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a. Title, nunber ard date of this specification.

b. Applicable specification sheet nunber, title and date.

c. Applicable specification sheet part nunber (see 1.2.1).

d. Color required (see 3.6.4).

e. Quantity of wire required.
f. Levels of packaging and packing required.

9“ Exceptions, if any, tm tk optional provisions of this specifi-

cation including:

{1) Respnsibili@ for inspection, if other than ?ipecifiedin


(2) Statement, if applicable, that =rtif iukia of conformi~

(see, and will not be accepted.
Statement should incltiletesting schedule b be substituted.

(3) Markingof dielectrictest failuresor irregularities by

stripping of insulatia or by other method specified in tk
contract in lieu of cutting of the wire, if applicable

(4) Special preparatim for delivery requir~ts, if appli-

cxh.le(see Section 5).

6.3 Qualification. With respect to products requiring qualification,

awards will be made only for such prducts as have, prior to tti ti= Set fir
openingof bids, been t&ted and a&nxnmd for inclus%m in the applicable
QualifiedProductsList (mL) whether or not such products have actually been
so listed by that date. The attention of the suppliers is =lled to this
, rerjhiremnt, and ~ufacturers are urged to arrarge to have the products that
tky propose to offer to the Federal Govermnent tested for qualificaticxlin
order that they may be eligible to be aw~ded contra@s or orders for the
products covered by this specification. For all MIL-W-22759 specification
sheets identified on the last page of the docmnts as prepared& the Naval.
Air SystemsCcmmnd (AS),* activityresponsiblefor QualifiedProducts
Listing (the“qualifyingactivity”)is the NavalAir SystemsChmad,
Washington, K 20361-5110. (For the specification skets similarly
- identifiedas preparedby Air Force-85, the activity resgxmsible for Qualified
.- Products Listing is the Air For= Logistics Camnand, Electronic Supprt
DiviSion, 2750 AB@2S, Gentile Air Force Station, Dayton, CEl 4S444-4500) .
However, applimt ion for qualification of products for all specification sheets
should be made to the Naval Avionics Center (Code 444), 6000 East 21st Street~
“-Indianapolis, IN 46219-2189, who has been designated agent for establishing
the Qualified Products List.
.-. .


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