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Topic: The Impact of COVID19 Pandemic on Teaching and Learning.

Analyzing the
Education Industry in India.

Abstract: -

The paper discusses the impact of pandemic on online teaching and learning and its
delivery in India. The closures of schools, institutions and other learning spaces have
impacted more than 94% of the world’s student population and in India. This has
bought far reaching changes in all aspect of our life. Social distancing and restrictive
movement policies have significantly disturbed traditional educational practices.
Reopening of schools, colleges and other academic institution after relaxation of
restriction is another challenge with many new standard operating procedures put in
place. The academic session in 2020 and 2021 has been badly hit due to pandemic. The
need of the hour is to innovate and implement alternative educational system and
assessment strategies. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided us with an opportunity to
pave the way for introducing digital learning. This article aims to provide a
comprehensive report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online teaching and
learning of various papers and indicate the way forward. Perceptions of learners and
educators on Online Learning system during lockdown are pointed.

Introduction: -

In India, higher education system at present is at a transition stage. A stage where

changes have taken place for good and more transformations in thoughts and processes
are desired. Higher education system in any nation today seeks a relook. Higher
education for academic institution and students must cope up to online teaching aids
remains a big question in the emergency of COVID-19 [ CITATION Bao20 \l 1033 ].

COVID-19 enforced the academic higher education universities across globe to cancel
the traditional chalk and talk (in class face-to-face education) methodology and change
to the online teaching/learning [ CITATION Bao20 \l 1033 ][ CITATION Dil20 \l 1033 ] . The
change originates the challenge of sensitivity of learnings and new opportunities that
the technology offers. This changeover has been easy for the autonomous/deemed and

private institutions, in the other hand it is a challenge for the public ones. As the COVID-
19 emergency arises many universities in India to temporarily close the onsite classes.
Further, some of the universities have decided to start the online classes to the students
in a trial basis in the urban areas. This sudden transition of teaching methods to online
classes made students and faculties in a confused mode. The ongoing online classes is
now turned out towards the question of learning quality [ CITATION Cra20 \l 1033 ]. Online
education is not just oral presentation of the faculty on the computer/laptop/mobile
phone, or it is not just listening at the other end by a student. Online teaching
methodology poses many challenges due to inexperience in conducting/attending live
classes by faculty and students and lack of early preparation or support from
educational technological teams [ CITATION Wan20 \l 1033 ].

There may be many advantages and disadvantages of online classes for both faculties
and students. For teachers, online classes allow new method of teaching with access of
advanced tools and technology involved in it and can reach to many students [ CITATION
App20 \l 1033 ]. Contrary, student can acquire knowledge of using different online tools
and methods, pay much attention to recorded/live conversations of world class
professionals, listen and watch classes many times and working at their own
promptness [ CITATION Ark15 \l 1033 ].

Inability to have a face-to-face connect with students and facilitate free conversations,
discussions, and mentoring, lack of online teaching experience consumes more time and
practice, technological difficulties with high-speed internet access and getting used to
learning and being evaluated online are identified as major limitations [ CITATION Ara17 \l
1033 ][ CITATION Sun16 \l 1033 ].

The aim of the study is to investigate/identify the knowledge, practice and utilization of
online courses and the quality of understanding amongst the students and faculties
during lockdown period of the COVID-19 pandemic situation in India. The study also
analyses the quality and outreach of the online classes with various stake holders of
different higher education streams through online Questionnaire based survey. In
addition, suggestions and recommendations are high lightened to impart better
teaching and learning experience viz. online mode.

The value of online learning is being recognized by more organizations, since it is a cost-
effective way to deliver a large number of people. It can produce significant results by
not only decreasing costs, but also by improving performance. Online Learning is
encouraged due to following reasons during lockdown period for Covid-19.

1. One can acquire knowledge staying at home and can maintain social distancing.
2. Outbreak of Covid-19 can be minimised due to social distancing.
3. It offers highly effective learning environments.
4. It offers complementary interactive support that allows students to study 24/7
and work at their own pace.
5. It offers flexible scheduling.
6. It is available in any location, with an internet connection and students can
attend using their devices (mobile, computers, tablets, etc.)
7. Deals with real-time student monitoring as well as reporting.
8. Improves the image of institution by offering technological solutions that solve
real problems.

