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Employee Satisfaction on Aarong’s compensation

BRAC the largest NGO of world was established in 1972. Then in 1976, BRAC the largest NGO
of the world dedicated to lessen poverty and empowering the underprivileged people has started
a small initiative to promote sericulture among the women of Manikganj. Later, Aarong was born
in 1978 need of helping the disadvantaged, poor silk farmers of Manikganj. Their visionary goal to
change the lives of deprived artisans and underprivileged rural women by enlivening and
encouraging their arts and crafts. At the very beginning their target buyers were a few merchants
of Dhaka. Soon enough, Aarong started to grow and spread throughout the whole country, from
one single shop to the biggest retail chains of Bangladesh. Now, Aarong has a big family of
65,000 artisans with versatile artists including weavers, potters, brass workers, jewelers, jute
workers, basket weavers, wood carvers, leather workers and more. Among these artisans, 85%
of them are rural women which show positive indications towards empowering women. Today, it
can be easily said that Aarong has become the biggest platform for the little independent groups
and family-based initiative for selling their crafts in the national and international market. Aarong
is stands as the interfacing bridge through which rural artisans and women can sell their home-
made products and bring food to their table.
Objective of the project:
There are two objectives of internship program. These are broad objective and specific objective.
These two types of objectives are as follows:
Broad Objective
The broad objective of this report is familiarizing with the practical professional world. To gain a
practical experience related to major concentrated area is the broad objective of internship
Specific Objectives
Except the broad objective there are some other objectives. These objectives are specific
objectives. This paper was designed to accomplish some specific objectives. From my point of
view, these issues are very important to find out the gap between expectation and perception of
the employees to eliminate dissatisfaction. Through this study, I tried to attain the following
specific objectives:
The specific objectives of internship program are given below:
 To accomplish the educational requirement.
 To have knowledge about the organization that means Aarong.
 To know about Aarong‟s overall human resource related operations.
 To know about employee benefits of Aarong.
 To know about compensation benefits of Aarong.
 To know about satisfaction level of Aarong‟s employee.
 To know about specific areas of dissatisfaction of the Staff‟s.
 To know about the reasons of dissatisfaction.
The data I have presented in this internship report are collected from various sources. The
sources are mentioned below:
Primary Data Source
Primary data are those data which is originated by the author for the specific purpose of
describing or analyzing something. I collected information by doing face to face conversation with
the employees Aarong. Besides, I developed a set of questionnaire which was filled up by
employees of Aarong.
Secondary Data Source
Secondary data are data collected for some purpose other than the main facts. Secondary data
are quick source of background information. I also collected information from secondary data
sources. The sources are:
 Internet
 Financial statements
 Interview with the HR (Human Resource) personnel
 HRPP of Aarong
 Previous reports on HR of Aarong
Description/ Nature of Jobs:
Aarong is the leading fashion house in Bangladesh. For conducting their activities they need
qualified human resources. The HR department of Aarong ensures right people, at the right
place, at the right time, doing the right job. Besides, Aarong‟s Human Resource Department (HR
Department) has huge range of activities. The nature of the core jobs performed by HR
department of Aarong is as follows:
Recruitment and Selection
The main job of HR department is ensuring right people at the place at the right time doing the
right job. In Aarong when staffs leave the organization, new positions are introduced or due to
increase in responsibility, some departments need more people. At that time HR ensures inflow
of qualified staffs within the organization. The HR department of Aarong is responsible for doing
all the recruitment and selection related activities. After getting staff requisition from any
department, HR department takes approval the director/Managing Director/Chair Person. After
that all the all the recruitment and selection procedure are done by HR department. Some of the
activities that are performed here are job advertisement design and placement, CV collect, CV
sorting, interview call and scheduling, interview process, selecting salary, and benefits and so on.
Transfer means moving or shifting staffs from one place to another place for job purpose. All the
transfer related activities are performed by HR department in Aarong. In Aarong two types of
transfer are seen. One is voluntary transfer and another is professional transfer. Sometimes
staffs move from one department to another department for personal or physiological problem. It
is voluntary transfer. Besides, staffs moves from one location to another location and it is decided
by the management from where to from and where to place. It is called professional transfer.
After getting the staff‟s request or department head‟s request for transfer, HR department is
responsible for doing all the activities of transfer such as transfer approval from department head
and director, prepare transfer order, issue transfer order and file, and so on.
Attendance of staffs is taken for counting salary. For taking attendance punching machine is used
in Aarong. Every regular staff must have to come in the office before 8:45 am in the morning and
punch the punching machine. The office hour ends up at 5:15 pm at the noon. Then at the time
leaving the office, again the regular staffs have to punch the punching machine. This way
attendance for each day is taken for regular staffs. For temporary staffs there is attendance
register where each temporary staffs has to sign when they would enter into the office. HR
department records all the attendance of each employee in the HRMS (Human Resource
Management Software) for counting salary amount. Moreover, HR department also have some
other responsibilities related to attendance such as punishment for being absent or being late in
the office. For 3 days late, 1 day‟s salary would be cut and for 7 days late, warning letter would
be sent to the respective staff. Besides, this there are some other rules related to punishment.
Counting attendance for determining salary amount & benefits and taking any action if needed is
the responsibility of Aarong HR department.
In Aarong there are different types of leave facility for staffs. Those leave includes regular/earned
leave, sick/accidental leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, higher study leave, extra ordinary
leave, transfer leave and compulsory leave. Each sort of leave requires different rules. For
example, in case of regular/earned leave, it is 20 days for administrative staffs, 24 days for outlet
and field staffs, 42 days for service staffs in a year. In case of paternity leave, it is 7 days with pay
leave for confirmed staffs and 7 days without pay leave for non-confirmed staffs.
The paternity leave must be taken within one month and it is applicable only for two children. This
way each types of leave has different rules and it varies depending on staff‟s type. HR
department maintains all the rules as they are authorized to perform all the leave related activities
to avoid misuse of these leaves. The leave related activities in Aarong are providing leave form,
taking approval from the staff‟s head of the department, input data in the HRMS (Human
Resource Management system) and other activities.
Performance Appraisal
For improving the performance of staffs performance appraisal is given. In this organization
performance appraisal is given to all regular staffs who hold a PIN (Personal Identity Number).
The staffs who has provided one year of continuous service and their provided service is
satisfactory, are entitled to get performance appraisal. Once in a year, generally in December HR
department do evaluation of the performance of each staffs and in January of next year
performance appraisal is given to selected staffs. The recommendations for performance
appraisal are change in designation, promotion, appointment (temporary to regular), confirmation,
termination/dismissal, and special allowance. Before one month of the appraisal, HR department
sends performance evaluation form and listing of staffs to each department for performance
assessment. If needed, HR department do meeting with department‟s head. This process ends
up with issuing performance appraisal letters to the selected staffs. HR department handles the
whole procedure.
In Aarong the job of every confirmed staff is confirmed if she/he has provided one year of
continuous service and the provided performance is satisfactory. If the performance of the staff is
not satisfactory, the job will be terminated after completion of probation period of the staff. The
duration of probation period of sales associates is six months and for corporate staffs it is one
year. First HR department of Aarong sends listing of staffs and confirmation form to each
department before one month of confirmation. Then HR department do follow up to ensure that
the forms are filled within right time, check the form after submission whether those are filled up
in the right way or not and rectify if necessary. Then HR department approved those forms by the
Director/Managing Director/Chair Person. Then input those data into HRMS (Human Resource
Management System), payroll and EDMS (Employee Database Management System).
Lastly, the Aarong HR department issues confirmation letter to the selected staffs.
Job Separation
Job separation means ending the job or termination of employment. In Aarong job termination
can be voluntarily done by the staff or involuntarily done by the employer or organization‟s policy.
Here four types of job separation: resignation, termination, dismissal and retirement.
Resignation means voluntarily termination of job by the employee him/herself. Termination and
dismissal are by the employer due to dissatisfactory performance, conducting illegal activities
(theft, sexual harassment etc.) or something that is beyond organization‟s policy, absent in the
workplace for many days without taking leave and unable to complete the period of probation.
Retirement is termination of job according to organization‟s policy. If an employee has provided
20 years of continuous service, she/he can take retirement by his/her own will. The retirement
age for Aarong is 60 years. HR department handles the job termination procedures. HR
department provides application form, termination document approval, investigation in case of
termination and dismissal; update all the information and other activities of the procedures.
Grievance Management
Grievance management is one of the job responsibilities of HR department. Aarong puts a lot of
emphasis on grievance management. The steps in the procedure of grievance management are
submission of written complaint/incident report or accusation from the victim to the HR
department, issuing show cause letter to the accused person or form an investigation committee,
accepting show cause reply within three to seven days or preparing investigation report, making
decision based on the organization‟s policy or according to the recommendation of the
investigation committee. The decisions can be taking no action if there is no guilt, warning letter
issue, transfer, suspension, penalty, termination, dismissal and demotion. After the decision
making, HR department inform the decision to the respective person through a letter and file all
the documents. HR department ensures proper investigation and judgment for giving justice to
both victim and accused person.
For financial safety of staffs, Aarong has loan facility. In this organization varieties of loan are
given to the staffs such as staff loan, special loan, welfare fund loan, provident fund loan, higher
education loan, car loan (only for BRAC staffs), home loan, motor cycle/bicycle loan and mobile
loan. HR department handles all the procedures. According to the requirement of staffs, HR
department provides loan forms and fill it up by the staffs, then check those forms with personal
files, verify reasons for taking loan, submit necessary documents, check with accounts, take
approval from the director etc. There is slide difference in the procedure based on type of loan.
HR department performs all the steps of the procedure according to the organization‟s policy and
ensures the facility of providing loan to staffs. After completing the entire procedures HR
department update their EDMS (Employee Database Management System) for recording
Travel Authorization
Sometimes the staffs of Aarong have to stay outside the country for attending training, attending
seminars, participating in any international fair and so on. And sometimes they have to stay
places within country for official purpose. For this reason they are entitled to get allowance.
Travel authorization can be two types. One is travel authorization international and another is
travel authorization within country. HR department provides travel authorization form to fill it up to
the staff, and then they take permission from the director or head of the department (in case of
travel authorization within country). After that the HR department calculate how much can be
spent, how much pocket money is reasonable, how the staff has to stay there etc. Then the
sends this calculation to the accounts and accounts provides the allowance to the staff. For
documentation HR department preserve all the papers into a file. So it is the responsibility of HR
department to ensure travel allowance.
The HR department of Aarong ensures housing allowance and distance allowance for the staffs
who works in the 13 foundation centers. The staffs of foundation have to stay various places in
Bangladesh for job purpose. Sometimes in some sub-centers there are no housing facility and
transportation facility. The staffs have to arrange housing and transportation by their own cost. In
this situation, they are entitled to get housing and distance allowances. HR department ensures
that the staffs get all the allowances.
Temporary Staff Salary
In Aarong temporary staffs are those who have no PIN (Personal Identity Number). There are
some casual workers. When their service is needed, they are being called to do their service. In
this organization there are electricians, helpers and some other types of workers who are
considered as temporary worker. For counting the salary of temporary workers HR department
collect information from respective department. Then they check attendance of the temporary
workers from the attendance register and prepare letter which is recommended by HR
department. After that they take approval from the director and send it to the accounts for salary
payment. Lastly they file all the documents.
Visiting Card
In this organization there are some staffs who are in officer level such as General Manager,
Deputy General Managers, Officers etc. They handle customers and need to communicate
continuously. According to the organization‟s policy, they must have visiting card. HR department
is responsible for providing visiting cards. When the HR department gets requisition for visiting
card from the person with the respective department head‟s approval, they take approval of the
head of HR. Then they place order for visiting cards. After receiving those visiting cards, HR
department distributes those cards to the staff who required those visiting cards.
Aarong Health Care Service
Health care services are one of the services provided by Aarong. The doctor helps for sickness
problem of staffs and verifies the test reports for sick leaves. Moreover if some staff is
hospitalized for accident, he verifies that by visiting the staff in the hospital. HR department set up
appointment with the doctor, collect consultation fees, prepare records, deposit fees to accounts
and they file those documents.
Compensation is a systematic approach to provide extrinsic and intrinsic benefits, monetary and
non monetary benefits to the employees. It is also considered as measurement how employees
are being treated in an organization. Each and every organization has their own compensation
planning where they specify what facilities are going to provide their employees, how it should be
provided and based on what category. Having the theoretical knowledge of compensation I feel
interest to know about the real scenario of compensation practices and how it is being
implemented in an organization of our country. I have selected Aarong to know about their
compensation system and employee satisfaction. The human resources policy and procedure
manual of BRAC provides the policies and procedures for managing and developing staffs. It also
provides the guideline Aarong will use to administer these policies with the correct procedure to
follow. These policies and procedures are applied to the employees of Aarong as well as to the
employees of all subsidiaries of BRAC.
Compensation Dimensions
Compensation system results allocation, conversion, and transfer of a portion of the income of an
organization to its employees. It can be two types‟ monetary and in-kind claims. Monetary claims
are wages and salaries paid to an employee in the form of money or a form that is quickly &
easily transferable to money. On the other hand in-kind claims are claims on goods and services
are made available and paid for either totally or in some percentage. Compensation dimensions
are as follows
Non compensation Dimensions
These rewards are much more complex. These are all situation related and for the physical and
psychological well being of each employee. Any activity that has an impact on the intellectual,
emotional and physical well being is included here. Generally it is given to improve work
performance. Non compensation dimensions are as follows

