Kinematics of Judo Breakfall For Osoto-Gari: Considerations For Head Injury Prevention

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Kinematics of judo breakfall for osoto-gari:

Considerations for head injury prevention

Sentaro Koshida, Takanori Ishii, Tadamitsu Matsuda & Toshihiko Hashimoto

To cite this article: Sentaro Koshida, Takanori Ishii, Tadamitsu Matsuda & Toshihiko Hashimoto
(2016): Kinematics of judo breakfall for osoto-gari: Considerations for head injury prevention,
Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2016.1210194

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Kinematics of judo breakfall for osoto-gari: Considerations for head injury

Sentaro Koshidaa, Takanori Ishiib,c, Tadamitsu Matsudad, and Toshihiko Hashimotoa
Faculty of Health Science, Ryotokuji University, Urayasu, Chiba, Japan; bCentre of Liberal Arts, Ryotokuji University, Japan, Urayasu, Chiba, Japan;
Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Urayasu, Chiba, Japan; dFaculty of Health Science,
Uekusa-Gakuen University, Wakaba-ku, Chiba, Chiba, Japan


Previous studies suggest that increasing the skill level of judokas will decrease the number of head Accepted 1 July 2016
injuries sustained during judo. However, the kinematics are poorly understood, making it difficult to
establish an effective breakfall teaching programme. Therefore, we studied the kinematic parameters of Judo; martial arts; head
breakfall for osoto-gari to identify the risk of judo-related head injuries by comparing experienced and concussion; motion analysis;
novice judokas. This information will provide insight into developing a better prevention plan for judo- injury prevention
related head injuries.
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:16 02 August 2016

A total of 10 experienced and 12 novice judokas volunteered to participate in this study. The
kinematic data of the breakfall motion for osoto-gari were collected using a three-dimensional motion
analysis technique (200 Hz).
We observed a significantly higher peak neck extension momentum in the novice group than in the
experienced group. This suggests that neck extension momentum during breakfall is associated with
the risk of head injuries during judo. In addition, the novice judokas demonstrated a significantly
greater flexed pattern in the trunk and hip movement than the experienced judokas (P < 0.05). The
results suggest that the trunk and lower extremity motion are important kinematic parameters that
determine the skill level in performing the breakfall for osoto-gari.

Introduction injuries (Kamitani, Nimura, Nagahiro, Miyazaki, & Tomatsu, 2013;

Miyazaki, 2012; Nagahiro et al., 2011; Nambu & Noji, 2014). In fact,
The increase in the popularity of judo appears to be related to the
a previous study by Kamitani et al. (2013) reported that approxi-
inclusion of this sport as an official event in the summer Olympic
mately 90% of severe head injuries associated with judo occurred
game in Tokyo (1964), and judo currently ranks among the most
among judokas younger than 20 years of age, with less than
popular oriental martial arts in the world. Recent estimates sug-
3 years of judo experience. Therefore, measures to prevent head
gest that the International Judo Federation (IJF) includes more
injuries during judo participation should be developed to provide
than 20 million individuals from 189 countries that are spread over
a safer environment for young or inexperienced judo participants.
five continents. In addition, the IJF recently commissioned a “judo
Previous studies reported that being thrown with osoto-
for children” initiative that provides a structured worldwide judo
gari, a judo throwing technique, was largely responsible for
programme for children during and after school hours
the most severe head injuries, suggesting that a lack of
(International Judo Federation, 2011). Furthermore, the Ministry
breakfall skills for osoto-gari, particularly among inexperienced
of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan
judokas, is likely a cause for the increased risk of head injuries
mandated instruction in Japanese martial arts, including judo, for
during judo (Kamitani et al., 2013; Miyazaki, 2012; Nagahiro
junior high school students from 2012. In light of the recent and
et al., 2013; Nambu & Noji, 2014; Nishimura et al., 1988).
sustainable growth in the popularity of judo among young and
Osoto-gari involves a thrower pushing an opponent with his/
inexperienced individuals, it is essential to educate athletic direc-
her hands and sweeping out his/her supporting leg, causing
tors, coaches, teachers and health-care providers about injuries
the opponent to fall backward (Imamura & Johnson, 2003;
that frequently occur in judo practitioners, or judokas.
Kano, 1994) (Figure 1). In a parallel motion to the judoka
Participation in judo can induce a great amount of stress on
performing the osoto-gari, the judoka who is being thrown
various anatomical structures during a match or practice, and
executes a breakfall motion, designed to ensure their safety,
injuries can occur at any location in the body (Kujala et al., 1995;
by distributing the applied stress over the extremities and
Pieter, 2005; Pocecco et al., 2013; Souza, Monteiro, Del Vecchio, &
avoiding direct contact of the head to the floor with neck
Gonçalves, 2006). In Japan, head injuries, such as acute subdural
flexion. Previous biomechanical investigations using an
heamatoma sustained during judo participation among young
anthropomorphic test device also demonstrated that the
and inexperienced practitioners, are gaining widespread public
head acceleration associated with the osoto-gari manoeuvre
attention because of the frequency and severity of these types of