Market Size and Structure: -

The data below shows the prediction of online education industry based on current
trends. It is estimated that the market growth is estimated at a CAGR of 20% with an
incremental growth of $2.28 billion in the next five years. The market is flooded with
several players occupying the market. It is estimated that online education has positive
impact on the education industry and the estimated growth predicted for this year is

The other data shows the forecast trend from 2020 to 2027 of the Indian EdTech
Market. It has taken several parameters like skilling and online certifications, primary,
secondary, and higher education, casual learning and language and test preparation.
The forecast shows the increase in the online education market in India.

Challenges in Teaching and Learning: -

The various challenges with e-learning are accessibility, affordability, flexibility,

learning pedagogy, life-long learning and educational policy [ CITATION Mur20 \l 1033 ].
Many countries have substantial issues with a reliable Internet connection and access to
digital devices. While, in many developing countries, the economically backward
children are unable to afford online learning devices, the online education poses a risk
of exposure to increased screen time for the learner. Therefore, it has become essential
for students to engage in offline activities and self-exploratory learning. Lack of parental
guidance, especially for young learners, is another challenge, as both parents are
working. There are practical issues around physical workspaces conducive to different
ways of learning.

The innately motivated learners are relatively unaffected in their learning as they need
minimum supervision and guidance, while the vulnerable group consisting of students
who are weak in learning face difficulties. Some academically competent learners from
economically disadvantaged background are unable to access and afford online
learning. The level of academic performance of the students is likely to drop for the
classes held for both year-end examination and internal examination due to reduced
contact hour for learners and lack of consultation with teachers when facing difficulties
in learning/understanding [ CITATION Sin20 \l 1033 ].

Student assessments are carried out online, with a lot of trial and error, uncertainty and
confusion among the teachers, students and parents. The approach adopted to conduct
online examination varies as per the convenience and expertise among the educators
and the compatibility of the learners. Appropriate measures to check plagiarism is yet to
be put in place in many schools and institutions mainly due to the large number of
student population. The lockdown of schools and colleges has not only affected internal
assessments and examinations for the main public qualifications like General Certificate
of Secondary Educations (GCSE), but A levels have also been cancelled for the entire
cohort in the UK. Depending on the duration of the lockdown, postponement or
cancellation of the entire examination assessment might be a grim possibility [ CITATION
Nat20 \l 1033 ].

School time also raises social skills and awareness besides being fun for the children.
There are economic, social and psychological repercussions on the life of students while
they are away from the normal schedule of schools. Many of these students have now
taken online classes, spending additional time on virtual platforms, which have left
children vulnerable to online exploitation. Increased and unstructured time spent on
online learning has exposed children to potentially harmful and violent content as well
as greater risk of cyberbullying. School closures and strict containment measures mean
more families have been relying on technology and digital solutions to keep children
engaged in learning, entertained and connected to the outside world, but not all
children have the necessary knowledge, skills and resources to keep themselves safe
online.[ CITATION Nai20 \l 1033 ]

There are varieties of online infrastructure that have been prepared by many
educational firms and made free for learning during this pandemic. The affordability
and accessibility to these online infrastructures for all the learners of varied economic
backgrounds are still a challenge.

Students with special needs having learning difficulties, such as hearing impairment,
visual impairment and mobility disabilities, require additional training with support
and guidance. Many caregivers and parents at home are not able to cater to such needs,
hindering the learning of this group of learners. Therefore, there is a need for investing
time and resources to explore and research the best alternatives for the special
educational needs (SEN) of these learners. [ CITATION Sum20 \l 1033 ]

Initiatives taken by the Government of India for Online learning:

The ministry of education has taken several measures to boost online education in
India. There are various free digital platforms for online learning which are as under: -

