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PLAYING BY THE f u n c t io n s : talking about
permission; following and giving

simple instructions
gram m ar: be allo w ed to / let]
third conditional
vo c a bu la r y: discipline;
consequences and reasons

6 Read the article again and complete the sentences.

Use between one and three words.

1 Ancient Greek parents had_________ to decide if

they wanted to keep their babies.
2 Unwanted babies often becam e__________
R E A D IN G 3 Unlike Greek girls, Greek boys__________.
4 At military school Greek boys didn't often have
1 Look at this list. Put a tick ( / ) if it's something
to eat.
you can do. Put a cross (X) if it's something
5 __________awaited Aztec children who broke the rules.
you can't do.
6 Ancient Aztecs thought education___________
stay up late at weekends
7 Aztec boys and girls__________to the same school.
invite friends to your house
8 Calmecac schools were for children from __________.
watch any T V programme you want
wear any clothes you want at home
wear any clothes you want to school
use your mobile phone at school The importance of rules
listen to music in your bedroom
1 Read the statements a-d. Which one is:
hang out with your friends in town
1 a personal rule? 3 a school rule?
2 W h a t other things can you think of that you 2 a family rule? 4 a rule of society?
can or can't do at home or at school?
a You're not allowed to ride bikes on the pavements,

W ork with a partner. W h o has b Our parents don’t let us leave the dinner table before
stricter rules in their life? everyone has finished.
с I make sure that I tidy my room every weekend,
4 Look at the pictures with the article on the d You can’t ask a question unless you put your hand up.
next page. In what way did these children
have a hard life? W ork in pairs. Think of more rules (at
least one each) for the four areas: personal, family,
5 iL 1>Шм Read and listen to the article. Under school, society. W h at is the punishment for breaking
each picture write Creek, Aztec or both. your rules?


B*Hard*tirries to be a kid
■ '
jB I'm not allowed to stay out late.'
‘Why do I have to do my homework before I can
P j watch T V ? '
'My parents never let me go to parties.'
'Why is it just Mum and Dad who make the rules?
Г Life's just not fair.'
: D o t h e s e c o m p l a i n t s s o u n d f a m ilia r ? W e il, if y o u t h i n k
У й your ' s h a r c */ y o u m ' § h t l i k e t o t h i n k a b o u t k i d s
Щ in a n c i e n t t i m e s . F o r s o m e o f t h e m , life w a s re a lly h a r d .
If y o u w e r e b o r n in a n c ie n t G r e e c e , y o u w e r e n 't e v e n
t h o u g h t t o b e a real p e r s o n u n til y o u 'd b e e n a liv e f o r
fiv e d a y s . T h a t's r ig h t - f o r fiv e d a y s a f t e r y o u w e r e
b o r n , y o u r p a r e n t s w e r e a ll o w e d t o g e t rid o f y o u . If
t h e y d e c id e d t h e y d id n 't w a n t y o u , th e y 'd ju st leav e
||| y o u o u ts id e s o m e w h e r e t o d ie. O f c o u r s e , y o u m ig h t
Ш g e t lu c k y a n d s o m e o n e e lse m ig h t p ic k y o u u p , b u t
t h e n y o u 'd s p e n d t h e r e s t o f y o u r life a s t h e i r sla v e .
p | H o w e v e r , if y o u r p a r e n t s d e c i d e d t h a t t h e y w a n t e d
*• • y o u a s p a r t o f t h e fam ily , t h e n t h e r e w a s a sp e c ia l
I' % c e re m o n y to w elco m e you.
O n ly th e b o y s w ere allo w e d to g o to sc h o o l. G re e k
g irls sta y e d a t h o m e , w h e re th e ir m o th e r s ta u g h t th e m
sk ills lik e c o o k i n g a n d w e a v i n g - t h i n g s t h a t w o u l d
h e lp th e m fin d a h u s b a n d .
A t th e age o f seven, so m e b o y s w ere sent aw ay to
H v e r y stric t m ilita ry s c h o o ls , w h e re th e y w e re ta u g h t
у h o w t o b e c o m e s o ld ie r s . L ife w a s p r e t t y h a r d a t t h e s e
sc h o o ls. F o r e x a m p le , th e k id s w ere o fte n h u n g ry .
T h e te a c h e r s d id n 't let t h e m h a v e m u c h f o o d - f o r a
re a so n . T h e y w a n te d th e b o y s to learn h o w to su rv iv e
Р * .г f o r t h e m s e l v e s b y s te a l in g f o o d . B u t if t h e y g o t c a u g h t ,
th e y w ere pu n ish ed .
< A z t e c c h i ld r e n in C e n t r a l A m e r i c a a ls o h a d a d iffic u lt
life in a n c i e n t t i m e s . If t h e y b r o k e r u l e s , t h e y c o u l d
e x p e c t s o m e p re tty n a sty p u n ish m e n ts.
O n t h e g o o d s id e , A z t e c s reaiiy b e lie v e d in t h e
i m p o r t a n c e o f s c h o o lin g . In th e h o m e , c h ild re n le a rn e d
p r a c tic a l sk ills: d a d s t a u g h t t h e i r s o n s h o w t o fis h a n d
fa rm w h ile m o th e r s ta u g h t th e ir d a u g h te rs h o m e -
A m a k i n g sk ills. G ir ls a n d b o y s a ls o w e n t t o s c h o o l
( a lth o u g h th e a d u lts d id n 't let t h e m g o t o th e s a m e
тЩ. sch o o ls].
K i d s w e n t t o s c h o o l s c a l l e d telpochcalli. T h e y h a d
K : le s s o n s a b o u t h isto ry , re lig io n a n d m u sic . T h e b o y s a lso
jr h a d l e s s o n s in h o w t o fig h t. If t h e c h i ld r e n w e r e f r o m
f a m o r e i m p o r t a n t f a m i l y , t h e y w e n t t o a calmecac
l y w h e re th e y lea rn e d h o w to re ad a n d w rite , to o .
A t b o th s c h o o ls c h ild re n h a d to b e o n th e ir b e st
щ. b e h a v i o u r . T h e y k n e w all a b o u t t h e p u n i s h m e n t s f o r
b e h a v i n g b a d ly , a n d life w a s h a r d e n o u g h a n y w a y .