CONTACT Sentaro Koshida Faculty of Health Sciences, Ryotokuji University, 5-8-1, Akemi, Urayasu, Chiba 2798567, Japan
© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. Sequence of movements in the osoto-gari technique.

is greater than that for other judo techniques (Hitosugi et al., the University’s judo team and had at least 7 years of compe-
2014; Murayama, Hitosugi, Motozawa, Ogino, & Koyama, 2014). titive judo experience by the time of enrolment in the study.
This may partially explain the greater incidence of head injuries After notifying all the participants of the purpose and risks of
associated with osoto-gari compared with other judo the study, we received written informed consent prior to
techniques. conducting this study. The study protocol was approved by
Several head injury prevention strategies, including protec- the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences,
tive equipment, have been recently proposed for use during Ryotokuji University.
judo (Aiba, Omiya, Iteya, Kamitani, & Tomatsu, 2012;
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:16 02 August 2016

Murayama, Hitosugi, Motozawa, Ogino, & Koyama, 2013). The

use of helmets has been reported to play an important role in Measurements
preventing severe head injuries, such as skull fracture. We assigned 41 reflective markers (diameter: 1.9 cm) to the
However, the preventive effect of a helmet or head gear anatomical landmarks of the participants to define individual
used to prevent concussions is still inconclusive for collision body segments and their three-dimensional motion. Markers
sports (Benson et al., 2013; Harmon et al., 2013; McCrory et al., are placed on the anterior superior iliac spines, greater tro-
2013). The efficacy of such protective equipment for prevent- chanters, medial/lateral knees, medial/lateral malleolus, heads
ing head injuries in judo remains unclear. of the 1st and 5th metatarsals, calcaneal tuberosities, distal
Previous studies suggested that learning the proper phalanx of the 1st digit of the feet, medial/lateral epicondyles
breakfall technique during early judo training is essential for of the femur, lateral costal boarders (10th rib), anterior/poster-
attenuating the risk for head injury (Hitosugi et al., 2014; ior shoulder, manubrium of sternum and its posterior side,
Kamitani et al., 2011; Kano, 1994; Miyazaki, 2012; Nagahiro medial/lateral elbow joints, medial/lateral wrists and the 3rd
et al., 2011; Nambu & Noji, 2014). Therefore, we suggest that metacarpal heads of the hands. Participants were asked to
it is critical to understand the biomechanical parameters of wear tight-fitting spandex shorts and judo clothes to improve
breakfall associated with the osoto-gari throw, particularly the visibility of the attached markers (Ishii, Ae, Kobayashi, &
between experienced and novice judokas, to design a safer Suzuki, 2012) and headgear, to ensure safety during the mea-
and more effective judo teaching paradigm that results in surements (Figure 2).
lower risk of injury. Most studies have demonstrated differ- The measurement protocol included three sets of
ences in the kinematics of the basic breakfall motion (Groen, breakfall in response to being thrown with osoto-gari onto
Weerdesteyn, & Duysens, 2007; Koshida, Matsuda, Ishii, & the mat by one tester (the thrower) who had more than
Hashimoto, 2014; Van der Zijden et al., 2012) but few studies 20 years of experience in judo (with a 3rd-degree black
quantitatively investigated the breakfall kinematics associated belt). The thrower had a left-handed style so the left lower
with osoto-gari between judokas of different skill levels. extremity of the participants was always swept when they
Therefore, we investigated the biomechanics of the judo were thrown with osoto-gari.
breakfall movement in response to osoto-gari and compared
selected biomechanical variables between experienced and
novice judokas. The information will help coaches and tea- Data correction and reduction
chers to establish better teaching strategies for the osoto-gari
Three-dimensional marker trajectory data (200 Hz) were
breakfall motion, thereby preventing severe judo-related head
obtained with a 20-camera Mac3D motion analysis system
(Motion Analysis Corp., Santa Rosa, CA, USA). The marker
trajectory data were then low-pass filtered through a
Methods Butterworth digital filter at a 6 Hz cut-off frequency. We con-
ducted data reduction and processing with a video processor/
computer system (Eva software, Version 5.04, Motion analysis
We recruited 10 experienced and 12 novice male judokas from Corp., Santa Rosa, CA, USA). All data analysis was performed
Ryotokuji University for this study. The group of novice judo- with MATLAB (MATLAB R2014b, The Mathworks Inc., Natick,
kas had no experience in either competitive or recreational MA, USA).
judo, except the physical education class and all attended at Figure 3 illustrates the 15-segment coordinate system, con-
least 10 90-min judo classes offered by the University. In sisting of the head, right/left upper arms, right/left forearms,
contrast, the group of experienced judokas participated in right/left hands, upper trunk, lower trunk, right/left thighs,
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:16 02 August 2016

