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ACADEMIC YEAR 2009 / 2010

Subject : English

Grade : IX (Nine)
Day, date : Selasa, 16th Febr 2010
Time : 07.00 – 09.00

1. Fill in the form of Computer Answer Sheet with your own identity according to instruction.
2. Check and read the test items carefully before you answer.
3. Report to the observer, if there is/are unclear typing, damage or incomplete test item(s).
4. It is not permitted to use dictionary, cell phone, or other facilities.
5. The way to answer the test:
Blacken the correct answer (X) in your answer sheet.
If you want to change your answer, revise the wrong answer by eraser, and then blacken
the correct one.

Choose your answer by sketching option a, b, c, or d on the computer answer sheet.

The following picture is for number 1.

1. The sign means….
A. We should get in the room.
B. The room is only for the staff.
C. We can meet a director in this room.
D. The staff cannot get in.

Read the following text to answer questions 2 and 3.

2. How long will Ashley’s birthday party be
A. One hour
B. Two hours
C. Three hours
D. Two half an hour

3. Where will the party be held?

A. At a restaurant
B. At a garden
C. At home
D. At a hall

The following caution is for questions no. 4 and 5.

For safety reasons, dangerous
articles must not be carried in
passengers’ baggage
4. What does the text above mean? carry their baggage to the aircraft.
A. The aircraft is in danger situation.
B. It is suggested to bring articles for
safety reasons. 5. Where can we find such caution?
C. It is forbidden to bring dangerous A. At the harbor
articles to the aircraft. B. At the airport
C. At the bus station
D. The passengers are not allowed to
D. At the railway station

The following text is for questions no. 6 to 8 .

6. What kind of invitation card is the text

A. A wedding card
B. A birthday card
C. A funeral card
D. A graduation card

7. Whose graduation will be celebrated?

A. Michael Todd Wellington
B. Tiffany Todd Wellington
C. Jeffrey Todd Wellington
D. Denver Todd Wellington

8. Where will the reception of the

graduation be held? At …
A. Jeffrey’s company
B. University of Denver
C. White Cloud Auditorium
D. Michael and Tiffany’s home

The graph is for questions no. 9 and 10.

9. Which statement is true based on the graph
A. Some students watch TV to get entertainment.
B. Most students watch TV to get entertainment.
C. No student watches TV to get knowledge.
D. A few students watch TV to get relax.

10. The graph tells us about ….

A. The number of students who like watching TV
B. The bad impacts of watching TV to students
C. Students who have a TV in their bedrooms
D. Reasons why students watch TV

The following time table is for questions no. 11 to 13.

Train’s Time Table and Ticket’s Price
Name of the train Departure Tickets
1 Argo Bromo 7.30 p.m Rp 110.000,00
2 Argo Lawu 8.00 p.m Rp 120.000,00
3 Argo Muria 8.15 p.m Rp 115.000,00
Note : Passengers are requested to be at the railway station at least 10 minutes before the departure.

11. What time should the passengers be in the railway station if they want to travel by Argo Bromo?
They must be already there …
A. at seven – thirty
B. after seven – thirty
C. at seven – twenty
D. before seven – thirty

12. Based on the table above, which statement IS NOT true?

A. If we travel by Argo Bromo we must pay less money than by Argo Lawu.
B. If we travel by Argo Muria we will pay dearer than by Argo Bromo.
C. Argo Lawu’s ticket is the most expensive train among others.
D. Argo Muria will depart earlier than Argo Lawu.

13. The antonym of word “departure” is …

A. removal
B. arrival
C. exodus
D. leave

The text is for questions no 14 and 15.

If you want to develop your talent in music, come to :


The cozy atmosphere with qualified and fun tutors will

make it easier for you to study either in private or regular
classes of vocal, guitar, and piano courses.
VOA studio also accepts demo and jingle recordings.
Interested? Visit or contact the studio.

VOA Studio
Jl. Klipang Raya no. 222 Semarang
Phone 024-6701234 / 081325555566

14. What is VOA?

A. A course of music and vocal
B. A cozy place to listen to music
C. A course of painting and drawing
D. A place to hold music competition

15. Which one IS NOT the synonym of word “cozy”?
A. Comfortable
B. Pleasant
C. Homely
D. Terribly

The following label is for questions no 16 and 17.

