e som e new MEGAN Oh, well. Looks like I'm going to be on
clothes. th is b en ch all alone, th en . I’m glad I’ve got a
good book.



3 W ork in pairs. Discuss what happens next in the

story. W rite down your ideas.
; W o r d W is e
We think that Megan goes shopping with Olivia. Phrases with about
Complete the sentences from the unit so far
4 i T i ra i Watch to find out how the story continues.
with a phrase in the list.

5 Answer the questions. sorry about about eleven about you

forgotten about about to
1 W h y doesn't Ryan go to his cousin's house?
2 W h y doesn't Luke play football? 1 No problem - see y o u _________ then.

3 W h y doesn't Olivia go shopping? 2 W hat about the food? You haven’t _________
that, have you?
3 I'll do it first thing tomorrow.__________that.
PHRASES FOR FLUENCY 4 I'm __________go crazy in that classroom.
1 Find the expressions 1-6 in the story. W h o says 5 W hat , Olivia?
them? How do you say them in your language?
Match the questions and answers.
1 Thank goodness. 4 There's nothing
1 How tall isJack?
2 W hat do you reckon? wrong w ith...
2 You haven't tidied up!
3 That's a shame. 5 Lucky you.
3 I love this music. W hat about you?
6 In other w ords,...
4 Has your sister left school now?
2 Complete the conversations. Use the expressions 5 W h y weren't you at the party?
in Exercise 1.
a Yes. She’s about to go to university,
1 A M y parents just won a holiday in a competition. b About 1 metre 65,1think,
В W o w !__________! с I forgot about it. I'm really angry with myself!
A The holiday is for two people, so I can't go. d Yes, it’s not bad.
В Oh. e Oh, sorry about that.
2 A How's Ben? Any news?
Complete the sentences so they are true for
В Yes. He’s OK. His arm's not broken.................
you. Then compare with a partner.
A ............... , it’s not as serious as we thought.
1 l usually get up ab o u t...
3 A Look at that guy's clothes. They're horrible!
2 Once, I forgot ab o u t...
______ ?
3 I’ve got a friend who is about to ...
В Well, I don't like them much. But I don't think
you should be so critical.

A H e y!__________saying what you think!

FU N C T IO N S 2 Complete the left-hand column with true

information about you.
1 Match the sentences and the replies from Tonight I'm going to ... and so is________ .
Weekend plans. I'm not going to ... nor is________ .

1 I can't wait for the weekend. a So did I. Yesterday 1... and so d id ________ .
2 I checked the forecast. b So ami. Yesterday 1d id n 't... nor did
3 I think it’s a great idea. c Neither have I. 1really like ... and so does________ .
4 I'm happy you're here. d Neither did I. 1don't like ... nor does________ .
5 I haven’t got anything
to do all day. e Nor can I. 3 W alk about the classroom and find people who
6 I didn't want to spoil the agree with you. Complete the chart with their
surprise. f S o d o l. names.

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