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Nama : Muh Rezki Nurfajar Azis

Prodi : Ners Kelas A

1. Your friend finds someone feels difficult to breath. How do you give instruction to your
a. Immediately move the patient to a safe place and let him rest.
b. Help the patient to position his body as comfortable as possible, either by sitting,
standing, or lying down.
c. Loosen the patient's clothing.
d. Do not give any food or drink, and help sufferers to take their personal medications, such
as asthma relievers.
e. Accompany the patient until medical help arrives. Avoid assuming that the condition is
good even if the complaint has subsided.
f. If the sufferer of shortness of breath has previously had an injury to the chest and neck,
avoid excessive movement.
g. To overcome shortness of breath due to choking, immediately perform the Heimlich

2. Your friend finds someone unconscious on the street. Help your friend with your best
1. Move the unconscious person to a safe and comfortable location. For example, if you
faint on the road, try moving the person to the side of the road. If the fainting is caused by
the heat, move the person to a more shady place and make sure he gets some fresh air.
2. Ask others for help to contact the nearest ambulance or hospital.
3. Check the condition of the unconscious person, call the person and see if he or she can
respond or answer the call. In addition, also note whether the person can breathe and
there is a pulse in his neck.
4. Position on your back and raise your legs about 30 cm higher than your chest. This action
aims to restore blood flow back to the brain. People who faint on a seat are also advised
to lie down on the floor or a flat surface.
5. Don't forget to loosen his clothes, so he can breathe easier and more comfortably.
6. When conscious, give him a sweet drink, such as sweet tea. Sugary drinks can increase
blood sugar and provide the body with the energy it needs.
7. If he vomits, tilt his head so he doesn't choke and the vomit doesn't hit him.
8. If the person remains unconscious for several minutes, is not breathing, or has no pulse,
then you will need to give artificial respiration and CPR while waiting for the ambulance
to arrive.
3. Your patient can’t move her/his body. Give your best instruction to your patient.
I will do Range Of Motion (ROM) is an exercise to move body parts to maintain flexibility
and joint movement ability.
a. Active ROM exercises
Exercise by asking the client to use muscles to perform independent movements.
b. Active-assisted ROM exercises
Independent movement exercises with the assistance or assistance of nurses or other
health workers.
c. Passive ROM exercises
ROM exercises performed by nurses or other health workers for clients who are unable or
have limited movement.

4. Your friend calls you at midnight that his/her friend fall from the stair. Your friend needs
your instruction.
a. Check for injuries. The first thing that needs to be done is to check whether the person
has a certain injury or not. If the person is injured immediately call for help and remain
calm while waiting for help, you can call 119 for an emergency.
b. Try to stand. If there is no injury and the person is able to stand, sit for a while before
trying to stand up, if the muscles in the joints are sore, stiff or weak do not force yourself
to stand up, call for help immediately.

5. There’s a new patient come in the ward that you stay in. You are a doctor. Give your
instruction to nurse ?
Good morning nurse Dewi, there is a new patient who will enter our room, please prepare the
files related to the admission of new patients, thank you very much nurse Tanti.

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