Research Type
The research on “Employee satisfaction on Aarong‟s Compensation” will be explanatory in terms
of research type. Explanatory research is one type of research design, which has as its primary
objective the provision of insights into and comprehension of the problem situation confronting
the researcher. Explanatory research is used in case of problem must define more precisely,
identify relevant courses of action, or gain additional insights before an approach can be
developed. When an issue is encountered that is already known and have a description of it,
there might arise need to begin to wonder why things are the way they are. The desire to know
the reason to explain is the purpose of explanatory research. This research process is flexible
and unstructured. By doing explanatory research it will be helpful to study about employee
satisfaction on Aarong‟s compensation.
Research Hypothesis
Null Hypothesis Ho: “Employees of Aarong are satisfied with their compensation”
Alternative Hypothesis H1: “Employees of Aarong are not satisfied with their compensation”
To know about employee satisfaction of Aarong on compensation these are chosen as
Sample is a subgroup of elements of the population that selected for participation in the study. To
conduct research on employee satisfaction on Aarong‟s compensation sample size is 40. In
Aarong Head Office the total no. of employee is all around 700. It is quite impossible to select all
of them as sample size. For this reason employees of Aarong are considered as group of clusters
based on their departments. Total 40 employees of Aarong head office are selected as sample
size from each and every department. From different department 2-4 employees are chosen
based on no. of employees.
Compensation benefits of Aarong
Pay for work & performance: Aarong provides this staff benefits to their employees. These are
base pay, cost of living adjustments, bonus/incentives, vacation and some other suite of
employee benefits. These are as follows
Salary: Aarong provides salary to their employees on time. The employees of Aarong are given
fixed amount of salary each and every month. It never deducts employee‟s salary as punishment.
Annual increment: All confirmed staffs get increment each and every year based on their level.
Salary adjustment: Salaries of employees in Aarong are adjusted to inflation rate. When inflation
rate becomes more than 3% salary of Aarong‟s employee are increased. A fixed amount of
increment is given to them based on inflation rate.
Advance payment: If someone goes outside of office and there is no chance of coming back
within that month he/she will be given advance payment salary.
House Rent: A fixed amount of house rent is given to the employees of Aarong. It is given based
on level of employees.
Travelling Allowance: Travel allowance is provided based on the level of employees and
considering the distance. Transportation cost, food, ticket collection cost these are included into
travelling allowance. If anyone use transport of BRAC they are not suppose to get this allowance.
Conveyance Allowance: All employees of BRAC are provided convenience allowance
according to their level.
Accommodation & Food Allowance: When staffs of Aarong have to go for field visit or any
other official purpose outside of office they get accommodation and food from Aarong. If they are
not given food and accommodation they get food and accommodation allowance.
Night Haltage Allowance: When staffs of Aarong go outside of office for official purpose and
they have to stay over there Aarong gives night haltage allowance for them. It is fixed and it
varies from level of staff.
Transfer Allowance: Aarong provides its employees transfer allowance. The amount of
allowance depends on family size. Maximum 2 days transfer leave also given to the staffs of
Distance Allowance: Those who work out of own district Aarong gives them distance allowance.
Distance allowance is 500-700.It is determined based on level of employment.
Overtime Allowance: Staffs of Aarong gets overtime allowance when they are suppose to stay
after office hour and have to come to office on holidays. Amount of overtime per day/ per hour is
determined according to type of employment.
Facilities for Transport, Logistics & Maintenance Staff: At the very beginning of each and
every year Driver, Mechanic, Security Guard and all maintenance staffs get assigned uniform for
them within the first week of January.
Transport & Food Allowance for Working after Office Time: Those who are not entitled for
over time they are given transport and food allowance for working after the office time.
Entertainment Allowance: Those who have to handle guests frequently they are given
entertainment allowance as they do not have to use their pocket money to take care of guests.
Consultancy Fee: If someone is involved with consultancy service when clients give consultancy
fee for service then he/she will be given that fee.
Loan Facilities: There is loan facility at Aarong for their staffs. The confirmed staffs and those
who work for at least one year they are considered as eligible to get loan facility. 12% interest is
charged for loan.
Incentives/Sales Commission/ Honorarium: All employees of Aarong get incentive each and
every year as yearly increment. Sales commission is given for employees who are directly
involved with sales.
Transport Facility: The staffs of Head Office are provided transport facility. Part time/
contractual/ temporary employees are not provided transport facility.
Telephone Facilities: Aarong provides telephone facilities for its employees. It‟s basically
provided for official use. However employees are allowed to do personal communication in a
limited basis. Telephone facility is also provided for some employees at their home depending on
their designation. Mobile phone set and mobile SIM Card is also given to the employees for
easiest communication. A fixed amount of mobile bill is allocated for employees and it varies from
designation and job description.
Festival Bonus: All regular & service staffs can enjoy festival bonus twice in a year. Festival
bonus is equivalent to staffs monthly salary. If it is provided twice in a year it will be divided into
two portions. One portion will be paid first time and another portion will be given second time.
Medical Allowance: A fixed amount of medical allowance is allocated for staffs of Aarong.
Amount of medical allowance also varies from level to level.
Special Allowance: According to the approval of director non practicing allowance, shop
management allowance, technical allowance etc can be paid to the staffs of Aarong.
Special Allowance for Recruitment: If anyone has to present at office for recruitment purpose
in weekend days he/she will be paid extra 400 taka per day with conveyances & other fees.
Special Allowance for Maintenance Staff for working on Weekly/Annual Holiday: The employees
of Head Office those who do not get overtime if they work in holidays they will get special
allowance. The amount of special allowance will be double of their basic salary.
Special Allowance for the Staffs Working in Hard to Reach Areas: Those who serves in hard
to reach areas they are provided1500 taka per month without considering the level.
Earned Leave: This leave is earned by work. It is with pay. Earned leave includes only the
leaves of working day. Weekly holiday, occasional holiday or any other holidays are excluded
from this leave.
Field worker
All the field workers who serve for 6 days in a week they will get 30 days earned leave. If the
workers are transferred from field to head office they will get earned leave according to the policy.
Head office worker
Those who works for 5 days in a week they will enjoy 20 days full earned leave. Those who work
6 days in a week they will get 24 full days earned leave.
Service worker
Service worker of BRAC those who serves for 7 days in a week they will get 42 days full earned
leave. The security guards who enjoy one days leave after every 15 days, their earned leave will
be 30 days & those who enjoys 1 day weekly holiday they will get 24 days leave in a year.
Pay for time not worked:
Weekly Holiday: Two holidays (Friday & Saturday) per week for the employees of head office of
BRAC and Aarong. The employees of field office of BRAC & its subsidiaries get one holiday
(Friday) in a week. Security guards (male) can enjoy one holiday for every 15 working days. That
means they get 2 holidays in a month. Female guards can enjoy one holiday in a week. BRAC
authority has the right to change weekly holiday.
Annual Holiday: According to the published list of leave by main office the annual leave plan for
the employees of BRAC & Aarong is decided. These holidays are basically the government
holidays. It is determined based on government holidays.
Sick Leave: 14 days sick leave with pay is provided to the staffs of Aarong each and every year.
Maternity Leave: Aarong provides 6 months with pay maternity leave to its female staffs. Extra 6
months non paid maternity leave is also given to the staffs of Aarong.
Paternity Leave: 7 days paternity leave is given to the all confirmed staffs of Aarong at a stretch.
Non confirmed staffs are not eligible to get this leave.
Accidental Leave: Every employee can take this leave due to accident in work place, in case of
hospitalized because of accident or surgery, miscarriage for these issues. Aarong gives 21 days
with pay accidental leave for accidental or surgical issue to its staff. For miscarriage, 15 days with
pay leave is given to the staffs. If required more leave, staffs of Aarong can take more days leave
but that will be given as without pay. For certain cases authority provides 21 day‟s extra leave.
Compulsory leave: Those who work six days in a week they get 6 days compulsory leave in a
year at a stretch and who works five days in a week they are also given 5 days compulsory leave
at a stretch.
Extra ordinary leave: It is without pay leave. To get this leave staffs must work for Aarong at
least 5 years. Those who work 5 years they are given 1 year extra ordinary leave at a stretch.
Those who work 10 years or more they are given 2 years extra ordinary leave at a stretch.
Quarantine leave: This leave is applicable for all types of contagious diseases. This leave is
generally given for the following diseases- chicken pox, jaundice, measles, diphtheria, mumps,
TB, conjunctivitis etc. This leave is given 3-14 days considering the case.
Disability Income Continuation:
Accident can occur at any time in workers life. If a worker become disable to work due to accident
or health problem organizations generally pay some suite of incentives to the worker. As like as
any other organization BRAC also has disability income continuation which is followed by all
subsidiaries of BRAC including Aarong.
Deferred Income Continuation:
Most of the employees become dependent on some kind of employer provided programs for
income continuation after retirement. So that BRAC has some opportunities for their employees
as they can lead their life. It includes gratuity fee, provident found etc.
Gratuity: It is started from joining to the workplace. It is only given to the staffs if their year of
involvement with Aarong is not less than 3 years. If someone serves for 3 or above years and
he/she is not dismissed from the job, he/she will be given at the rate of last month‟s salary for
every completed year.
Contributory Compulsory Provident Fund: After confirmation each and every staff of Aarong
have to give 10% of their basic salary to the contributory compulsory provident fund. Aarong also
provide same amount of money to the provident fund. If someone switch job willingly before 3
years of employment then he/she will get all money of his/her contribution but nothing from
Aarong. If switch job after 3 years but less than 5 years he/she will get full amount of money from
own contribution and half from organizations contribution. If switch job after five years staff will
get full from own and Aarong‟s contribution both.
