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PEANUT MARKETING NEWS –September 3, 2021 – Tyron Spearman, Editor (111)

from USDA each Tuesday at 3 PM, USDA - 9 - Mo. loan Average prices
Good til Next day at 12:01 am EST. insp. = Inspected Marketing by type
Week- Aug 31, 2021 Date – 9-1, 2021 Farmer stock tons Date – 8-21-2021
$424.89 per ton/Runners Shelled Runners 2019-20 Crop 2020-21 Crop Runners - $.207- $414 t
$413.05 per ton/Spanish 2020 Crop - $.53- $.55 lb. Date 9-2-2020 9-1-2021 Spanish – none
$427.70 per ton/Valencia 9-1-20 Neg/afla JUM-$.80/.85 Loans 2,341,062 2,435,355 Virginias - $.221 -$442 t
$427.70 per ton/Virginia New Crop – Jumbo -$.55 lb. Redeemed 2,140,117 2,134,277 Average - $.211 - $422 t
Same as last week 9-3-19 Jum $.45 Med, $.45 In Loan 200,945 301,078 Runners –88,339,000
Splits $.44 Estimate 2,748,043 t 3,067,168 t Spanish – none
7-08-2021 (2020 crop) Inspected 2,752,280 t 3,108,567 t Virginias – 31,917,000 #
2021 USDA Peanut Acreage Estimate – 1,587,000 ac. harvested TOTAL –120,256,000 #
Average estimated yield – 4,183 lbs. ac. Production estimate 3,318,000 tons, up 8.2 % DOWN - $0.4ct/lb
2021 Farmer Stock Contracts – $500 per ton /$475 per ton, plus $25 per ton premium on seed and/or High Oleic(HO)
VC – Virginias – Some $500/$520 per ton, + $25 per ton for irrigated, Runners -$475 per ton + $25 for HO/irrigation.
Prices Received by Nov 2020 Dec 2020 Jan.2021 Feb.2021 Mar. 2021 Apr. 2021 May 2021 Jun 2021 Jul 2021 PLC Pmt
Farmers (PLC $.212 $.204 $.205 $.205 $.212 $.214 $.213 $.213 $.216 $.215/$430
2019 Program) $424 ton $408 ton $410 ton $410 ton $424 ton $428 ton $426 ton $426 ton $432 ton $105/85%

PEANUT STOCKS AND PROCESSING REPORT– USDA’s Peanut Stocks and Processing Report was released August 27, 2021
for the month of July 2021, the 12th month of the marketing year.
Peanut stocks in commercial storage as of July 31, 2021 totaled 1.97 billion pounds equivalent farmer stock, compared to
2.21 billion pounds last year, DOWN 7.1%. Total includes 1.28 billion pounds of farmer stock, 5.9% less.
Shelled peanuts on hand farmer stock equivalent totaled 656 million pounds, DOWN 8.6%. Roasted stocks were 31.7
million pounds, DOWN 15% from last year.
Total shelled peanut stocks showed 493 million pounds, DOWN 8.5% with edible grades totaling DOWN 466million
pounds, DOWN 8.6%. Oil stocks totaled 27.2 million pounds, DOWN 6.5% from one year ago.
Edible stocks of shelled peanuts by type, Virginia & Valencia stocks are at 68.9 million pounds, DOWN 7.6% over last
year. Runners were 375 million pounds, DOWN 2.1% and Spanish totaled 22.6 million lbs, DOWN 57.4% from last year.
In JULY, shellers milled 359 million pounds, 4.4% MORE than July, last year.
Commercial processors used 207 million pounds of shelled edible peanuts, about the same a July last year.
Government purchases for Nutrition Programs were UP 504% in Jul vs Jul last year. For the 12-month period,
government purchases are up 2.0%, compared to one-year earlier.
Month(1000 #) Peanut candy Snack peanuts Peanut butter Total edibles In-shell P'nuts
Aug/Jul 2020/21 433,206 505,548 1.448,852 2,460,282 143,664
Aug/Jul 2019/20 395,647 481,430 1,410,264 2,378,908 140,915
UP + 9.5% UP + 5.0% UP + 2.7 % UP + 3.4 % UP + 2.0%
Jul 21 vs Jul 20 DOWN 12.5% UP + 2.7% UP + 3.6% UP +0.4% 11,252
U.S. peanut usage for Aug-Jul is UP 3.4% compared 12 months last year. That is good news. All categories showed positive gains
for the year”, Peanuts in candy, UP 9.5%, peanut snacks are up 5.% and peanut butter UP 2.7%%. The good news is that peanut
usage is holding steady to upward for the 12 months. Buying under the Government Domestic Feeding and Child Nutrition Programs
amounted to 3.9 million pounds of peanut butter and 25,920 pounds of roasted peanuts during July. The annual government buys
were up 20%.
GETTING READY TO GRADE THE PEANUT CROP - As a general rule, Georgia Federal State Inspection Service hires
approximately 1000 seasonal employees each year with half of those being inspectors. So far this year GFSIS has trained 448
inspectors, with 2 additional classes remaining that will bring the total to nearly 550 inspectors. They will hire approximately an equal
amount of assistants in the coming weeks. This year there are 118 active buying points throughout the state.
During the off-season, GFSIS has been conducting some tests on the in-shell moisture meter to determine accuracy. Officials
said, “Our hopes are to have the prototype out in the field for additional testing this season.”

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