be a llo w e d to I le t Discipline
1 Look at the example sentences. Then complete 1 Match the phrases 1-6 with the definitions a-f.
the rules with be allowed to and let.
1 to do what you’re told
1 I'm not allowed to stay out late. 2 to behave well
2 M y parents never let me go to parties. 3 to get punished
3 For five days after you were born, your parents 4 to break the rules
were allowed to get rid of you. 5 to get into trouble
4 The teachers didn't let them have much food. 6 to get told off

a to be good by acting in the correct way

RU LE To talk about permission we can use
b to do something you shouldn't do
b e a llo w e d to and let.
c to have problems because you did something
W e use 1_________ when there's no need to wrong
identify who gives (or doesn't give) the permission.
d to follow the rules that others make
The subject of the sentence is the person who
receives (or doesn't receive) the permission. e to be told that what you did was wrong

• Form this with subject +2_________ (not) +allowed f to be made to do something you don’t want to
to + 3__________ It is a passive construction. do because you did something wrong

W e use 4_________ when the subject of the 2 Complete the sentences with phrases from
sentence is (or isn't) giving the permission. Exercise 1, above. Sometimes there is more than
• Form this with subject +5_________ + [person] one possible answer.
1 My sister Claire breaks all the school rules, so she
always gets___ _____
2 Rewrite the sentence using the words in brackets. 2 Kenny always.......... in class. The teacher thinks
0 My parents don't let me go out on school nights. he's perfect.
(I / allowed) 3 His Mum and Dad would be a lot happier if
sometimes he__________
I'm not allowed to go oat on school nights.
4 My little brother Stan is really naughty. He's always
1 I wasn’t allowed to go to the party.
(My parents / let)
5 Julia's a rebel. She likes
2 My mum didn’t let me walk to school on my own
until I was 12. (I / allowed) 6 If I don’t behave well, I usually get__________
3 W e aren’t allowed to text in class. (The teacher / let)
3 Which of the children in Exercise 2 do you think
4 My dad lets me play his electric guitar. (I / allowed) these pictures show?
5 M y sister is allowed to stay up until 11 pm on
Saturday nights. (Dad / let)

3 Choose three of the activities in the list and write

two true and one false sentence about yourself.
• listen to loud music in my bedroom
• watch T V before school
• use my mobile during dinner
• go to the cinema by myself
Which sentences are true for you?
• buy my own clothes Compare with your partner.
• meet my friends on a school night
• I always do what I'm told.
W ork in pairs. Read out your • I often get told off by my parents and teachers.
sentences. Can your partner guess which • I’m always getting into trouble.
sentence isn’t true? • I never break the rules. I think rules are important!
• I think people should get punished for bad
My parents let me go oat
on a school night. That isn't trae.
• If you behave well all the time, it’s boring!