Health, Accident & liability protection:
Staff Security Benefit: If any staff of Aarong suffers from mutilation or become death for accident
he/she or his/her nominee will be given staff security benefit. It is provided considering damages.
Generally it is given equivalent of 12 months last salary to 50 months last equivalent salary.
Non compensation benefits of Aarong
With a significant no. of compensation benefits Aarong also provides some non compensation
benefits to their staffs. These are as follows-
 Enhance dignity & satisfaction from work performed
Training & Higher Study: Authority can provide higher study leave to a confirmed regular staff.
The regular staff with at least 2 years service Aarong chose competent employee from them to
send for a training or higher study. It is one kind of pay for performance. Those who perform well
they are generally selected for training and higher study and organization bears all cost. It‟s a
kind of performance reward. This opportunity enhances dignity and satisfaction of staffs. They
become motivated to give their best effort.
Discount: Every employees of Aarong get 10% discount on Aarong‟s product. So that staffs of
Aarong can get Aarong‟s product with lower price. It enhances their dignity and satisfaction.
 Enhance physiological health, intellectual growth & emotional maturity
Work place: Aarong ensures a well organized work place for their employees. It has well
decorated conference room, canteen, and well equipped office room for the staffs of Aarong. It
also assigns a doctor for its staffs. The overall work environment in Aarong is favorable to
physiological health, intellectual growth and to promote emotional maturity.
Day care: Aarong has day care facility to take care of the babies of their staffs. Any staff can
keep their baby into here. Enough staffs are assigned to take care of these children. The day
care center is well organized with toys with other facilities as children can enjoy their moments.
Mothers of children can work with their full effort by keeping their babies near to them. They do
not have to worry about their babies within the office hours. It ultimately increases satisfaction of
staffs as well as enhance their physiological health.
 Promote constructive social relationship with co-workers
Annual Picnic: Each and every year all employees of Aarong get together and go to picnic. They
enjoy their moments with co- workers and family members. They spend whole day with making
fun, playing games, raffle draw and concert. The arrangement of picnic helps the staffs of Aarong
to promote their relationship with co-workers and their family.
Allocate sufficient resources to perform work assignments: Aarong ensures that staffs
always get sufficient resources to perform work assignments. It has enough equipment to perform
task successfully. Employees are provided all required official equipments on time as they can
perform their work assignment effectively.
Often supportive leadership: In each and every department Aarong assigns a good leader to
lead the team and ensure supportive leadership. The leaders of Aarong are very helpful and
friendly. They continuously observe work performance of their team members and always get
ready to help their members whenever they face any kind of problem.
 Aarong should increase salary of staffs as 45% staffs are dissatisfied with their salary.
Competitors may take this opportunity and hire talent staffs of Aarong by offering them attractive
 It can provide performance bonus to motivate staffs to give their best effort for well being of
organization. If staffs do not get reinforcement on performance they will become demotivated day
by day.
 Aarong can provide lunch for staffs which will safe times of staffs because they have to bring
their lunch from home in the morning when they come to office. It specially creates problem for
women as most of them have to make their lunch by own. As staffs bring lunch in the morning and
take it at afternoon sometimes it becomes unhealthy to take especially during summer.
 Aarong can share some portion of profit each and every year with its all staffs. Profit sharing
initiative will lead staffs to give their best effort because they know that if everyone gives their best
effort, profit will increase and increase of profit will bring more incentive for them. This is how staffs
can be motivated to give their best effort to Aarong and become emotionally attached with this
organization. When staffs become loyal to the organization, employee turnover rate will be reduced
as well as organizations cost will be saved.
Since 1978 Aarong is operating business in the fashion industry and they are now the leading
fashion brand in Bangladesh. At present Aarong provides the local and international public
opportunity of owning a Bangladeshi handcrafted product. It is playing the role of representative
of Bangladeshi culture to the outside world. As a result of the valuable contribution of artisans
and handicraft producers and the administrative staffs, Aarong has come so far. The qualified
human resources of Aarong keep the business running and foster the growth of business. The
HR department of Aarong ensures attract, attain and retain of talent staffs within the organization
and helps in placing right people, at the right place, at the right time doing the right job. Talent
and qualified staffs are loyal to the Aarong for it‟s best compensation package. Staffs of this
organization are satisfied with their overall compensation benefits. However competitors can
attract talents of Aarong through offering more attractive salaries and other benefits. For this
reason Aarong should be more concern about it and should increase salary of staffs. It can
introduce performance bonus, profit sharing, and lunch facility to the staffs. However the
recruitment and selection of staffs is the main responsibility of HR department. Except this they
have some other responsibilities such as transfer of staffs, maintaining attendance of staffs, leave
management, performance appraisal related activities, confirmation of staffs, job separation,
grievance management etc. so HR of Aarong can take initiatives as competitors cannot attract
talent staffs of Aarong. As Aarong is growing and spreading its outlets throughout the whole
country, this organization will require lots of qualified human resources. Human Resource
department of Aarong will ensure hiring pool of qualified, talented human recourses for Aarong.
Through attract, attain, and retaining talent staffs by offering excellent compensation package to
the talents HR department will encourage Aarong to move forward.
Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction Level at BRAC
In 21st century, we have entered in to a new age of business world. We have seen how
business organizations have changed from profit centric to more customers centric. There is no
business organization that can survive in market without satisfying its customers. Quality service
is a precursor of customer satisfaction. Only purchasing product does not satisfy customers,
rather they may weigh convenience, availability, reliability. In banking industry where almost all
the products are indistinguishable, with nominal difference in charges set by market, service
quality can be key differentiator. BRAC bank is offering wide arrays of products to its customers.
Sales centers of BRAC bank are propelling these products to the customers. It is interesting to
see how these service centers are operating, what is customer’s perception towards their service.
I took, “Evaluation of customer satisfaction level at Graphics Building Branch: BRAC Bank LTD”
as my intern topic, given that my Internship experience in BRAC bank helped me to conduct this
research. During my internship, I came to realize dealing with customers, pleasing them is
requires special skills and a deep understanding of customer’s mind.
BRAC bank has set some code & conducts for all its employees to follow. Bank is committed to
make customers leave bank with a hassel free, contented experience. While conducting my
research I came to know about customer’s complaints, suggestions and satisfaction. There are
number of issues Graphics building branch should improve. They need to employ adequate staffs
in some places to speed up the service. Server system in this branch is little slow sometime
which sometimes becomes reason of customer’s infuriation. Graphics building branch is very
concerned about their honored customers and always ready to help them. Customers are also
happy about credit service. Some of them expressed their disappointment how bank is taking too
long to disburse their loan. Similarly, there are some other issues customers think bank should
BRAC bank is a financial institution, which may not have been in market for long time, but they
have been showing impressive growth over the years. Their quality service and diverse range of
products already have left good impression on customer’s mind. They have a legacy for
contribution in economical reformation and development of human capital. To be a market leader
in long run they need to keep improving in all aspects of their service.
Purpose of the study
Unlike other institutions, a bank has to focus both on its product and on service. In the age
of globalization and free market, there is severe competition in banking industry. All the banks
try to pull customers into their organizations by offering diverse products and services. But
only providing wide range of products are not responsible alone to attract customers attention.
Banking is not like other products that customers just visit outlet buy the products. To
enjoy banking facilities wholly customers have to go through some services given by bank
outlets. Quality service is an intangible thing that customers experience rather than physically
buying it. A favorable customer experience may turn a new customer in to a loyal customer. That
is the prime intention of all the business organization turning its customer into loyal customers as
if they repeatedly come back to bank and buy new offers. To survive in a competitive market
there is no way of underestimating clients. Today almost all the banking organizations
putting emphasize on retention of existing customers, besides making of new customers.
Since quality service has become an important parameter of successful banking business,
so banking organizations need to evaluate its customer’s perception annually. It gives them an
idea what customer demand from bank. In this report, I intend to explore customer’s perception
on service quality of a bank outlet. I have used different research procedures to analysis
customer’s opinion about service quality, areas of weakness in service and how to improve
Broad objectives:
Broad objective of this report is to analyze satisfaction level of customers in Graphics
building branch of BRAC bank irrespective of service taken who visit this branch for different
Specific Objective:
Specific objectives of the study are-
 To basic understanding of the activities customer service unit of BRAC bank.
 To classify key service features of a bank outlet.
 To analyze customer satisfaction level at Graphics Building Branch.
 To come up with some suggestions that can upgrade current service quality.
To conduct a research work it is very important to obtain sufficient volume of data. I
have questionnaire to conduct this survey. I have distributed this questionnaire to randomly
chosen customers visit the bank every day. To get sufficient informations I also interviewed key
bank staffs.
Sources of Information:
Primary sources:
 Direct conversation with the customers.
 Personal observation over the internee period.
 By interviewing bank staffs.
Secondary sources:
 Website of BRAC bank.
 Annual Report of BRAC bank.
 Different types of Brochures.
 Through attending 3 days BRAC bank orientation program.
Products & Service Information
BRAC bank has five different wings of their business activities. These are-

