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What is the problem you are trying to solve?

The current global socio-economic status quo is a vicious cycle of growth and environmental
degradation and resource depletion. The positive temporal effects of growth hide the eventual
collapse of the whole system and the only stabilizing loop is that, as environmental degradation
becomes ever more obvious, awareness rises and that dampness consumption and unhealthy
behavior patterns. The point of awareness might be a leverage point to increase the damping
effect and to try to stabilize the system.

Design question

How to raise awareness of and reduce the environmental footprint of young middle-class people?

Ultimate impact

Total awareness and appropriate behavior of the public of the link between lifestyle and
environment degradation

What are the aspects of the challenge that you already know a lot about? What are your

I have direct contact with the target group

People are good and want to do good social pressure is against appropriate behavior

People to learn from

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