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Name: Mikee M.

Viovicente Section: Grade 12 – Grace


1. Yes.
2. An evolution of monkey progressively turning into an upright human figure.
3. Anthropology

Let’s Do this! Essay Way…

If I am an Anthropologist, I'm going to take an interest in the Filipino courting culture and
Filipinos value traditions and culture

As an anthropologist, I chose the courting tradition as the object of my interest because I have
not witnessed it as a millennial. I think I can build an image in my mind of how the courting tradition has
been performed before and how it has evolved over time by researching the courting tradition of
Filipinos. What inspires me most to be interested in it is the tales of the ancestors about how serious
and genuine the courting tradition of Filipinos was before.

Filipinos value traditions and culture. It's really important to learn these. For Filipinos, traditions
in their home and in their family are important. They usually set aside a specific day for a certain
celebration like festivals, birthday parties, reunions, etc. And of course, every gathering is dedicated to
keeping up with each other over sumptuous food.


1. Anthropology provides the possibility to study every aspect of human existence. The biological
species to which we human beings belong. it is the window into the unknown. anthropology
provides the answer to our questions about ourselves, our past, present and future.
anthropology helps to connect everyone from around the globe.
2. The things I need are my health, my family, food, education and my wellness. The things that I
want are big house, a nice car, a big enough budget for the family, be more productive with
each minute of the day, and Visit every country.

Let’s Do this! Essay Way…

1. Microeconomics – How young girl plans a budget for purchasing their first family home. The
young girl come as a single unit to look at her finances and come up with a plan to save enough
money for a down payment, as well as a plan for how large of a house she will be able to
realistically afford. They look at her combined income and determine where to allocate her
funds based on her needs, such as current bills and debts, and she wants, such as dining out or
Macroeconomics – economic growth and productivity and aggregate demand and supply.
2. Student enables to understand past, future and current models, and apply them to societies,
governments, businesses and individuals.


1. If someone give me a money or give me an allowance. I will save that money so that if I want to
buy something, I can buy it.
2.  Geography is the study of locations and the connections between individuals and their
environments. It seeks to understand where things are discovered, why they are there, and
how, over time, they evolve and change. The analysis of the earth's characteristics and the
position of the planet's living beings.

Let’s Do this! Essay Way…

1. Our environment has strong safety and security and also it gives us happiness.
2. The significant event that happened in my birthday is the day that the International Grand
Reunion of my father’s side is same celebration as my sweet 16 th birthday.


1. The fields of geography are location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and
2. Geography is to develop the knowledge and understanding of where we live, other places, how
people and the places interrelate Earth’s surfaces and processes that shape it.

Let’s Do this! Essay Way…

Political History - the analysis of political processes, leaders, movements, events etc. It is concerned
with the rise and fall of different political systems as well as political leaders throughout varied
incremental phases of history.

Women’s History - the role of women throughout the major and transformative events in the world
history. It focuses on the history of feminism as well as renowned women in different fields of study
from science, arts, literature to politics.

Social History - is concerned with the lived experiences of the past. It is the history of people, their
customs, traditions, experiences etc. in relation to the major events of the past.

History of Science - the study of the development of science, including both the natural and social
sciences. The emergence and development of systematic knowledge.

Economic History - aims to understand the different economic processes of the past and how they
impacted different economies around the world. It is the study of markets, industries, means of
production, consumption, working classes etc.

Environmental History - concerned with the environment and its different components. It studies the
effects and influences of human activity and interaction on the shaping of the environment and vice

Art History - the different visual art forms such as sculptures, paintings, architecture, drawings etc. in
the context of their time of creation.

Intellectual History - the development and evolution of ideas. It is the study of the thoughts and ideas of
different thinkers and how these played a role in the shaping of history.

Diplomatic History - this branch of history deals with diplomats, diplomatic acts and processes, and
relations between two or more nations.
Cultural History - It is the study of various aspects of culture including beliefs, ideas, traditions, rituals,
language etc. This branch of history analyzes the contributions of these aspects in the creation of
cultural identities.

Food History - deals with culinary science in terms of different cultures and its evolution, origins,
development, methods and techniques of cooking and its importance, it also studies and analyzes the
sociological, cultural, economic and environmental impacts of food.


1. Linguistics is the scientific study of language. By looking at its shape, structure and meaning, it
includes studying the many different aspects that make up human language.
2. The three fields of Linguistics are Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics.
3. It is a very important aspect of our everyday lives that the role of language is to speak, to
communicate with each other. Language enables us to communicate with others our concepts,
emotions, and feelings. It has the ability to create, but also to break down, communities.

Do this!