Figure 2. Appearance of the participants during the measurements.

Figure 3. Marker placement and definition of the segmental coordinate system: The grey circles represent the attached makers, and the white circles represent the
virtual markers.

right/left shanks and right/left feet. The centre of the joint of the as zLtrunk. The trunk joint coordinate system shares its x-axis with
neck, shoulder, knee and ankle were defined as the centre of the the lower trunk coordinate system (i.e., the xTrunk axis is the same
two markers across the joints, whereas the hip joint centre was vector as xLtrunk, and the vector from the centre of the virtual
estimated using the revised estimation method of the Clinical trunk joint to the centre of the clavicle was defined as the
Gait Analysis Forum of Japan (Kurabayashi, Mochiharu, & Kouchi, supplementary vector [sTrunk]). The cross product of xTrunk and
2003). We also defined the virtual joint of the trunk by dividing sTrunk was defined as yTrunk, and the cross product of xTrunk and
the upper and lower trunk at the line connecting the two rib yTrunk was defined as zTrunk. The trunk flexion/extension angle
markers. The neck, trunk, right/left hip and right/left knee joint was defined as the angle formed between two vectors, ytrunk and
angles in the sagittal plane were computed variables in this yLtrunk, in the z–y plane (sagittal plane). In a similar fashion, the
study. For example, the lower trunk coordinate system was neck joint coordinate system was defined as follows: the x vector
defined as follows: the x vector of the lower trunk was defined of the neck joint was defined as the vector from the left to right
as the vector from the left hip joint centre to the right hip joint shoulder markers (xneck). We then created a supplementary vec-
centre. We then created a supplementary vector (sLtrunk) from the tor (sneck) from the clavicle to the centre of the head. The cross
centre of the estimated hip joint centres to the centre of the rib product of sneck and xneck was defined as yneck, and the cross
markers. The cross product of xLtrunk and sLtrunk was defined as product of the xneck and yneck was defined as zneck. The neck
yLtrunk, and the cross product of the xLtrunk and yLtrunk was defined flexion/extension angle was defined as the angle formed