SME banking:
Initially, BRAC bank started their journey to carter SME business. BRAC bank believes in
empowering huge human resource in the country. After liberation war, most of the commercial
banks were providing large amount of loan to large industries and big corporations. No was doing
anything for small and medium entrepreneurs, no one was thinking their potentiality. This group
was defined as “Missing middle”. This missing middle had the potentiality but due to shortage of
fund, they could not contribute to the national economy. With a view to providing them, a firm
ground under their feet BRAC bank is providing SME loan service to this missing middle. 50% of
BRAC bank’s total portfolio.
Retail Products:
BRAC bank has divided its retail products in to three categories-
Corporate Banking:
There are three categories of corporate products-
 Loan Products
 Trade Finance
 Corporate Cash Management
Probashi banking:
BRAC bank is providing probashi banking to facilitate demand for remittance. These services
are described below Probashi Current account:
This account offers for those who have objection to earn interest due to religious reason.
Probashi Savings Account:
It is a regular savings account maintained in local currency for non-residents Bangladeshis
who want to utilize this account in future when they come back to Bangladesh.
• Probashi Fixed Deposit:
A fixed deposit account which allows non-resident Bangladeshis to deposit their money  for a
fixed period of time. Interest is paid at the maturity at an attractive rate.
Probashi Abiram:
Another fixed deposit facility which allows NRB’s to get return every month.
Probshi Biniyug:
Probshi biniyug is a product by which a non resident can invest in capital market in bangladesh
by opening BO account.
E Banking:
BRAC bank is providing e-commerce service to all VISA & Mastercard holders. It is a convinient
way of making transaction right from the web.
24 hour call center:
BRAC bank is providing 24 hour call center service to ease customer’s transation. For any
banking purpose they can call into 16221 for receving following service-
• Accounts detail
• Balance Query
• Inter-city charge query
• Debit/ Credit card activation
• Cheque book request
“Evaluation of Customer satisfaction level at BRAC Bank”
Research Background:
Customer Satisfaction, most echoed term in business world, is a measurement of the extent
to which quality of goods or service of a company meets or surpasses customer
expectation. Alternatively, in a more plain word customer satisfaction is the measurement of how
acceptable a product or service of a company to the customer. It is not possible to make a
concrete definition of customer satisfaction since it is highly personal assessment, which varies
from person to person. Still there is a certain standard, which is expected, below which no one
will be satisfied.
In banking industry, customer satisfaction is the key performance indicator. When almost
all banks provide identical products, there is only way to distinguish is quality. All the banks
are providing same product and there is only little difference in interest rate charge. Therefore,
bank management plays vital role to differentiate itself from other banks through adjusting its
service quality to the customer’s expectation. In most cases, it is reported that customers switch
banks because of poor service. Banks success largely depends on its outlets dedicated to render
It is reported from various research that cost of acquiring new customer is huge then
retaining existing customer. Therefore, successful organizations always take special care about
existing customers by incorporating rigid service management into their objective in an attempt to
turn existing customer into loyal customer. Customer satisfaction has been a constant subject of
numerous researches to find out how customers perceive quality service. There are number of
models to draw customer’s perspective on service quality. One of such model is “SERVQUAL” or
“Rater”, a service quality framework developed by Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Berry. This
framework is an instrument of assessing customer’s perception of service quality especially in
service and retail businesses. According to SERVQUAL customer’s perception in this regard can
be described through five dimensions. If these five dimensions can be ensured customers will be
converted into royal customers of the organization. However, not all the dimensions are equal;
they usually vary from customer to customer.
The five SERVQAL dimensions are