12 P L A Y I N G BY T H E R U L E S

1 Q f f i H Listen to Sam talking about a game Following and giving simple instructions
called rock, paper, scissors. W hich object or
1 Think of a simple game you like to play that
animal does each of these hand positions show?
needs two or more people. Answer the questions
and make notes.
The ancient game
of mushi-ken • What do you need to play? Dice? Cards?

4 • How many players are needed to play the game?

• How do the players know when it is their turn
to play?
• Do the players score points? If yes, how?
• What are the players n o t allowed to do?

2 W ork in pairs. Describe to each other

how to play the game.

Before you start,... Then,...

So how do you play? Finally,...
First,... The first player to ...

Play rock, p a p e r, scissors
1 W h at do you think these hand positions could

/ think number one could be water.

2 ЕН Ш Listen again and answer the questions.

2 Follow the instructions and make a new version
1 Which object beats the rock in the modern game of rock, paper, scissors.
and why?
1 Think of three things to do battle, e.g. water, fire
2 Which object is beaten by the rock in the modern
and air.
game and why?
2 Think about how the objects defeat each other.
3 How old is the earliest version of this game?
• W ater defeats fire because it puts it out.
4 W here was Mushi-ken played?
• Fire defeats air because it consumes it.
5 How do the animals defeat each other in
Mushi-ken? • Air defeats water because it dries it.

6 How often do the world championships of the 3 Think of a hand position for each of the things.
modern game take place? 4 Explain your game to your partner and play it.

1 Read the results o f a contest carried out by a fiction writing website. M atch the pictures with the stories.

F - I a l x J !

Small is beautiful. So every week we invite our readers to send us their (very) short stories.
Each story must be exactly 50 words, not a word more, not a word less - just like this introduction.
(Words like ‘didn’t ’ count as one word.) And then we publish all our favourites!

H ere a re th e b est from la s t w eek’s them e: B reak in g th e R u les

1 The sign clearly said ‘Don’t feed the seagulls’. 3 ‘Never, ever go into the abandoned old house at the end of the
Maybe if the seagull had been able to read, road.’ That’s what all the parents told their children. One day
it wouldn’t have flown down and stolen my Jack decided to find out what the mystery was all about and
sandwich. Unfortunately, it couldn’t read. went into the house. Now there’s a new mystery in town: what
It flew down and it stole my lunch. And that’s exactly happened to Jack?
why I’m still hungry. Can I have a cheese
4 The big sign at the park gates said: ‘No ball games. No cycling.
sandwich, please? Please?
No skateboarding. No picnics.’ We stood and looked at it for
a long time. ‘Let’s go in anyway,’ I said. My friend replied: ‘No
2 ‘If we had run, we wouldn’t have missed the
way! No fun!’ I smiled. ‘No problem!’ I said, and then took down
train,’ she said angrily.
the sign.
‘I don’t like following your orders,’ he
replied, as the 10 pm train was leaving the 5 If I hadn’t listened to my mother, I wouldn’t have got into
station. ‘We’ll get the next train.’ trouble. ‘Always tell the truth,’ she said. So when Miss Green
‘That’s no problem,’ said the guard asked me why I was yawning, I told her the truth - 1thought
standing nearby. ‘It leaves at eight o’clock the lesson was really, really boring. Now I’ve got to explain all
tomorrow morning. Good night.’ this to the headmaster.