between two vectors, yneck and ytrunk, in the z–y plane (sagittal joint angle curves during the breakfall Our analysis focused on
plane). The definitions of the hip and knee joint coordinate group × bin interaction, a significant interaction was broken
system in this study were adopted from a previous study down with pairwise comparisons for the groups in bins 1–10
(Suzuki, Ae, Takenaka, & Fujii, 2014). using the Tukey’s test. Effect sizes were also calculated using a
Additionally, the head angular momentum in the sagittal partial correlation ratio (partial η2). When the homogeneity of
plane was calculated to estimate the magnitude of the the variables was rejected, the Kruskal–Wallis H test with the
imposed stress to the neck, which may reflect the potential Bonferroni correction was used for the group comparison in
risk of a head injury from breakfall The directions of neck each bin.
flexion, trunk flexion, hip flexion and knee flexion were In addition, Student’s t-tests were performed to compare
defined as positive values in this study. the motion time and the peak angular neck extension
Most head injuries occurred from being thrown during judo momentum during the breakfall motion between the two
when the occipital area of the head made a hard contact with groups. Its effect size was calculated using Cohen’s (1988) d.
the judo mat (Nagahiro et al., 2011; Nishimura et al., 1988). Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05 in this study.
Therefore, we speculated that the magnitude of neck exten-
sion momentum was an important biomechanical parameter
that distinguished between the high and low skill of the
breakfall The neck extension momentum was defined as the The mean (range) for age (19.9 [18.0–22.0] and 21.3 [21.0–22.0]
sum of the angular momentum around the virtual neck joint years, respectively), height (1.68 [1.59–1.84] and 1.74 [1.69–
and the angular momentum around the centre of the head in 1.80] m, respectively) and weight (70.1 [56.6–84.7] and 71.3
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:16 02 August 2016

this study (Tangi, 1995). For the calculation, we first computed [62.0–81.9] kg, respectively) were measured for the experi-
the angular momentum of the head in the global coordinate enced and novice groups. The mean (range) number of years
system using the following formula: of judo experience in the experienced group was 11.1 (7.0–
18.0). The mean ± standard deviation motion time in the
P ¼ mv
analysed phase of the breakfall motion was 0.64 ± 0.06 s in
Lk ¼ r  P the experienced judokas and 0.69 ± 0.08 s in the novice
judokas (P > 0.05).
where P and m represent the linear momentum and the mass Figure 4 presents the between-group differences of the
of the head segment, respectively. In addition, v represents neck, trunk, right/left hips and right/left knee angles during
the relative linear velocity from the head segment to the neck. the breakfall for osoto-gari. We confirmed the homogeneity of
Finally, Lk and r represent the angular momentum and the variance in the head, trunk and hip angle data. The statistical
position vector of the centre of the head relative to the neck analysis revealed that there were no significant differences in
joint. We then calculated the angular momentum around the the neck or right hip angles between the experienced and
head segment using the following formula: novice judokas (neck: F = 0.188, df = 1, P = 0.669; right hip:
F = 0.627, df = 1, P = 0.438).
Lh ¼ Iω In addition, we found significant interaction effects in the
trunk and left hip (trunk: F = 3.770, df = 9, P < 0.001,
where Lh represents the angular momentum around the cen-
η2 = 0.159; left hip: F = 6.1921, df = 9, P < 0.001, η2 = 0.257)
tre of the head segment. In addition, l and ω represent the
between the groups. The pairwise comparison revealed that
moment of inertia reported in the study by Ae (1996) and
there were significant differences in the trunk angle from a
angular velocity of the head segment, respectively. Finally, the
10–30% time of osoto-gari movement and from a 50–80%
neck extension momentum is calculated as the sum of Lk and
time of osoto-gari movement (P < 0.001, except for a 30%
Lh. The angular momentum of the neck extension was repre-
time of osoto-gari movement), indicating that trunk flexion
sented as a negative value in this study.
angle in the novice judokas are greater than that in the
We analysed the breakfall motion from the time when the
experienced judokas throughout the breakfall motion for
thrower’s leg first touched the participant to the time when
osoto-gari except during the end of the motion phase.
the head of the participant was at the lowest position on the
Moreover, there was a significantly greater left hip flexion
vertical axis. The kinematic data were normalised to 100% and
observed in the novice judokas from a 50–90% of osoto-gari
then divided into 10% mark slices. The averaged data for each
movement in the breakfall motion (P < 0.01) (Figure 4), which
bin was used for statistical group comparisons.
differed from that in the experienced judokas. The hip angle
began flexing at the early phase and the flexion angles
throughout the entire motion maintained an increase in the
Statistical analysis
novice judokas. In contrast, in the experienced judokas, the
All statistical analyses were performed with R, a free statistical hip angles remained in an extended position until the latter
software package ( First, Levene’s test phase of the motion.
was performed to confirm the homogeneity of the variance Because the homogeneity of variance in the knee data
within the kinematic data. After homogeneity was confirmed, could not be confirmed, a Kruskal–Wallis H test with
a repeated measures mixed model with fixed effects regarding Bonferroni correction was performed to compare the angle-
the group, bin number (10 levels) and their corresponding time data of the knee joint between the two groups. We found
interactions was performed to test for group differences in a significant difference in the right knee data from 50% to 90%
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:16 02 August 2016