1. Reliability: Reliability means service provider’s ability to provide services the way it was
promised, accurately and dependably. So it should be service provider’s utmost effort to
make service reliable.
2. Responsiveness: Responsiveness means how cordial service providers towards customer’s
problem and ability to provide prompt service. Service providers are expected to responsive
to customers request. Besides, delay in providing service makes for disappointing experience for
3. Assurance: Clients trust service providers thinking that they are seasoned in delivering
service; it is definite from customer’s side. But if service provider’s aptitude does not become
visible to customers, their assessment on overall service will be negative because
service providers are the person they deal face to face. Therefore, service provider’s
approach should instill faith into customers.
4. Empathy: Customers tend to feel being cared by the service employee. Service employee
should make customers feel that they are taken important individually. If customers feel
that service employees only care about them during service delivery, they are not available after
that then customer will develop a negative assessment about service quality.
5. Tangibles: A dimension sometime considered least important among the model, may not be
least important in all places, in all context. It refers attractiveness of physical facilities, availability of
technology, personal communication etc. Issues like employees uniform, equipment, office
environment may appear to be source of customer’s dissatisfaction.
While working in BRAC bank I found there three factors those should be weighed more
than anything else to define customer satisfaction- 1) satisfaction with client-bank staff
interaction, if it is in person, or by phone or mail. 2) Precision of the service and 3) timeliness of
the service. In banking industry, quality service is very often synonymous to good relationship
between bank staff and customer. Customer always expect friendly behavior from bank stuffs,
they also expect bank stuffs are able to solve their problems. Precision of service means
providing customers with adequate informations about product so as to avert any future conflict
which may cause dissatisfaction and executing service in line with rules and regulations of bank
as well as law stipulated by Bangladesh bank. Timeliness refers branch being able to render
quick service, not keeping people waiting for long time for any service.
Project Description:
In the course of my internship at BRAC bank branch, I received an opportunity to know
about banking service, customer’s problems and their response towards the service. Therefore,
I decided to do my project on customer satisfaction of BRAC bank Graphics building branch.
Research Subject:
“My Research subject is to evaluate or analyze if customer satisfaction level at Graphics
Building Branch in different aspects of service higher or lower than average level.”
Method & Data:
My research has been conducted by questionnaire. Population of this research is all
the customers of BRAC bank Graphics building branch. In view of the fact that there is not
precise data recorded on exactly how many customers visit this branch everyday so I have taken
all the customer as population. I have selected a sample size of 100 customers. All the
questionnaire respondents are active with bank service and visit this branch at least twice a
month. I have distributed questionnaire randomly to the customers irrespective of their gender,
occupation, location etc. I have not taken into account of these factors because I thought these
factors do not add any value to the research and all the customers have their own opinion about
Research Method:
To conduct this research I have used research software SPSS. I have used likert scale;
a psychometric rating scale widely recognized scaling used in survey research. To testify
my hypothesis test I have used two-taliled sample t-test.
Hypothesis test:
For hypothesis testing, I have chosen a significance level of 0.05. so to conclude if
null hypothesis will be rejected or not I set my hypothesis assumption-