2 M atch the stories (1-5) to the titles. 4 W h ich o f the stories are these people talking about? Do you
W rite the numbers. There is one title agree with them?
you w on't need. a 'Sometimes it’s a good idea not to tell the truth.’
a W h e re can we play? b 'I would never go into a place like that.'
b A long wait c 'It’s his own fault that he had to wait.’
c A question with no answer d 'W e need to find a way to keep birds away from people.’
d A game with no rules e 'It’s crazy for public places to have so many rules.’
e Birds don’t read
5 Choose one o f the rules below and use it as a topic
f Trouble at school
for your own 50-word short story.
3 Each o f the stories actually has 52 • No running in the school corridors.
words. Find tw o words that you
• Please pay for your food before you eat it.
can take out in each one. (There are
• No swimming in the lake.
always more than tw o possibilities!)
• If you’re the last person to leave the room, please turn off the lights.
• No talking during the examination.
• Please don't come in unless you are properly dressed.

12 P L A Y I N G BY T H E R U L E S

Third conditional Talking about consequences
Read the example sentences and answer the and reasons
questions. Then complete the rules.
1 Match the conversations with the pictures. W rite
If we had run, we wouldn't have missed the train. the numbers 1-4.
1 Did they run? Did they miss the train?
If I hadn't listened to my mother, I wouldn't have
got into trouble.
2 Did he listen to his mother? Did he get into trouble?

To talk about unreal situations in the

past and their imagined results, we use the third
• Condition clause: If + 1__________
• Result clause: would (not) have + *1_________
The condition clause can come before or after the
result clause.

Match the parts of the sentences.

1 If I had studied harder, ___

2 If I hadn't studied so m uch,___
3 Would she have been late for school ___
4 If she hadn't got up when her alarm rang,
5 If we hadn't spent all our money, 1 A W h y d id you stop playing?
6 W e wouldn’t have had enough money to В Because it started raining, Mum!
go to the cinema 2 A So your parents are angry with you again?

a I wouldn't have passed the test, В Yes. It’s because of my bad grades at school.

b if she had got up when her alarm rang? 3 A I w as really hu n g ry w h e n I g o t ho m e from

c we would have bought him a present,
В That explains why th e re aren 't an y biscuits left in
d the test would have been a lot easier for me.
th e cu p b o a rd .
e if we had spent it all on food,
4 A I fo rg o t to in v ite jim to m y p arty.
f she wouldn't have had time for breakfast.
В So that's the reason he looks so upset.

Put the verbs into the correct form to make third

2 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
conditional sentences.
1 A M y football team lost again yesterday.
0 If she h ad n 't been ___ (not be) so rude, I
w ou ld have h elp ed (help) her. В That explains why ...

1 If Paul____________________ (not invite) me to his 2 A I've ju st co m e b ack from a tw o - w e e k h o lid ay

party, I ____________________ (be) really upset. in the US.

2 If she___________________ (enter) the competition, В That's why ...

I'm sure she____________________ (win) it. 3 A It’s m y b est friend 's b irth d a y today.

3 They____________________ (go) in the sea if they В So that’s the reason ...

____________________ (not forget) their swimsuits. 4 A Is this your favourite computer game?
4 W e ____________________(not win) the game if В That's right. It's because o f...
h e ____________________(not score) that goal.

4 Read the statement. Imagine a different past and

write as many third conditional sentences as you
can. Compare your ideas with a partner.
P ro n u n c ia tio n
Silen t consonants
My grandparents met each other.
Go to page 121.

Strange laws around the world

1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1 Each picture is about a strange law. W h a t do you think the law is for each picture?
O n e person is not breaking a strange law. Can you guess which one?

Read the blog and do the quiz.

M ark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

1 If you steal an alligator, you can go to prison for 12 years.

2 The only place that you cannot put a sofa is in the garden. _....
3 A woman who falls asleep under a hair dryer is breaking the law.
4 It is a crime to give the king a whale.
5 You mustn’t start your car if there are children underneath it.
6 You can't buy a light bulb yourself.

G e o r g i e ’s b l o g s p o t Weird Laws
The other day someone told me about a very strange law in their country, so I decided to look for more
‘weird laws’. When a country brings in a law, it makes sense at the time. Sometimes, however, the law just
stays, even when the reason for it has gone.
A lot of different places have laws that we might think are strange. I decided to give you a quiz. Read each
law and choose which place (A, В or C) you think the law is from.
H a v e fun! (The a n s w e rs are at the bottom , upside down.)