Figure 4. Mean (standard deviation) angle–time plots in the 10% bins of (a) the neck, (b) trunk, (c) right and (d) left hip and (e) right and (f) left knee during the
breakfall motion for osoto-gari. The solid lines represent the data for the novice judokas, whereas the dotted lines represent the data for the experienced judokas.
The vertical lines for standard deviation represent only the positive or negative direction. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, †P < 0.005, ††P < 0.001 (performed only pairwise
comparisons of groups in bins 1–10).

time of osoto-gari movement between the experienced and

novice judokas (P < 0.005). The right knee flexion angle
increased from the beginning of the throw and remained in
a flexed position in the novice judokas, whereas the knee
flexion angle gradually changed and remained in a less flexed
position throughout the entire motion in the experienced
judokas. On the other hand, there were no significant differ-
ences in the left knee angle in any time bin between the
groups (P > 0.005).
Finally, the mean peak angular momentum of neck exten-
sion in the novice judokas (−1.29 ± 0.23 kg·m2 · s–1) was
significantly greater than that in the experienced judokas
(−0.78 ± 0.28 kg·m2 · s−1) (t = 4.618, df = 20, P < 0.001,
d = 1.902) (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Mean (standard deviation) peak neck extension momentum during
Discussions the breakfall motion for osoto-gari: ††P < 0.001.

Our findings demonstrated that the peak angular momentum

of the neck extension in the novice judokas was significantly (Hitosugi et al., 2014). Therefore, the judo breakfall skill for
greater than that of the experienced judokas. This suggests lessening the angular momentum of the neck extension may
that the kinematic parameters can differentiate between high play an important role in reducing the risk of such injuries.
and low breakfall skills associated with the osoto-gari throw. The results of the present study also suggest that the skill
There is a high incidence of severe and potentially life-threa- level of judokas in performing breakfall for osoto-gari can be
tening injuries sustained by inexperienced and young judo differentiated using the analyses of the trunk and lower extre-
practitioners (Kamitani et al., 2013; Nagahiro et al., 2011) mity kinematics. The pairwise comparison revealed that the
combined with the major cause of the head injuries due to trunk and swept side hip maintained a straight position in the
direct head contact with the mat at a high angular velocity experienced judokas. On the other hand, the novice judokas

tended to take a more flexed position, especially from the A particular limitation of this study is related to the fact that
middle to late phase of the motion, suggesting that such hip we were not able to obtain reliable kinematic data for hand
and trunk kinematics reflect the skill level of the judo breakfall movements because of the limited performance of the placed
for osoto-gari. It is also notable that a comparison of the mean cameras. Hashimoto, Ishii, Okada, and Ito (2015) recently
angle plots of the right knee revealed significant differences demonstrated that the impulsive force generated by hand
between the two groups. The right knee (the opposite side of contact may greatly contribute to the decrease in the impulse
the swept leg) flexion angle in the novice judokas increased force of the head during the breakfall motion, suggesting that
from the beginning of the throw and remained in more flexed our group differences in the peak head extension momentum
position throughout the entire motion than that in the experi- resulted from, in part, the different skill level of the hand
enced judokas. motion. In future studies, we aim to analyse the biomechanical
The flexing of the trunk, hip and knee that was frequently difference of the hand motion between judoka groups.
observed in the novice judokas appeared to be similar to the In addition, the difficulty in performing breakfall and the
“squat protective mechanism” that is observed during falls in perception of injury risk by being thrown with osoto-gari may
the elderly (Robinovitch, Brumer, & Maurer, 2004; Sandler & lead to a judoka’s fear of being injured, thereby affecting the
Robinovitch, 2001). Previous studies have reported that flexing results of the present study. However, a recent study (Koshida,
the lower extremities as one squats during the descent phase Ishii, Matsuda, & Hashimoto, 2016) demonstrated that there
of the fall enables the involved muscles to absorb the poten- was no significant difference in the breakfall kinematics for
tial energy and attenuate the impact force in a backwards fall. osoto-gari between novice judokas with and without per-
In the case of the judo breakfall for osoto-gari, however, the ceived fear when being thrown, assessed with a five-point
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:16 02 August 2016