Decision process:
Now here I have done a hypothesis test to investigate customer’s satisfaction about
bank’s employee’s service. I have put my sample data into SPSS software and come up with the
result. I have used my questionnaire as a tool of measure (see Appendix). For measuring, I have
used a hypothetical satisfaction scale with the attribution of likert scale.

For analyzing sample data I computed the satisfaction rate from the above table= 15/5= 3.
This average rank means that satisfaction level is not extremely positive or negative, rather
tossup between these two. So I will compare this average satisfaction rank to the sample result to
see if there is significant difference between a particular aspect of service to the average
satisfaction level of customers. If there is significant deviation between two variables, I have
tested frequency test to analyze frequencies of the answers.
Basic Ideas about respondents:
Before conducting the survey, it is important to know some basic informations about sample.
It gives us clear view about customers, their expectations and their demand. Along with my
survey on various aspect of service I randomly chose 70 customers and asked them about
their association with this branch, kind of services they usually take, their monthly visit in this
Customer’s association with BRAC Bank:

All customers have some certain reasons to choose a bank. My survey shows that brand image
is the key factor for choosing BRAC bank owns a very positive image on customers mind,
which motivate them to choose this bank. BRAC bank’s wide range of products also
another determining factor. Only little above 28% thinks they prefer BRAC bank for its service.
Frequency of Visiting the Branch:
During conducting the survey, I thought It is important to know the frequency of visiting
this branch by customers, which would assist evaluating their response. So i asked them how
often they visit this branch in a month.

Since Graphics, building branch provides retail banking services most of the customers visit
for individual purpose. 34% visit this branch 3-5 times and 21.4% visit couple of times. Most
of these customers visit branch to withdraw money, to collect new issued card, to deposit or
come with other problems. Those who visit this branch for nine to ten times or more than ten
times are mostly businesspersons. Out of business necessity, they have to visit this branch so
Hypothesis test:
From the above sample test, we have a positive t value with significant mean difference. T
value represents mean difference between two variables. Positive mean difference means
sample mean is .61 higher than average mean. Two tailed p value is – .000< .05, therefore null
hypothesis (H0) is rejected. There is significant deviation from the average satisfaction level. So
we can deduce customer’s satisfaction about location of this bank is above average.
Now I have done a frequency test of respondents reply to their satisfaction to the location of
the branch-
From the above frequency table it has been founded that 72% respondents are satisfied with
the location of the branch. Since we have already come to know most of the customers chose
this branch either because it is near to their home or workplace, so it is natural of them being
satisfied with the location. Besides another advantage of this location is it can be traced because
it resides just next to Dhaka Stock Exchange building. This branch is on the main road so
customers do not have to go for searching this branch. 21% are dissatisfied with the location.
These respondents usually come from far place because of official work. On top of that,
sometimes this area gets unsafe because of the outrage of shareholders on share market issue.
Opinions about cash counter efficiency:
Cash counter management one of the vital factors of quality service. It is quite improbable
not seeing long line up of customers in a bank. Customers expect staffs working in cash are
efficient enough to give them a quick service. Customers come to branch to withdraw money from
their account or remittance money and to deposit their money. Tellers should be very skilled to
speed up the transaction and do it accurately.

