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Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute

Author(s): P. M. Mehta
Review by: P. M. Mehta
Source: Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Vol. 30, No. 1/2 (January-
April 1949), p. 162
Published by: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
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Accessed: 22-06-2016 00:39 UTC

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Kottayam 1946 ( 2nd Edition )

" The Ayurvedic treatments of Malabar " is a useful book

dealing with the inunction and sudation therapies in all their varied
aspects. The five modes of purification known as Panchakarma
are current still in Kerala. These Snehana, Svedana, Basti and
Sirobasti are things that are little in vogue in other parts of India.
Their descriptions are only in books» The present book serves a
Very useful purpose in giving practical details of these therapies
with descriptive diagrams. It is hoped that before long these whole-
some measures become coitfmon throughout the country and
thus contribute to the material advancement of the practice of
Ayurveda and to the general welfare of society. The book is well
printed and got up and contains a small foreward by Dr. Ravi
Varraa the wellknown champion of Ayurveda in Kerala. The book
is wellworth reading.
P. M. Mehta.

TANTRA YUKTI, Publishers - Vaidyasarathi, Kottayam.

This small booklet is a useful contribution to Ayurvedic litera-
ture. The author of this is one Neela Megha of Gokarna in the
Cañara district on the west coast of India. Neither the time nor
other circumstances ot his life are available. But the book is an
explanation in verse and prose of the various logical and other
technical terms used by dialecticians of medicine. These terms
are a special class by themselves and have a logico-medicai connota-
tion. They are skill and cryptic exposition of medical subjects.
Their definite understanding is necessary to the clear interpretation
of the aphoristic texts of Ayurveda. Caraka enumerates some
thirty-six of these technical phrases. tc Tantra-yukti " means just
' technical phrases. ' Other authors have enumerated a larger or a
smaller number of them. The book is useful for the student and
teacher of the dialectic of Ayurveda and for the general reader too.
P. M, Mehta.

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