1. Lodi – Idol (Hippie) lAbqCkyOuHh – I love you (jejemon) otw – on the way
Petmalu – malupet (Hippie) warla – fight or war (gay lingo) (text language)
2. “iba ka talaga lodi”
“petmalu ka talagang sumayaw!”
“I always lAbqCkyOuHh!”
“Don't even try me—gusto mo ba ng warla?!”
“I am otw to mall”


1. Political Science is a state and government related science. It deals with the nature and
formation of the state and tries to understand various forms and functions of the government. It
deals with the people and their order.
2. Political Science keeps a great impact in our practical lives. In fact it deals with almost all the
necessary things which are related to our day to day life. It Explain political and legislative
processes so that people can be more informed about policies that affect their communities,
states, and the nation.


1. The word “psychology” comes from two specific Greek words—psyche, which means “soul,”
“life,” or “mind,” and logia, which means “the study of.” Simply put, psychology is the study of
the mind.
2. Lion – sharp teeth, hunter and huge.
Eagle – rarest bird in the world, golden feathers, and unique eyes.
Ocean – salty, deep blue and relaxing.


As this data it is creating a strategy for a marketer. These are easily accessible, marketers have gained
popularity to gather and analyze immense data in brief periods. These data dividing the target audience
will help a marketer design an accurate marketing plan that will yield productive results. It will reducing
cost and time invested in developing and implementing a marketing strategy as all marketing efforts will
be carefully calculated according to the various segments.


Grade 12 – Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences
Subject Teacher: Marylou J. Coloma

Name: MIKEE M. VIOVICENTE Score: ___________

Year & Section: GRADE 12 – GRACE Date: February 16,
Test I. Identification. Fill in the blanks.
1. Comes from the Greek and means literally, “description of the Earth". Geography
2. Studies and analyzes the individual's behavior and mental processes, encompassing all aspects of
conscious and unconscious experience, as well as thinking. Psychology
3. The first person to use the word geography. Eratosthenes
4. The study of various aspects of human beings within past and present societies. Anthropology
5. The statistical study of populations, fundamentally of humans. It is dedicated to analyzing any type of
dynamic population that changes over time or space. Demography
6. The father of Psychology. Wilhelm Wundt
7. The father of modern linguistics. Noam Chomsky
8. The father of economics. Adam Smith
9. The Holistic Science of man. Anthropology
10. The science of the Totality of Human existence. Anthropology
Test II. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the best answer. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.
1. The study of human society. __________ a. Social Science b. Sociology c.
2. The following statements describes Social Science, Except?
a. Deals with the institutions. b. Interpersonal relationship of individuals.
c. Study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.
3. It is a major category of academic disciplines. a. Philosophy b. Social Science c.
4. An integrated science cutting across and transcending various social science disciplines.
a. Anthropology b. Social Science c. Applied Social Science
5. It aims at presenting a well-developed understanding of
a. Social Systems b. Human Society c. Concepts
6. A social science mainly related to the study and analysis of the production, distribution and consumption of
goods and services. a. Demography b. Economics
c. Sociology
7. The analysis of political activities, political thoughts and political behavior.
a. Geography b. Criminology c. Political Science
8. The heart of the guidance services in schools. a. Counseling b. Motivation
c. Social Works
9. They shall act with care and respect for individual and cultural differences and the diversity of human
a. Social Worker b. Counselors c. Psychologists
10. One of the best functions that counselors perform. a. Advice-giving b. Respect
c. Empathy
11. The study of human activity through the recovery and analysis of material culture.
a. Archeology b. Seismology c. Axiology
12. The scientific study of human language and its structure. a. Linguistics b. Skepticism c.
Political Science
13. Comes from the Greek word “Polis” and “Scire” which means science or to know.
a. Political Science b. Demography c. Economics
14. It is the study of past events. a. History b. Theory c. Politics
15. According to him, “Memory is the process of maintaining information over time”.
a. Matlin, 2005 b. Sternberg, 1999 c. Luker, 2004
16. According to him, “Memory is the means by which we draw on our past experience in order to use this
information in the present”. a. Stenberg, 1999 b. Spencer, 2005 c.
Martin, 2000
17. A psychological approach which emphasizes scientific and objective methods of investigation.
a. Behaviorist Approach b. Cognitive Approach c. None of the above
18. Kuhn, 1962 argues that a field of study can only legitimately be regarded as a science if most of its followers
subscribe to a common ______________? a. Paradigm b. Parallel c.
19. The analysis of dream is the royal road to unconscious. a. Freud b. Feminism
c. Conspiracy
20. The view that people behave as they do because they believe that performing their chosen actions has
more benefits than costs.  a. Rational Choice Theory b. Irrational Theory
c. Functionalist Theory

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