From the above table we can see there is negative t value, mean difference is negative
which means sample mean is .94 less than average mean. Here p value is .000< .05, therefore
null hypothesis is rejected. There is significant deviation in average satisfaction level.
New here is the result of customer’s perception of efficacy of cash counter
From the above frequency test, it is seen that customers are by no means satisfied about
cash counter service. A huge portion of 45% has given their verdict that they are highly
dissatisfied with the cash counter service. Another 31% are dissatisfied about the way this
service is given.
Only 11% are satisfied and 8% are highly satisfied with service.
During my internship, I tried to find out what is problem with cash counter. Couple of times I
got opportunities to work inside cash counter. There were some inefficiencies caught my
1. Inadequate tellers:
In the cash counter, there should be sufficient teller to facilitate customers. But I noticed there
were not adequate tellers to provide service. They have a head teller, under him there are other
tellers work. There are total seven counters and six tellers including head teller. Head teller
generally does not take part in regular transaction. He usually does cheque deposit, cheque
return processing, and supervision of volt. Only if there is huge row he gets involved. Out of the
rest five tellers, there is another one who only provides service for remittance and special
customers. Therefore, four tellers are not sufficient to serve regular account holders.
2. New teller:
During my internship, I have seen changes in cash counter of employees. Some of them
got shifted to another branch or some became were sick. I have seen some female tellers in cash
that were pregnant. So eventually, they will take maternity live, which will cause new staff to
be employed. Although, new employees are trained to work in cash counter but still they need
time to settle down to the system of the branch, which slows down service in the cash counter in
the process.
Opinion about customer waiting place:
Customers do not only come to branch to deposit or withdraw cash, they also come to
open account, to know about product, to receive remittance service or to get solution regarding
any banking related problem. Our sales officers are there to listen to customers problem, try to
solve their problems. Given that not all the customers can get service at once, they need to take
token and wait for their call. So customers waiting place should be comfortable, there should
be enough space for sitting. Thus, a comfortable waiting place is also included in quality
service. For that reason, I asked my respondents about what is their opinion about branch’s
waiting place through the questionnaire.
Customer’s opinion about employee’s services:
Branch sales & service officers play key role in serving customers. Service officer should be  very
resourceful and proficient in terms of providing service. Customers come to branch with their
problems knowing that service officer is capable of solving their problems.
From the above tables we can see for hundred respondents mean is 3.07, which is greter than
test value (average satisfaction rate). T value is positive here because sample mean is larger
than test value. The significance value (p value) is 0.579, which is larger than threshold value of
0.05, so fail to reject null hypothesis that employee’s service does not significantly affect
average satisfaction level of customers.
There are six counters for service officers. One of them is only dedicated for credit card
related service. One of these counter remains empty, it is only used for western union service.
Rests of the four service officers give all other services except credit card. What I have observed
there those who have been working here for quite a long time are very efficient in rendering
They are well versed in all the problems customers usually face and help them with
proper solution. Service officers seem to be well aware of rules and regulations. Even those who
are new in work are trying hard to give optimum service. Nevertheless, I found some service
1. New employees seem to be less trained for their work and know less about software
use. Because of that, they tend to provide slow service. Their lack of knowledge in
finacle software makes them ask his/her senior repeatedly. It impedes other officers
while servicing.
2. Along with limited knowledge about software, new employees sometime know less
about product, which makes for providing wrong information, which causes future discontentment
from customer’s side. I think number of officer is less than enough. When one officer go for lunch
or absent for some reasons, it becomes difficult to manage customers.
Customer’s view on staff’s behavior:
Customers expect that bank staffs will do their utmost to help them. Any negative response
from staffs may adversely affect customers. If they are not happy about the standard of courtesy
of bank’s employees, it may accelerate their decision to switch the bank. So I have kept
these question in my questionnaire that-‘Have they ever experienced any unacceptable behavior
from any bank staffs?’

What we can see from this table is not good news for bank. Out of total, 70%, believe that
they have often experienced negative behavior from employees. 23% of them think sometime
they have met with bed response from bank staffs. 5% of respondents think very often employees
are less helpful to them and 2% rarely experienced such behavior. Not that every one of
them experienced it but while staying at branch they saw it happened which gave them a
bed impression about this bank.
There are handfuls of reasons for these disappointing responses from customers. I describe
them below-
1. Lack of supervision and training: Guards and bank staffs should be trained how to behave
with customers properly. Here I should bring an example I saw during my internship- one of the
guards who were calling people to customer care when it came their turn. He saw a client was
talking very loudly over phone. So he went up to that person and told him very loudly to keep his
voice down. That customer got very angry and a scene was created. That guard could
have asked him politely instead of showing anger. While doing intern I found that
customer service manager or general manager did not properly supervise this sort of events.
They would only step in when there was a problem. But they did not take any effective
action against staffs who did it.
2. Bad example from service officers:
Sometimes while giving service, service officers seemed to lose their temper. Especially it
happened in cash counter. Very often specially after lunch hour people started gathering in
branch resulted in huge line up. Having stood for a long time, customers started objecting, and
then sometimes heat words were exchanged between customers and
employees in cash counter. In the question number two and four where I asked about
cash counter and service officer’s efficacy, those who gave negative response to these questions
gave negative answers this question. They think service officers are not sympathetic to their
problems and only say what bank’s policy is.
Customer’s opinion about ATM service:
ATM service is an important extension of banking service. Customers like to get ATM
service from branch as if they can easily collect their money. There are two Automated teller
machines in graphics building branch. Here I set my hypothesis about ATM service –
So for question number 6 we have a t value of .956 with 99 degree of freedoms and a
mean difference between sample mean and satisfaction mean is .08. T value is positive because
sample mean is greater than satisfaction average. We significance value of .342 which is greater
than 0.05, as a result we fail to reject null hypothesis. Therefore, satisfaction on ATM service is
not highly positive or negative.
I have already mentioned that there are two automated teller machines in the branch. It
aids customers remarkably. Nevertheless, I have seen some problems with this service-
– Out of these two ATM machines, one of them had been inactive for most of the time of  my
internship. So literally only one of them was out of function for customers for most of  the time.
Besides, there was a constant complain from few customers that their card got captured when
they inserted card into it due to the machine’s problem. So because of that ATM machine they
have to come to the branch to retrieve their card which was quite embarrassing for branch. This
ATM service is very less obtrusive, if one do not enter into this branch will not notice it. So many
BRAC bank customers get deprived from ATM service.
Satisfaction of credit card service of the branch:
Customers often visit branch to receive credit card related services. They have usually
query about credit card service, they also come here to pay credit card bill, to give new credit
card order or even to know credit card transaction details. As a very important part of service, I
asked my respondents about their response towards this service.
Based on their response I have made my hypothesis:
From the above one sample test for question, no 7 we can see there is a mean difference of .
28 Here p value is lower than significance level (0.001<0.05), therefore we can reject the
null hypothesis. Credit card service does make difference in average customer satisfaction.

From the table above we can see 44% customers are satisfied about credit card service. Here
I would like to mention that credit card customer is less compared to other customers. So
service provider does not have to hurry for their service. Out of 100 respondents 34% are neutral,
most of these 34% do not use credit card. 20% respondents are dissatisfied with the service.
Most of them complained that they were not informed timely when their ordered card was issued
or they had to wait in line for a long time in row to pay their bill.
Since customers of credit card are fewer compared to other customers, it is possible for
one person to provide this service. But I noticed that other sales & service officer’s do not
know about credit card facilities. As a result, when they need some informations about credit
cards they need to go to sales officer who serve this part. However, I think other service
officers should know about this service better. If this only sale officer are not present a single day,
no one is there to provide this service, because no one can operate this software. Therefore, they
have to inform it to head office to send someone for an interim period. But in between this
sometimes we have to turn down customers request and ask them to wait or visit us other day.
Customer’s satisfaction on branch communication:
Customers expect that they will be informed in advance if their card has reached to branch,  which
he/she has ordered before, if bank has retrieved their capture card or will be updated with their
account information. When it does not happen, they become upset.
Hypothesis testing:

When a new card is issued, it is not immediately informed to customers. While filling the
card request form, customers are told they will have to collect it after three working days.
Usually customer come after three days to collect their card or if within three months customer do
not come they are phoned from branch requesting to collect it. Problem is sometimes
customers account becomes inactive due to lack of transaction. Though they are sent
transaction informations in their address sometimes, they forget that. Once account remains
inactive it is a lengthy process to active it again. Very often customers change their cell number
so it becomes difficult to inform them.
Customer’s opinion on remittance service:
BRAC bank is facilitating its customers by channeling remittance money from abroad to
country. There are different mediums of remittance service available for customers such as –
western union money transfer, Money gram, remit2home, express money; exchange houses
etc. customers always demand quick remittance service from branch.
Now I want to test if remittance service in branch significantly affects Customer satisfaction on
quick loan disposing:
BRAC bank retail outlets are providing wide range of loan products such as – salary loan,
Quick loan, Auto loan, Home loan and Secured loan. Customers expect bank will arrange their
loan soon after submitting the application for loan. Yet, BRAC bank has a very centralized
system. It takes quite a long time to receive approval from head office. By the time, it goes
through all the processing customers become impatient about it. Now I will test if delay in
disposal of loan has a significant effect on customer’s satisfaction level.
The reason of customers being so dissatisfied about remittance service is slow processing. In
that area a cable repair work was underway, this made the remittance service unbearably slow.
Apart from western union service, all other remittance service mediums were having this
problem. Another thing is there was a computer in customer end, only used for western union
purpose because it has western union link. Other computers do not have western union link.
Therefore, to complete western union processing BSSO has to leave his/her own sit and go to
that computer.
Western union customer is very frequent compared to other remittance mediums. Since there
is only one computer to use for western union it keeps customers waiting for long.
Customer satisfaction on quick loan disposing:
BRAC bank retail outlets are providing wide range of loan products such as – salary loan,
Quick loan, Auto loan, Home loan and Secured loan. Customers expect bank will arrange their
loan soon after submitting the application for loan. Yet, BRAC bank has a very centralized
system. It takes quite a long time to receive approval from head office. By the time, it goes
through all the processing customers become impatient about it. Now I will test if delay in
disposal of loan has a significant effect on customer’s satisfaction level.

Here t value is 2.559 with a degree of freedom of 99. There is a positive mean difference of .
22. Since two tailed p value is .012< .05 so we fail to reject null hypothesis. There is not
much difference between sample mean and satisfaction average.
Service for privilege customer:
BRAC bank has categorized its honored customer based on some criteria. Privilege
customers are promised to get special facilities. But there was no isolated counter for special
customers. Usually customer service manager serve them. Usually customer service manager
facilitates privileged customer. But sometimes customer manager interrupt BSSO in the middle of
their service by ordering them to serve the special customer. So a general customer who has
been waiting for long for service gets annoyed.
Now I set hypothesis to know if privileged customer service makes any difference to
acceptable service quality
We can see there is considerable mean difference. T value is 9.706 with degree of freedom of
99. With 95% confidence interval of the difference p value is lower than level of
significance (.001<.05), so according to statistical condition we reject null hypothesis.

Customer’s opinion about bank statements:

Bank account statement is the summery of bank transaction of a customer for given period. Every
day number of customers who have account in this branch come to this branch to receive  printed
copy of bank account statement. Bank account statements are required for receiving loan, bill
payment of credit card or utilities, for checking salary account. Customers expect this
bank statement will be provided with proper format. Therefore, I will do hypothesis test if this
service causes any impact on customer’s average satisfaction.

Statement of account includes account holder’s name, account number, address, MICR
code, transaction informations for a given period. BRAC bank provide all these informations in
the bank statement. But very often we came across complaints from customers that printed
bank account statements are not readable with inappropriate font size. Sometimes because
of malfunction in printing machine customers, have to wait for long time.
Customer’s recent experience:
To know how I my respondents recent experience of visiting our branch I put this question
in questionnaire. Because I thought, current experience will be responsible for customer’s
verdict on my questionnaire.
From the one sample test, I can conclude that since there is a significant mean difference and
p value .001<.05 so we can say recent experience of customers in this branch is above average.
Some Major Problems:
 There is not adequate teller in cash counter.
 Lack of proper line management for customers while depositing or withdrawing money.
 Server system of BRAC bank is too slow which impedes natural pace of service and  makes
customers waiting for a simple service. On top of that, network problem in remittance service which
was supposed to be a temporary problem has been lasting for nearly two months.
 Sometimes there are confusions over tracking documents and files caused by courier.
 Too lengthy loan disbursement process
 There is no special service for senior citizens and handicapped people.
 Air conditioning system in branch is a major source of discontentment for customers
Based on customer’s suggestions and my observations, I made some recommendations that
may help to improve customer care of BRAC bank Graphics building branch-
 Graphics building branch need to fix their server problems related to remittance service as
soon as possible. Although it is up to back office to fix this problem, so they need to  keep
reminding about this problem. I have seen customers who came to withdraw remittance money at
morning, but left branch when it was almost afternoon. This sort of service is very disappointing.
Another thing is, i saw that there was one computer, which was dedicated to give western union
service. Western union service is more frequent than other remittance service. It is not good BSSO
change their seat repeatedly again just to give this service. If western union link is installed in every
single computer, this waste of time can be saved.
 Sufficient tellers should be appointed in cash counter. I have seen there is enough space  at the
backside of the cash counter. A seating place accompanied with computer and important
documents should be arranged for head teller. So when he is not serving customers, another teller
can take his place to serve customer. Row for account holder seems to be most crowded, when
there is more tellers, this row can be split into three or four rows whereby they can speed up
transaction process. Guards will assist customers to line up properly.
 When a new sales executive is appointed, it should make sure he/she know all aspects
of service he /she is assigned to provide. Although, all the BRAC outlets use same
software, uniform documents, but still, when new sales executive is appointed, initially they
face problems to get along with new environment. Therefore, before being hired, sales executives
should be educated about all features of product and policies as if he/she does  not pass any wrong
information to the customer. Besides, it will not annoy other sales executives in the middle of their
service to teach new sales executive, thus prevents service being slowed down.
 Branch should have their own courier system to send important documents to head office and
customers. It will increase transparency over courier system and incidents like document lost;
problem of tracking files will be reduced.
 Customers waiting place should be comfortable and sufficient sitting place should be there.
 Bank should maintain a complaint register in a proper format for customer to express their
grievances in it. Regional manager or any representative from head office should examine this
register book when they pay visit to the branch.
At present world, commercial bank is emerging as a driving factor for economic development of a
country. It is said that if there is an efficient banking system in a country it contributes
rapid growth in many sectors in economy. Since its inception, BRAC bank has been
working according to its 3p agenda- Planet, people and profit. From the beginning, BRAC bank
has been working to ensure best use of human capital. As a member of GABV (Global Alliance
for banking on values), BRAC bank put emphasis on sustainable banking by making sure
utmost service for people and economy.
In this cutthroat world, there is huge competition. Banking industry is no different. All banks try  to
make a strong presence to market by rendering best possible solutions and supreme
service quality. Nevertheless, satisfaction is highly personal opinion; definition of satisfaction
differs from person to person. Satisfaction is something perhaps beyond adequacy, beyond
expectation that put a positive impression on customer’s mind. Since there is no fixed definition
of customer’s satisfaction in banking, I made this report by making an effort to question
customers with whom I got opportunity to get close in the course of my internship. I tried to know
from them what they think would make them satisfied about service.
Working in customer care of a branch has given me an opportunity to have an idea of front
office operation of a branch. There was not much confidentiality that could hinder my research
work. Though I have limited access to the important documents but there was no obstruction
like interviewing customers and bank staffs. It is a grand experience, and I like to convey that I
am honored to be part of the fastest growing bank in Bangladesh for three months. I hope
opportunity of working here would help me a lot ahead in my career.

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