TASTY BISCUITS 16. How much energy do we get if we eat a pack of

Serving size 32,5g Tasty Biscuits?
Serves per pack 1 A. 491 mg
Amount per serving total energy 160 kcal B. 100 g
C. 160 mg
Per serving Per 100g D. 160 kcal
% DV
Total fat 7g 12 20g 17. “ …are based on a 2,000 calories diet”.
Saturated fat 3g 16 10g The underlined word has the same meaning
Protein 2g 3 4,9g with the word ….
Carbohydrate 22g 7 69,1g A. Food
Sugar 12g - 37,8g B. Energy
Sodium 160mg 491mg C. Meal
D. calories
Per cent Daily Values are based on a 2,000
calories diet.

Read the following text to answer the questions no. 18 to 20.

18. How long was Zakiyah’s journey?

A. One hour
B. Two hours
C. Three hours
D. Four hours

19. Why did Zakiyah send the e-mail?

A. To ask Kevin to pick her up
B. To let Kevin know that she is frozen
C. To make Kevin understand that she is angry
D. To inform Kevin that she has left the airport
20. … but it did not work. (line 3). The underlined word refer to …
A. airport
B. the details
C. cell phone
D. e-mail

Read the following time table to answer the questions no. 21 to 24.
France is the second largest country in Europe. It has a population of 58 million.
Paris, the capital city of France, is an international capital for art, fashion, and style. It has
been known as one of the world’s most beautiful cities and a popular tourist destination.
The most famous place in France is the Eiffel Tower. Its height is about 1.063 feet.
The tower has become an icon of both France and Paris.
Another famous place in France is the
Louvre Museum. It is the world’s most visited art
museum, a historic monument and a national
museum of France. One of the museum collections
is the famous Mona Lisa painting.
Most of the people in France like sports.
Some of their favorite sports are rugby, football,
and basketball. Every year, France also hold a
bicycle race called Tour de France . It usually lasts
for 23 days. Cyclists from all over the world take
part. There are similar races in Italy and Spain but
the Tour de France is the oldest, the most
prestigious and the best known.
21. What is Paris famous for?
A. Mona Lisa painting 23. Where can we find Mona Lisa painting?
B. The Eiffel Tower and museum A. At the Louvre Museum
C. Tourism, art, fashion, and style B. At National Museum
D. Italy, Spain, France, and other C. At the Eiffel Tower
Europe country D. At every famous gallery

22. How many days does the Tour de France 24. France also holds a bicycle race. The closest
usually last? meaning of word “hold” is …
A. Two days A. take care of
B. Three days B. carry out
C. Thirty two days C. take part
D. Twenty three days D. have

Read the following text is to answer the questions no. 25 to 27.

Last year my family joined a Lake Toba Tour. It was a trip held by PT Sahid Gema
Wisata Tour and Travel.
On the first day, our troops arrived at Medan. We stayed in a hotel to take a rest. At
eleven o’clock the trip begun, we traveled to Prapat by coach bus. To this place we
transferred via plantation road. The scene was so beautiful that the four hours of journey
was not boring . Finally we boated to the Beach Hotel to spend the night.
On the second day, our troops cruised to Ambarita to see a stone chair. Then,
continued to Tomok to see the Tombs of Sidabutar King. In the evening we had dinner at
hotel and followed Batak Toba Folksong.
On the third day the troop saw the long house of Batak Simalungun King. After that
we visited Gundaling Hill and Fruit Market. We bought markisa juice, the popular drink of
Toba. At seven we had dinner at the hotel, then we went back to Medan.

25. Which statement is true according to the text?.

A. The Tour was followed by Sahid’s Family
B. They went to Ambarita by road
C. They always spent the nights in hotel
D. They enjoyed markisa juice in Gundaling Hill

26. How did they come to Toba Beach Hotel from Medan?
A. by bus
B. by boat
C. by coach bus
D. by bus and boat

27. Why did they feel enjoy to travel to Prapat?

A. It took four hours only
B. They passed through the plantation road
C. They could enjoy beautiful scene along the journey
D. They spent the night at the hotel

The text is for questions no 28 to 30.

One evening, The family was about to have dinner but something rather frightening
The family just sat down at the table in dining room and had called Tony to join them
when three (28… ) men broke in. One of the men pointed a gun at them while others held knives.
The family all were terrified. The men began to grab the worthy thing and put them into a large
The men were so intent on (29….) things that they did not see Linda write the word
‘HELP” on a piece of paper and the next moment she had dropped it out of the window on to the
street below.
A passer-by saw it and called police. (30… ) the police came and caught the armed men
red handed.

