Warlands - Scrambler Quad Bike Stat Pack

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Scrambler Quad Bike

Stat Pack

Turbo-Charged 20mm Miniatures Game

Michael Curry (order #4886323) 6
Scrambler Quad Bike
Stat Pack
Written By: Tony Kenealy

Editor-in-Chief: Jane Kenealy

Layout: Tony Kenealy

Warlands Original Concept and Design: Simon Mackenzie

Photography: Tony Kenealy

Logo: Keith Curtis

Miniatures Sculpting:
Harry Coit

Miniatures Painting:
Kirk ‘Ironblood’ Brownell

© Copyright 2012, All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. No part
of the material or artwork contained herein may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of Aberrant.
Aberrant and the Aberrant logo, Warlands and the Warlands logo are registered trademarks owned by Aberrant.
All trademarks, including all places, names, character names, things and their distinctive likenesses, are the property of Aberrant.
This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons, living or dead, organizations, or to actual companies, products or events, is
purely coincidental.
version 1.0

Michael Curry (order #4886323) 6


Scrambler Quad Bike: 0+ Cost: 12 points

Popular amongst the biker gangs as it carries its own weapon; the Scrambler Quad Bike is fast,
agile and can still pack a punch even with the SMG mounted on the front.

Scrambler Quad Bike

SPEED MV (inches) 45° Turns CMV TN AM DM
Stationary 0 0 0 9
Slow 1-4 3 1” 10 5 3
Cruising 5-10 5 2” 12
Fast 11-16 5 2” 14
Model Type: Vehicle / Bike; Off-Road / Open
Structure: 0
Load-Out: SMG (vehicle mounted)
SMG (vehicle mounted)
Range: 7” Power: 3d6 ROF: 2

Vehicle Options:
May have 1 Warrior as a pillion passenger for additional 2 points.
May add Ablative Armor for additional 3 points.
Vehicle Special Rules:
Up to 3 Quad Bikes may activate in a turn unless Quad Bike Boss is present.
All Bikes Only rules apply to the Quad Bike except Jinking. Quad bikes cannot perform the
Jinking maneuver.
Crew : 1 Driver
3 3 4 10 1 4 4
Gear: Automatic Pistol
Automatic Pistol
Range: Close Combat 5” Power: 1d6 ROF: 2

Crew Options:
May upgrade 1 in every 5 Quad Bikes to a Quad Bike Boss for additional 4 points
Quad Bike Boss
3 4 4 10 2 5 4
Gear: Automatic Pistol, Axe
Automatic Pistol Axe
Range: Close Combat 5” Power: 1d6 ROF: 2 Range: Close Combat only Power: 1d6+1

Quad Bike Boss Special Rules:

A Quad Bike Boss must have at least 4 other Quad Bikes in the unit.
Quad Bike Gang – up to 5 Quad Bikes may activate with the Quad Bike Boss if they are within
12” of the Quad Bike Boss.
Quad Bike Boss will never ride pillion!

Michael Curry (order #4886323) 6

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