■I I n .. .............. , stealing an alligator is against the 4 It is illegal to ch ew gum in __________ . If you are
law. If you steal one, you could end up in prison caught, you m ay have to pay a lot of m oney - and
for as long as ten years. clean the streets!
A South Africa В Louisiana, U S A C Brazil A Singapore В Sam oa C Switzerland
2 In _____ , if you own a sofa, you can put it 5 In _ , apparently, yo u ’re not allowed to ride
anywhere you w ant - except in the garden. T hat’s a bicycle in a swimming pool.
a crime! A Holland В Argentina C California, U S A
A Rio, Brazil В Colorado, U S A
6 If yo u ’re walking on the beach in _ ...........__ and
C Kyoto, Ja p a n
find a dead whale, you c a n ’t keep it. You have to
In _ _ ........... _ , if the owner of a w o m en ’s hair salon give it to the queen or king right away.
lets som eone fall asleep under a hair dryer, they A Thailand В Spain C Britain
are breaking the law.
"7 In __________ , a law says that before you start your
A Britain В Florida, U S A C France
car, you have to ch eck that there are no children
asleep underneath it. (W hat if there are adults?)

A Denmark В India C Australia

8 If you need to change a light bulb in __________ ,
you have to call an electrician - it’s a crime to do
it yourself.
A N ew York, U S A В Beijing, China
C Victoria, Australia

08 ml 0 9 os mv ae as at

4 Е23ЭИПИ Which of the laws do you think is the funniest? Compare with others in the class.

5 VOCABULARY There are eight words and phrases in bold in the texts. Match them with these meanings.
1 doing something that is not allowed _________ 5 arrive (in a place or situation) because o f something
2 with the top part at the bottom __________ you did __________

3 have something that is yours __________ 6 a place where criminals are put and they cannot

4 something a person does that is not allowed by the leave

government o f a c o u n t r y __________ 7 but not

8 against the law __ ________

A set of rules
1 Martha wrote a set of rules for her house and her 3 Find the phrases and sentences in Martha's rules
family for weekends. What does she say about: that show she isn’t 100% serious.
1 food? 5 her sister?
4 Choose one of the sets of rules to write about.
2 sleep? 6 school and teachers? Make notes about what you want to include in
3 her room? 7 TV? the rules. (You don't have to be serious, but don't
4 homework? 8 herself? be unkind!)
• A set of rules for your family for the weekend.
2 Put the words in the correct order to make
sentences from Martha's rules. What do the • A set of rules for your family for the school
sentences tell you about how she feels about holidays.
homework, her sister and football? • A set of rules for you and your family when you go
out together (e.g. to the cinema or to a restaurant).
1 allowed / ask / no one / me / is / homework / about
• A set of rules for you and your family when you go
/ to
somewhere on holiday together.
• A set of rules fo r... anything you like!
2 all / isn’t / she / at / room / come / allowed / into /
to / my 5 Write the set of rules you chose in Exercise 4.
Write about 150-180 words. Give them a title.
3 watch / no one / programme / time / at / other / can Add some drawings if you want to.
/ any / that

Rules -for th e w eekend a t Home

1 . A fter scHool fincsHes on F rid a * , Mum a n d D *A a r e no t allowed, to talk to a,e

about school or te a c h e r s .
i. Between seven o'ctock on F rid a * evened a n d nine o'clock on S u n d a * e v e n » ,,, no one со
' * u » e d to a sk me about Homework. (A t otHer tim es, th e * can И ф me c f trie* w a n t.)

3 . No n o ise b e fo re 10 am on S a tu r d a * . S a tu r d a * Is m* morncng fo r sleefcng.

4 For b r e a k fa s t on S u n d a y I ca n e a t anything I w ant. AnjjtHcng a t a ll! И
(And that includes ic e -c re a m !) ,
5 Mu s is t e r J u lia n a us not allow ed to u s e my computer - in -fact, s h e i s n t
allow ed to come into my room a t a d . (W ed, only of s h e brings ch o co late.)

G. My room - I wid tid y i t la te on Su n d ay , but be-fore th en : keep out!

7 . I f th e re Is a -footbad m atch on TV with my team , no one can w atch

any other programme a t t h a t tim e.

8 . And la stly - I am not allow ed to be boring about ru les 1 -7 !

MARTHA (th e b o ss!)