28. A. arms
B. armed 30. A. A few minutes later
C. arming B. A later few minutes
D. arm C. A minutes few later
D. A few later minutes
29. A. catch
B. catches
C. caught
D. catching

The text is for questions no 31 to 34.

The boy who cried “wolf”

There was once a shepherd boy who kept his flock at a little
distance from the village. Once he thought he would play a trick on
the villagers and have some fun at their expense. So he ran toward
the village crying out, with all his might ” wolf ! wolf ! come and help
! The wolves are at my lamb.
The kind villagers left their work and ran to the field to help him.
But when they got there the boy laughed at them for their pains;
there was no wolf there.
Still another day the boy tried the same trick, and the villagers
came running to help and got laughed at again. Then one day a wolf
did break into the fold and began killing the lamb. In great fright, the
boy ran for help. “ Wolf ! wolf ! “ he screamed. “There is a wolf in
the flock ! Help !”
The villagers heard him, but they thought it was another mean
trick; no one paid the least attention, or went near him. And the
shepherd boy lost all his sheep.

31. Why was the boy crying out toward the villager?
A. because he afraid of the wolf
B. because he got some pains
C. because he played a trick
D. because the wolf ate his lamb

32. The kind villagers left their work and………….[ paragraph two ]
What does the word “their” in the sentence refer to?
A. villages
B. a boy
C. wolves.
D. villagers

33. What moral value can we take from the story ?

A. The people who lie, even when they tell the truth no one believes them
B. To be a shepherd boy is a good activity
C. The villagers always help each other in their life
D. To keep the lamb, we must have a brilliant trick

34. ……. no one paid the least attention, or went near him
What does the underlined word mean?
A. worry
B. care
C. fright
D. jealous

The following text is for questions no 35 to 38.

Kiwi is a bird that lives in rain forest or steppe.
It is an odd and unique animal from New Zealand. Kiwi is
classified in ordo Apterygiformes, family Apterygidae, and
genus Apteryx. Kiwi also divided into 4 species, they are
Apteryx australis, can be found in 3 main islands of
New Zealand, Apteryx oweni, Apteryx haasti can be found in south islands of New
Zealand, and Apteryx rowi. Kiwi people in New Zealand usually call kiwi as Maori. Each
species of Kiwi also has different name. Like “Puku-Puku Kiwi”, the name of little grey
kiwi, “Roa-Roa” or “Roroa” for Apteryx haasti that has big-brown body, “Rowi” or
“Okarito Brown Kiwi” for Apteryx rowi, and “Tokoeka”, the name of Apteryx australis).
Generally kiwi has 45 cm tall with small wings and no tail in physical. Because
of its small wings, kiwi is included into ratites group or flightless bird group. Its feathers
are grey or brown and their structure is like hair. No wonder kiwi is like a chicken. But
kiwi has a part of body which is not had by chicken. It is a long, slim, and sharp beak. Its
nostril also located on the point of beak. So that kiwi is more special than chicken.
Kiwi is an omnivore. Usually kiwi searches worms, insect, and fruits in the night.
In searching food, Kiwi uses its hearing sense and smelling sense. Therefore kiwi can
be called a shy nocturnal.
In mating season, male kiwi makes a hole under the root of a tree as the nest.
So female kiwi can lays big egg that has mass 25% of female kiwi’s mass there. In this
season usually female kiwi can lays 2 eggs. Because of female kiwi’s heavy task, so in
arranging nest, brooding the eggs, and searching food for its baby is done by male kiwi.
What an odd bird!
New Zealand always gives us the unique and mysterious nature including kiwi
that makes many biologists dizzy about its evolution until now.

35. What is the name of kiwi that has big brown body?
A. Okarito Brown kiwi
B. Puku-puku kiwi
C. Roa-roa
D. Tokoeka
36. What does the second paragraph tell us about?
A. general classification
B. physical description
C. habitual description
D. habitat of kiwi

37. Which statement IS NOT the task of male kiwi?

A. Searching food
B. Arranging nest
C. Brooding eggs
D. Laying eggs

38. Which one of the following statements is TRUE based on the text?
A. Kiwi uses its hearing sense and smelling sense in searching food.
B. Kiwi has long, slim, and sharp beak like the chicken
C. Kiwi is classified into family Apterygiformes,
D. Female kiwi makes her nest and lays big eggs.

The text is for questions no 39 to 41.