lower extremities are unlikely to produce a breaking force with Likert scale. Although psychological factors should be taken
the squatting response against the backward fall. This is into consideration, it appears that biomechanical differences
because the judoka’s entire body is typically in mid-air while primarily reflect the skill level of the judokas. Finally, even
falling backwards in osoto-gari. Furthermore, from a biome- though the epidemiological findings revealed that the risk of
chanical standpoint, the flexed position may have been asso- head injury is much greater in novice judokas (Kamitani et al.,
ciated with greater angular momentum due to the possible 2013; Miyazaki, 2012; Nagahiro et al., 2011; Nambu & Noji,
decrease of the moment arm distance around the centre of 2014), our participants had no history of either severe or
mass of the body. This would result in a greater risk of direct mild head injuries sustained during judo. Therefore, we may
head contact with the judo mat. Although further biomecha- also need to prospectively investigate whether biomechanical
nical analysis is required to prove this hypothesis, we believe characteristics found in the present study are associated with
that maintaining a straight posture during the breakfall for the risk of head injuries in judo.
osoto-gari plays an important role in decreasing the risk of
judo-related head injuries associated with osoto-gari.
Numerous judo instruction documents have pointed out Conclusion
that neck flexion is an important feature of the breakfall motion
to ensure the safety of judokas (Kano, 1994). Our result partially The present study demonstrated that peak neck extension
supports this notion, indicating that better breakfall skill for moment during the breakfall motion in the novice group was
osoto-gari may reflect lower neck extension momentum during greater than that of the group of experienced judokas. We also
the breakfall motion in the experienced judokas, suggesting found significant differences in the movement patterns of the
that neck strengthening plays an important role in decreasing trunk, left hip (i.e., the swept side) and the right knee (i.e., the
the risk of head injury during judo. In addition, the difference in unswept side) between the groups, indicating that the novice
a trunk flexion angle between the groups became insignificant judokas exhibited a significantly greater flexed position during
in the end of the breakfall, indicating that novice judokas may the breakfall motion. Therefore, these kinematic parameters may
not have been able to hold their trunk position against force be associated with the incidence of judo-related head injuries. In
applied by the body contact to the mat. Therefore, trunk stabi- order to prevent severe head injury from occurring during judo,
lity may also be associated with breakfall motion skill for osoto- coaches may need to pay more attention to trunk and lower
gari. However, the potential association between the neck and extremity kinematics as well as the neck when teaching breakfall
trunk muscle function and the risk of head injury (e.g., concus- techniques for osoto-gari to novice judokas
sion) during judo warrants careful consideration. This is parti-
cularly the case because limited studies have examined and
supported this relationship in the basic judo backward breakfall Acknowledgement
motion (Koshida et al., 2014) or even in other contact sports
We would like to thank nac Image Technology Inc. for their support
(Benson et al., 2013; Mihalik et al., 2011). Koshida et al. (2014)
during the data collection. We also extend our acknowledgment to
reported that there were no significant differences in electro- Yohei Nomura and Tomoaki Okamura for their cooperation.
myographic activities of the neck (stenocleimastoid muscle)
and trunk (external oblique and rectus abdominis muscles)
during the basic judo backward breakfall motion between the
skilled and novice judokas. Therefore, for future studies, rela- Disclosure statement
tionships between neck strength and head injury risk during The authors declare that we have no conflicts of interest in the authorship
judo should be investigated. or publication of this contribution.

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