Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria: Online Payment Slip p6255089411410

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Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria

Online Payment Slip p6255089411410

Base Data

Name: SALAMI, Agboola

Student Id: E1100397
(JAMB) Registration 97046416EE
Matriculation Number: CMS/FBM/MLS/19/58081
Parents' Email:
Study Course: Bachelor in Medical
Laboratory Science
Department: Department of Medical
Laboratory Science (MLS)
Faculty: College of Medicine
(Basic Medical Sciences)
Study Mode: Undergraduate Full Time
Entry Session: 2019/2020

Payment Data

Payment Category: Text Book Fee GST111 GST112

Payment Option: --
Payment Item:
Payment Level: 100 (Year 1)
Payment Session: 2019/2020
Payment State: Paid
Ticket Creation Date: 05/07/2021 19:15:41
Payment Date: 05/07/2021 19:25:55
Amount Authorized: 1400.0
Net Amount: 0.0
Activation Code:
Response Amount Approved: 1400.0
Response Code: 00
Response Description: Approved Successful
Response Payment Reference: UBA|WEB|ABAL|5-07-2021|009082
Response Card Number: 4834
Payment Gateway: Interswitch
Current Session Payment: yes

The Amount Authorized is inclusive of: Transaction Charge.

Date: 05/07/2021 19:25:58 WAT E1100397 - Online Payment Slip p6255089411410 - Page 1 of 1

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