Cdi 6 Midterm Research

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FRANCESCO DE CARRAO He built chimneys
GOVERNOR DUDLEY Prohibited wooden chimneys and thatched roofs
Inflammable materials must have continued long in use
PRESIDENT WASHINGTON despite the law and he considered the fact that dwellings
generally hid stone or brick chimneys
He studied the matter of smoky chimneys on a scientific
basis. He did improve the form of the fireplace opening
by narrowing the width, so that less air could enter on
each side of the fire
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN He spent a great deal of time trying to find a cure for
smoky chimneys
MARCUS IGNATIUS RUFUS First Roman fire brigade
HANS HAUTSH He improved manual pump by creating the first suction
and force pump and adding some flexible hoses to the
JAN VAN DER HEYDEN Invented the fire hose
RICHARD NEWSHAM He further developed the fire engine and pulled as a cart
to the fire scene
GOVERNOR JOHN WINTHROP Outlawed wooden chimneys and thatched roofs
GOVERNOR PETER STUVVESANT He appointed four men to act as a fire warden; they
were empowered to inspect all chimneys and to fine any
violators of the rule
DR NICOLAS BARTON Underwrote the first insurance policy and organized the
first known fire department
PAUL HODGE Designed and built the first-steam powered fire engine
MOSES LATTA Built fire engines that was successfully put into service
during Cincinnati, Ohio fire.
He reduced the schedule of duties of firemen from 4
CAPT JACINTO LORENZO straight days service with 7 hours days off and 15 hours
night off to 48 hours duty and 24 hours off duty
JUAN PONCE ENRILE Created the National Fire Service Council
FCOL JOSE CAJIPE National Fire Service Training Center’s (now known as
the Fire National Training Institute) first training
WILLIAM HAESSLER During his reign, bells were rung by the law at 7:00
evening so that all might cover the fire and extinguish
the light
He coined the name oxygen for the element released by
mercury oxide. He found oxygen made up 20 percent of
air and was vital for combustion and respiration. He also
concluded that when phosphorus or sulfur are burned in
air, the products are formed by the reaction of these
elements with oxygen.
He took the idea of Marcus Ignatius Rufus and built on
it to form the vigils to combat fires and using buckets
and pumps, as well as poles and hooks to tear down
buildings in advance of the flame.

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