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Exercise 1, p. 84

– What company do you represent?

– Sorry, I’m very busy at the moment. Could you phone me a bit later?
– Where are you calling from? / What city are you calling from?
– Can you tell me your phone number and the code for the city you calling from?
– I’ll call you back in two hours.

Exercise 2, p. 84

1. Five-seven-eight-double four-three-two
2. Four-eight-nine-double oh-oh–1
3. Four-five-seven-three-six-double nine
4. Four-oh-one-oh-eight-oh-nine
5. Two-seven-four-eight-three-six-eight
6. Nine-double eight-oh-one-double oh
7. Double four-oh-one-oh-oh-seven
8. Double five-one-nine-six-eight-two

Exercise 3, p. 85

– When are you going to come?

– What time does your plane arrive? I’ll meet you at the airport.
– Shall I reserve a room for you? Have a good trip.
– I’d like to reserve a double room for four nights, from Tuesday, the 18th of
November, to Friday, the 21st of November, inclusive.

Exercise 4, p. 85

– Good morning! Can I get economy flight ticket to Kyiv, on Tuesday, the 7th of
– Are there any seats available on the same flight on Wednesday?
– I’m OK with that. How much does the ticket cost? Are airport taxes included in
the price?

– Could you tell me the flight number? What time is the flight due to depart from
London? And what time does it arrive in Kyiv?
– Thank you very much!


Exercise to the text, p. 88

1. Internet is a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over
the world.

2. The Internet was originally designed for surviving a nuclear war.

3. Most of the Internet host computers are in the USA.

4. The most popular Internet service is e-mail.

5. You have to pay for phone calls to your local service providers a monthly or
hourly fee for sending e-mail messages. Part of this fee goes towards its costs to
connect to a larger service provider, and part of the fee received by the larger
provider goes to cover its cost of running a worldwide network of wires and
wireless stations.


Exercise A, p. 88

1. I want him to call me / I want that he call me

2. Could you tell him to call me?
3. I’ll get him or you
4. Hello. This is (It’s) Vladimir Ivanov speaking
5. I’m sorry. The line is busy
6. Can I help you?
7. He isn’t here at the moment
8. Can I take a message?
9. I’m sorry. He is having a meeting
10. I’ll put you through immediately

Exercise B, p. 88

S: Voronov & Partners. Can I help you?
T: Yes. May I speak to Mr John Conners?
S: I’m sorry, but he is busy at the moment. Can I take a message for him?
T: Yes, please, tell him that Victor Smurov called.

O: He is busy at the moment. Can you ring back later?
P: Yes, sure. Can I call you back tomorrow?
O: Yes, that’s perfect, thank you. Goodbye

M: Hello! It that Marketing and Business Corporation?
N: Yes, who is calling?
M: This is Mr Ivanov, from Voronov & Partners
N: Good morning, Mr Ivanov. What can I do for you?

I: I’d like to speak to John Smith.
J: Just a moment. I’ll find out if she is in.
I: Yes… Ivanov is here.
J: This is John Smith, from Continental Equipment. I’d like some information.

Exercise C, p. 89

American English British English

Corporation Company
Subway Underground
Cab Taxi
Apartment Flat
Downtown City centre
Highway Motorway
Attorney Lawyer
Baggage Luggage
Soccer Football
Railroad Railway
Round-trip ticket Return ticket
Salesman Shopassistant

Ticket-office Booking office
One-way ticket Single ticket
Fall Autumn
Gas Petrol
Schedule Timetable

Exercise D, p. 89

Abbreviations Meaning
NB Important note
i.e. Id est (Latin) = that is
e.g. Exempli gratia (Latin) = for example
p.a. Per annum (Latin) = each year
q.v. Quod vide (Latin) = which see
cf. Confer (Latin) = compare
v.s. Vide supra (Latin) = see above
p.m. Post meridiem (Latin) = after noon
v.v. Vice versa
re Regarding
vs. Versus (Latin) = against
h.a. Hoc anno (Latin) = this year
id. Idem (Latin) = the same
pp Pages
ref. Reference

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