TVNL - 10G Switch - Wo - 066 - 24.01.2021

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R.I: Uc8/GsD/Prollcr/1lrc switch/2o21l06,5 lanqa.y 24,2021

Tedr vall.y Nltwort! Limlt d

Paragon House, (9d Floo.),5 MohakhaliCA, Dhaka-l212.

Attention: Mr. Sh.ikh Md. Rafiqulklam, AGM, Business Op€mtion. (+88 018 3333,0291)

Subjett work order for sopply, lfftellatlon, Teni.g .nd Ha.doEr of 02 (Twol qnits '10G switdr' to b€ uled at nD of UCa[ at
a Total cost of raka ,.2tt1,06o.00 (s€venty lwo lac Forty One lhoosand Slxty) only lndudlnt VAT .nd AIT with Oa lFoor)
zoom U.€nst for 01yc.. * fre & 1d( n.frndeble Performanc. euaEntee (RPGI to b. R.t in.d by UGBL in the form
ot 8.nk Guallnte llcl for the Entire€nsiir€ Warrentv P.riod ol 03 llhr€.I Ye..!-


Referenceourdlscussionsand negotiatiors followed byyourquot€d pice offer dated la nuary 11,2021onthe subject.

ln this connectton we are slad to inform you that yoor revised offer confrming Produ€t Specifications, lerms & Conditions, Cost
Breakdown etc. fo.Supply,lnstalktion, Testin8and Handoverof 02 (Two) onits "10G Switch" to be used at ITD of UCBL ata TotalCost
of laka 7,241,060.00 (seventy lwo Lac Fo.ty OneThousand Sixty)only including vAI, and AIT with 04 (Four)zoom L,censei for 01year
as free & 10% Refundable Pe.formance Gu.rantee {RPG} to be R€tained by UCBL in th€ fom of Eank GuaGnt€e (86} for the Entn€
Comprehensive war€nty Period of 03 (Three)YeaE.

Accordingly, hercby pleased to issue you this work O.derfor Supply, rnstallation, Te5tiq and Handover of 02 Crwo) unit5 "10G
Switch" to be ued at ITO of UCBL at a Total Cost of Taka 7,241,060.00 {Seventy Two Lic Forty One Tholsa nd sirty) only including VAT,
and AIT with 0a (Four)Zoom Licen5e for Ol year a3 free & 10% Retundable Performance Gu.rantee (RPG)to be Retained by UCBL ln the
form of Bank GuaB.te€ (BG)forthe Entlre Comprchensive warenty Period of03 Crhree) YeaR.

P1..5. put your Companfs iuthoriEd repr€!€nt tiwt Sllnaturc alongwlth oflIclal S.alon th€ dupll.rt€ copy ot ttls worl Onlcrand
.dum it to U3 lnm€dhtcly ri ritn of your ac.€E n.!.

ror UC8l rT Otuislon Onlv. PleaE make sure that all products are supplied, hstalled, Tested and Handed Over to you as per your
sch€duied date by M/5. Tlch vall€y €tworls Limited ensuri.t 100% compliance of attached produrt specffic.tion from Tech valley

EncloiGd fiotrl 0l tatel:
1 Product sp€cifiction includins Cost and lerms & Conditions (1 Pat€).

United Commercial Bank Limited
CorpoEte Oflice: Plot-CWS(A)-1, Road No-34,
Gdshan Averue, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh, I
Phone: +880-2-55668070,.18809610999999, Emair ;
coN Sllc-cgsort&ta : smc-NcD citalvst 95!o 4&!on toc bundle, Nerwo.l u.h f,.vicp
P! L,A9T : : Pim€ lnfiastructurcLilEd.l. & aru6r.e Tem - Sman U.
DI.LJASAP-T-3Y : plDa I'c60rUfecy(le&A!:uonLe Term lv
C950GNW-A : C95@ Nelwo.k st.ct, Adv.ntage
c95@NM-3X 95m ax rcGE ftetwork Modlle
S95{OUK9173 : Ciso Calalyst95m XE 17.3 UNIVIRSAL
:9s0w Ac c6ntu { Power suoolv frcnr ro b..l
:950W AC Co.fir 4 Pow.rSuoDlvfiont lo ba.k
: C.binetlumler PowerCod,250 VAC 13a, C1+C15 Conneclo6
: C95@ DNA AdvantaSe, Tem licenss
: ci*o caralvri 95m DNA advrn