 The DIKSHA portal contains online learning content for students, teachers, and
parents aligned to the curriculum, including video lessons, worksheets,
textbooks and assessments. Under the guidance of its national board of
education (CBSE) and NCERT, the content has been created by more than 250
teachers who teach in multiple languages. QR codes in textbooks encourage

students to go beyond the book. The app is available to use offline. [ CITATION Pra20
\l 1033 ]
 e-Pathshala is an online learning app by NCERT for classes 1 to 12 in multiple
languages. The app contains books, audios, videos in different languages to
enhance the effectiveness of online learning.
 The National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) portal
provides a host of resources for students and teachers in multiple languages
including books, games etc. The content is for students of class 1 to 12 including
aligned resources for teachers.
 Swayam hosts 1900 complete courses, including teaching videos, weekly
assignments, exams and credit transfers, aimed both at school (class 9 to 12) and
higher education (undergraduate and postgraduate) levels for courses like law,
management and social sciences.
 Swayam Prabha is a group of 32 Direct to Home (DTH) channels devoted to
telecasting of educational programs round the clock and accessible across the
country. The channels air courses for school education (class 9-12), higher
education (undergraduate, postgraduate) as well as for out-of-school children,
vocational education and teacher training. The subjects are from all the
 NPTEL (National Program on Technology Enabled Learning) provides e-leaning
through various web and video course of various streams.

Key Strategies to be Adopted for Enhancing Online Teaching/Learning Experience

Online education has not been included in the curriculum by many institutions. Several
institutions are now persuaded that online education has continued to stay, which will
be part of future academic activities. Digital technologies to be included for learning
management systems, enrolment and academic programs, faculty governance,
assessment of students, etc. The roles of Teacher, student and Parents are equally
important for adopting this, both should change their mind set toward adopting the
same. The pandemic epidemic has confirmed that reform is imminent, and a great
combination of conventional teaching with online mode should be available. The secret

to success in the online teaching learning process is that the system must be accessible
for both students and staff.

Following are the key strategies to be adopted for enhanced Online teaching and

 Sudden switching for online education mode may not be able to host large scale
of new users. The platform may often shutdown because of overload. Thus,
gradual upload of classroom teaching videos in the online platform can be
adopted such that the sessions can be viewed multiple times, as and when they
are accessible.
 Internet connectivity in rural areas should be addressed as the signal
connectivity of various telecoms is the major issue. Government should take
measures for developing infrastructural modifications like Open Wi-Fi areas with
high-speed internet access with at least 4GB data pack per day, should be made
available in public places and villages. Government must provide un-interrupted
power supply to facilitate ease of online teaching.
 Delivery content for the teachers should be trained prior to initiate online
teaching, which gives the clarity in communication and helps to impart
innovative techniques.
 Government must ensure sufficient data network package (i.e., Internet data)
with high-speed internet access to conduct online sessions for minimum of 4
hours per day.
 Interactive animations, presentations, games should be included in the learning
module to avoid the boredom of continuous talking. The course materials should
be made available to students before conducting online session. Students should
be advised to read those contents prior to attending the online session. In online
session, faculty should hold a discussion session on the topic of
uploaded/delivered course materials, thus maintaining interactive sessions.
 University / Institutions should support the developmental activities related to
online teaching and learning for both Faculties and students. Inside University /
Institution campus, there should be online workshops, trainings, conferences to

be scheduled in frequent manner and these should be included in calendar of
 The universities / institutions may implement suitable strategies to encourage
the completion of Projects / Dissertations by the UG / PG students. Universities
must recommend for assigning review-based / secondary data-based projects or
software-driven projects to these students, rather than traditional laboratory-
based studies or field / survey-based assignments, provided the prevailing
 The teachers will be properly prepared and trained to use ICT and electronic
teaching resources to address these obstacles in the future. This helps in
completing some percent of the syllabus through online teaching and remaining
syllabus through classroom teaching.

Conclusion: -

The study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning across the
world concludes that although various studies have been carried out, in the case of
developing countries, suitable pedagogy and platform for different class levels of higher
secondary, middle and primary education need to be explored further. Internet
bandwidth is relatively low with lesser access points, and data packages are costly in
comparison to the income of the people in many developing countries, thus making
accessibility and affordability inadequate. Policy-level intervention is required to
improve this situation. There is need for research in the area of effective pedagogy for
online teaching and learning. There is need to develop the authentic assessment tools
for the feedback and quality delivery.

The lesson learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic is that teachers and students/ learners
should be oriented on use of different online educational tools. After the COVID-19
pandemic when the normal classes resume, teachers and learners should be encouraged
to continue using such online tools to enhance teaching and learning.


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