C A M B R I D G E E N G L IS H : Preliminary
Part 1: Three-option multiple choice
1 Look at the text in each question. W h at does it say?
Choose the correct letter A, В or C.

A You can play tennis here.

Park opening hours 9 am - sunset В Dogs are not allowed here.
Dogs must be on a lead
C The park closes before it gets dark.
No ball games

2 Mary tells James

HI James, Dove co lle d <x y \<L asked, If
you wonted to meet up with him a t the A to phone Dave.
weekend. Please co ll Him bock when you В to talk to Dave urgently.
con. Thanks, Могу C to meet Dave at the weekend.

A This medicine is to help you sleep.

Warning: В It can be dangerous to take this medicine before
T h is m e d ic in e m a y m a k e y o u feel sle e p y . D o n o t
doing some activities.
ta k e b e f o re d riv in g a c a r o r u s in g m a c h in e s .
C Take this medicine if you feel tired at work.

A You have to go to the post office to get your parcel.

Sony you weren’t there when we called.
If you’d been in, we'd have left the parcel. В The postman has left your parcel with your
Please collect it from the post office or neighbour.
arrange redelivery on our website. C You can go online to find a new delivery date.

The puppies
Free to a good home. We have six
gorgeous Labrador puppies ready for A can be taken home now.
collection in two weeks. Interested in В don’t cost anything.
one or two? - Phone Jane on 0203023 C can all go to the same person.

Part 2: Multiple choice
2 Ш Ш You will hear a girl called Lucy talking on 3 How did Lucy feel when she did the forecast?
a T V breakfast show. For each question, choose the A very excited
correct answer A, В or C.
В excited and a little bit worried
1 To enter the competition, Lucy had to
C very nervous
A m ake a v id e o o f h e rs elf and th en p h o n e so m eon e.
4 W hat was the weather like in the forecast Lucy gave?
В w rite a le tte r an d p ractise re ad in g th e w e a th e r
A There was a variety of types of weather.
В It was mainly good for most of the country.
C explain w h y she w a n te d to w in in a le tte r an d send
C It was cold and snowy.
it w ith a v id e o o f herself.
5 W hat job does Lucy want to do one day?
2 What time did Lucy do her weather forecast?
A She'd like to be on TV.
A th re e o'clock
В She'd like to read the weather.
В fo u r o'clock
C She wants to be a teacher.
C five o'clock



1 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are two extra words.
encouraged because because of explains fun told
expected reason warned trouble funny behaved

1 I came home late and I g o t__________off by my parents.

2 W e couldn't go o u t__________it was raining.
3 I really didn't like that jo ke- it just wasn’t ---------
4 I didn't want to do music lessons, but my parents_________ me to give them a try, so I did.
5 Oh, you missed the bus. That__________why you were late.
6 I’m not surprised you feel ill. I _________ you not to leave the milk out of the fridge!
7 He has lots of problems at school, and he's always getting into----- ---
8 I was surprised when England won. I __________them to lose.
9 It rained the whole time, so the picnic really wasn’t a lot o f---------
10 I couldn't hear our teacher__________the noise outside.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in the list.
go ( x 2 ) l allow ] let | not eat (x2)
1 I __________to the concert if I’d had a ticket.
2 I wanted to go, but my dad didn't me.
3 You would have been OK if you_________ a second hamburger.
4 W hen I was little, I wasn't to watch T V after eight o’clock.
5 If I’d known it was fish, I it.
6 If everyone to the party, we’d have had a lot more fun.

3 Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1 They said me to stay in the house.

2 Why didn't they let me to go home?
3 They wanted me answer some questions.
4 I reminded him to giving me back my book.
5 If I would have known, I wouldn’t have told anyone.
6 W e hadn’t won the game if Graham hadn't played.

4 W rite the missing words.

1 A I don’t understand. Why won't you me read my book?

В _________ it’s nearly midnight, and you have to go to sleep!
2 A It __ ______me really angry when people don’t tell the truth.
В I see. So that explains_________you were cross with Jim.
3 A W e aren't_________ to take our mobile phones into class.
В Oh. So that’s the_________ why you didn’t phone me.
4 A I _________ it when people shout at me. It’s horrible!
В Well, I wouldn't ____ _____ shouted if you had listened
to me the first time! M Y SCO RE

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