: 1oGaASE-SR sFP Module

: &G&qsE SR sfP Module
u. Prk. IElldlnS vaT, ar ll. t: lrenn rhourhd FIE Hundrert rhlrtv) onlv.
3,510,530.6 Fhi.ty sfi
Tod Pn.. 02 unlts in.lodlq vAT, AIr Tl. 7,2a104r.@ {S.Eniy Teo L:. Forty On. Thous.nd Stdy) onlv.

Terms & Condltlons:


1 Te.h V.lley to perform and coftplete thejob dnectly and NO third partyv€nture or!ub'

2. 3 YeaR comorehensive warrantv oeriod coverine both !art5 & la bour.

3. P.rfomenc. Gu.Ente. Tech vaileyto sLrbmit 10% (Ten PercentileloflotalBillin the form of BankGuaEntee {8G)
(TPG) acceptable to ucBLas R€fundable Performance Guarantee IRPG) failing which the same
amount shall be deduded from the Bill, RPG will be retained by ucBL for the Entlr€
Comprcn€osiE warenty P€riod of3 {Ihr.6) Y.aBand be r€leas€d aftersaid Warra.ty
Period if no faultsere detected durinrthistim€.
L.h Valley to bear All Govt. Taxes e.g, All VAT and any othe. admissible charges as
aDolicable and as amended bvlhe authorivfrom time to time.
5. Payment to be made by UCBL after Successful Supply, hstailarion, lmplementation,
Testin& Commiseioning and Handover of S€rver and on submission of all related
documents copies e.g. Ori8inal Bill, Challan, BG, Copy of work Order & User satisfaction

6. NOadvance oavment 5hallbe orovided to Tech vallevforanv reason wh.tso.ver-

7, NO extra payment shall be provided to Tech Valley for Transportation, Accommodation,
Food or anv other reason wh.tsoever.
8. Tedr valley to deliver the Produd 12 weels from Work order. 04 10G poned3upport
swit.h (02 qtv.) will b€ Drcvide du m int€rim oeriod of oricinal ordered deliverv.
9. work Order validity sha ll be up to the ma(mum period of 30 (Thirty) Days afte. payment
10, P.nelty for Loir / D.h.t€ ot UclL Anv Lo$ / Damage /
to.ny Asset Propeo of UCBL caused by Tech valley dlring
lnstallation / Re-installation, subsequent Maintenance, Repair, Replacement etc. of.ny
svstem shallmake eood bv Tech Valle! itselfatown cost.
11. lf Valley Cannot Deliver the Product within stipulat€d time, p€nalty at the .ate of
0.1% (Zero Point One Perceit)of the totalcostfor each day of delay shallbe deducted. tn
case of unosually long delay, UCBLshallhave the rightto cancelthis WorkOrderforfeitins
the RPG includinginstalled items in favor of ucBL with option to 8o for compensation law
suit asainst T€ch V.llev.
t2 Condltlons Ior xo Penalty for DGlay lfprciectcannot be completed within stipulated time foranyreasons beyond the contror
and / or responsibility ofTG.h v.lley Ltd. ordue to acts ofGod; NO p€nalty, as
mentio.ed in Pa.a 09 aboveshallbe deduded.
13. Modifqtlon / Can@ll|tiotr of wort ucBL resetues $e rishr to modity or cancerthe work order i. full o. in pan without
assi8ning any reason whatsoever.

United Commercial Bank Limited
Corporate OFtice; Plot-CWS(A)-1, Road No-34, '?)'"^ Page Z of 2
Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh, ;
Phoner +880-2-55668070, +8E09610999999, Email B

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