AMBASADORS OF Up to know, only a very

LIFE small proportion of people
( one in 30)actually give
blood. Yet sooner or later,
Blood donation saves a life. But one in three of us will need
we have too few donors. it.
Do something amazing today,
give blood and save a life. If you, or one of your loved People who
one, have ever needed give blood are
blood, you already know life savers
how important it is.
Many people today would
not be alive if it wasn’t for
generous and unpaid Call us now on (021)
volunteers who give blood 9876543 to register your
IBS (Indonesian Blood Support) each week to help those in interest and we will contact
Jl. Surabaya No.88 Jakarta need. you to book an appointment.
Give blood and save a life.

39. What proportion of people who actually give blood recently?

A. One in three
B. One in thirty
C. Thirty in one
D. Thirty in three

40. What is the purpose of the brochure?

A. To persuade the readers to donate their blood
B. To inform the readers the number of the dead
C. To inform the readers the benefit of helping those in need
D. To ask the readers to register as the transplantation patients

41. “ …. unpaid volunteer ….” The underlined word means ….

A. A person who offers goods to others
B. A person who can do a professional jobs
C. A person who does without being paid for it
D. A person who likes to do many jobs at the same time

The text is for questions no 42 to 44.

Charging the cell phone is an easy thing to do. First, 42)

…. the travel adapter into the phone. Then plug the adapter into
a standard AC wall 43)….
When the phone is 44) …. charged (the battery icon stops
blinking), unplug the adapter from the power outlet. Finally,
remove the adapter from the phone.
If the battery level becomes low, the phone
automatically turns off. It means you should 45) …. your battery.

42. A. plug 44. A. surely

B. set B. quickly
C. fill C. completely
D. let D. immediately

43. A. income 45. A. Charge

B. inlet B. recharge
C. plug in C. change
D. outlet D. recheck

46. Sari : Can we eat these berries?

Ina : Yes, we can. I like the red berries.
Black berries are edible
Sari : Have you ever tasted them?
Ina : No, I haven’t, and you?
Sari : ….
A. neither I have C. I have, too
B. I haven’t either D. So have I

47.Arrange the following jumbled words to form a good sentence.

put – their – room – entering – out – people – cigarette – most – before – the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The best arrangement is ….
A. 6 – 9 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 8 – 1 – 10 – 7 – 5 C. 2 – 3 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 10 – 7 – 4 – 9 – 6
B. 6 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 9 – 4 – 10 – 3 D. 2 – 3 – 1 – 7 – 5 – 9 – 4 – 10 – 6 – 5

48. Arrange the sentences into a good text!

1. Then, summer was over, winter came. They had nothing to eat. Tom and Terra cried
and sighed. They went to an ant and begged for food.
2. Tom and Terra were two young grasshoppers. They lived together and they
always sang in fine weather.
3. Tom and Terra had to go home. Although too late, they learnt a lesson.
4. The ant said, “I can’t give you anything. But tell me why didn’t you lay some
food for the winter?”
5. The grasshoppers said, ”We sang and sang, we were cheerful.”
6. The wise ant said, ”You sang in summer, now winter comes. We, ants,
neither lend nor borrow. While enjoying today, we think of tomorrow.”

A. 2 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 C. 2 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 3
B. 2 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 3 D. 2 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 - 6

49. Arrange these sentences below into a good formal letter.

1. I am writing in connection with your advert in The Times.
2. Merari Cameras
Skeats Wharf - Milton Keynes
Bucks MK 15 2 NJ
3. Please could you send me your new catalogue of Merari
4. Dear Sir/Madam
5. 26 Bowerham Rd – Lancaster, LAI 2BS
6. 26 January 2010.
7. Christian Tom Black
8. Yours faithfully

The correct arrangement of the text is …

A. 2 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 8 – 7
B. 2 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 8 – 4
C. 5 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 8 – 7
D. 5 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 4 - 7 – 8

50. Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences below?

1. The contest was ready to start, but I hadn’t finished dressing yet
2. I hadn’t fastened my batik sarung yet, but they were already calling us
3. And who would have guessed, we won the first prize
4. When I was in an elementary school, my school organized an Indonesian Cultural Contest
5. At this contest, my friends and I represented our region, Central Java and 6. Presented
”Semarangan” Dance
6. I was very embarrassed and everyone laughed at me, but I kept on dancing and all my friends
supported me
7. Finally, I just tied my sarong with a piece of string
8 .On the stage, I kept thinking that my sarong would come loose, and it finally did.

The best arrangement of the above sentences is …

A. 2 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 7 – 8
B. 5 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 6
C. 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 6 – 3
D. 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 3 – 8 – 7

*******GOOD LUCK********

Read the following text to answer the questions no. 18 to 20.

to :

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